cica evreii trebuie sa se pregateasca pt cel de al 5 lea exil din cauza ismaelitilor

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  • 8/11/2019 Cica Evreii Trebuie Sa Se Pregateasca Pt Cel de Al 5 Lea Exil Din Cauza Ismaelitilor


    Klausenberger Rebbe: The Jews in the State of Israel must prepare for a 5th

    Exile: The Ishmaelites

    Don't think that the Arabs will always run away; Ishmael will Return, resiliently


    The Ishmaelite Princes of the House of Saud

    Our world is quickly moving into an apocalyptic war of global proportions, and no one

    has a clue what to do. The era of the 5th

    Jewish Exile is being unleased by their cousins,

    the Islamic Ishmaelites. The Days of Tribulation at the Time of the End are now Here.

    Zechariah 14: 1-5Behold, a day is coming for HaShem, when your spoils will be

    divided up in your midst. I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for the war; the city

    will be captured, the houses will be pillaged and the women will be violated; half of the

    city [East Jerusalem] will go out into exile, but the rest of the people will not be

    eliminated from the city.

    HaShem will go out and wage war with those nations, as He waged war on the day of

    battle. His feet will stand on that day on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on

    the east, and the Mount of Olives will split open at its middle, east to west, [forming] a

    very wide valley; half of the mountain will move to the north and half of it to the south.And you will flee to the valley of the mountains, for the valley of the mountains will

    reach to Azal, and you will flee as you fled from the earthquake that was in the days of

    Uzziah, king of Judah.

    And HaShem, My G-d will come; all of His Holy Ones will be with you. It will be on that

    day that the light will not be either very bright or very dim. It will be a unique day; it

    will be known as HaShems [day or The Day of the L-rd)], neither day nor night (the

    rotation of Planet Earth will halt), but it will happen towards evening time that there

    will be light (where the sun sets, it will rise). It will be on that day, spring war will flow

    out of Jerusalem, half of it [will flow] to the Eastern Sea and half of it to the Western

    Sea. This will be in summer and in winter.
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    HaShem will be will be the King over all the land; on that day HaShem will be One and

    His Name will be One. The entire land will change to a plain, from Geba to Rimmon,

    south of Jerusalem, and [Jerusalem] will become lofty and it will be settled in its

    placePeople will live in it, and there will be no more devastation; and Jerusalem will

    settle in security.

    The Klausenberger Rabbi: Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam of Saintly Memory

    A recent article inLazar Beamsfeatured HaShems insight through the Sages of Judah

    about the 5th

    and the Last Exile of the Jews by the Ishmaelites, the Arab children of

    Abrams son, Ismael, by Hagar, a princess of Egypt. While World War II raged across

    Europe and Adolf Hitlers Final Solution for the European Jews was being brutally

    executed, the Jewish people were in desperate need for a leader, a messiah of their

    generation, to arise and bring leadership to the people.

    The Almighty One did provide such a leader of extraordinary intellect that his soul

    appeared to touch directly the Divine. His devotion to the Almighty and His chosen

    people was boundless, and most incredible his energy was like a superman touched with
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    mesiras nefesh; or self-sacrifice. He refused not to violate even one precept of Torah


    Out of the blazing inferno of the fires in the ovens of the Nazi concentration camps there

    did arise a Torah giant with an outstanding character that made Rebbi Yekusiel

    Ydhudah Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rabbe one of the greatest rabbis of the era.

    Throughout the holocaust, the Klausenberger Rebbes influence permeated the

    oppression of the Warsaw Ghetto, as he survived the infernos of Auschwitz and

    Dauchau. His amazing spirit was a light in the spiritual darkness of that era as he

    personally suffered great loss, tragedy and brutality yet refused to be driven into the

    depths of despair.

    An amazing student of the Torah, he refused to compromised even one mitzvos in the

    minute way. Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstams defiant inspiration to Jewish

    captives as they walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he did fear no

    evil for truly HaShem was with him. At the end of the war, his spirit that soared toimmeasurable height remained unbroken as he brought his fellow survivors around him

    a light of faith of a world that had been driven to the depths of incredible darkness and


    Israeli Troops examining a Destroyed Egyptian Jet during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War,

    Operation Focus

    Within the two decades, the clouds of darkness was again surrounding the fledgling

    State of Israel as the Six Day War from June 5 to 10, 1967 erupted. Israel launched a

    surprise strike against the jets on the airfields of the Egypt, the United Arab Republic in

    response to the mobilization of Egyptian forces in the Sinai Peninsulas Israeli border.

