cic a4 gatefold, no ticks final july 2015

CIC VISION A world that values and supports sustainable hunting for the benefit of people and nature. CIC MISSION To promote - across the globe - sustainable hunting to conserve wildlife and wild lands, support communities and preserve our hunting heritage. CIC is a politically independent and globally active advocacy working in the public interest. Our diverse membership includes states, corporates, universities and associations. Our core strength rests in dedicated hunter-conservationist members from all continents. CIC advocates wildlife conservation across diverse landscapes through shared incentive-driven use. Our adaptive management approach is grounded in cutting-edge science. CIC values traditional knowledge reflected in mil- lennia of diverse hunting heritage. The members uphold and evolve the fundamentals of ethical hunting. CIC aims that each generation bequeaths to its suc- cessor intact landscapes richer in wildlife. International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation CIC Headquarters H-2092 Budakeszi PO Box 82 Telephone: +36 23 453 830 Fax: +36 23 453 832 [email protected] CIC Conservation through the sustainable use of wildlife INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR GAME AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR GAME AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Combat … Promote … Partner … Sustain … Our Four Global Initiatives Combat … Promote … Partner … Sustain … Partners:

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Page 1: CIC A4 gatefold, No ticks Final July 2015

CIC VISIONA world that values

and supports sustainable hunting for the benefit of people and nature.

CIC MISSIONTo promote - across the globe -

sustainable hunting to conserve wildlife and wild lands, support communities and preserve our hunting heritage.

CIC is a politically independent and globally activeadvocacy working in the public interest. Our diversemembership includes states, corporates, universitiesand associations. Our core strength rests in dedicatedhunter-conservationist members from all continents.

CIC advocates wildlife conservation across diverselandscapes through shared incentive-driven use. Ouradaptive management approach is grounded incutting-edge science.

CIC values traditional knowledge reflected in mil-lennia of diverse hunting heritage. The membersuphold and evolve the fundamentals of ethicalhunting.

CIC aims that each generation bequeaths to its suc-cessor intact landscapes richer in wildlife.

International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation

CIC HeadquartersH-2092 Budakeszi

PO Box 82

Telephone: +36 23 453 830Fax: +36 23 453 [email protected]

CICConservation through the sustainable use of wildlife





Combat … Promote … Partner … Sustain …

Our Four Global Initiatives

Combat … Promote … Partner … Sustain …


Page 2: CIC A4 gatefold, No ticks Final July 2015

Mastering the FutureThe four global CIC Initiatives

Combat Wildlife CrimeThe fight against wildlife crime is our top priority.Illegal wildlife use and trafficking threaten wildlifepopulations and impact the livelihoods of ruralcommunities. CIC advocates sustained resolve andcollaboration among nations; building of nationalwildlife law enforcement capacity and strategiccommunication; joint efforts by hunting andconservation groups; and strengthening ofinternational organizations such as CITES, CBD,CMS, ICCWC and TRAFFIC.

Promote Wildlife ConservationWorldwide, the ecological balance is under threatthrough human development. Expansive wildlandscapes are needed for the survival of entireecosystems and their wildlife. Responsible and

Combat Wildlife Crime

Promote Wildlife


Partner withInternationalOrganizations

Sustain our Cultural


sustainable hunting practices constitute an importantconservation tool for incentive-driven-conservation.Preserving wild landscapes, e.g. CarpathianMountains, Selous-Niassa Complex, Central AsianHighlands, harnesses economic and societal forcesbenefitting people and wildlife.

Partner with International OrganizationsCIC has a long tradition of partnership with manyinternational organizations. CIC is a foundingmember of the Collaborative Partnership onSustainable Wildlife Management (CPW). Thispartnership unites CIC with CBD, CIFOR, CITES, CMS,IUCN, UNEP, IUFRO, FAO, ITC, TRAFFIC, IIFB & OIE. Allhave mandates to cooperate with public and privatepartners to promote the conservation and sustainableuse of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife in all biomes andgeographic areas.

Sustain our Global Cultural HeritageHunting constitutes arguably the oldest humanactivity. It has influenced human development,culture, religion and social interactions from thebeginnings of human history. Few human activities,other than hunting, offer a more sustained linkacross human civilizations, from the Stone Age tothe Internet Age. This rich and diverse humanheritage needs to be appropriately recognized andsustained.