city of melbourne street art locations on 86 tram route

Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide Melbourne Street Art on the 86 Tram Route: City of Melbourne - Stops 5 - 9 This is a condensed version of The City of Melbourne page of Melbourne Street Art 86 featuring street art between stop 5 (Elizabeth Street) and stop 9 (Spring Street | Parliament House). This includes a number of extensive street art sites in lanes and alleys: The long, narrow Union Lane, leading off Bourke Street Mall, one of the best known street art sites in Melbourne; Caledonian lane near the intersection of Swanston and Bourke Streets; and Croft Alley, off Little Bourke Street. There is a great deal more street art to be found across the city, but the works listed here reflect the site criteria of focusing on what there is to see in streets or lanes leading off the tram route, or the first street parallel to it. Very little is to be found along trams stops 1 to 4, the part of the city consisting mostly of office buildings and graced with greater security and perhaps greater zeal from building occupants to remove art and graffiti almost immediately = I found workmen erasing the nighttime work of others with the application of brown or black paint on a couple of occasions during early morning explorations with my camera. When there are extensive sites in roads parallel with the route of the 86 it is always difficult to know the best sequence to present them. In this case I have chosen to put them in strict order as the 86 travels up Bourke Street from its starting point in the Melbourne Docklands, towards the Victoria Parliament House. Melbourne Street Art 86 is based on a selection of street that appeals to me; It is well worth making your own explorations to see what you can discover and might like. Street artworks do get replaced, added to or removed sometimes, so what you see here as of January 2013 may be different in some instances at a later date. Kevin Anslow, Melbourne, Australia 2013 - 1

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Melbourne Street Art 86 - City of Melbourne condensed mini guide and street art locations map


Page 1: City of Melbourne Street Art locations on 86 tram route

Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

Melbourne Street Art on the 86 Tram Route: City of Melbourne - Stops 5 - 9 wwwwww..mmeellbboouurrnneessttrreeeettaarrtt8866..bbllooggssppoott..ccoomm This is a condensed version of The City of Melbourne page of Melbourne Street Art 86 featuring street art between stop 5 (Elizabeth Street) and stop 9 (Spring Street | Parliament House). This includes a number of extensive street art sites in lanes and alleys: The long, narrow Union Lane, leading off Bourke Street Mall, one of the best known street art sites in Melbourne; Caledonian lane near the intersection of Swanston and Bourke Streets; and Croft Alley, off Little Bourke Street. There is a great deal more street art to be found across the city, but the works listed here reflect the site criteria of focusing on what there is to see in streets or lanes leading off the tram route, or the first street parallel to it. Very little is to be found along trams stops 1 to 4, the part of the city consisting mostly of office buildings and graced with greater security and perhaps greater zeal from building occupants to remove art and graffiti almost immediately = I found workmen erasing the nighttime work of others with the application of brown or black paint on a couple of occasions during early morning explorations with my camera. When there are extensive sites in roads parallel with the route of the 86 it is always difficult to know the best sequence to present them. In this case I have chosen to put them in strict order as the 86 travels up Bourke Street from its starting point in the Melbourne Docklands, towards the Victoria Parliament House. Melbourne Street Art 86 is based on a selection of street that appeals to me; It is well worth making your own explorations to see what you can discover and might like. Street artworks do get replaced, added to or removed sometimes, so what you see here as of January 2013 may be different in some instances at a later date. Kevin Anslow, Melbourne, Australia 2013 -


Page 2: City of Melbourne Street Art locations on 86 tram route

Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

1. McKillop Street 86 Tram Stop 5 (Elizabeth Street)

2. Union Lane 86 Tram Stop 5 (Elizabeth Street) This narrow lane is about 100m long and is covered with art for its entirely from the pavement to above 3m on both sides, merging into a kind of uninterrupted spray paint tapestry.


Page 3: City of Melbourne Street Art locations on 86 tram route

Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

3. Turners Alley 86 Tram Stop 6 (Swanston Street) You will see this alleyway a little way up Swanston Street, just past the bag shop on the corner of Swanston and Bourke Streets.

4. Caledonian Lane (near corner of Swanston Street and Little Bourke Street, Bourke Street mall side) 86 Tram Stop 6 (Swanston Street)


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Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

5. Bourke Street near tram stop 86 Tram Stop 6 (Swanston Street)

6. Bullens Lane (off Little Bourke Street, close to Russell Street) 86 Tram Stop 7 (Russel Street)


Page 5: City of Melbourne Street Art locations on 86 tram route

Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

7. Above shop front near the corner of Russell and Bourke Streets 86 Tram Stop 7 (Russel Street)

8. Coverlid Place (off Little Bourke Street, Parliament House side of Russell Street) 86 Tram Stop 7 (Russel Street)


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Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

9. Corrs Lane (a little further up on the left) 86 Tram Stop 7 (Russel Street)

10. Croft Alley (a little further up on the right) 86 Tram Stop 7 (Russel Street) This alley turn left at the face at the end of this shot, and then right. Most of the walls are covered with art.


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Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

11. Westwood Place 86 Tram Stop 9 (Spring Street | Parliament House) or 86 Tram Stop 7 (Russell Street) Westwood Place is accessed from Bourke Street through the narrow alleyway below. It is on the right looking up Bourke Street towards Parliament House, about 50m up from Exhibition Street.

12. Crossley Street 86 Tram Stop 9 (Spring Street | Parliament House)


Page 9: City of Melbourne Street Art locations on 86 tram route

Melbourne Street Art 86 City of Melbourne condensed mini guide

14. Windsor Place 86 Tram Stop 9 (Spring Street | Parliament House) This is a City of Melbourne commissioned public art piece.

15. Spring Street (In narrow alley) 86 Tram Stop 9 (Spring Street | Parliament House) The purple artwork below is on the left of this alley, which is a short distance up Spring Street on the corner of The Imperial pub.


Page 10: City of Melbourne Street Art locations on 86 tram route