    In the days preceding this high tension war era, the PLO had already initiated sabotage

    attacks against Israeli targets, Israel raided the Jordanian controlled West Bank. Syria

    artillery began its attack on Israel and the Golan Heights along the Israeli-Syria waserupting into a warzone. The UN buffer zone was evacuated from the Sinai Peninsula.
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    Within six days, Israel was victorious. On that Jubilee Year of 1967, the Jewish people

    gained control of the city of Jerusalem for the first time in almost 2000 years, as

    predicted in Rabbi Judah ben Samuels Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year of the


    In the aftermath of the Six-Day War, the seminary students studying in theKlausenberger Yeshiva were elated with praise to the IDF generals. They were

    forgetting the warning of the Sages of the Gemara, so the Klausenberger Rebbe warned


    Klausenberger RebbeDont think that the Arabs will always run away; Ishmael will

    return, resiliently strong. Our ultimate war with him will be a difficult one; we shall not

    prevail by way of military means

    Nobody understood the Rebbe back then. Only six short years later, Israel suffered

    surprise attacks from Syria and Egypt in the Yom Kippur War, in which over 2,500

    Israeli soldiers were killed. Only a miracle saved Israel from catastrophe...

    The Egyptian Forces crossing the Suez Canal on the October 7, 1973 Yom Kippur War

    The Klausenberger Rebbe continued with more ominous prophetic insight:

    Klausenberger RebbeThe Nazis killed mywife and my eleven children. I suffered

    from them in ways that defy description. Yet, the Ishmaelites outdo the Nazis when it

    comes to cruelty. I shudder to think what will be.

    Who could be worse than the Nazis? The Almighty One of Israel gives us insight

    through the Holy Ones of Judah to see into the future and so with their insight into our

    present times, we can understand the time of the End.

    The prophetic words of the saintly Sage, the Klausenberger Rebbe gives us insight intowhat we see, but we refuse to believe its full implications upon our lives today and poses
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    a warning of our future. It is time that we take hold of our destiny as the Lost Ten

    Tribes of the House of Israel (Ezekiel 36), give up our arrogant anti-rabbinic Christian

    ways, and realize that HaShem is the G-d of All Israel, not Roman Catholic Christianity

    in which most of the Lost 10 Tribes are imbedded today.

    Today, the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (Syria), known as the ISIS, is an ultra-radicalIslamist movement that has sent a shock wave throughout all anti-terrorist and security

    agencies around the world. It has taken control of a third of Syria, and a large segment

    of Iraq. It is heading towards Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Northern Africa, and Spain.

    On the first day of Ramadan 2014, according to Global Security, the ISIS declared that

    they were now the International Global Jihad for the Islamic Caliphate of the Middle

    East. As depicted in a revised map issued in June, the ISIS plans to extend their Islamic

    Caliphate first into Eastern Europe, including Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey and then

    conquer the European region as far as Austria in the East and Spain in the West. The

    extent of the Islamic Caliphate is envisioned to include also the entire Middle East,

    Northern Africa, Khurasan the land of exile for the Lost Ten Tribes of the House ofIsrael in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Central Asia in India. All will be part of their vision

    of an Islamic Caliphate.

    The Global Islamic Caliphate called the Islamic State

    The Land of Israel is the Navel of the Middle East and of the World

    The Ten Toes of Islam (minus Spain (Andalus) and the Balkans (Orobpa) Europe

    What you see on the map is correct, the ISIS, now the Islamic Caliphate (IS) now claims

    the Holy Land of Israel to be the dominate center of the new Islamic Caliphate as the

    State of Israel is obliterated. According to a statement by IS spokesperson, Abu

    Mohammed al-Adnani:

    Abu Mohammed al-AdnaniThe legality of all emirates, groups, states and

    organizations becomes null by the expansion of the caliph's authority and the arrival ofits troops to their areas.
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    Once they arrive in any of these countries, they will proclaim Sharia Law and anyone

    who refuses will be hanged on a cross, executed, heads cut off, children executed or run

    over or disemboweled. This will include Jews, Christians, Europeans and Americans

    alike. Dont forget, they do not care for your religious or political persuasion, whether

    right or left. You will either curse the country of your origin or the G-d you serve; or

    die. If you curse either one of them, you will probably still be beheaded.

