cibse south west lev presentation. part 1

© Vent-Tech Ltd – Adrian Sims CIBSE South West Breakfast Seminar: Understanding and designing Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Presenter: Adrian Sims Part 1

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Basic Competency Course Initial Appraisal and Thorough Examination & Testing of LEV Systems Presenter: Bill Cassells

CIBSE South West Breakfast Seminar:Understanding and designingLocal Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)Presenter: Adrian Sims

Part 1

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Content:Introduction to LEVLegislation for YOU and YOUR CLIENTSWhy LEV?Example LEV systemsIntroduction

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims



10 short answer questions.

Course Assessment

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsPractical assessment - see revision handouts.

Most people fail this.

Contains questions where you will need to use formulae.

Each exam question is worth 4 marks.

Give 4 bullett point answers where possible.


Why LEV?

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


148 people killed in accidents at work 2012/13.


Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsBut sadly nearly 150 people lost their lives due to accidents at work in 2012-13 but the trend is downwards.


8,000 cancer deaths and 13,000 new cases of cancer each year. - HSE

13,000 deaths per year from respiratory disease - HSE - 36 people per day!

There are currently an estimated 13,000 new cases of breathing or lung problems caused or made worse by work each year among those in, or recently in, work.


Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThe number of people being made ill from exposure to hazardous substances is alarming and the picture doesnt seem to be improving.


2012 report by Stirling Universitys Professor Andy Watterson:

The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain reports, the annual cash bill exceeds 2 billion.

Cancer survival rates are improving, but the 13,000 plus new work cancer cases HSE accepts occur each year dont come cost free, even if they dont necessarily kill. Care of the sick, lost wages and welfare payments will add hundreds of millions to the bill, minimum.Cost

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThe number of people being made ill from exposure to hazardous substances is alarming and the picture doesnt seem to be improving.


2013/14 report by HSE:

Cost to country 9.4billion

Cost to south west region 781m


Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThe number of people being made ill from exposure to hazardous substances is alarming and the picture doesnt seem to be improving.


More than half of these cancer deaths were caused by past exposures to asbestos (either mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer).

The next three biggest categories of occupational cancer were lung cancer due toSilica,diesel engine exhaust, andmineral oils.

The stats

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsWhich to me doesnt make sense because the health effects of these substances is well known and that exposure to them is relatively easy to control.


1.1 million people who worked during the last year were suffering from an illness (long-standing as well as new cases) they believed was caused or made worse by their current or past work. 0.5 million of these were new conditions which started during the year.

A further 0.7 million former workers (who last worked over 12 months ago) were suffering from an illness which was caused or made worse by their past work.


Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsTo put these numbers into context, the city of Dublin has a population of million people.

When you look at the numbers, are we really in Control?

So why is this?

These issues are not new.

They are relatively easy to prevent and to control, so why are so many companies still exposing their most important asset to harmful substances?

Perhaps we need to take a closer look at the control methods being employed.


Is this new?1997

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims~60% of LEV systems are not thoroughly examined and tested

~60% of those that are tested are not tested competently

>60% LEV systems are not checked or maintained

LEV systems in the UK

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


One of several problems:

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThis is an example of what goes wrong:

Here we have a slide of a stonemasonry workshop which illustrates one of the problems which is that the employers are sold inappropriate and expensive LEV that does not work.

The movable hoods are completely overwhelmed by the energetic process and the source it generates.

This system cost about 25k. The owner said he bought the system because it was like one he had used in the college where he trained and so he assumed it was appropriate.

This company was prosecuted by the HSE.

Stone cutting gives us Silica which results in Silicosis.

The control benchmark for a capture arm is just 10.


The main problems are:Employers often dont appreciate the extent of risk of exposure from their processes

Employers and employees, are often over-optimistic about LEV capabilities

LEV buying There has been no guidance and employers are often misled and miss-sold

The control problem in a nutshell (1 of 2)

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThe other main problem are as on the slide.

Until the HSEs guidance was published in May 2008, as far as we are aware tehre was no guidance for buying LEV.

