cit! of c0t...k. hewport rout..- new-yerh te boeteo, via new. pert ant i ii. riv t. with...

MEDICAL ASH SANITARY XOTES. BRABIBEflt DI8EABB.-4)tMervattasa rosie IBB s eon- sidBOOMS Batted by a BIlBStSIgfeOSB (.Sg.) l'hvsii-lnn. re- (.-ni linc is kii^wn as brattava1 o_ssas* Br, lt bas Baree t naasd." brsaewarki ra* agaa ¦ seer's thai Um wanta ll gai |fl -Iii .tile or acute eeggai pel*.nina: aln.est all Ihe BatteBtfl WBO are copter ur Lins, wacOO*! have a gist.let peso bea er basal sa ike aeek Bf Bm teeta, betwets the arawa and tba BOBS, the Bdga Bf the pum being * I*' BjUtatly t I.Bil inspiration. l«i>. betag af.a stained gieeo, aad wMta>a_ued wertasaw hsefl i Breenish tillite te their b" Ks; t.BBS situs lx.lnilnc ta an ase rp* Bf copper bo tho we k a, n i Bvettag lae vtao that UM aili" is due.In laic,' part pl lBBSt,%B '.ms BS*.L Itu*. the als.. boObi fran otha r mnmpomtm, . s s_nota natara, wm h hm a*9raaeOflta metallic taste, colic, eeasBJga. tl. .ii, din'i h...rc nervetisii, ss and VSltaOfl pains; deafness la not Infrequent, couch and aphasia often Beear, and paresis Bf the less and symptoms like those of locum..ter ataxia hove beea ea.rvoB _ CHBON10 Tt'.A INTOXICATION.-The details nf more than sereaty ,«.-<.» .: ebroalc tea inuixlcaiten, as taveaU by him, ave p^hiMied hr Pr. millard, of Betta. lils eooclaatoaa are toai the acttoa of tea caatolaUra, »nd lunn' pii.neuiK.'.l in the ease "( UM vein,. and these .. .j ,,i physli d. alt hnUK h p."-urns o'her- atafl healthy eeeasteeally shu* te\ic syayAeass; the aver- see amount of tlie bamaga regetrad le gtadaci poaBoa*.i la perms aceastowMd to Its ti bi rai ass heine somi!- what less u_a Bve cups pet day. This chronic toa pois. iiniii?. Hr. B aslklMM ItseU la lees of Sys| la, palBttaUeo, aeadaeao ead aervesj.m., .. nf finn n. rvs sftaetloaa QERMAB STUDIES in vaccination.-The aaaa- y the Oanaea Govetasseat te ¦she ,i stu iy of the objections t.> vsecinaUoa and aaO*veee.n> ti"n. apii-iu ta have fl.6 Be* th taveeUsBtlssks, Bo¬ to a report la thai Annal's ,1'llvclene Pobilqos." v ats In l.ta report la U a- Um I s BB) SHHIllpOS varies greatly ta different persons, bal ls Hi" mein it ls abeat j ita; ;. vaeeli iry tea years sftat pri- v,,.\ -. :: -.ii. .i.i twa well-*.irked vealcloe ate es- basan ¦ sac essfal pi iteeUve raeetaottos. Kcm pnblirationo. nwiNToirs (.ni)!:-hooks.'"" s-ns sod Resorts on the r.nutes. li.u ~ :;\ iii WITH mats and WOOD-CUTS. For nb at t... katy rea aad eeweaka.Ie Trice, 25 cents hudson river rt te New-Ter* to west, point. M ant* v.; ii v. Troy. Saratoga Springs Lake - >t.mtieai and Qos- bri \ i Hudson River i a Contains special maps liJaiK Moil SARATOGA ll.I.' 8TEAT1 D.The Visitor's Guide to ! wood-eats. BAB iTOOA MINERAL WATERS.- Dlreettaoa tat their n. v, .. s : ,.; 0| s .... ¦;, bprtnea. B \s.lI)K RESORTS ',n the AtlsoUc least. NORTHERN RI - TS B lion la Ihe White Moon- tails. 1.kc Memphi itas, Lake Cham- pta.i, ('..!. i.-'.¦-. .. Mon hoe. rill*-ADELPHI \ \Nti READING RAILROAD AND Till. 1'ENXM'LVANIA COA1 REGIONS -New-York i,i. 1 Ph ii Doti raw Water (.j.. Maorh Chunk, Sci.lion, Harrlebarg, WllHamsport ira. 1 RIB RAILWAY ROUT..-New-York to Ithaca. Wnt- Loki. anl NuiMi.i i ills, \ ., R inches. Ni in SARATOGA, ur ITA i.u, CHAU¬ TAUQUA LAKE, AND NIAGARA FALLS, THOUSAND 1M.\n:- I N '. Centra) R B. and Hen:,, K. HEWPORT ROUT..- New-Yerh te Boeteo, via New. pert ant I ii. Riv t. With Descriptions el Newport and hi insett Day. i ..wi'. VI. VT RIVER BOUT.,-New-Terk to the White Mi Obtains, via N. V. and N. H. and Conn. River ll. )'.. HEW-YORB To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE ANO WA HUNG ["ON. CITY OF NEW-YORK..Descriptions of th* Public Buildings, Parks, t Street ].:. ,,,-.-, Traveler's Dirrc- to:y, an Map af New-York, B ' ill on receipt af 25 cents. TAINTol.' BBOTHEBS .V CO., Publishers, ll led 2" Astor place, New-York. i; HOWELLS iii CONTRIBUTEB T^ THE ISSUE OB HARPEES WEEKLY rrm.isiir.ii AT NOON TO.pAY A LYRICATED FARCE UNTITLED A SEA CHAN-.I,.'' |J_ta*Dfri-AT_D uv r n A RN ARD. 20 PAGES, 10 CENTB HAKI'EKS WEEKLY *1 A TEAR, postpaid. TTNITTIXG-CROCHET. TIOTUXE EXTRA NO. of. gUE LATEST RT/MBZB OF THIS POPULAR SERIES OE ILLUSTRATED MANUALS ror. HOME WORKERS naCE 25 CENTS AEDEF.Sa . THE TRIBUNE, NiiwvoriK Infraction. For Youncr Ladies.City. Tl fits. BTLVANU8 REED'S SCHOOL i"i'. yuin.; LADIES r2.-.TH teat.). B aad I ia-; ;,::i-'.. New-Yerk. MlbS Pl_.ILES A.M> MISS '1 HOMPJsUN'S si HOOL I'H. Ol.LS, Kt aad 3; EastgTUval Mew-Yerk. Am»i .Itt] Sept 1st, u.-.. ,,f J. KENNEDY TOD 4 _(¦ {taMkers, OS Wi lianvst,, H. Y. a Bl SH MARY K. STKVENS' BOARDING AND DAV 1*1 bCUOOL, SOi! sud -.1 Weal Chelten-ave., German- town, I'hi.i., bt-suis Us itoth year Sept, 2d. issn, "Ap¬ proved md "1 ¦!/. I' 1.. Bryn Mawr college to pia. 1 uti'! Pupils pat-* th. *. > \..ii.i ian. is in (I ai I.kjS CHISHOLM'S B( Ij^vl' IOR OIRU- IS East 65tl -' T.'ew-York. Will re.,;«n brptt'cib-jr 2e. Dors' Classes Ul v ...; ii CARDNEP.'S Boardlns and l>,i> behool ., Mrs. Osr_ier, sulbui til History ui 1 un e, . rig .1,1 and ABaerica, in rhyne. For Both Sexes.City. « -STKP.N s SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, N. Y. CITY, J\. a\aa, L'7 EAST .1 1 ii >1 N and IT. MO? TAGUJ i'.. BROOKLYN. Bend \.k SO.ress, Personal lirei m « ,1 ,. ,.". Ki .,,,!/ 1. "The Natuiai Meinud eonversatlonal), German, 1 rei -. ...-h. lt :l ,1.1 Latin nut G PACKARD S Ul sim.- i .,;.|.i ,., A\ ;, gi s., ,. \, 1 1 v..,: s. send tor circular. B. b. PACK AP.>, ITl'sIiIcul, lui l.a-i 2 rf»._E BERLITZ SCHOOL (>F I.ANdVAC.r.S, 1 W ST MADISON SQUARE N. V. Open all buruuer. Aiau Bnaalda bunnlier Courts. For Bovs nnd Yotin^ Men.City. \ '-CIRCULARS op coot) SCHOOLg FP.EE . b'a'.e wi,ti er for bey. or girls, and lc. i.itjr prtfrrre_ B B A\ i.i.V, Amcricaii Schcol Bureau, 2 Vf. Uti st.N. V. Iy REPARATION foi Kail Coll se ExaaJaaUot.. sum- ni.-r Resflon V. oiJOilHlLKJE bCHOUL. Ulina Auk-u»t 13. :u 1 asl Kt. ITinVERSPTT GRAMMAB SCHOOL, 1,47.1 Br<ia1wi.r, *.'d .-u Mst ,,ar i'rin.div, fratBiserial ami ¦ thorouch. M. M. llouuv. W. Ia akin. N. c. UENDRIC-BOH, BMaa For Youri-' Ladies.Country. AMERICAN BINDERGARTLN-s-San.ter seP»ion of Nol \ li, at .Sat "rai.,;., N. J. Am N 1 1 f>rk City. ) Mli.V M ,f Am. KiuUeiBaitMi N 1. il .'. I. * English, I ii, and German I day 1 Iinji lediex. I':i. o:A tc.ll..«lato Li,.. Ul. lit 1 HARRIET H BAQUET, Principal._ Bi l.l.l (,!., N J. 1 ll i'li.'ul. hume. . J. . can lugue. 1 ,.i . C. HOW KN. 1 Y\ ARLINGTON >. .vin ii:'. West SJ (I, , ,,iv aiel b .'nilli ll .1 ion Bil brain Bea ¦,. < K. li VIII.IN .'l"\. Ph. lt., prln. |l RKW LA DfES' SEMINAR. 1 \ v. l:u tr \ ii s ellka, t Br. G CROSBr SMITH, A M. 1J» LM1RA COI4LE .: WOMEB, ageta Baserlet j -'ni PreparBtory t -ur- 1 Mosie and Art Bflated by > 11 nth si rater. Ch irne* »i. uiiuansi 1 t for Cat il'.k'iio tn l*i«sl_.ut A. W. OWLE* LL li. Ell ra, N f, _ nij.ll'. ANIi J'A V RC HOOL FOP. GI "'ill : Soi dbi 1 Mais -, POKTHK, 1'rlnelpal. 's..-v and RmlOi tin ¦ .. Q'litiry tm thoil fer diildten. HOM Fi INsriTl'Ti:. Tarrvtowe. N Y-A hoardlne and . 1- v ISM M. W. METCALI l*riaelnaL ll 'III'iN KF.M'lNARf l"tl rouNO ladies! J 1 N frrs wnaurissasnd sdvautaaos In miiaie, la:,.-uj4i.'., sciences sud jrt. alUScUvo ttraUuaiua ul hun a iur iiiiuirated c»taioj?ue aldr-'ss a 1, BENEDICT. A. M. H.t. usn SEMINARY, BIMSBDRY. CONN.-HeflM J'ls.i, ^ ,l- Lsdlea lloauUfitl and healthful Iocs- Be Thies hour* (.";..!¦. Kew Vork. Ua.r hunt from Kunfort A: :i -.s i:-\ J lt .M.i.KsN._ _ Ms> Bl KL \ H i. lAKDINIi AND Ii\Y SCHOOL for (j ria, Tairy.j»ii-.,ii-<he-Hudson, will reopen Wednev tUi, C.4.''.tu. M. AudJ'aa li/ loila,!- .i.I bOptOmlMtr L \ Juotnutioii For Young: Ladies.Country. r YNDON Uti lj Pol'iillKl'.F.I'SIF.. N. Y. A Girl's School Bl thfl Les' jss Mires rronarntorr anj Ai-aleiela Com v, Muale. I .von KL wi M..-. Ul CK, A. M., Principal, llOl'KLAMl COI h . Ai K-ON-HUDSON. wu! he ci" n dir : Bend for circu¬ lar wiih full iuii culara I j1 Buy limn. W. !l UANNIOTEtt. \ M.. principal._ Rvi. m minmi.. rye, new-yoki-.. Fm purilculai. 11 tress Mis. S. J. LIFE S\i N GABLES. SIRS. WESTVOTTh BOARDING bebo I f.,r Young iii- os Bri i.;. ¦,.... V J. mit* to We.Wsler. Prepares foi sni C»lles> lu t..e j, in,,- |. ita ,r Lake wood, N. J., but milj.r. Pu, wal r Urn.Balam and Son Parlor. Illustrated ( ,n..i.r on application. rpEMPLE GROVE LADIES' SEMINARY, ll 1 Springs, N. v. Thlrty-f urth yesi begins Bepi IO kain -s i ii vs. i DO\* D, Ph.D r rpHE MISSES ANABLE'8 BOARDING AND hiv 1 School f..r roans Ladles will roopen Bep'-ember M. ut (ic. liiyuijst, New-Brunswick, N J. W Br WAI.N1"] STREET BOARDING BCHOOf, fr Young Misses and Little Giris. Rc-opens Supt, l'J (SIB i . Mi^s j. ;;tM TM *NN, Prim I] st, us on application. < :i,,: Wali-et-st-, Phltad'a. Pa. linvLNUT 1 *NE si nu,.i. |, r.-iiKI.v MADAME tv Clement's- Boarding and Day School f'.t young ladies; :.-1 3 n opella beptembei 20 A cadi nlrn on1 Col li ge Preparatory Coorara, Pupil, enter Wellesley on nur sat.ilnstlon. I".' ri.. 'Tn' .. ,i Miss ADV M. SMITH. 1 Prlnilpsls, Mrs. T. B. RICHARDS. I, lv.i'.a Boys nnd Youn g Men.Country. ALEX ANDER INS! ll i; i K.-Al Hilary Boarding School, Wall* Pl . na, N V. 0. lt WILLIS, A. M.. |_ IL. Pt ..'Ipili. fSRYANT SCHOOL. Roslyn, L. I.. N. Y.-Boardlng I* Behool ef thc highest class for boys Primary, Inter- mediate. A,. un. OEO. BRUCE CORTELVOU, Principal,_ CARLETON SCHOOL FOR BOYS BRADFORD, MASS. Hone .in I day pupils. Select and -..!.¦ S550 per Next i'm. begins s,,,,I:|,... ;.. iv~,-,. j.-.i circulars ai- .\ Mil.I ;< \. \ M t CAI Ui.V LAKE M IL1 I MIN iCADEMY, AURORA, N V. i .1. U RIGHT, H. S., A. M. I FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FrSFhold, N. J.-Porty- fourth rear; for hoys and young men Ai¬ li, v. A (1 CHAMBERS, A. M. PrlacipsL ]ELMWOOD SCHOOL cop. BOTS..Al Milford. Cooa. ji Parsnts who sro unfortunate in lbs mana:rcnu-pl ol ttielf sons will a. (ss.ll iu profit ny ihe adventagns offered by this school Address hunk M. HOWE Supa (M.I NU..'Hi INSTITUTE Ma'awan, Monmouth I n. .1 Fine toe ttlon thorough training u ll at .1 III: library; gymnasium Hi. 0. .1 Calvin Rice, A. M.. Prln. KEYLOCK INSTIT! 1 R I south Williamstown, Berkshire County, M.iss. A private selie.! for boys, ires f..r colics ,.,,,!. er bu Fm I'venth yea '. i.ui -Ui>, s> pi'mil I.e. I Ureas i. IIORGE I' '¦: ILLS, Prim Ipal HIGHLAND MI UTA Rr ACADEMY, Waree* t, MS a .l-l yeal I.rn S entitle Cf* il 0 B M eTCALP, a. M sm I 1* H.Hi.wu MILITARY ACADEMY, Wi .r, I Mass., 331 v. .h. .lu- .«-. ,.'. l.t. INS8. (. bclentlii Bu JOSEPH aluin -haw. a. M., Head Master. IRVING INSTITUTE, T.irrvp.wn (,nllu i«. ti. offer* an- usu il ii Ivan.el ¦ to usn uta ruction lat Hu i bays. Address a. ARMAGNAC, Ph. D. IAKEWOi ¦!>. N .1 . mdt Place !. foi B vs j Attractive ind ri rivi '.. f¦. 'h. pur- I s. Uovi ivi r.n-i'- rooms Careful physical, intel- 1. dual D E Tit .-.I' I'l n ". Mil LL S fl IY8' KOP tOL ii :: >rl h. Mass., ls ... . the Button nun Lowell lt Ik A BtrliUj !. t Bu) 7 15 i'i. lustre fsll tenn on (ji circular (" M. U MITCHELL, A. M., Principal. ^. KIA minn NiiRW VLB MILITARY '! i"i i..-'i b chsrpes; superior . ' mg slleya; ,. n >. KOtlKKTs. Pill I pal. / tSSlNlNG INST1TI TE, [Sing tm Uudi h. New-York, for Your." Ladies, !ll»l yeal will begin Sept 19. Beaut!- lon. ll .-. .i ii;, "i '. s iii All "ii Mn-:. ugh si ad ...'¦. i liters « ti.. I brlsilan uien len -. *¦,. s tl V \N VL1 K, \ M I" lt. Sill i. vi I) DENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CW Bl R. I 26TII Yl tR A MILITARY COLLEGE. '..! lu al nw/-lng, Chemistry, Ar hit. iui«. Clissica tory Dept, COLONEL c. i.. lil ATI, President. 1> >UGHK -ii ...... nu-:.,' -s, \v -i r Int, Nai Llastrau i calal gu B WARRING, Ph. H.. Prln. STeNSSKLAER pOLYTI HNIC INSTITUTE, Troy. It N. V. ; I Bute*. Ni l '.">. bi'Stlns Kepi 12 The )s-s, cont* .- Isl ol ...¦'. .! 02 years, «.iii their ; .Sidon ...-., ..ilise ol ht T.,', ""j', don, exp nw ¦¦ Candids ... »tance may i samlnc 1 at their hon* s. \ >u DAVID M. GRE1 NF, Dlr* KrORY SCH ll ka. I on K r Boya S.'KVi. 150 »] lee es- t. uslvi - .1 :. .-' 1 A Rev. H. L I il.Ki Vi. M. A. li tor._ t RIVERVIEW ACADEMY, ,' Bhke ; sle, N. V. .' Yeaa Prcparra ihorouehly for College, tne Govern- ii.'.nl A ca 1. .iv -, .:, 1 ll .-ne -- > Hr BISBEE v AMEN, Principals,_ ROBBINS school. Norfolk. Cooa A IP-m.- Sci.i. prep*rina boy* rmi T'.uns men for Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Columbia, nil the beat and sclcntlfl seho la Instruction vigorous snd thoroush. The home besutlfut. In a remarkablf healthy town. Ova hcurs New-York. Tcinis, ij-luO. Thfl Bi**heat ref- tiii.e.s, tut clrculsr uni partlculsrs, REV. JAMI'S A. TOWLE, rrine|nsl.__ S: li JERSEY IS&1 ITUTFi mth vear II T i, i. ..: Bu« I, Gi rtn in, Ait, Mill', irv D , , II. R T". tS» Prli t_"' .>!" 1., NORW U.K. . J 1 I- B ROBERTS, Principal. THE PEEKRKJLL MILITARY ACADEMT, Pl ke kill, N Y s ;, f0 JOHN N. TILDEN, A. M., M. D., Principal._ \*- A' ADI MY, BRIDGETON, N. J. *> \ Home for >rougn, sui .i i real Ti rms -¦¦> 0. int tv, 'i-. < ;' .ii., n.i.ra. D a. ( 1 ..l.M I. ALS. jj ,v jih.vj.k i-h. il. \|- il ESTER AC A tVOUCl SI '1. MASS. *>.'.", \ \' lisive B il | r f !> W, A III IK Ri .v l-l li, A. M.. 11 Imlu to Brown, Dart and to in -i" ..- ¦-. _ VVORRALL llAi.i.. *> RSEILL, N. Y. Per Y.uiric Bey* Ken I fer circulars. Ct "Tlfl A Vi All FOR BOTS 0«JUU BW1ZHIN C. A.M. tnsrvara). Media tPcnu.j Acalemr- For Both Sexes.Country. VLLEOHENY COLLEGE.73d rear beglna Per- IS, Ttl-. \ li I'rt-pa I maim ei lng, Muale. Both Sexes. Kxpeuaea low. Aii:,» v. ll." R G. WILLIAMS. H. I' Pp -', Mi Pi pn. Vim. M. '1 Hi; ll ll. I..-,, thirty-two mil. from Nee Ordi prograi imi for lt sn lp .' It vi'l'A- QUA MO! STAIN INSTITI TE, happsqaa, N. V. HI.Al ,. I'lli -HY lilli \l. Al ADI M i Both John J. Bl iii un lal un. lah Lal ii, ti i .. (.. man, M .