civil service learning · pdf file1 i am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and...

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Page 1: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new

Senior Civil ServiceLearning offer prospectus

Civil ServiceLearning

Page 2: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new learning offer for the Senior Civil Service (SCS). Since the start of 2016, we’ve been creating a range of new, high quality learning activities that support members of the SCS to continue leading the delivery of excellent public services. The learning activities in this prospectus represent many months of hard work involving hundreds of people within and outside of government.

I would like to thank everyone who has partnered with us: our colleagues in the Korn Ferry Hay Group consortium, the representatives from departments and professions who helped design and shape it, and the many civil servants who have piloted the new learning to ensure it genuinely meets their needs.

In this guide, you will find summaries of each new learning activity that is available through CSL for everyone in the SCS. This complements the new learning on offer for those at Grades AA to Grade 6, developed in partnership with KPMG. You can browse through this guide, or go straight to particular areas of interest using the learning offer overview on page 1.

As new learning is introduced to the offer, we will update this guide. I do hope you find it useful.

Mark ByersDirector Civil Service Learning Operations

Foreword by Mark Byers

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Page 3: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new

Leading self and personal effectivenessLearn how to be the best version of yourself through raising your self-awareness and technical skills.

Leading teams and organisationsLearn how to lead a team, an organisation or a department. A challenging, but very rewarding journey.

Leading changeLearn how to be effective in a world of growing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Technical skillsLearn more about the priority capability areas within the Civil Service: project delivery, digital and commercial and finance.

Base campEverything you need to know for a successful start of your SCS career.

360-degree feedbackGain deeper insight into team and individual strengths with the support of an experienced facilitator or coach.

Executive coachingWork with your executive coach to achieve lasting changes that help you reach your full potential and achieve organisational results.

Bespoke department requests These examples are illustrative of the bespoke partnership work currently under way.


For a detailed index of all the new learning, please see page 43.

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The SCS learning offer develops and supports all members of the SCS to be the best they can be and to contribute to improvements in organisational capability and performance. It is focused on the following statement of intent:

“We want a Senior Civil Service which is more skilled and capable in the key areas of project delivery, digital, commercial and finance, and where every single member of the SCS is both a good leader and people manager.”

To achieve this, we ensure that all stakeholder groups are involved in the offer co-creation and that they are optimised in the delivery over the coming years. We also want to ensure that learning is a catalyst for individual and collective change, where the capability of the Civil Service rises and key skills gaps are closed.

Individual members of the SCS

The centre of government aiming to support and transform the entire Civil Service

Department and professional

requirements to build capability

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The learning offer is versatile, agile and flexible and can be accessed as standardised, contextualised or bespoke. Our approach is to enable learners to access workshops as individuals as well as partner with HR and business leaders to develop bespoke programmatic learning journeys.

We believe this is a rare opportunity to transform learning so that it is relevant, modern and designed around the needs and lives of busy senior civil servants.

The offer is underpinned by four key principles:

1. Tangible impact on the capabilities that drive business outcomes

This is about creating a critical mass of change leaders across the Civil Service in order to drive culture change. It also means having an offer that enables differentiation by role as well as grade and that is aligned to trigger moments in an individual’s career such as a promotion or period of change.

2. Learning transfer at the heart of design

Anchoring learning in the accountabilities and demands of an individual’s job will make the learning more meaningful and greatly increase the chance of learning transfer. The timing and spacing of learning interventions will also be an important element of design. Research outlined by Thalheimer (2006) has shown that intervals that encourage ‘forgetting and recalling’ enhance the likelihood of learning transfer.

3. Deliver outcomes with maximum efficiency

• The right learning

• At the right time

• Delivered in the right way

• In the right place

• Over the right period

• With the right outcomes

4. Designed to optimise take-up

It is designed to offer consistent opportunities to connect learning to learners’ current work, their team responsibilities, existing management and work processes, departmental initiatives and strategic changes.

Page 6: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new

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Leading self and personal effectiveness• High impact communication

• One-to-one personal impact coaching

• Storytelling

• Resilient leadership

• Resilient leadership one-to-one

• Mindfulness for busy people

• Interview practice

• Negotiation skills

• Advanced media skills

• Deepening self-awareness

Leading teams and organisations• Top team and board effectiveness

• Giving high-quality feedback

• Enhancing your leadership impact

• Creating a mindset for success

• Driving great performance: lessons from Formula 1

• Unconscious bias for the SCS

• Inclusive leadership

• Leading without authority

• Creating a coaching culture – leader as developer

• Nurturing your talent pipeline

• Optimising your emotional intelligence

• Making the most of your team

Leading change• Leading people through change

Technical skills• 10 questions about finance you’re too senior to ask

• Leading as an SRO

• Commercial skills for leaders

Base camp• SCS Base camp: taking leadership to the next


360-degree feedback• 360-degree feedback

Executive coaching• Executive coaching

Bespoke department requests• Civil Service Talent

• Home Office

• Department for Transport

• Department for Education

Page 7: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new

Leading self and personal effectiveness

Page 8: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


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High impact communication

How to book

Success as a senior leader is based on the ability to build strong relationships and gain commitment to new ideas. At the heart of this is the ability to communicate with others in a way that inspires and engages them. This learning is designed to help you gain more control over how you are perceived by others so that you can make an even bigger impact as a leader.

Description This topic will help you be at your best when communicating with others. It will introduce you to new techniques for controlling your nerves more effectively and for expressing ideas with clarity and confidence. It is suitable for senior civil servants of all grades who would like to further improve their communication skills for various situations, such as one-to-ones, meetings or public speeches.

