c&i...english for all curididrfes' whether tliey liavo intermediate certificate or not....

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page26835781 SCHOOL WORLD 11 v Teachers' Status arbitration rights : The registration of teachers under the Federal Arbitration Court is still In abeyance.. The only opposition to the application of the Australian Aar sociation of Teachers comes from Now South Wales, where tne uuveixiirieui. does not recognise the right of public ' servants— who include teachers— to ar- WTheNew South Wales teachers are desirous of receiving and maintaining " standard of remuneration for tea chers In all parts of, Australia, that will place none in a low position. The next inter-State conference will cive much consideration to this broad Miiestion. Colonel Smeaton writes, as tho result of his recent visit to Mel bourne from Adelaide, that good pro- rcss Is being made. Negotiations at urcsent to arrange the conference for Christinas vacation instead of Easter no not settled, but at a meeting of the local committee on Monday last, slepg were taken which. It is hoped, will bo successful. The federation of all Australian teachers on broad, educational lines means' much for education. As in stancing how far tho influenco Is stroirdy spreading, tho teacher of the Slate School at Derby, W.A. where the mails go by air so successfully, "Thn . A iiHtrnliiin Ifinnhpr Is evidently realising his true position and part in tho great scheme of na tional progress." ' " Ho goes on to observe that educa tion is not only the concern of the States separately, but is a Federal question, and that it should receive Federal assistance. "Australia would do well to endow education much more liberally, and the Federal Government should subsidise the States' votes. Aus tralian subjects should have Austra lian support." . 1 the country committee. ' Tlie quarterly meetings of this im portant section of teachers never lack I interest, nor ever show signs of wan- I ing in value. I Mr. F. Wheeler, hon. secretary, I whose address 13 Public School, Sus- , pension Bridge, North Sydney, has convened tho next gathering for Sat- : urday morning -at the Assembly Room of the. Education Department, at D.30 o'clock. The representatives of all coun try branches will form a considerable muster, and, as changes are portend ing in the constitution of tho council that may affect country teachers, mat ters should be very interesting. early school age. The lecture given to the Infant Mis tresses' Association by Miss Inspector .Miller on Thursday last was largely ittended by teachers of that section; Miss Inspector M. M. Simpson was also present. Jliss Miller dealt with the importance of. tlv child's early school lite;- sho deprecated tlio tendency to make the kindergarten a mero preparation, foi tho teaching of formal subjects in stead of providing for a full and varied experience of life as allied to tlie child' interests and, stage of development, The necessity foi" thoroughness u'ld also for not talcing loo much for glin ted was emphasised ill discussing early work in speech-training, writing antl number. , Miss Simpson proposed, and Miss Lvans seconded, the lieurty voti f ap preciation of Miss Miller's .ddress, winch she promised to supplimont at an curly date. . hereford house candidates. Candidates for Hereford i-uuse short course in future will be jequired to take English, though they may have passed tho intermediate examination. P.S.T. asks, in this conrootion, what section or oungiisii rno pup!l and whether it. will bo 10 paper 011 English for all curididrfes' whether tliey liavo intermediate certificate or not. 'Hie department replici that the Eng lish paper Will be set ,on tho sylla bus prescribed for uanlidutes for ad mission to shui-t-oour training, us bet out in tho regulat0113- the "australia" teacher." Tho current n umbo' of tlio "Austra lian Tcaclier."' tlio 'liicail journal of llio Teachers' Guild, quite up to the standard of Us predecessors. , Profes sor Vonwilicr contifd®3 his account of relativity, while til' article by. Profes sor Charteris on 'Australia and the League of Natiow" will bo wolcometl by teachers of liisUt'J'. giving us it docs a valuable note 011 materials for study. Dr. il'Queen uonkibutos a notice of lliat remarkable schoolmaster, Sander son, of Oundle, w>o passed beyond t.ho paidocentric stage to one which is an- Ihropocentric. Mr. h. a. Robst'n. of Church of Eng land Grammar fcehool, has something to say on schoo: l'f and industry, an outcome of the conference between headmasters and the Chamber of Com merce. girls' secondary schools. Tho Girls' Secondary Schools enter ed on their third term this week, und with tho resumption of studies comes also a reopeninpf of sports. The Tildes- ioy Shield tquinament calls forth .the cream of the ..ichools for the contest, and a healthy rivalry results. The en tries for this tournament close' to morrow, while tho matches themselves will be held at tho White City courts on tho morning of Saturday, October 11, 18, and 25- MR. c. j- costello. Mr." G. J. Ccitello, who for several years has beer- headmaster of W«ngi Wungi, Bake jlacquurie, public school, has retired on long service leavo. On leaving, lie wan presented by tho resi dents of Wang> Wang! with a wallet of notes and othpr tributes of apprecia tion -of "his goPd services as a towns- man-'and a todchor. ESSAY WINNERS. in tfip comruu|"iMn uiiitufcu uj Australian Manufacturers' Association for the best essqy on "Why only Aus tralian' steel should bo used in tho building of tne North Slioro Bridge," and for which' somo hundreds of; essays wore teqeivecl from all parts of Aus tralia, 'two girls from the. Fort Street Uiris'. High tjchool —Mildred O'Hanlon and Robe parlman — have succeeded 111 gaining tof> place. The first prize of five guineas is be ing divided pctwoen them. They are to receive also two special memento prizes donated by the Brolcon. I-Iill. Pro prietary Co., Ltd. Tho prize of two guineas presented by. the association to Miss A. r'errin, B.A., B.Ec., the mis tress who grained the two successful candidates, 'will bo given by her as a prize for t>le best work done in the economics glasses during tho year. teachers' ball. The Teachers' Ball, to bo held at the Wontworth next Thursday even ing. promises to be most successful. The federation Is working enthuslastl- callv to ensure its success, and a big attendance ,of country and metropoli tan teacher.e with friends Is expected. It is hoped that tho proceeds will ma- terlallv assist the project of tho women doctor" to proceed with the erection of tliolr new hospital for women and chil- Uren. ' Tho ofiicinl presentation of tho big cheque for Schools' Hospital Day will also he madb during the evening. Tic kets and full Information may bo ob tained on application to tho hon. or ganisers, A. 1C. Paddison, P.S. Habor- lield. or V. Elsie, Practice School, Blackl'rlars, o>r "W. J. Hendry, Federa tion Office.' jrhe week. Teachers' salaries will be paid to day, instead c»f Thursday next, so that the incoiivcnjenco of an intervening vacation may' bo avoided. Tho next cheques will not bo due until Octobor I G, so that tijiose received to-day will havo to bo spiread over'threo weeks. HcrefordiunP aro reminded of their vacation re-uiuion next Tuesday, -while the feature ofj the Michaelmas week Is to be the Teaiphers' Ball, at tho Went- worth Hotel, itm Thursduy, October 2. Tho State schools enter on Michael? miis vacation Vo-morrow, and do not resume, with scsnio exceptions, until tho Tuesday after 'Eight-Hour Day. Both high and pr(mV"'y schools havo "tho same period. i QUSRY-BOX. "OUT WEST.') (1) Not unless ho is '10 years' of «gi- (2) Would receive refund of contributions to superannua tion fund. ' ' "TRANBY." -J- Tlio Department of Education will /reply to you direct WOOL SALES FIRST SERIES END market closes firm The closing sales of tho first series of tho new wool-selling season wero held yesterday. The quantity catalogued totalled 8888 bales, and 2 the . sales, Including privato transaction, amounted to 10,782 bales, as follow:— PITT, BON, AND BADGEBY, LTD.: Offerings, 4672 bales; at auction, 4494 bales; pri vate ex previous catalogues, 449 bales; priratcly uncatalogucd, 1479 bales; total, 6422 bales. AUSTRALIAN MERCANTILE, LAND, AND FINANCE CO., LTD.: Offerings, 4216bales; at auction, 3558 bales; privately ex prevl- - ous catalogues, 721 bales; privately un- caialogued, 81 bales; total, 4360 bales. Totals: Offerings, 8888 bales; nt auction, 8052 bales; privately ex previous catalogues, . 1170 bales; privately uncatalogucd, 1560 bales; total, 10,782 bales. Tho Sydney Wool-selling Brokers report:— Tho mnrket closed with prices well up to tho best level of tho series for all descriptions. Strong support wus forthcoming from nil sec tions of Hie buying trade, tho Continental sec tion being particularly keen for all suitable parcels. Greasy merino sold to 40Ud. Bitt, Son, and Badgery, Limited, offered an average to good selection, mostly from tho west ern and uorth-western districts. Greasy mo- rino wool sold to /4U',4, secured for 12 bales 1st combtewh of DVS/Curragundl, from Morcc, a very attractive, stylish, soft handling wool of good length, dry, and carrying a few burrs. Among Bales were :— Greasy : Carlton (Glrllam- bono), 6 AAA o at /33, '> AA o at /30%, 5 A e at /2Siit, 12 bku c at /30, 8A pe al /2ti%, good length, dusty, little seed and burr; Mur- ru field (Cootiamble), 12 AA o at /32%, 5 AA b at /31%, 5Ao at /28/4, 5 p at /25%, deep staple, nico quality, little burr; JW/Toorung (Tarcoom), 16 1st com o at /31U, 11 1st com weh ut /27%, 12 1st com o at /24%, 6 1st com e at /2594, 10 1st com e at /24%, 7 2nd com weh at /264, 7 1st pwuh at /28%, good longth and quality, very (lusty, seedy point ; Hnddon Rig (Warren), 8 AAA e af/36A, 9\ AAA h at /35, 20 AAA - ch ut /35. 13 AAA o ut /34%, 12 AAA e at /32«,i, 20 AA o at /31%, 13 AAA h at /30-A, 35 AA e at /30',£, 14 A eh at /29, 15 1st uks e ut /31, 12 bkn R at /HQ, 8 AAA com ai /31%, 21 1st AA ch at /30%, deep tnple, robust wool, sliowlng good character and color, liltlo dust and burr; V in V/Currull (Morce), 5 AAA e com at /34i, 5 AAA com o at /34, 14 AA o at /S4%, 7 11 fo ut /30H, 16 B. l'c at /30%, 5 1st po at /26'A# length, nice quality, soft bundling. Utile dusty tip, few burrs ; Jh conj/Sunoysldo (Millie), 8 AAA c at /36V4, 11 AAA o at /36JA, 6 AAA o «t /3fi, 5 AAA o at /34%, 0 AAA h at /37%. 7 AA eat /»2%, 14 AA e at /32%, 4 AA h at /36V.., 5 A o ut /II2/8 A 0 at /32, 17 bkll fch at 6 pes b at /31, good length, nico quality, attractive, little burr on points; Kii- gowla (Burrcn Junct.)'. 87 1st com wo.ut /36, 11 1st. com lr ut /3$, 22 2ud com wc nt /33U, 36.nk9-Q.at /30%, 82 bkn u at /29 Vi, 12 pch nt /2114» soft handling, fino quality, little dusty tip; MKY/Yarrnldoo (Cryon), 10 AAA we ut /34%, 5 AAA w- at /33%, 27 AAA o ut /32, 6 AA wo at /HO'/i, 5 AA w at /31'A. 20 AAA o ut /ZS&i 9 AA we at /27%, 28 bkn we at /30%, 20 1st pwo at 3%, good length, nice quality, soft, dusty, odd burr; JW/Knluga (Nynpan), 5 1st com o at /33%p- 10 1st com o at /321,4, 7 1st com ph at /32, 10 bkn foil at /29?4, useful qualify, deep staple, burry points; R/BU (Booml) 1(1 AAA o nt /37, 5 AAA w ut /37, 10 AA wo at /34 %, 11 A wo at 19 1st n at /3L nicc quality, soft, good length, little dustr tip, few tender; JWE (Bollatu), 11 AAA e at /35%,.ll AAA e at /35% 9 AA o at /34, 9 AA o at /32 %, 5 AA h at /34, 11 A i %i fi A h at /29, 12 bkn o nt /31, 12 14t-pc At /29, bright, attractive, nico. quality nd length, little burr; Buckncll/Quumboue, 5 A o at /35, 14 A 0-at /33%, 10 A eh at /30%» 25 A w at /3V/j, 7 A e at /»1&. 7 A at /29. 11 AA e at /31%, 8 AA o at /3i, 8 AA o at /30, 6 AA ch at /28, 16 AA w at /30U, 9 AA o ut /'£8Vt, 6 AA ut /27%, 11.AAA c at /29V&. 0 AAA w at /27, 8 AAA ch at /26J/j, 33 bkn o at /Site, 28 pc at /25V&> 11 A lbs nt /274. 6 B o .at /36».. .19 B c at /34%, 13 B o at /34 Va. lino quality, soft handling, good length, little dust and burr; EJAE (Bellata), 6 AA cbk o at 5A cbk o at /33%, fino quality, bright, liltlo burr; BW/WIrullah (Warlalda),' 5 AAA w at /39, 11 AAA c at /'tfVi, 8 AA wo at '/351/..,6 A c at 7 1st p at AMU. at tractive,- soft, bright, good length, lltllo rich : DYH/C'urrugundl (Morco), 23 AAA com c nt /39%, 11 AAA com eh at /38%, 7 AAA com w at /39%.; 17 AAA com we at /">8VJt 17 AAA com we at /37, 23 AAA com c- at /37,.£, 8 AAA com w at /37%. 8 AAA com w at /34%, 24 AA com c at /37M:» l'l AA com ch at /36%, 8 .AA com w at /«7%, 32 AA com wo at /36» 8 AA com w at /36V6. 8A om ch 12 1st com ewh.ul /40U» 17 com cwh at /37%, 6 AA foil at /35%, 8 AAA rams at /34( 38 bkn o at /34U, 80 bkn ch at /35VL 61 beis at /24%, 8 AAA weh At /37%. » AAA WB Ul /6'i %. very attractive, stylish, soft handling wool, dry, good length, few burrs; RV/Carroll (MoreO), «i AAA a at CAA e at /34'/j. 5 AA o at /»4%, 5 AA c at /34%. 7 AAA com e at /36%. 24 bkn e at /31U. good lengtli and quallty, soft, dry, little seed ond burr; MLY (Beliatu), 10 1st fe at /38U, 6 bkn o at /31%, deep staple, nice quality, few hurra; M. Bros/Kash- mlr/Barruba, 5 sup AAA w ut /40, 20 AAA w at /39, 8 AA w at /36V6. d 1st pus w at /34V4, 5 2nd pes w at /27Va, dr>'» »ott. good longth, few seeds; Eil/Athlono (Boomi), 29 AAA o at /38«4, 15 AA o at /33. nico quality, soft texlurc, dry, liltlo dusty Up. . Australian Mercuntlle Land and Finance Co.. Lid., offered mostly medium wools, many lines showing dust and a ilttlo broadness In qual ity. There was only a sprinkling of good to superior wools, which showed out attractively. Munglndl, Moroo, Walgett, Browarrlna, Tran- gle, and Coonamblo districts wero represented. Their top prlco in tho grcuay section was-/40, realised for 11' bales AAA co c of JS/lolanthc (.Morec), ii very soft, utlruvtlrc' wool of komi qnalily, witli ullcllt suod on sides. AiiioiiK rcalisutitins woro : Grousy: Tiio wubiis/o'c. (Collarenebri). IS AAA wli at /35, 1-1 AAA c ut /:S5H, JT AAA O lit /33V!:, « AA 0 at /28, 7 AA wo at /3i), « clo c ut /28?i. 5 bkn o nt /31, 10 A pwo nt /27-Ti. soft, nico quality, drv, showing dust In tips, Ilttlo tenderness; JllO'U/lIatton (Warren), 13 AAA co o ut /34, 'J AA co u at /30, 11 AA co o nt /38. 5 AAA o ut /32V4, 6' bkn fc r,t /27VS. 7 A. pe ut /24V-, Id AAA eo W at /3uVi, 12 AAA eo il nt /35, 8 AA cb ll ut /Al 11 . S AAA wli nt /33'A, soft, good bulk nnd style, little dust in tips," burr on sides; (iinglc (Walgetl). 23 A co o at /3(i . 12 A co o at /3«Vi, 1.0 A co o at /32, 32 A co 0 at /3I, 13 A fo lit /28V, 38 bkn o at /2sv!i, 23 AAA wins ut /32, very soft, nico stylo, showing diameter, ilttlo dust ; Clifford/Downs (Widglewa). 9 AA co w nt /37%, 0 AA co well at /37?.i, II A w at /37. !) A wli at /3001, 11 A ell at /3U. 7 13B well at /33V1, 9 1st pw ut /33«, very nico quality, sort, oven, good color, slight tenderness; Oiui- duddy (Munglndl), 5 AAAA c at /31',, (I AAA o at /33VS, .10. .AAA.ajitV29,..T. AAA wli. at /32VJ, 19 AA o at /29%, « bkn o at /3051. 14 AA po at /2(i',, good bulk, dry, soft, nleo quality, dusty tip, ilttlo thin; Mogilit (Cion- doogn) , 28 AAA w at./38V, 12 AA w at /35%, 17 B fwo at /3SV4, 13 1st pw at /27VV, 1 AAA o at /30V , 9 AAA o at /30'4, 0 AAA c ut /34Vi, IB AAA e at /34VV, 0 AA o nt /30V-, 7 A wo at /31V!:, o AA fwo lit /32'A, 5A fo at /30V4, 12 B life nt /32, 5 1st po at /27V4. siilcndld bulk, good length und style, dust In tips, same qualities showing dusty and musty backs; JS/lolamllo (Morcc), 11 AAA co o at /40. 6 AAA co c at /36V4. 8 AAA Co o at /37V-j, 5 AA co wo at /38, 18 A co e ut /35V4, 7 bkn wo at /33'/i, 7 po ut /27V!:, very soft, ultractlve, good quality, alight seed on sides; Calga- (Coonauible), 8 AAA o ot /31V!:, 5 AA h nt /30i 0 A o nt /28V!:, 8A o at /28, 20 bkn nt /30, 23 A p at /25%, soft, nico nicdium quality, good bulk, well nourished, Ilttlo dust in backs ; D/DD (Brewcrrlnn), 8 AAA wli at /33',4, 7 bkn well at /31, 15 AAA w at /32VV, 9 AAA w at /28, S bkn nt< /29V&. 