civilian conservation corps history

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  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    ..... ..~-- . . .lO-2a(May 1929) UNITED STATES


    Fort NATIONAL. ~ lV1()nune! l t

    A Sm:l.'.ARYOf


    FILE No.


    }'ort Pulaski National MonumentSavannah, Georgia

    Iv~y10I 1934- June 5, 1940


    IMPORTANT, This file cQllstitutes a part of the official records of the"National Park Service and should not be separated or paperswithdrawn without express authority of the official in charge ..All Files Should be returned promptly to the File Room.Officials auq employees will be held responsible for failure,to observe,~J')se rules, which are necessary to protect theintegrity of~lie official records.

    \~:- ARNO B. CAMMERER,~..~~ m.. 11-7410 Director.({,,~"';'~;';~,;

    June 5, 1940

    ~ - - - . ' "' ' \/

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History





    June 11, 1940.

    M em or an du m to S up er in te nde nt ,Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia.We deeply appreciate the excellent reports which youhave sent us on work accomplishments of the Civilian Con-servation Corps at Fort Pulaski from the beginning of the

    program to date. Vle have not yet carefully read the reportsbut their make-up looks intensely interesting and weanticipate finding a number of stories in them for releasethrough cee headquarters. They will be of great value inour files for future references.

    ~a.\)..OO9- ~ _ ~ -Editor-in-Chief. ~

    Thank you for a grand reply to our request of ]Aay 13.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .--- --UNITED STATES


    ~ . .

    ~_ t.r the DS..rM_r.Atttm.1C11u Edi ..... 1D-Ch1et

    la C M I II II P 1 " '" w1th )'Our __ rtII14ur4 01 M v J.a. _ haw~ & III .stWwlth. 1Ja duplleat.# a - II I17 ., ~.WI"k .... 11,,___ of ~e Clv1l1an C.~s.. '-P.' PIOnPtalMkl_1 ... 110 1 1 " f'ha the bog1ur..1ng or th. ~ to4a-'

    lot btt1Dt; uti"1,. tudUar With the 't1PI ot Np6n __p e e ' ' ' ' . . . ~t 1t 'Mft .. deal withthe 4ewl.,.... eal7 inhroa4 .utl1Mto,., -las pbotot;.rapbt to 11llat-.k .... of the.. ,.. 1at.... \1At or 1aIptJ"taDt t.........Uid appe4\1IC a _.ts..-t1cel u... f4 _rk aooCllpll __ ata. W. tru.t that 'Ud. VeatMat1.dequatle.Itrurtlwr 1n!o_tl_ 1.uaired upon .., ,.. Saautt101.alt-q.....ecllll 'he n p4 tn . - IIhall ... UpP1 - -w17 l' pl'MPt17..~.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History





    May 13 , 1 940.

    Memorandum ror the Superintendent,Fort Pulaski National Monument:

    I ? > . . : ( )

    Will you please have prepared for us a summary of thework accomplishments of the Oivilian Oonservation Oorps inyour monument since the beginning of the program in 1933 todate. (If you sent us such a summary in 1938 at the end ofthe first five years ot the Oorps, you m ay merely make thislatest compilation date trom then it that is easier tor you.)

    ~'ieneed this material au background i:ai'oI.'Lllationorstories and for our tiles. Statistics may be included, butwhat we really desire is an accurate and complete pictureof the most important jobs and, ot course, any unusual andespecially interesting ones so that we may be able toevaluate the service ot the Corps to your area and to itsVisitors.We are receiving an increasing number or requests forsuch material from uvashington headquarters of the 000 and

    will appreciate your prompt cooperation.


  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    FORT POLASKI llA tIO IJ.L llO ltl lIEm 'Georgia

    SUt./ iJaRY O F ACCOldPLISm:F~S OF ClV IU AN COBSERV A'fIOJ com---- ----------- ---In goneral .. although there is SC'llle overlapping, tu activitie. fitthe Civi11an Conservation Corps at Fort ?ululd lationa! tlll1into tour ohronolo~lcal phase. & 1st phMe. ~ett~ a too... 14 en themarsh island on which the fort is located) 2nd.pha , re.~tion.3rd pbaae.~1ng area accesaible and extending edUO&ti~l facilitiesJ

    and 4th phas., the tuture program of co.upletion .r the ed.uoatlonalfae 111tI.. (p1acin~ ot guns. mtl8eumdevelopment. _rk111& tre and.hrube tor identlfloatlon. conatruction of trail.ide uhiblt., eto.)and the providlne and construotion of permanent utl11t7-~~3other permanent Itructures on the island.PRASE I - GETTING .A FOOTHOLDON TID: ISlAJD. 1914-1916

