citris and the banatao institute create information...

1 Our Mission 2 Emerging Trends & Opportunities 3 2015-2020 Goals 4 Core Research Initiatives 5 Invention Ecosystem 6 Collaboration Opportunities 7 Looking Ahead CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create information technology solutions for society’s most pressing challenges.

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1 Our Mission

2 Emerging Trends & Opportunities

3 2015-2020 Goals

4 Core Research Initiatives

5 Invention Ecosystem

6 Collaboration Opportunities

7 Looking Ahead

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create information technology solutions for society’s most pressing challenges.

citris-uc.org1 / CITRIS Overview

1CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create information technology solutions for society’s most pressing challenges.


Established in 2001, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) leverages the interdiscipinary research strengths of UC Berkeley, Davis, Merced and Santa Cruz to advance the University of California’s mission and the innovative spirit of California. The institute was created to shorten the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of impactful applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries.

4 University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses

the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of impactful applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries.

University of California campuses

the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of the pipeline between world-class laboratory research and the development of impactful applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries. impactful applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries. impactful applications, platforms, companies, and even new industries.

University of California campuses University of California campuses University of California campuses

60+ startups launched

133 seed-funded projects


CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create impact where technologically-driven trends and technology-based solutions intersect. Some of the most critical challenges and opportunities will be posed by climate change, an aging population in developed countries, and rapid urbanization worldwide.

Central themes include enabling new markets, implementing mass customization while addressing privacy and security needs, and applying information technology to improve the resilience of human-made and natural systems.

New markets can arise from IT infrastructure and platforms that catalyze novel business models, such as the vibrant apps marketplace on mobile devices or interoperability solutions for building management systems. Mass customization has the potential to support personalized healthcare, individualized education models, and adaptive interfaces for commercial and civic applications.

Chartered in 2016, the Banatao Institute’s programs within CITRIS also expand our ability to generate sustainable IT solutions for developing regions in the United States and abroad.

In creating new technologies, we foster innovation not for its own sake, but with an eye toward the impact on society—at individual and macro scales.


The technology landscape changes quickly. We believe the next 20 years will be dominated by unprecedented connectivity through sensor networks and mobile devices, increasing volume and velocity of data streams, advances in enabling materials such as nanotechnologies—and the growing imperative to align these innovations with societal needs.

CITRIS Overview / 2

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute create impact where technologically-driven trends and technology-based solutions intersect.

2015-2020 GOALS3

3 / CITRIS Overview

Maintain our leadership role in the University of California’s entrepreneurial landscape.#3



Lead an inclusive dialogue on rapid technological shifts and their societal impact.#4

Engage a vibrant ecosystem of external partners and supporters.#5

Respond to emerging needs and opportunities with our unique capabilities.

Generate new solutions for complex, societal-scale challenges.• Large-Scale Grant Proposals • Public-Private Partnerships • Competitive Seed Funding Program

• Interdisciplinary Research Teams • Multi-Campus Collaboration • World-Class Testbeds

• CITRIS Foundry Startup Accelerator • Pitch Competitions & Challenges • Prototyping Labs

• Public Symposia & Events • Reports & White Papers • Diversity in Tech Program

• CITRIS Membership Program • Sponsored Research • International Collaborations

4Our research initiatives apply deep expertise to emerging frontiers of

information technology: Sustainable Infrastructures, People and Robots,

Connected Communities, and Health. Several themes cut across all

four initiatives, including opportunities in data analytics, attention to

resilience strategies, and a global lens on IT applications. Our focus on

solving complex, large-scale challenges exempli�es the interdisciplinary

mission and strengths of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute.


CITRIS Overview / 4





CITRIS Sustainable Infrastructures

CITRIS People and Robots

CITRIS Connected Communities


Connected Communities

HealthPeople and Robots

Sustainable Infrastructures

CITRIS Sustainable Infrastructures

The CITRIS Sustainable Infrastructures initiative pursues information technology research in energy, water, transportation, and other disciplines as essential components of the cyber-foundation for a sustainable society. Highways, electrical wires, and water channels are just a few examples of the various and often-overlooked systems that underpin societal infrastructure in providing basic human needs. Information technology can weave these interrelated systems—transportation, energy, and water—into a sustainable fabric for the next generation, enabling resiliency and addressing climate change.