7A pliw at /29%, 14 AAA c at /311.!:. nice style, good breeding, well nourished, little dust; Ibbott (Coonninblc) , 8 AAA c nt /31V4, 5 AAA w at /32V4, 10 AAA Ii at /30V4. 15 AA e at /30V4. 7 AA w at /31V1, 7 AA ll at /27V6, 13 A well at /2fi%, 14 11I1B o at /30, 8 UB c at /251/', 23 i'o at /28'/j, 14 bkn we at /i'J'A, 15 1st pwo nt /24%, good bulk and Htylc, soft, allowing dust in backs and burr on sides; Wcinubung/X fl'rangic), 8 1st f at /28'/j. 24 AAA a at /30Vi. 23 AA o nt /28V, 0 AAA fe comb at /23, good bulk, soft, dusty tip, moro dust In backs, Ilttlo burr; Collymonglo (Wal: gettl, 5 AAA o at /3DV4, 1 AAA o at /31%, 10 AA e at /33V4, 0 A o at /34V4, 14 bkn o at /80%, 14 AAA w at /30, 53 AA w nt /83%, 20 A w at /33%, 6 f A w combnt /30. 8 A.VA 0 at /34, 24 AA o at /32',, 8A comb wo at /31%, soft, dry, nice quality, oven, showing little dust, well classed; JW/VViiTran- dlno (Tallwooil, Q.), 10 AAA e at /34V:, H AAA o at /33VS, 13 A o at /33', 13 AA po at /31, good bulk, soft, dry, little thin in bucka, alight seed; Bun (Trnngle), 10 AA cc nt /83V4, 18 AA cell at /34VV. 9A cch at /33, 10 B ec-h nt /32%, 13 B fieccc co at /29V4, 10 B fleece ll at /29%, 2i B fee t at H lat I""'1 Z23, 13 I.1 ,' 12 A o at /30Vi, 0B o at /32%, 10 C co at /27. soft, good bulk nnd Btylo, good condition, carrying dust In tip: GW/Ulendnh (Morcc), 15 AA o at m. o AA f at /35%, very soft, nice color and quality, slight tenderness; V\GW / Wynwood (Millie), 10 AA o at /JOVe, 7Ac nt /34, 9 bkn o at /33V, soft, nico quality, rv dusty tip; C/Fnlrflcld (Morec). 8 C comb C wo at /38, 13 clo o at ;/34%. 5 clo wl. at /33V6. "Iec qualUy, attractive, somo lieceo quali ties short. london sales LONDON. September 23. At to-day's wool sales tlicre vvab a splendid selection in all classes, and nn animated market. Prices continue very firm. Realisations included: Scoured merinos, Braemar (New Zealand). C8u; CO/SW (South Australia), ooa; greasius, J)Iaindcn Creek, 46d; DJR, 4Cd. John Sanderson and Co. received the following cablegram from Sanderson. 'Murray, and Elder, Ltd.. London, dated September 23: Crossbred Wools: Market very animated, and shows an advanco of 5 per cent, sinco our last roport of September_Dh_— « Tho Misses Margaret and Gwyneth Penfold and Eileen Fowler organised a successful tennis tournament in aid of tho Eastern stall' of tho Sydney Church ot England Grammar School Fete, to he. held- at tho school next Suturday. One hundred players com peted on private courts lent- by resi dents of Kuring-gal Chase Avenue, Turramurra, and a considerable sum was realisod, amusements. J. C. WILLIAMSON LTD. Managing Directors Sir Georgo Tnllis, E. J. Tait, Frank "»a it, SYDNEY'S CHIEF THEATRES. CRITERION THEATRE Mat, Sat., a Comcdy-Drnmn, with Genuine Laughs and Heal Life Touches. JOHN D. O'HARA' in "THE OLD SOAK" Plan at Paling's till 5 p.m., then at Sponceloy'B (opp. Theatre), with Day Sales. HER MAJESTY'S NInTaLT' Mat, Sat, f . C. WILLIAMSON'S NEW -MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY, AT ITS GAY BEST IN . "WHIRLED INTO HAPPINESS" With the Loveliest Girls in Australia and n huge cast of favorites, headed by Alfred frith, Maggie Jnrvls, Winnie Collins, Cecil Kellaway, Cunningham and Clements. Box Plan (including Balcony Scats. Saturdays 4/4, other nights 3/3) at Paling's till . 5 p.m.; then at Theatre. Day Sales at Calloso's (next Theatre): Play Produced by Harry B. Burcber. THEATRE ROYAL— COM. SATURDAY NIGHT. J. C, WILLIAMSON announce for tho first tirao in Australia THE MUSICAL ROMANCE "THE COUSIN FROM NOWHERE" With n brilliant assemblage of Musical favorites and Comedians, including CLAUDE FLEMMING, ARTHUR STIGANT, GUS BLUETT, MARIE LE VARRE, FLOIE ALLAN, CHARLES BROOKS and JILL MANNERS (first Appearance In Australia). (Iter first Appearance). AND THE BEAUTIFUL TWELVE TULIPS. Tho Play Produced by 'HARRY B. BUItCHER. .Musical Director: ANDREW MacCUNN. Box Plan now Open nt Paling's. CRITERION THEATRE— COM. OCT. 4th. LAUGHS AND TEARS CHARMINGLY INTERWOVEN. JOHN D. O'HARA in "THE LAUGHTER OF FOOLS" Applications for preferential bookings now being received. Plan opens Paling's Monday. NEW PALACE THEATRE Lessees : Messrs.J. nnd N. Tnlt. Hole Direction: Allan Wllkic, MATINEE TO-DAY, 2.30, "HENRY V." TO-NIGHT AT 8, " "THE MERCHANT OP VENICE." ALLAN WILICIE and MISS HUNTER-WATTS. To-morrow: "Tlio Merchant of Venice." Saturday: 'A Midsummer Night's Dream." Monday: "Macbeth." Tuesday: "Twelfth Night." Wednesday: "Henry. V." Thursday (Matinee) : "Macbeth." Thursday (Evening) : "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Friday: "Twelfth Night." Mens. Do .Bourgulgnon, Jiclgian Pianist will To-night play VAUcgro" (Saint-Sacns), and "Waltz" (Chopin). , ' . PRICES: Adults, 1/6 to 6/ Matinees, 1/ to i/; Children and Students, all performances 1/ to .1/ (plur tax). PLAN AT PALING'S. AFTER 6.80 p.m. TIIONB, City 6526. Day Sales at Pekin Cafe (opposlto Theatre). gjX. JAMES'S HALL, PHILLIP STREET. TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY). Fill., and SAT. HARRY THOMAS IN DRAMATIC and DICKENS' RECITALS and Miscellaneous Programme. HARRY THOMAS will Kcelto, "FAGIN'S LAST NIGHT ALIVE." Harry Thomas and Jean Fullerton In Short Sketches, Richard Mceicllanrt and Scottish Hal-, let. .ToycoCollins, Kw'iirt" Chnjiplo. Popular Prices. Plan at Paling's. piONSEItVATORIUM HALL. TO-NIGHT THURSDAY TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. at 8 o'clock, TO-NIGHT. FINAL SOLO RECITAL THIS SEASON. Elise Steele (Violin), Frank Hutchens (Piano). Programme Includes VIOLIN SOLOS: Praclu- dtum and Allegro (Pugnnnl-ICroisier), Suite from tho Music to "Much Ado About Nothing" (Erich Korngoid). PIANO SOLOS: Sonata in' D Minor (Chopin), Rhapsody in E flat (Brahms), etc.; also Sonata for Violin and PIano/orto (Debussy) . Prices : 5/ 3/, "/- Plat at NICHOLSON'S. 1\ W. PENTECOST Manager. QENTRAL METHODIST MISSION. ANNCJAIj SPRING PAIR CONFERENCE HALL, 130 CAHTLEUEAGH STREET. Mrs. ALBERT BUUNTNELL WILL OPEN TJIK FAIR TO-DAY. AT 3 T.M. ltcv. H. C. FOREMAN, M.A., will Preside. " Vocalist, Miss Amy Ostiugu. Elocutionist Misa Myra Lcurd. At 7 p.m. : Quarrel Sccno of Brutus and Cas- slus, by Joyce Foreman and Mnrjorlo Rlxon. Choral Items by Alexandra noma Girls, etc. Tho FAIR will bo open Daily, till Saturday. 3 to 5.39 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. Plenty of Entertainment at each Session. Silver Coin Admission. Proceeds for Mis sion's Philanthropic Agencies. MORE-: FACTORIES Industry Increases CHILD LABOR Since: llUii tlio number of rml.uric.s registered in New Soutli Wales has grown from 7425 to 11.058, and the number of persons employed from 99,223 to 131,501, according to the an- nual faotories report ot tlio uepart- ment of Labor and Industry. On November 24, 1923, 11,058 factor ies throughout tho Stato employed 131,561 persons, compared witli 10,874 factories, employing 3 23,077 persons, at the end of 1922, being ail Increase of 384 factories and S484 persons. Mule employment increased by 8991, and female decreased by 507. Of. the total persons employed 95,92i;. or 72.9 pet- cent., wero male, and 35,635, or 27.1 per cent., female. "It is satisfactory to report," says tho report, "that out of a total em ployment in tho metropolitan district of 193,356, only 6776, or 6.5 per cent., were under 16 years of age." 'Tho special permission of: tlio Mini ster to engago in factory employment was given 226 children under 14 years of age. Certificates of physical fitness for employment in certain classes of factories wero given to 7303 children, and in no case did the examining medi cal officer decline In certify. Sevoral new industries were foun ded during tho year, including manu facture of telephone wire at Port Kem bla, a cotton ginnery at Port "YVara- tuh, a large hosiery' company (using Australian cotton), manufacture of press steel split-pulleys and produc tion of steel shelvings nnd sleel ollice fittings, manufacture of colloidal oil at Gosford, and tho .manufacture of a new anti-corrosive for general com mercial use. ' EX-TOWN. pLERK Holiday Payment was it legal? The finance committee of. tho City Council decided . yesterday that it would bo advisable to secure senior counsel's opinion as to whether the payment for deferred holidays made to Mr. Nesbitt, ex-Town Clerk, was legal. Aid. Courtenay,: who raised tho point, said that ho. stTongly. objected to the Inferenco ' that had been made; that Mr. Nesbitt wqs given this money in order to Vkeep his mouth shut." If senior counsel decided that tho pay ment was not strictly legal, the coun cil should take steps to recover it, even if they had to prosecuto Sir. Nesbitt. "intemperate report." Aid. Courtenay also secured the pass ing of a motion to tho effect that Air. Nesbitt's lust report bo rejected, on the ground that tho latter part of it was couched, in intemperate and unfair language. If such a report went abroad, suid Aid. Courtenay, it would create a mischiovous and false impres sion. THE GOVERNOR visits arncliffe The first official visit ot the Gover nor, Sir Dudley de Chair, to tlio Rock dale municipality was mado yesterday afternoon, Tho Governor went to St. David's, Forest Road, Arnclil'fo. for the unveiling of the stone of remembrance, and tiie opening of the door of the new rectory. From tho Arncllffo railway station right up to tho church tho highways were beflagged, and decorated with bunting, and residents to the number of 3001) gave Str Dudley an enthusiastic welcome. Tho Fire Brigado Head quarters Band gave a fino -rogramme of music. Tho memorial Is unique, as it is com memorative and serves the purpose of supplying tho parish with a rectory Tho commemorative tablet, or stone, is oiiitt into the northern wail, and bears the inscription to tlio 56 men from Arncllffo who were killed in the war. The rectory building was de signed by Mrs. Pitt Owen, tlio rector's wife. The work Inis been executed under tho porsonal supervision of Aid. George Fortesepe, Mayor o. Rockdale, who has, at cost price, secured for tho churchwardens an ornulo and use ful structure. The Governor arrived at 3 o'clock, and was welcomed 'by -the -Mayor. In reply, the Governor said that lie wus pleased to bo eo neur Cook's landing placo. which had meant so much in tho chain which linked up tho Royal Navy with tho British. Empire. He con sidered the time for such a memorial a very fitting one; it would help the good purpose of teaching tho' children why such memorials were honored. After tho unvolling portion of tho ceremony wus completed tho "Last Post" was sounded, lind Dean Talbot gave tho dcdlcutory address of tho new rectory. A.L.P. AXE 4 North Shore Trouble the league feud The feud between Messrs. C. Murphy. M.I, .A., and M. OTIarii, arising -out of their rival candidatures for the North Slioro I.abor selection, found expression In embittered scenes at a meeting of St. Leonards League on Tuesday night. A communication was received from tho central cxecutivo of the A.L.P., explaining that, in view of the roll- packing that had been practised (on suspicion of being concerned In which Mr. Murphy and Mr. T. Liston, secre tary of tho league, had been called on to show cause why they should not bo expelled), tho league would havo to be re-organised, only thoso who had signed tlio roll-book at a. meeting of the Innfrun hMncr olicrililft tn vnin 1n tho selection ballot. A motion was proposed that the ex ecutive's orders be agreed to, but an amendment was moved, suggesting that iho executive be defied. After some discussion, the amendment was de feated, and the meeting agreed to act in accordance with tlio wishes of tlio central executive. charges specified. Tho first charge, against Messrs. Murphy and Listen, as sot out officially, is that they carried tho St. Leonards League roll-book to tho homes ot three persons (named), who signed tho roll- hook at their homos, for membership purposes. Tlio new, rules passed re cently by (lie A.L.P. executive (tho validity of which is still disputed) pro vide that tho roll -hook must bo signed at a meeting of tho league. Another charge is that a man signed tho l'oll- hook at Mr. Murphy's house, instead of at the league meeting. Tho bona fides of tlio signatories is "Hot ques tioned. J( It is established that a breach of the rules has been commit ted every member of the Labor move ment will understand that the charges as drawn up aro not tho only grounds for the attack on Messrs. Murphy and Liston. Their supposed association in the past with Mr. Bailey has a bear ing on the question, so much so that they arc likely to suffer tho extreme penalty of expulsion. BAPTIST UNION - -w " church membership, 6261 Tho business sessions of tho annual assembly of tho Baptist Union wero commenced yesterday morning, under the presidency of Mr. H. J. Morton. Tlio general secretary (Rev. W. I-Iig- 1L w . c|,ui ibu ci>iuiui cnurcn memoer- ship of 6201. j Rev, F. .T. DtinUIoy, of "Wellington, was elected vice-president of tho Union, which carries with it tho sue- CDOOlntl trt thn lMiAai/lnMu... a. x.-w.a.w.. 1«4«j jltjal year. Revs. A. Butler (Concord), A. C. Don aldson, E. E. Hillman (Gouiburn), and E. Parry Jones (Kurrl Kurri), wero received into tho Union us ministers in full stunding. A foreign mission demonstration at night, in tho Burton Street Tabernuclo, was presided ovor by Mr. E. J. Phil lips, when a farewell was tendered to Mrs. Nail, Miss Steed, and Miss Coll- yor, outgoing missionaries to India. Tlio valedictory address was given by Rev. C. J. Tinsley. COOPERS' WAGES « union discontent Complaints are being mado by the Coopers' Federation at tlio rates of pay pervading in' the industry. Tlio Brewers and Master Coopers' As sociation, it was stated at a meeting of me union on xuesuay niglil, nail refused higher wages, although tho rates paid in Victoria are 22/6 a week higher than tho New South Wales rates. It was decided to hold a mass meeting of the union at the Trades Hall to-night to consider the matter further. In the meanwhile, the Federal officers of the union, who havo como to Sydnoy from Mclbourno, will interview tlio employers LATE H. G. SMITH royal society's tribute At the mooting of the council of the Royal Society of New South Wales yes terday the following resolution was passed relating to tho death of Mr. H. G. Smith:— "That this council of tho Royal Society of Now South Wales record In Its min utes its high appreciation of tho services of its lato member, Henry George Smith, In tlio promotion of tho interests of tho society, in tho advancement of know ledge, in tho domain of chemistry, and in extending tlio avenues for tho develop ment of the resources of tho Stato of New South Wales and of tho Commonwealth of Australia." It was stated that Mr. Smith was a member of tho society for over JO years, and contributed to its journal and pro ceedings over 60 papers dealing with tho result of his chemical investigations, many In collaboration with his botanical colleague, Richard .Thomas Baker amusements. TIVOLI THEATRE 2.30 & 8 Lessees Harry Rlckards' Tlvoll Theatres, Ltd. BIGGEST VAUDEVILLE OFFERINGS OF ALL TIME. TWO WORLD STARS ON A HUGE BILL OF REAL CELEBRITY VAUDEVILLE. ALBERT BERT WHELAN ERROL THE UNUSUAL ENTERTAINER and Presenting his unique and dazzling Originator of nil ho docs. MODES and MELODIES of 1024, Donald and Carson, Magglo Foster, Marie Burko and Arthur Klein, Brull, Uemsloy, and Cardial. , Plan at Tlvoll. 