churches - torrance · 2010-01-14 · urday, nov. 2, at the hsr- tkm of jehovah's witnesses...

Churches FRIDAY, OCTOMR IS, IfM REV. ELMEB CHRISTIANSEN Lutheran Pastor Attends Confab Women To Collect For Poor World Community Day. featuring collection for the world's underprivileged, will be observe! by the Torrsnce- Lomita Council of Church Women United next Friday t the First Baptist Church of Torrance. Clothing will be collected and sent to Indonesia and the Middle East. Women will also be asked to buy $3 cer- tificates for the purchase of blankets, fabrics, and other necessities. Mrs. Betty Lockhart, chairman of the local ob- servance, has announced the program will begin at 11 a.m. Featured will be an in- terracial dialogue between a Chinese laywoman of the church and a pastor's wife from Jamaica. The Rev. Jeremiah Rowe. pastor of Los Angelea Com- munity Church, win adress the group during the noon luncheon. Music will be pro- vided by the Bell Ringer Choir of the host church. A silver offering will be taken for the luncheon. Women of all faiths and races are invited to attend this program. World Com- munity Day is observed in many nations around the world. The Rev. Elmer E. Chris- ttansen, pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Tor- ranee, wan one of 1.000 delegates attendkdhj the BS>* tional biennial coovention of American Lutheran Church held October through 22 in Omaha, Nebraska. The American Lutheran Church, with nearly 5,000 congrega- tions, is the ninth largest Protestant denomination in the United States. The clergy and 500 lay delegates discussed meas- ures to cope with racial ten- Pathfinder Gub Aids Indians Many tan uniforms will be In evidence in Torrance on the evening of Oct. Sl, but they will not be military un- iforms. The overseas caps and un- iforms will be worn by young people the Pathfinder dub of the Seveth-dsy Ad- ventist Church, 1610 Acacia Ave. This will be a Halloween night march for the boys and girls to collect canned food, quilts, blankets, over- coats and children's cloth- Ing. Due to a hard, cold winter In Monument Valley, the Navajo Indians at the Mon- ument and Holbrook mis- sions urgently need these Items. All materials will be used where needed most, helping people in the hospital, the school, and on the reserva tion. Qergyman To Confirm Recipients Most Reverend John J. Ward. Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, will administer the Sacrament of Confirma tion to 150 recipients Tues day, In St. Margaret Mary Church, Lomita. Rev. John V. Hegarty, pas tor of St. Margaret Mary's announced the men of the parish wil form the honor guard for Bishop Ward ion. the position of the church in the Vietnam war and related lames, the in. creasing plight of rural con- tMfations. steps toward closer unity with other Lu- therans, interdenomination- al relationships, and prob- lems of Internal restructure. Church Bazaar A. C MANERA JR. ... Keynoter Planned Movah's Christmas decorations, stuffed toys, potted plants, W 111168868 g^ •* wittier _ are among the goods to be offered for sale Sat- The Torrance eongregs urday, Nov. 2, at the Hsr- tkm of Jehovah's Witnesses will Probation After Death To Be 'Science' Topic "Blessed \K the man that enrtureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has prom ised to them that love him." This verse from James is part of the Bible lesson- sermon titled "Probation After Death," to be read in all Christian Science churches this Sunday. In 1st Church of Christ. Scientist, 218th and Manuel Ave., the service will begin at 11 a.m. One of the related pas sages to he read from the lenominatirnal textbook 1* the following: "During the sensual ages, absolute Christian Science may not l>e achieved prior to the change called death, for we have not the power to dem onstrate what we do not understand. But the hu man self