Projects in the initiative build upon the momentum of current developments in cyber-physical systems and the “Internet of Things.” An important part of our agenda is support for UC President Janet Napolitano’s goal of carbon neutrality for the UC system by 2025. Another element of the research agenda is critical infrastructure which must be built to withstand acute events such as natural disasters (earthquakes, wild�res) or human-instigated disruptions (whether by intentional attacks, error, or negligence). Research also addresses long-term consequences of climate change such as increasing temperatures and sea-level rise, not only in the United States but also in the Global South, which is expected to hold 60% of the world’s population within the next 50 years—much of it concentrated in urban areas.

CITRIS researchers have contributed foundational research in energy-ef�cient building and grid management and technology; energy harvesting, storage and distribution; and open-source platforms for control as well as collecting, analyzing and visualizing energy data. IT research in water includes the design and deployment of wireless sensor networks in the Sierras and American River Basin for monitoring snowpack, water availability and �ow. Other key CITRIS faculty apply models and analytics on transportation systems and technologies related to urban growth and mobility.

Recognizing the increasing interrelationships among these critical systems, the CITRIS Sustainable Infrastructures initiative combines and builds upon the strengths of the previous CITRIS i4Energy initiative and CITRIS Intelligent Infrastructure initiative.

David E. Culler, Ph.D.

Faculty Director, CITRIS Sustainable Infrastructures

Friesen Professor of Computer Science

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

University of California, Berkeley

[email protected]


5 / CITRIS Overview


CITRIS Overview / 6

CITRIS People and Robots

Cloud Robotics, Deep Learning, Human-Centric Automation, and Bio-Inspired Robotics are primary research themes in the new CITRIS People and Robots initiative. Robotics and automation are advancing rapidly due to innovations in sensors, devices, UAVs, networks, optimization, and machine learning, accelerated by corporate and private investment. These systems have enormous potential to reduce drudgery and improve human experience in healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, safety, and a broad range of other applications in the interests of society. Achieving this will require sensitivity to human issues, rigorous theory evaluated on standard benchmarks, and modular systems built on shared software toolkits.

People and robots are not mutually exclusive. Predictions of the “Singularity” are a distraction from a more important concept that might be characterized as “Multiplicity,” an emerging category of systems where diverse groups of humans work together with diverse groups of machines to solve dif�cult problems. Multiplicity combines emerging results in collective intelligence and cloud computing, building on research in ensemble learning, big data, and open-source software. Research in psychology, law, ethics, art, and the humanities is essential to provide historical and cultural context and develop appropriate methods for system and policy design that address human issues such as inclusion, privacy, and alienation. Robotics can also enhance education, inspiring interest in STEM topics for students of all ages.

Multidisciplinary research is needed to investigate the basic and applied science for design of systems and robust performance, addressing the inherent uncertainty in sensing, modeling, and actuation used for control, learning, and systems identi�cation. Cloud Computing can provide access to large datasets and clusters of remote processors to �lter, model, optimize, and share data across systems to improve performance over time.

This new multidisciplinary, multi-campus CITRIS initiative addresses many of these challenges. The initiative catalyzes new work by faculty and students from the four CITRIS campuses, building on 40 years of research that has produced signi�cant results, a network of alumni, and many active labs and projects. The initiative also fosters new research through software, datasets, seminars, and collaborations with industry, labs, and public outreach.

Ken Goldberg, Ph.D.

Faculty Director, CITRIS People and Robots

Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR),

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and School of Information

University of California, Berkeley

[email protected]


7 / CITRIS Overview

CITRIS Connected Communities

The CITRIS Connected Communities initiative focuses on the affordances of information technology to enhance communities – of learning, of practice, and of governance. This initiative embraces the development of experimental online platforms and novel hardware and software systems that connect peers to each other and to institutions in meaningful and productive ways. Building on leadership expertise in human-computer interaction, user interface design, as well as political, social and economic development, the initiative supports projects in domains including education (in MOOCs, peer-to-peer expertise sharing and “maker” communities), collaborative design, philanthropy, journalism, public health, citizen science, and ICT policy. It also furthers our understanding of crowdsourced learning, decision-making and funding. CITRIS Connected Communities supports ongoing activities in the CITRIS Invention Lab, Social Apps Lab, Mobile App Challenge, as well as public symposia on open data, privacy, security, governance, and related topics.

