city manager report - 1/6/12

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  • 8/3/2019 City Manager Report - 1/6/12


    TO: City CommissionCC: Department DirectorsFROM: David Dillner, City ManagerSUBJECT: City Managers ReportDATE: January 6, 2012Proposed Cattle Feeding Facility. At the request of Dickinson County and the City, KDHE has extended the comment

    period until January 15. Staff has coordinated a meeting with Dickinson County and Justin Reynolds, the applicant, to

    discuss the proposal and the mitigation strategies being implemented to address water quality. Following this meeting,staff will draft comments that will be submitted to KDHE.

    GIS Integration. I met with Brad Homman and Sherry Massey of Dickinson County to discuss the best way to integrate

    the City with the Countys GIS services. The Community Development Department has been setup to use the system

    via the Internet. This has generated questions as to why the City needs to continue to maintain the existing fiber optic

    line between the City Hall and the Dickinson County Administration Building when information may be shared via the

    Internet. The fiber line was installed by Eagle Communications in 2010 and costs the City $3,240 per year to maintain.

    Staff is reviewing the need for this connection and options for its continued use.

    MHS Hospital Construction. The City has received the building permit fee of $39,473 for Phase 1 of the project.

    2011 Employee Survey. To date, twenty-four employees have completed the 2011 Employee Survey. This represents

    about 38% of the full-time employees. This survey will help management better understand the organization from the

    employees perspective and allow them to anonymously provide input and comments to help us identify areas where

    improvement may be needed. The deadline for employees to participate is 5:00 pm on January 31, 2012.

    Employee Health Insurance. The Insurance Committee listened to presentations from three insurance providers,

    including the current provider. Additional meetings are being scheduled with two providers so the Committee has an

    opportunity to ask additional questions based on the information presented. Renewal rates for Corporate Management are

    expected to increase 11%. The Committee will further consider the options and prepare a recommendation for the City

    Commissions consideration. This item is tentatively scheduled for the February 7 Study Session.

    NLC Prescription Card Program. The City has received the NLC Prescription Drug Cards and will soon roll the

    program out to the public. The City has identified several strategic locations to place the cards and have been coordinating

    with these locations for program participation.

    Airport Advisory Committee By-Laws. The Airport Advisory Committee has recommended approval of its by-laws to

    the City Commission. The Committee only made one minor change to the by-laws by defining formal consent which is

    required from the Committee for absent members to be excused. Members not being excused three times will be subject to


    Commissioner Lunches. I have not yet developed a schedule for the Commissioner Lunches for 2012, but will have thisprepared and distributed by the end of the year. Until the schedule is developed, please use the following schedule:

    January 11: Commissioners Bowers and Ray January 18: Commissioners Weishaar and Casteel January 25: Mayor Peterson and Commissioner Bowers

  • 8/3/2019 City Manager Report - 1/6/12



    City Facility Roof Repairs.

    Metal Roofs

    ECS Construction is planning to continue metal roof repairs at City Yard and then move to ball fields and City Park.

    The current schedule is to complete all metal roof work by the second week of January.

    Elastomeric Coating

    Wray Roofing will commence its activities on the City Hall complex on January 9.

    KLINK Buckeye Avenue Project, Phase III. KDOT has informed the City that FY2013 KLINK funds have been

    approved for Buckeye Avenue from SE 5th Street to the south City limits.The City/State agreement for this project will

    be based on the total estimated of $392,966. KDOTs participation will be 75% of the construction costs, including

    construction engineering, up to a maximum of $200,000. Additional work, such as curb and guttering, may be included in

    the project but will be non-participating costs. This means the City will be responsible for all of these additional costs.

    E. First Street Rehabilitation Project. Public Works Director Lon Schrader has done a great job collecting easements

    from property owners along the E. First Street Project corridor. All told, about five easements still remain to be collected

    and the City expects to have most of these collected by the end of next week. Several property owners have writtenconcerns on their easements that they would like the City to consider. Most write-ins have to do with landscaping and

    will be reviewed by City Attorney Mark Guilfoyle prior to being approved.

    Property owner access for those property owners residing between Bonebrake and Brady Street is being passed along toSchwab-Eaton, P.A. for inclusive in the plans. The City has decided to provide access by way of an temporary alleyin the front of the properties adjacent to the street. While not considered a true alley in the strict sense, the access will besimilar to an alley is planned to be constructed by the contractor prior to the street being closed.

    Staff is also proposing to keep E. First Street from Brady to the east city limits for as long as possible to allow use of theFirst and Brady intersection. This would make it easier for several property owners and the travelling public to negotiatethe area for awhile. Staff is coordinating this with Schwab-Eaton, P.A. to determine the feasibility of this option.

    Duckwall-ALCO Stores, Inc. has requested the City designate Cottage Avenue as a two-way street during the durationof the project to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. They have also requested the City consider designatingsome no parking zones too. Staff is reviewing this request to determine the best way to address traffic concerns.Staff is preparing an agreement with Schwab-Eaton, P.A. for Construction Observation and Administration Services. Ascurrently proposed, these sevices would not exceed $388,896, which was computed as part of the cost estimate for theproject. The actual costs for these services will more than likely be less than this figure and will be based on actual timeon the project.The City is still coordinating with Westar Energy on the lighting plan for the street.