What does it involve? The majority of the learning is delivered in a 4-hour workshop featuring some theoretical input and exercises. Having been introduced to several tools and frameworks for impactful communications, you’ll have the chance to practise applying these in a role play based on a real-life situation. You will get feedback from peers and trained communication specialists to help you hone your skills.

Before the workshop, you will fill in a short questionnaire to help you reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses in this area. You will also be able to access some useful TED talks on presence, communication and body language.

What’s the outcome? By the end of the learning, you will have explored the elements that make up personal impact, including how to build personal presence with diverse groups of people and connect and communicate with others in an authentic way. You will learn more about how the way you listen and tune into others affects the impact you have on them. The workshop will also help you control your nerves in front of groups of all sizes, and to speak with passion and enthusiasm, using your voice in a more powerful way.

Estimated learning time:4-hour workshop plus 30 minutes preparation

Product code:

Learning activities

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

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One-to-one personal impact coaching

How to book

Do you need to get ready for a critical meeting? Or maybe you’re about to meet a new team and want to make a powerful first impression? This topic will help you increase your personal impact and give you the confidence you need to succeed.

DescriptionIf you want to be at your best when communicating with others, this face-to-face personal impact coaching workshop will give you the tailored support you need. Over the course of 3 or more hours, you’ll work one-on-one with a personal impact coach to agree your goals and set a course of action.

This learning is suitable for senior civil servants of all grades who would like to further improve their communication skills for various situations, like one-to-ones, meetings or public speeches.

What does it involve?This is a tailored one-to-one intervention, starting with a 1-hour initial telephone call, followed by a 2-hour face-to-face coaching workshop.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you’ll feel ready for your upcoming challenge and will have practised the key parts of what you need to say or present. Specifically, you should be able to use your voice more effectively, respond appropriately to questions and use storytelling techniques in high-pressure situations. Subjects you might cover include: the elements that make up personal impact; the theory behind having presence; the importance of listening and ‘reading the room’; and techniques for controlling your nerves in front of small or large groups. Exactly what you learn, however, will depend on the goals you agree with your coach.

Estimated learning time:1-hour phone call plus 2-hour coaching workshop

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

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How to book

Storytelling is a human instinct. It can be used to communicate complex ideas, to appeal to people’s emotions, and to inspire and engage. By introducing you to basic storytelling techniques, this workshop will help you acquire the skills you need to get your points across with more impact.

DescriptionAre you about to launch a new strategy or plan for your area? Do you need to engage your team in a change initiative? Have you started a new role and want to make a powerful impact on your team? This workshop introduces you to basic storytelling techniques and gives you a taste of how they can be used to communicate with diverse groups of people. You will also have the opportunity to practise and receive feedback on your storytelling skills.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning is delivered in a 2-hour workshop featuring some theoretical input and exercises. Ahead of the workshop, you will be asked to think about a situation at work in which you were required to tell a story. There is also some non-mandatory pre-reading introducing you to the theory behind storytelling and the impact it can have.

Product code: SCS-SCWC

What’s the outcome?During the workshop, you will practise using a storytelling structure for a real situation, receive feedback on the impact of your story and have an opportunity to refine it and re-deliver it. This means that, by the end of the learning, you will be able to employ storytelling techniques in high-pressure situations and speak with real enthusiasm, passion and clarity. You will also have an understanding of the effect nerves may have on your ability to communicate clearly.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:2-hour workshop plus 30 minutes preparation

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

Page 11: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


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Resilient leadership

How to book

Resilience is the ability to withstand or recover from difficult situations. Developing your resilience will help you steer through everyday challenges and quickly get back on track when events take you off course.

DescriptionThis 4-hour workshop is designed to build your resilience by helping you improve your ability to assess risks, solve problems and make sound decisions in situations of significant challenge and change. As well as developing relevant skills and techniques, you’ll learn about the theory behind resilience and share success stories with colleagues to pinpoint your strengths.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning will take place during the workshop itself, where you’ll learn from the facilitator and peers. In preparation for the workshop, you will be asked to watch a TED talk and to reflect on some resilience-related questions.

Product code:

What’s the outcome?By the end of this workshop, you will have learned about the key concepts underpinning resilience have identified the thinking patterns that help and hinder your own ability to be resilient. You will also have acquired the skills needed to move beyond challenges and setbacks and become more effective in your leadership role.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:4-hour workshop and 30 minutes preparation and self-reflection

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

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Resilient leadership one-to-one

How to book

Resilience coaching can be a highly effective way to increase your leadership impact through one-on-one support. It improves your ability to handle everyday challenges and to withstand and recover from difficult situations, particularly when the pressure is on.

DescriptionThrough this 2-hour coaching workshop, you will be able to develop higher levels of resilience in the areas where you need it most. Tailoring the workshop to your specific pain points, your coach will help you develop skills and techniques that improve your ability to assess risks, solve problems and make sound decisions in situations of significant challenge and change.

What does it involve?You will participate in a 2-hour one-to-one coaching workshop. In preparation for the coaching workshop, you will be asked to watch a relevant TED talk and to think about some of the key issues related to resilience.

Product code:

What’s the outcome?Exactly what you learn will depend on the goals you agree with your coach, but the workshop may well cover some of the key concepts underpinning resilience and the particular thinking patterns that can help or hinder it. You will also acquire skills that help you rise to everyday challenges and become more effective in your leadership role.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:2-hour coaching workshop and 30 minutes preparation and self-reflection

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

Page 13: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


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Mindfulness for busy people

How to book

Mindfulness is about engaging with the here and now in an open, curious and authentic way. There is an increasing body of neuroscience evidence to suggest that practising mindfulness, for example through meditation or attention exercises, can help improve your performance in a variety of areas, including complex problem-solving and creativity.