CITRIS Connected Communities emerges from a long history of projects to improve communications among community members and the elected of�cials, policymakers and institutions making decisions on their behalf. The Data and Democracy initiative, founded in 2011 and a precursor to the present initiative, showcased and supported IT applications for political, social and economic issues. Examples include the California Report Card, Vote Your Mind, Stories of Solidarity, and Peer-to-PCAST.

Eric Paulos

Interim Faculty Director, CITRIS Connected Communities

Co-Director, CITRIS Invention Lab

Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

University of California, Berkeley

[email protected]


The CITRIS Health initiative is built upon a robust history of addressing critical health and healthcare challenges facing society. The initiative focuses on developing transformative, scalable, and sustainable IT innovations to improve health and wellness. These technology-enabled solutions aim to improve the quality of care and health outcomes while reducing healthcare costs. Current priorities address the primary drivers affecting health, including chronic disease, aging, and formal or informal caregiving. Interdisciplinary projects build upon the principal technology solutions of telehealth, sensors, mobile apps, gaming, and data analytics. Examples of CITRIS Health projects include innovations in electronic health records and analytics, the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network, use of in-home sensors to reduce asthma in children, virtual reality environments for physical rehabilitation, and interactive mapping to assist way�nding for older adults.

The global health arena is experiencing rapid advances in informatics, precision medicine, quanti�ed self, mobile health, telehealth, remote monitoring and sensors, health behavior change, patient engagement, health policy, and regulation. CITRIS Health is well-positioned to leverage the University of California’s interdisciplinary expertise, datasets, and testbed capabilities at the Center for Health and Technology and UC Davis Health System to respond to these fundamental shifts in the healthcare landscape. Through its relationships with collaborating institutions, CITRIS Health serves as a learning laboratory to advance the diffusion of technologies that help individuals with chronic diseases or disabilities lead healthier lives and maintain independence, improve patient and provider engagement, and modernize the healthcare industry as a whole. In addition, CITRIS Health collaborates with corporate, federal, state, and civic institutions worldwide to demonstrate effective uses of technology, identify bene�ts and best practices of technology-enabled care, disseminate outcomes, and inform policymakers.

CITRIS Health is recognized for its leadership in multinational networks for digital health and telehealth innovation. Examples of recent initiatives include the Greenland Telehealth Platform, Philippine National Telehealth Pediatric Teleaudiology Assessment Program, Canadian AgeWell Collaborative, and EU Cardiac Intervention Program. Drawing from unique datasets and capabilities across multiple countries, CITRIS Health networks have been established across Europe, Asia, and North America with active programs and collaborations in Denmark, England, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, China, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Canada, and Mexico.

Thomas S. Nesbitt, M.D., M.P.H.

Faculty Director, CITRIS Health

Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategic Technologies and Alliances

Director, Center for Health and Technology

School of Medicine

University of California, Davis

[email protected]

CITRIS Overview / 8


These resources create a pipeline for students and faculty to develop and test their ideas, prototypes, and pitches. Programs include the CITRIS Foundry startup accelerator, the CITRIS Social Apps Lab, the CITRIS Mobile App Challenge, and hackathons—many of which leverage the fabrication facilities and expertise within the CITRIS Invention Lab. CITRIS and the Banatao Institute also collaborate with more than 20 student-led organizations and provide connections to campus-based programs such as Skydeck, CalHacks, and the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology at UC Berkeley; the Senior Engineering Design Program at UC Santa Cruz; the Engineering Student Startup Center at UC Davis; the Venture Lab at UC Merced; and the annual Mobile App Challenge at UC Berkeley, Davis and Merced.

Technology startups in the CITRIS Foundry accelerator program have raised more than $28M in capital from angel investors, venture capital, successful crowdfunding campaigns, and highly-competitive federal grants. These pioneering companies may still face funding gaps as they tackle some of the hardest and most capital-intensive domains such as energy and healthcare. Strategic investors can provide vital, industry-speci�c knowledge and resources to bring the innovations to market. These University of California entrepreneurs bene�t from added visibility and mentorship with corporate partners in the CITRIS ecosystem, while our partners gain insight into transformative new technologies and business opportunities.