- Drawing, Painting and Phytlcal i' , targa ti Ism ui uta, low ral s. J. ll. bHUMAKER, Prin.. Blairstown, New-Jersey. DI. CARMO INSTITI Ti Rhln h ck, N. v.. both sexes fut coll ee or for bu Ines*, Adtlrcsa tha Prim ., jami S M. ld. GARMO, Ph, D, i,'(.::r ICDWARD COLLEGIATE INSTITI li. 81si yeal begins Sept 10 E new buildings, steam ta ai .. .'i lu .i K I sui ses foi ii .-. i gel men, i:,- riudmr ( olh -¦¦ P p nai n sn I ion Art, To* - i each Tel Fi to Normal ( j; ard i.ii- lui I, light, washing, ¦ Mini:, s :,. idi itlon, except .\:' .,..1 Music, s :.-:, pei yea «gui. IPS, E. KINO. !>.. I ' N. V. ¦ROCKLAND <¦!.! JV :. v \i ,< i)N-'l IIE-HUDSON, N. ri ipar*torr for Mal a: Lad Special teach* lng fur backu 1 pupils v, ,..;..¦. > pi i;. Cai W, ll BANNISTER. A. M., Principal. Art/in -MAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE foi both Bries, oOUu. pei i, -i ea* E g ii -I. '.: i i'i ug, s len iii'' and ( " pn iiaratvry courses. E nie boys. Highly recommended. J. SHORTLIDGE (Yale), A. M., Prlarlpal -ccclirro. A BEST TEACHERS sopplled; no essrse TEACn- J\. l.l'.s, registered f..r SO cents for ptsiage; vacancies aiwsvt on band; fora* for aiamp. lt. E. AVLRV. Amori- t :. Behool Bureau. 2 Wet U.-SL. N. Y. AM! RICAN AN') FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCY supplies Professors Tejchers, 'lutors. i^overnsssss. Bc. to Colleges, - hool* aud Ksmlllea, Apply bi Mi:s. m. j. YOUNG-FULTON, .'.1 Union .S'iuare. I.i .\ i" Rll NCED PRINi IPAL of elly pn j sri .'.' s. ii, ny ,, oppol uni.i v .'1 :. I pi;; NC1PA I.. 1/ \ I'i 111 M ii 1. Mn .... .;«--..(. v. m J..In e^ ( \.\ll l'lll'. .' \VOMAN'S EXCHANGE Tl ICHERS' BUREAU Ifoi vr both sexes) supplies pro! I I * ... bo tkSe pera, -, sud ( MRS a n CULVER, 82!) fithsve,. New.Tors City. tyonhrro uno Brokera. Ip. w. gallauoet & co., BANKERS, COMMERCIAL PAPER. STOCKS AND BONDS. CNITI.D UANK 1ILTLDING. WALLST.. tOlUstil DiXlADWAT. H. BITCH, Jr.. JHEW-YORC, Member N. Y. blocs i.chari*. VERMILYE & CO., BANKERS, 16 AM) 18 iSASSAU-ST^ .\cw-Vork City. Dealers lu Iwresii-sai SBcs,ritiss. Stnrfvff Dunks. THE st,AMI N'S BABB nil'. RAVINGS, I ;,n I 7(1 1*Mli: TRI -1 BES have ordered thtt iBterost n entitled Ihi ri io, nader the by- BlS laws, fat 11,.- s,, ,,,, i,,Bs ,.,, I,,,.- gen,i ,,,. ,i .,..., Ons 'i i".'i ii DoUare at tho rate ..t foi it PER CENT ii annan*. i.u ii.nita largei Dill ind Hollars, bm tv.I i Dollars, m iii" rata of 111REE Pl i; ni pei annum. On ii, 'int h..: linn Three Thnussni Dollars, and I.,. prim Hie limitation nf dep i,l two PER CENT per annom, psy- a..;.- on ii t afb r MONDAY, ni'h Instant, willi \M (' mi koks. President, 111 NKV P. M \ Ks || i |.|. (ashler. N. a-York, Juli .". l- -. Diwocno ffottog. Bin ru n ation *l bank, New-York Jun 2d, 1S88. A DIVIDEND cf Three and One-Half per l: of ihls 1 auk hes bBSS declared, pays.e on ind liter July 2. 1883. The Ti anster Booka will bc closed from Ibis date to th- '.'1 | i. vino. il. II. BAZRO, _ iler_ YINi'T, FOTRTI] IMVTDKND. j-v OKI Ii ul THE NI IV.YORK EXCITABLE INBUP.ANI I. ( "MIAN V. NO. GS ss M.l.M., Ni . rora, July », 1888. The Board of Directors dav. thia da] declared n -ml- snnusl dividend ..( VI Vi. PER ( KN ff, pa; able on an after the loth 1.1-'. _< ll \s I,. GUNN, Becrei NATIONAL RANK OF COMMERCE IX .* NF.W-YORK-DIVlDEND..A aeml-annuaJ divulenl R i, il R .\ r has I., en Soi ire Bia n Um .11 .ii i after Munday, .ii.... -. Vf. Vf. SHERMAN, Caaeter. PsTORTIl STARMIXINO COMPANY..A .'iv¬ is i ,,.t nf of FIFTY CENTN per share Lu. t.n .1". \ di :. sbsrebsaSer* ol ai the Transl* r Agency or Ute company, IS Wall Strei :, on an afb July 11. Tran fi b.du till July 12. i\M!-.n HAGUE President CKVI.MY -KUM) DIVIDEND. ?-*> P Vi ii I. ll UK i:,s(|; \M i., m. IS 1 .vilMe r,n (le. il 'i.Oh ul ii, company, No. 470 Broadway, li; INK I. STIMSON, ark, Joly li 1'. PAM.. M \ N 1. 11'.TlTiT^lTlT'MANTTCrBA il SI I.\V.\ i ( OMPANY, SO AND 12 W tLL-ST., Nen V..:k, Jnlv 2. I.SB. 1*»HE BOARD (f Directors have declared tho usual (juarteilj dtvldei i of one and on. halt per cent i.n ihe Capital block ..f this Company, payable ;it this oince August l. lees, lo stu kboldera af record on that date. 'ihe ii i will be closed al I p. m., Julj ly, sod wnl bc i"'i' ¦!.¦ I st io s v 17. 1. -. i OW VRD r. Mi UOLhV, v Kern isry. Mil.WA! BEE, LA Kl SHORE AND WESTERN RAIL- SS A\ OMPANY. N us (,uk. Jane 22. 1888. THE BOARD OF DIKE! I"!;*- nf this com- 1 my have thia I a dlvl len 1 of thl ¦ .! \ .,, it mk m.' .'¦¦.. Nes -Yo loth daj ..' sn u-: in 'II er B for I el ck V ni i" i"- I ..' ll ..'.. p. in. en W Un lay. He 25th <1 iv ri. bn to¬ op ned ii -ss i'. I;.', of A'uusl ne> t. LO lot k a. (JORDON NORRI Tn-aaun r. OFFICE OF THE UNITED sf A TEH KIRK INSUR¬ ANT I. ( c, NO, 172 iil'.i'si'.u . .i | 3, I---. il DH IDEND. rri!K DIRECT!Mts have this d;iv voted n I I'.vljend of MX I'll: FF.NT. I rnli of the 1., I tl ¦. n ... ha, I ilders .... J, marni. Ol."!'.''!'. E. (MCI-;, s.. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., i i,i.. k June lt, 1- s. DfVID % A qua nert; ni ONE i'Y.r. CENT "n thu mp my has this day bet lei law on M lull in, next. The t msf. r i.ks trill bo rlose, nu It:,nv June 29. IB8S |. m., and n .pened on fueadar, July 17, 1888, at 10 A. Il 11.11' Ti". Til r: ( sv CM SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY, [FR'S OFFH'I (.". SM. IN RAL tc POT. NI ss'. \< ya.. Jun 21, 1388. 'f UK HOARD <»! DIRE! TORS nf this com- 1 pam .... thia dividend nf ONE AND UNE-QUAI'.TER I1 ss i.l.N BSD Al : I ie Kt, al this Thfl transfer books nil; be m., on \ - s _ALLYN COX, Tressurer._ THE MTCniOAN CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPART, USURER'S ..: IH' GRAND ENTRAL ST s', ION, :. ss v. ikk, Juni 21, 1--". 'VUV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS nf this coro- 1 (. la du di nd nf TWO Per .. ..ililli, on WEDNESDAY, the Ililli il i.' of Aususi m \i, .,- ibis Bl Th he rioted st ll '.. m. on fri liv, ti... 1/ ne 1 on the muru I na i.r i ; \ rnsi ni «i, HENRY PRATT, Treasurer. OFFICE PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE CO., .\ ., ,.,l tl , \ i ork. Joly ii. TIIF. BOARD nf Directors Lase tins day 1 declared a ml-annual of three per cant, pay¬ able on demand. A. c. MILNE, Secretary. THE LARI Killi, AMI Ml( UH. SN MUTHERN li s 11.SS'AV .i TREASURER'S OFFICE. CllAMi CENTRAL DEPOT. N SV-1 ORK, lui .. 21, IS88. T HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ul this com- * pan] red a dividend ol TWO Per Cent ",:-.'.i WEDNESDAY. I t nv Tl, 3 o' ii .*¦ u m un FRI- I. s :.'.,.,. il ii-! ih< 17th lay ..f Aiijtu.i next, li li. WORCESTER, Ti' CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, BR'MD Vj ss. NEW-YORK. JULY fl. I*mk 7QT1] lil V DT.M »..\ Oividi nd il IIKEE li'' ,. iii .. nn I N '. s ll si.I PER CENT un the ]' M. PARKI R s. Jil! i; nc ui I. .y MORTGAGE COMPANY ( nplliil "libsrribi-d. S'j.OOD.OOO OO tnpilnl Paid in Cnsli . 1,1X1(1.(HHMMI Mirplus nnd I nilli liled Profits . ll.*.. Ill 7- ti PER 1JB*"T DEBI NTUREfl anl GUARAN¬ TEED sl'.M Mi iRTU si.I.-. Inter si ,,.,. lb at.uuslly ii' any ot dui 'ii es Dui i ortaexes are anon Inipi .1 SUMs i.Nl.i Wi- limn nu nunn v nu ilil¬ li milli} si lin ulm rd lin. |>. ny ol thc lunns and etlt.k Alas MUNICIPAL BONDS. Rta...'.¦ .' Equitable Mortgage Cemnany »< the s, jui e ii", lt -s IOU RC ES. Rral estate morl hand . 9/04,753 27 deposit! M Hil tra :ure debentures and i,..n I-. 2,875134 4S lilli' H! i.,ll 1-. SS. Hi' bonds . (Mii.r bon I- '.'('.' VJ tee.'lttea io _-'.i ol Eli., iii.ii-., .mi Dxtures.m.,-mir, R. al .' . Ill .. e.. . 48.518 27 I remitter], hut not paid to u* .'. ;t ..'. j lesli r |,.:,n,s. 14,4998* Due noni Liiink- uni Um!., r- . lil Si o:::,.:,{:> 52 LIABILITIES. Cn pl dil pnl.l In rash ..» OOO OOO c. Surplus . .'.".. 1 li-.: ~ri profits . 05 t*i 7.' id bonds out*.nd.if. 2,5,V>,200 00 . 149,29302 . oO.uOt) (K) in paymenl of Joans aol ret dellvere,. 7.B6T4S Duo borrowers on .icomplet lean* 89.570 87 Due Ij LlaiiJl uilii;. s. ll .4.1M...'.>I.', .".J SIXTEENTH QrARTBRLY DIVIDEND OF '2^ PER C-BT, I'll.XIII.I JI I.V l.\ Is-s. (.I ncEs: New.Ti,ri;. OOM IPway Phflfl . 4th ft Choa't au 1 I- 17 D l.,,n bin. 1 loatlan. _ Kl :>:> \'iY. PAMPHLET. PACIFIC RAILROAD !0F MISSOURI! FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. The at *.?.<>.Xi.1100 Bot i 1888 The MISSOURI PACIFH iisii.s','.. .. IPANY has il", led to ¦¦. i'i n. mo . ol I Pl B CENT per annum for a protea Jill ll< 1 to I'I 1 I (.!,¦> v. l-l, f. null Bf thfl BJ len ¦¦. bi H.- HEBCAXTILB tki-t UOMPAXY, tthei tl.atteel of ext sad nea poa at 11... alla i. 1 Thfl eompanj i.j. atada BrraagflflaaBls w.Mi ki'iin. LOEB t ."ir SN'., aa bea.if af a BratHoste. ||^^'. th., hoads at maturnr, al |i*r, and ls asSSai Iha ssas bs '. li . bbb, KUHN, LOEB A OOMPABY re (..¦riliif ll, 11:1,1 ti !. rmlnat^, without r.ntlre, th'- privi¬ lege herel.y SStSB.Sd la UM ll,.n Ih tilers. A. II. I AlI.I'.F. Treasurer. .Nen Ynrk, .Inly 7, 1888. P.eferrlne 1 rn,iii-.. I. heret.y |fv«a that the Btiv-SflM t lead tl B esta, ffRl!E OB CIIAKflB, sm il .i; KUHN, LOEB & CO. C'APITALl WaRted in i Bma-facturiRS ifj and I s . I. J \s 1:. ii ,r. if Ol t ssh 11 New-Yaric, Juli B \\TV. OFFEIJ fer SftJe, am! p "IiuiicikI to in- vf reste -. * few desirabis h..nt. earalas double ti., ir .lt ll |.l|.e "Illili (Irids flllly Sl\ ly, r "111 III Kuli Uliull thu Hi I (.st un li' E £ BLM-llCI 4 CO.. SO Broad at. GRAIS AND FRODUCB MAREE IS. FFATUUKR OF M'.W-YOKK DF.AMNGS. The I'liiln inri,' fl i,'nilly svere depressed by tho crop reports os* tho Ofrrtrnmnsit P..ress st Washington. This skosred las seenNie oneaTtinn of winter erbesl os .Inly 1 te !>(> 7:..0 per cent, an advance of 2.3 lier rent Ir. .lune, mid ni sprlBg svlio.U lu be 0."..'.) per cent, un 3.1 ped cent. Tt- ssfstesjs aereeseasjs i.:i .inly i for sprlsg B/aesI ssas 7B.8 in ISBT, M ll -.'. ii, M in 1 SSS. 'I li" ciiikIIIIoii of corn ls put at .. Beales! B6.7 (iii .lily 1, 1887, 88 m 1888 and 04 In Ivs.,, 'ihe stat 1st icla'tis llsuie out from (lie wheat per- ami Inereesed sersesje » total yield of 48D,« 00 IO 4iO.(H)i.O:H> bushels. Wheat uptons eera treeed ls to lb* aaaenni of %j000fi00 bt he opeoiag w'*s ¦ee8 liadsr anticipations ol a bearish report and taters sv:is frats celling on the publication nf lbs report Th" marlie' rinsed heavy al near bottom prices ami down :i-i for July ai 87 3*4 nod A.goal at t s. ., ^ [or September at 88, t tor October al -'.. '¦'> -¦?. and :i i cent for November at 81 and December el W ....nts. sp,i ni,,.-it «;,. i-j to iii tower aad 'ho for shipman 1 amounted to snlj 32,000 bushels, oro on 'int spot droji|.i".| 1 9 to :i i rent, bul exporters si ere mdre liberal buyers, taking eO.iMio bushels. The option* wera lo sympathy arith wheat, a--- well as because of the crop showing sod Ihe rio b wa* al inside prices, and dowe i east tot August at r..> r 8, Hcpfi rjiber at .v. 7-8, amt October at :.,":; -. and 7 B eenl for November at .'i7 1-h eenta. "ats arete generaUj lin., and ended about unchanged al i". :i B for July, .'il 6-H for August, 30 1-3 for tv-nt- rmber and ;<i cents for Movern ber. There wen- saiet if j.'.n tierces of lani fdr export, bal tba option': eased off 3n '. point* s follows .iniv, 88 .17 Aupasi, *4 3U; Bcptrmber, 88 IS, and October, #-141. ii., receipt* "f crain and Sour reported yesterday al New-Yorh, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Boston were a~ follows: Wheal. 1:t:;.:;:11 bushels; corn, 20 188 bus!.els; ..a's. 86.408 bushels; total pram. 828.997 i,.i li ia; Hour. 41.887 pa .ts*- Al Chlosfo, .II- arsul. and .st. Lnsjis ile- arrivals were: Wheat, B5.705 bushels; coin. 70.197 bushels; oats, 130,840 bushels; ti.lal crain, 288,732 bushels; flour, 18,688 bat reis. .TinanriaL NOTICE TO WABASH BONDHOLDERS. A mutually mtdafaetery smnrcrrcnt his been marls arith lbs Defaoea committee ©f the geeosd Mortgage liond- .;. sad UM Committees IBPIOBBIItBg bj the undor- signed. I'n.Ier tnts arranpemont tne i/otenro t ommirtee sgree to withdraw nil opposition to the plan of reorganization, and iel-, ur- I., be received bj tho Central Trust Co. iy. That a bondholders ne upon sn eajiiai inotinK, th.-y ure now lespectfully Invited to depoetI their bonds in tue Trust Co, without penalty until tartha! aotlee, sad tba penal! sin ;. Ij paid n III ht rt turned. Fe.-.-, insure tills Mai., sim ly been filed in the Cour¬ se ile I..'-' " id decree* of salo whl bo ob- t.i.n.'i j- s,,,,,, a. prsetlcsb.,, In riew of tho very lua-e majority of honda Baited la rapport of tbs tu¬ ition, ii Ia hopi that Btstandlas bondholder* will accent thc oder now malo lo them. JAIIKslF. JOY. Chairman I'm, busing Committee. CVuXVa J. l.AtVlir.Nt F, Chnlrmnn liondboldcra' Committee. Near-York City, .lune 13, 1SS8. CIT! OF C0T iiumijui, 20-YEAR 4 PER CENT. BONDS. AMta>MKD ATKIN. 8:i'.,m-«M70 BET ini)Ki;ti.i:m>s.. i,?7.'..i(is SB POPI ..fl ION. *.H. lv:o For farther partlcuisrs catt ob or address GRISWOLD & GILLETT, 15 STALL STREET m:\Y.YOHK. TOLEDO. PEORIA . WESTERN1T.O0. Kel .> !s ie n bj given thai the crtiftr.-ite, laaoed hr thi I'i-i Mm ipa ge Ilondhold rs' ( rt..- of th TolsLv |- ii ita ll toad Companj .,¦ represent ,i-.^.(. that ml(thc leiiu.ii in th" bands .f the committee j,r-¦-r re. oresnlritfon u-li l«i redeemed st ihe offlee ..f MnRAN HU" I'll. RS, No. 1,6 WllllsnvsL. New-Yerh City, en and stu lu | .',. 1888, br tic payment of *17 73 on each of the bunda dcuo-Ued for pur cha ap ut ths rmi. _CHARLES M'UtAN. Chairman. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. CO. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION, ALT, PERSONS HOLDING ANY OF T1IF. IlONDS of ill, UN I'silin HAll.ItOAO CUMl'ANY sre a inds of in in-;...