    ~ert Pulaald 18 located on Cookspur Island .. a 10.....111n&-.r.islud in the mouth of the Savannah River, The original d1ba,.st .. hadsettled and 1n IOJae placos had been broken thro~h and the 41tohe_.even inoluding the .... t encircling the tort &nddemilune. hadbeUfilled with silt trom the Savannah River. High tid ha4 repeatMlyswept over ths island during the y_rs it had been neglect" nth theresult that the great.- part of it \IIU extremely sort manbuaable ~eupport the "'i~t ot a person.. not to .ntion aut.met1 ve .pum.

    On JIay lS. 19M. a full Civilian Cellaer'fttlon Corps 0.,,, tabllaMd on Cocbpur Island, and. within a short t1ae a nuaber.tdra1.nag., landsoape and ._quit. control prejeots ... re und.rway. Prin-oipal CCCjobs in this period included the rebuilding.r 6 ail t ~.6 teet abew the surroundinr; marsh aDd 55 teet aore Vle bra..N ~.reo-axea....tioD of the _at which n..... l tated the .t 11,000 cubicytdda ot mud whioh used to rUl inmarshy .... _ the 1_104, tubullet .03, and te rai the ..-taco ~vel or the tort parade grounc1whJoh. in the past hundred ye.... had settlecf DMr1y two teet.To 1'aoil1'\'.'. wo:-l; on thee. and other projeot., it eat,.to bull

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    ,&11 buil.tliD& _t..1&1o to C~ bland. ODdr-eplanted lum'.t -.11 tr upreote4 1 .D the hurricane .t S.ptaber. 1935, aDdIll" tM lI"l" that toll_ at 1J>tenal. thr.""houi thowintor .t1936-38.

    J. torrt M_ LandiDc on tybe. h1and.(110s. 1i1~ 80) IUId Cookopur lololld. opantad on 0 rO!;ularoobodul. tr.. lIo.y. 19M t. 111,.1.1138. rh. 'ort MaoJd noeto.mpri... N\e Ss.r .. t Di l-powered ex-Coa..t-Guard.nrt: 'bMt.aDd .ne 25-teo't 36 h. p. launch. The terry a t! ll "" t'1 a . _ .eperatK exolu.1:n17 by cee persounel and enrolleell, In the rear,-..r t it, epel"&tlon .11 euppll aJl4 mterlala, per.onnel. aMrtdtor. neo.e rlly were tranepc:w"te4 two and frc. Cookepur leland011 tho betrt 1 _ to tho aODUllleDt. OYer 100.000 pu.~.r trip ..-roe Jade .. S:tbout 81.n.c.l. aeo14ent. wttb the epeu1nc .t thebrlq. aCTUII the south ohannel" the bo ..t servic .... diloeJ:t1D.ued.

    !be terraiD ef' Ceobp.n- I.laDd. ~tuall3", tM. ......craph ft. t&.kc. Septe.ber & , 1035 duriD& .. hurricane ud.atter Cook.pur' 0 d;rkeo IUId ~. ditobo. had be .. po!'-tiallJr reoe.utru.oted. BlJn'nr. it Ul\latrat tho Ceneralterrain a.nd t _ appearance ot the. ...,-aJ,.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    cuttil>g .unrllion .utah .....UDdU4. pte,Ditab 110.6. obClW!n{; W. or u_ onto - . a b ot tho work .rtho .......11_den. 111 t.h1a ~ .~ 11 c l u r 1 . n t th. t1rat y e e . T ' .1lIIt t ~t ..... ph - IIvcb 15, 1915&

