citizen scientist in the broader scientific pursuit...

Environment, Health & Safety (and Ethics) and the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network Sandip Tiwari NNIN Director Science and Engineering as social force physical and life sciences, and complexity Self-regulation and regulation Citizen scientist in pursuit of knowledge (and wealth) Fostering of Ideas, Development of Citizen scientists, Knowledge Openness, Learning, Complementarity, … Diversity of Interests Globalization Challenges: Science and Engineering in the Modern World World and the Academy Academy and Change Citizen Scientist in the Modern World Chemistry Some Actual & Potential “Nano” Impact Areas! Electronics Logic Memory Analog Materials Structural Coatings Inorganic-Organic Energy Catalysis Storage Photovoltaics Medical Diagnostics Personalized High Sensitivity Medical Treatment Localized In situ Non-Invasive Drug Discovery Rapid Sorting BioInformatics Rapid Prototyping Society 2 Tiwari_NNIN_EHS_Sep24_2009

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Page 1: Citizen Scientist in the Broader Scientific Pursuit … Prototyping … Society Tiwari_NNIN_EHS_Sep24_2009 2 The Ammonia

Environment, Health & Safety (and Ethics)and the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network

Sandip TiwariNNIN Director

Science and Engineering as social forcephysical and life sciences, and complexity

Self-regulation and regulationCitizen scientist in pursuit of knowledge (and wealth)

Broader Scientific PursuitFostering of Ideas, Development of Citizen scientists, Knowledge sharing & Commercialization

Research/Service/Breadth/OutreachOpenness, Learning, Complementarity, … National and International:

Diversity of InterestsGlobalization

Challenges:Science and Engineering in the Modern World World and the AcademyAcademy and Change

Citizen Scientist in the Modern World


Some Actual & Potential “Nano” Impact Areas!




Medical DiagnosticsPersonalizedHigh Sensitivity…

Medical TreatmentLocalized In situNon-Invasive…

Drug DiscoveryRapid SortingBioInformaticsRapid Prototyping…



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The Ammonia Process


High pressure catalysis

Fritz Haber also worked on “chemical” weapons for World War 1

Fritz Haber



Rio Grande

At Creede, CO; fishermen heaven – trouts: large brown, brook & cutthroat

In El PasoJ. Faucett


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And where there is still plenty of water: Algae Blooms


Excessive and indiscriminate use

Technology - Third World


Thin film display screens and pc boardsPlastics – bags, packaging, …

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Risks and Ethics and Time ScalesFission and Fusion

& today’s nuclear terror issues

A 50 Years Old Story: Thalidomide


H. Sjostrom and R. Nilsson

Diazepam (Valium) Barbital (Veronal)


Chemie Grunental:Antibiotics and modified penicillinspost-war Germany

Drugs didn’t need to show efficacy or safety in any great detail

Successful sedatives of 1950’s

W. Kunz

4 different groupsChiralEnantiomers, nonsuperimposable mirror images

Researchers convinced themselves that thalidomide had good sedative properties and was good for suppressing respiratory infection

Physicians published articles testifying utility from “data” supplied by drug manufacturer- CG & licensees across the continents , including in US

1959: first reports of severe neurological damage, neuritis, …

Denials & attempts to stifle public reporting of symptoms

1960: reports of phocomelia: malformed newborns8000 children with severe defects in 60-61

Banned shortly thereafter

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None of the individuals involved protested. System failed. Science and medicine failed.

Remedy has to come from legislation, drug testing, …


MalformationsEconomics & its dark side: greed

Abysmal Science

Thorough testing entirely missing –the world knew that rabbit fetus can not break down quinine while adult rabbit liver does

Science as a system can likely survive sloppiness, hype, and maybe even fraud. Nano has its share.But science that touches human lives absolutely cannot be bad.

Medicine: Another Step Up in Complexity


WSJ, Health & Wellness, Sep 22(2009)

Nixon’s War on Cancer

Cycles of euphoria & despair; prospects and sobering reality

Misconceived rhetoric & execution

A huge superstructure of centers, hospitals, expensive ineffective drugs, …

Directed research without basic biological understanding

Deaths due to cancer continue to steadily increase

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And an Ethical Question


October, 2009 issue

Brave New World a la Huxley?


Shall we use Vonnegut handicapping a la 1960’s story?


Thalidomide: inhibits HIV-1, useful for leprosy (e.g. legal in Brazil)

Nitric Oxide: air pollutant but also an absolutely natural neurotransmitter

Ozone: absorbs UV when in the stratosphere but at sea level destroys plants life and tissue

Scientists have the absolute responsibility for thinking about the uses of their creation, and the abuses by others

And they must do everything possible to bring those dangers and abuses before the public

It is their responsibility to humanity – this is what makes scientists human

Nuclear: a major potential source of energy, witness the clean environment of France

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Healthcare Challenge

Tiwari_04_2009_Engineering ppt April 3 2009

2 Photon, TeraHertz, Nanoparticles imaging, Targeted drug delivery, …

Personalized Sensing, Microfluidics, Mini NMR, …

Diagnosis Complexity,Treatment ComplexityTools ComplexityKnowledge Complexity


Patient need and Usefulness of Performance


AcademeKnowledge creation

EducationHuman resource

Society: Citizen scientistOpenness

IndustryR&D CommercializationScaleProfits & profitabilitySecrecy

EHS: Complexity of EffectsAn open environment for experimentation, testing and creation of knowledge in which society has increased trust even while balancing the inherent conflict of values of openness and secrecy

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Bringing together Interdisciplinary groups with different intellectual strengths and cultures, and appropriate resources, needs a different model of research and development than largely practiced to this point in this country.