~ m. Hage by which the payment i..I. l-i- - ¦. ,, tho sum f ONU IMS! ntl li TIIOI'KAN '' DOLLA W ld. whl h, un lei -..,1 n ii tat ii, la appl able ',. !..- redemption ol purchase of -:i t bon I-. ¦ un li ,-,..-i... 1 u III re. Ive sb .1 j, r ..,.¦¦.. .1. ;,. r .,. I.m I .iff; -.. ut sit i'.iii|,anv. o il sn l Toe i.- meian ". fer the mr- il DAY. the twentieth dav nf July, ltd ..." proposal* »i!l be .- sa ur, ,,.'.-¦ ..' the lowest ort. will bs l'i..|,...1- pi li- ., " J'. |" n.- :< buri eil"...: of tl... irs'. Mortgage Bonds Bouthern Pscldc iuniioad Company." n. o. MI.LS, G. L. LA.Ns I NC. Ban Fi incl* », .tune io, 1=0. Trust * p -Port of the coNihtion of the Ii i. s i.i.s ¦; in NATIONAL BANK. Bl New-York rn v. ital. Nsw-York, at the close of business, June 30, 1 Ki SOURCES. Loans and discounts . 84,554,368 lt ts, secured and unsecured ... 8,1 16 10 rs bonds to s-euro eircnlstlen, , SflO.iHM. nih. r slocks bonds, and mortgages . . 652.050 00 Hu" from i-thei national bonks . . 144.182 27 bani s and bankers . , . *..s ,1 to state, furniture, and futures . , 610,0(1145 lurrent expenses snd tsxes paid . , 21.00.100 Cheeks and other e»sh Itoms. S.:.^:!? .h lor ii ..,.' bouse .... TS" ' ..: ,. l.iii.Ks. "." i.nal panel i-urrencv. nickels and eenta 153 75 Specie . l.r.l.l.'l 15 notes,. 177 : ',' i." s ,::..,,; deposit for legal-tenders 800,000 00 ptlon fun with t.'. S Tn ssurer (5 pei nt of ir. ul it! rn). CC..r,.',o no Ti tal.. . . . 80.008,768 12 LIABILITIES, paid In. fi.oee.oeo oo .- pin,I . 1,000, roll's. 277.HA* 07 ,,'itstnnllng 406,270 00 m pal i. 732 .".o Individual dejMisita .iihiect to checlc . . 4,035.1 "7 83 Demand certificates ot deposit . . . . 14.876 H4 ..... 188,07516 Bl -tmiling. 501 '.''. Hue tn other nat Ional banks. 1,460.880 G2 btate hanks and bankers . . 626 283 55 ¦ot.I.f'3.003,708 13 Stat.- of N'eic-Yorlt, ConntV of New-York, ss J. SUTH" ll SV SM! I'.M \N. CSShll r of 111" above named bank, du solemnly swear ihsi the statemont is trun, my knowledge and belief. A. W SH KUM AV. Ta.hler Subscribed and .wern to before me this loth day of July, ll I. BRAYNARD, Notary Public, N. Y. Correct-Attest: " RTF.VF.NS, THOMAS IH-.NN'Y, ADRIAN IBELUf, JR. Directors. Steamboat*. PATSKILL. nrnsox anti coxsackte. \J ELEGANT STEAMER KAATF.rJiKI I.I, lesses furn toot itv st.. N. R, escry TUESDAY, THUR-DAl sud SATURDAY at (> p. m.. connecting with lly.stou uni Albaoy iu.ii ia i. PaVTSKILL MOUNTAIN'S, The Old Koute. \J QI I' lils! 111 si'llsT AND llK.-.T. tTSKILL i.ViNi'.i; i.i nt., steamert RAATER8¦ KILL and .si.sKi; i. lesv* svery weet day si 0. u, m. .'nc w .tl, Catskill M,.un- I Cairo R. I( f houses, rates. Ae., send or ain.s, sv. .1. HUGH.S. Cala.ll. N v \ 0UW1CI1 LIM! fr Herston, Woft-itcri il I'ortlaiid, White Mountain* Ulreel routs tn Nen. i.!¦.¦!. Norwich, Watch HUI sad Block Island leave l" t 18 (old naaiber), North fool ..f ss ,¦.¦ st pi ti pier above I*-, i undiyt cx< 6:80 p bl TtiN Hue has um (|i|l Ilea fer BBB ll.ll url dtttrlb- utlng ' it New-1 natland (ins steamer cell «. pl Bunds ra, rieluslvely f,,r fnlsht 'I Iraets ind I K Bred .' "".' 2dl 8 17 '( '7, :i.'>7 .. nv. 1" and 13 Orwnwleh-st, 168 Bowen In I'.ruokiMi. * Couri it, 833 Wsshlngton-sl and 181 lultou- tu Al Phil *0 .N,uili River, snd on (steamers. (.. \V Hi; s i.s. Agon'. C TONINGTON LINt:.- Tho only dirfct route for NARRACAN'S-IT riKR, WATCH HILL, AND TOINTS IN RHODE ISLAND. Through purlor eir, rfltnlng chair*, between steamers' landing ant frtaitSSSSHSM Tier, without extra chsrgo. eheeked Usresaja. Msssssrs leave New Fist 30, Katta River, ihavfl CaaajVas.. at i u m- daily, rpi) NEW-HAVEN, 7 5c. 1 ! X( URSION (gu .1 tl d.rn. fl) 2B. Mein.ers C ll NOR1 ll AM and CnNTIN FNTAT, leave Tetk ally, tiSf 2i K II 'I u. m. and ll o. m. (Sundar* 1 I |, Hi S ll ii" .! Uh -t>'"-ta 'rain for MFilIDF.N. HM;TKOim. KI'RINC.FIF.I.II, HOLT- OKF, A". Through tli-ksts sold snd bagsaso rhrrked al P44 Broadway, Nsw-Yurla, snd 4 '.unit.. Brook!ya. A1;1 Steamboats LBANY -WATS. ['EoT^K'sTlNE lier tl, North Uiver, foot of Canal-st., at, ii 1'. M. dallr [Sundays axocpted). L a\e nmokByn Annex al o 1'. M. Msking direct oonnectiona at Aiijuy for all in>iiit.< Bass mid West' also with 7 00 A. M. Special lixpr.-s. f..r i, I.ako (Icorite Lah" Placid, Kimmie Line, Pull Bml tb'S and nil pents iii.ith. striving Haine d.iy. Ttikets ani baggflgfl ehecked 1-. doMtlr.atlon. 1-ru,ghi ro¬ il Ivs I uniil th" !,. ur of doiiarturc. _ A. 'I Rn i Ho A Ts. liirliicd throuffho-l bj a Bleetri lights. onnccl with .|e"ijl express trains f..r SARATOGA, I ARE OEOROE. PAUL SMITH'S. LAKH Tl.ACID, ali Adirondack and ether points on DELAWARE ANIi HUD30N ii I TlCimil'.i. Railways Blasmei SARATOGA or CITY op TROT iflava Pier 44, Bf. ft, fool Christ,,phi r-st., da-'lv except batuiday, (J p. m. Sunday steamer tanche* at Albany. PALL R1VK I. lui; BOSTON. NEWPORT. FALL. RIVER, TROY- lill.xti", and ai; EaStern's. DOUBLE SERVD E RE.SI*MKD Kill Till. BUMMER SEASON, Four steamers In commission.I'I RIM, TIRLS'luL. PROVIDENCE, snd OLD C-oLONT. Splendid orchestra oua.sed i" aaeh reaaaL Leave New-York from 1'ler '26, N. Ii. (old. No.), foot of Marray st., a- follews _ 6.30 p. m.-For tall River direct, connecting for Boa. ton, K'Xi hburg. Nflw-Bedfold. Martha's V Inevard. Nan- tu. kef, and poinia bb (lld Colony lUilroiid. (i:16 p. m..For Newport, and Fall River, due Newport Shoal .'><&; Fall River, 7 a. Bk, conneitlng with alpress trama .i'll through cars for Bontm., ( t\*i Cod, Lowell. tbs SS'hlte. Mountain*. 4c. si, i.rfi,. Nsw-Terk Bl 8:88 p. m. for all points. Returning leave Boston 7 p. Bt, otineiiion by Annex boat dally fruin Ilrooklyn. S p. m. Jorvy City, 4 p. m. Tickets and staterooms may bo ob¬ tained in N.w.York at 'JOT. SSL 711. '.M4. '.(37 and 1.323 Broadway; 2(14 West 12.'»thst. and 134 Kant, 138tfc-at, i isa Bowery, A«tor Hou*- ind Wades* Hotel; Lino Ofilio. I'ter 21, N. R. and on steamers. Send 4 tents In ..lamps to P. <>. Box 462 N. Y., tor eopy sf " Fail River Lin* Tours," and .. (lid Colony or Pilgrim Land, a profusely lltsstrasad na.sar beak and nearie 100 pages, or apply at any of shove agencies for (il (i L. CONNOR, C.. 1'. A. BORDEN * l.OVKT.L. Agta. HUDSON RIVER HY DAI LIGHT. DAY DINK STEAMS.-. NEW-TORS AND ALBANY. DAILY (rxiept Sundays). Leave Brooklyn. FtiUonst- (br Annex) ... 8'00 a. m. " New-York, VflflIfy-St Pier.8:40 " " New York. Wflflt 2ftt st. 1'ier.v :00 ¦ for ALBANY, landina at. West Point, Newburg. l'ough- seen.le, Khlnel'ik. and Hudson. Returning, leave Albany.8 ;30 a. m. A Uno BAND attached to each heat, nnnectlnos anora POINT, NEW BUBO and POUGIIKF.F.PSIE, with d/.w-n day boat, RRTNEBECK, br ferry with Ulster and Del. R. R. for resort, nf tho r.l'akllls. CATSKILL, with .peela! trains on the Catskill Mt. R R HUDSON, with lioston and Albany R, R. for Chat¬ ham, PlttaSeld, kc ALBANY, with If. Y. Central and H. R R. R. for rtloa, NIAGARA KAI.I.S. iiu'Talo. and tho West; with Boston and Albany R. R. and Flt.'hburg R R. f..r Boston, w.'h li. aud lt. CO.** II R. fur Montreal and the North, Bod with SPECIAL TRAINS TO AN li FROM SARATOGA The Nsw-York Transfer Co. will call for and check baggage fruin hotels and residences. MARI 1*1 I'oln rt POWELL FOR CRANSTON'S, WEST 1'oughkeepalo, Hyde 1'ark. lt.,n I,ul and Kingston, Every wees lay a' Vestry st. -i 15. a.ii ssesi 2-d.t 8:80 p. .. excepting ham: lay. when sho leaves one hour earlier. PROVIDENCE LINK. TIIK NEW ROUTE FOR BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, W0RCE8T-R, and all points BJatth and Ea<t, via Boston or tTniOtStSI and wu rn: mountain points. A through parlor car run* from steamers' wharf to Fi!.vans without, chance, stouplnjt at orincloal Intermediate points. Steamers RIIODE ISLAND ana MASSACHUSETTS leavo Pier 20 N. Il, foot of Warren-st., at 6:30 p. m. daily, except Sunday, com.coting at steamers' wharf with ex; ru*, train for Boston leaving 6 a. m, arriving Boston 7 lld a.m. Wagner parlor equipment; full night'* rest; shcrt rall ride. Rccves's renowned orchestrs on each Meaner. Bajre.ize checked through. I >0ND0UT, KINGSTON AND CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, i.andinu at Cransion'a (Weal Polat), Cornwall, Newburg. .Slarlb'ro, Milton, Poss Bkeepsle and F.sopus, »:t.i I,-',-, si i Delaware, Stony Clove, .... t --_ 11 Mountain .ml Kaaterskili railroad*. Steamers CITV OK KINGSTON nnd JAME* ss. BALDWIN leave every wees aa] ¦ . p. m., pier fn..( of Harrlson-et, N. lu. except Saturday, when i ITY OF'i.n iei,«s at l ii m., kan.ns only at Newburg and Ponai..'epala, connecting with sp....'.al train for nil Summer Resorts through the Cat.kill Mountains Leaves Bond ir Bundsr nights bi ll o'clock mi arrival nf sj rain from th? mountains, arriving SI New-York M nd.iv. fi a. m. Railroads. pENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. V/ 1UUT ol' 1.1 lil .'I Y bTREET, NORTH RIVER Tabla of July l, 1888. For PIlILAIMil.rill a and TRENTON, " Bound Br.>ok Route," a: I, 7:45, li, ll a. m. 1:80, 8:18, 4. 5:30. 7 30. 1-' p. m. SUNDAYS at « tl a. ni. 5:30. 12 p. m. Trains leaving at 4, 7 :4.\ 1 1 a m.. 1 :30. 4, 5 30, 7 :30. 19 p. n.. lias- connection fer Reading, Harrisburg, Potts¬ ville, ete. ; 4 a. ih. fur Easton. Bethlehem. Allentown. Mau.h Chunk, Boad'na, Harr'sharc, ott. 8:48 a m. for l.j»" tfopateof c, Ursion, Bethlehem an! Ali. nt..ntl. 7 00 a. m. for Fl> minzton, Easton, Bethlehem. Allen- town, Msuch Chunk. s :, ii. in t.r Fieml'ie'on. Lnk* Hopa'cong, F.a«*on, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Beran- lon, Readln Ila rlsburg, Pottsville, Tamj.iuj. biumo.ii. bunbury, Lewjsbura, Wllllamtport, 1 p. m. for I lemington. Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mau. ii Chunk, Resdlng, Harrisburg, ete. 8:45 p. r for Faston, Bethlehem, Altentoirn, Msurh Chunk, Wllkcsbarre, Bcrsnton,, bhsmokln. ', ii'i p m. for Flemington, I. k-. ltoiuicong. Faston. Bsthh heit A! ti a S CO sui S:80 p re. for Somerville and Flemington. 5:48 j.- m. f"i Ka eton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Maueh Chu uk, BtSdlns, Harrisburg, etc. On .Sundays at 5:80 4. 8:18, 0:30. U;tS B. m.. 1 :30, 2:30. 3:30, 4, 4:30. ¦, i.i. rt; p. i-i Bondsts, 8:00 a m., I rOO p. m. f..r Red Bsnk, Long Brnneh (Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, exeepi tim 'j,- ri" i' isant Parlor Cns a', B:80. ll 15 .. m., 1 :8a 8:80, 4 30, s 30 p. m. 1. s 15 1 m SO 30 11 m. for Farn lugdale, LAKIv WOOD, M'i hester, Toms River, Barnegal eu 4i m.. 1 SO |, n for Beach Haven, ATLANTIC CITY, 1. Brldgi lon. 4 00 15 80. 10 30, 11:18 a. m. 1:30, 2 ::*.>. 4, ¦'. ii". 5 00, .". 80, 8:15 i>. m. bundar*. 0 a. m., 4 p. m. for Perth An For MONMOl TH PARK RACES on Taaeaajs, Thursday* end Snturdaya, H. 15, 9:30, 11:15 a. m., 12:15, 12:45, I :80 n- in Parlor Car Train, t no a m. SWIiY IlnOK ROCTF For LONti BRANCH, OCRAN (.ROVE, etc, FROM I'll'R 8, W. R. Ft Highland B'ai-u. Beflbright, Monmouth Reach snd Long P.Nneh, 4.30. b :0O. 0:00, ll :oo a. m.. 1 00 3 IS, 4:80, 5:30 p. m. SuiidjJA 9:30, 11:00 a. m.. 0 :80 a. ir. for I Iberon, Ashnry Pnrtt, neem Grove, etc., 8.00. 9:00. II 00 1 m., 1 '00. 8:45, 4 ito, 5:30 p. m. For MONMOUTH PARK RAC1 Bon Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturday*! 6:00, '.coo, 11:00 a. m., 12:15, 1 un 1, tn. For A'lantte II!eM.n1«. 4 30. 0 :00 a. m. (I 00 Saturdays ll 15, 4 30, 5:30 i). m. I', i.,,.,- -I Ti His ll.\.i au.l Rarnegat, 4 30, 8 00 a. m., 1 00, ii: t > p. m. Tickets snd Parlor Car seats ean be procured at 71. 415. sm 'ni 1.110. 1.823 Broadwar, tut flth-ave.. »m West PV.ih.-t.'. 182 Fast l-' s-.. N-w-York; 4 Court-st.. 8d0 Fulton-sU, 08 Brosdwsy, Br..oktyn. N. iv York Transfer Company will call for and check bsggsge frosB or n-sidenco. EHIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. PASSE.T6EB TRAINS -BYS toot of Cortland: and Desbroaaca als. aa follows: 0 OJ a. m. tot Ca.BBU4)Bfl sud Intermediate points. 8 a. m. for Geneva, Lyons, Klmlra, Rochester, BulTalo and the Weat sud prlucip. local points. ChSaf sar io Elmira. 1 p. m. for Tunkhannoek sud Intermediate BStaHi Ch»lr rar lo Tunklianuoc. Cooucctluu to Bead.HI and Harris- burg. 3.40 p. m. for Pittston and principal lntermsdlato points. chair car to I,, and II. Jun.tlon. 5:10 p. m. for Mauch Chunk ant Intermedtate points. Connection te Read.og and llarrlsbuig. Chair car to Mauch Chunk. 7 p. in fer Oenevs, Lrons Flmlra. Rochester, Buf¬ falo snd the West. Pullman sleeper to Lyona H 15 p. m. for Lsurays and Intermediate points. Trains leuvlng at 8 a. m., 1 p. m. and 3:40 p. m. con¬ nect fur all points in Mal,moy and Ha/leUia coal, SUNDAY TRAINS. ti. il for Mauch Chunk, Uj^ loton ind intermediate points. fi .45 p. m. for Coplsy and Intermediate points. 7 p. m. for (leneva, I.Tons. Flmtra, Rochester, Buf¬ falo sud th* West. Pullman sleetier to Lions, Ueurral Eastern omeo. 235 Broadway. VKW-VDKK. ONT A Kio AND WESTERN ll ll til.WAY.-Trains leavo ftoiu leiries at West 4JJ BB 1 Jay ats. as follows: Weal i.'.i -i ,' ,">o a. m. : Jnrst.. 7:35 a. m.. for Mid- diptoan, I'.iliiniii". Fsllaburg, MontleeBo, Liberty, Wal¬ inu. Delhi Norwich, Utica, Roms, Oneida, Ful'.on. o.*- wego, Butfslo, Detroit, Chi i| West 4'JH .1 '.1 lu a. m., JflV-st, 8'55 *. m.. for Wallkiil \'a,'."i Stations, Lakes M..honk. Minni wjska. wn, FalUbti/s, Liberty, White Lake. West 4'.Msi, 4 I" |.. in J.n st. 1:81 p. m. for Wi.iuill Yalies stations, Lakes Mehonk, Mlnnewssks, town, Itliioiiiluu'tiurg. Mt. Hale, MontlOSllO, h"ull.s- Liberty, \\ hue Lake, Rockland. Weal 4Jtst., 4:50 p, m., Jay-at,, 4 :3.> p. m., for Campbell Hall. Middletown, Bloomliigburg, Wur-¦ -llenvllla W-st 4?ls... n :"."> p. m. liv .' 0 IO p m.. dally for Middletown, rslUburg, Liberty, Walbm Norwich, (luella, Oswega, SusihuisIoii l' J ¦. Detroit, Chicano, .st. Laois, Built bleeps. lo Munal a lalla, Reclining Chair Car li. .... .. haturda) half-holiday, Weat 12d-st, 1 15 11. m.; Jar- at. I 00 p. m., foi Paraobell Hall. Middletown. Bloom, Inebura, Ellenville, Fallaburg. Monticello, Liberty. ssii.:.