    So, what are we experiencing today in the Middle East: Wars, Wars and Rumors of

    Wars? We are now beyond that as the escalation of conflict will continue to grow until

    the Messiah is fully revealed. As such Christian interpreters of scripture will have to

    continue to rewrite their understanding of prophetic history as the time of the end

    morphs into new revelations of our future. Whether these prophetic models are pre-

    trib, post-trib, the Christian understanding isdifferent than the rabbanim of Israel.

    Many Christians are diligently waiting in great anticipation to be raptured, while the

    Jews suffer the fates of the Fifth Islamic Exile. They believe that the raptured Christians

    will ride in with the messianic hosts and the Messiah while the Jews are going throughtribulation and threats of annihilation. Wow! This is anti-Semitism at its best. A recent

    post by former IDF commando Rabbi Lazer Brody recently clarified this idea more

    clearly in Moshiach Now?in his blog, Lazer Beams

    Rabbi Lazer BrodyDo we really want Moshiach to come right now? Does anyone

    have the slightest idea of the ramifications involved?

    Several leading rabbis and Kabbalists, such as Rabbi Dov Kook of Tiberias and the

    "Chalban" ("Milkman"), Rabbi Chaim HaCohen Farchia, have said recently that the

    Geula, the full redemption of our people, has already started. Since I knew that I'd be

    asked about this during one of my upcoming radio appearances, I turned to my

    esteemed and beloved teacher, Rav Shalom Arush shlit'a, to get a crystal clear emuna-

    oriented outlook on the subject. Rav Shalom made my sidecurls stand up. He told me

    the following spine-chilling story:

    Rav Shalom Arush shlit'a - A group of secret tzaddikim whose names I am not at

    liberty to mentioncame to visit my holy teacher, Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibowitz osb"m,

    not long before he died. They composed a letter to Hashem demanding Moshiach, right

    now. They all signed the letter, but they lacked one critical signature, that of Rabbi

    Yehuda Zev. They knew that if he would sign it, then Hashem would have to bring

    Moshiach right away. They appealed to him, but they didn't expect his response

    Rabbi Yehuda Zev bolted upright in his wheelchair. He pointed a reprimanding finger

    at one of the secret tzaddikim. Like an upset lion, he asked, "Were you in the

    Holocaust?" The tzaddik shook his head in the negative. Rabbi Yehuda Zev turned

    individually to the second, to the third and to the fourth tzaddik and asked them the

    same question. None of them had lived through the Holocaust.

    Well I did," roared Rabbi Yehuda Zev, and I saw with my own eyes the indescribable

    suffering that our people experienced on their own flesh. I never want to see that again!

    Are you willing to take responsibility for the grueling tribulations that our people will

    undergo as a purification process, if Moshiach comes and they're not ready?" None of
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    the tzaddikim were willing to accept such a responsibility. They aborted their idea then

    and there...

    For Christians the revealing of the Messiah is an event; bold, direct, and sudden. For

    Jews, the revealing of the Messiah is a process; which may be sudden, redemption by

    ahishena, if the Lost Israelites and the Jews suddenly change their ways as the peopleof Nineveh did in the days of the Prophet Jonah, and then they deserve a sudden and

    miraculous redemption.

    We, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and the Jewish people of the House of

    Judah could our hearts with each other and repent, proclaim our brotherhood again

    and the One G-d of Israel in which we serve will call a halt to the end of days and

    redemption will suddenly be here.