'Ph., 81. . Matinees, 1/, 2/. Res., 1/ extra. Night, 1/6, 3/, 4/, ' 5/, 6/. C&i SPRING MEETING ATTRACTIONS commencing October 4. SPECIAL DINNER DANCE Every Evening at 7.30. SUPPER served from 8.30, Every Afternoon, at 3.30, TEA DANCE AND CABAKET 'Phone, City 9931. SHIPPING IN WIRELESS CALL. Tlin fnllnwlnn vi>n«AlsufnrnIn ..'ill Im irlAlitaa yesterday With Thursday Island: H.M.S. Herald, Karuuh, St. Frauds Kavier Nalgoru. With Sydney: Bona, Bessa Lorenzo, Mor- ton Hall, wyreejnn, Tulismnn, Mishlma Maru, Ventura, Moldavia, -Ago,Iron Bnron, Sealaria, Stockwcll, Burwah, Gainbada, Kut, Kauri, Tahiti, Tennossee, Trcdcn- nick, Levuka Corlo, Rcglnu d'ltalla. Mar- ella, Otarainn, Cooeo, Chronos. With Townsvillc: Himalaya Maru, ToJi- koh Maru, Canberra, Port Brlsbano, Torllla. Port Kembla, Houtmnu, Wyitndra, Enog- gora, Flon'a, Tasmania, Kanowna. With Melbourne: Time, Diogenes, Palma, fJarmuIn, Karoola, Hula. Levuka, Marclln, Lonnguna, Areoona, Moernkl, Arnnine, Abbekerk, Deltarm, Themistorfes. Ilobsons Bay, Merioncs, Kahvarrn, Oonnh, Mucumba, Jiifiiku Maru, Age, Aroona. With Adelaide: Trcincrc, Koinurii. Pur pura, Mllluna, Uob.Hons Day, Myrmidon, Macumba, Iron Knob, Arabicu, Theiuistoolea, Deltnna, Yarra, Hurburg, Mcrriwa. With Droomo: Doorara, Charon, Gascoync, Kangaroo, Tasman, With . Uoburt : Pennyworth, Kalwarra, Lormgnnn. Oonab, Darwon. 'With Brisbane: Norfolk Maru, raclflquo, Madras Maru, Malllna, Bombula, Mackurra, With Perth: Mooltnn, iSsporanco Buy, Orvieto, Dambra. Aeneas, Otlra, Nowslicra, Tanda, Dfllrunald, Trcfuals, Essex, Port Darwin, Warflcld. ARRIVALS.—SEPTEMBER 24. Urillu, str. 1965.tons, Watson, from Queens land ports, 0.10 a.m. Adelnido S.S. Co., Ltd., agents, Madawnska, sir., -11- (J tons, Sutherland, from Portland (Oregon) , via Townsvillo, 12.40 p.m. Jnines Crockett and Co., Ltd., agents. City of Canton, str., 0082 tons; Jonklns, from Port Pirio and Tort Lincoln, 4.15 p.m. W. G. Deuelmr and Co., Ltd., agents. Port Kombla, str., 8435 tons, Craven, from Queensland ports, 10 p.m. Commonwealth .and Dominion Line, agents. Ball's ITcad, str., from Dttlll; Kembla, str,, from Klaina; Allemvood, str., from Camden Haven; Eden and Putongu, sirs.,, from South Const; Palmerstou, str., from Wollongong; Uraiiii, str., from Colt's Harbor; Woulora, str., from Belhimbi; Goorangnl, trawler, from cruise; Gulnvu, Mulacliitc, and Hunter, sirs., from New castle. South Bull!. sir., from Bcllambi. Nnranl. str., from South Coast. Pcfuw-Mafn, sir., from Newcastle. DEPARTURES.—SEPTEMBER 24. Gallic, str., for Brisbane, via Neweastlo. Moldavia, D.M.S., for London, via ports. Ventura, A. M.S., for San Francisco, via ports. Mishlmu Maru, J.M.S., for Yokohama, via ports. Saint Joseph. French sir., for Port Kembla. Sealaria, str., for Dallk Papan. Stockwcll, sir., for Frcmantlc via Tort Kem bla, Melbourne, and Adelaide. CLEARANCES.—SEPTEMBER 24. Ventura, A. M.S., 0282 tons, for Snu Fran- clsco. via Pago l'ago and Honolulu. Mlshlma Maru, 701)5 tons, for Yoko- hama, via Brisbane, Thursday Island, Zum- boanga. Manila, Hongkong, and Kobe. Vulsella sir., 1070 tons, for Singapore, via Ncwcustle. Moldavia, Jt.M.K.. 1G.43G tons, for London, via Melbourne, Adelaide, Freinantle, Colombo, and Marseilles, Stockwcll, btr., 5048 tons, for Fremnntlc, via Port Kembla, Molbourno, and Adelaide. PROJECTED DEPARTURES TO-D/\Y. Makura (No. 5 Darling Harbor), for Van couver, via ports, noon. Burwah (King Street), for Brlshano and Bcckliampton, via Newcastle. Mncqunric, for Port Macqtiuric; Newcastle, for Newcastle. STEAMERS DUE TO-DAY. Ostcrtcy, from London, via ports (No. 7 Woolloomooloo). Mutaram, frin Rabaiil (No. 7 Walsh Bay). 'Wyrcciua, from Quccushuid ports (Llnic Street), ' Bogina n'ltalia, from Genoa, via ports (No. 1 Walsh Da.v). Otarama, frota Liverpool, via ports (No. 20 Jones Bay). Kut, from Adelaide, Melbourne, and lttodon (No. 10 Pyrmont). ARAFURA, E. und A. steamer, sailed from Kobe for Australian ports, via Hongkong, Ma nila, and Eundakuti on Tuesday last. BAHIt AHOOL, I\ and O. branch steamer, moves from No. 10 Pyruiont to No. 8 Walsh Bay this morning. CITY OP CANTON arrived yesterday from Port Lincoln, and moored In Notitrul Bay. OLENSIDE, steamer, a vessel of 554 tons, lias been purchased by Messrs. KIch'nrdson and Sons, of Wellington, to rcplaco the wrecked steamer itippto. She Is coming out from Eng land via the Panama Canal, and Is expected to roach tho Dominion in November next. HAUKAKI motor ship, left Auckland on Tuesday, for Fanning Island and Vancouver. JERVIS DAY, Australian Commonwealth Line steamer,, from Australia to London, left Port Said on Thursday. KANNA returns from Newcastle to-morrow, and suils for llobart at noon on Saturday. KAKAMKA Is duo at Sydney on September 28 from Mlddlesborotigh, Hamburg, and Lou don. ' KARAMU left Kiralmu yesterday for North west Coast and Sydney, ami Is due on Mondny uext- . KORANUL leaves Launceston to-day for Syd ney. via Bttrnle and Dovonport. MADAWASKA, from lugct Sound,via Towns villo, with part cargo of lumber, entered port yesterday, and proceeded to Snuihj Buy to dis charge. MADRAS MARU, O.S.K, steamer, from Japan, via Manllu, Is due at Brlsbano at 11 a.m. to-morrow. Sho will probably arrlvo in Syd- ney on Monday. _ a ,v , MAKURA, It. M.S., leaves No. 5 Wharf, Darl ing Harbor to-day nt noon for Vancouver. MANUKA sails hcnco for Wellington at noon to-morrow from Margaret Street. MAUELLA. of Burns, Phllp, and Co. s Lino, left Mclbourno yesterday for Newcastle and Sydney, on route to Java and -Singapore. MATARAM, of Burns. Pbilp, and Co.'s Line, from Babaul and Papua, is duo at Sydnoy Heads at f» a.m. to-dny. She will berth at No. 7 Dawes Point about 8 a.m. NIAGARA, K.M.S., left Vuueouver yesterday, und is due at Sydney on October 18. OSTEItLKY, Orient U.M.S., from Ixuidon, via ports, Is expected to berth at No. 7 Wool- ioomooloo at 7 a.in. to-day. BOONAU, Australian Commonwealth steamer, left Swansea on Friday, on route from Lon don to Frcmantlo, Adelaide, Mclbourno, und Sydney., PORT KEMBLA, Commonwealth and Do minion Lino steamer, arrived- lu Port Jackson at 10 o'clock last night from Queensland ports, and berthed at No. 0 Pyrmont. REGINA d'lTALIA, Italian steamer, la ex- pectcd in Sydney early this afternoon from Genoa, via ports. She curries a number of saloon and third-class paascugers, and about 1500 tons of general cargo. Tho vessel will berth at No. 10 Walsh Buy. TAHITI, R.M.S., left Karotonga at 3 a.m. on Tuesday, en routo from San Francisco. Sho Is due at Wellington on September 29, and •Syd ney on October 4. TAIWAN, motor ship, arrived at Adelaide yostcrday from Gothenburg en route to Sydney. WAlltUNA arrived nt Auckland at 0 p.m. on Tuesday, from Pacific Coast. She Is duo at Sydney about October 20. WYltEEMA, A.U.8.N. steamer, from Queens land ports, reported by wireless yesterday that she expects to berth at 7.30 a.m. to-day at tho Company's wharf, Lime Street. PORT DIRECTORY. Aagtekcrk, Dulgety'a Wharf; Argyllshire, No 21 Jones Day; Daknra, Rose Day: Darrabool, No, 8 Walsh Day; Uooral, Rose Day; L'aiulu, Rose Bay; Cupreru, No. 0 Wnolioomoolno ; Changsha, Mori's Dock; City of Canton, Neu tral Day; City of Lincoln, No. 22 Jones Bay; Clan Mackollar, No. 11 Woolloomooloo ; Dc- lurtgra, Rose Buy; Dougura. Itosc Buy: Dro- miimi. Rose Bay; Dundula, RoseDay: Eastern Moon. Cockatoo Dock: Eastern Sea, Neutral Bay; Kuilta, HoseBay; Eroiuanga, Rose Bay; Kchunga, Hose Bay: Kugmvrn, Rose Bay; Ku- rollu, Cockatoo Dock; Ferndule, Sutherland wharf; Gilgui. Rohc Buy; Hamburg, No. 9 Walsh Bay; II. K,. Hall, Neutral Buy; Kam, Berry's Buy; Mnduwaska, Snail'# Bay; Ma kura. No. G Darling Harbor; Mcltisla, Federal wharf; Morlmla, Federal wharf; Parana. Kfjiall's Bay; Parattab. RoseBay; It. It. Hind, sell.; Jubilee Dock; Talnbot, Pulpit Point; Tana, No. 4 Woolloomooloo. NEWCASTLE CLEARANCES. Tho following vessels cleared at tho New castle Customs Houso yesterday : Chronos, str., for Adelaide; Monaro, str., for Melbourne via Kembla. u . BAR HARBORS. Low water bar-harbor roports received yes- terdav were:— -Capo Iluwke, bar 3ft. 01n.( ri.so 3ft. 4ln., crossing 7ft. Bin. rise 1ft. 9ln ; Tweed Heads, bar Oft. tin., rise 2ft. Uin., cross ing 8ft. 3ln., rise 2ft. 3in. LEAVING BY MAKURA. Tho following is a list of passengers by tho R.M.S. Makura,. of tho Canadian-Australasian Royal Mall Line, which sails at noon to-day from No. 5 Wharf, Darling Harbor, for Van couver, via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu:— Mrs. Ripper, Mr. Wagstaff, Mrs. Wagstaff, Mr. C. A. Evans, Mrs. C. A. Evans, Mr. J. Boverlcy Nichols, Mr. F. II. Wood, Mrs. H. M? Scott, Miss Scott, Mr. J. W. JIra, Mrs. J W. Jlra, Mr. H. G. Holle, Mr. W. J. Tully, Mr. A. Lane, Mr. V. A. Walbe, Dr. I. Hamilton, Mr. J, L. Simp son, Mr. J. Ci Swift, Mr. M'Pherson, Mrs. M'Pherson, Mrs. C. E. Stanesby, Mr, Robert Ariow, Mr. F. M. Prince, Mrs. F. M. Prince, Miss F. Trince, Miss Juno Prince, Mr. R. E. Cranston, Mrs. R. E, Cranston, Mr. Mays, Mrs. Maya, air. T. B. Walsh, Mrs. T. B. Walsh, Mr. G. W. Hemponstall, Mrs. G. W. Hempensall,Miss Daisy Swann, Mr. Ronaldson, Mrs. Ronaldson, Mr. II. Hoggan, Dr. S. F. Sayles, Mr. T. Mcrtz, Mr. T). Hinckley, Mr. H, W. Maloney, Mr. F, E. Smith, Mr. Harold Oberfolt, Mr. Norman Back, Mr. F. C. Wells, Mr. R. C. Kerr, Mrs. W. Drech- sci, Miss K. Drcchscl, Master A. Drechscl, Mr, A. S. Underwood, Mr. Mackay, Mrs. K. Robert son, Miss Robortson, Mr. Rocs, Mrs. Roes, Mr.' H. M'Mitllcn. Mrs. H. M'Mullcn, Miss 31. J. Mackinnon, Miss S. Mackinnon, Jlr, A. Mac- klnnon, Mrs. F, E. Harold, Mrs. I. M'NcIIl, Mr. W. Dillon, Mr. E. A. Goldsmith, Miss N. E. Sims,3!r. W. G. Baker, Mr. K. L. Allen, Mr, C. Butterworth, Mr. A. D; Carpontor. Sir. L. E. Allen, Mrs. L, E.. Allen, Pastor E. B. Rudge, «Irv,T\ -strong, Mrs. T. Armstrong, Mrs. W. S. Hall, Mrs. Taylor and Infant, Miss M. Black, Mrs. Itigg nson, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. M. OUpsen, Miss Robinson, Mr. C. Barrass. Br. A Bcnlncasa, Mr. Scott, Mr. Clifford Bennett, 3Ir. Pickering, Mr. E. N; Davcy, Mr. Dam. Mr. V Roscnbloom, Mr. W. J. Marjes Mr. W. Kerr, ?rf,r; Croydon, Mr. T. Chappell. Mr. 31. E. ML. "arrjs, Mr. G. Banncrmau, Miss W. Stand ing, Miss o Carolin, 3Irs. Ollvo Standing, Mrs. K. W. Carolin, 3rastcr A. .Standing,Mrs. E. \V Davoy Misses Davoy (3). Mrs. E. Calder, Mrs. £hnll'n r? ?tn' » P# Hamilton, Mrs, T. Chappell, Miss J,.- Mansfield, and 3lrs. A. CHARTERED SHIPS. Questions regarding tho Commonwealth Shin plug Lino wero asked In tho Sonato by Scnutor Kingsmill (V\.A,). Ho usked tho Mlulster for Honjo and Territories whether four Common wealth Lino steamershad been hold up In Syd ney owing to Hhortaco of cargo, and whotlmr to maintain the. September sailings from tho United Kingdom tho steamer Volunmla hud boon ehurtcreci under British articles at a cost of ubout half ihitt of Australian vessels, if the vessel had been chartered at that cost ho would also ask whether tho Government would take into Immediate and serious consideration that method of conducting a shipping service. Ju reply, the Minister said the amount of cargo for export wus limited at tho time, and tho ships wero retained to deal with exports when available. In tbo meantime cargo had been offered from tho United Kingdom, and tho \olumoitt had been chartered at an eco nomical rate. Tho control of tho Common wealth Shipping Line had been placed in tho hands of tho .Shipping Board, und in tbo cir cumstancestho Governmentwould not bo justll- iied In interfering with the management of tjiG line. TELEGRAPHIC. AUELAIUE.T-Arr„ Sept. 21: Buldina, sir., from Newcastle; Katoomba, sir., from Fro- umuue ; uomu sir., from Oceanisland j Taiwan, sir., from Gothenburg. Dep., Sept; 24: Yarra, str., lor Nowcastlo; Beltana, Gottlngen, Mar burg. and Myrmidon, sirs., lor eastern States, Il.OBAUT (848).—Dep., Sept. 22: Ooocc. atr., for Sydney; -3.31)p.m. MhtiUOUltNK.— Sept. 24: Karaiuca, str., troin London ; Loongana, str., from Launceston: Kow- hai, sir., irom Hobart; Eastern, str., front Syd- uey. Dep., Sept. 21: Diogenes and Pnlum, sirs., for London; Loungann, str., for Launces ton; Levuka, str., for Sydney. STRAHAN (Tas.).—Dep., Sept. 21: Karamu, str., for Sydney, via North-west Coast worts 4.45 p.m. WILSON'S riiOMONTORY (42(5). —Bussed Sept. 24: Ostcrley, R.M.S., 2.55 a.m.; Jteglna d Haifa, sir., 4,35 ikih. ; Koonda, str., 4.30 a.m.; Utaramu-,str., 0.2Ga.m. GABO (238).— BasseU.Sept. 21: Aramac, str., 10 a.m., west; Iron Baron, str., 2.10 a.m.. north. GKKKN CABJO(2 IS) . Bussed, Sept. 21; Os- tcrlc.v, K.M.S., 0,25 p.m., north. .110 it VIS BAY (87). Passed, Sept, 24; Bar- won, str.. 4.55 p.m.; Cycle, str.. 5 p.m., north. WOLLONGONG (11). Arr., Hcpt. 24: Bcali- Ua, str., from Sydney, 3.30 p.m. NEWCASTLE (02).— Arr., Sept. 24: Guiavn, Woiloiigbar. Dorrlgo, Ulinarra, Bulganbar, Mnlau- har, Cobakl. Newcastle, UNI, Archer, Werrlbee, Coramba, Kannan, Cnnonbar. Gallic, strs., from Sydney; Orara, 'str., from Byron Buy; Jap, sir., from Cnmdcu Haven'; Urana, sir., from Cult's Harbor; Ruscrle, str.. from Culcuttu; Holnnvond, sch., fro;n Wanganul. Dep., Sept. 24: AHyn River, str., for Port Stephens; Kin- t».re, Mulacliito, Duckenfleld, Orara. Folnw- Alain. Galava, Urana, sirs., for Sydney; Woi loiigbar, str., for Byron Bay; Pulgunbur, sir., tor Clarence River; Dorrlgo. str., for Coif's Harbor; Cobakl, str., for Tweed Itlvcr: Mulun- bar, Canoubar, Jap, and lllmarru. strs., for North Const; Muroro, bijtnc., for Glsbornc; Waltcmata, str., for New Zealand; Chronos, sir., for Adulaldc; 3tonuro str., for Mel bourne. PORT STEPHENS (83).—Passed, Sept. 21: Cohukl, str., 2.40 p.m., north. SEAL ROCKS (109) Busseod,Sept. 21: Ul- uiura, str., 11.15 a.m. ; Bulganbar, str., 11.15 a.m.; 3Ialnnbar, str., 2.25 p.m.; Dorrlgo, str., 1 j».m.; Coramba, str., 4.35 a.m., north; Mutaram, str., 4.15 p.m., south. < CAPE JIAWKE (123).—Arr., Sept. 21; Tuu- curry, sir., from Sydney, 2.35 p.m. MANNING HEADS (111).— Arr., Sept. 21: Namhucca, str., front- Sydney, 8 a.m. PORT MACQUAIilE (174).— Dep., Sept. 24: Ballengarru, str., for Newcastle, 4.50 p.m. SMOKY CAPE (205).— Passed, Sept. 24: Boambec,str., 5.50 a.m.; Cooma, str., 9.5 a.m.; Woliongbar, atr., 5.20 p.m., north; Yulgllbar, str., 3 p.m.; Wyrecma, str., 3,15 p.m.; Dur- riiigbar, str., 4.45 p.m., south. NAMBUCCA HEADS (223).—Dep., Sept. 24: Docncl. sir., t'or Bellinger River. 3.40 p.m. TWEED HEADS (374).—Dep., Sept. 24: Coolebar, str., for Sydney, 4.40 p.m. BRISBANE.— Arr., Sept. 24; Suffolk, sir., from Liverpool; Moruyu, str., from Mary borough. Dep., Sept. 24: Malllna, str., for Rockbaiupton; Perstc, str., for Sydney. BUNDABEHG.— Dep., Sopt. 24: Flludcrs, str., for Brisbane. . CAIRNS.— Dep., Sept. 24: Kunownn, str., for Sydney. TORRES STRAIT SHIPPING. THURSDAY ISLAND. Wednesday.—Tbo French summer, Francois Nnvler, from Haiphong to Noumea, via Bramble Bay, with coollcs, ar rived here for water this morning, und leuves again at daybreak. OVERSEA SHIPPING. LONDON, September 23. ARRIVALS. At London: Mesopotamia, str., from Buubury to Cardiff. At Colon: Kasumu, sir., from Now York to Apia, Suva, Noumea, Cairns, Towusvllle, and Fort Alma ; City or Corinth str., from New York to Sydnoy; J'ort Chalmers,str., from New York to Auckland, Wellington, Lytlclton, and Duncdhi. At Port Said : Slam, motor ship, from Copen hagen and Hamburg to Sydnoy. At East London : city of Adelaide, str., from Goclong, Melbuurnu, Adelaide, und Frcmautlo to Capetown. At Hankow: Knblnga, sir., from Newcastle. At Llvcrpjuol : Puonu, str., from Australian ports. At Calluo: Hullfred, motor shop, from Now- castle. At Las Pnliuas: Union City, str., from Aus tralian ports to the United Kingdom and Con tinent. DEPARTURES. For .Sydney : Walotupu, str., from Vuncouver. The- steamer Fuhuyo Maru has left Portland (Oregon) for South Australian or Victorian ports. Tho steamer Nerhmlda. from Australia, to tho United Kingdom and Contiuent, has left Colon, The steamer Dorset, from Australia to Lon don, Antwerp, Hull, Kcwcastlc-on-Tyno, Man chester, Liverpool, and Avonmouth, has left SHOOTING CASE postmaster arrested BRISBANE. Wednoisday. A man named A. Hill, postmaster at Koorbooru. has been arrested on a charge of shooting Alfred Andorson, at Koorboora. Anderson, who is a mine manager, is alleged 10 navo entered into an ar gument with Hill over tho distribution of the mall. Shots were tired, and Hill fell to the ground, wounded In tho chest and thigh. He was taken to the Chlllagoo Hospital, where ho lies In a serious condition. amusements. r SmAaT!,N2E.!: GRAND OPERA HOUSE sN'rd'bV7 'Prop.: George Marlovv. Direction: Hugh J. Ward Theatres Pty., Ltd. Gov Directors: Sir Benjamin fuller, Hugh J. Ward. John fuller. cTVboSs. "LITTLE NELLIE KELLY" Box Plan at Nicholson's. Matlnco Prices 4/, 8/, 1/. TO-NIGHT : 6/, 4/, 2/, 1/. Rcs« 1/ extra. Prices plus tax. FULLERS', 2.30 & 8— STIFFY AND MO SEASON r Stlffy and Mo "In Soolety" in a new. Revue. Will Hastinos. Fullers' II Wonders, J. E. Sutton, Folles Bcrgcro Quartette. Prices: 1/ 2/, 3/. at to-day's matinee, 1/, 2/, 3/ 4/ To-night. Res. 1/ ex. Prlocs plus tax. Plan Thoatro. FIRST APPEARANCE OW SATURDAY. BESSIE CLIFFORD . THE FAMOUS AMERICAN COMEDIENNE. motors, bicycles. etc. TLTARPER BROS.. 66 Wcntworlh Ave., can sup. J-J- new Railroad Tyres, 920 x 129, for £5/10/6., TTAHPEK BROS, can sup. now Railroad Tyres, AJL go i 2 V4. guar, new stock, for 39/6. TJAIIPER BROS, can supply now Railroad A-A Tyres. 