> Lake, Livingston Manor. Walton, Delhi, pullman hrawlns Room aeata ind t.erths re-Tved nt 3''7 Broadway Time tables, ti.-k.-r-^ *¦... ai 80/J :i.>: 044, 1.828 ll road* ay. 73: Gth-ave., 184 last 125th-st,, '.Iii* Wea* UithsL. Nbs YorB J. C ANBERBON, ll. p. A., 18 L\tbango Plac. New-York. VEW-YORK AND LONG BHANOH ItAl(7 II ROAD, ||'U RFD BANK. LUSH BIIANIH. OCF.AV ORO VS, AMH'Ri P\KK. (H FAN BEACU, M'IllN(i I.AK!., POIN I' I'LRAHANT, ftc ( cst Ml \i INO .11 I. Y I. 18*1. 11U1.NS 1.1 ns I. NF.W-YORK, rOOT "I' LIBKRTY- 8T., 4:00, B 15, *8 SO, -il 15 a bl, 'I BO .'-' BO A VB raat expreas 4 00, -i BO, :. ;i". 0 18 p. bl isuii.ii\-s '.' isl a. m. mid 4 nu 11 in FI'.osi FOOT CORTLANDT ,\M> DF.SRROSRF.J1 RTR., 8:80, 7 tn, ".1 in a, iii 12 00 noon; -J no M IO, it rn (limited express, except H. d Bank), 4 'jo, .'> no, 7 PS iv BL Mindai.. 7 LY Slid a. BL j 00 B, m. I.. ';..'. s .\|.i «^ trutns. r.i n:s r.i.oi.i.irr. r wood, ii p baldwin. sui-r Qm paaAgt-P 11 it. c. \- \ c R R ,\ 1. \DVFRTISI Mi NTH FOR Till; NEW-YO RS Tiail- NI WILL BK RI'' 1 IS I.U AI' Till. UPTOWN (j ,. s, N',, |,288 Broadway, coraoi Thlrty-Brat-at, m.iii ti p m u.'.o Broadway, botwpi Twenty aicond and Twenty third st., until lu. n. '.Til West I'wentv third- st., earner F.ighiii-svo. j l,w Sixth ave. j \yi |narth-ava., somer Fourteenth at.; 7uo Taiid-ave., eernar Kortv s«<v- enih st 1.0('7 Thlrd-svr., near butletliat 1.70H Vlrst- ss.. t80 W.-st Fnrty semnd st. Ninth ave. sud hlxly- .-:-. ht le st., and 88 Liberty st., aiid the HARLEM OFFlCFi. IHO Fast One-hundred-aud-twouty-Bflh st., up lo ll p. m. at regular othes rites* 1-SBb'sWbH. j' iRTHERiN J;AI LEt >a D o'^KwrSarY* ll-Trains have from Chaiiiberast, btatlon weak a_ ' .... L ..,.;... r...,l Tma«« Cit,Nf.-I k,.».l.l,l -_..."¦»¦ tor B-glewood, Tenaflf. Uoater. bpamhiil, axil VyTfai 6:30. 7 00, I -'. U-V) and lt :iV> a m.; l ir /Vf SCO. 4 80. SM, 5 10, li:40, 8 '(0, 10:80 p rru l\ midnight, Sundays, 7 00, 0 :.»0 ,v m 4 aril S d.' «" .Of Naimet, Spring Valley, M"nse7 »,,,* Tallmana. waai days, 7 co, 9:50 a. m.. 4:50,, C.10 p. lu. buu_ya, tt 44 ERIK RAiLWAT.-Tick*j| ilOeas, 401. .Tin 711 and 1)67 Broadwar, 153 12 Lowery. 1S7 Waavsv 1 Battery Pla<( rs ai. 1 23d Minot lorn., ~i**Z \, . Kl .m.! 188 "i .. .-. Hr..kiw.: jr,/ BraMwsv Wllliamsliuig (..n.e. Newark ant Hul«.ti s-. li,v>lc«»;' 62 Montgomery-st., aad New btallon, lerasy cur «i,'ia Tickets and Parlor or Sleeping ('ar i<-i*>rvarU>na , .. r\'r% fur l.ei-un.g and transfer ot baggSgs ,411 b- obtained. Ss. nress tr.iln ileflv* * '. ¦'. B iUU'i s a lier than dad ,..<,»¦ from Chambers-rt ; loi il -run. ". (/. 10 roinatos sartlss il a m., Hay Exp*.a*, burnt drawing-room o.aehafl to Buffalo; (tillman -i.'.-iiing coj.i.s li.,.-.,- ...vii.o t* Clio Inna and levels 1 10:30 s. m.. weeB daj». fx'swsre Valley F.i-.-».s, carlo* ear to Binghamton. Owegn Lim In and Corning. 6 i> m. .!a iv. " Chicago and Bl Loni* Llmitod.'rs solis Pullman train of day arid barf. . r,.-. t/i Haf. fain, Niagai.i Falls, Clevelaad. Chicago, Claelnassi sail St, Lou." BO '"'ii ,t.»r ."¦ ( il faVM 0 p. B... dally Chicago I.<!¦'.-. buffet sleeping '¦r.ach's lo Binghamton. Owcga, Finora, Ibu tit* ter, Buf, fslo. Cincliiiiall sid Chicago. RumeiforJ ai.a, 4 45, 6, 7, 7:50. | my, 10:30 a. m. 12 BSafliJ 1 1 45. £ 8 40.4:10. 4:40. 6.10. .130. 5 M. 6.Pi. S SO, 7 :3o. 0. 10 :.'io p. m. i 13 n'gi.f- Also u, Rutherforsl 8:80 a. BL ; 4 .10, .". 80 ;, ai la Paaaal .. ".. 8 1" .. 40. m. Mundill*. 4 4V ¦¦ a. n,. riooftj ¦4.-,, 3, 4, ¦'.. fl 80, 7 SO. '¦». I" 90 I- iii I-' iilvhl. Fs'erson-4. 4 .45 0, 7, 7:50. 0 30. 10 *0 a m. IS noon' 1. I 4... 3, 3 SO, if io 4. 1:10. 4 ii | ft lo. f. 80, .'. SO, 0:10, 'i SO 0 IO 7:80 8, 10 i'i p El 12 night Sui. . y*. 4 45. 8 KO. 10 ti a. rn 12 i oaa ; 1:4a, B, 4, .'.. 8410. 7 :.«'». 9. 10:80 li- Ba.j 2 n..iit Nr«a,k and I'ateraoo, via Newark .'. 4,, 0 SO, 8 ii li. 11 <0 a. m.; 2, 3 80 4 20. 4 SO, ', .. .', a), fl 20. 7 3d, 10 p. m.; 13 i,.ght, bui lays. Vi a. m. ; is 30, fl IO, s p. rn Ridgewood and SufTern-4. 4:48, 7 V> 8:80, 18:88 a sat 1, 3. 4. 4 tSO, ¦".. .-, BO, 8:10, 0:40. 7 SO, 8, io::«o p. _. ; 12 nltfh'. Al-, ui Ridgewood, h :30 a. m. .', -0 ,.. m. J i. Barrera, .'; SO n sa, Baadsys 4.45. b.3.j. 10.34 a. BL 1 :46, 4. (J:.'(() p. m. 12 I Newburg anl Cornwi !-7 :'.:, 9 a. bl 3 80, 4, 4 30. 8 00, 8:80 |. bi bun laya ti ¦ bi i 4.".. 5 p. ra Warwick.Week du., 4:4a, «. to 30 a. m.; 1. 4 *o ». m. Goshen.( :45, 7:80, 9. I" .3" ». m.; 1. ' :30, 4 88. 5 80u 9 0. BL Sunrtiiys, 4 15 8 80, li a i-. 8 .JO. B i> rn Mid'tlei.iwn anl port Jervis 1 16. 7 SO, 9. 10 80a m.* 1:80, 4 :30. 5, 7:80. -> p. m. Sundays. 4:45, 8 30, 9, s. n;. 5, r, .3,1, 9 p. rn Fspreas trains from the West arrive In New-York BS 7:05, ll .Vi a. m.. a.,a 10 20 p. m. W. .1 MT'ICl'Ilt*. La, P. FA RM FR. Oen'l SuL-'t _General Pi'sengor Agaa! MEW-YORK Cj-NTBAL AND HUDSON Lt RIV KR RAILROAD. OBKiil TO LR-TRACK litL.SK LINE. Un snd alu-r Jun ¦... GRAND IN i RAL STATION, Largest ind Fli ai rd--,.nL'.'r btatlon in America. 'Is a. bl, Reel ste* 1 ¦.,,.. .-,, Irawlns-rooka car* ts Alb.iy, Tr,.y and Byrac uso. 9 a. bl, Saratoga, Lake George, and Montreal. Special diswing-room cars Iwell. Lake fJeoi gs. Plattsburg. a"d Monti kibe*. 9am I - s :, * ¦¦: mia -. Luierne, N ,rk Creek, Bchroon Lake, Blue M. '.i.-a.i, Lake, Sc uinwBte. room car lo Saratoga .0:80 a. bl. I AMOCS VF.STIBULED CHICAGO ANTI st. i.dii.-, Limited, codi 1 ;u-i..y of t,uir«i Ping ea. . for Albany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester. BoiTuio, Nugara Falls, Jir... 1 ids pol is ana Toledo, arriving at Chicago at, 9 :80 a ... S*. Louis 7 lo p. bj. next djy. HO 3d a. bl, (.1 kalla Ts. ronui, Cleveland, Clouia.ttl, Indiinapolla. Ix-troll a.I ... lu C..ui.Igua, Ro -r an! Iliriiti-id bj 111 3o a m W»t«ern New-Terk am Northara Exiress. f..r si r,.i, I.ii,.' Georgi*, Rm (ton, N, ita AJ'im«. ste. Lira cara 3:3ii p. m., Saratoga and Uti. special, with drawing. \... 1. Runs th..jui[B to l.'jk.- - ni.'y ¦4 a, bl, s Albany and Tny. Cea> Beets foi '.'. 11 anl ;mer med.aia hhura ll. R, ;C p. m., Fas'. Chicago. Cine'nnatl sn1 St. Louis Fx. fir Na presa ft Niagara i Buff* Bildge, las .teal I, ( IticinnaU, Indianapolla. bt Louis, lj..'.n/it. aul Chicago, w.ta ^ lng -ii. i dil lng '-irs .t j. f..r (iavton dajiy, Including Munday; for riul Bmlth's, daily .lav Through 1 j, r.'.r-, lo ( layton uni Paul Smith's via Ut...a anl li., w. a:. 1 0, il. K ?11 so p. BL, Montreal and Canandatgua Fxpress, dally, s to Plattsburg and Mon*real via Rnuse's Poins ¦nd via Bl Albani Bl* loByi ie and Cananualgns, daily BXceut sunday. Sunday 'ruin .11. . Bot .uu wost of A.b.ay. ¦»o SO ii. bl for Ad -. ! 1 ii4.y. Lyon M luntaln, i- ni ¦ .. tc, I and Chai id: 1 as ¦¦ I.u- lorne, North Creek, fi n Lake. Blue Mountain L.i», Saratoga and Adirondack Railroad, isl cplng .ar Now-Tork to Plattsburg. Con 1 sleep.jj cai will b* nu from New-Ti :.. N " 8 j> Bi., Specl S arris 7 to s. nv, Buffalo a :35 a. BL. an i I levi land 1 :._'". p rr- ¦til mi, h.. 1 a -1 .Ni., i. ifield SnrlnMs r, Buffalo, Niagara Fall* ..\eiand, ( .neinr ind C hleago. eplng tn-. bi.'.ping cars Canandaigua oa band ij . only. U ii,, li, lint, Al'.rin-ta.'k Mountain Special for Sars'oga, Lake George, 'Plai Lake, Mranao La..a, Paul Bmlthra. tc Sleeiilng cars to Albany Tickets and spaee in and sleemng ears oa sale s? Gland Central Station 413 7-0 aol 942 it.-oadwsy, I a Psi k place. I I '"U W«**t l.'.-t,.'., and Station, Nsw-Tors; 333 Wsshlngi g and 73^ Fulton sta., Brooklyn, and 79 sth-st.. Williamsburg. We*ttott's Rxpreas calls Ijr and caoe.. ojchj^o frons ¦ real len, ea ¦r.uu dam ml. rs d.itty excrp*, Sunday. tS'cp »r, i3Sth> st. btstion to taK> un psasecgera .' No and J. M TOI KV HENRY MONETT Gensrsl Suporlntenitent. Ger.ersl Pj-»en»-- r Agent. PEjNjS'SYLVANIA fiAlLKOAD. vu sn aile1 11 i.i -"1. (.Kl AT THUNK KINK AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROFTE. Trains ham Nea fork, via DeaortaMia aud CortlandS erects Ferrii s, j- follows. Harri"burn. Fittsbu -' uni the Wi sr. with Putlmsn Palaca Car. attach 1. y .. u a m 8 :80 D ninn Car, ad Bp m.- daiiv. New-York and Chicago L.mii'd of Pdti.r. Dhai.s, bi lng and VatUbnlad Oats SS . ssw a. m. evury day;, Lock Haven, 9:m!a. m., 8 iftrt p. m.; C r*y and Erle at 8 li mnectlug at i.(.rry for T.'.ea- Mll- and the >,I KCglOOa For Le ba 1 CO p. m. and 12 :13 nlrht. Fer Nurriaiowti, PhenlLvllIe. Potts.wn and Rea/lmg, 11 " j 1. 1 'i and 4 :(,.0 p. m. fcaturdaya only, s p. BL Si ula)a, 6:15 and 10 a. m. Ballin;..te, Washington and the Souih. .. LimKea Wash, urea* ol Pu..'nan Pa Cars, dally «'..¦:.» Sunday. Ki a- bl; uiiivc SS'a.iilngton 4:00 p. m., sol dai.y, ultu U.i.ini; tar, ul 3 40 11. m.. arrive Wash- logion '.'!.: P. m.; regular at » 20, 6 vO and 1:88 a. bl, 1 ¦'. 8:00, 4 30 ai-1 y :V" p BL, snd 1-' li SundaJ, 6:1s SSd 8 a. ui., 4 :8w and 3 p. tu. sud 1^ 15 » For Atlantic city, ll :io a. m., 1:00 anl 2 :00 p. m. aeek days For May, 1 p. m. n-reic days. Lune li. 11 .. Hr. Junetlon and intermediate sta. tiona, via Itahaai anl s iboy, 3 .'<". 7 io ind IO am. 12 1.. 2 30, 8:11 4 50 .'>. .nd 7 p.m. .' bunda) 7 :',. sod '.. 18 a. n Bad .". p. ai ido not atop 1* Aal i.-v i- ... For 018 Foint and Norfolk, via New-York. Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad, 8 p BL, dally; via l>a.u_ora and Bay Line. 4 :ao p. m \»i"k days Boats cf '.Brooklyn A' nex" .onset wt»h a.i thi-ougb trains at J' rs, v ciy, aiTord.ijg a apceily and direct iranslcr for Brooklyn travel ffOB nilLuVDELPHIA. Express trslns Isave Now-york, via Deabroases sag 1 orusndt streets ferries, as follows: C.2U, 7-'a s. y ,y. Cbaisgo L.m.t<., with Dining car, and io, \s is nngton l. avitfl I), and ll a. m., 12 ;^0. 1, a* 3 'JO, 4, 4 .3(.i, j, (3. u no. a uni j n. ii., anl 12 15 n gb- A.'i- n, 11.o lal on, & :80 a,id ll ilO S, BL, 4 .40 and 7 p. m. bundara, Express c. .li. B 9 LlBlUal) ai. 1 IO *. m., 4, 4:30, 5. 0. 8:80, b and 8 poi., and 12.1 i ulgbb. Accommodation, 7 p. m lru:ns leaving New.york lally, exeept Sundar, it li, I and 11:10 a. BL, 1, 2, 4, a, 8 p. m. and ld a. rn, and 7 p bl on honda va, emin il rrenton for Camdan. Ticket Offices, Noa. 1. 4il*>, M9 anl '.'*» Broadwar. I Astor Monas and I001 of Desbtos*.-s and Cor.*adi eta; 4 Court-St and Brooklyn An toot ot Fultoa-Sl, Bi ok vu; btatlou. Jersej c.: EaUatrani Ttekat o_ce, (.a-- Garden The New-TorS Transfer Company will call for eal check baggage from hotcia and icslden.ea. CllAs,. E. ITCH. J. tl WOOD General M ¦¦ (ieneral l'ass'r Anent. ("lAl'E CUAKI.KS HOi'TE V^ FOP. OLT) POINT 1 'SMFORT, NORFOLK, PuRTsMOUIjMi anu iiu: bOUTH. NEW.TORR. rilir.vnM.rillA * NORFOLK R. K. Train leaves foo', ot Cortland! ant l)e»bros*es sta. dally. 6 00 p. m. Tlikcie and deeping be,ths a.'cured ai any Ti.-k.t Ofltee of ti" Pennsrlvanla Railroad Co. II. W. DL'NNR, bunt. R. ll. COOKE, G. p. t ». A, WEST SHORE tUJLROAD. Vt N. V. i'. t li. ll, ll CO., lesseea Trains leave Wesi rj;-1 stat.a follows, and 20 BinUt' s .-allier fi .in loo) ol Jaj m.. N-rih K/.cr Detroit and lilcago, -'.i..',;, a. bl, '0:00, 13 p. m. Bt Loula ¦('¦ 00, -o :18 i>- o'- Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Suapenalon B'idge, Ni¬ agara Falls I 0 .".."> u. m.. ..' 00, *a 15 0, bl Utica, 3:l.i. ..' :..".. ll .M.. bl, ¦(> 00. .> I'S p. m. Kingston, .vm. Albany, 8:18, *7l3. .f 89 lt ::. - 4 ¦. '. ,.,.,- ', (ran-ton's. NS . Iwaif, Ncwborg, *3 IBs .7:1-"., "8:88, 1" IS, ia il to .t. bl, [a I 00, 4 LO, fi 18a .8:15. »:45 li. BL, and 8:00 a. in, 3. li and 0:00 ,». m.. Cranston's, Cornwall, N. wt For Montreal uni Canada li-', .("> 00 p. u, HBBBllton, Leiden. ".. M Bl Mi w. *S 15 p. ra. To. ronlo, 1.1 ¦.: (ki. '8 l*> U. tn Elegant sleeping-cars tor Butfal ., Niatrira Falls, Detroit Chi.-ago and Si t.oui*. Saratoga Sped* a, j 11 A* 1. r.- i* 3:15 p. m. Draw. Ini r. ., Lake George, tl 88 n In av, lng-Room Cars to Cald« areli, Haturdaj - on 1. 1) 8:45 p bl Lak.-s Mobonk and ",: nu wanka, via Near-fnllg, 9 Ois, tai 11 88 a bl. (a| 8 1 ¦". p, m. Dm wing-Roora Cara to Kiiiu..,,,, on 8:00, il ll .10 a. B it .4.'. 11 m. trains. KaatrrakiU, Hunter. Grand ll .ii; k.aa, 1:15, t) 11 SO .1 in - 3 :43 p. D Room Csrs la Grand Hotel Station and lo ['hoenl ia for Hotel Ksaterakl *nd tl nt nu H .us,. 0u y iV. |BJ ll JO a. n and 0 i"¦ i' irsliia PalenviUe, Cairo aud Mounts ti asa RUtt**), I t*>. 7 t'.. '.( 00, ia ll SO a. 1.1 is ;t t". ii Roora Can io Calaklli o', (j) 11 :8o a. u. and i»i S .45 u. ._ tralna. ¦ p.iiiy. . Dali* 1 ".- daily exeept Si nday. i.. ...¦ .1. r, City, P. lt 'stu tion, .1 :1 o -.:¦,. btatlon, ,4.11 ..lin (.. m. for tli'K'>;s. tim.- t ibles |,n;,i:- ni' 1,00m. p.,1 la tlc . Hr... kl] 1 Washlu/l..ii al v too' ot Kui- t.i..,r N'.v v,.., , - u U It r 1', 1 1 Bowery. 12 Park plan 11 ss.-' s.iorv Stations, fo>>i ol Wesi jj\ n ,\ lt C I \ P, 5 N'ai '.'.'.,.. (. ., Sigsut. T-B-JaNa Fuii BOSTON via New-Tork and New_n*riana and New.Tork. New-Haven anl Hartford Roads. . Leave NF.WYOUK 10 A. M.. «3 P M ll 30 P ht. Arrlv.. fBOttTOH 4 IO P. M "9 P M.. 7 A. M. l'Alll.Ol; CAM ON DAV TRAINS. PULLMAN SLl.l I'lNU CAI'- ON NICIIT TRAINE. .8:00 p. m. Dallr, lin lull-ig Sunday* Olher trama daily BBJaaSS Sun la) a. bicupinit ur a, .>n.iii.>, aaa san aa secured at ticket oninoa. sj: Broadway, and Grand Osstisl DefSi <li()Ki: 1.INK-AI.I.-KA1I. ROUTE-POBj *J BOatan. New| and tho IJaal Kspreaa leavea Urana Central station at lu 00 a- n. aad 1 00 p "". for Wau-a Hill. Narragansett Flor. Ne«is.rt, ant li ' Boston \ 00 b. iu. Limited iv -' N_2_* \T1' lin,,, anl Huston. ll SOD, BL Night L sp re sa for hos- port. Pray.euco, BoaMn-dally. l'_ac« PaiUr Cara as licenj_g ij.a ti doalluaUol. M