    Buckeye Avenue and First Street Geometric Improvements Project. The City received notice on November 2 thatKDOT has approved funds for the project based on an estimated total project cost of $768,200. KDOTs participation will

    be 90% of the actual total participating project costs up to maximum of $800,000. The City is working with KDOT to

    expedite this project as much as possible, but it is currently not slated to begin construction until 2013.Airport: South Parallel Taxiway Grading and Paving Project. There are still several outstanding issues on this project

    The Project Engineer and City Engineer are working with the Contractor to address questions of material quantities.

    There are also a very items that need repaired including some damaged concrete near the T-Hangars and a section of

    Washington Street. The Contractor must also remove a culvert to provide better drainage.

  • 8/3/2019 City Manager Report - 1/6/12


    Airport: Taxiway Lights, Wind Cone and Electrical Vault Building Project. The pre-construction meeting will be

    scheduled for February or March with construction beginning in March or April. The project will take about sixty days for


    Airport: T-Hangar Structure. The City will need to determine the next steps to take concerning this project. Grant fundsare not available to repair the structural issues or construct a new hangar structure; the City will have to fund these repairslocally. In my estimation there are a few options that may be considered: 1) engineer plans and hire a contractor to repairthe structure as provided in the report prepared by the Ebert Mayo Design Group (April 2011) at an estimated cost of

    $160,000 to $210,000; 2) prepare a Request for Proposals using information contained in the report and contract with acontractor to provide a repair in compliance with the 2006 International Building Code; or 3) construct and finance a new10-bay T-Hangar structure at an preliminary cost of $500,000 to $600,000.

    The second option would require a structural inspection to ensure that the repairs met existing code. In the meantime,repairs to the roof are being done to prevent continued weather problems. Doug Smart of Smart Insurance has informedme that the City is not required to have an engineered solution in order for the structure to be insured. As such, I donot know why the City would engineer a solution when the structure itself was not engineered to begin with. It is myunderstanding that the Citys only requirement is to comply with the applicable building code. This item will be preparedfor discussion by the Airport Advisory Committee so a recommendation may be prepared for the City Commissionsreview.

    Airport: Runway Marking. KDOT, through the Kansas Airport Improvement Program, has awarded funds to the City torepaint the runway markings. KDOT will reimburse the City 75% of eligible project costs, up to a maximum of $15,000;

    the City requested $37,500 for this project. Eligible costs include construction and construction engineering. The City is

    responsible for all additional construction costs, preliminary engineering and any other associated costs. KDOT received

    109 applications for program funds. The City will need to determine the painting option and the procurement method.

    Staff will review the budget and provide information to the Airport Advisory Committee so a recommendation may be

    formulated for the City Commissions consideration.


    Police Officer Shawn Hermanns last day with the City was December 30. Shawn has accepted another job. We wishhim the best in his new endeavors.

    Shane Wilson will begin duties as a reserve Police Officer beginning around February 1.


    Transient Guest Tax receipts for November 2011 came in at $6,095, making the year-to-date collection for 2011

    $117,550. Last years comparative year-to-date brought in $139,732, which is a decrease of 15.8%.

    MANAGEMENT THOUGHTS (topics/issues the City Manager is currently thinking about)

    Marketing of Community for NBAF, Fort Riley, etc. Need to coordinate between CVB, Chamber, Community Development, etc. Emerging Leaders Program Team Building with Department Directors

    Incentives to support Business Growth Organizational Ethics Training Sustainable Community Practices Residential Street Rehabilitation Program Health Insurance Costs GIS Integration Board and Committee Recruitment

    JANUARY 9 CITY COMMISSION MEETING (subject to change)

    Memorandum of Understanding for State Historic Preservation Office for HOME Rehabilitation Projects

    HOME Housing Committee Project Recommendation

  • 8/3/2019 City Manager Report - 1/6/12


    FY 2013 KDOT Public Transportation Grant Application

    K-State Parachute Club Lease Agreement Amendment (fuel provision)

    FY 2012 City Commission Meeting Calendar

    Off-Premise Signage Text Amendment to Zoning Code

    UPCOMING STUDY SESSION TOPICS (subject to change)

    January 17

    State Legislative Platform

    Airport Advisory Committee By-laws

    T-Hangar Structural Project

    February 7

    Health Insurance

    Personnel Policy

    State of the City Report

    Conditional Use Permit Request (409 NW 3rd Street for cellular antennas and equipment shed)

    Rezoning Request (1001 N. Mulberry Street from R-1 to R-2 zoning)

    February 21

    Flint Hills Regional Council Membership FY 2013 Financial Review

    Federal Legislative Platform

    UPCOMING MEETINGS/EVENTS (next two weeks)

    City Commission meeting, January 9 at 3:30 pm

    Library Board, January 9 at 4:00 pm

    Kids Council, January 9 at 6:00 pm

    Planning Commission, January 10 at 4:30 pm

    Commissioner Lunch, January 11 at 12:00 pm (see above)

    Annual Abilene Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet, January 12 at 6:00 pm

    City Offices Closed, January 16 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

    Commission Study Session, January 17 at 7:00 am

    Economic Development Council, January 17 at 4:00 pm

    Commissioner Lunch, January 18 at 12:00 pm (see above)

    Heritage Commission, January 19 at 4:00 pm

    Flint Hills Regional Council, January 20 at 9:00 am