23 x 3, for 59/6. Boom'g,' 59/8. HARPER BROS, can supply DInm. Tyre and Tube, 30 x 3>A, for 75/. Barn., 58/6. fXAKPER BROS, 08 Wcntworth Ave., can AX sup. now Railroad Ty., 26 x 2)4 x2 Yi, for 30/6. HARPER BROS, can aupply new Perdrlau Cord Tyro. 28 x 3, new stock, for 59/0. HARPER BROS, can nup. D-D. Tyro for SO/. and any size nt one day's notice. lVrOTOR SCHOOL. Tel., Red. 1313 1'a Hardy'S Sydney Motor School, tbo Largest. Oldest, nnd Cheapest in Australia. 131 Devonshire Street, near Elizabeth Street. VTOBBYS, 880 x 120, £6/15/: 880 x 135. J- £7/10/; 33 X m. £6/10/. 49 Macquarle St. 1 1 VYRES, all makos, lowest prices. Seeus Oral. A 49 Macquario SL riwnvs T.nrmifit Rrnrk In Australia. Robin A son Bros- 49 Macquario St. T71ABRI0 TYRES.—Lowest Prices. M'Combe r Rubber Co.. 56 William St.. Sydney. / "lOIlD TYRES, all makes. Lowest Prices V M'Combo Rubber Co., 58 Wm. St., Sydney T\/f AGNETO Parts, highest quality, for every J.V1 mnko of machine. Moody and Co.. Electri cal Garage and Service Station. 15 Gouiburn St., Sydney (directly opposlto Trades Hall). 13ATTEIUES Rebuilt, Repaired, and Recharged. JJ Loan Batteries always on hand. The Clydo Battery Service Station, Gouiburn St.. nr. Went- worth Avcnuo. Sydney. "OATTEItlES tor All Cars. X> Guaranteed 12 months. rpHE Clydo Battery Service Station. Gouiburn A Street, near Wentworth Avenue. ATTERIES Repaired by Experts. Tho Clyde Battery Service Station. A LL innkes of Batteries Rebuilt, Repaired and 4V Recharged. "OEDROCK Prices, lst-class matorlal. and real a> Service. Tho ClydeBattery Service Station. Gouiburn St., near Wentworth Avenue. sporting. -4 jpAWKESBUKY HACKS, SATURDAY NEXT, 27tl) SEPTEMBER."'"' OWNERS nnd:TRAINERS aro reminded that. . all hnraca scratched after I p.m. ou Thursday", " 25th September, will bo liable for tlio Sweep-.. stake. - "! TRAINERS and JOCKEYS' Tickets will ,be,, issued at the ofllco of the Mooreflcld Race (- Club up to 4 p.m. on tho above date. Holders of Metropolitan Badges do not require H.lt.C. tickets. C. S. ICKLY. Secretary. .. , JJAWKESBUItX HACKS.'-,' SATURDAY NEXT. 27tll SEPTEMBER. . BOOKMuKEItS are notified that lliey must,, rcglstor with tho Soerctnry of Mooreflcld lta'ro f'lnh ft i f !m nhni'n Monllne hfifnrn t n.m. ml FHIDAY, 26th SEPTEMBER. No fees will 1)0 > taken on tho Course. C. S. ICELY, Secretary.' . .. . iyensington hacks;''-; V 1000 Sovs. PRIZE MONEY. 1000 Sovs.v ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st. 1024. .. „.. NOVICE HANDICAP, of 160 Sova.5Vj Furlongs. X4.A HANDICAP, of 130 Sovs. 5 Furlongs. FLYING HANDICAP of 200 Sovs. 0U Ftlrlongs J4.2 HANDICAP, of 140 Sovs. 5% Furlongs. ENCOURAGE STAKES, of 150 Sovs. t Mile.;.'.. KENSINGTON HANDICAP, of 220 Sovs. 1 Mile..,. Lowoat Handicap .Weight In each race. 7.7. . Nomlualinns will he received up till 5 p. nil TO-DAY (THURSDAY). SEPTEMBER 2."th. Weights will be declared «n w about Satur-" day Next, September 27tli. :- ' For further particulars sec programme. J. UNDERBILL, Secretary. .. . 1st Floor. Belmont Chambers, 13 Castlercagh - Street, Sydney. 'Phono,111218. richmond pony kacus. TO-MORROW. FIRST. RACE, 12.30 P.M. Spceiul trains leave Sydney as follow; b.tii'.. a.in. (Horses) and lt'J7 a.m. (Passengers). An early return to City about 5.22 p.m. Return faros from Sydney to Richmond, 5/9 (First-class), 4/6 (Second-class), which hi-;, eludes entrance to Outer (late (1/). G, KILDUFF, .Secretary. .... ASSOCIATED KACING UDUBS. >. NOTICE TO BOOKMAKERS. APPLICATIONS for Registration with tho nhQva Clubs for tlio quarter cudtng December, 31, 1924, must bu mado on or before 3 p.m. TO-MORROW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924. Applications received after tills dato will nut 06 entitled to consideration when positions are being allocated. J. UNDERBILL, Secretary." Bolniont Chambers, J 5 Castlercagh Street, Sydney, 'Phone BI218. ; r£»ROTTTING. TROTTING, -. AT KITING RACECOURSE,GLEBE. TO-DAY. (192) RECORD ENTRIES. (102). FIRST RACE, 12 NOON. fialnmln, Forest Lodge, Lilyilcld, and addi tional Trams will run via Georgo Street every few minutes direct to the Racecourse. Gents.: Pndduck IS/; Lcger. 5/; Flat, 1/2. " Ladies: Paddock, 7/6; Isjgcr, 5/; Flat, 1/5.. - .. FRANK HOWELL, Secretary. jewish ball The Maccabean Hall, Darliiifthurst. proved a cosy refuse from last night s heavy rain for tho smartly froeked gathering which attended tho dunce held there to augment tho funds of the New South Wales Jewish War Memorial. prizes wero given for tho lucky jazz cap and Monto Carlo fox trot. Mrs. 15. I j. Davis (president of the dance : committee) was one of tho numerous attractively gowned women prosent, who demonstrated tho popularity of glistening beads for eveping wear, for sho wore pale grey crepe do Chtuo attractively designed with crystal beads. Mrs. Leslie Davis, who was with her. also wore a crystal beaded frock of white crepe de Chine. Mrs. Lewis Packer (joint lion, socretary with Miss iSnid Baumbery, who wore mauve taffetas and silver lace) was gowned in black chiffon velvet sprayed with diamante. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Sy- monds came with Miss Coldsmid. Amongst those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Woolf, Mrs. Woolf wearing black velvet: Mr. and Mrs. Orwell Phil- Hp's. Mrs. George Mlchaelfs, who woro steel-beaded black velvet; Mrs. A. U. Baumberff, Mrs. Kronfield, and Miss Leslie (Mrs. Lewis Packer's cousins from New Zealand), Iiev, and Mrs. RHnfcld, Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bergman, Miss Leslie Abrahams, Mrs. B. Ginsberg and Miss Ginsberg, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cornfield, Mrs. Cornfield wearing a black sequlncd frock; Miss Vera, Diamond, in apricot watered silk; Mrs. A. LI. Baumberg, Miss Miriam Michelson, who wus froeked in cyclamen satin with ostrich leather trimmings; Miss Jewel Solomon, in apricot beaded georgette; ,ur. canny iteaaing, lvuss jhuluc Adams, in pink baronet satin with a silver lace skirt; Miss Pearl Whttofielri. in tan- gertno und gold lace. Miss Biileo Dia mond, whoso engagement to Mr. Bob Richards, of Narrundcra and Bondi, was recently announced, was present wearing green tissue. AIlss Dorothy Collins wore mauve satin. Miss Mnrjorlo Bloom Nile green rnnrocain, Miss Vera Emanuel was in a moonlight blue seyulned frock, Miss M. Solomon woro bluo beudod georgette, Miss It. .Solomon gold tissue. Miss P. Nathans green crepe Stella and gold Jacc, Miss I. .Solomon cherry facomie, and Miss 15. Solomon green and gold lace. Others in the throng included Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kogerson, Air. and Mrs. Kcmclfield, Messrs. S. Symonds, .S. Block, N. Block, Bert Solomon, A. Kaiser, and IX Glass. The dunco committee comprised also Mesdrtmes Leslie Davis, A. .Hyniau, V. Cornfield. J. Ipirt, Saul Symonds, L. Abrahams, 15. Bloom. BurJoigh. Woolf, S, Richards, S. Herman. Misses Bloom, V. Diamond, b\ J-larL. It. Murks. M. Solo mons, Haher, and .D. Oouldston. Messrs. A. .Schaehol and R. Mlchaells were joint hon. treasurers for tho evening. "The Daily Telegraph" Weather Chart METEOROLOGIST'S REPORT. CommonwealthWea ther Bureau, Wednes day. "During tho past thrco or four dayn. associated with u pre dominance of tropical and southern tieprcs- > sion influences, wide spread rains of bene ficial nature have oc curred over the south eastern quarter of Australia. Up to Tuesday morning no particular vigor marked tiio operations of tho depressions which, in- deed, wero of the 'fiat' or nondescript form. Slnco 9 a.m. on Tucs uuj, nowevcr mo eastern section of the low pressure urea has apparently moved east ward to New Zealand while tlio western extension, formerly over tho Bight, has ad vanced eastward, and surged northward to beyond tlio tropic in Central Australia and vuueiiniumi, ami ucvciupuu CMrnoruiuary in tensity. Practically all tlio region within nnd south from linos joining Kuchi (on tho Bight), Boutin (in West Queensland), and Brisbnno, Is now under tlio scope of tlio huge disturbance, iff Addition to nearly ail tiio Tnsmun Sea, to New Zealhnd. Over the 'soiit/i-eaHtem States It Is virtually ii cyclone, with its centre, 29.0 inches ovor western Tas mania, Tho wind circulation governed by this great disturbance, as it affects tho main land, no, far, Is northerly to westerly, fresh nnd squally to gale force: and tlio weather at 9 a.m. on Wednesday was cloudy and un settled throughout, with showers «t many places. Further light to moderate rain, asso ciated with tlumder and hull ut places, has been recorded. Hill End reported n severe and damaging hall-storm. "Present indications ia>r cloudy and un settled conditions throughout New South Wales, with rain and thunder, also hull, but chierty over southern und eastern purts of the fitute. Northerly to westerly winds, strong and bols-) - terous, to gaio inrcu in many parts; mud at. first In eastern divisions, but becoming cool (o cold generally, and snow likely on tho Bluo. .Mountains, and on tiio southern tablelands, ; . "Rough to high seas, with sturmy north west to west winds, over the Tasnuin Sea In,. . New Zealand. "Tho numbers giving the value of the Isobars- are 'millibars,' a new unit now universally used m observations connected with the upper air. The millibar Is the one-thousandth part of a ' 'bar' which differs little from tho standard at mosphere represented by a column of mercury... 29.02in. long: in fact, standard atmospheric prcssuro Is represented by 1013 millibars. Thus the deviation from standard conditions may be easily read off on the chart."— D J Mares.-' Divisional Meteorologist. BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER. Barometer, 9 n.m. yesterday: 20.54; 9 p.m., 29.366. Temperature: Sydney, 9 a.m. 69; 3 p.m., 75.4; 9 p.m. 63; maximum 75.4, minimum 56.2; Can berra, max. 61), mln. 46; Adelaide, max. G2, min. 51; Melbourne, mux. 61 mlu.' 54: Bris bane, mux 71 uiin. 58; Hobnrt max. 52 mln. 44. Humidity: Sydney 9 a.m. 53 per cont. 9 p.m. 83 per cent. Greatest wind velocity .yesterday, 42 miles, from N.W., nt 7.55 p.m. Jilgh witter. Fort Dcnlsou, 5.48 a.m. and 5,54 p.m. ASTRONOMICAL MEMORANDA—SEPT. 25. Sun rises 5.41, sets 5.53. Moon rises 3.21 a.m., sets 2.14 p.m. New moon on September 29, at 6.16 a.m. Mercury rises 4.59 a.m., sets 4.28 p.m. Venus rises 3.33 a.m., sots 2.46 p.m. Mars rises 2.41 p.m. sets 4.23 a.m. Jupiter rises 9.22 a.m., sets 11,35n-m. Saturn rises 7.11 a.m., sets 8.0 p.m. COAST.AL REPORTS AT 6 P.M. YESTERDAY. Tweed Hoads, north-west, fresh, cloudy, bar moderate; Byron Bay, north-west, fresh cloudy, sea slight; Balllna. north, fresh, cloudy, bar smooth: Clurenro Heads north-east, moderate, cloudy, sea smooth: Kainbucca Heads north east. moderate,cloudy, sea smooth; Port Mac quarle. north-east, light cloudy, sea slight; Manning Heads, north-east, fresh, cloudy, sea slight; Port Stephens, north-east, moderate, cloudy, sea moderate: Newcastle, west, strong, squally fine, sea smooth; Luke Macquario Heads, west, fresh, (Inc. sea smooth; Cathcriue Hill Bay. west, fresh, fine, sea smooth; Houth Head, north moderate, fine, hazy, sea slight; Wollongong, north-cast, fresh, cloudy, sen slight; Klnma. north-east modcrato, hazy, sea slight: Crookhuvcn Heads, north-east, fresh, fine, ha/.v, sea slight; Jervls Bay, north, fresh, cloudy, hazy sea niodoratq; Bnlemnn'a Bay, west, strong, overcast, sea slight; Moruyu, west- north-west, strong gulc, heavy showers, sea slight; Eden, north-west, moderate, cloudy, sen moderate. RIVER HEIGHTS, Tha heights abovesummer level of tbe lntand rivers at 9 a.m. yesterday wero as follow: Albury, 12ft. 8ln. abovo zero on gauge; Anglcdool, X.; Burwon River, 13ft.; Blugara. S.L. : Boollgal, 1ft. Cln. : Boggabllla. 5ft.; Boiirke. 8ft. fin.: Browarrlna. 5fl. Min. ; Cowru, 6ft. Bin.; Deniliquin. 13ft. 2In. ; Piiblm, 4ft. oln.; Kuuabalong, 15ft. Bin.; Euston, 22ft.: Forbes, 7ft. Tin I'Gnndooga. L. : Gun- dagiil, 9t:. Gin.; Gunncduli, lit. Gin.: Hay, : 16ft, Tin.: Hill.ston, 7ft. Tin.; Louth. lift. 3iu. ; Mogil, 7ft.; Mcnlndlc. 4ft. Bin.; Moula- inciii 14ft.; Mungindi. 5ft, Gin.; Narrandora,. lift, 5in. ; Namoi River. 6ft. Gin.; Pooncarle, 4ft, Oln. ; Tilpa, Oft. Bin. : Toeumwal, 10ft,.'. 9iu.: Wagga, 9ft.; Wentworth, 13ft. 21». ; Wil- cannlu 4ft. 8!n. ; Yctraan. 5ft. Hln. Note.—It., rising: F. falling: a., stationary.; L.. tow; S.L., summer level. INTER-STATE RAINFALL REGISTRATIONS. " (For 24 Hours ending 9 a.m. Yesterday.) Queensland.— -Cooktou'ii 51 poluts, Rockhump- ton 5, Gaynduh 75, llrlstmue 16, Komu 12, Uer- bertou 74, Gladstone 10, Gympie 6, Maryborough . 18, Toowoomba 41, Stanthorpc 30, Warwick 13. '" South Australia. Strouky Buy 21poiuts, Portv" Lincoln 56 points, I'apo Borda 39, Adelaide 23# Robe 25, Capo Northumberland 22, ;. Victoria. Horsham 31 points, Capo Otway 25, w Bendlgo 27, Melbourne 6. Tasmania. Springs 6 points. Capo Sorrel 13,' Zcclmn IS. Stanley 50, Low Head 30, Launccs- ton 25, Eddyatono 25. Oatlaiuis 11. ' FORECASTS. New South Wales. Still unsettled, with fur-.!' ' tlicr rain and thunder in southern uud eastern districts; sonic halt in tho north-east. Fine ' in the north-western quarter. Cool conditions- becoming general, and snow nn parts of tho southern and central tableluuds. Boisterous west to southerly winds of gale force, and rough seas later on the coast. Vietorln.— General rain. Sumo lieuvy fulls. Northerly, veer) ig to west and south-west, winds, blowing strong and boisterous along the coast. Somo ball and thunder, and possibly snow on tho highlands. Queensland.—Some further ralii aud thunder likely. In central and southern Interior, chiefly, in eastern parts, nud a shower or two on the peninsula. Northerly winds chiefly. South Australia. Unsettled and showery,- with boisterous westerlies in settled areas. Ira- proving Inland to the north-west. Very rough ' outsida Kangaroo Island. West Australia.— Chiefly fine, with south-. onsterly winds, but westerly winds and some . . showers in the south-west and south coast dJs; tricts. Tasmania.—- Stormy and unsettled, with gen-' cral rain, hull, and snow. Boisterous northerly/- veering west and south-west winds, to gales. Orean.— Vgry disturbed weather with strong northerly winds, veering to boisterous wosterlles " ami rough to high seas from tbo Bight to Tas-. man Sens. a.l.p. candidates A Messrs. J. Mostyn and J5. C. U'Doa havo been chosen as Labor candidates for Camperdown Ward in the ensuing c City Council elections. In the selection" ballot Mr. Mostyn was elected on the llraL' - count,.' Messrs. G. Bodkin and G. Srnltlf having dropped out, Messrs. O'Dea N. M'Guinnoss tied for second place", which was given to Mr, o\Doa on thb.. ' casting vote of the returning ofiicer (Mr. W. Padgen).