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Page 1: CIT! OF C0T...K. HEWPORT ROUT..- New-Yerh te Boeteo, via New. pert ant I ii. Riv t. With Descriptions el Newport and hi insett Day. i..wi'. VI. VT RIVER BOUT.,-New-Terk to the White


BRABIBEflt DI8EABB.-4)tMervattasa rosie IBB s eon-

sidBOOMS Batted by a BIlBStSIgfeOSB (.Sg.) l'hvsii-lnn. re-

(.-ni linc is kii^wn as brattava1 o_ssas* Br, n« lt basBaree t naasd." brsaewarki ra* agaa ¦ seer's thai Um wantall gai |fl -Iii .tile or acute eeggai pel*.nina: aln.est all Ihe

BatteBtfl WBO are copter ur Lins, wacOO*! have a gist.letpeso bea er basal sa ike aeek Bf Bm teeta, betwets thearawa and tba BOBS, the Bdga Bf the pum being *I*'

BjUtatly t I.Bil inspiration. l«i>. betagaf.a stained gieeo, aad wMta>a_ued wertasaw hsefl i

Breenish tillite te their b" Ks; t.BBS situs lx.lnilnc ta an

ase rp* Bf copper bo tho we k a, n i Bvettag lae vtaothat UM aili" is due.In laic,' part pl lBBSt,%B '.ms BS*.L Itu*.

the als.. boObi fran otha r mnmpomtm, . s s_notanatara, wm h hm a*9raaeOflta metallic taste, colic, .ii, din'i h...rc nervetisii, ss and VSltaOfl pains; deafness la

not Infrequent, couch and aphasia often Beear, and paresisBf the less and symptoms like those of locum..ter ataxia

hove beea ea.rvoB_

CHBON10 Tt'.A INTOXICATION.-The details nf more

than sereaty ,«.-<.» .: ebroalc tea inuixlcaiten, as taveaUby him, ave p^hiMied hr Pr. millard, of Betta.

lils eooclaatoaa are toai the acttoa of tea i» caatolaUra, »nd

lunn' pii.neuiK.'.l in the ease "( UM vein,. and these.. .j ,,i physli d. alt hnUK h p."-urns o'her-

atafl healthy eeeasteeally shu* te\ic syayAeass; the aver-

see amount of tlie bamaga regetrad le gtadaci poaBoa*.ila perms aceastowMd to Its ti bi rai ass heine somi!-

what less u_a Bve cups pet day. This chronic toa pois.iiniii?. Hr. B aslklMM ItseU la lees of

Sys| la, palBttaUeo, aeadaeao ead aervesj.m.,.. nf finn n. rvs sftaetloaa

QERMAB STUDIES in vaccination.-The aaaa-

y the Oanaea Govetasseat te ¦she ,i

stu iy of the objections t.> vsecinaUoa and aaO*veee.n>ti"n. apii-iu ta have fl.6 Be* th taveeUsBtlssks, Bo¬

to a report la thai .¦ Annal's ,1'llvclene Pobilqos."v ats In l.ta report la U a- Um I s

BB) SHHIllpOS varies

greatly ta different persons, bal ls Hi" mein it ls abeat

j ita; ;. vaeeli iry tea years sftat pri-v,,.\ -. :: -.ii. .i.i twa well-*.irked vealcloe ate es-

basan ¦ sac essfal pi iteeUve raeetaottos.

Kcm pnblirationo.nwiNToirs (.ni)!:-hooks.'""

s-ns sod Resorts on the r.nutes.

li.u ~ :;\ iii WITH mats and WOOD-CUTS.For nb at t... katy rea aad eeweaka.Ie Trice, 25 cents

hudson river rt te New-Ter* to west, point.M ant* v.; ii v. Troy. Saratoga Springs Lake

- >t.mtieai and Qos-bri \ i Hudson River i a Contains special maps

liJaiK MoilSARATOGA ll.I.' 8TEAT1 D.The Visitor's Guide to

! wood-eats.BAB iTOOA MINERAL WATERS.- Dlreettaoa tat their

n. v, .. s : ,.; 0| s .... ¦;, bprtnea.B \s.lI)K RESORTS ',n the AtlsoUc least.

NORTHERN RI - TS B lion la Ihe White Moon-tails. 1.kc Memphi itas, Lake Cham-pta.i, ('..!. i.-'.¦-. .. Mon hoe.

rill*-ADELPHI \ \Nti READING RAILROAD ANDTill. 1'ENXM'LVANIA COA1 REGIONS -New-Yorki,i. 1 Ph ii Doti raw Water(.j.. Maorh Chunk, Sci.lion, Harrlebarg, WllHamsport

ira.1 RIB RAILWAY ROUT..-New-York to Ithaca. Wnt-

Loki.anl NuiMi.i i ills, \ ., R inches.



HEWPORT ROUT..- New-Yerh te Boeteo, via New.

pert ant I ii. Riv t. With Descriptions el Newport andhi insett Day.

i ..wi'. VI. VT RIVER BOUT.,-New-Terk to theWhite Mi Obtains, via N. V. and N. H. and Conn. Riverll. )'..HEW-YORB To PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE

ANO WA HUNG ["ON.CITY OF NEW-YORK..Descriptions of th* Public

Buildings, Parks, t Street ].:. ,,,-.-, Traveler's Dirrc-to:y, an Map af New-York,

B ' ill on receipt af 25 cents.

TAINTol.' BBOTHEBS .V CO., Publishers,ll led 2" Astor place, New-York.



A SEA CHAN-.I,.''|J_ta*Dfri-AT_D uv r n A RNARD.









Infraction.For Youncr Ladies.City.


SCHOOL i"i'. yuin.; LADIES r2.-.TH teat.).B aad I ia-; ;,::i-'.. New-Yerk.


Kt aad 3; EastgTUval Mew-Yerk.Am»i .Itt] Sept 1st, u.-.. ,,f J. KENNEDY TOD 4

_(¦ {taMkers, OS Wi lianvst,, H. Y.

a BlSH MARY K. STKVENS' BOARDING AND DAV1*1 bCUOOL, SOi! sud -.1 Weal Chelten-ave., German-town, I'hi.i., bt-suis Us itoth year Sept, 2d. issn, "Ap¬proved md "1 ¦!/. I' 1.. Bryn Mawr college to pia.

1 uti'! Pupils pat-*th. *. > \..ii.i ian. is in (Iai I.kjS CHISHOLM'S B( Ij^vl' IOR OIRU-

IS East 65tl -' T.'ew-York.Will re.,;«n brptt'cib-jr 2e. Dors' Classes

Ul v ...; ii CARDNEP.'S Boardlns andl>,i> behool ., Mrs. Osr_ier, sulbui

til History ui 1 un e, . rig .1,1 and ABaerica, in rhyne.

For Both Sexes.City.« -STKP.N s SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, N. Y. CITY,

J\. a\aa,L'7 EAST .1 1 ii >1 N and

IT. MO? TAGUJ i'.. BROOKLYN.Bend \.k SO.ress, Personal

lirei m « ,1 ,. ,.". Ki ;¦ .,,,!/ 1."The Natuiai Meinud eonversatlonal), German,

1 rei -. ...-h. lt :l ,1.1 Latin nut G

PACKARD S Ul sim.- i .,;.|.i ,., A\ ;, gi :¦

s., ,. \, 1 1 v..,:s. send tor circular. B. b. PACK AP.>, ITl'sIiIcul, luil.a-i 2rf»._E BERLITZ SCHOOL (>F I.ANdVAC.r.S,1 W ST MADISON SQUARE N. V.

Open all buruuer. Aiau Bnaalda bunnlier Courts.

For Bovs nnd Yotin^ Men.City.\ '-CIRCULARS op coot) SCHOOLg FP.EE

. b'a'.e wi,ti er for bey. or girls, and lc. i.itjr prtfrrre_B B A\ i.i.V, Amcricaii Schcol Bureau, 2 Vf. Uti st.N. V.

Iy REPARATION foi Kail Coll se ExaaJaaUot.. sum-ni.-r Resflon V. oiJOilHlLKJE bCHOUL. Ulina Auk-u»t

13. :u 1 asl Kt.

ITinVERSPTT GRAMMAB SCHOOL, 1,47.1 Br<ia1wi.r, *.'d .-u Mst ,,ar i'rin.div, fratBiserial ami

¦ thorouch. M. M.llouuv. W. Ia akin. N. c. UENDRIC-BOH, BMaa

For Youri-' Ladies.Country.AMERICAN BINDERGARTLN-s-San.ter seP»ion of

Nol \ li, at .Sat "rai.,;., N. J.Am N 1 1 f>rk City.

)Mli.V M ,f Am. KiuUeiBaitMiN 1.

il .'. I.* English, I ii, and German I day 1

Iinji lediex. I':i. o:A tc.ll..«latoLi,.. Ul. lit 1

HARRIET H BAQUET, Principal._Bi l.l.l (,!., N J.

1 ll i'li.'ul. hume..

J. . canlugue. 1 ,.i . C. HOWKN. 1

Y\ ARLINGTON >. .vin ii:'. WestSJ (I, , ,,iv aiel

b .'nilli ll .1 ion Bil brain Bea ¦,.

< K. li VIII.IN .'l"\. Ph. lt., prln.

|l RKW LADfES' SEMINAR. 1 \ v. l:utr \ ii s ellka, t Br.G CROSBr SMITH, A M.

1J» LM1RA COI4LE .: WOMEB, ageta Baserletj-'ni PreparBtory

t -ur-1 Mosie and Art Bflated by> 11nth si rater. Ch irne* »i.

uiiuansi 1 t for Cat il'.k'iio tn l*i«sl_.utA. W. OWLE* LL li. Ell ra, N f,


nij.ll'. ANIi J'A V RCHOOL FOP. GI"'ill : Soi dbi "¦ 1 Mais

-, POKTHK, 1'rlnelpal.'s..-v and RmlOi

tin ¦ .. Q'litiry tm thoil fer diildten.

HOM Fi INsriTl'Ti:. Tarrvtowe. N Y-A hoardlne and

. 1- v ISM M. W. METCALI l*riaelnaLll 'III'iN KF.M'lNARf l"tl rouNO ladies!

J 1N frrs wnaurissasnd sdvautaaos In miiaie,la:,.-uj4i.'., sciences sud jrt. alUScUvo ttraUuaiua ul huna

iur iiiiuirated c»taioj?ue aldr-'ssa 1, BENEDICT. A. M.

H.t. usn SEMINARY, BIMSBDRY. CONN.-HeflMJ'ls.i, ^ ,l- Lsdlea lloauUfitl and healthful Iocs-Be Thies hour* (.";..!¦. Kew Vork. Ua.r hunt fromKunfort A: :i -.s i:-\ J lt .M.i.KsN.__Ms> Bl KL \ H i. lAKDINIi AND Ii\Y SCHOOL

for (j ria, Tairy.j»ii-.,ii-<he-Hudson, will reopen WednevtUi, C.4.''.tu. M. AudJ'aa li/ loila,!- .i.I bOptOmlMtr L


JuotnutioiiFor Young: Ladies.Country.

r YNDON UtiljPol'iillKl'.F.I'SIF.. N. Y.

A Girl's School Bl thfl Les' jss Mires rronarntorranj Ai-aleiela Com v, Muale. I

.von KL wi M..-. Ul CK, A. M., Principal,llOl'KLAMl COI

h . Ai K-ON-HUDSON.wu! he ci" n dir : Bend for circu¬lar wiih full iuii culara I j1 Buy limn.

W. !l UANNIOTEtt. \ M.. principal._Rvi. m minmi.. rye, new-yoki-..

Fm purilculai. 11 tressMis. S. J. LIFE

S\i N GABLES. SIRS. WESTVOTTh BOARDINGbebo I f.,r Young iii-os Bri i.;. ¦,.... V J.

mit* to We.Wsler. Prepares foi sni C»lles> lut..e j, in,,- |. ita ,r Lakewood, N. J., butmilj.r. Pu, wal r Urn.Balam and Son Parlor.Illustrated ( ,n..i.r on application.rpEMPLE GROVE LADIES' SEMINARY, ll1 Springs, N. v. Thlrty-f urth yesi begins Bepi IOkain -s i ii vs. i DO\* D, Ph.D r

rpHE MISSES ANABLE'8 BOARDING AND hiv1 School f..r roans Ladles will roopen Bep'-ember M.

ut (ic. liiyuijst, New-Brunswick, N J.

W Br WAI.N1"] STREET BOARDING BCHOOf, fr*» Young Misses and Little Giris. Rc-opens Supt, l'J(SIB i . Mi^s j. ;;tM TM *NN, Prim I] st,

us on application. < :i,,: Wali-et-st-, Phltad'a. Pa.linvLNUT 1 *NE si nu,.i. |, r.-iiKI.v MADAMEtv Clement's- Boarding and Day School f'.t young ladies;:.-1 3 n opella beptembei 20 A cadi nlrn on1 Col li gePreparatory Coorara, Pupil, enter Wellesley on nursat.ilnstlon. I".' ri.. 'Tn' .. ,i

Miss ADV M. SMITH. 1 Prlnilpsls,Mrs. T. B. RICHARDS. I, lv.i'.a

Boys nnd Youn g Men.Country.ALEX ANDER INS! ll i; i K.-Al Hilary Boarding School,

Wall* Pl . na, N V.0. lt WILLIS, A. M.. |_ IL. Pt ..'Ipili.

fSRYANT SCHOOL. Roslyn, L. I.. N. Y.-BoardlngI* Behool ef thc highest class for boys Primary, Inter-mediate. A,. un.


BRADFORD, MASS.Hone .in I day pupils. Select and -..!.¦ S550 per

Next i'm. begins s,,,,I:|,... ;.. iv~,-,. j.-.i circulars ai-.\ Mil.I ;< \. \ M t


i .1. U RIGHT, H. S., A. M.

IFREEHOLD INSTITUTE FrSFhold, N. J.-Porty-fourth rear; for hoys and young men Ai¬

li, v. A (1 CHAMBERS, A. M. PrlacipsL]ELMWOOD SCHOOL cop. BOTS..Al Milford. Cooa.

ji Parsnts who sro unfortunate in lbs mana:rcnu-pl olttielf sons will a. (ss.ll iu profit ny ihe adventagns offeredby this school Address hunk M. HOWE Supa

(M.I NU..'Hi INSTITUTE Ma'awan, MonmouthI n. .1 Fine toe ttlon thorough training u ll at .1 III:

library; gymnasium Hi. 0. .1 Calvin Rice, A. M.. Prln.

(« KEYLOCK INSTIT! 1 RI south Williamstown, Berkshire County, M.iss.

A private selie.! for boys, ires f..r colics,.,,,!. er bu '¦ Fm I'venth yea

'. i.ui -Ui>, s> pi'mil I.e. I Ureasi. IIORGE I' '¦: ILLS, Prim Ipal

HIGHLAND MI UTA Rr ACADEMY, Waree* t, MS a.l-l yeal I.rn S entitle Cf* il

0 B M eTCALP, a. M sm I

1* H.Hi.wu MILITARY ACADEMY, Wi .r,I Mass., 331 v. .h. .lu- .«-. ,.'. l.t. INS8. (.

bclentlii BuJOSEPH aluin -haw. a. M., Head Master.

IRVING INSTITUTE, T.irrvp.wn (,nllu i«. ti. offer* an-

usu il ii Ivan.el ¦ to usn uta ructionlat Hu i bays. Address a. ARMAGNAC, Ph. D.

IAKEWOi ¦!>. N .1 . mdt Place !. foi B vs

j Attractive ind ri rivi '.. f¦. 'h. pur-I s. Uovi ivi r.n-i'- rooms Careful physical, intel-1. dual D E Tit .-.I' I'l n ".

Mil LL S fl IY8' KOP tOL ii :: >rl h. Mass., ls... . the

Button nun Lowell lt Ik A BtrliUj!. t Bu) 7 15 i'i. lustre fsll tenn on

(ji circular (" M. U MITCHELL,A. M., Principal.^. KIA minn NiiRW VLB MILITARY

'! i"i i..-'i bchsrpes; superior .

' mg slleya;,. n >. KOtlKKTs. Pill Ipal.

/ tSSlNlNG INST1TI TE,[Sing tm Uudi h. New-York,

for Your." Ladies, !ll»l yeal will begin Sept 19. Beaut!-lon. ll .-. .i ii;, "i '. s iii All "ii Mn-:.

ugh si ad ...'¦. i liters « ti.. I brlsilanuien len -.

*¦,. s tl V \N VL1 K, \ M I" lt. Sill i. vi I)

DENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CW Bl R.I 26TII Yl tR A MILITARY COLLEGE. '..! lual nw/-lng, Chemistry, Ar hit. iui«. Clissicatory Dept, COLONEL c. i.. lil ATI, President.

1> >UGHK -ii...... nu-:.,' -s, \v -i r Int, Nai

Llastrau i calal gu B WARRING, Ph. H.. Prln.STeNSSKLAER pOLYTI HNIC INSTITUTE, Troy.It N. V.; IBute*. Ni l '.">. bi'Stlns Kepi 12 The)s-s, cont* .- Isl ol ...¦'. .! 02 years, «.iii their; .Sidon ...-., ..ilise ol ht T.,', ""j',don, exp nw ¦¦ Candids ... »tance mayi samlnc 1 at their hon* s. \ >u


KrORY SCH ll ka. I on K r Boya S.'KVi.150 »] lee es-

t. uslvi - .1 :. .-' 1 ARev. H. L I il.Ki Vi. M. A. li tor._ t

RIVERVIEW ACADEMY,,' Bhke ; sle, N. V.