    We could proclaim our emuna our faith in the sovereignty of the One G-d of Israel,

    that His Divine plan of salvation will be accomplished and that He is capable of

    accomplishing our salvation and redemption. He could reveal His Messiah anytime, butwe are still trying to accomplish our own salvation and so He gives us more time to gain

    the emuna (faith in His Sovereign Power) and teshuva (repentance to Him as the

    Almighty One) so that He can close this 6000 year era of Human history

    The Redemption of All Israel could have been over by this day, without all the

    bloodshed of the Islamic Intifadas, or the threats and cruelty of the Islamic ISISs bid to

    become the Islamic Caliphate of the world. The Holy One will suddenly stop the

    despicable role of the United Nations of continuously using Israel as their whipping

    child of the nations.

    This sudden redemption, is called in Hebrew Ahishena, which means, Redemption

    comes suddenly, in a miraculous way. It is described in the BibleSearchers Reflections

    posts under the title of The Guela (Redemption by Bietah or Ahishena, as when

    Mashiach (Messiah) comes, and the world reaches its correct fulfillment and purpose.

    This will come with the beneficial designations that were promised by Hakadosh Baruch

    Hu(The Holy One, bless is He)by way of His prophets, as is described in TaNaKh

    (Old Testament).

    Yet, the revealing of the Messiah may have to wait until its appointed timeas decreed

    when that time will be by the Heavenly Court. And so the Great Day of the L-rd will

    come bybietah

    , with great global and apocalyptic disasters and destruction. At thattime the prophetic Drama of the Ages as destined by the Heavenly Courtwill be

    completed and wrapped up in the final drama of the Grand Finale.

    According to the Jewish Midrash, the rabbis have spoken eloquently about the four

    Jewish exiles that have affected the Jewish people before the Era of the Messiah begins;

    Babylon, Media, Greece, and Rome (Bereishit Rabba 2:4). As written by Rabbi Pinchas

    Winston in the Chabad article titled, The Final Battle with Ishmael, we learn that:

    The Zohar speaks of a Fifth Exile at the End of Days: Ishmael.

    Zohar 1:119a...The descendants of Ishmael will go up at that time [End of Days] withthe nations of the world against Jerusalem... (GogUMogog)
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  • 8/11/2019 Cica Evreii Trebuie Sa Se Pregateasca Pt Cel de Al 5 Lea Exil Din Cauza Ismaelitilor


    Members of the Islam State of Iraq and Shaam (Isis) with senior commander Abu


    Sefer Eliyahu, Pirkei Mashiach, p. 236Israel will say to the king of the Arabs, Take

    silver and gold and leave the Temple. The king of the Arabs will say, You have nothing

    to do with this Temple. However, if you want, choose a sacrifice as you did in the past,

    and we will also offer a sacrifice, and with the one whose sacrifice is accepted, we will all

    become one people.

    The Jewish people will offer theirs, but it will not be accepted because the Satan

    (Avenging Angel) will lay charges against the Jews before Hakkadosh, Barukh Hu (TheHoly One, Blessed is He) and the Heavenly Court. The descendants of Kedar will offer

    theirs, and it will be accepted....

    At that time, the Arabs will say to Israel, Come and believe in our faith, but Israel will

    answer, We will kill or be killed, but we will not deny our belief! At that time, swords

    will be drawn, bows will be strung and arrows will be sent, and many will fall...

    Continuing in the Zohar, we read further:

    Vayakhel 220a[During the Resurrection of the Dead], many camps [Towns and

    Settlements] will arise in Land of the Galilee, because that is where Mashiach [Maschiahben Yosef or Messiah son of Joseph] is going to be revealed, since it is part of Joseph's

    territory. It will be the first place to be destroyed. It will begin there ahead of all other

    places, and then spread to the nations...
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    The Islamic Rage and the destruction of the Tomb of Joseph

    The Second Islamic Palestinian Intifada began after Prime Minister candidate Ariel

    Sharon went up to the Temple Mount on Rosh Hashanah 2000. There he read selected

    biblical passages from the future Gog-Magog War in Ezekiel 38-39. One of the first

    places to be destroyed was the Tomb of Joseph. The barbaric destruction of this Jewish

    holy site caught the world's attention, though the damage could not be reversed.

    Zohar 1:119a...The descendants of Ishmael will go up at that time [End of Days] withthe nations of the world against Jerusalem... (G-g-Magog War)

    Today, like a steamroller, the ISIS has now become the world's richest terrorist

    organization, having taken control ofmajor oil fields in Syria and in Iraq.The ISIS also

    seized tremendous amounts ofgold bullion from the Iraqi banks,which were left

    unguarded in the chaos accompanying the militants' takeover of Mosul, one of Iraq's

    main oil centers.