DescriptionThis 2-hour interactive workshop introduces you to the latest insights from neuroscience and helps you understand how mindfulness could enable you to become more effective in your leadership role. You will try a range of practical tools and techniques that enhance decision-making and will learn how they have improved the performance of both individuals and organisations. You will come out of this workshop refreshed, energised, and ready to bring renewed clarity and creativity to your working life.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning will happen in the 2-hour workshop. However, there is also some non-mandatory pre-reading and, to really enjoy the benefits of increased mindfulness, you will be encouraged to continue your learning in your everyday working life. You will receive a survey a few months after you have finished the workshop to ask you to reflect on the impact that mindfulness has had for you.

Product code:

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will have deepened your understanding of mindfulness and learned how you can personally apply mindfulness techniques in order to become more resilient and innovative.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:2-hour workshop and 15 minutes pre-reading

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

Page 14: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


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Interview practice

How to book

Being interviewed in the Senior Civil Service brings new challenges. Interview practice will help you to be at your best when it really matters.

DescriptionThis 4-hour group workshop will focus on helping you to present yourself in the best possible light. The workshop enhances your personal impact and presentation skills used at senior job interviews. This learning is for SCS members who are looking to move to a different post within the Civil Service or beyond. It is a hands-on workshop that offers the chance to practise a range of different interview techniques.

What does it involve?The main part of the learning will happen in the 4-hour workshop where you will learn from your peers as well as from an expert facilitator. In preparation for the workshop, you will need to reflect on your career aspirations and the work you enjoy. You should bring along recent 360-survey data and your current CV.

Product code:

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will have greater clarity on what you have to offer hiring managers and will understand how to convey your key messages and demonstrate transferable skills. You will also be able to optimise your presence and impact at interview.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:4-hour workshop and 15 minutes pre-reading

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

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Negotiation skills

How to book

Every day, senior civil servants use their negotiation skills, whether with external partners, within their department or across Whitehall. Negotiating is crucial to ensuring the services offered to the public are as useful and cost-effective as possible.

DescriptionThis 1-day workshop helps you refresh and enhance your negotiation skills. You will explore the psychology of conflict and its role in negotiation, and the differences between distributive and integrative bargaining. You will also learn about the roles power, influence and persuasion play in personal communication.

The workshop introduces new models and frameworks to stimulate your thinking about negotiation, as well as giving you the opportunity to practise negotiating with a professional role player. The role play can be tailored to a real negotiation scenario that you are involved in.

What does it involve?The learning consists of an 1-day workshop, where you will learn from your peers and academic faculty members and from being immersed in a real-life practice situation with actors. You will also need to complete some essential pre-reading and a negotiation scenario exercise before you take part in the workshop.

Product code:

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will be able to approach and practise negotiation in a systematic way, using advanced communication skills to achieve desired results. You will also be able to engage in empowered conversations across departments and manage internal and external relationships more effectively.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:1-day workshop and 1 hour of preparation

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

Page 16: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


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Advanced media skills

How to book

When SCS members interact with the media, the impact can be far-reaching.

DescriptionThis 1-day experiential learning gives you the advanced media skills you need to navigate interactions with the required sensitivity while maximising your personal impact. Working with experienced BBC journalists and media trainers, you’ll learn how to craft the message, present to the media, and come across as being in control, credible and authentic in different media settings.

What does it involve?The workshop is designed to push you out of your comfort zone, as you experience and practise interviews in realistic media settings. Throughout the course of the day you will learn how to craft your messages with the greatest impact and understand the dos and don’ts of different interview situations (e.g. radio, television, etc.). You will also have the opportunity to experience being interviewed on television. Throughout the day there is the opportunity to learn from your peers and experienced facilitators as well as from seeing yourself on screen.

Product code:

What’s the outcome?By the end of the learning workshop, you’ll be confident about achieving the desired impact in all settings from print media to live television. You’ll have a clear understanding of what journalists want and will therefore be better placed to work with them on your terms. You will also be able to create messages that have significant impact.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:7 hours

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

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Deepening self-awareness

How to book

Self-awareness can help you become a better leader. The more you understand yourself, not just in terms of your skills and achievements but also in terms of your motivations and behavioural preferences, the more capable you will be of achieving optimal performance.

DescriptionLeaders in the Senior Civil Service need to deliver a challenging transformation agenda in an ambiguous environment. Your ability to lead and manage in an inspiring, empowering and confident way is crucial for the success of the Civil Service, and in improving services for citizens. By deepening your self-awareness and providing you with valuable insights, diagnostic tools can enhance your ability to lead and to manage yourself in challenging situations. The recommended tools are:

• TalentQ Dimensions - offers insight into your personality preferences at work, increasing awareness of both your strengths and your potential derailers

• TalentQ Drives - focuses on your values and motivations, and highlights what stimulates and energises you in your working life

Product code:

What does it involve?To use either of these tools, you’ll first need to complete an online questionnaire. An accredited diagnostic feedback coach will analyse your responses and provide 1 hour of feedback based on your data.

What’s the outcome?Both tools will raise your self-awareness, enabling you to manage yourself more effectively and increase your leadership impact. TalentQ Dimensions will also give you an understanding of your current personality traits and behavioural preferences and how you impact others. TalentQ Drives will help you gain an understanding of your individual values and motivations at work.

