cisco - ethernet oam ptp tutorial

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Ethernet OAM PTP tutorial


  • Precision Time ProtocolIEEE1588v2

    TICTOC BOF IETF Prague 2007

    Ron Cohen Resolute [email protected]


    AgendaStatusPTPv1 overviewPTPv2 major additionsTransparent clocksPTP and TICTOC


    The Precision Time Protocol (PTP)PTPv1 published in 2002Industries involved: v1: Industrial Automation, T&M, Military, Power Generation and Distribution v2 : Audio-Visio Bridges (802.1AS), Telecom and MobileSymposia in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. 2007 in ViennaProducts: Microprocessors, GPS Linked Clocks, Boundary Clocks, NIC Cards, Protocol Stacks, RF Instrumentation, Aircraft Flight Monitoring Instruments, etc.Information: http://ieee1588.nist.govVersion 2 PAR approved March 2005. Technical work completed


    PTPv1 objectivesSub-microsecond synchronizationIntended for relatively localized systemsApplicable to networks supporting multicastSimple, administration free installationSupport heterogeneous systems of clocks with varying precision, resolution and stabilityMinimal resource requirements on networks and host components


    Protocol overviewTiming ProtocolAlign slaves to master timeMeasure delay between master and slaveMeasure per-link delay (v2)Synchronization Hierarchy routing ProtocolAutomatic Best Master Clock AlgorithmDetermines the master-slave synchronization clock tree hierarchy Management ProtocolConfiguration and performance monitoring


    PTP Master-Slave Hierarchy*Clock symbols taken from ITU-T SG15 synchronization modeling components time contribution #249 Geneva-2007 by Mike Gilson of BT


    Timing Protocol Operation


    Precision using HW time-stamping


    1-step and 2-step clocks1-step clock updates accurate timestamp (t1) in Sync message2-step clock sends accurate timestamp (t1) in a Follow_Up messageSimplify design while avoiding queuing noiseEase integration of security extensions


    PTPv2 major additionsSynchronization accuracies better than 1 nanosecond Higher sampling/message ratesUnicast communicationCorrection for asymmetryTransparent clocksRedundancyConfigurable synchronization hierarchyDecouple sync messaging from hierarchy signalingFormal mechanisms for message extensionsMappings to UDP/IPv4&6, Ethernet w/o VLAN, (also DeviceNet, PROFINET, ControlNet)


    Sync and Delay-Req formats


    End-to-End Transparent ClocksE2E TCs cancel queuing and processing delays


    Peer-to-Peer Transparent ClocksP2P TCs cancel queuing, processing and propagation delays


    Peer Delay Measurement (Optional)


    E2E TC Enabled PSNPacket queuing and processing is removed


    P2P TC Enabled PSNTopology change does not effect slave performance


    Comparison between switches*restriction can be relieved using P-delay over MPLS

    Boundary ClockE2E TCP2P TCClockSynchronizedSyntonizedSyntonizedTopology limitations None NoneHomogenous*with 1:1 connection each linkState maintainedPer port statePer unicast contract state Temporal message state for 2-step TCsPer link stateTemporal message state for 2-step TCsSlave scalability HierarchicalMaster sees all slaves Hierarchical (multicast Sync)Linear scalabilityControl wander accumulation Topology changeMeasure new delayMeasure new delay Pre-compute link delays


    PTP protocol extensions Define a profile that selects optional feature set, default and range of values Define TLV extension to messagesDefine flag-fields to be carried in event messagesDefine alternate management scheme (SNMP)Define alternate synchronization hierarchy selection (routing) algorithmDefine additional transport mapping (PTP over MPLS)Define alternate clock quality levels and attributes


    PTP and TICTOC

    RequirementsDescriptionServicesFrequency, Phase, Time and meta-Time servicesPrecisionNano-seconds accuracy demonstratedSub nano-seconds granularityIncremental Add Transparent clocks or Boundary clocks to improve performance if required in critical junctionsPerformanceTelecom grade performance has been demonstrated over non-PTP-aware networksScalableUse of boundary clocks and/or transparent clocks to scale and maintain performance limitsRobust to master failuresSmart slaves synchronizing to two domains or two masters in a single domain.Alternate master takes over when master failsRobust to topology changesP2P mechanism allows to pre-compute link-delays to minimize effect of topology change


    PTP and TICTOC

    DerivedRequirementsDescriptionHW friendlyCorrection field is scaled nano-seconds. All computations by transparent clocks are performed on correction field Correction field is in a fixed position from beginning of PTP header Single Timestamp in fixed position immediately after PTP header for master and slave HW setting Heterogonous design options2-step clocks simplify master designs1-step transparent clocks do not need to maintain per master-slave message statesSlave friendlyTimescale (Timestamps) is continuous. Timestamps do not jump or miss one second when leap event occursTime-stamps do not roll over

  • Questions? Ron CohenResolute [email protected]


    NTP message format