.' Yeaa Prcparra ihorouehly for College, tne Govern-ii.'.nl A ca 1. .iv -, .:, 1 ll .-ne -- > Hr

BISBEE v AMEN, Principals,_

ROBBINS school. Norfolk. CooaA IP-m.- Sci.i. prep*rina boy* rmi T'.uns men for

Yale, Harvard, Princeton. Columbia, nil the beatand sclcntlfl seho la Instruction vigorous snd thoroush.The home besutlfut. In a remarkablf healthy town. Ovahcurs New-York. Tcinis, ij-luO. Thfl Bi**heat ref-tiii.e.s, tut clrculsr uni partlculsrs,REV. JAMI'S A. TOWLE, rrine|nsl.__

S: li JERSEY IS&1 ITUTFimth vear II

T i, i. ..: Bu« I, Gi rtn in,Ait, Mill', irv D, , II. R T". tS» Prli

t_"' .>!" 1., NORW U.K.. J 1

I- B ROBERTS, Principal.


JOHN N. TILDEN, A. M., M. D., Principal._\*- A' ADI MY, BRIDGETON, N. J.*> \ Home for >rougn, sui

.i i real Ti rms -¦¦> tv, 'i-. < ;' .ii., n.i.ra. D a. ( ..l.M I. ALS. jj ,v jih.vj.k i-h. il.

\|- il ESTER ACA tVOUCl SI '1. MASS.*>.'.", \ \' lisive

B il |r f !> W,

A III IK Ri .v l-l li, A. M.. 11 Imlu to Brown, Dartand to

in -i" ..- ¦-._


Per Y.uiric Bey* Ken I fer circulars.

Ct "Tlfl A Vi All FOR BOTS0«JUU BW1ZHIN C. A.M. tnsrvara).

Media tPcnu.j Acalemr-

For Both Sexes.Country.VLLEOHENY COLLEGE.73d rear beglna Per- IS,

Ttl-. \ li I'rt-pa I maim ei

lng, Muale. Both Sexes. Kxpeuaea low. Aii:,»v. ll." R G. WILLIAMS. H. I' Pp -', Mi Pi pn.

Vim. M. '1 Hi; ll ll. I..-,, thirty-two mil. from NeeOrdi prograi imi for lt sn lp .' It vi'l'A-


HI.Al ,. I'lli -HY lilli \l. Al ADI M i BothJohn J. Bl iii un lal un. lah Lal ii, ti

i .. (.. man, M .- Drawing, Painting and Phytlcali', targa ti Ism ui uta,

low ral s.J. ll. bHUMAKER, Prin.. Blairstown, New-Jersey.

DI. CARMO INSTITI Ti Rhln h ck, N. v..both sexes fut coll ee or for bu Ines*, Adtlrcsa tha

Prim ., jami S M. ld. GARMO, Ph, D,

i,'(.::r ICDWARD COLLEGIATE INSTITI li. 81siyeal begins Sept 10 E new buildings, steam

ta ai .. .'i lu .i K I sui ses foi ii .-. i gel men, i:,-riudmr ( olh -¦¦ P p nai n sn I ion Art,

To* -

i each Tel Fi to Normal (j; ardi.ii- lui I, light, washing, ¦

Mini:, s :,. idi itlon, except .\:' .,..1 Music,s :.-:, pei yea «gui.

IPS, E. KINO. !>.. I' N. V.

¦ROCKLAND <¦!.!JV :. v \i ,< i)N-'l IIE-HUDSON, N.ri ipar*torr for Mal a: Lad Special teach*lng fur backu 1 pupils v, ,..;..¦. > pi i;. Cai

W, ll BANNISTER. A. M., Principal.Art/in -MAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE foi both Bries,

oOUu.pei i, -i ea* E gii -I. '.: i i'i >¦ ug, s len iii'' and ( " pn iiaratvry courses.

E nie boys. Highly recommended. J.SHORTLIDGE (Yale), A. M., Prlarlpal


A BEST TEACHERS sopplled; no essrse TEACn-J\. l.l'.s, registered f..r SO cents for ptsiage; vacanciesaiwsvt on band; fora* for aiamp. lt. E. AVLRV. Amori-t :. Behool Bureau. 2 Wet U.-SL. N. Y.

AM! RICAN AN') FOREIGN TEACHERS' AGENCYsupplies Professors Tejchers, 'lutors. i^overnsssss.

Bc. to Colleges, - hool* aud Ksmlllea, Apply biMi:s. m. j. YOUNG-FULTON, .'.1 Union .S'iuare.

I.i .\ i" Rll NCED PRINi IPAL of elly pnj sri .'.' s. ii, ny

,, oppol uni.i v .'1 :. I pi;; NC1PA I..

1/ \ I'i 111 M ii 1. Mn .... .;«--..(. v. m J..In e^

( \.\ll l'lll'..'

\VOMAN'S EXCHANGE Tl ICHERS' BUREAU Ifoivr both sexes) supplies pro! I


... bo tkSe pera, -, sud(

MRS a n CULVER, 82!) fithsve,. New.Tors City.

tyonhrro uno Brokera.

Ip. w. gallauoet & co.,BANKERS,



Member N. Y. blocs i.chari*.


16 AM) 18 iSASSAU-ST^.\cw-Vork City.

Dealers lu Iwresii-sai SBcs,ritiss.

Stnrfvff Dunks.THE st,AMI N'S BABB nil'. RAVINGS,

I ;,n I 7(1

1*Mli: TRI -1 BES have ordered thtt iBterostn entitled Ihi ri io, nader the by-BlS laws, fat

11,.- s,, ,,,, i,,Bs ,.,, I,,,.- gen,i ,,,. ,i

.,..., Ons 'i i".'i ii DoUare at thorate ..t foi it PER CENT ii annan*.

i.u ii.nita largei Dill ind Hollars, bm tv.Ii Dollars, m iii" rata of 111REE

Pl i; ni pei annum.On ii, 'int h..: linn Three Thnussni Dollars, and

I.,. prim Hie limitation nf depi,l two PER CENT per annom, psy-

a..;.- on ii t afb r MONDAY, ni'h Instant,willi \M (' mi koks. President,

111 NKV P. M \ Ks || i |.|. (ashler.N. a-York, Juli .". l- -.

Diwocno ffottog.Bin ru n ation *l bank,

New-York Jun 2d, 1S88.

A DIVIDEND cf Three and One-Half perl: of ihls 1 auk hes bBSS

declared, pays.e on ind liter July 2. 1883.The Tianster Booka will bc closed from Ibis date to

th- '.'1 | i. vino. il. II. BAZRO,_ iler_


INBUP.ANI I. ( "MIAN V. NO. GS ss M.l.M.,Ni . rora, July », 1888.

The Board of Directors dav. thia da] declared n -ml-snnusl dividend ..( VI Vi. PER ( KN ff, pa; able on an afterthe loth 1.1-'.

_< ll \s I,. GUNN, Becrei


R i, il R .\ r has I., en Soi ire Bia n Um.11 .ii i after Munday,

.ii.... -. Vf. Vf. SHERMAN, Caaeter.

PsTORTIl STARMIXINO COMPANY..A .'iv¬is i ,,.t nf of FIFTY CENTN per share Lu. t.n .1".

\ di :. sbsrebsaSer* olai the Transl* r Agency or Ute company, IS

Wall Strei :, on an afb July 11.Tran fi b.du till July 12.

i\M!-.n HAGUE PresidentCKVI.MY -KUM) DIVIDEND.?-*> P Vi ii I. ll UK i:,s(|; \M i., m.

IS 1 .vilMe r,n ( 'i.Oh ul ii, company, No. 470 Broadway,

li; INK I. STIMSON,ark, Joly li

1'. PAM.. M \ N 1. 11'.TlTiT^lTlT'MANTTCrBAil SI I.\V.\ i ( OMPANY,

SO AND 12 W tLL-ST.,Nen V..:k, Jnlv 2. I.SB.

1*»HE BOARD (f Directors have declared thousual (juarteilj dtvldei i of one and on. halt per cent

i.n ihe Capital block ..f this Company, payable ;it thisoince August l. lees, lo stu kboldera af record on thatdate.

'iheii i will be closed al I p. m., Juljly, sod wnl bc i"'i' ¦!.¦ I st io s v 17. 1. -.

i OW VRD r. Mi UOLhV,v Kern isry.


N us (,uk. Jane 22. 1888.THE BOARD OF DIKE! I"!;*- nf this com-1 my have thia I a dlvl len 1 of thl ¦

.! \ .,, it mk m.' .'¦¦.. Nes -Yoloth daj ..' sn u-: in 'II er B for I

elck V ni i" i"- I ..' ll ..'.. p. in. enW Un lay. He 25th <1 iv ri. bn to¬op ned ii -ss i'. I;.', of A'uusl ne> t. LO

lot k a. (JORDON NORRI Tn-aaun r.

OFFICE OF THE UNITED sfATEH KIRK INSUR¬ANT I. ( c, NO, 172 iil'.i'si'.u .

.i | 3, DH IDEND.

rri!K DIRECT!Mts have this d;iv voted nI I'.vljend of MX I'll: FF.NT. I rnli of the

1., I tl ¦. n ... ha, I ilders .... J, marni.Ol."!'.''!'. E. (MCI-;, s..

THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.,i i,i.. k June lt, 1- s.

DfVID %A quanert; ni ONE i'Y.r. CENT "n thu

mp my has this day bet lei lawon M lull in, next. The t msf. r i.ks

trill bo rlose, nu It:,nv June 29. IB8S|. m., and n .pened on fueadar, July 17, 1888, at 10

A. Il 11.11' Ti".

Til r: ( sv CM SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY,[FR'S OFFH'I (.". SM. IN RALtc POT. NI ss'. \< ya.. Jun 21, 1388.

'f UK HOARD <»! DIRE! TORS nf this com-1 pam .... thia dividend nf ONE ANDUNE-QUAI'.TER I1

ss i.l.N BSDAl : I ie Kt, al this

Thfl transfer books nil; be m., on

\ - s


USURER'S ..: IH' GRAND ENTRALST s', ION, :. ss v. ikk, Juni 21, 1--".

'VUV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS nf this coro-1 (. la du di nd nf TWO Per

.. ..ililli, on WEDNESDAY,the Ililli il i.' of Aususi m \i, .,- ibis Bl

Th he rioted st ll '.. m. on fri liv,ti... 1/ ne 1 on the muru Ina

i.r i ; \ rnsi ni «i,HENRY PRATT, Treasurer.


\ i ork. Joly ii.TIIF. BOARD nf Directors Lase tins day1 declared a ml-annual of three per cant, pay¬able on demand.

A. c. MILNE, Secretary.THE LARI Killi, AMI Ml( UH. SN

MUTHERN li s 11.SS'AV .i


T HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ul this com-* pan] red a dividend ol TWOPer Cent ",:-.'.iWEDNESDAY. I t nv Tl,

3 o' ii .*¦ u m un FRI-I. s :.'.,.,. il ii-!

ih< 17th lay ..f Aiijtu.i next,li li. WORCESTER, Ti'


7QT1] lil V DT.M »..\ Oividi nd il IIKEEli'' ,. iii .. nn

I N '. s ll si.I PER CENT un the

]' M. PARKI R s.

Jil! i; nc ui I.


MORTGAGE COMPANY( nplliil "libsrribi-d. S'j.OOD.OOO OOtnpilnl Paid in Cnsli . 1,1X1(1.(HHMMIMirplus nnd I nilli liled Profits . ll.*.. Ill 7-

ti PER 1JB*"T DEBI NTUREfl anl GUARAN¬TEED sl'.M Mi iRTU si.I.-. Inter si ,,.,. lbat.uuslly ii' any ot dui 'ii es Dui i ortaexes are anonInipi .1 SUMs i.Nl.i Wi- limn nu nunn v nu ilil¬li milli} si lin ulm rd lin. |>. ny ol thc lunns and etlt.k Alas

MUNICIPAL BONDS.Rta...'.¦ .' Equitable Mortgage Cemnany »< the

s, jui e ii", lt -s

IOU RCES.Rral estate morl hand . 9/04,753 27

deposit! M Hil tra:ure debentures and i,..n I-. 2,875134 4S

lilli' H! i.,ll 1-. SS. Hi'bonds .

(Mii.r bon I- '.'('.' VJtee.'lttea io _-'.i ol

Eli., iii.ii-., .mi Dxtures.m.,-mir,R. al .' . Ill .. e..

. 48.518 27I remitter], hut not paid to u* .'. ;t ..'. jlesli r |,.:,n,s. 14,4998*

Due noni Liiink- uni Um!., r- . lil

Si o:::,.:,{:> 52LIABILITIES.

Cn pl dil pnl.l In rash ..» OOO OOO c.

Surplus . .'."..1 li-.: ~ri profits . 05 t*i 7.'

id bonds out*.nd.if. 2,5,V>,200 00. 149,29302. oO.uOt) (K)

in paymenl of Joans aol retdellvere,. 7.B6T4S

Duo borrowers on .icomplet lean* 89.570 87Due Ij LlaiiJl uilii;. s. ll

.4.1M...'.>I.', .".J


(.I ncEs:New.Ti,ri;. OOM IPway Phflfl . 4th ft Choa't au 1I- 17 D l.,,n bin. 1 loatlan._

Kl :>:> \'iY. PAMPHLET.


FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS.The at *.?.<>.Xi.1100 Bot i 1888The MISSOURI PACIFH iisii.s','.. .. IPANY has

il", led to ¦¦. i'i n. mo . ol I Pl B CENTper annum for a proteaJill ll< 1 to I'I

1 I (.!,¦> v. l-l, f. null Bf thfl BJlen ¦¦. bi H.- HEBCAXTILBtki-t UOMPAXY, tthei tl.atteel of extsad nea poa at 11... alla i. 1

Thfl eompanj i.j. atada BrraagflflaaBls w.Mi ki'iin.LOEB t ."ir SN'., aa bea.if af a BratHoste.||^^'. th., hoads at maturnr, al |i*r, and ls asSSai Ihassas bs '. li . bbb, KUHN, LOEB A OOMPABY re(..¦riliif ll, 11:1,1 ti !. rmlnat^, without r.ntlre, th'- privi¬lege herel.y SStSB.Sd la UM ll,.n Ih tilers.

A. II. I AlI.I'.F. Treasurer.

.Nen Ynrk, .Inly 7, 1888.P.eferrlne 1 rn,iii-.. I. heret.y |fv«a that the

Btiv-SflM t lead tl B esta, ffRl!E OB CIIAKflB, sm il.i;

KUHN, LOEB & CO.C'APITALl WaRted in i Bma-facturiRS

ifj andIs . I. J

\s 1:. ii ,r. if Ol t ssh 11

New-Yaric, Juli B\\TV. OFFEIJ fer SftJe, am! p "IiuiicikI to in-vf reste -. * few desirabis h..nt. earalas double ti., ir

.lt ll |.l|.e "Illili (Irids flllly Sl\ ly, r "111 III KuliUliull thu Hi I (.st un li'

E £ BLM-llCI 4 CO.. SO Broad at.


FFATUUKR OF M'.W-YOKK DF.AMNGS.The I'liiln inri,' fl i,'nilly svere depressed by tho

crop reports os* tho Ofrrtrnmnsit P..ress st Washington.This skosred las seenNie oneaTtinn of winter erbesl os

.Inly 1 te !>(> 7:..0 per cent, an advance of 2.3 lier rent

Ir. .lune, mid ni sprlBg svlio.U lu be 0."..'.) per cent,un 3.1 ped cent. Tt- ssfstesjs aereeseasjsi.:i .inly i for sprlsg B/aesI ssas 7B.8 in ISBT, M ll

-.'. ii, M in 1 SSS. 'I li" ciiikIIIIoii of corn ls put at

.. Beales! B6.7 (iii .lily 1, 1887, 88 m 1888 and 04

In Ivs.,, 'ihe stat 1st icla'tis llsuie out from (lie wheat per-ami Inereesed sersesje » total yield of 48D,«

00 IO 4iO.(H)i.O:H> bushels. Wheat uptonseera treeed ls to lb* aaaenni of %j000fi00 bthe opeoiag w'*s ¦ee8 liadsr anticipations ol a bearish

report and taters sv:is frats celling on the publication nflbs report Th" marlie' rinsed heavy al near bottomprices ami down :i-i for July ai 87 3*4 nod A.goal at

t s. ., ^ [or September at 88, t tor October al -'.. '¦'> -¦?.and :i i cent for November at 81 and December el W....nts. sp,i ni,,.-it «;,. i-j to iii tower aad 'ho

for shipman1 amounted to snlj 32,000bushels, oro on 'int spot droji|.i".| 1 9 to :i i rent,bul exporters si ere mdre liberal buyers, taking eO.iMiobushels. The option* wera lo sympathy arithwheat, a--- well as because of the crop showing sod Iherio b wa* al inside prices, and dowe i east totAugust at r..> r 8, Hcpfi rjiber at .v. 7-8, amt October at:.,":; -. and 7 B eenl for November at .'i7 1-h eenta."ats arete generaUj lin., and ended about unchangedal i". :i B for July, .'il 6-H for August, 30 1-3 for tv-nt-rmber and ;<i cents for Movernber. There wen- saietif j.'.n tierces of lani fdr export, bal tba option': easedoff 3n '. point* s follows .iniv, 88 .17 Aupasi, *4 3U;Bcptrmber, 88 IS, and October, #-141.

ii., receipt* "f crain and Sour reported yesterdayal New-Yorh, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Boston were

a~ follows: Wheal. 1:t:;.:;:11 bushels; corn, 20 188bus!.els; ..a's. 86.408 bushels; total pram. 828.997i,.i li ia; Hour. 41.887 pa .ts*- Al Chlosfo, .II-arsul. and .st. Lnsjis ile- arrivals were: Wheat,B5.705 bushels; coin. 70.197 bushels; oats, 130,840bushels; ti.lal crain, 288,732 bushels; flour, 18,688bat reis.


NOTICE TO WABASH BONDHOLDERS.A mutually mtdafaetery smnrcrrcnt his been marls

arith lbs Defaoea committee ©f the geeosd Mortgage liond-.;. sad UM Committees IBPIOBBIItBg bj the undor-

signed.I'n.Ier tnts arranpemont tne i/otenro t ommirtee sgree to

withdraw nil opposition to the plan of reorganization, andiel-, ur- I., be received bj tho Central Trust Co.

iy.That a bondholders ne upon sn eajiiai inotinK,

th.-y ure now lespectfully Invited to depoetI their bonds intue Trust Co, without penalty until tartha! aotlee, sad tbapenal! sin ;. Ij paid n III ht rt turned.

Fe.-.-, insure tills Mai., sim ly been filed in the Cour¬se ile I..'-' " id decree* of salo whl bo ob-t.i.n.'i j- s,,,,,, a. prsetlcsb.,, In riew of thovery lua-e majority of honda Baited la rapport of tbs tu¬

ition, ii Ia hopi that Btstandlas bondholder* willaccent thc oder now malo lo them.

JAIIKslF. JOY.Chairman I'm, busing Committee.

CVuXVa J. l.AtVlir.Nt F,Chnlrmnn liondboldcra' Committee.

Near-York City, .lune 13, 1SS8.

CIT! OF C0Tiiumijui,20-YEAR 4 PER CENT. BONDS.

AMta>MKD ATKIN. 8:i'.,m-«M70BET ini)Ki;ti.i:m>s.. i,?7.'..i(is SBPOPI ..fl ION. *.H. lv:o

For farther partlcuisrs catt ob or address


TOLEDO. PEORIA . WESTERN1T.O0.Kel .> !s ie n bj given thai the crtiftr.-ite, laaoed hr thi

I'i-i Mmipage Ilondhold rs' ( rt..- of th TolsLv|- ii ita ll toad Companj .,¦ represent ,i-.^.(.that ml(thc leiiu.ii in th" bands .f the committee j,r-¦-r re.oresnlritfon u-li l«i redeemed st ihe offlee ..f MnRANHU" I'll. RS, No. 1,6 WllllsnvsL. New-Yerh City, en andstu lu | .',. 1888, br tic payment of *17 73 on each of thebunda dcuo-Ued for purchaap ut ths rmi.