LEV design Often the LEV hood is not matched to the process and source(s) causing the exposureLEV commissioning This is rarely done thoroughly and control effectiveness is usually missed outLEV checking and maintenance Suppliers provide little guidance and employers don't do it frequently or systematically enoughLEV thorough examination and test (TExT)Is often not done and when it is done - it is often incomplete and uncritical (it's not "thorough")

The control problem in a nutshell (2 of 2)

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


The Human Story: Phil The Welder

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims16Now will show an interview with a man who has severe occupational asthma ie a real human story

Phil:Chest-tightness some years after first exposureGave up work, but not straight away, aged 38Why did he carry on? Needed a job; young man couldnt believe it was happening to himGeneral lessons:Asthmagens take time to cause their effectsPeople often don't realise that an asthmagen at work is causing their ill healthDiagnosis of occupational asthma can take years - meantime exposure continuesThe longer you are exposed after you have started to react, the worse the effects on your healthThere is no cure for occupational asthmaKey Points From Interview

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims17Phil is classic he has probably got COPD too, nothing happened for years so he continues to exposure himself to fume. Then he does start to react but when symptoms occur they arent recognised as Occupational asthma so continue to expose self, symptoms get worse . It is known that the longer the exposure after a person has started to respond the worse the prognosis. He has suffered huge permanent health, financial and social damage. After 6yrs he got some compensation but the sum was nowhere near enough to compensate his financial losses let alone his loss of health.

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsInitially came into effect on the 1st of October, 1989.

Revised several times

Latest version is the CoSHH Regs 2002(6th Edition)

CoSHH controls the way in which all substances hazardous to health are used, stored and handled on a premises

Guidance document HSG258 (2nd Ed. 2011)

CoSHH Regulations

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThe COSH Regulations refer to the COSHH ACOP (Approved Codes of Practice).


Guidance v Law?Guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive.Following the guidance is not compulsory and you are free to take other action.

Butif you do follow the guidance you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law.

Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustratinggood practice.

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsRequirements HSG258Selection of LEV responsible personnel?

To be competent i.e. should have:-

Appropriate knowledge

Appropriate capabilities

Necessary experience

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


HSE Guidance Note HSG258 (2011)Replaced HSG37 and HSG54 in 2008

HSE campaign starting in 2009 aimed at improving design, use and awareness of LEVInspectors instructed to target LEV as part of their inspectionLocal Exhaust VentilationLEV Competence / trainingP600 Examination and testing of LEVP602 Design of LEVP603 P.P.E.P604 Commissioning of LEVW201Basic Health EffectsCertificate of Competency in Control

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 6 - Suitable & Sufficient Risk Assessments


looking at the substances used or producedwhere and how they are producedquantitiesconcentrations etcwho uses themhow they are used.what controls are in place to prevent harm?

Then summarise actual potential risks to the employees (or visitors, contractors etc) and decide whether the controls are adequate.

Requirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 6 - you MUST

Record assessment (if 5 or more employees)Inform employeesReview regularly and - If suspect no longer valid, eg as a result of any monitoring carried out or if significant change in work processes.Carry out the steps identified to control riskConsider results from the statutory examinations and tests

Requirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 7 - Prevention or Control of Exposure

By - Providing Controls

This means engineering controls - not merely to provide personal protective equipment PPE (eg respirators)

Must use Hierarchy of ControlRequirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 7 - Hierarchy of ControlDesign and operate processes to minimise emissionsTake into account all routes of exposure Control measures - proportionate to the health riskChoose the most effective and reliable control optionsProvide suitable PPE where adequate control cannot be achieved by other means Check and review regularly all elements of controlInform & train on hazards and use of control measuresEnsure do not increase other/overall risksRequirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 8 - Use of Control Measures

Every EmployerMake sure controls properly used and/or applied

Every EmployeeMake full and proper use of controlsIf discovers defect report forthwith to employer

Requirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 9 Maintenance, Examination & Testing of Controls (TExT)

Every Employer must ensure all controls are maintained in:-

Efficient stateEfficient working orderGood repairClean conditionRequirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsMush words. What do they really mean?


Reg 9 Maintenance, Examining & Testing of Controls

Employer must ensure thorough examination & testing is carried out:-

LEV at least once in every 14 months or more frequently if appears in Schedule 4

For other controls at suitable intervals

RPE (not disposable) at suitable intervals

Requirements - Regs

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsThe key phrase is

AT LEAST ONCE IN EVERY 14 MONTHS unless it appears in Schedule 4.

What is Schedule 4?


CoSHH - Schedule 4

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Reg 9 - Objective?

To ensure that all control measures perform as originally intended and continue to prevent or adequately control exposure .

Requirements - ACoP

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsI.e. not just to measure velocities, pressures and monitor deterioration on its own.


Commissioning / Initial Appraisal

2 functions:-

Show plant works - ie meets specified performance and is able to control exposure

Determine operating criteriaRequirements HSG258

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims



On-tool / On torch

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsVehiclesReceiving hoods

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsWelding fumeCapture hoods

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian SimsPart 2Assessment of hazardous substance & processHood selectionTypical plant design, layout & considerationsCommon design issues/Watch-its!Course Programme

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims


Part 3Commissioning, proving controlHandover documentationOn-considerations (testing, CDM etc etc)

Course Programme

Vent-Tech Ltd Adrian Sims