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History

    8/25 to la .7 __ r..t1nt;1.n mot" cI1tch, Apr1:l 6, 19~ ...... h ofthe _17 ....k in the orCocltopur IeloDd ,.... doDe_d.ep ton.J._eep in .ott -.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    ~ \~'" ~'~ l< :J-


    tho P.rt Pulaak1projeot h.u .tfered. it.~1 ..... U J ' I I o ou.ual iwnbor.t oppcrtunitIe. to gain expei"lenco in the per....fol".ltiallCe et .. variety er 'WOrk . here haTeaen4ld atbN.tIIen. bargemen. pI1edriTora, ctragllne .,..ator truQ~artea1an. .. 11 driller., ~h1ne shop rk.... brIck and at..~aollS. carpenter., punter., ..older., boat bui14ers. foreater.and giidM. l.Il ac:kl1t10l'lthel haw had .~rlenc. in In.ect andplant 41...... o_trol. 8Ul'ftyiDg end office work. A b e . , . 1,~ photogre.pb o.l an enroll 1_rza1n& the uae .r a aun-ey!ng 1 1 1 -s t r u m a u t .

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History




    , Aboft,lunoh hourat the ...11,. port. Oct. 8. 19M(Note oondition of ~at and absence of ~brldz.).hlow. Aepa~ lead reef e r tort at northoa.tangle.

    :. 'l' ~.J,l' .

    e ' r : ~" Ii

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    PlUS! 1I - IX PA llS ION OF mRlTORt . A l ' 1 ' f ) RBS'fOilA1'IOJ..193'1-18 I'

    In the leer 1931 the Quarantino Station of the U. S.Publio health werv1ce. on Cockapur leland.... add" t. tb.nul'Ieftt area thereb'-J adding about 100 acr.. Uld teD tr ...building.. In April. 1937, a dde campof Geergia 1-1, witha. l I l a U J . u . u m . .r 50 enrollees, w aa .otabliohtidat Robert i'echDorPark, a ~o1pall1 owned recreational area.of appr.~ely100 ~r".DMr SaVtlllnah. .Work aee ompl1ehed at the i'oo'hner .Park side cUIp included.the oontt!"'Uet1.n or a rive mile bridle trail. with four hot'll.brldgf!8 .r I"U8tic 4.aign, which provod a popular .teature. the

    placinc of f111 e m . part of the e&.lt boundar:.' road the purpo.e~of lIIh1ch18 to dinrt trarf1e whioh nowpasses through the .... tco~f owr... outt in~ of 41.ahe8 at several points to drain otrIt~d1ng .. tel' ne dra1l:age aysteJl hav1~ been aen.truotect - w b e nth. la-hole ,;01f

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    ,1nother l&r, Job _. tblt oonatl'VlOtlon bell and. pul:t walb rr_ the park1J2t are. to the 014 aortb wbart" CockIpurI.l&D4,. to11"DE the rout. or the or1r;1nal hi.torte- ... lkn:,..It 11 to be conn.,ted. with '\be .ppro-..d . , . . t . . of ...u:.- .. park1D&a"M e.n4 e.rrtranoe to the .tort.

    In 1939. conald.erabl. wore ... d.:le .. the .tOr.eT' 'Narant1.n..'taUon. iAclu4iJt,c tho ""'ills ot 1'ln ot th_ to r_ ... waiflhU7.truoture. aDd te -.bwq Cer ._ buildi.n&. wh1ah_re ! : lDTed. wulerthe .ppr .... d propo .. l .t ttl.t1. s. Jlcglneer. 't. out ......y the pointprojootills 1.oto tbe Sa-=ab ~l ... r at tb1. 100at10'" Pa1.nt;ilIs a.ll4repair _rk .... 4.ana OD the n., . bul1d1.1:lf;&r..uning.

    e ec enroll or G_rpa m.-l. 'baild.1.n&awooden b.rl~. on bridle p.tb at loben "'.olm.r Park.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    tho ~roua _11 jab._tnot" illthi. 1-"7 10ho 1.,.ot ,_""'1 .......0a4 _t...._ 1A thetee shop } '1U"C. oU... u. ctwr DD th1a structure

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    e I

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History



    With the .pezWJg .t the n.w bride., Jfq 10, ltI8, -ar-dyed .. lHW .pooh in the hino17 .r Fen Pulaak1 ....MDt . ne t 0&WMd. .. oorr pen41g ohange 1Deapba.l..t the c e o -ark-on~be 1.1... the writ bad been fit.,..ral oo:utruot1. type1d\h only 1Doi4ental regar4 t.tbe 1-.o41&t. J1eeda ot tho v1a1tormer the opeaed to automobile tnt.f'tl0 .. Tiatt.tion