Learning activities

Estimated learning time:5 hours - including coaching time

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewLeading self and personal effectiveness

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Leading teams and organisations


Page 19: Civil Service Learning · PDF file1 I am delighted to introduce this guide to the learning and development available from Civil Service Learning (CSL). CSL has been developing a new


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Top team and board effectiveness

How to book

In today’s fast-paced, complex environment, leaders are often caught up in day-to-day activities that get in the way of longer-term strategic thinking and acting. Board and top team development acts as a catalyst to bring board members closer together, forcing them to face up to difficult areas, and develop and implement changes that mean they are better equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow.

DescriptionThese workshops are highly bespoke, with the learning being designed through a cutting-edge co-creation approach where all members of the team help generate their own learning journey. It’s about facilitation and ‘working with’ rather than being ‘done to’, as would be the case with a more traditional development approach.

Most workshops will take place over 2 days and will focus on establishing a strong platform for collective and individual leadership. The aim is to enable top teams to align the desired culture and associated behaviours required for success. The workshops also help teams better understand their strengths, preferences and possible derailing behaviours while building strong relationships across the group.

What does it involve?The intervention is highly bespoke, so it will depend on what is needed. All interventions feature one-to-one interviews, group workshops, self-reflections and pre-reading.

We might also carry out a diagnostic survey.

What’s the outcome?While the exact outcomes of each workshop will depend on the agreed goals, the team will certainly be able to operate more effectively at the strategic level and its members will be in a position to apply a range of team and leadership development behavioural models.

Estimated learning time:18 to 25 hours per person

Product code:

Learning activities

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Giving high-quality feedback

How to book

We all give and receive feedback constantly, both consciously and unconsciously. Thanks to our psychological make-up, most of it is ignored – and when feedback does produce a response, it is often negative and can even reinforce current behaviours.

DescriptionIn this workshop you will explore the principles and practice of giving feedback that avoids those negative responses and contributes to positive personal change. The workshop will incorporate the latest research on behavioural change, effective action planning and learning implementation.

What does it involve?The learning consists with pre-read and a 4-hour workshop. You’ll learn the theory behind giving high quality feedback before putting it into practice. After getting feedback from both your peers and your facilitator, you’ll have the chance to apply your learning with more practice.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you’ll be able to give clear and specific feedback on different aspects of people’s performance in a way that helps them receive the feedback well. You will also have addressed some of the real or perceived barriers to giving feedback and learned techniques to help ensure you always deliver the message you intend.

Estimated learning time:4 hours 30 minutes

Product code: SCS-GGF

Learning activities

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Enhancing your leadership impact

How to book

Self-awareness is a key element in any senior leader’s success. If you understand your personal drivers, you’re more able to work with — rather than against — them. This increases your personal motivation and resilience and makes you more effective at leading a team.

DescriptionOver the 2.5 hours of this one-to-one coaching workshop you’ll gain a better understanding of what makes you tick and why you do the things you do. Your coach will use both your SCS 360° feedback and diagnostics to help you make the link between your personal drivers and your leadership behaviour and impact.

What does it involve?This learning includes a pre-call with a Korn Ferry Hay Group (KFHG) coach, completion of the SCS 360° and a KFHG diagnostic used to measure personality drivers, followed by a 2.5-hour feedback workshop with the KFHG coach.

Estimated learning time:5 to 6 hours

Product code: SCS-ELSI

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you’ll have explored why you do the things you do, how this relates to the behavioural feedback you have received from your manager, peers and direct reports, and what you may need to change about your behaviour in order to have the impact you want.

Learning activities

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Creating a mindset for success

How to book

A positive, open mindset can help you leverage diversity, increase engagement and generally get the best out of yourself and others. The potential impact of this shift in thinking can be at an individual, team and organisational level.

DescriptionThis workshop is designed to help you build an environment where you help others stay open to learning and improvement. The 4-hour workshop introduces the theory and practice behind creating a mindset that is energised and excited by doing things better, more efficiently and with greater impact.

What does it involve?The learning consists with pre-read and a 4-hour workshop. You’ll learn the theory behind creating a mindset for success before putting it into practice. After getting feedback from both your peers and your facilitator, you’ll have the chance to apply your learning with more practice.

Estimated learning time:4 hours and 30 minutes

Product code:

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the confidence and capability to hold truly impactful developmental conversations with teams, peers and managers. You will also have a deeper understanding of the features that promote personal change and the essential role a developmental mindset has to play in achieving goals.

Learning activities

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Driving great performance: lessons from Formula 1

How to book

The dynamic world of Formula 1 has much to teach us about the ways leaders can achieve high performance when pushed to the limit.

DescriptionIn this 2-hour workshop, you’ll explore techniques taken from Formula 1 that have already been used successfully by large corporates to energise and motivate teams. Through a combination of slides, video clips and inspiring stories, you will deepen your understanding of the role individuals, teams and partners play in achieving high performance and will learn more effective ways to approach your own team challenges. You’ll also have the opportunity to hear from other colleagues and share your experiences.

What does it involve?This learning consists of a 2-hour workshop in which you will learn from your peers and the facilitator.

What’s the outcome?On completing this workshop, you’ll understand how to foster a team culture where achievement of success is at the forefront of people’s minds and where boundaries and barriers – real or perceived – are pushed to continually improve performance. You will also understand how to create a culture where learning from the past is valued and used to create success.

Estimated learning time:2 hours

Product code:

Learning activities

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Unconscious bias for the SCS

How to book

The ability to question and mitigate your own unconscious bias can help you to become a better, more inclusive, leader with greater impact on those around you.

DescriptionIn this 2.5-hour workshop, you’ll work with your peers to explore the concept of unconscious bias, the reasons we all have it, the negative impact it can have on an organisation, and tools and techniques that can be used to overcome it. You’ll also learn how to recognise and challenge bias and ensure fairness in areas such as recruitment, promotion, talent management and performance management. After the workshop, you’ll be sent a range of practical guides to help you embed the learning from the workshop.