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Page 1: C&i...English for all curididrfes' whether tliey liavo intermediate certificate or not. 'Hie department replici that the Eng lish paper Will be set ,on tho sylla bus prescribed for

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page26835781


Teachers' Status

arbitration rights

: The registration of teachers under

the Federal Arbitration Court is still

In abeyance.. The only opposition to

the applicationof the Australian Aar

sociation of Teachers comes from Now

South Wales, where tne uuveixiirieui.

does not recognise the right of public'

servants— who include teachers— to ar-

WTheNew South Wales teachers aredesirous of receiving and maintaining"

standard of remuneration for teachers In all parts of, Australia, that

will place none in a low position.

The next inter-State conference will

cive much consideration to this broadMiiestion. Colonel Smeaton writes, astho result of his recent visit to Melbourne from Adelaide, that good pro-rcss Is being made. Negotiations at

urcsent to arrange the conference forChristinas vacation instead of Easter

no not settled, but at a meeting ofthe local committee on Monday last,slepg were taken which. It is hoped,will bo successful.

The federation of all Australianteachers on broad, educational linesmeans' much for education. As instancing how far tho influenco Isstroirdy spreading, tho teacher of theSlate School at Derby, W.A. wherethe mails go by air so successfully,

"Thn .A iiHtrnliiin Ifinnhpr Isevidently realising his true positionand part in tho great scheme of na

tional progress."' "

Ho goes on to observe that education is not only the concern of theStates separately, but is a Federal

question, and that it should receiveFederal assistance. "Australia woulddo well to endow education much moreliberally, and the Federal Governmentshould subsidise the States' votes. Australian subjects should have Austra

lian support."

. 1 the country committee.'

Tlie quarterly meetings of this im

portantsection of teachers never lack

I interest, nor ever show signs of wan-I ing in value.I Mr. F. Wheeler, hon. secretary,I whose address 13 Public School, Sus-, pension Bridge, North Sydney, has

convened tho next gathering for Sat-:

urday morning -at the Assembly Roomof the. Education Department, at D.30o'clock. The representatives of all country branches will form a considerablemuster, and, as changes are portending in the constitution of tho councilthat may affect country teachers, matters should be very interesting.

early school age.The lecture given to the Infant Mis

tresses' Association by Miss Inspector.Miller on Thursday last was largelyittended by teachers of that section;Miss Inspector M. M. Simpson wasalso present.

Jliss Miller dealt with the importanceof. tlv child's early school lite;- shodeprecated tlio tendency to make thekindergarten a mero preparation, foitho teaching of formal subjects instead of providing for a full and variedexperience of life as allied to tlie child'interests and, stage of development,

The necessity foi" thoroughness u'ldalso for not talcing loo much for glinted was emphasised ill discussing earlywork in speech-training, writing antlnumber. ,

Miss Simpson proposed, and MissLvans seconded, the lieurty voti f appreciation of Miss Miller's .ddress,winch she promised to supplimont atan curly date. .

hereford house candidates.Candidates for Hereford i-uuse short

course in future will be jequired totake English, though they may havepassed tho intermediate examination.

P.S.T. asks, in this conrootion, whatsection or oungiisii rno pup!land whether it. will bo 10 paper 011English for all curididrfes' whethertliey liavo intermediate certificate ornot.

'Hie department replici that the English paper Will be set ,on tho syllabus prescribed for uanlidutes for admission to shui-t-oour training, usbet out in tho regulat0113-

the "australia" teacher."Tho current n umbo' of tlio "Austra

lian Tcaclier."' tlio 'liicail journal ofllio Teachers' Guild, quite up to thestandard of Us predecessors. , Professor Vonwilicr contifd®3

his account ofrelativity, while til' article by. Professor Charteris on 'Australia and theLeague of Natiow" will bo wolcometlby teachers of liisUt'J'. giving us it docsa valuable note 011materials for study.Dr. il'Queen uonkibutos a notice oflliat remarkable schoolmaster, Sanderson, of Oundle, w>o passed beyond t.hopaidocentric stage to one which is an-Ihropocentric.

Mr. h. a. Robst'n. of Church of England Grammar fcehool, has somethingto say on schoo: l'f and industry, anoutcome of the conference betweenheadmasters and the Chamber of Commerce.

girls' secondary schools.Tho Girls' Secondary Schools enter

ed on their third term this week, undwith tho resumption of studies comesalso a reopeninpf of sports. The Tildes-ioy Shield tquinament calls forth .thecream of the ..ichools for the contest,and a healthy rivalry results. The entries for this tournament close' tomorrow, while tho matches themselveswill be held at tho White City courtson tho morning of Saturday, October11, 18, and 25-

MR. c. j- costello.Mr." G. J. Ccitello, who for several

years has beer- headmaster of W«ngiWungi, Bake jlacquurie, public school,has retired on long service leavo. Onleaving, lie wan presented by tho residents of Wang> Wang! with a wallet ofnotes and othpr tributes of appreciation -of "his goPd services as a towns-man-'and a todchor.

ESSAY WINNERS.in tfip comruu|"iMn uiiitufcu uj

Australian Manufacturers' Associationfor the best essqy on "Why only Australian' steel should bo used in thobuilding of tne North Slioro Bridge,"and for which' somo hundreds of; essayswore teqeivecl from all parts of Australia, 'two girls from the. Fort StreetUiris'. High tjchool —Mildred O'Hanlonand Robe parlman — have succeeded111gaining tof> place.

The first prize of five guineas is being divided pctwoen them. They areto receive also two special mementoprizes donated by the Brolcon. I-Iill. Proprietary Co., Ltd. Tho prize of twoguineas presented by. the associationto Miss A. r'errin, B.A., B.Ec., the mistress who grained the two successfulcandidates, 'will bo given by her as a

prize for t>le best work done in theeconomics glasses during tho year.

teachers' ball.The Teachers' Ball, to bo held at

the Wontworth next Thursday evening. promises to be most successful.The federation Is working enthuslastl-callv to ensure its success, and a bigattendance ,of country and metropolitan teacher.e with friends Is expected.It is hoped that tho proceeds will ma-terlallv assist the project of tho womendoctor" to proceed with the erection oftliolr new hospital for women and chil-Uren.


Tho ofiicinl presentation of tho bigcheque for Schools' Hospital Day willalso he madb during the evening. Tickets and full Information may bo obtained on application to tho hon. organisers, A. 1C. Paddison, P.S. Habor-lield. or V. Elsie, Practice School,Blackl'rlars, o>r "W. J. Hendry, Federation Office.'

jrhe week.Teachers' salaries will be paid to

day, instead c»f Thursday next, so thatthe incoiivcnjenco of an interveningvacation may' bo avoided. Tho next

cheques will not bo due until OctoborI G, so that tijiose received to-day willhavo to bo spiread over'threo weeks.

HcrefordiunP aro reminded of theirvacation re-uiuion next Tuesday, -whilethe feature ofj the Michaelmas week Isto be the Teaiphers' Ball, at tho Went-worth Hotel, itm Thursduy, October 2.

Tho State schools enter on Michael?miis vacation Vo-morrow, and do notresume, with scsnio exceptions, until thoTuesday after 'Eight-Hour Day. Bothhigh and pr(mV"'y

schools havo "thosame period. i


— (1) Not unless ho is'10 years' of «gi- (2) Would receiverefund of contributions

to superannuation fund. ' '

"TRANBY." -J- Tlio Department ofEducation will /reply to you direct



market closes firm

The closing sales of tho first series of thonew wool-selling season wero held yesterday.The quantity catalogued totalled 8888 bales,and2the .sales, Including privato transaction,amounted to 10,782 bales, as follow:—

PITT, BON, AND BADGEBY, LTD.: Offerings,4672 bales; at auction, 4494 bales; private ex previous catalogues, 449 bales;priratcly uncatalogucd, 1479 bales; total,6422 bales.

AUSTRALIAN MERCANTILE, LAND, ANDFINANCE CO., LTD.: Offerings, 4216bales;at auction, 3558 bales; privately ex prevl-- ous catalogues, 721 bales; privately un-caialogued, 81 bales; total, 4360 bales.

Totals: Offerings, 8888 bales; nt auction, 8052bales; privately ex previous catalogues,

. 1170 bales; privately uncatalogucd, 1560bales; total, 10,782 bales.

Tho Sydney Wool-selling Brokers report:—Tho mnrket closed with prices well up to thobest level of tho series for all descriptions.Strong support wus forthcoming from nil sections of Hie buying trade, tho Continental section being particularly keen for all suitableparcels. Greasy merino sold to 40Ud.

Bitt, Son, and Badgery, Limited, offered anaverage to good selection, mostly from tho western and uorth-western districts. Greasy mo-rino wool sold to /4U',4, secured for 12 bales1st combtewh of DVS/Curragundl, from Morcc,a very attractive, stylish, soft handling woolof good length, dry, and carrying a few burrs.Among Baleswere :—Greasy: Carlton (Glrllam-bono), 6 AAA o at /33, '> AA o at /30%, 5A e at /2Siit, 12 bku c at /30, 8 A pe al /2ti%,good length, dusty, little seed and burr; Mur-ru field (Cootiamble), 12 AA o at /32%, 5 AAb at /31%, 5 A o at /28/4, 5 p at /25%, deepstaple, nico quality, little burr; JW/Toorung(Tarcoom), 16 1st com o at /31U, 11 1st comweh ut /27%, 12 1st com o at /24%, 6 1st come at /2594, 10 1st com e at /24%, 7 2nd comweh at /264, 7 1st pwuh at /28%, good longthand quality, very (lusty, seedy point ; HnddonRig (Warren), 8 AAA e af/36A, 9\ AAA h at/35, 20 AAA - ch ut /35. 13 AAA o ut /34%,12 AAA e at /32«,i, 20 AA o at /31%, 13 AAAh at /30-A, 35 AA e at /30',£, 14 A eh at /29,15 1st uks e ut /31, 12 bkn R at /HQ, 8 AAAcom ai /31%, 21 1st AA ch at /30%, deeptnple, robust wool, sliowlng good character andcolor, liltlo dust and burr; V in V/Currull(Morce), 5 AAA e com at /34i, 5 AAA com oat /34, 14 AA o at /S4%, 7 11 fo ut /30H,16 B. l'c at /30%, 5 1st po at /26'A#length, nice quality, soft bundling. Utile dustytip, few burrs ; Jh conj/Sunoysldo (Millie), 8AAA c at /36V4, 11 AAA o at /36JA, 6 AAA o«t /3fi, 5 AAA o at /34%, 0 AAA h at /37%.7 AA e at /»2%, 14 AA e at /32%, 4 AA h at/36V.., 5 A o ut /II2/8 A 0 at /32, 17 bkll fchat 6 pes b at /31, good length, nicoquality, attractive, little burr on points; Kii-gowla (Burrcn Junct.)'. 87 1st com wo.ut /36,11 1st. com lr ut /3$, 22 2ud com wc nt /33U,36.nk9-Q.at /30%, 82 bkn u at /29 Vi, 12 pchnt /2114» soft handling, fino quality, little dustytip; MKY/Yarrnldoo (Cryon), 10 AAA we ut/34%, 5 AAA w- at /33%, 27 AAA o ut /32, 6AA wo at /HO'/i, 5 AA w at /31'A. 20 AAA o ut/ZS&i 9 AA we at /27%, 28 bkn weat /30%, 201st pwo at 3%, good length, nice quality,soft, dusty, odd burr; JW/Knluga (Nynpan), 51st com o at /33%p-10 1st com o at /321,4, 71st com ph at /32, 10 bkn foil at /29?4, usefulqualify, deep staple, burry points; R/BU(Booml) 1(1AAA o nt /37, 5 AAA w ut /37,10 AA wo at /34 %, 11 A wo at 19 1stn at /3L nicc quality, soft, good length, littledustr tip, few tender; JWE (Bollatu), 11 AAAe at /35%,.ll AAA e at /35% 9 AA o at/34, 9 AA o at /32 %, 5 AA h at /34, 11 Ai %i fi A h at /29, 12 bkn o nt /31, 1214t-pc At /29, bright, attractive, nico. qualitynd length, little burr; Buckncll/Quumboue, 5A o at /35, 14 A 0-at /33%, 10 A eh at /30%»25 A w at /3V/j, 7 A e at /»1&. 7 A at /29.11 AA e at /31%, 8 AA o at /3i, 8 AA o at/30, 6 AA ch at /28, 16 AA w at /30U, 9 AAo ut /'£8Vt, 6 AA ut /27%, 11.AAA c at /29V&.0 AAA w at /27, 8 AAA ch at /26J/j, 33 bkno at /Site, 28 pc at /25V&>11 A lbs nt /274.6 B o.at /36».. .19 B c at /34%, 13 B o at/34 Va. lino quality, soft handling, good length,little dust and burr; EJAE (Bellata), 6 AA cbko at 5 A cbk o at /33%, fino quality,bright, liltlo burr; BW/WIrullah (Warlalda),' 5AAA w at /39, 11 AAA c at /'tfVi, 8 AA woat '/351/..,6 A c at 7 1st p at AMU. attractive,- soft, bright, good length, lltllo rich :DYH/C'urrugundl (Morco), 23 AAA com c nt/39%, 11 AAA com eh at /38%, 7 AAA com wat /39%.; 17 AAA com we at /">8VJt 17 AAAcom we at /37, 23 AAA com c- at /37,.£, 8AAA com w at /37%. 8 AAA com w at /34%,24 AA com c at /37M:» l'l AA com ch at /36%,8 .AA com w at /«7%, 32 AA com wo at /36»8 AA com w at /36V6. 8 A om ch 121st com ewh.ul /40U» 17 com cwh at /37%, 6AA foil at /35%, 8 AAA rams at /34( 38 bkno at /34U, 80 bkn ch at /35VL 61 beis at/24%, 8 AAA weh At /37%. » AAA WB Ul /6'i %.very attractive, stylish, soft handling wool, dry,good length, few burrs; RV/Carroll (MoreO), «iAAA a at C AA e at /34'/j. 5 AA o at/»4%, 5 AA c at /34%. 7 AAA com e at /36%.24 bkn e at /31U. good lengtli and quallty,soft, dry, little seed ond burr; MLY (Beliatu),10 1st fe at /38U, 6 bkn o at /31%, deepstaple, nice quality, few hurra; M. Bros/Kash-mlr/Barruba, 5 sup AAA w ut /40, 20 AAAw at /39, 8 AA w at /36V6. d 1st pus w at/34V4, 5 2nd pes w at /27Va, dr>'» »ott. goodlongth, few seeds; Eil/Athlono (Boomi), 29AAA o at /38«4, 15 AA o at /33. nico quality,soft texlurc, dry, liltlo dusty Up. .

Australian Mercuntlle Land and Finance Co..Lid., offered mostly medium wools, many linesshowing dust and a ilttlo broadness In quality. There was only a sprinkling of good tosuperior wools, which showed out attractively.Munglndl, Moroo, Walgett, Browarrlna, Tran-gle, and Coonamblo districts wero represented.Their top prlco in tho grcuay section was-/40,realised for 11' bales AAA co c of JS/lolanthc(.Morec), ii very soft, utlruvtlrc' wool of komiqnalily, witli ullcllt suod on sides. AiiioiiKrcalisutitins woro :—Grousy: Tiio wubiis/o'c.(Collarenebri). IS AAA wli at /35, 1-1 AAA cut /:S5H, JT AAA O lit /33V!:, « AA 0 at /28,7 AA wo at /3i), « clo c ut /28?i. 5 bkn ont /31, 10 A pwo nt /27-Ti. soft, nico quality,drv, showing dust In tips, Ilttlo tenderness;JllO'U/lIatton (Warren), 13 AAA co o ut /34,'J AA co u at /30, 11 AA co o nt /38. 5 AAAo ut /32V4, 6' bkn fc r,t /27VS. 7 A. pe ut/24V-, Id AAA eo W at /3uVi, 12 AAA eo ilnt /35, 8 AA cb ll ut /Al 11. S AAA wli nt/33'A, soft, good bulk nnd style, little dust intips," burr on sides; (iinglc (Walgetl). 23 Aco o at /3(i . 12 A co o at /3«Vi, 1.0A coo at /32, 32 A co 0 at /3I, 13 A fo lit /28V,38 bkn o at /2sv!i, 23 AAA wins ut /32, verysoft, nico stylo, showing diameter, ilttlo dust ;Clifford/Downs (Widglewa). 9 AA co w nt/37%, 0 AA co well at /37?.i, II A w at /37.!) A wli at /3001, 11 A ell at /3U. 7 13B wellat /33V1, 9 1st pw ut /33«, very nico quality,sort, oven, good color, slight tenderness; Oiui-duddy (Munglndl), 5 AAAA c at /31',, (IAAA o at /33VS,.10. .AAA.ajitV29,..T. AAA wli.at /32VJ, 19 AA o at /29%, « bkn o at /3051.14 AA po at /2(i',, good bulk, dry, soft, nleoquality, dusty tip, ilttlo thin; Mogilit (Cion-doogn), 28 AAA w at./38V, 12 AA w at /35%,17 B fwo at /3SV4, 13 1st pw at /27VV, 1 AAAo at /30V , 9 AAA o at /30'4, 0 AAA c ut/34Vi, IB AAA e at /34VV, 0 AA o nt /30V-, 7A wo at /31V!:, o AA fwo lit /32'A, 5 A foat /30V4, 12 B life nt /32, 5 1st po at /27V4.siilcndld bulk, good length und style, dust Intips, same qualities showing dusty and mustybacks; JS/lolamllo (Morcc), 11 AAA co o at/40. 6 AAA co c at /36V4. 8 AAA Co o at/37V-j, 5 AA co wo at /38, 18 A co e ut /35V4,7 bkn wo at /33'/i, 7 po ut /27V!:,very soft, ultractlve, good quality, alight seedon sides; Calga-(Coonauible), 8 AAA o ot /31V!:,5 AA h nt /30i 0 A o nt /28V!:, 8 A o at/28, 20 bkn nt /30, 23 A p at /25%, soft,nico nicdium quality, good bulk, well nourished,Ilttlo dust in backs ; D/DD (Brewcrrlnn), 8AAA wli at /33',4, 7 bkn well at /31, 15 AAAw at /32VV, 9 AAA w at /28, S bkn nt</29V&.7 A pliw at /29%, 14 AAA c at /311.!:. nicestyle, good breeding, well nourished, little dust;Ibbott (Coonninblc), 8 AAA c nt /31V4, 5 AAAw at /32V4, 10 AAA Ii at /30V4. 15 AA e at/30V4. 7 AA w at /31V1, 7 AA ll at /27V6, 13A well at /2fi%, 14 11I1B o at /30, 8 UB cat /251/', 23 i'o at /28'/j, 14 bkn we at /i'J'A,15 1st pwo nt /24%, good bulk and Htylc,soft, allowing dust in backs and burr on sides;Wcinubung/X fl'rangic), 8 1st f at /28'/j. 24AAA a at /30Vi. 23 AA o nt /28V, 0 AAA fecomb at /23, good bulk, soft, dusty tip, morodust In backs, Ilttlo burr; Collymonglo (Wal:gettl, 5 AAA o at /3DV4, 1 AAA o at /31%,10 AA e at /33V4, 0 A o at /34V4, 14 bkno at /80%, 14 AAA w at /30, 53 AA w nt/83%, 20 A w at /33%, 6 f A w comb nt /30.8 A.VA 0 at /34, 24 AA o at /32',, 8 A combwo at /31%, soft, dry, nice quality, oven,showing little dust, well classed; JW/VViiTran-dlno (Tallwooil, Q.), 10 AAA e at /34V:, HAAA o at /33VS, 13 A o at /33',