    .bet upwardtr_ a t.tal of 12,'71 1a the calendar , . . 1 ' lIS1te 50.885 11119a5, it.. Deoa8U'7 to allot a great.r pIlrt .rthe ecc workto tb6 ~'9'_nt .ttacl11tle. to bancllethetraffic, 1nclucU.ngpadd~ aNa. na4 gnd1D& and riprapping.10pe8, a D d grading an4 d....elop1Dc the _nuaent entrance onU. S. B1p.y # t X > , .Mh .r the brid.gAt the .... tlu, the gnater .....1.. ot ...s..ttor. ten4At4t. oconter ..ttention. on the e6a0at1.-l pl'O~ the gu14. .er'riM_. u:pNJ4ed an4 .,.rioUi 1ntvpretatloDlll preJeot. und..rtaken,the _lit important oftl:l." 'be1ng the r.aouat1ng of' hiaterioordacoe with1.n t h A t tort which thut flU' baa been done _olual ......

    11 by the Clv111& Cenaenlt10D Corpe. G u D I already JIIJW1'todfU1 the terreplcl.n are an uitled (Contederate)which hM been_unted an a c pintle oolwabiad oarrlag.,and .. '-'111h ship gun _un'te4 on ... Wlar oarriage l"eduoeclt.aoa1e. rue latt.. piece .. tor -.By ,..... ~e4 ... a hUclWpellt ,... toM coneI ' et Ogl.therpe a n d lull . t reet . in Sa 'n l . l lD& it.....part1al.17 bur1i4 ... 1. doD. UpGD1t. do_tlea wFort iula.ld, te e toroea ved It eut t.the 1"ort"1'1. \ruoJc AI111uetrate4 1Dan M~ phot.graph .AlIO tn Blakeley oazmon. capture4 at the a l . , . et _Fort. PulaaJd, April, 1882, .. taken 'to !roph;y Point -at the tJ~.1tt4stat Ai11tal"1 Aca4-.y .t-..tPoint _zoe l"eturne4 tr.thatplaoe to Pert l'ulukl ' b 7 cee tl'\lok &rut personnel. Attezoal"J'imat the t.rt thfV .,.. hoi.ted up on tho terreple1. ' b 7 c e o u-roll ... aDd. whe .. "lap plaaa haw 'been.-de 1lable, ..ccc job appU.tlon tor lIOuntinc thawill be pNpaH4.At pre X I t thore 1a inP"&re .... cec job tor t : : t u . lIOunt1ngof tw o 12-pound.r "bronze b ow 1 t I". 1 % 1 the but10u at r.rt ent11ade the dn.1rbri~. th... piecH. aurplua at Ch1okuauga.Chattanooga J8icmal 111itary l'arlt, _re trazL.pttrte4 tt'OJ1 thatar. tofUlaak1.O y c c e truck a!ld ,...otmol.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History



    liloh ottent1.., ... (1"." b7 ccc rore .. in1988-&0to t_ f 1 . n&l prepant ion of the cau..... y. to ree.1 urf'.c. tr .. tment end.ern u thoentrano. road.aD4ada1A1l'tnt toa ar .. ntad. A b o .... , at _ric Nt .outta.br1clt: PI'l'OIC~ ()oto~r. 193d. plaoiD.l .... on .lope.I'NplJ"&tory to layt.n.c: ri,prap lcb 1. :n.o ury torrot.ot the 1111 ~ t1~al actlOJ!.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    Abon,. Pile or D)"&ter .holl .crean_ out by .nrell ...rr.. ~. d\e;>i.n~. pI em tho leland 1 ' the u. a.n The. .hell into the 8k1n& .r _lk throuth the pia .urelcr- tor_b below.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    ,I I

    e'l, \:

    ~ J ,,~

    '. ~ , ae ! ' .4 H',;..~On . of tht major- ecc underteldnl:S at i'ort.i?ulukitn 193~ __ th$, remounting of h1stor'ic ordnance.1...... load1~ an old En{Sl1ahlhipe t;un on & truckin " ' . " 9 I U 1 n a h , ~n formerly used as hitching poet.b~101f..tour cannon on parade p-aund - left to rightConttt4erate Brooke ritle resouedfrom junk dealer.:;un,Ol"Jlerq Uled a. hitehing po.tin Savannah, nexttw o Bi.aD17 Pifies ca~tured at It. Pult;ls1din1862and nJturned f!tromWest hint via cce truok in 1939.