    It was claimed that the Al-Qaeda Jihadists Looted Over $400 Million From Mosul

    Central Bank, and afterwards then seized Saddam's hometown. When they take down

    Baghdad, they will be taking possession of a treasure drove taken from the Jewish

    people who lived there for exactly 1,260 years under the dominion of Muslim peoples

    during the days of the Jewish Exilarchs in Babylon as revealed in the Destination Yisrael

    article, titled, The Jewish Babylonian Exilarchs and their Intimate Access to Assyrian,

    Babylonian, Persian and Islamic Imperial History.

    BibleSearchers Reflections It was the fourth Caliph of the Sunnis who was also the

    first Caliph or Imam of the Shiites, Al ibn Ab lib, the son-in-law to the Prophet

    Muhammad when he married the Prophets daughter, Fatima Zahra, that gave the

    Islamic ruling in 657/658 CE to free the Jewish academies of any political control within

    the Islamic world. This ruling came from the only Caliph or Imam that was accepted byboth the Sunnis and the Shias. What it did was to remove the Jewish people from
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    obtaining any political power that would become a rivalry to the Muslims. As such the

    Jewish people were no longer a political threat to the Islamic people.

    Like Nebuchadnezzar of old, who caused one of the greatest catastrophes in Jewish

    history, yet, within one generation, under the wise guidance of the Jewish Prime

    Minister Daniel, made Babylon a safe haven and the greatest city in the entire worldbecame the Jewish educational mecca and the seeding ground to implant the ideas that

    there was a God of the Universe who created all mankind and wanted to establish a

    loving relationship with all men. So also under the guidance of the finger of the God

    of Israel, when the imperial power of authority swung from the Babylonians to the

    Persians, the only city that did not shed one blood of the Jewish people in that epic

    transition of political domination was the city of Babylon.

    LikeCyrus the Great,who became a messiah to the Jewish people also with his

    marriage to the Jewess, Esther, imbedded the Jewish blood in the Persian royalty. This

    fact protected the Jewish people against their biggest threat of all time during their

    Babylonian and Persian exile; the threat of complete annihilation of the entire Jewishrace living in the Babylon and Persian provinces by thePersian Prime Minister Haman

    the Agagite (Amalekite)who wanted to wipe the Jewish people off the face of the


    Now within one generation of the Prophet Muhammad there came an Islamic Sharia

    ruling that would preserve and protect the Jewish people living in exile in the

    wilderness for the next twelve hundred and sixty years. Now only that, this ruling of

    taking away political power in the Islamic world would refocus the direction of the

    Jewish leadership.

    The attention of the Jewish leadership would not be to the possession of political power

    but for the preservation of the written Torah and the halakhah of how to live the life of

    Torah for the Jews as preserved in the Oral Torah or the Babylonian Talmud. This one

    fact did more to protect and preserve the Jewish people than any other thing during the

    Muslim era of political domination.

    The Jewish educational centers at the rabbinical colleges at Sura and Pumbeditha in the

    seventh to the eleventh centuries were the settling time as the Jewish people established

    the mature understanding of their halachah on how to keep the Torah of their covenant.

    As the first century Pharisee scholar, the Apostle Paul recognized, this halachah was

    without a faith in their Messiah Yahshua but that did not negate that the Jewishpeople still remained in a covenant relationship with the God of Israel. They still

    fulfilled their responsibilities to preserve the Torah and the Oracles of God and the

    knowledge that here is a God of Israel who loves all mankind.

    These centuries, as shown in the history of the Jews, depicted the development of a

    vigorous and thriving Jewish economic and religious cultural life. For centuries the

    religious and intellectual life of the Jews thrived in the only place on this planet earth

    that a true renaissance of learning and culture existed.

    In an era in which the Jews were no longer threatened by extinction, the Jewish leaders

    took the title of Gaon (Excellency) and established the Jewish era of the Gaonim inBabylon. From the seventh to the eleventh centuries, as the Muslims were experiencing
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    their Golden Age or Islamic Cultural Renaissance the Jewish people were

    experiencing a Religious Renaissance.