13 AA poat /31, good bulk, soft, dry, little thin inbucka, alight seed; Bun (Trnngle), 10 AA ccnt /83V4, 18 AA cell at /34VV. 9 A cch at

/33, 10 B ec-h nt /32%, 13 B fieccc co at

/29V4, 10 B fleece ll at /29%, 2i B feet atH lat I""'1 Z23, 13 I.1 ,'

12 A o at /30Vi, 0 B o at /32%, 10 C co at/27. soft, good bulk nnd Btylo, good condition,carrying dust In tip: GW/Ulendnh (Morcc), 15AA o at m. o AA f at /35%, very soft, nicecolor and quality, slight tenderness; V\GW/Wynwood (Millie), 10 AA o at /JOVe, 7 A cnt /34, 9 bkn o at /33V, soft, nico quality,rv dusty tip; C/Fnlrflcld (Morec). 8 C comb

C wo at /38, 13 clo o at ;/34%. 5 clo wl. at/33V6."Iec qualUy, attractive, somo lieceo qualities short.

london sales

LONDON. September 23.At to-day's wool sales tlicre vvab a

splendid selection in all classes, and nnanimated market. Prices continue veryfirm. Realisations included: Scouredmerinos, Braemar (New Zealand). C8u;CO/SW (South Australia), ooa; greasius,J)Iaindcn Creek, 46d; DJR, 4Cd.

John Sanderson and Co. received thefollowing cablegram from Sanderson.

'Murray, and Elder, Ltd.. London, datedSeptember 23:— Crossbred Wools: Marketvery animated, and shows an advancoof 5 per cent, sinco our last roport of

September_Dh_— «

Tho Misses Margaret and GwynethPenfold and Eileen Fowler organiseda successful tennis tournament in aidof tho Eastern stall' of tho SydneyChurch ot England Grammar SchoolFete, to he. held- at tho school nextSuturday. One hundred players competed on private courts lent- by residents of Kuring-gal Chase Avenue,Turramurra, and a considerable sumwas realisod,



Managing Directors Sir GeorgoTnllis, E. J. Tait, Frank "»ait,SYDNEY'S CHIEF THEATRES.

CRITERION THEATRE Mat, Sat.,a Comcdy-Drnmn,with Genuine Laughs andHeal Life Touches.

JOHN D. O'HARA' in "THE OLD SOAK"Plan at Paling's till 5 p.m., then at Sponceloy'B (opp. Theatre), with Day Sales.


"WHIRLED INTO HAPPINESS"With the Loveliest Girls in Australia and n huge cast of favorites, headed by

Alfred frith, Maggie Jnrvls, Winnie Collins, Cecil Kellaway, Cunningham and Clements.Box Plan (including Balcony Scats. Saturdays 4/4, other nights 3/3) at Paling's till .5 p.m.; then at Theatre. Day Sales at Calloso's (next Theatre):

Play Produced by Harry B. Burcber.

THEATRE ROYAL— COM. SATURDAY NIGHT.J. C, WILLIAMSON announce for tho first tirao in Australia


"THE COUSIN FROM NOWHERE"With n brilliant assemblage of Musical favorites and Comedians, includingCLAUDE FLEMMING, ARTHUR STIGANT, GUS BLUETT, MARIE LE VARRE,


(first Appearance In Australia). (Iter first Appearance).AND THE BEAUTIFUL TWELVE TULIPS.

Tho Play Produced by 'HARRY B. BUItCHER. .MusicalDirector: ANDREW MacCUNN.Box Plan now Open nt Paling's.


JOHN D. O'HARA in "THE LAUGHTER OF FOOLS"Applications for preferential bookingsnow being received. Plan opens Paling's Monday.


Lessees: Messrs.J. nnd N. Tnlt.Hole Direction: Allan Wllkic,





To-morrow: "Tlio Merchant of Venice."Saturday: 'A Midsummer Night's Dream."Monday: "Macbeth."Tuesday: "Twelfth Night."Wednesday: "Henry. V."Thursday (Matinee) : "Macbeth."Thursday (Evening) : "A Midsummer Night's

Dream."Friday: "Twelfth Night."

Mens. Do.Bourgulgnon, Jiclgian Pianist willTo-night play VAUcgro" (Saint-Sacns), and"Waltz" (Chopin). ,


PRICES: Adults, 1/6 to 6/ Matinees, 1/ toi/; Children and Students, all performances1/ to .1/ (plur tax).

PLAN AT PALING'S. AFTER 6.80 p.m.TIIONB, City 6526. Day Sales at Pekin Cafe(opposlto Theatre).



IN DRAMATIC and DICKENS' RECITALSand Miscellaneous Programme.


Harry Thomas and Jean Fullerton In ShortSketches, Richard Mceicllanrt and Scottish Hal-,let. .ToycoCollins, Kw'iirt" Chnjiplo.

Popular Prices. Plan at Paling's.



Elise Steele(Violin),

Frank Hutchens(Piano).

Programme Includes VIOLIN SOLOS: Praclu-dtum and Allegro (Pugnnnl-ICroisier), Suite fromtho Music to "Much Ado About Nothing"(Erich Korngoid). PIANO SOLOS: Sonatain' D Minor (Chopin), Rhapsody in E flat(Brahms), etc.; also Sonata for Violin andPIano/orto (Debussy).

Prices : 5/ 3/, "/- Plat at NICHOLSON'S.1\ W. PENTECOST Manager.





ltcv. H. C. FOREMAN, M.A., will Preside."

Vocalist, Miss Amy Ostiugu. ElocutionistMisa Myra Lcurd.

At 7 p.m. : Quarrel Sccno of Brutus and Cas-slus, by Joyce Foreman and Mnrjorlo Rlxon.Choral Items by Alexandra noma Girls, etc.

Tho FAIR will bo open Daily, till Saturday.3 to 5.39 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.

Plenty of Entertainment at each Session.Silver Coin Admission. Proceeds for Mis

sion's Philanthropic Agencies.


Industry Increases


Since: llUii tlio number of rml.uric.sregistered in New Soutli Wales hasgrown from 7425 to 11.058, and thenumber of persons employed from99,223 to 131,501, according to the an-nual faotories report ot tlio uepart-ment of Labor and Industry.

On November 24, 1923, 11,058 factories throughout tho Stato employed131,561 persons, compared witli 10,874factories, employing 323,077 persons, atthe end of 1922, being ail Increase of384 factories and S484 persons. Muleemployment increased by 8991, andfemale decreased by 507. Of. the totalpersons employed 95,92i;. or 72.9 pet-cent., wero male, and 35,635, or 27.1per cent., female.

"It is satisfactory to report," saystho report, "that out of a total employment in tho metropolitan districtof 193,356, only 6776, or 6.5 per cent.,were under 16 years of age."

'Tho special permission of: tlio Minister to engago in factory employmentwas given 226 children under 14 yearsof age. Certificates of physical fitnessfor employment in certain classes offactories wero given to 7303 children,and in no case did the examining medical officer decline In certify.

Sevoral new industries were founded during tho year, including manufacture of telephone wire at Port Kembla, a cotton ginnery at Port "YVara-tuh, a large hosiery' company (usingAustralian cotton), manufacture ofpress steel split-pulleys and production of steel shelvings nnd sleel ollicefittings, manufacture of colloidal oilat Gosford, and tho .manufacture of anew anti-corrosive for general commercial use.



Holiday Payment

was it legal?

The finance committee of. tho CityCouncil decided .yesterday that itwould bo advisable to secure seniorcounsel's opinion as to whether thepayment for deferred holidays made toMr. Nesbitt, ex-Town Clerk, was legal.

Aid. Courtenay,: who raised tho point,said that ho. stTongly. objected to theInferenco

'that had been made; that

Mr. Nesbitt wqs given this money inorder to Vkeep his mouth shut." Ifsenior counsel decided that tho payment was not strictly legal, the council should take steps to recover it, evenif they had to prosecuto Sir. Nesbitt.

"intemperate report."Aid. Courtenay also secured the pass

ing of a motion to tho effect that Air.Nesbitt's lust report bo rejected, on theground that tho latter part of it wascouched, in intemperate and unfairlanguage. If such a report wentabroad, suid Aid. Courtenay, it wouldcreate a mischiovous and false impression.


visits arncliffe

The first official visit ot the Governor, Sir Dudley de Chair, to tlio Rockdale municipality was mado yesterdayafternoon, Tho Governor went to St.David's, Forest Road, Arnclil'fo. for theunveiling of the stone of remembrance,and tiie opening of the door of the newrectory.

From tho Arncllffo railway stationright up to tho church tho highwayswere beflagged, and decorated withbunting, and residents to the numberof 3001)gave Str Dudley an enthusiasticwelcome. Tho Fire Brigado Headquarters Band gave a fino -rogrammeof music.

Tho memorial Is unique, as it is commemorative and serves the purposeof supplying tho parish with a rectoryTho commemorative tablet, or stone,is oiiitt into the northern wail, andbears the inscription to tlio 56 menfrom Arncllffo who were killed in thewar. The rectory building was designed by Mrs. Pitt Owen, tlio rector'swife. The work Inis been executedunder tho porsonal supervision of Aid.George Fortesepe, Mayor o. Rockdale,who has, at cost price, secured fortho churchwardens an ornulo and useful structure.

The Governor arrived at 3 o'clock,and was welcomed 'by -the -Mayor. Inreply, the Governor said that lie wuspleased to bo eo neur Cook's landingplaco. which had meant so much in thochain which linked up tho Royal Navywith tho British. Empire. He considered the time for such a memoriala very fitting one; it would help thegood purpose of teaching tho' childrenwhy such memorials were honored.

After tho unvolling portion of thoceremony wus completed tho "LastPost" was sounded, lind Dean Talbotgave tho dcdlcutory address of tho new



North Shore Trouble

the league feud

The feud between Messrs. C. Murphy.M.I, .A., and M. OTIarii, arising -out oftheir rival candidatures for the NorthSlioro I.abor selection, found expressionIn embittered scenes at a meeting ofSt. Leonards League on Tuesday night.

A communication was received fromtho central cxecutivo of the A.L.P.,explaining that, in view of the roll-packing that had been practised (onsuspicion of being concerned In whichMr. Murphy and Mr. T. Liston, secretary of tho league, had been called onto show cause why they should not boexpelled), tho league would havo to bere-organised, only thoso who had signedtlio roll-book at a. meeting of theInnfrun hMncr olicrililft tn vnin 1n thoselection ballot.

A motion was proposed that the executive's orders be agreed to, but anamendment was moved, suggesting thatiho executive be defied. After somediscussion, the amendment was defeated, and the meeting agreed to actin accordance with tlio wishes of tliocentral executive.

charges specified.Tho first charge, against Messrs.

Murphy and Listen, as sot out officially,is that they carried tho St. LeonardsLeague roll-book to tho homes ot threepersons (named), who signed tho roll-hook at their homos, for membershippurposes. Tlio new, rules passed recently by (lie A.L.P. executive (thovalidity of which is still disputed) provide that tho roll -hook must bo signedat a meeting of tho league. Anothercharge is that a man signed tho l'oll-hook at Mr. Murphy's house, insteadof at the league meeting. Tho bonafides of tlio signatories is "Hot questioned. J( It is established that abreach of the rules has been committed every member of the Labor movement will understand that the chargesas drawn up aro not tho only groundsfor the attack on Messrs. Murphy andListon. Their supposed associationin the past with Mr. Bailey has a bearing on the question, so much so thatthey arc likely to suffer tho extremepenalty of expulsion.


church membership, 6261

Tho business sessions of tho annualassembly of tho Baptist Union werocommenced yesterday morning, underthe presidency of Mr. H. J. Morton.

Tlio general secretary (Rev. W. I-Iig-1 Lw . c|,ui ibu ci>iuiui cnurcn memoer-ship of 6201. j

Rev, F. .T. DtinUIoy, of "Wellington,was elected vice-president of thoUnion, which carries with it tho sue-CDOOlntl trt thn lMiAai/lnMu... a.x.-w.a.w.. 1«4«j jltjal year.Revs. A. Butler (Concord), A. C. Donaldson, E. E. Hillman (Gouiburn), andE. Parry Jones (Kurrl Kurri), weroreceived into tho Union us ministersin full stunding.

A foreign mission demonstration atnight, in tho Burton Street Tabernuclo,was presided ovor by Mr. E. J. Phillips, when a farewell was tendered toMrs. Nail, Miss Steed, and Miss Coll-yor, outgoing missionaries to India.Tlio valedictory address was given byRev. C. J. Tinsley.


union discontent

Complaints are being mado by theCoopers' Federation at tlio rates of paypervading in' the industry.

Tlio Brewers and Master Coopers' Association, it was stated at a meeting ofme union on xuesuay niglil, nail refusedhigher wages, although tho rates paid inVictoria are 22/6 a week higher than thoNew South Wales rates.

It was decided to hold a mass meetingof the union at the Trades Hall to-nightto consider the matter further. In themeanwhile, the Federal officers of theunion, who havo como to Sydnoy fromMclbourno, will interview tlio employers


royal society's tribute

At the mooting of the council of theRoyal Society of New South Wales yesterday the following resolution waspassed relating to tho death of Mr. H. G.Smith:—

"That this council of tho Royal Societyof Now South Wales record In Its minutes its high appreciation of tho servicesof its lato member, Henry George Smith,In tlio promotion of tho interests of thosociety, in tho advancement of knowledge, in tho domain of chemistry, and inextending tlio avenues for tho development of the resources of tho Stato of NewSouth Wales and of tho Commonwealthof Australia."

It was stated that Mr. Smith was amember of tho society for over JO years,and contributed to its journal and proceedings over 60 papers dealing with thoresult of his chemical investigations,many In collaboration with his botanicalcolleague, Richard .Thomas Baker


TIVOLI THEATRE 2.30 & 8Lessees Harry Rlckards' Tlvoll Theatres, Ltd.



WHELAN ERROLTHE UNUSUAL ENTERTAINER and Presenting his unique and dazzling

Originator of nil ho docs. MODES and MELODIES of 1024,Donald and Carson, Magglo Foster, Marie Burko and Arthur Klein, Brull, Uemsloy, and

Cardial., Plan at Tlvoll. 'Ph., 81. . Matinees, 1/, 2/. Res., 1/ extra. Night, 1/6, 3/, 4/,'

5/, 6/.


commencing October 4.SPECIAL DINNER DANCE Every Evening at 7.30.

SUPPER served from 8.30,Every Afternoon, at 3.30,



Tlin fnllnwlnn vi>n«Alsufnrn In ..'ill Im irlAlitaayesterday

With Thursday Island: H.M.S. Herald,Karuuh, St. Frauds Kavier Nalgoru.

With Sydney: Bona, Bessa Lorenzo, Mor-ton Hall, wyreejnn, Tulismnn, MishlmaMaru, Ventura, Moldavia, -Ago,Iron Bnron,Sealaria, Stockwcll, Burwah, Gainbada,Kut, Kauri, Tahiti, Tennossee, Trcdcn-nick, Levuka Corlo, Rcglnu d'ltalla. Mar-ella, Otarainn, Cooeo, Chronos.

With Townsvillc: Himalaya Maru, ToJi-koh Maru, Canberra, Port Brlsbano, Torllla.Port Kembla, Houtmnu, Wyitndra, Enog-gora, Flon'a, Tasmania, Kanowna.

With Melbourne: Time, Diogenes,Palma,fJarmuIn, Karoola, Hula. Levuka, Marclln,Lonnguna, Areoona, Moernkl, Arnnine,Abbekerk, Deltarm, Themistorfes. IlobsonsBay, Merioncs, Kahvarrn, Oonnh,Mucumba,Jiifiiku Maru, Age, Aroona.

With Adelaide: Trcincrc, Koinurii. Purpura, Mllluna, Uob.HonsDay, Myrmidon,Macumba, Iron Knob, Arabicu, Theiuistoolea,Deltnna, Yarra, Hurburg, Mcrriwa.

With Droomo: Doorara, Charon, Gascoync,Kangaroo, Tasman,

With . Uoburt : Pennyworth, Kalwarra,Lormgnnn. Oonab, Darwon.

'With Brisbane: Norfolk Maru, raclflquo,Madras Maru, Malllna, Bombula, Mackurra,

With Perth: Mooltnn, iSsporanco Buy,Orvieto, Dambra. Aeneas, Otlra, Nowslicra,Tanda, Dfllrunald, Trcfuals, Essex, PortDarwin, Warflcld.

ARRIVALS.—SEPTEMBER 24.Urillu, str. 1965.tons, Watson, from Queens

land ports, 0.10 a.m. Adelnido S.S. Co., Ltd.,agents,

Madawnska, sir., -11-(J tons, Sutherland,from Portland (Oregon), via Townsvillo, 12.40p.m. Jnines Crockett and Co., Ltd., agents.

City of Canton, str., 0082 tons; Jonklns, fromPort Pirio and Tort Lincoln, 4.15 p.m. W. G.Deuelmr and Co., Ltd., agents.

Port Kombla, str., 8435 tons, Craven, fromQueenslandports, 10 p.m. Commonwealth.andDominion Line, agents.