What does it involve?The learning involves a 2.5-hour face-to-face workshop and some follow-up reading.

What’s the outcome?As a senior leader, this workshop will help you identify your own unconscious bias when making decisions and use techniques that mitigate against it. It will also increase your awareness of unconscious bias more generally, enabling you to work proactively to help reduce its impact and to create a culture where diversity is fully valued.

Estimated learning time:2 hours 30 minutes

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Inclusive leadership

How to book

Being inclusive and nurturing diversity is one of Sir Jeremy Heywood’s top three priorities for the Civil Service – and is therefore a priority for all senior civil servants as well.

DescriptionThese two 3-hour workshops will equip you to recognise and confront bias and to create an inclusive work environment where you can get the best out of your team. At the first workshop, you’ll learn about the central concepts of inclusive leadership. You will then take your learning back to the workplace and put it into practice before reviewing your progress at the second workshop, held 6 weeks after the first.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning takes place over the course of two 3-hour workshops – attendance at both is essential. You will also need to complete a survey before attending the first workshop to establish your development needs and increase self-awareness.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshops, you’ll understand the behaviours of inclusive leaders and what those mean in day-to-day work. You’ll also have insight into how inclusive your current leadership style is and what you need to do to role model inclusion and diversity and create an inclusive environment to get the best out of your team.

Estimated learning time:8 hours

Learning activities

Product code:

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Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Leading without authority

How to book

As the challenges facing the Civil Service become increasingly complex and diverse, senior leaders are required to operate within a broader range of settings and structures. Leaders are frequently being held accountable for delivery through individuals, teams and suppliers that are beyond formal reporting lines.

DescriptionThis 2-day face-to-face workshop gives you insights, tools and techniques for leading without authority so that you are better able to deliver high-quality, value-for-money outcomes for the public. You’ll explore how to lead effectively in a matrixed and collaborative environment, gaining insight into the behaviours of outstanding matrix leaders while also exploring your own strengths and areas for development. The workshop is designed for senior civil servants who are working on cross-government initiatives or who need to deliver outcomes through a matrix structure.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning happens during the 2-day face-to-face workshop. To prepare for the workshop, you will need to complete a self-assessment diagnostic, do some pre-reading and reflect on the workshop ahead.

What’s the outcome?By the end of this workshop, you’ll have identified the critical requirements that will help you be more effective at leading without authority and will be able to create a personal development plan for your leadership in this context. You will also have learned how to align internal and external partners to deliver the required outcomes.

Estimated learning time:17 hours

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Creating a coaching culture – leader as developer

How to book

It takes certain learned skills to be effective at coaching and to be perceived by peers and direct reports as a potential coach. Honing these skills will enable you to create a culture for coaching and set an example for what enhanced development of others should look like within the Civil Service.

DescriptionThe aim of these two connected workshops is not to set you up as an executive coach but rather to enable you to use a coaching leadership style more frequently and to pass on coaching skills to your direct reports and others across the department. On day one, the focus will be on mastering relevant coaching behaviours and skills. You will also have the opportunity to embed newly learned skills in simulated scenarios involving actors. 6 weeks later, your cohort will reconvene for a half-day workshop where you will check in on your progress, explore situations when a coaching approach can be applied and when it is less effective and through a collaborative strategic planning activity you will draft a plan for implementing a coaching culture in your team and department.

What does it involve?A 1-day workshop followed by another half-day workshop 6 weeks later. There will be some pre-reading and reflection prior to the workshop.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will be able to act as a role model for the coaching style of leadership so that you can start to develop a coaching culture throughout your department and the Civil Service as a whole. You will also have written a strategic plan for implementing this change in culture. You will feel more confidence about conducting effective development conversations and will have a better understanding of what energises and motivates you and others.

Estimated learning time:15 hours

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Nurturing your talent pipeline

How to book

Nurturing talent is a crucial part of SCS roles, but it can sometimes end up at the bottom of a long list of priorities, despite our best intentions. By taking a determined and disciplined approach, you can help your people to develop and reach their potential.

DescriptionWith this topic, you’ll work with an expert coach, who will offer you advice and support in shaping solutions to your specific requirements. The coaching support could cover areas such as ‘how to prepare a talent strategy’ or ‘how to have highly effective career conversations with your team’. Your coach could also provide you with feedback after observing departmental or team talent board discussions.

What does it involve?A phone call with your coach to determine your specific needs and either a 2-hour or 4-hour one-to-one coaching workshop.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will have enhanced your skills in terms of nurturing the talent of individuals, teams or departments. The exact outcome will be tailored to your own learning needs and the specific challenges you face in nurturing talent.

Estimated learning time:2 hours 30 minutes or 4 hours 30 minutes

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Optimising your emotional intelligence

How to book

Emotional intelligence is a key success factor that can turn a good leader into an outstanding one. To achieve the best results, especially in today’s ambiguous and highly complex world, it is important that we are aware of and can manage our own emotions and other people’s.

DescriptionDrawing on the four dimensions from Daniel Goleman’s model – self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management – this workshop introduces you to the theoretical concepts behind emotional intelligence and provides opportunities for you to put the theory into practice. The aim is to help you optimise your emotional intelligence so that you can build stronger working relationships and reach more people than you otherwise could.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning takes place during the 1-day workshop, at the end of which you will be encouraged to create a plan for change and to identify the support you need. There will also be about an hour of preparation.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the learning workshop, you will have deepened your understanding of the impact emotional intelligence can have on efficiency and gained a practical framework for developing it in yourself and others. You will also have had the opportunity to develop and practise emotional intelligence strategies that are relevant to your everyday job and to identify your personal emotional strengths and areas for development.