must be evangel ized. This task God de mands us to accept loving ly today and to abandon so fast an practical the ma terial, and to work out the spiritual which determines the outward and actual." HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS ... I>ls»la>lnf few of the many Item* to he shewn t the annual Christmas Fair of the First ChrUtlan Church are (from left) Mrs. Grant Jane*, fair chairman; Mr*. Dm Morgan, luncheon chairman, and Mr». Le- roy Pulllam. president of the Christian Women's Fellowship. Slated for Tues- day In the fym of tho rhurch, the fair will be open from 10:30 a.m. to Z p.m. and from 41 to 9:30 p.m. A chef's salad luncheon wll be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for a ft donation. Purpose of the fair Is te share idees for making Christ* mas gifts and decorations. None of the items will he sold, but Instructions for making the novelties will be given out. Other women helving to plan the fair are Mm**. Walter McGinnis, Charles Babiger, and Elva McMIIlen. (Prose-Herald Photo) Sermon of the Week Christ Remains the Hope of the World Attend Church This Week YOUR CHURCH LISTINO IN THIS CALINDAR COSTS JUST JJO MR WIIK. CALL MS40M vest Basaar at' Walterla Un- ited Methodist Church. Th« event, rponsored bv the Women s Society of tho church, will run from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The snack bar will be open from noon until 2 p.m.. end a Mexican din- ner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. in tlic church soc- ial I'lll. Author h Guest Speak Best selling novelist Adela Rogers St. Johns is guest speaker of the month of Oct. ober at Redondo Torrance Church of Religious Science, 907 Knob Hill Ave., Redon- do Beach. Topic for this Sunday's services, at 9:30 and 11 a.m., will be "Authority." Mrs. St. Johns is author of "Tell No Man," s novel about a successful Invest ment counselor who turns to the ministry. be Joining with eight other nearby congregations at their semi-annual Circuit Convention. Nov. 1 to 3. The gathering will be held at the newly acquired Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, located at 3341 W. 43rd PI., Los Angeles. The program starts Fri- day with the theme. "Shar- ing Fully in the Preaching of the Good News." This keynote address will be giv- en by the district supervisor of Jehovah's Witnesses. A. C. Manera Jr. Edward Kezar, presiding minister of the Torrance congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, will also address the more than 900 persons expected to ateend. He will be helping them to see the importance of faithfulness to God's principles and laws. Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. many will be in attend ance for the discourse on baptism and then witness the Immersion of the candi dates. Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.. the hour discourse, "God's Way is Love" will be presented. All interested persons are invited to attend the entire program free of charge. By REV. LLOYD NEWLIN aator. Plrit Baptist Church We have all stood by the sra-ihoro from time to time watching men casting their nets or lines into the sea for fish. Somethimes they catch, sometimes they do not. but one thing about a fisherman, he never doubts that there are fish In the sea for that is their home. I would like, today, to compare this thought with man himself. For man apart from God dies because God Is the proper environment of men. The Bible says man was made In the image of God. Someone asks the ques- tion. "What Is the purpose of man?" The answer quick- ly comes back, 'To glorify God and to rnjoy Hiir. for- ever." Augustine put It this way, "We are resiles*. O God. until we find our rest in thee." THE MEANING Is simply this. God Is everywhere. He Is the foundation of all things. Even Paul, himself, stated very clearly in the New Testament "Not I. but