The 15,000 square-foot Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory, housed in Sutardja Dai Hall at CITRIS and the Banatao Institute headquarters, is also home to numerous pathbreaking innovations in nanotechnology and semiconductors. The NanoLab acts as a regional center for faculty researchers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to explore new materials for advanced microelectronic devices.


Banatao Institute headquarters, is also home to numerous pathbreaking innovations in nanotechnology and semiconductors. The NanoLab acts as a regional center for faculty researchers, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders to explore new materials for advanced microelectronic devices.

To complement the four main research initiatives, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute foster a strong entrepreneurial community through programs and facilities in our ‘invention ecosystem.’

9 / CITRIS Overview


CITRIS and the Banatao Institute are fueled by collaboration among four University of California campuses, the private sector, civic agencies, and international partners. These complementary relationships bene�t the University, companies, and the public through development of new knowledge, talent, applications—and even the birth of important new industries.

Across the campuses, University of California faculty and students from more than 100 academic disciplines identify major societal challenges and develop novel technology-based solutions to address them. Through close ties with industry, these innovations are re�ned, adopted, and commercialized in California and beyond. As evidence of this creative drive, more than 60 startup ventures have been supported by CITRIS and the Banatao Institute to date.

By engaging with external collaborators, our faculty and students gain the opportunity to see �rsthand where technological needs and markets are headed and can bring their expertise to bear on these challenges. In turn, industrial and institutional partners gain access to leading-edge research at one of the top public university systems in the world, along with the ability to recruit outstanding students and place visiting fellows or entrepreneurs in CITRIS-af�liated research labs.

• An ecosystem for pre-competitive, high-impact research and innovation

• Exposure to compelling new technology product and service concepts

• State-of-the-art facilities and testbeds for research and development

• Access to world-class faculty and students for effective knowledge and tech transfer

• Facilitation to leverage joint funding among universities, industry, and government

• A Membership Program with targeted resources, access, and visibility for institutional collaborators


11 / CITRIS Overview

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute provide


CITRIS and the Banatao Institute Af�liates

CITRIS and the Banatao Institute


Access & Engage

Collaborate on speci�c research projects or entrepreneurship programs while participating in their guidance and direction.

Gain access and visibility among students and researchers af�liated with CITRIS and the Banatao Institute. Explore opportunities for deeper relationships.

Research & Innovate

• Overview of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute for your executive team

• Member-exclusive networking events and research insights from CITRIS and the Banatao Institute

• Facilitated connections to UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Merced and UC Santa Cruz

• Access to student groups via sponsored events and information sessions

• Logo recognition on the website and promotional channels

• Opportunity for tailored workshops to explore research synergies

• Opportunity to sponsor public events

Visit to view our valued members and additional program information.

• Tailored workshops to explore research synergies

• Targeted support for student researchers and/or seed-funded projects

• On-site collaboration via Visiting Fellow or Visiting Entrepreneur Program

• Seat on CITRIS and the Banatao Institute Research Advisory Council

• Opportunity to access relevant labs and testbeds

All Af�liate bene�ts plus:

CITRIS Overview / 12







CITRIS and the Banatao Institute bring together hundreds of af�liated faculty members and students to generate social and economic impact. Together with more than 70 public and private collaborators, we are shaping the future of technology in ways that cross traditional boundaries. Sustainable solutions for society’s complex infrastructure, governance, and economic needs will be found at the intersection of diverse disciplines—each working together in the spirit of the University of California’s ingenuity and public mission. Building on a 15-year record of success, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute are uniquely positioned to discover and accelerate these interdisciplinary innovations for the bene�t of California and the world.

Costas Spanos

Director, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute

Chief Technical Of�cer, Berkeley Education Alliance for Research in Singapore (BEARS)

Andrew S. Grove Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley

[email protected]

Camille Crittenden

Deputy Director, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute

Director, CITRIS Connected Communities

Executive Director, CITRIS Social Apps Lab

[email protected]

CITRIS Overview / 14