Estimated learning time:8 hours

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

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Making the most of your team

How to book

Truly effective leaders take the time to understand the impact they have on their teams and how this translates into the performance of individuals and the team as a whole.

DescriptionThis 1-day workshop for senior civil servants explores cutting-edge theory in the field of leadership research, and the types of behaviour that get the most from diverse teams. You will take part in a competitive and thought-provoking simulation. You’ll explore a framework to help you identify and develop your leadership capability and optimise the performance of your team.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning will happen in a 1-day face-to-face workshop in which you will learn from your facilitator and peers. There will also be some pre-reading.

What’s the outcome?By the end of this learning, you will have deepened your understanding of best-in-class leadership and gained a greater insight into your own leadership impact. You will also understand how to apply leadership theory into everyday practice so that you are better able to deliver great performance through your team.

Estimated learning time:8 hours

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading teams and organisations / Overview

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Leading change


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Leading people through change

How to book

We work in a world of growing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This 1-day workshop will help you understand what it means to manage change in such a fast-paced and multifaceted setting – and the implications this has for how you lead others.

DescriptionThe aim of this learning is to increase your self-awareness and develop the agile mindset needed to respond effectively to change. Specifically, you will explore the impact of ambiguity on yourself and the people you lead. You will also look at a range of leadership styles and their relative effectiveness in varying change scenarios. The skills you acquire through the workshop will help you to have a positive impact on your team and those around you during times of change.

What does it involve?The majority of the learning happens during the 1-day workshop, where you will take part in a simulation and receive feedback on the leadership styles you employ. There will also be opportunities for self-reflection and learning from your peers. Prior to the workshop, you will need to do some pre-reading which sets the context for the simulation that runs through the day.

Estimated learning time:9 hours

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply techniques to lead effectively when faced with volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous challenges. Your self-awareness on leading change will also be enhanced, giving you a better understanding of your personal strengths and developmental areas and how you can use peers, internal and external networks and team members to greater effect.

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Leading change / Overview

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Technical skills


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How to book

Estimated learning time:8 hours

Learning activities

10 questions about finance you’re too senior to askDo you think you might have a finance-related blind spot? Would your conversations with finance professionals be more fruitful if you had a stronger grasp of the concepts and principles involved?

DescriptionThis 1-day face-to-face learning workshop provides a highly practical introduction to finance topics relevant to the Senior Civil Service, such as financial analysis, management accounting, forecasting and budgeting. Over the course of the day, you will explore 10 fundamental questions about finance, including ‘How do we manage the budget?”, “What actually matters in the financial statements?’ and ‘Why is this spreadsheet wrong?’. The aim is to help you increase your understanding of finance in the SCS context and equip you with the knowledge you need to engage in more detailed conversations with finance professionals.

What does it involve?A 1-day workshop where you will learn from your facilitator and peers and through open discussion.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you’ll be more confident about using the language of finance and working with finance professionals. You will also be able to analyse and interpret financial information and make better finance decisions. Product code: SCS-QAF

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Technical skills / Overview

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How to book

Estimated learning time:7 hours and 30 minutes

Learning activities

Leading as an SROAt some point in their careers, most SCS members will act as the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for one or more business change programmes. As the visible owner of a programme, and the person who is accountable for the business case behind it, it is important that you understand its strategic objectives and have clear sight of its intended benefits.

DescriptionThis 1-day face-to-face workshop is aimed at people who have just taken on, or are thinking about taking on, an SRO role. If so, you have probably got a lot of questions about the nature, context and expectations of the role and the capabilities needed to succeed at it. To help you find answers to those questions, the workshop will explore the specific responsibilities of the SRO role and support you in defining the particular programme you will be responsible for and building your capability to contribute effectively.

What does it involve?Some pre-reading is required. There is then a face-to-face interactive 1-day workshop, incorporating input from an expert faculty and an experienced SRO or PD, plus facilitated group activities, two- or three-way conversations and personal reflection time.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you’ll be able to describe success for your own and connected programmes and identify sources of help for an SRO. You will also be able to analyse the stakeholder environment in which your programme sits and identify relevant control and assurance mechanisms.

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewTechnical skills

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How to book

Estimated learning time:9 hours and 30 minutes

Learning activities

Commercial skills for leadersCommercial skills are increasingly seen as pivotal to a modern Civil Service and the realisation of Government policy. This workshop is designed to equip senior civil servants with commercial skills, based on leading market insight and practices.

DescriptionThis 1-day workshop uses case studies and discussion to increase your understanding of commercial norms and practices and introduce you to common commercial management mistakes and how to avoid them. You will also learn to speak the language and ask the right questions of experts. The workshop is particularly useful if you have commercial responsibilities within your role and are either accountable for or dependent on the use of external partners to deliver outcomes for your departments.

What does it involve?A 1-day workshop where you will learn from your facilitators and through discussion with peers. You will also need to do approximately 1.5 hours of pre-reading.

What’s the outcome?By the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of suppliers and their motivations and constraints, and will be able to avoid common pitfalls when delivering contrasting outcomes. You will also have learned how to apply commercial judgment when putting questions to professional advisors or teams.

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

/ OverviewTechnical skills

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Base camp


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SCS Base camp: taking leadership to the next level

How to book

Whether you’ve been recruited externally or promoted internally, joining the Senior Civil Service is a time of new and exciting opportunities and challenges.