Christ liveth in me." It was important to him that the person of Jesus Christ was living within him and through his life. May I say then to you that God has created man for certain purpose*, and according to certain laws, and when man violates these basic and primary con- siderations he is out of his environment and in a spiri- tual sense he dies. Man, then, who down through the ages has chosen to follow his own paths, has chosen to go his own ways. Is literally committing spirit- ual suicide. For just as a fish cannot live without water so man cannot live apart from God. This Is the reason the Bible says, "The wages of of sin It death." When we RO our way and not God's way we die. A LAWYER asked Jesus one day. "Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered, "How do you read the law?" and he answered thoughtfully. "Thou shall love the Lord with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength and with all thy rtltleal AdT.rlli«ni«Bt)' mind, and thy neighbor as thyself." Jesus said. "You are right. Do this and thou shalt live." If then I consider my en- vironment to be with God and Jesus affirms that I am to love God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength then 1 must care- fully look at my life and ex- amine the faithfulness of my stewardship to the Lord. AS YOU consider these thoughts with me today I would like you to ask your- self three basic questions. "How much of my time does God control?" How much of my talent and ability does God control? How much of my physical and financial re- source does God control?" Perhaps you would come back and say why should I ask. Basically because God is the owner of all things. Hear the words of the Lord. "The sea Is his and he made it and his hands formed the dry land." "It Is he that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadelh them out as a tent to dwell In." You see. sovereignty Is an attribute of God. He would not be God If the controls were out of Ills hands. The brief titles that we possess. for example the title to your home, the title to that trail- er or boat, the title to your car, are soon passed on to car. are soon passed on the others for we live but a short time. But. "A thousand years In His sight are but as yesterday when It Is past and as a watch In the night from Everlasting to Ever- lasting, He is God." I WOULD say further then, that faith Itself Is only wishful thinking or a sorry sentiment if it Is not rooted and centered in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The ownership is with God and we are trust ed for a short time with little portions of our Fa- ther's boundless estate but God stands in the midst. As 4he Psalmist has said. "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. The world and they that dwell therein.' He further states, "Every beast of the forest Is mine NAMONNI AVINUI SOUTHIHN BAPTIST CHURCH MTX) Karfaoona A»f. Lemlta PIHMM DA I MS* Worehlp Sarrka ........T PM. Oiunft ..............10:ie AM. Sunday Srhnnl ....... t tt A.M. Traimnf Unloa .........I P.M. and the cattle upon a thou- sand hills." "I am the Lord and there Is none else. Woe unto him that striveth with his maker." I DON'T think that you would question the fact that there are many in our world today who are not only striv ing with their maker, but trying to claim that He does not exist. Trying to claim that they are their own God and that they can do what they please in this world and that they answer to no man:j| but It seems rather clear I from what we have said thatM they are out of their envi-1 ronment and for this reason they are dying. BUT OUB possessions can be taken away In a moment. A rich man once stood with his pastor high on a hill overlooking his beautiful lands and houses and he said to him. 'Don't tell me this Is not mine. 1 earned It with my own hands and 1 tilled the fields. It belongs to me The pastor said. 