    All the questions on Jewish law and Talmudic Law were directed to the Jewish scholars

    at the rabbinic colleges at Sura and Pumbeditha which were debated with great

    intellectual freedom and recorded for all generations thereafter. This fact has been asource of great distress to Christians in later years as parts of these debates were taken

    in part and usually out of historical context and showed the defensive frustrations and

    anger over how the Jewish people had been treated by the Roman Christian Church

    over the ages.

    When the Jewish political leaders lost all political power in the Islamic world, the

    emphasis of the Jewish leadership was now dedicated only to the spiritual or religious

    influence upon their own people. They were recognized to be the dhimmi or free non-

    Muslim citizens in a state that was governed by the Islamic-Sharia law. As a dhimmis,

    they were allowed to practice their religion, were given privileges of communal

    autonomy and governance over their own people with the guarantee of their personalsafety and property. These privileges were honored, with only few exceptions, as long as

    the Jews paid a tax or tribute to Muslims and accepted the political supremacy of


    In this Islamic pact with the Muslim political leaders, the historical facts suggest that the

    Jewish people were protected and preserved from the factions, battles and power

    struggles between the Sunnis and the Shias for over one thousand years. From that date

    on 657/8 CE until the modern age, the Jewish people were preserved within the Islamic

    culture until the imperial quests of the British and the French in 1917 CE began to

    politicize the condition of the Jews. This made the Jewish people the focal point of the

    relationship between the western occidental powers and the Islamic power elite in the

    Middle East.

    Not only that, the National Museum of Baghdad has been a treasure haunt of Middle

    East Treasures for 2,600 years. Hidden in the ancient walls of Baghdad, according to an

    ancient Tosefta of the Talmud, called theEmeq HaMelekh,it is believed to contain

    artifacts from Solomons Temple including a49 Lamped Golden Menorahstudded with

    a treasure of ancient gems of unbelievable value.

    Also, according to the testimony of one of the greatest Israeli experts on the lost

    treasures of Solomons Temple, and according to his intensive study in the JewishKabbalistic literature,Rav Menachem Borstein, wrote that the National Museum of

    Baghdadwas the recipient of numerous treasures from the Temple of Solomon.

    According to correspondence with the Director of the National Museum and verified by

    the Treasurer of the Museum, they had many artifacts and vessels of the temple of

    Solomon and invited him as an expert to verify the identity of these treasures reputed

    to have come from Solomons Temple.

    According to the4th

    Mishnah of the Emeq HaMelekh,the archival treasures that were

    hidden in a tower at Opis, the ancient name of Baghdat (Baghdad) included:

    A 7 branched, 49 lamped Menorah in fine gold with 182 precious gemstonessurrounded by 36,400 jeweled stones.
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    Thirty-six golden trumpets

    500 golden bread molds embossed with 5 Margliots (pearls?) and 2 precious


    1,200 Silver Bread Molds

    2,400 Precious Jewels on each of the Silver Bread Molds

    2,500 Margaliots (Pearls) on the Golden Bread Molds

    6,000 Margaliots (Pearls) pm the Silver Bread Molds

    1,000 Precious Jewels on the Golden Bread Molds

    2,400 Precious Jewels on the Silver Bread Molds

    500 Trays of Gold and

    1,200 Trays of Silver

    All of these treasures were hidden with the divine assistance of the angelic hosts as

    attested in the 12th

    and last Mishnah of the Emeq HaMelekh


    Mishnah of the Emeq HaMelekhHiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi, was given twelve

    more precious stones in order to hide them so that they could [eventually] be restored tothe Tribes [of Israel]. The names of the Tribes were engraved on them, and they shone

    on the Tribe's heads, excellent and precious, one more than the other.

    No king, prophet, or anyone else knew where they were hidden, excepting Hiluk, son of

    Shimur HaLevi. The remainder of the wealth and glory that was in Jerusalem was taken

    by angel Shimshiel. Shimur, Hiluk, and their companions, the Levites, later went and

    showed it to Michael and Gavriel.

    All Israel concealed the Vessels until a righteous king arises over Israel. What's more,

    they all swore a solemn vow never to reveal the whereabouts of these vessels until David,

    son of David, arises.