DescriptionThis SCS induction is designed to give you a clear understanding of what it means to be a member of the SCS and of the new expectations and requirements placed on you. It takes the form of a 2-day residential programme of presentations, insights from internal and external speakers and interactive workshops. There will also be facilitated networking that encourages you to make and develop connections across your peer group. Over the course of the two days, you will have the opportunity to reflect on your next steps to becoming the senior leader you want to be and the leader the Civil Service needs.

What does it involve?The actual learning event is a 2-day residential workshop. There is also some preparation work, as well as learning nudges and follow-up and networking events during the first year.

Estimated learning time:20 hours

What’s the outcome?This programme provides an opportunity to reflect on the steep change required of you on becoming a member of the SCS and how your own leadership style might need to evolve to meet new challenges. By the end of the induction, you will have gained insights from senior members of the SCS on the leadership challenges they have faced, and will also have developed a network within the SCS community.

Learning activities

Product code:

020 3819 2200 [email protected]

Base Camp / Overview

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360-degree feedback


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360-degree feedback

How to book

DescriptionWith the support of an experienced leadership facilitator or coach, you can gain a much deeper understanding of your individual or collective 360° data. You can either book a 3-hour team workshop to explore your team data or book a one-one feedback workshop with a coach to explore your own 360° data.

What does it involve?The learning consists either of a 3-hour facilitated team workshop or of a one-to-one coaching workshop. The team workshop is designed for up to 8 people and will explore both composite team data as well as individual data and focus on tangible actions that individuals and the team can put into practice straight away. The 1-1 coaching workshop is a minimum of 2.5 hours with a coach who will work with you to deepen your understanding of your 360 data and to shape a personal action plan.

Estimated learning time:20 hours

What’s the outcome?360-degree feedback provides you with deeper insight into team and individual strengths. This can enable you to enhance your personal leadership capability and improve team and organisational performance.

Learning activities

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360-degree feedback / Overview

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Executive coaching


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Senior civil servants face challenges that are both complex and hugely varied. When you are performing such a demanding role, it can be difficult to find the time to stop, reflect and consider your challenges and development.

Coaching provides personalised, one-to-one time with an objective third party, who will support you in your unique challenges and help you make a lasting change and impact.

DescriptionCoaching is individually facilitated learning. Focusing on your personal development needs, it provides a space to reflect and probe and empowers you to find your own solutions to achieve desired change. By listening, questioning and challenging, your coach will enable you to make lasting changes that help you reach your full potential and achieve organisational results.

What’s the outcome?At the outset, you and your coach will agree how you are going to work together and define the objectives and outcomes you want to achieve. Your coach could potentially support you with any complex challenges, from role transitions to managing challenging relationships, from personal impact to resilience. Coaching is, by its nature, a fluid and flexible experience so the focus may shift over time.

How do I find and book a coach? We have a diverse pool of 140 highly experienced coaches for you to choose from, each with different approaches and areas of expertise. Follow these steps to find the right coach for you:

• Search the coaching database on the Civil Service Learning website for suitable coaches

• Create a shortlist of the coaches you are most interested in working with

• Sign up for a free chemistry workshop with each shortlisted coach to identify the one who is most appropriate for you. These workshops usually last 30 minutes and can be held face-to-face or over the phone.

Once you have selected your coach, the next step is to plan how you are going to work together. There is great flexibility around how often you meet and for how long, although coaching tends to be most impactful when the coach and coachee meet regularly over a period of a few months.

Learning activities

Executive coaching

Executive Coaching / Overview

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Bespoke department requests

These examples are illustrative of the bespoke partnership work currently under way.


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Civil Service Talent

DescriptionThe three schemes being delivered by the Korn Ferry Hay Group consortium are:

• The Future Leader Scheme (FLS) – for Grades 6/7 who have the potential to reach the Senior Civil Service

• The Senior Leader Scheme (SLS) – accelerating the development of those within SCS 1 who have the potential to move into director roles

• The High Potential Development Scheme (HPDS) – accelerating the development of those within SCS 2 who have the greatest potential to progress to director general and potentially beyond that to permanent secretary

What does it involve?While each talent scheme is unique, they are all designed to provide the participants with focused development that will help them progress. Activities include residential workshops, one-to-one coaching and action learning, as well as electives that will enable them to develop areas such as their digital and commercial skills.

What’s the outcome?The aim of each scheme is to enable the participants to operate at more senior levels in the Civil Service.

Learning activities

Civil Service Talent runs three cross-civil-service talent schemes for senior civil servants and aspiring senior civil servants, all of which have recently been redesigned by Korn Ferry Hay Group and their partners.

/ OverviewBespoke department requests

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Home Office

DescriptionIn partnership with Korn Ferry Hay Group, the Home Office is co-designing and delivering a dynamic, blended and personalised pathway of learning experiences. These learning experiences are designed to: strengthen individual and organisation leadership; build a senior leadership culture that is more collaborative and innovative; and help senior leaders create clarity and direction and the conditions where our workforce can flourish as leaders themselves.

What does it involve?It is a blended learning journey for 12-strong cohorts made up of Deputy Directors and Directors. Activities are organised into three phases, with each phase building the following:

• Leadership to enable others – focus on self-awareness and mind-set shift

• Diversity and Inclusion – how to optimise collective strengths

• Change – how to unlearn and learn new behaviours to sustain behavioural change

What’s the outcome?The learning will help the participants achieve a shift in mindset and will heighten their awareness of the importance of leading and enabling others.

Learning activities

The Home Office is strengthening leadership capability at all levels of the organisation to drive successful transformation. The recent outcome and implications of Brexit amplify this need, with SCS leaders key to engaging, mobilising and leading people effectively in a climate of increasing ambiguity and change.