_CHARLES M'UtAN. Chairman.


ill, UN I'silin HAll.ItOAO CUMl'ANY srea inds of in

in-;...~ m. Hage by which the paymenti..I. l-i- - ¦. ,, tho sum f ONU IMS! ntl li

TIIOI'KAN '' DOLLA W ld. whl h, un lei-..,1 n ii tat ii, la appl able ',. !..- redemption ol purchaseof -:i t bon I-. ¦ un li ,-,..-i... 1 u III re. Ive sb .1j, r ..,.¦¦.. .1. ;,. r .,. I.m I .iff; -.. ut sit i'.iii|,anv. o il

sn l Toei.- meian ". fer the mr-il DAY. the twentieth dav

nf July, ltd ..." proposal* »i!l be.- sa ur, ,,.'.-¦ ..' the lowest ort. will bs

l'i..|,...1- pi li- ., " J'. |" n.- :< buri eil"...:of tl... irs'. Mortgage Bonds Bouthern Pscldc iuniioadCompany." n. o. MI.LS,

G. L. LA.Ns I NC.Ban Fi incl* », .tune io, 1=0. Trust *

p -Port of the coNihtion of theIi i. s i.i.s ¦; in NATIONAL BANK. Bl New-York rn v.

ital. Nsw-York, at the close of business, June30, 1

Ki SOURCES.Loans and discounts . 84,554,368 lt

ts, secured and unsecured ... 8,1 16 10rs bonds to s-euro eircnlstlen, , SflO.iHM.nih. r slocks bonds, and mortgages . . 652.050 00Hu" from i-thei national bonks . . 144.182 27

bani s and bankers . , . *..s ,1 tostate, furniture, and futures . , 610,0(1145

lurrent expenses snd tsxes paid . , 21.00.100Cheeks and other e»sh Itoms. S.:.^:!?

.h lor .¦ ii ..,.' bouse .... TS"' ..: ,. l.iii.Ks. "." panel i-urrencv. nickels and eenta 153 75

Specie . l.r.l.l.'l 15notes,. 177 : ',' i."

s ,::..,,; deposit for legal-tenders 800,000 00ptlon fun with t.'. S Tn ssurer (5

pei nt of ir. ul it! rn). CC..r,.',o no

Ti tal.. . . . 80.008,768 12LIABILITIES,

paid In. fi.oee.oeo oo.- pin,I . 1,000,

roll's. 277.HA* 07,,'itstnnllng 406,270 00

m pal i. 732 .".o

Individual dejMisita .iihiect to checlc . . 4,035.1 "7 83Demand certificates ot deposit . . . . 14.876 H4

..... 188,07516Bl -tmiling. 501 '.''.

Hue tn other natIonal banks. 1,460.880 G2btate hanks and bankers . . 626 283 55

¦ot.I.f'3.003,708 13Stat.- of N'eic-Yorlt, ConntV of New-York, ss

J. SUTH" ll SV SM! I'.M \N. CSShll r of 111" above namedbank, du solemnly swear ihsi the statemont is trun,

my knowledge and belief.A. W SH KUM AV. Ta.hler

Subscribed and .wern to before me this loth day of July,ll I. BRAYNARD, Notary Public, N. Y.




PATSKILL. nrnsox anti coxsackte.\J ELEGANT STEAMER KAATF.rJiKI I.I, lessesfurn toot itv st.. N. R, escry TUESDAY, THUR-DAlsud SATURDAY at (> p. m.. connecting with lly.stou uniAlbaoy iu.ii ia i.

PaVTSKILL MOUNTAIN'S, The Old Koute.\J QI I' lils! 111 si'llsT AND llK.-.T.

tTSKILL i.ViNi'.i; i.i nt., steamert RAATER8¦KILL and .si.sKi; i. lesv* svery weet day si 0. u, m.

.'nc w .tl, Catskill M,.un-I Cairo R. I( f houses, rates. Ae., sendor ain.s, sv. .1. HUGH.S. Cala.ll. N v

\ 0UW1CI1 LIM! fr Herston, Woft-itcriil I'ortlaiid, White Mountain* Ulreel routs tn Nen.i.!¦.¦!. Norwich, Watch HUI sad Block Island

leave l" t 18 (old naaiber), Northfool ..f ss ,¦.¦ st pi ti pier above I*-,

iundiyt cx< 6:80 p blTtiN Hue has um (|i|l Ilea fer BBB ll.ll url dtttrlb-utlng ' it New-1 natland (ins steamercell «. pl Bunds ra, rieluslvely f,,r fnlsht'I Iraets ind I K Bred .' "".' 2dl 8 17 '( '7, :i.'>7

.. nv. 1" and 13 Orwnwleh-st, 168 Bowen InI'.ruokiMi. * Couri it, 833 Wsshlngton-sl and 181 lultou-tu Al Phil *0 .N,uili River, snd on (steamers.

(.. \V Hi; s i.s. Agon'.

CTONINGTON LINt:.-Tho only dirfct route for



Through purlor eir, rfltnlng chair*, between steamers'

landing ant frtaitSSSSHSM Tier, without extra chsrgo.

eheeked Usresaja. Msssssrs leave New Fist 30,

Katta River, ihavfl CaaajVas.. at i u m- daily,

rpi) NEW-HAVEN, 7 5c.1 ! X( URSION (gu .1 tl d.rn. fl) 2B.Mein.ers C ll NOR1 ll AM and CnNTIN FNTAT, leave

Tetk ally, tiSf 2i K II 'I u. m. and ll o. m. (Sundar*1 I |,Hi S ll ii" .! Uh -t>'"-ta 'rain

for MFilIDF.N. HM;TKOim. KI'RINC.FIF.I.II, HOLT-OKF, A". Through tli-ksts sold snd bagsaso rhrrked alP44 Broadway, Nsw-Yurla, snd 4 '.unit.. Brook!ya.


LBANY -WATS. ['EoT^K'sTlNElier tl, North Uiver, foot of Canal-st., at, ii 1'. M. dallr[Sundays axocpted). L a\e nmokByn Annex al o 1'. M.Msking direct oonnectiona at Aiijuy for all in>iiit.< Bassmid West' also with 7 00 A. M. Special lixpr.-s. f..r

i, I.ako (Icorite Lah" Placid, Kimmie Line, PullBmltb'S and nil pents iii.ith. striving Haine d.iy.Ttikets ani baggflgfl ehecked 1-. doMtlr.atlon. 1-ru,ghi ro¬il Ivs I uniil th" !,. ur of doiiarturc. _

A. 'I Rn i HoA Ts. liirliicd throuffho-l bja Bleetri lights. onnccl with .|e"ijl express trains f..r

SARATOGA, I ARE OEOROE. PAUL SMITH'S. LAKHTl.ACID, ali Adirondack and ether points on DELAWAREANIi HUD30N ii I TlCimil'.i. Railways BlasmeiSARATOGA or CITY op TROT iflava Pier 44, Bf. ft,fool Christ,,phi r-st., da-'lv except batuiday, (J p. m. Sundaysteamer tanche* at Albany.


lill.xti", and ai; EaStern's.DOUBLE SERVD E RE.SI*MKDKill Till. BUMMER SEASON,

Four steamers In commission.I'I M» RIM,TIRLS'luL. PROVIDENCE, snd OLD C-oLONT.

Splendid orchestra oua.sed i" aaeh reaaaLLeave New-York from 1'ler '26, N. Ii. (old. No.), foot

of Marray st., a- follews _

6.30 p. m.-For tall River direct, connecting for Boa.ton, K'Xi hburg. Nflw-Bedfold. Martha's V Inevard. Nan-tu. kef, and poinia bb (lld Colony lUilroiid.

(i:16 p. m..For Newport, and Fall River, due NewportShoal .'><&; Fall River, 7 a. Bk, conneitlng with alpresstrama .i'll through cars for Bontm., ( t\*i Cod, Lowell.tbs SS'hlte. Mountain*. 4c.

si, i.rfi,. Nsw-Terk Bl 8:88 p. m. for allpoints. Returning leave Boston 7 p. Bt,

otineiiion by Annex boat dally fruin Ilrooklyn. S p. m.

Jorvy City, 4 p. m. Tickets and staterooms may bo ob¬tained in N.w.York at 'JOT. SSL 711. '.M4. '.(37 and 1.323Broadway; 2(14 West 12.'»thst. and 134 Kant, 138tfc-at, iisa Bowery, A«tor Hou*- ind Wades* Hotel; LinoOfilio. I'ter 21, N. R. and on steamers.

Send 4 tents In ..lamps to P. <>. Box 462 N. Y., toreopy sf " Fail River Lin* Tours," and .. (lid Colony or

Pilgrim Land, a profusely lltsstrasad na.sar beak andnearie 100 pages, or apply at any of shove agencies for

(il (i L. CONNOR, C.. 1'. A. BORDEN * l.OVKT.L. Agta.



Leave Brooklyn. FtiUonst- (br Annex) ... 8'00 a. m." New-York, VflflIfy-St Pier.8:40 "

" New York. Wflflt 2ftt st. 1'ier.v :00 ¦

for ALBANY, landina at. West Point, Newburg. l'ough-seen.le, Khlnel'ik. and Hudson.

Returning, leave Albany.8 ;30 a. m.A Uno BAND attached to each heat,

nnnectlnosanora POINT, NEWBUBO and POUGIIKF.F.PSIE,

with d/.w-n day boat,RRTNEBECK, br ferry with Ulster and Del. R. R. for

resort, nf tho r.l'akllls.CATSKILL, with .peela! trains on the Catskill Mt. R RHUDSON, with lioston and Albany R, R. for Chat¬

ham, PlttaSeld, kcALBANY, with If. Y. Central and H. R R. R. for

rtloa, NIAGARA KAI.I.S. iiu'Talo. and tho West; withBoston and Albany R. R. and Flt.'hburg R R. f..r Boston,w.'h li. aud lt. CO.** II R. fur Montreal and the North,Bod with SPECIAL TRAINS TO AN li FROM SARATOGA

The Nsw-York Transfer Co. will call for and checkbaggage fruin hotels and residences.


1'oughkeepalo, Hyde 1'ark. lt.,n I,ul and Kingston, Everywees lay a' Vestry st. -i 15. a.ii ssesi 2-d.t 8:80 p. ..

excepting ham: lay. when sho leaves one hour earlier.


PROVIDENCE, W0RCE8T-R, and all points BJatth and

Ea<t, via Boston or tTniOtStSI and

wu rn: mountain points.

A through parlor car run* from steamers' wharf to

Fi!.vans without, chance, stouplnjt at orincloal Intermediate


leavo Pier 20 N. Il, foot of Warren-st., at 6:30 p. m.

daily, except Sunday, com.coting at steamers' wharf with

ex; ru*, train for Boston leaving 6 a. m, arriving Boston

7 lld a.m. Wagner parlor equipment; full night'*rest; shcrt rall ride. Rccves's renowned orchestrs on eachMeaner. Bajre.ize checked through.


i.andinu at Cransion'a (Weal Polat), Cornwall, Newburg..Slarlb'ro, Milton, Poss Bkeepsle and F.sopus,»:t.i I,-',-, si i Delaware, Stony Clove, .... t --_ 11 Kaaterskili railroad*. Steamers CITV OK KINGSTONnnd JAME* ss. BALDWIN leave every wees aa] ¦ .

p. m., pier fn..( of Harrlson-et, N. lu. except Saturday,when i ITY OF'i.n iei,«s at l ii m., kan.nsonly at Newburg and Ponai..'epala, connecting withsp....'.al train for nil Summer Resorts through the Cat.killMountains Leaves Bond ir Bundsr nights bi ll o'clockmi arrival nf sj rain from th? mountains, arrivingSI New-York M nd.iv. fi a. m.



Tabla of July l, 1888.For PIlILAIMil.rill a and TRENTON, " Bound Br.>ok

Route," a: I, 7:45, li, ll a. m. 1:80, 8:18, 4. 5:30. 7 30.1-' p. m. SUNDAYS at « tl a. ni. 5:30. 12 p. m.

Trains leaving at 4, 7 :4.\ 1 1 a m.. 1 :30. 4, 5 30, 7 :30.19 p. n.. lias- connection fer Reading, Harrisburg, Potts¬ville, ete. ; 4 a. ih. fur Easton. Bethlehem. Allentown.Mau.h Chunk, Boad'na, Harr'sharc, ott.

8:48 a m. for l.j»" tfopateof c, Ursion, Bethlehem an!Ali. nt..ntl.

7 00 a. m. for Fl> minzton, Easton, Bethlehem. Allen-town, Msuch Chunk.

s :, ii. in t.r Fieml'ie'on. Lnk* Hopa'cong, F.a«*on,Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Beran-lon, Readln Ila rlsburg, Pottsville, Tamj.iuj. biumo.ii.bunbury, Lewjsbura, Wllllamtport,

1 p. m. for I lemington. Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown,Mau. ii Chunk, Resdlng, Harrisburg, ete.

8:45 p. r for Faston, Bethlehem, Altentoirn, MsurhChunk, Wllkcsbarre, Bcrsnton,, bhsmokln.

', ii'i p m. for Flemington, I. k-. ltoiuicong. Faston.Bsthh heit A! ti a

S CO sui S:80 p re. for Somerville and Flemington.5:48 j.- m. f"i Kaeton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Maueh

Chu uk, BtSdlns, Harrisburg, etc. On .Sundays at 5:80

4. 8:18, 0:30. U;tS B. m.. 1 :30, 2:30. 3:30, 4, 4:30.¦, i.i. rt; p. i-i Bondsts, 8:00 a m., I rOO p. m.

f..r Red Bsnk, Long Brnneh (Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,exeepi tim 'j,- ri" i' isant Parlor Cns a', ll 15 .. m., 1 :8a 8:80, 4 30, s 30 p. m.

1. s 15 1 m SO 30 11 m. for Farn lugdale, LAKIvWOOD, M'i hester, Toms River, Barnegal eu4i m.. 1 SO |, n for Beach Haven, ATLANTIC

CITY, 1. Brldgi lon.4 00 15 80. 10 30, 11:18 a. m. 1:30,

2 ::*.>. 4, ¦'. ii". 5 00, .". 80, 8:15 i>. m. bundar*. 0 a. m.,4 p. m. for Perth AnFor MONMOl TH PARK RACES on Taaeaajs, Thursday*

end Snturdaya, H. 15, 9:30, 11:15 a. m., 12:15, 12:45,I :80 n- in Parlor Car Train, t no a m.


FROM I'll'R 8, W. R.Ft Highland B'ai-u. Beflbright, Monmouth Reach snd

Long P.Nneh, 4.30. b :0O. 0:00, ll :oo a. m.. 1 003 IS, 4:80, 5:30 p. m. SuiidjJA 9:30, 11:00 a. m..0 :80 a. ir.

for I Iberon, Ashnry Pnrtt, neem Grove, etc., 8.00. 9:00.II 00 1 m., 1 '00. 8:45, 4 ito, 5:30 p. m.

For MONMOUTH PARK RAC1 Bon Tuesdays, ThursdaysSaturday*! 6:00, '.coo, 11:00 a. m., 12:15, 1 un

1, tn.

For A'lantte II!eM.n1«. 4 30. 0 :00 a. m. (I 00 Saturdaysll 15, 4 30, 5:30 i). m.

I', i.,,.,- -I Ti His ll.\.i au.l Rarnegat, 4 30, 8 00 a. m.,1 00, ii: t > p. m.

Tickets snd Parlor Car seats ean be procured at 71. 'ni 1.110. 1.823 Broadwar, tut flth-ave.. »m WestPV.ih.-t.'. 182 Fast l-' s-.. N-w-York; 4 Court-st.. 8d0Fulton-sU, 08 Brosdwsy, Br..oktyn.

N. iv York Transfer Company will call for and checkbsggsge frosB or n-sidenco.


PASSE.T6EB TRAINS -BYS toot of Cortland: andDesbroaaca als. aa follows:

0 OJ a. m. tot Ca.BBU4)Bfl sud Intermediate points.8 a. m. for Geneva, Lyons, Klmlra, Rochester, BulTalo

and the Weat sud prlucip. local points. ChSaf sar ioElmira.

1 p. m. for Tunkhannoek sud Intermediate BStaHi Ch»lrrar lo Tunklianuoc. Cooucctluu to Bead.HI and Harris-burg.

3.40 p. m. for Pittston and principal lntermsdlatopoints. chair car to I,, and II. Jun.tlon.

5:10 p. m. for Mauch Chunk ant Intermedtate points.Connection te Read.og and llarrlsbuig. Chair car toMauch Chunk.

7 p. in fer Oenevs, Lrons Flmlra. Rochester, Buf¬falo snd the West. Pullman sleeper to Lyona

H 15 p. m. for Lsurays and Intermediate points.Trains leuvlng at 8 a. m., 1 p. m. and 3:40 p. m. con¬

nect fur all points in Mal,moy and Ha/leUia coal,SUNDAY TRAINS.

ti. il for Mauch Chunk, Uj^ loton ind intermediatepoints.

fi .45 p. m. for Coplsy and Intermediate points.7 p. m. for (leneva, I.Tons. Flmtra, Rochester, Buf¬

falo sud th* West. Pullman sleetier to Lions,Ueurral Eastern omeo. 235 Broadway.

VKW-VDKK. ONTA Kio AND WESTERNll ll til.WAY.-Trains leavo ftoiu leiries at West 4JJBB 1 Jay ats. as follows:

Weal i.'.i -i ,' ,">o a. m. : Jnrst.. 7:35 a. m.. for Mid-diptoan, I'.iliiniii". Fsllaburg, MontleeBo, Liberty, Wal¬inu. Delhi Norwich, Utica, Roms, Oneida, Ful'.on. o.*-wego, Butfslo, Detroit, Chi i|

West 4'JH .1 '.1 lu a. m., JflV-st, 8'55 *. m.. forWallkiil \'a,'."i Stations, Lakes M..honk. Minni wjska.

wn, FalUbti/s, Liberty, White Lake.West 4'.Msi, 4 I" |.. in J.n st. 1:81 p. m. for

Wi.iuill Yalies stations, Lakes Mehonk, Mlnnewssks,town, Itliioiiiluu'tiurg. Mt. Hale, MontlOSllO, h"ull.s-Liberty, \\ hue Lake, Rockland.

Weal 4Jtst., 4:50 p, m., Jay-at,, 4 :3.> p. m., forCampbell Hall. Middletown, Bloomliigburg, Wur-¦-llenvllla

W-st 4?ls... n :"."> p. m. liv .' 0 IO p m.. dally forMiddletown, rslUburg, Liberty, Walbm Norwich, (luella,Oswega, SusihuisIoii l' J ¦. Detroit, Chicano, .st. Laois,

Built bleeps. lo Munal a lalla, Reclining Chair Carli. .... ..

haturda) half-holiday, Weat 12d-st, 1 15 11. m.; Jar-at. I 00 p. m., foi Paraobell Hall. Middletown. Bloom,Inebura, Ellenville, Fallaburg. Monticello, Liberty. ssii.:.>Lake, Livingston Manor. Walton, Delhi,

pullman hrawlns Room aeata ind t.erths re-Tved nt3''7 Broadway Time tables, ti.-k.-r-^ *¦... ai 80/J :i.>:044, 1.828 llroad* ay. 73: Gth-ave., 184 last 125th-st,,'.Iii* Wea* UithsL. Nbs YorB

J. C ANBERBON, ll. p. A.,18 L\tbango Plac. New-York.



( cst Ml \i INO .11 I. Y I. 18*1.11U1.NS 1.1 ns I. NF.W-YORK, rOOT "I' LIBKRTY-

8T., 4:00, B 15, *8 SO, -il 15 a bl, 'I BO .'-' BO A VBraat expreas 4 00, -i BO, :. ;i". 0 18 p. bl isuii.ii\-s

'.' isl a. m. mid 4 nu 11 inFI'.osi FOOT CORTLANDT ,\M> DF.SRROSRF.J1 RTR.,

8:80, 7 tn, ".1 in a, iii 12 00 noon; -J no M IO,it rn (limited express, except H. d Bank), 4 'jo, .'> no,7 PS iv BL Mindai.. 7 LY Slid a. BL j 00 B, m.