    All silver, gold, and Margaliot (precious stones) which was ever hidden away will be

    handed over to him (David son of David) when the exiles of Israel will be gathered from

    the four ends of the earth, and they ascend with greatness and exaltation to the land of


    At that time, a great river will issue forth from the Holy of Holies of the Temple. Its

    name is Gihon, and it will flow to the great and dreadful desert, and become mixed with

    the Euphrates River. Immediately, all the Vessels will float up and be revealed.

    Are we today, witnessing the rise of the 5th

    exile of the Jewish people by the Ishmaelites?

    This could be the beginning of the Ishmaelites bid for world dominion as they now stand

    up to the United States, European NATO plus Russia and China? What we could be

    seeing is the Last Stand of the nations of the world beginning to coalesce in unity to

    destroy and eliminate the State of Israel and all those who support G-d given right of the

    descendants of the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to live in the Land of Israel.

    So we stand back and watch with interest and apprehension as true satanic evil rears its

    ugly head over Planet Earth.

    What we do know in this short period of time, ISIS is now the wealthiest terrorist

    organization in the world as they take over the oil fields of Syria and Iraq. As early as

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    mid-June, 2014, ISIS had vaulted to the wealthiest terrorist militant organization in the

    world, asTelegraph UKwrote:

    Telegraph UKHaving already cemented its status as the Middle East's most feared

    Islamist militant organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) appear well-

    equipped to claim another distinction: the world's wealthiest terror group.

    With this week's capture of Mosul, the al-Qaeda splinter grouping is believed to have

    come into undreamed of new wealth after making off with 500 billion dinars - 256

    million - from the northern Iraqi city's central bank.

    The radical group is also said to have made off with a large amount of gold bullion from

    the bank, which was left unguarded in the chaos accompanying the militants' takeover

    of the city, which is one of Iraq's main oil centres.

    Atheel al-Nujaifi, the governor of Nineveh province, said ISIS members had also seized

    many more millions from banks across the region. The newly-acquired booty haselevated it to the world's best-resourced terror organisation, according toThe

    International Business Times.

    This wealth outstrips the wealth of the (1)Taliban - $70m-$400m, (2) Hezbollah $200m -

    $500m ($120m from Iran), (3) Farc - $80m - $350m, (4) Hamas - $70m, (Al-Shabaab -

    $70m - $100m) according to Money Jihad in 2011.

    The Ishmaelization of the Middle East and Europe

    Let us consider one fact. No matter what parts of the wealth of the world may funnel

    into the hands of the Ishmaelite fundamentalist terrorists, the G-d of Israel has hidden

    incredible wealth to restart a new "Temple of HaShem" culture in Israel. It is all

    prepared to begin the Messianic Era of the Messiah and the Age of Torah


    Think again. We do not know the Infinite Wisdom of what the G-d of Israel has in store

    for our lives. He will have to teach each one of us what true evil is like, so that we will
  • 8/11/2019 Cica Evreii Trebuie Sa Se Pregateasca Pt Cel de Al 5 Lea Exil Din Cauza Ismaelitilor


    never be tempted to repeat this historical drama again. What the prophets have warned

    us about 2,700 years ago, we may now have to live it out in our lives.

    Yet, this same King of the Universe will restore an era of culture and spiritual

    righteousness that mankind has never witnessed in past ages. It is there for our

    choosing, but we will have to use our "free will" to make those choices for the future.

    You have the option to choose HaShems Culture of Life or the HaSatan, the

    Avenging Angels Culture of Death. Our choices will be recorded in the Book of

    Life in the chambers of the Heavenly Court. We do not have the option to change the

    course of history. What we can do, is to accept our divine destiny and mission as to who

    we are; the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel who have abominated and desecrated the Holy

    Name of HaShem, the G-d of Israel over the last 27 centuries.

    Now it is time to prepare to return home with emuna, faith in the sovereign Power of the

    Almighty One of Israel, and with teshuva(repentance) and be willing to live in

    fellowship with our tribal brothers, the Jews of the House of Judah as prophesied by theprophets of Klal Yisrael (All Israel) and under the rule of HaShem's Messiah.