/ OverviewBespoke department requests

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Department for Transport

DescriptionWorking in partnership with Korn Ferry Hay Group, the DfT has developed a new learning offer for senior leaders: Momentum for 2017. The aim is to ensure leaders have the capability and confidence to address the department’s challenges and to nurture the development of the leadership community in the context of the transport strategy. In particular, it is designed to address the department’s unique requirement for strong commercial skills. The offering incorporates learning and best practice from various sectors, including the private sector and transport industry.

What does it involve?There are two kinds of learning journey available. Those new to the SCS can focus on core leadership elements including ‘Emotional intelligence’, ‘Team leadership’, ‘Leading people through change’ and ‘Creating a high performance culture’. For SCS members generally, the

learning journey covers areas such as ‘Creating a development mindset’, ‘Negotiation skills’, ‘Inclusive leadership’ and ‘Storytelling’. All learning is designed to be delivered to cohorts of 25.

What’s the outcome?Momentum for 2017 will enable leaders in the DfT to think differently about learning and development and to gain a new perspective on the business challenges they face.

Learning activities

The Department for Transport (DfT) has four core priorities: boosting economic growth and opportunity; building a One Nation Britain; improving journeys; and achieving safe, secure and sustainable transport. Leadership is critical to delivering this agenda and to meeting a wide range of immediate challenges such as HS2, Heathrow expansion and major road investment.

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Department for Education

DescriptionThe learning has been designed to ensure the DfE have a pipeline of talent that is equipped to lead transformation across the department. It comprises three schemes:

• Preparing for the SCS – for individuals at Grade 6 and 7 with clear SCS potential, who are close to realising that potential within a year to 18 months

• Accelerated Leadership Scheme – for individuals at Grade 6 and 7 who demonstrate levels of potential and are expected to reach SCS within 2 or more years

• Deputy Director Scheme – for Deputy Directors who have demonstrated the highest potential, the ability to progress at least two grades and the aspiration to fill the most senior roles in the Civil Service or across their profession

What does it involve?Each scheme consists of tailored interventions from the core CSL learning offer as well as experiential learning led by senior leaders in the DfE and the wider education sector. The majority of the learning consists of face-to-face workshops. Other activities running throughout the year include executive coaching, peer coaching, action learning sets, diagnostic surveys with one-to-one feedback and networking events.

What’s the outcome?The schemes are designed to help leaders in the DfE to reflect on the steep behavioural change required as they move towards more senior roles. By the end of a scheme, they will have developed a deeper insight into their leadership style and its impact in a range of situations. They will also have developed a broad base of skills and behaviours that will equip them to successfully lead transformation in the DfE.

Learning activities

Working in partnership with Korn Ferry Hay Group, the Department for Education (DfE) talent team have evolved their existing internal talent development into a suite of sustainable learning offers.

/ OverviewBespoke department requests

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Civil ServiceLearning

Workshop Learning offer area Page#10 questions about finance you’re too senior to ask Technical Skills 29

360-degree feedback 360-degree feedback 35

AAdvanced media skills Leading self and personal effectiveness 11

CCommercial skills for leaders Technical Skills 31

Creating a coaching culture – leader as developer Leading teams and organisations 22

Creating a mindset for success Leading teams and organisations 17

Civil Service Talent Bespoke department requests 39

DDeepening self-awareness Leading self and personal effectiveness 12

Department for Transport Bespoke department requests 41

Department for Education Bespoke department requests 42

Driving great performance: lessons from Formula 1 Leading teams and organisations 18

EEnhancing your leadership impact Leading teams and organisations 16

Executive coaching Executive coaching 37

GGiving high-quality feedback Leading teams and organisations 15

HHigh impact communication Leading self and personal effectiveness 3

Home Office Bespoke department requests 40

IInclusive leadership Leading teams and organisations 20

Topic index


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Workshop Learning offer area PageInterview practice Leading self and personal effectiveness 9

LLeading as an SRO Technical Skills 30

Leading people through change Leading change 27

Leading without authority Leading teams and organisations 21

MMaking the most of your team Leading teams and organisations 25

Mindfulness for busy people Leading self and personal effectiveness 8

NNegotiation skills Leading self and personal effectiveness 10

Nurturing your talent pipeline Leading teams and organisations 23

OOne-to-one personal impact coaching Leading self and personal effectiveness 4

Optimising your emotional intelligence Leading teams and organisations 24

RResilient leadership Leading self and personal effectiveness 6

Resilient leadership one-to-one Leading self and personal effectiveness 7

SSCS Base camp: taking leadership to the next level Base camp 33

Storytelling Leading self and personal effectiveness 5

TTop team and board effectiveness Leading teams and organisations 14

UUnconscious bias for the SCS Leading self and personal effectiveness 19


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Executive coachingA one-to-one learning journey facilitated

by an accredited executive coach. The learning is highly bespoke and

personalised. Typically encompasses 4 to 12 workshops.

DiagnosticA survey to help you gain better insight into yourself. Surveys can be self-completed or could incorporate 180° or 360° feedback.

One-to-one coachingA one-off one-to-one workshop with an expert, designed

to tackle a specific learning need.


Workshop Interactive workshops with a facilitator and other delegates that are highly participative.

PreparationThe start of your learning journey can encompass

pre-reading, videos, self-reflection, etc.

Self-reflectionTime alone spent thinking about where you are now

and where you would like to be in the future. An important part of making change happen.

A guide to the learning activity icons


DiagnosticOne-to-one coaching

Executive coaching


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If you have any questions or want to find out more, please get in touch with us via [email protected] or 020 3819 2200