Inter-Disciplinary Research Efforts


University ofWashington


Penn State

U. Texas








Organic/inorganic interfacesBiosciencesFlexible ElectronicsLocal high technology companiesLarge Hispanic and Native American population


Nanoinstrumentation for health and environmentNanomaterialsHighly rated

Environmental EngineeringMedicine and Life SciencesPublic Health

Univ. of Colorado

Precision engineeringEnergyLocal connections to NIST and NRELLocal high technology companies

National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) Mar 2009 -

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Inter-Disciplinary Research EffortsNNIN facilities

Example: Cornell Nanoscale Facility

Open 24 hoursUser conducts projectOpen independent equal accessAffordableTraining and sharing of knowledge

All branches of engineering, physical and life sciences, grad students, industry researchers, working under one roof together while maintaining individual control.



Society & Ethics

Research & Development Support

Technical leadership responsibilities at sites

Open culture External user focus

Staff & Domain expertsGeographic diversity

Advanced scientific computation and

modeling support focused on interdisciplinary

problems & experimentation

National & local activities across age groups and emphasis

on diverse undergraduate and

graduate development

Development of societal and ethical consciousness

within NNIN community throughout all of its

activities, and leverage national and infrastructure scope for studies and for


NNIN Research Infrastructure Mission:Enable rapid advancements in science, engineering and technology at the nano-scale by efficient access to nanotechnology infrastructure

In Computation & Modeling, and Society & Ethics, provide compelling unique offerings that complement other national efforts and that draw from network’s national strengths

R&D supported: ~$500M


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NNIN Research Users Users from diverse disciplines

Users with different specialized and integrated technical needs

Users from diverse institutions

NNIN network model permits effective & efficient service

>50 lrg companies >200 sm. companies

>5200 from 180 institutions (2008-09)


NNIN’s Scientific ImpactFundamental Measurements

Quantum KickbackSchwab

Molecular Scale

Self Assembly

Supra-Molecular Scale

Applications transistors & mem

Quorum Sensing, Austin



Single SpinRugar



Molecular-Scale Transport Studies, Ralph

100 nm thick shaft

1 µm thickmass loading

single-electron transistor

116 MHz beam

1 m

Displacement measurement, Cleland

Across Molecules, Reed

CNT Mechanical Oscillations

2 m

Resonant Virus Detection, Ilic

Adhesion, Kenny

Organ models, Schuler

Liquid Si

Host Substrate

Device Layer 1

Device Layer 2

Device Layer 3

Device Layer 4

3D electronics


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Infrastructure made possible by

• NSF funds • User fees• University contribution

of equipped laboratories

• Other programs• Gifts • Competitive awards

Infrastructure made possible by

• NSF funds • User fees• University contribution

of equipped laboratories

• Other programs• Gifts • Competitive awards

What makes this possible?

User centric culture and procedures

InformationProcesses and


Research Development>4300 publications/year

>3800 academic users/year

350+ companies

Equipment850 major tools

Staff~150 FTE


A Summary

NNIN now has 14 institutions and an expanded technical focus Environment and public health – Washington University in St Louis

Organic/Electronic interface – Arizona State University

Precision Sciences and Engineering & Energy; University of Colorado

During Mar. 2008 – Feb. 2009 >5200 users

>4300 graduate students from 180 academic institutions, 250 companies, federal labs and international

>1600 new users trained

supported > 1000 PhD awards

>4300 publications

~Average annual academic user fee: ~$3300


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NNIN Education Program

>750 student and professional participants/year(2-3 day hands-on events) >10,000

visitors to NNIN educational events

Globally-aware leadership skills for US Grad Students

For 3rd to 6th

grades10,000-100,000 webvisits /monthPrinted copies used in classrooms

Lab exposure to ~700 high-schoolers/yr>500 urm & other undergrads/year


Parting Thoughts

Science & Engineering in the modern world cannot remain isolated from the society

Our creations are the dominant force and we cannot control them once discovered Cannot anticipate the myriad ways they will be used

Complex interactions – physical and natural

And in time

And the ones with life science impact are directly human

Public health, safety, environment, ethics, global, … in the mix

A responsible societal environment necessary to understand and to effectively regulate

Academe and industry have quite different motives “Nano”’s impact – positive or negative – need thorough understanding

Openness – wherever the studies take us using the best knowledge and techniques available – is critical to understanding the bright and dark

Academe is the suitable environment for pursuing such studies

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Best wishes to Washington University in this noble effort

And thank you NSF for supporting this direction



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In 109 kg In 109 kgSulfuric acid 39.62 Nitric acid 7.99Ethylene 25.15 Ammonium nitrate 7.49Lime 20.12 Urea 6.96Phosphoric acid 16.16 Ethylbenzene 5.97

Ammonia 15.03 Styrene 5.41Propylene 14.45 Hydrogen chloride 4.34Chlorine 12.01 Ethylene oxide 3.87Sodium hydroxide 10.99 Cumene 3.74

Sodium carbonate 10.21 Ammonium sulfate 2.60

Ethylene chloride 9.92 1,3-Butadiene 2.01

Chemical and Engineering News (2001)