Ball's ITcad, str., from Dttlll; Kembla, str,,from Klaina; Allemvood, str., from CamdenHaven; Eden and Putongu, sirs.,, from SouthConst; Palmerstou, str., from Wollongong;Uraiiii, str., from Colt's Harbor; Woulora, str.,from Belhimbi; Goorangnl, trawler, from cruise;Gulnvu, Mulacliitc, and Hunter, sirs., from Newcastle.

South Bull!. sir., from Bcllambi.Nnranl. str., from South Coast.Pcfuw-Mafn, sir., from Newcastle.

DEPARTURES.—SEPTEMBER 24.Gallic, str., for Brisbane, via Neweastlo.Moldavia, D.M.S., for London, via ports.Ventura, A. M.S., for San Francisco, via ports.Mishlmu Maru, J.M.S., for Yokohama, via

ports.Saint Joseph. French sir., for Port Kembla.Sealaria, str., for Dallk Papan.Stockwcll, sir., for Frcmantlc via Tort Kem

bla, Melbourne, and Adelaide.CLEARANCES.—SEPTEMBER 24.

Ventura, A.M.S., 0282 tons, for Snu Fran-clsco. via Pago l'ago and Honolulu.

Mlshlma Maru, 701)5tons, for Yoko-hama, via Brisbane, Thursday Island, Zum-boanga. Manila, Hongkong, and Kobe.

Vulsella sir., 1070 tons, for Singapore, viaNcwcustle.

Moldavia, Jt.M.K.. 1G.43Gtons, for London, viaMelbourne, Adelaide, Freinantle, Colombo, andMarseilles,

Stockwcll, btr., 5048 tons, for Fremnntlc, viaPort Kembla, Molbourno, and Adelaide.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES TO-D/\Y.Makura (No. 5 Darling Harbor), for Van

couver, via ports, noon.Burwah (King Street), for Brlshano and

Bcckliampton, via Newcastle.Mncqunric, for Port Macqtiuric; Newcastle,

for Newcastle.STEAMERS DUE TO-DAY.

Ostcrtcy, from London, via ports (No. 7Woolloomooloo).

Mutaram, frin Rabaiil (No. 7 Walsh Bay).'Wyrcciua, from Quccushuid ports (Llnic

Street), 'Bogina n'ltalia, from Genoa, via ports (No.

1 Walsh Da.v).Otarama, frota Liverpool, via ports (No. 20

Jones Bay).Kut, from Adelaide, Melbourne, and lttodon

(No. 10 Pyrmont).

ARAFURA, E. und A. steamer, sailed fromKobe for Australian ports, via Hongkong, Manila, and Eundakuti on Tuesday last.

BAHIt AHOOL, I\ and O. branch steamer,moves from No. 10 Pyruiont to No. 8 WalshBay this morning.

CITY OP CANTON arrived yesterday fromPort Lincoln, and moored In Notitrul Bay.

OLENSIDE, steamer, a vessel of 554 tons,lias been purchasedby Messrs. KIch'nrdson andSons, of Wellington, to rcplaco the wreckedsteamer itippto. She Is coming out from England via the Panama Canal, and Is expectedto roach tho Dominion in November next.

HAUKAKI motor ship, left Auckland onTuesday, for Fanning Island and Vancouver.

JERVIS DAY, Australian Commonwealth Linesteamer,, from Australia to London, left PortSaid on Thursday.

KANNA returns from Newcastle to-morrow,and suils for llobart at noon on Saturday.

KAKAMKA Is duo at Sydney on September28 from Mlddlesborotigh, Hamburg, and Loudon. '

KARAMU left Kiralmu yesterday for Northwest Coast and Sydney, ami Is due on Mondnyuext- „ .

KORANUL leavesLaunceston to-day for Sydney. via Bttrnle and Dovonport.

MADAWASKA, from lugct Sound,via Townsvillo, with part cargo of lumber, entered portyesterday, and proceededto Snuihj Buy to discharge.

MADRAS MARU, O.S.K, steamer, from Japan,via Manllu, Is due at Brlsbano at 11 a.m.to-morrow. Sho will probably arrlvo in Syd-ney on Monday. _ a ,v ,

MAKURA, It. M.S., leavesNo. 5 Wharf, Darling Harbor to-day nt noon for Vancouver.

MANUKA sails hcnco for Wellington at noonto-morrow from Margaret Street.

MAUELLA. of Burns, Phllp, and Co. s Lino,left Mclbourno yesterday for Newcastle andSydney, on route to Java and -Singapore.

MATARAM, of Burns. Pbilp, and Co.'s Line,from Babaul and Papua, is duo at SydnoyHeads at f» a.m. to-dny. She will berth at No.7 Dawes Point about 8 a.m.

NIAGARA, K.M.S., left Vuueouver yesterday,und is due at Sydney on October 18.

OSTEItLKY, Orient U.M.S., from Ixuidon, viaports, Is expected to berth at No. 7 Wool-ioomooloo at 7 a.in. to-day.

BOONAU, Australian Commonwealth steamer,left Swansea on Friday, on route from London to Frcmantlo, Adelaide, Mclbourno, undSydney.,

PORT KEMBLA, Commonwealth and Dominion Lino steamer, arrived- lu Port Jacksonat 10 o'clock last night from Queensland ports,and berthed at No. 0 Pyrmont.

REGINA d'lTALIA, Italian steamer, la ex-pectcd in Sydney early this afternoon fromGenoa, via ports. She curries a number ofsaloon and third-class paascugers, and about1500 tons of general cargo. Tho vessel willberth at No. 10 Walsh Buy.

TAHITI, R.M.S., left Karotonga at 3 a.m.on Tuesday, en routo from San Francisco. ShoIs due at Wellington on September29, and •Sydney on October 4.

TAIWAN, motor ship, arrived at Adelaideyostcrday from Gothenburg en route to Sydney.

WAlltUNA arrived nt Auckland at 0 p.m. onTuesday, from Pacific Coast. She Is duo atSydney about October 20.

WYltEEMA, A.U.8.N. steamer, from Queensland ports, reported by wireless yesterdaythat she expects to berth at 7.30 a.m. to-dayat tho Company'swharf, Lime Street.

PORT DIRECTORY.Aagtekcrk, Dulgety'a Wharf; Argyllshire, No

21 Jones Day; Daknra, Rose Day: Darrabool,No, 8 Walsh Day; Uooral, Rose Day; L'aiulu,Rose Bay; Cupreru, No. 0 Wnolioomoolno;Changsha, Mori's Dock; City of Canton, Neutral Day; City of Lincoln, No. 22 Jones Bay;Clan Mackollar, No. 11 Woolloomooloo; Dc-lurtgra, Rose Buy; Dougura. Itosc Buy: Dro-miimi. Rose Bay; Dundula, RoseDay: EasternMoon. Cockatoo Dock: Eastern Sea, NeutralBay; Kuilta, HoseBay; Eroiuanga, Rose Bay;Kchunga, Hose Bay: Kugmvrn, Rose Bay; Ku-rollu, Cockatoo Dock; Ferndule, Sutherlandwharf; Gilgui. Rohc Buy; Hamburg, No. 9Walsh Bay; II. K,. Hall, Neutral Buy; Kam,Berry's Buy; Mnduwaska, Snail'# Bay; Makura. No. G Darling Harbor; Mcltisla, Federalwharf; Morlmla, Federal wharf; Parana.Kfjiall's Bay; Parattab. RoseBay; It. It. Hind,sell.; Jubilee Dock; Talnbot, Pulpit Point;Tana, No. 4 Woolloomooloo.

NEWCASTLE CLEARANCES.Tho following vessels cleared at tho New

castle Customs Houso yesterday:—Chronos,str., for Adelaide; Monaro, str., for Melbournevia Kembla. u

. BAR HARBORS.Low water bar-harbor roports received yes-

terdav were:—-Capo Iluwke, bar 3ft. 01n.( ri.so3ft. 4ln., crossing 7ft. Bin. rise 1ft. 9ln ;Tweed Heads,bar Oft. tin., rise 2ft. Uin., crossing 8ft. 3ln., rise 2ft. 3in.

LEAVING BY MAKURA.Tho following is a list of passengersby tho

R.M.S. Makura,. of tho Canadian-AustralasianRoyal Mall Line, which sails at noon to-day

from No. 5 Wharf, Darling Harbor, for Vancouver, via Auckland, Suva, and Honolulu:—

Mrs. Ripper, Mr. Wagstaff, Mrs. Wagstaff, Mr.C. A. Evans, Mrs. C. A. Evans, Mr. J. BoverlcyNichols, Mr. F. II. Wood,Mrs. H. M? Scott, MissScott, Mr. J. W. JIra, Mrs. J W. Jlra, Mr. H.G. Holle, Mr. W. J. Tully, Mr. A. Lane, Mr.V. A. Walbe, Dr. I. Hamilton, Mr. J, L. Simpson, Mr. J. Ci Swift, Mr. M'Pherson, Mrs.M'Pherson, Mrs. C. E. Stanesby, Mr, RobertAriow, Mr. F. M. Prince, Mrs. F. M. Prince,Miss F. Trince, Miss Juno Prince, Mr. R. E.Cranston, Mrs. R. E, Cranston, Mr. Mays, Mrs.Maya, air. T. B. Walsh, Mrs. T. B. Walsh, Mr.G. W. Hemponstall, Mrs. G. W. Hempensall,MissDaisy Swann, Mr. Ronaldson, Mrs. Ronaldson,Mr. II. Hoggan, Dr. S. F. Sayles, Mr. T. Mcrtz,Mr. T). Hinckley, Mr. H, W. Maloney, Mr. F, E.Smith, Mr. Harold Oberfolt, Mr. Norman Back,Mr. F. C. Wells, Mr. R. C. Kerr, Mrs. W. Drech-sci, Miss K. Drcchscl, Master A. Drechscl, Mr,A. S. Underwood, Mr. Mackay, Mrs. K. Robertson, Miss Robortson, Mr. Rocs, Mrs. Roes, Mr.'H. M'Mitllcn. Mrs. H. M'Mullcn, Miss 31. J.Mackinnon, Miss S. Mackinnon, Jlr, A. Mac-klnnon, Mrs. F, E. Harold, Mrs. I. M'NcIIl, Mr.W. Dillon, Mr. E. A. Goldsmith, Miss N. E.Sims,3!r. W. G. Baker, Mr. K. L. Allen, Mr, C.Butterworth, Mr. A. D; Carpontor. Sir. L. E.Allen, Mrs. L, E.. Allen, Pastor E. B. Rudge,«Irv,T\ -strong, Mrs. T. Armstrong, Mrs. W.S. Hall, Mrs. Taylor and Infant, Miss M. Black,Mrs. Itigg nson, Mrs. A. Robinson, Mrs. M.OUpsen,Miss Robinson, Mr. C. Barrass. Br. ABcnlncasa, Mr. Scott, Mr. Clifford Bennett, 3Ir.Pickering, Mr. E. N; Davcy, Mr. Dam. Mr. VRoscnbloom, Mr. W. J. Marjes Mr. W. Kerr,?rf,r; Croydon, Mr. T. Chappell. Mr. 31. E.ML.

"arrjs, Mr. G.Banncrmau, Miss W. Standing, Miss o Carolin, 3Irs. Ollvo Standing, Mrs.K. W. Carolin, 3rastcr A. .Standing,Mrs. E. \VDavoy MissesDavoy (3). Mrs. E. Calder, Mrs.£hnll'n r? ?tn' » P# Hamilton, Mrs, T.Chappell, Miss J,.- Mansfield, and 3lrs. A.

CHARTERED SHIPS.Questionsregarding tho Commonwealth Shin

plug Lino wero asked In tho Sonato by ScnutorKingsmill (V\.A,). Ho usked tho Mlulster forHonjo

and Territories whether four Commonwealth Lino steamershad been hold up In Sydney owing to Hhortaco of cargo, and whotlmrto maintain the. September sailings from thoUnited Kingdom tho steamer Volunmla hud boonehurtcreci under British articles at a cost ofubout half ihitt of Australian vessels, if thevessel had been chartered at that cost ho wouldalso ask whether tho Government would takeinto Immediate and serious consideration thatmethod of conducting a shipping service.

Ju reply, the Minister said the amount ofcargo for export wus limited at tho time, andtho ships wero retained to deal with exportswhen available. In tbo meantime cargo hadbeen offered from tho United Kingdom, andtho \olumoitt had been chartered at an economical rate. Tho control of tho Commonwealth Shipping Line had been placed in thohands of tho .Shipping Board, und in tbo circumstancestho Governmentwould not bo justll-iied In interfering with the management of tjiGline.

TELEGRAPHIC.AUELAIUE.T-Arr„ Sept. 21: Buldina, sir.,from Newcastle; Katoomba, sir., from Fro-

umuue ; uomu sir., from Oceanisland j Taiwan,sir., from Gothenburg. Dep., Sept; 24: Yarra,str., lor Nowcastlo; Beltana, Gottlngen, Marburg. and Myrmidon, sirs., lor eastern States,Il.OBAUT (848).—Dep., Sept. 22: Ooocc.atr.,

for Sydney; -3.31)p.m.MhtiUOUltNK.—Sept. 24: Karaiuca, str., troin

London; Loongana, str., from Launceston: Kow-hai, sir., irom Hobart; Eastern, str., front Syd-uey. Dep., Sept. 21: Diogenes and Pnlum,sirs., for London; Loungann, str., for Launceston; Levuka, str., for Sydney.STRAHAN (Tas.).—Dep., Sept. 21: Karamu,str., for Sydney, via North-west Coast worts4.45 p.m.

WILSON'S riiOMONTORY (42(5).—BussedSept. 24: Ostcrley, R.M.S., 2.55 a.m.; Jteglnad Haifa, sir., 4,35 ikih. ; Koonda, str., 4.30a.m.; Utaramu-,str., 0.2Ga.m.

GABO (238).—BasseU.Sept. 21: Aramac, str.,10 a.m., west; Iron Baron, str., 2.10 a.m..north.

GKKKN CABJO(2IS) .—Bussed, Sept. 21; Os-tcrlc.v, K.M.S., 0,25 p.m., north..110it VIS BAY (87). —Passed, Sept, 24; Bar-

won, str.. 4.55 p.m.; Cycle, str.. 5 p.m., north.WOLLONGONG (11).—Arr., Hcpt. 24: Bcali-

Ua, str., from Sydney, 3.30 p.m.NEWCASTLE (02).—Arr., Sept. 24: Guiavn,

Woiloiigbar. Dorrlgo, Ulinarra, Bulganbar, Mnlau-har, Cobakl. Newcastle, UNI, Archer, Werrlbee,Coramba, Kannan, Cnnonbar.Gallic, strs., fromSydney; Orara, 'str., from Byron Buy; Jap,sir., from Cnmdcu Haven'; Urana, sir., fromCult's Harbor; Ruscrle, str.. from Culcuttu;Holnnvond, sch., fro;n Wanganul. Dep., Sept.24: AHyn River, str., for Port Stephens; Kin-t».re, Mulacliito, Duckenfleld, Orara. Folnw-Alain. Galava, Urana, sirs., for Sydney; Woiloiigbar, str., for Byron Bay; Pulgunbur, sir.,tor Clarence River; Dorrlgo. str., for Coif'sHarbor; Cobakl, str., for Tweed Itlvcr: Mulun-bar, Canoubar, Jap, and lllmarru. strs., forNorth Const; Muroro, bijtnc., for Glsbornc;Waltcmata, str., for New Zealand; Chronos,sir., for Adulaldc; 3tonuro str., for Melbourne.

PORT STEPHENS (83).—Passed, Sept. 21:Cohukl, str., 2.40 p.m., north.

SEAL ROCKS (109) Busseod,Sept. 21: Ul-uiura, str., 11.15 a.m. ; Bulganbar, str., 11.15a.m.; 3Ialnnbar, str., 2.25 p.m.; Dorrlgo, str.,1 j».m.; Coramba, str., 4.35 a.m., north;Mutaram, str., 4.15 p.m., south. <

CAPE JIAWKE (123).—Arr., Sept. 21; Tuu-curry, sir., from Sydney, 2.35 p.m.

MANNING HEADS (111).—Arr., Sept.21: Namhucca, str., front- Sydney, 8 a.m.

PORT MACQUAIilE (174).— Dep., Sept. 24:Ballengarru, str., for Newcastle, 4.50 p.m.

SMOKY CAPE (205).—Passed, Sept. 24:Boambec,str., 5.50 a.m.; Cooma,str., 9.5 a.m.;Woliongbar, atr., 5.20 p.m., north; Yulgllbar,str., 3 p.m.; Wyrecma, str., 3,15 p.m.; Dur-riiigbar, str., 4.45 p.m., south.

NAMBUCCA HEADS (223).—Dep., Sept. 24:Docncl. sir., t'or Bellinger River. 3.40 p.m.

TWEED HEADS (374).—Dep., Sept. 24:Coolebar, str., for Sydney, 4.40 p.m.

BRISBANE.—Arr., Sept. 24; Suffolk, sir.,from Liverpool; Moruyu, str., from Maryborough. Dep., Sept. 24: Malllna, str., forRockbaiupton; Perstc, str., for Sydney.

BUNDABEHG.—Dep., Sopt. 24: Flludcrs, str.,for Brisbane.. CAIRNS.—Dep., Sept. 24: Kunownn, str., forSydney.


French summer,Francois Nnvler, from Haiphongto Noumea, via Bramble Bay, with coollcs, arrived here for water this morning, und leuvesagain at daybreak.


LONDON, September 23.ARRIVALS.

At London: Mesopotamia,str., from Buuburyto Cardiff.

At Colon: Kasumu, sir., from Now York toApia, Suva, Noumea, Cairns, Towusvllle, andFort Alma; City or Corinth str., from NewYork to Sydnoy; J'ort Chalmers,str., from NewYork to Auckland, Wellington, Lytlclton, andDuncdhi.

At Port Said : Slam, motor ship, from Copenhagen and Hamburg to Sydnoy.

At East London: city of Adelaide, str., fromGoclong, Melbuurnu, Adelaide, und Frcmautloto Capetown.

At Hankow: Knblnga, sir., from Newcastle.At Llvcrpjuol : Puonu, str., from Australian

ports.At Calluo: Hullfred, motor shop, from Now-

castle.At Las Pnliuas: Union City, str., from Aus

tralian ports to the United Kingdom and Continent.

DEPARTURES.For .Sydney: Walotupu, str., from Vuncouver.The- steamer Fuhuyo Maru has left Portland

(Oregon) for South Australian or Victorianports.

Tho steamer Nerhmlda. from Australia, totho United Kingdom and Contiuent, has leftColon,

The steamer Dorset, from Australia to London, Antwerp, Hull, Kcwcastlc-on-Tyno, Manchester, Liverpool, and Avonmouth, has left


postmaster arrested

BRISBANE. Wednoisday.A man named A. Hill, postmaster at

Koorbooru. has been arrested on acharge of shooting Alfred Andorson, atKoorboora.