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    Abcrv c a e enroU.oa erect a rMp up tr!dch to..,""tu 8roou t;tm, ldW:l; 10,200 p o _ . voun! level to the terropleln, al'prox-1matoly toooaty-t1 .... t: t. 11010", tho Drool:o t;tm_ed on a Co1uabiad e..... l.a:; .... te e Jo En.-.l-10 her. are putHlI/; 0" the l11:l1~11nc touoh

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    cec G U I D E SElnCE') Wh11. the entire wrk ot the Corp. hq. beeu.and l., ud.D.cb1,.... tlafaotory. the ... k: ..tthe CCCenroll .. guide terc ... ' tb.l. _ J J U -JIi8lt baa w_ outatuding a. to _rtt apeolal. reo.pitleD. .n.Guideud public centact _rk by Civilian Conaenatlo:n Corpnro110.' .. ' b e & u h 1n Jtme. 19M. but illthe ... rly years the :neGUII-lty ot ta ld .D g .. boat to reuh r.rll'ulalt1 rtrlcte4 the IlUJIbez' .tTill.,... W1th the open1rlg or the22ft bridge 1n *Y. 1918,t; ,.. ..... oharp upnrd. tum in the J : l U . I I 1 b . . of' vl01tera to thi.monument an4the "ork ot the Fide... oorro8pond1~1 lncretl.ed.

    Throughout the entire period, hctnYer, thea.nioe rondered. bythe peola1.1y traiDed cr.ll ... hili be_ a conatant lourae ot,Ice.. mat ion by th. T1811ng publio .hioh finda CJXprea810n inhouwmc1aot appar~ntly a1.z.1ocreprea.lena ot thanks IUd . pl.... UJ'e. hundred r,lettera of approc1ati.OZl. the trequ~11iith whichlooal Ti.ttor,a re-turn with out-ot-toe gu,...t.. aDd DUII.OrOU8proal _tlo .. , 1z:a.olu41Dc011. lUtj\ly compl:1menW,H1tertal 1n .. 1"&1 __ paper.

    Candidate. tor train1ng sre lected uponthe criteria of appa.r-ana., geueral educatioDal ~ord.1nter .. i; inh1etol"J.' grama.r anddlot10h~ and. above all. a ge .uu1 l l e inter t .in the werk of presctingthe Fort l'ulaski story to :the publio. . A perl04 ot tro.1n1ng and super-T1eion i. conducted by a . junior hi.tor1eal teohn1cian, who18 1111Dned:\ate charge oJ: the guide aorv~c

    All '0 the 1Vi8.itoJ"s to Fort ~a8ld. .clonal 'llonUJ,!\elltare a....tacted and Q J.4 eoffered CU ide mee, ..bout 9 0 % M,pept it. tho ...... ind,el"beb1g. tor the lIIOIIt part. "repeater. ,wb.e bellove thOll8elves :tamiliarwith 10m.h:wtory \if the i'ort. n. work oJ : the c a e guide .rorc~ aupplowmte4. t.r. elton , i I I e .'b J an ERAforo ttrOll throe to t~..". ruhow . .. .. r. repre ataonly a 'fIOr7... 11 part ot the total. contact.. It should be .tat.a altbat the _at etteot1v. guide \f'6rk. perforJll'd by this .cenol .. dolltJby an ex-enrollee w ho bad .erved t()r tw o year. on the cee !UU,etori a X Il _ . the 11_11guide ~,.11 prior 'kI hi. d1Qcbarge (honore.bltro-. the Corp

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    . .

    l.boY pbot"Va)lil 0);" Fort J'ul&Ild.' ~""llentcecCUid. :r.orc. on 12. 199., .. workl eholl1nSa cec ,;ui4e ( .h._> In theoenter .r en att."tl ... '"'UP ot Qt!c 1.1t-in:: trwn Fort SorevOll

