civil war review shaffer/lusk 2012-13. 11 confederate states that seceded from the union florida...

Civil War Review Shaffer/Lusk 2012-13

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Civil War ReviewShaffer/Lusk 2012-13

11 Confederate states that seceded from the union Florida

GeorgiaSouth CarolinaNorth Carolina



A machine that cleans seeds from


a. Cotton Ginb. Yeomanryc. Overseerd. Slave Codes

A member of the Confederate Army

during the Civil War

a. Unionb. Yankeec. Rebeld. Abolitionist

A member of the Union Army during the Civil


a. Abolitionistb. Yankeec. Rebeld. Confederacy

A person who wanted to end


a. Suffrageb. Yankeec. Rebeld. Abolitionist

A person who wanted to end


a. Cotton Ginb. Yankeec. Rebeld. Abolitionist

Admiral of the union navy that gained control

of the port of New Orleans

a. Farragutb. Yankeec. Rebeld. Abolitionist

Agreement that admitted California as a free state, banned slave trade in DC,

etc.a. Farragutb. Compromise of 1850c. Rebeld. Abolitionist

Angel of the Battlefield; started the Red Cross

a. Farragutb. Compromise of 1850c. Clara Bartond. Abolitionist

Another name for the South during the Civil War

a. Confederacyb. Unionc. Emancipationd. Abolitionist

Another name of the North in the Civil War

a. Confederacyb. Secedec. Suffraged. Union

Assassinated President Abraham Lincoln

a. John Wilkes Boothb. Compromise of 1850c. Clara Bartond. Union

Battle that was considered the turning

point in the war

a. John Wilkes Boothb. Gettysburgc. Clara Bartond. Union

Born into slavery before escaping in 1838; Edited

the North Star (abolitionist paper)

a. John Wilkes Boothb. William Lloyd Garrison

c. Nat Turnerd. Fredrick Douglass

Captured (burned) Atlanta and led a march to the


a. George Meadeb. William Tecumseh Shermanc. George McClelland. Robert E. Lee

Defeated Lee's troops at the Battle of Gettysburg

a. George McClellanb. Thomas “Stonewall” Jacksonc. George Meaded. Fredrick Douglass

Delivered Emancipation Proclamation

a. William Lloyd Garrisonb. Abraham Lincolnc. John C. Calhound. Dred Scott

Families on small Southern Farms

a. Yeomanryb. Underground Railroadc. Border Statesd. Slave Codes

Famous "conductor"; led 300 to freedom

a. Fredrick Douglassb. Abraham Lincolnc. Harriet Tubmand. John Bowen

Famous union General that destroyed the city of Atlanta on his "march to

the sea'

a. Yeomanryb. Abraham Lincolnc. Shermand. Fredrick Douglass

Federal fort located in South Carolina; the

surrender essentially started the Civil War

a. Shilohb. Fort Sumterc. Appomattox Courthoused. Vicksburg

Founded The Liberator; supports emancipation

a. William Lloyd Garrisonb. Clara Bartonc. Shermand. Fredrick Douglass

Freeing of enslaved persons

a. Sectionalismb. Compromise of 1850c. Emancipationd. Fugitive Slave Act

General who helped the Confederates win the First Battle of Bull Run; shot by

another rebel

a. Thomas “Stonewall” Jacksonb. William Tecumseh Shermanc. John Wilkes Boothd. Clara Barton

He and followers murdered 5 proslavery settlers

a. Dred Scottb. John Bowenc. Nat Turnerd. Fredrick Douglass

In 1854, this repealed the ban on slavery north of the Missouri Compromise line

a. Compromise of 1850b. Fugitive Slave Actc. Kansas-Nebraska Actd. Sectionalism

Laws that denied enslaved Africans most of their rights

a. Yeomanryb. Underground Railroadc. Overseerd. Slave Codes

Led slave revolt in Virginia; killed about 60


a. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

b. Nat Turnerc. Dred Scottd. Clara Barton

Lee's surrender here officially ended the Civil


a. Appomattox Courthouseb. Shilohc. Vicksburgd. Atlanta

Mandated harsh penalties for those who assisted

runaway slaves

a. Kansas-Nebraska Actb. Fugitive Slave Actc. Compromise of 1850d. Sectionalism

Meade and the Union defeated Lee and the Confederate here; the

turning point of the war

a. Fort Sumterb. Richmondc. Gettysburgd. Antietam

Much of this place was burned to the ground, and the Yankees then marched on to the seaa. Washington, D.C.b. Richmondc. Antietamd. Atlanta

Official surrender of Robert E. Lee to Ulysses S. Grant occurred at Appomattox Court House which is in

which state

a. Floridab. Virginiac. West Virginiad. North Carolina

Rejected Lincoln's offer to lead the Union armies and took command of Confederate

forces in Virginia

a. Robert E. Leeb. Clara Bartonc. Ulysses S. Grantd. George Meade

Rivalry based on the special interests of

different areas

a. Sectionalismb. Emancipationc. Seceded. Compromise of 1850

Series of houses where "conductors" hid runaway slaves

a. Slave Codesb. Overseerc. Underground Railroadd. Atlanta

South Carolina Senator; warned the South would


a. John C. Calhounb. Willima Lloyd Garrisonc. Fredrick Douglassd. John Bowen

Sued for his freedom because his master had taken him to free territory; unfortunately,

he wasn't a citizen

a. John C. Calhounb. George McClellanc. Clara Bartond. Dred Scot

The capital of the Confederacy

a. Richmondb. Washington, D.C.c. Vicksburgd. Atlanta

The direct supervisor of

enslaved workersa. Cotton Ginb. Border Statesc. Overseer d. Dred Scot

The Federal capital

a. Richmondb. Virginiac. Washington, D.C.d. Atlanta

The right to vote

a. Unionb. Suffrage c. Confederacyd. Emancipation

The states along the line that divided the

Union and Confederacy

a. Overseerb. Slave Codesc. Yeomanryd. Border States

This battle ended in a draw; known as the

bloodiest single day of the war

a. Antietamb. Richmondc. Vicksburgd. Appomattox Courthouse

This siege split the Confederacy in half and

gave the Union control of the Mississippi River

a. Vicksburgb. Fort Sumterc. Washington, D.C.d. Antietam

Union General nicknamed "Unconditional Surrender"

a. Robert E. Leeb. George Meadec. Ulysses S. Grantd. George McClellan

Union General who gained control of the

Mississippi with a victory at Vicksburg

a. William Tecumseh Shermanb. Thomas “Stonewall” Jacksonc. Ulysses S. Grantd. John Wilkes Booth

Union set up along the waterways that cut off the south access to supplies

and resources

a. Blockade b. Suffrage c. Farragutd. Border States

Winner at the 1st Battle of Bull Run

a. Unionb. Suffrage c. Confederacy d. Border States

Withdraw from a large political body

a. Blockade b. Suffrage c. Confederacy d. Secede