Anderson, who is a mine manager,is alleged 10 navo entered into an argument with Hill over tho distributionof the mall. Shots were tired, and Hillfell to the ground, wounded In thochest and thigh. He was taken to theChlllagoo Hospital, where ho lies In aserious condition.

amusements. r

SmAaT!,N2E.!: GRAND OPERA HOUSE sN'rd'bV7'Prop.: George Marlovv. Direction: Hugh J. Ward Theatres Pty., Ltd.

Gov Directors: Sir Benjamin fuller, Hugh J. Ward. John fuller.

cTVboSs. "LITTLE NELLIE KELLY"Box Plan at Nicholson's. Matlnco Prices 4/, 8/, 1/. TO-NIGHT : 6/, 4/, 2/, 1/.Rcs« 1/ extra. Prices plus tax.

FULLERS', 2.30 & 8— STIFFY AND MO SEASON rStlffy and Mo "In Soolety" in a new. Revue. Will Hastinos. Fullers' II Wonders,J. E. Sutton, Folles Bcrgcro Quartette. Prices: 1/ 2/, 3/. at to-day's matinee,1/, 2/, 3/ 4/ To-night. Res. 1/ ex. Prlocs plus tax. Plan Thoatro.



motors, bicycles. etc.TLTARPER BROS.. 66 Wcntworlh Ave., can sup.J-J- new Railroad Tyres, 920x 129,for £5/10/6.,TTAHPEK BROS, can sup. now Railroad Tyres,AJL go i 2V4. guar, new stock, for 39/6.TJAIIPER BROS, can supply now RailroadA-A Tyres. 23 x 3, for 59/6. Boom'g,' 59/8.

HARPERBROS, can supply DInm. Tyre andTube, 30 x 3>A, for 75/. Barn., 58/6.

fXAKPER BROS, 08 Wcntworth Ave., canAX sup. now Railroad Ty., 26 x 2)4 x 2Yi,for 30/6.

HARPERBROS, can aupply new PerdrlauCord Tyro. 28 x 3, new stock, for 59/0.

HARPERBROS, can nup. D-D. Tyro for SO/.and any size nt one day's notice.

lVrOTOR SCHOOL. Tel., Red. 13131'a Hardy'S Sydney Motor School, tbo Largest.Oldest, nnd Cheapest in Australia.

131 Devonshire Street, near Elizabeth Street.VTOBBYS, 880 x 120, £6/15/: 880 x 135.J- £7/10/; 33 X m. £6/10/. 49 Macquarle St.11VYRES,all makos, lowest prices. Seeus Oral.A 49 Macquario SLriwnvs T.nrmifit Rrnrk In Australia. RobinA son Bros- 49 Macquario St.T71ABRI0 TYRES.—Lowest Prices. M'Comber Rubber Co.. 56 William St.. Sydney./ "lOIlD TYRES, all makes. Lowest PricesV M'Combo Rubber Co., 58 Wm. St., Sydney

T\/f AGNETO Parts, highest quality, for everyJ.V1 mnko of machine. Moody and Co.. Electrical Garage and Service Station. 15 GouiburnSt., Sydney (directly opposlto Trades Hall).13ATTEIUES Rebuilt, Repaired, and Recharged.JJ Loan Batteries always on hand. The ClydoBattery Service Station, Gouiburn St.. nr. Went-worth Avcnuo. Sydney."OATTEItlES tor All Cars.X> Guaranteed 12 months.rpHE Clydo Battery Service Station. GouiburnA

Street, near Wentworth Avenue.ATTERIES Repaired by Experts. Tho Clyde

Battery Service Station.A LL innkes of Batteries Rebuilt, Repaired and

4V Recharged."OEDROCK Prices, lst-class matorlal. and reala> Service. Tho ClydeBattery Service Station.Gouiburn St., near Wentworth Avenue.

sporting. -4



OWNERS nnd:TRAINERS aro reminded that. .all hnraca scratched after I p.m. ou Thursday",

"25th September,will bo liable for tlio Sweep-..stake. - "!

TRAINERS and JOCKEYS' Tickets will ,be,,issued at the ofllco of the Mooreflcld Race(-Club up to 4 p.m. on tho above date. Holdersof Metropolitan Badges do not require H.lt.C.tickets.

C. S. ICKLY.Secretary. .. ,


SATURDAY NEXT. 27tll SEPTEMBER. .BOOKMuKEItS are notified that lliey must,,

rcglstor with tho Soerctnry of Mooreflcld lta'rof'lnh ft i f !m nhni'n Monllne hfifnrn t n.m. mlFHIDAY, 26th SEPTEMBER. No fees will 1)0 >taken on tho Course.

C. S. ICELY,Secretary.'. .. .

iyensington hacks;''-;V1000 Sovs. PRIZE MONEY. 1000 Sovs.v

'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st. 1024. .. „..

NOVICE HANDICAP, of 160Sova.5Vj Furlongs.X4.AHANDICAP, of 130 Sovs. 5 Furlongs.FLYING HANDICAP of 200Sovs. 0U FtlrlongsJ4.2 HANDICAP, of 140 Sovs. 5% Furlongs.ENCOURAGE STAKES, of 150 Sovs. t Mile.;.'..KENSINGTON HANDICAP, of 220Sovs. 1 Mile..,.

Lowoat Handicap .Weight In each race. 7.7. .Nomlualinns will he received up till 5 p.nil

TO-DAY (THURSDAY). SEPTEMBER 2."th.Weights will be declared «n w about Satur-"

day Next, September27tli. : - 'For further particulars sec programme.

J. UNDERBILL, Secretary. .. .1st Floor. Belmont Chambers,13 Castlercagh -

Street, Sydney. 'Phono, 111218.

richmond pony kacus.


FIRST. RACE, 12.30 P.M.

Spceiul trains leave Sydney as follow; b.tii'..a.in. (Horses) and lt'J7 a.m. (Passengers).

An early return to City about 5.22 p.m.Return faros from Sydney to Richmond, 5/9

(First-class), 4/6 (Second-class), which hi-;,eludes entrance to Outer (late (1/).

G, KILDUFF,.Secretary. ....



APPLICATIONS for Registration with thonhQva Clubs for tlio quarter cudtng December,31, 1924, must bu mado on or before 3 p.m.


Applications received after tills dato will nut06 entitled to consideration when positions arebeing allocated.

J. UNDERBILL,Secretary."

Bolniont Chambers,J5 Castlercagh Street,

Sydney,'Phone BI218. ;




(192) RECORD ENTRIES. (102).


fialnmln, Forest Lodge, Lilyilcld, and additional Trams will run via Georgo Street everyfew minutes direct to the Racecourse.

Gents.: Pndduck IS/; Lcger. 5/; Flat, 1/2. "Ladies: Paddock, 7/6; Isjgcr, 5/; Flat, 1/5.. - . .


jewish ball

The Maccabean Hall, Darliiifthurst.proved a cosy refuse from last night sheavy rain for tho smartly froekedgathering which attended tho dunce heldthere to augment tho funds of the NewSouth Wales Jewish War Memorial.

prizes wero given for tho lucky jazzcap and Monto Carlo fox trot.

Mrs. 15. I j. Davis (president of the dance :committee) was one of tho numerousattractively gowned women prosent, whodemonstrated tho popularity of glisteningbeads for eveping wear, for sho worepale grey crepe do Chtuo attractivelydesigned with crystal beads. Mrs. LeslieDavis, who was with her. also wore acrystal beaded frock of white crepe deChine. Mrs. Lewis Packer (joint lion,socretary with Miss iSnid Baumbery, whowore mauve taffetas and silver lace) wasgowned in black chiffon velvet sprayedwith diamante. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Sy-monds came with Miss Coldsmid.

Amongst those present were Mr. andMrs. H. H. Woolf, Mrs. Woolf wearingblack velvet: Mr. and Mrs. Orwell Phil-Hp's. Mrs. George Mlchaelfs, who worosteel-beaded black velvet; Mrs. A. U.Baumberff, Mrs. Kronfield, and MissLeslie (Mrs. Lewis Packer's cousins fromNew Zealand), Iiev, and Mrs. RHnfcld,Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. J.Bergman, Miss Leslie Abrahams, Mrs.B. Ginsberg and Miss Ginsberg, Mr. andMrs. Victor Cornfield, Mrs. Cornfieldwearing a black sequlncd frock; MissVera, Diamond, in apricot watered silk;Mrs. A. LI. Baumberg, Miss MiriamMichelson, who wus froeked in cyclamensatin with ostrich leather trimmings;Miss Jewel Solomon, in apricot beadedgeorgette; ,ur. canny iteaaing, lvuss jhulucAdams, in pink baronet satin with a silverlace skirt; Miss Pearl Whttofielri. in tan-gertno und gold lace. Miss Biileo Diamond, whoso engagement to Mr. BobRichards, of Narrundcra and Bondi, wasrecently announced, was present wearinggreen tissue. AIlss Dorothy Collins woremauve satin. Miss Mnrjorlo Bloom Nilegreen rnnrocain, Miss Vera Emanuel wasin a moonlight blue seyulned frock, MissM. Solomon woro bluo beudod georgette,Miss It. .Solomon gold tissue. Miss P.Nathans green crepe Stella and gold Jacc,Miss I. .Solomon cherry facomie, and Miss15. Solomon green and gold lace.

Others in the throng included Mr. andMrs. Norman Kogerson, Air. and Mrs.Kcmclfield, Messrs. S. Symonds, .S. Block,N. Block, Bert Solomon, A. Kaiser, andIX Glass.

The dunco committee comprised alsoMesdrtmes Leslie Davis, A. .Hyniau, V.Cornfield. J. Ipirt, Saul Symonds, L.Abrahams, 15. Bloom. BurJoigh. Woolf, S,Richards, S. Herman. Misses Bloom, V.Diamond, b\ J-larL. It. Murks. M. Solomons, Haher, and .D. Oouldston. Messrs.A. .Schaehol and R. Mlchaells were jointhon. treasurers for tho evening.

"The Daily Telegraph" Weather Chart


CommonwealthWeather Bureau, Wednesday.—"During tho pastthrco or four dayn.associated with u predominance of tropicaland southern tieprcs- >sion influences, widespread rains of beneficial nature have occurred over the southeastern quarter ofAustralia. Up toTuesday morning noparticular vigor markedtiio operations of thodepressions which, in-deed, wero of the 'fiat'or nondescript form.Slnco 9 a.m. on Tucsuuj, nowevcr moeastern section of thelow pressure urea has apparently moved eastward to New Zealand while tlio westernextension, formerly over tho Bight, has advanced eastward, and surged northward tobeyond tlio tropic in Central Australia andvuueiiniumi, ami ucvciupuu CMrnoruiuary intensity. Practically all tlio region withinnnd south from linos joining Kuchi (on thoBight), Boutin (in West Queensland), andBrisbnno, Is now under tlio scope of tlio hugedisturbance, iff Addition to nearly ail tiioTnsmun Sea, to New Zealhnd. Over the'soiit/i-eaHtem States It Is virtually ii cyclone,with its centre, 29.0 inches ovor western Tasmania, Tho wind circulation governed bythis great disturbance, as it affects tho mainland, no, far, Is northerly to westerly, freshnnd squally to gale force: and tlio weatherat 9 a.m. on Wednesdaywas cloudy and unsettled throughout, with showers «t manyplaces. Further light to moderate rain, associated with tlumder and hull ut places, hasbeen recorded. Hill End reported n severeand damaging hall-storm.

"Present indications ia>r cloudy and unsettled conditions throughout New South Wales,with rain and thunder, also hull, but chiertyover southern und eastern purts of the fitute.Northerly to westerly winds, strong and bols-)-terous, to gaio inrcu in many parts; mud at.first In eastern divisions, but becoming cool(o cold generally, and snow likely on tho Bluo..Mountains, and on tiio southern tablelands, ; .

"Rough to high seas, with sturmy northwest to west winds, over the Tasnuin Sea In,. .New Zealand.

"Tho numbers giving the value of the Isobars-are 'millibars,' a new unit now universally usedm observations connected with the upper air.The millibar Is the one-thousandth part of a ''bar' which differs little from tho standard atmosphere represented by a column of mercury...29.02in. long: in fact, standard atmosphericprcssuro Is represented by 1013 millibars. Thusthe deviation from standard conditions may beeasily read off on the chart."— D J Mares.-'Divisional Meteorologist.

BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER.Barometer, 9 n.m. yesterday: 20.54; 9 p.m.,

29.366.Temperature: Sydney, 9 a.m. 69; 3 p.m., 75.4;

9 p.m. 63; maximum 75.4, minimum 56.2; Canberra, max. 61), mln. 46; Adelaide, max. G2,min. 51; Melbourne, mux. 61 mlu.' 54: Brisbane, mux 71 uiin. 58; Hobnrt max. 52 mln.44.

Humidity: Sydney 9 a.m. 53 per cont. 9p.m. 83 per cent.

Greatest wind velocity .yesterday, 42 miles,from N.W., nt 7.55 p.m.

Jilgh witter. Fort Dcnlsou, 5.48 a.m. and 5,54p.m.

ASTRONOMICAL MEMORANDA—SEPT. 25.Sun rises 5.41, sets 5.53.Moon rises 3.21 a.m., sets 2.14 p.m.New moon on September29, at 6.16 a.m.Mercury rises 4.59 a.m., sets 4.28 p.m.Venus rises 3.33 a.m., sots 2.46 p.m.Mars rises 2.41 p.m. sets 4.23 a.m.Jupiter rises 9.22 a.m., sets 11,35n-m.Saturn rises 7.11 a.m., sets 8.0 p.m.

COAST.AL REPORTS AT 6 P.M. YESTERDAY.Tweed Hoads, north-west, fresh, cloudy, bar

moderate; Byron Bay, north-west, fresh cloudy,sea slight; Balllna. north, fresh, cloudy, barsmooth: Clurenro Heads north-east, moderate,cloudy, sea smooth: Kainbucca Heads northeast. moderate,cloudy, sea smooth; Port Macquarle. north-east, light cloudy, sea slight;Manning Heads, north-east, fresh, cloudy, seaslight; Port Stephens, north-east, moderate,cloudy, sea moderate: Newcastle, west, strong,squally fine, sea smooth; Luke MacquarioHeads, west, fresh, (Inc. sea smooth; CathcriueHill Bay. west, fresh, fine, sea smooth; HouthHead, north moderate, fine, hazy, sea slight;Wollongong, north-cast, fresh, cloudy, senslight; Klnma. north-east modcrato, hazy, seaslight: Crookhuvcn Heads, north-east, fresh,fine, ha/.v, sea slight; Jervls Bay, north, fresh,cloudy, hazy sea niodoratq; Bnlemnn'a Bay,west, strong, overcast, sea slight; Moruyu, west-north-west, strong gulc, heavy showers, seaslight; Eden, north-west, moderate, cloudy, senmoderate.


Tha heights abovesummer level of tbe lntandrivers at 9 a.m. yesterday wero as follow: —

Albury, 12ft. 8ln. abovo zero on gauge;Anglcdool, X.; Burwon River, 13ft.; Blugara.S.L. : Boollgal, 1ft. Cln. : Boggabllla. 5ft.;Boiirke. 8ft. fin.: Browarrlna. 5fl. Min. ;Cowru, 6ft. Bin.; Deniliquin. 13ft. 2In. ; Piiblm,4ft. oln.; Kuuabalong, 15ft. Bin.; Euston,22ft.: Forbes, 7ft. Tin I'Gnndooga. L. : Gun-

dagiil, 9t:. Gin.; Gunncduli, lit. Gin.: Hay, :16ft, Tin.: Hill.ston, 7ft. Tin.; Louth. lift.3iu. ; Mogil, 7ft.; Mcnlndlc. 4ft. Bin.; Moula-inciii 14ft.; Mungindi. 5ft, Gin.; Narrandora,.lift, 5in. ; Namoi River. 6ft. Gin.; Pooncarle,4ft, Oln.; Tilpa, Oft. Bin.: Toeumwal, 10ft,.'.9iu.: Wagga, 9ft.; Wentworth, 13ft. 21».; Wil-cannlu 4ft. 8!n. ; Yctraan. 5ft. Hln.

Note.—It., rising: F. falling: a., stationary.;L.. tow; S.L., summer level.


(For 24 Hours ending 9 a.m. Yesterday.)Queensland.—-Cooktou'ii 51 poluts, Rockhump-

ton 5, Gaynduh 75, llrlstmue 16, Komu 12, Uer-bertou 74, Gladstone 10, Gympie 6, Maryborough .18, Toowoomba41, Stanthorpc 30, Warwick 13. ' "

South Australia. —Strouky Buy 21poiuts, Portv"

Lincoln 56 points, I'apo Borda 39, Adelaide 23#Robe 25, CapoNorthumberland 22, ; .

Victoria.— Horsham 31 points, Capo Otway 25, wBendlgo27, Melbourne 6.

Tasmania.— Springs 6 points. Capo Sorrel 13,'Zcclmn IS. Stanley 50, Low Head 30, Launccs-ton 25, Eddyatono 25. Oatlaiuis 11.


FORECASTS.New South Wales.—Still unsettled, with fur-.!' '

tlicr rain and thunder in southern uud easterndistricts; sonic halt in tho north-east. Fine

'in the north-western quarter. Cool conditions-becoming general, and snow nn parts of thosouthern and central tableluuds. Boisterouswest to southerly winds of gale force, andrough seas later on the coast.

Vietorln.—General rain. Sumo lieuvy fulls.Northerly, veer)ig to west and south-west,winds, blowing strong and boisterous along thecoast. Somo ball and thunder, and possiblysnow on tho highlands.

Queensland.—Some further ralii aud thunderlikely. In central and southern Interior, chiefly,in eastern parts, nud a shower or two on thepeninsula. Northerly winds chiefly.

South Australia. —Unsettled and showery,-with boisterous westerlies in settled areas. Ira-proving Inland to the north-west. Very rough

'outsida Kangaroo Island.

West Australia.— Chiefly fine, with south-.onsterly winds, but westerly winds and some . .showers in the south-west and south coast dJs;tricts.

Tasmania.—-Stormy and unsettled, with gen-'cral rain, hull, and snow. Boisterous northerly/-veering west and south-west winds, to gales.

Orean.—Vgry disturbed weather with strongnortherly winds, veering to boisterous wosterlles

"ami rough to high seasfrom tbo Bight to Tas-.man Sens.

a.l.p. candidates


Messrs. J. Mostyn and J5. C. U'Doahavo been chosen as Labor candidatesfor Camperdown Ward in the ensuing cCity Council elections. In the selection"ballot Mr. Mostyn was elected on the llraL' -count,.' Messrs. G. Bodkin and G. Srnltlfhaving dropped out, Messrs. O'DeaN. M'Guinnoss tied for second place",which was given to Mr, o\Doa on thb..


casting vote of the returning ofiicer (Mr.W. Padgen).