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    . ~T he general work ot the CS:ril1an Cone.nation Corp. on th1.area 11 still 1n the th1rd phue. ~,. 1tJiiKi:ag the . A J : o _ . ~Aco.. lbt.. .m Extending Interpretational Facilltl ... WerkDOWinFOgro includes the lROuntil:lc of tw o how1tsen in the tort.the construction of curb., checking 8tation and general dWNlop- .ment or tho monument entrance on oQueena, a D d *r#rtf~or the roads to f'hIal gracle to reo.i.,.. eurtao~ wh10hwill btdone from the ree;ulW' Roada and Trails ..pproprlatlOJ1 at a 'Verye ar ~ d at e . .With tho completion of tho.e jobs there wIll l"-.1n oerta.1ainterpretatiotlal project uch & . I I the mounting of the Bluely! ! U J 1 I S , the reG01l8truotion .tthe hot .:hot flrnao., on the .outheastoomer of the parade ground. mwteum4ftelopmont. restoration of thesouth norter battery, eX"eotionof signa, monumentsand urtora, and.reatoration of the aouthweat powder_guino. tm4 north .verf~olt.the work then will ent.. the t1nal atRie, that or previ'd1ncp . r . m a n e n t utl1itl.a, r e s i d e n o o . and a 4 a 1 D 1 s t r a t i o n f a c I l I t i e s , ~pre,ant the rather 1l1....d.apte4Qua$nt1n. wilting. azoeb.l116uae4for the purpos.. I n c l u d e d inthis tinal prograa tor the develop-ment of the & 1 " ' ' ' are extension to the tire proteotion system, inter-

    ott1o~ t.lephGlle .yatoa, completion or the .eoondat"'/ power lin north pler parking .. _. undergroundtelephone 11ne.. constructionof po~ utiUt1group, and. 4e'velopaent ot a.dn1n1at:ratlon built-~ Jdt.. In a.dc.U.t1on... a.cIministration building and thrH re.-idences aah4dule4for construction.

    . (!heN toll ... a . stat utical ~J of total ark . O ~11alunemt. ot the cce at Fort Pulaald. ":t1ona1 J&anuaen t 1 " 1 " C I I I lliay 10~ 19M to IIal"ch 31. 1940)+ '

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    ' : O a f . ~JU.sll IA'tlO!UU,. J I r o N U l . t U I T e ~GUcee tUld UtA Wort Aocoapl.1.W l ln dor ~ Suporrl.ioa.t tbe Jat10ll&l Nt s . . . . . . . s . . .JIq10,.19M to l\vc}-. II. lMO

    C l a a a l t l c a t l o n


    14Ghlle. 1nc. 2

    148 . Camp aww or i'irey 1pla...153 S1 (JU 1 . _rker., IUld to

    lIlO~t.157 &tnctun.lUp......GM 0 /7lItfint.a~~ld.r oultSer, elope. 3d.,. . . . . . . ' h i , , , , . .

  • 8/6/2019 Civilian Conservation Corps History


    1CRT PL~U IltIOru. ilO}f'y1Zt:Nt.Gl~ 0 1 tGU .eec u4 E R A . l'fOrk A40Hlpll~ X.port ., 10. 19. to _01\$1. 1.. (_tlmae4)


    COl lbc_.,.tl_ oMa.eaul-,an4 lilt ... , ... tll U.OOO 0 / ' 1

    ft01 Ri.prapor pay1lt&rook or OODO....

    e o e 11,.. PrUuppre_ift IOOAo ....lOt tree luMt poat control 120Isor.

    40.140 airfOG u ,o 'l f 1 i i & . . 11plant.u,gt;~ a ahrubo

    I113 Q,11_n.t!.on7lG 1.)Md1bf; o x - ae4dlnt

    Ixoanted .atatovai. :tott; & 1 ' l 4demi1.... aw. 4Qw1cl. D4 ,.4eep.s"_npnp on rw.4 _10,.. Sa lJfl'O I a .... 11_ at.",. '1.1 to,.s.a1l OIl .lope .1..... 10.$.1100' * I' _neret. .... w1thaU. allal' hlp. ooa.truct... .. p1le. in .... .at 411ft- .nc-.tlo Cal_ ,1_ ,atebcQb ure 1)1.k 0. '. w1*.... ,... 1l...tn11.J." ,111.' 1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pluta tor

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    _ . - . -._10t~ PU J..ASK I IN .t 'I Cl fJ.L W l 4 ~;t;t GEORGI!, ' , I " ',I II if. eec UtADA WorkAe__'llehaellt l~o".q 10. 19M to ..... ' lHO (oOl1tln_4)

    113 Walk., oono ,n.wl.c1:r.der etc. .

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