I.. ';..'. s .\|.i «^ trutns.r.i n:s r.i.oi.i.irr. r wood, ii p baldwin.

sui-r Qm paaAgt-P 11 it. c. \- \ c R R ,\ 1.


(j ,. s, N',, |,288 Broadway, coraoi Thlrty-Brat-at,m.iii ti p m u.'.o Broadway, botwpi Twenty aicond andTwenty third st., until lu. n. '.Til West I'wentv third-st., earner F.ighiii-svo. j l,w Sixth ave. j \yi |narth-ava.,somer Fourteenth at.; 7uo Taiid-ave., eernar Kortv s«<v-enih st 1.0('7 Thlrd-svr., near butletliat 1.70H Vlrst-ss.. t80 W.-st Fnrty semnd st. Ninth ave. sud hlxly-.-:-. ht le st., and 88 Liberty st., aiid the HARLEM OFFlCFi.IHO Fast One-hundred-aud-twouty-Bflh st., up lo ll p. regular othes rites*

1-SBb'sWbH.j' iRTHERiN J;AI LEt >a D o'^KwrSarY*ll-Trains have from Chaiiiberast, btatlon weak a_


.... L ..,.;... r...,l Tma«« Cit,Nf.-I k,.».l.l,l -_..."¦»¦tor B-glewood, Tenaflf. Uoater. bpamhiil, axil VyTfai6:30. 7 00, I -'. U-V) and lt :iV> a m.; l ir /VfSCO. 4 80. SM, 5 10, li:40, 8 '(0, 10:80 p rru l\midnight, Sundays, 7 00, 0 :.»0 ,v m 4 aril S d.' «".Of Naimet, Spring Valley, M"nse7 »,,,* Tallmana. waaidays, 7 co, 9:50 a. m.. 4:50,, C.10 p. lu. buu_ya, tt 44

ERIK RAiLWAT.-Tick*j| ilOeas, 401. .Tin711 and 1)67 Broadwar, 153 12 Lowery. 1S7 Waavsv

1 Battery Pla<( rs ai. 1 23d Minot lorn., ~i**Z\, . Kl .m.! 188 "i .. .-. Hr..kiw.: jr,/ BraMwsvWllliamsliuig (..n.e. Newark ant Hul«.ti s-. li,v>lc«»;'62 Montgomery-st., aad New btallon, lerasy cur «i,'iaTickets and Parlor or Sleeping ('ar i<-i*>rvarU>na , .. r\'r%fur l.ei-un.g and transfer ot baggSgs ,411 b- obtained. Ss.nress tr.iln ileflv* * '. ¦'. B iUU'i s a lier than dad ,..<,»¦from Chambers-rt ; loi il -run. ". (/. 10 roinatos sartlssil a m., Hay Exp*.a*, burnt drawing-room o.aehafl

to Buffalo; (tillman -i.'.-iiing coj.i.s li.,.-.,- ...vii.o t*Clio Inna and levels 1

10:30 s. m.. weeB daj». fx'swsre Valley F.i-.-».s, carlo*ear to Binghamton. Owegn Lim In and Corning.

6 i> m. .!a iv. " Chicago and Bl Loni* Llmitod.'rs solisPullman train of day arid barf. . r,.-. t/i Haf.fain, Niagai.i Falls, Clevelaad. Chicago, Claelnassi sailSt, Lou." BO '"'ii ,t.»r ."¦ ( il faVM

0 p. B... dally Chicago I.<!¦'.-. buffet sleeping'¦r.ach's lo Binghamton. Owcga, Finora, Ibu tit* ter, Buf,fslo. Cincliiiiall sid Chicago.

RumeiforJ ai.a, 4 45, 6, 7, 7:50. | my,10:30 a. m. 12 BSafliJ 1 1 45. £8 40.4:10. 4:40. 6.10. .130. 5 M. 6.Pi. S SO,7 :3o. 0. 10 :.'io p. m. i 13 n'gi.f- Also u, Rutherforsl8:80 a. BL ; 4 .10, .". 80 ;, ai la Paaaal .. ".. 8 1" .. 40.?¦ m. Mundill*. 4 4V ¦¦ a. n,. |« riooftj

¦4.-,, 3, 4, ¦'.. fl 80, 7 SO. '¦». I" 90 I- iii I-' iilvhl.Fs'erson-4. 4 .45 0, 7, 7:50. 0 30. 10 *0 a m. IS noon'

1. I 4... 3, 3 SO, if io 4. 1:10. 4 ii | ft lo.f. 80, .'. SO, 0:10, 'i SO 0 IO 7:80 8, 10 i'i p El12 night Sui.. y*. 4 45. 8 KO. 10 ti a. rn 12 i oaa ;1:4a, B, 4, .'.. 8410. 7 :.«'». 9. 10:80 li- Ba.j 2 n..iit

Nr«a,k and I'ateraoo, via Newark .'. 4,, 0 SO, >» 8 ii li.11 <0 a. m.; 2, 3 80 4 20. 4 SO, ', .. .', a), fl 20.7 3d, 10 p. m.; 13 i,.ght, bui lays. Vi a. m. ; is 30,fl IO, s p. rn

Ridgewood and SufTern-4. 4:48, 7 V> 8:80, 18:88 a sat1, 3. 4. 4 tSO, ¦".. .-, BO, 8:10, 0:40. 7 SO, 8, io::«o p. _. ;12 nltfh'. Al-, ui Ridgewood, h :30 a. m. .', -0 ,.. m. Ji. Barrera, .'; SO n sa, Baadsys 4.45. b.3.j. 10.34a. BL 1 :46, 4. (J:.'(() p. m. 12 I

Newburg anl Cornwi !-7 :'.:, 9 a. bl 3 80, 4, 4 30. 8 00,8:80 |. bi bun laya ti ¦ bi i 4.".. 5 p. raWarwick.Week du., 4:4a, «. to 30 a. m.; 1. 4 *o ». m.Goshen.( :45, 7:80, 9. I" .3" ». m.; 1. ' :30, 4 88. 5 80u

9 0. BL Sunrtiiys, 4 15 8 80, li a i-. 8 .JO. B i> rnMid'tlei.iwn anl port Jervis 1 16. 7 SO, 9. 10 80a m.*

1:80, 4 :30. 5, 7:80. -> p. m. Sundays. 4:45, 8 30, 9,s. n;. 5, r, .3,1, 9 p. rnFspreas trains from the West arrive In New-York BS

7:05, ll .Vi a. m.. a.,a 10 20 p. m.W. .1 MT'ICl'Ilt*. La, P. FA RM FR.

Oen'l SuL-'t _General Pi'sengor Agaa!


OBKiil TOLR-TRACK litL.SK LINE.Un snd alu-r Jun ¦...

GRAND IN i RAL STATION,Largest ind Fli ai rd--,.nL'.'r btatlon in America.'Is a. bl, Reel ste* 1 ¦.,,.. .-,, Irawlns-rooka car* ts

Alb.iy, Tr,.y and Byracuso.9 a. bl, Saratoga, Lake George, and Montreal. Special

diswing-room cars Iwell. Lake fJeoi gs.Plattsburg. a"d Monti kibe*.9am I - s :, * ¦¦: mia -. Luierne, N ,rk

Creek, Bchroon Lake, Blue M. '.i.-a.i, Lake, Sc car lo Saratoga

.0:80 a. bl. I AMOCS VF.STIBULED CHICAGO ANTIst. i.dii.-, Limited, codi 1 ;u-i..y of t,uir«i

Ping ea. . forAlbany, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester. BoiTuio, NugaraFalls, Jir... 1 ids pol is ana Toledo, arriving atChicago at, 9 :80 a ... S*. Louis 7 lo p. bj. next djy.

HO 3d a. bl, (.1 kalla Ts.ronui, Cleveland, Clouia.ttl, Indiinapolla. Ix-troll a.I

... lu C..ui.Igua, Ro -ran! Iliriiti-id bj

111 3o a m W»t«ern New-Terk am Northara Exiress.f..r si r,.i, I.ii,.' Georgi*, Rm (ton, N, itaAJ'im«. ste. Lira cara

3:3ii p. m., Saratoga and Uti. special, with drawing.\... 1. Runs th..jui[B

to l.'jk.- (¦ - ni.'y¦4 a, bl, s Albany and Tny. Cea>

Beets foi '.'. 11 anl ;mermed.aiahhura ll. R,

;C p. m., Fas'. Chicago. Cine'nnatl sn1 St. Louis Fx.fir Napresa ft Niagara i Buff* Bildge, las

.teal I, ( IticinnaU,Indianapolla. bt Louis, lj..'.n/it. aul Chicago, w.ta ^lng -ii. i dil lng '-irs

.t j. f..r (iavton dajiy, Including Munday; forriul Bmlth's, daily .lav Through 1 j,r.'.r-, lo ( layton uni Paul Smith's via Ut...a anl li., w.a:. 1 0, il. K

?11 so p. BL, Montreal and Canandatgua Fxpress, dally,s to Plattsburg and Mon*real via Rnuse's Poins¦nd via Bl Albani Bl* loByi ie and Cananualgns, dailyBXceut sunday. Sunday 'ruin .11. . Bot .uu wost of A.b.ay.

¦»o SO ii. bl for Ad -. ! 1 ii4.y.Lyon M luntaln, i- ni ¦ .. tc,

I and Chai id: 1 as ¦¦ I.u-lorne, North Creek, fi n Lake. Blue Mountain L.i»,

Saratoga and Adirondack Railroad, isl cplng .arNow-Tork to Plattsburg. Con 1 sleep.jjcai will b* nu from New-Ti :.. N "

8 j> Bi., Specl S arris 7 to s. nv,Buffalo a :35 a. BL. an i I levi land 1 :._'". p rr-

¦til mi, h.. 1 a -1 .Ni., i. ifield SnrlnMsr, Buffalo, Niagara Fall* ..\eiand,

( .neinr ind C hleago.eplng tn-. bi.'.ping cars u» Canandaigua oa

band ij . only.U ii,, li, lint, Al'.rin-ta.'k Mountain Special for Sars'oga,

Lake George, 'Plai Lake, Mranao La..a,Paul Bmlthra. tc Sleeiilng cars to Albany

Tickets and spaee in and sleemng ears oasale s? Gland Central Station 413 7-0 aol 942 it.-oadwsy,I a Psi k place. I I '"U W«**t l.'.-t,.'., and

Station, Nsw-Tors; 333 Wsshlngi g and 73^Fulton sta., Brooklyn, and 79 sth-st.. Williamsburg.

We*ttott's Rxpreas calls Ijr and caoe.. ojchj^o frons¦ real len, ea

¦r.uu dam ml. rs d.itty excrp*, Sunday. tS'cp »r, i3Sth>st. btstion to taK> un psasecgera .' No and

J. M TOI KV HENRY MONETTGensrsl Suporlntenitent. Ger.ersl Pj-»en»-- r Agent.

PEjNjS'SYLVANIA sn aile1 11 i.i -"1.


Trains ham Nea fork, via DeaortaMia aud CortlandSerects Ferrii s, j- follows.

Harri"burn. Fittsbu -' uni the Wi sr. with Putlmsn PalacaCar. attach 1. y .. u a m 8 :80 D ninn Car, ad Bp m.-daiiv. New-York and Chicago L.mii'd of Pdti.r.Dhai.s, bi lng and VatUbnlad Oats SS . sswa. m. evury;, Lock Haven, 9:m!a. m., 8 iftrt p. m.; C r*yand Erle at 8 li mnectlug at i.(.rry for T.'.ea-Mll- and the >,I KCglOOaFor Leba 1 CO p. m. and 12 :13 nlrht.

Fer Nurriaiowti, PhenlLvllIe. Potts.wn and Rea/lmg,11 " j 1. 1 'i and 4 :(,.0 p. m. fcaturdayaonly, s p. BL Si ula)a, 6:15 and 10 a. m.

Ballin;..te, Washington and the Souih. .. LimKea Wash,urea* ol Pu..'nan Pa Cars, dally «'..¦:.»

Sunday. Ki a- bl; uiiivc SS'a.iilngton 4:00 p. m., soldai.y, ultu U.i.ini; tar, ul 3 40 11. m.. arrive Wash-logion '.'!.: P. m.; regular at » 20, 6 vO and 1:88a. bl, 1 ¦'. 8:00, 4 30 ai-1 y :V" p BL, snd 1-' li

SundaJ, 6:1s SSd 8 a. ui., 4 :8w and 3 p. tu. sud1^ 15 »

For Atlantic city, ll :io a. m., 1:00 anl 2 :00 p. m. aeekdays

For May, 1 p. m. n-reic days.Lune li. 11 .. Hr. Junetlon and intermediate sta.

tiona, via Itahaai anl s iboy, 3 .'<". 7 io ind IO am.12 1.. 2 30, 8:11 4 50 .'>. .nd 7 p.m..' bunda) 7 :',. sod '.. 18 a. n Bad .". p. ai ido notatop 1* Aal i.-v i- ...

For 018 Foint and Norfolk, via New-York. Philadelphiaand Norfolk Railroad, 8 p BL, dally; via l>a.u_oraand Bay Line. 4 :ao p. m \»i"k days

Boats cf '.Brooklyn A' nex" .onset wt»h a.i thi-ougbtrains at J' rs, v ciy, aiTord.ijg a apceily and directiranslcr for Brooklyn travel

ffOB nilLuVDELPHIA.Express trslns Isave Now-york, via Deabroases sag

1 orusndt streets ferries, as follows:C.2U, 7-'a s. y ,y. Cbaisgo L.m.t<., with Dining car,

and io, \s is nngton l. avitfl I), and ll a. m., 12 ;^0. 1, a*3 'JO, 4, 4 .3(.i, j, (3. u no. a uni j n. ii., anl 12 15 n gb-A.'i- n, 11.o lal on, & :80 a,id ll ilO S, BL, 4 .40 and 7 p. m.bundara, Express c. .li. B 9 LlBlUal) ai. 1 IO *. m.,4, 4:30, 5. 0. 8:80, b and 8 poi., and 12.1 i ulgbb.Accommodation, 7 p. m

lru:ns leaving New.york lally, exeept Sundar, it li, Iand 11:10 a. BL, 1, 2, 4, a, 8 p. m. and ld a. rn,and 7 p bl on hondava, emin il rrenton for Camdan.Ticket Offices, Noa. 1. 4il*>, M9 anl '.'*» Broadwar. I

Astor Monas and I001 of Desbtos*.-s and Cor.*adi eta; 4Court-St and Brooklyn An toot ot Fultoa-Sl,Bi ok vu; btatlou. Jersej c.: EaUatrani Ttekat o_ce,(.a-- Garden

The New-TorS Transfer Company will call for ealcheck baggage from hotcia and icslden.ea.

CllAs,. E. ITCH. J. tl WOODGeneral M ¦¦ (ieneral l'ass'r Anent.



anu iiu: bOUTH.NEW.TORR. rilir.vnM.rillA * NORFOLK R. K.

Train leaves foo', ot Cortland! ant l)e»bros*es sta.dally. 6 00 p. m. Tlikcie and deeping be,ths a.'curedai any Ti.-k.t Ofltee of ti" Pennsrlvanla Railroad Co.II. W. DL'NNR, bunt. R. ll. COOKE, G. p. t ». A,

WEST SHORE tUJLROAD.Vt N. V. i'. t li. ll, ll CO., lesseeaTrains leave Wesi rj;-1 stat.a a» follows, and 20

BinUt' s .-allier fi .in loo) ol Jaj m.. N-rih K/.crDetroit and lilcago, -'.i..',;, a. bl, '0:00, .» 13 p. m.Bt Loula ¦('¦ 00, -o :18 i>- o'-

Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Suapenalon B'idge, Ni¬agara Falls I 0 .".."> u. m.. ..' 00, *a 15 0, bl

Utica, 3:l.i. ..' :..".. ll .M.. bl, ¦(> 00. .> I'S p. m.Kingston, .vm. Albany, 8:18, *7l3.

.f 89 lt ::. - 4 ¦. '. ,.,.,- ',(ran-ton's. NS . Iwaif, Ncwborg, *3 IBs

.7:1-"., "8:88, 1" IS, ia il to .t. bl, [a I 00, 4 LO, fi 18a

.8:15. »:45 li. BL, and 8:00 a. in, 3. li and 0:00 ,». m..Cranston's, Cornwall, N. wt

For Montreal uni Canada li-', .("> 00 p. u,HBBBllton, Leiden. ".. M Bl Mi w. *S 15 p. ra. To.

ronlo, 1.1 ¦.: (ki. '8 l*> U. tn

Elegant sleeping-cars tor Butfal ., Niatrira Falls, DetroitChi.-ago and Si t.oui*.

Saratoga Sped* a, j 11 A* 1. r.- i* 3:15 p. m. Draw.Ini r. .,

Lake George, tl 88 n In av, lng-Room Cars to Cald«areli, Haturdaj - on 1. 1) 8:45 p bl

Lak.-s Mobonk and ",: nu wanka, via Near-fnllg, 9 Ois,tai 11 88 a bl. (a| 8 1 ¦". p, m. Dmwing-Roora Cara toKiiiu..,,,, on 8:00, il ll .10 a. B it .4.'. 11 m. trains.

KaatrrakiU, Hunter. Grand ll .ii; k.aa,1:15, t) 11 SO .1 in - 3 :43 p. D

Room Csrs la Grand Hotel Station and lo ['hoenl ia forHotel Ksaterakl *nd tl nt nu H .us,. 0u y iV. |BJ ll JOa. n and 0 i"¦ i' irsliia

PalenviUe, Cairo aud Mounts ti asa RUtt**), I t*>.7 t'.. '.( 00, ia ll SO a. 1.1 is ;t t". iiRoora Can io Calaklli o', (j) 11 :8o a. u. and i»i S .45 u. ._

tralna.¦ p.iiiy. . Dali* 1 ". - daily

exeept Si nday. i.. ...¦ .1. r, City, P. lt 'stution, .1 :1 o -.:¦,.btatlon, ,4.11 ..lin (.. m.

for tli'K'>;s. tim.- t ibles |,n;,i:- ni' 1,00m.p.,1 la tlc . Hr... kl]1Washlu/l..iial vtoo' ot Kui-t.i..,r N'.v v,.., , - u U It r 1', 1 1Bowery. 12 Park plan 11 ss.-' s.iorv Stations, fo>>i olWesi jj\ n ,\ lt C I \ P,

5 N'ai '.'.'.,.. (. ., Sigsut.

T-B-JaNa Fuii BOSTONvia

New-Tork and New_n*rianaand

New.Tork. New-Haven anl Hartford Roads. .

Leave NF.WYOUK 10 A. M.. «3 P M ll 30 P ht.Arrlv.. fBOttTOH 4 IO P. M "9 P M.. 7 A. M.



.8:00 p. m. Dallr, lin lull-ig Sunday*Olher trama daily BBJaaSS Sun la) a.

bicupinit ur a, .>n.iii.>, aaa san aa secured at ticket

oninoa. sj: Broadway, and Grand Osstisl DefSi

<li()Ki: 1.INK-AI.I.-KA1I. ROUTE-POBj*J BOatan. New| and tho IJaal Kspreaa leavea UranaCentral station at lu 00 a- n. aad 1 00 p "". for Wau-a

Hill. Narragansett Flor. Ne«is.rt, ant li '

Boston \ 00 b. iu. Limited iv -' N_2_* \T1'lin,,, anl Huston. ll SOD, BL Night L sp resa for hos-

port. Pray.euco, BoaMn-dally. l'_ac« PaiUr Cara aslicenj_g ij.a ti doalluaUol.