'Tell roe that 100 years from now, The fundamental need of our time Is an awakened conscience our obligations to the Lord who created this universe: To the Lord who has given us all things and through Jesus Christ has pro vided for each one of us "the Way. the Truth, and the Life" which we can live IN CHRIST there is still hope for the world. In Christ there is the wsy Into our proper place before our Lord. How much of your heart, your mind, your soul your strength does Jesus control? nRST MITHODIST CHURCH Torranra Carann and Si Prde Phono FA S-SM1 K*T Arttiur Naa»l. Paalor MM. phono PA 14xii _ HOfDATH Tvn WnrtMp Swrrlnaj » » and It A M T»« rnmpl.i. riiurch ftrhtnli »0 and II AM All ( *. nun'Tv thru adult* Frikivahlp MMIIiic 4 >0 P.M. SOUTH SAY APTIST CHURCH Sunday Sanaal ...... .S W AM. Churrh Sarvkaa ( 10 U A M. Junior Mil Primary Church 1080 AM. BaplM Trainlaar union . . .....SOOPM gnaiiur Worahlp ....700 P.M. W*dn*a>tay Ptayar B»r»k» ..... ......TOO P.M. Nunwrr and ladder car* All Mrtk**. B u a Irajwporuikio FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Of TOMANCf IDUeWN of Chrl*t> MS EJDncado-FA S-SSN MUnataf of' » SO and if :00 AJI.' Nuraary vrmldad at k*4k aaaalMi*. CH1 RHO F»lto»ahl» S JO PM Tout* I 7 00 PI ST. UWRINCI CATHOUC CHURCH ISM Praaawt AT.. Radnnto B«axh MonaUiwir DuiM P. CMIIM Mua T. S. S. in. 11 IS. IMS Phon* ITS-SOS CMTRAl VANOHJCAl UNTTRO MITHODIST CHURCH MarcatlM 4 AfHastoe. Ra». Wattar M. SIMM* 11 00 Moraine Worn*** S SO- Youth 7 to Wadnaaday HRST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCRWTIST . MaMUtja Sunday School '• IS AM and 11.00 A M. Oiiidr»a undar 10 y«ara of at* itiux arrumpanl*d by partal or (uardian lor crralliMni R«utln« Itnvn- 140* <'r«»MU On-n 10 AM I* S PM daily Sunday and Holidaxa. Alx. 7 la S Monday ana Friday fnlMK. All an **koma to alUnd our OTTMM and UM our ST. CATHMNI IABOURI CHURCH SS44 lUdontfa BOM* Bird. Tnrrtnr* Phono DAtla S-SSOO SundayMaMM. T, S. S. 10. U. U W»*kdwr MMM§: « SO A M. u4 S U A.M. Saturday 400 loS M. T SS to I 00 Plus Family PORTRAITS Gordon Akert Photography 371-5MM Voice Teacher FRED H. WLKINS 329-3242 Aiy way ym unit... THE FINEST WELCOME TO TORRANCE IS WELCOME * WAGON a w* ho* oar kostM «M suks yes M at SMM, Mk kor kosM of « > sol am* to tMnsos W SM Crty. Sj MMM, MS- liilMiu, Ant col... ST. ANDRIWS mSCOTAl CHURCH I*.* Skurrvte-PA S-STSt T SO AM. Holy Obmmun1i>n » IS A M. Family Worafcip Sar*. k* Mloirad by Cburch Softool and OrffM Hour 11:00 AM Moraine Wuntila U'horal RurnarIX OR IX aM Ir<l »un.lnn> (Child » «n>l Nuraory nru- Mad at t II ard II AM. aarv- kaal Wnrkdara Holy CummuiuuB al II AM. Thundaya and « Sfl AM. on All Saint a Dayi. TORRANCI CHURCH OP THI NAZARfNI TOOMaoia A»». R. Wallla ROOMS**. PaaUC Pa. US-SOSO S tt Sunday 10 M Mornlni Wnrthlo 7 00 P.M. a>ama« SorriM Acme vitw APTtST CHURCH _ TanajaaellF "aoaU* to «M S)OTaM«-thw A4*OM& Chunk. Sonoma St. al Acacia Ara. Turranc.. Calif, T.I SM-4I1I Tlnw ol Worahlp: Sunday SchM. for atl a,« ........S:IS AM. unday Monlns Wanbip .....IOSO-11-SO AM. Sunday Era. aVnrteo 7:00 P.M. Thuraday Prayer FaUovaMn ........ ,7:SO Fit -Nuraw* Arallabla al AJI Sorrk*v- MtttYTWAN CHURCH Of OAROMA 1SS7 W. Radando B«arb *«. P«ana DA 4-IOU Hurray Jona*. V. liard Sl . < DA 1 lilt S*nt«r III Fn|lii«n*tp and JuaMr Hujh FallowahlB Sundaya al 7 00 P.M. CALL MONA MARTIN "> »•» «f a a*. nRST lUTHtRAN CHURCH ITJt Flovtr Slraal Pluwo SXMIS1 Wllllani J Roladar. Pwlor Plmna FA S-SMS Sttvtn A Myi>r>, Aaam- P»>lor Sunday Snhool SOO AM . »!» AM. 10 « AM. Nuraary aardcaa for » AM. and 10 «t AM. Holy CommunloB- Flrat 8unday Uithar Laacuo tod and tth Oirlatlan SXanianiary SV-hooU- Klndarsarlan thru «th Orada TORRANCI MRST BAPTIST CHURCH S1IS Caraoa Mrtat Phono US MM Rav. Uord II N«w1la SUNDAY Worahlp Sorvliva S IS and U 00am. Rlbla Study Clajaia* S 30 a m. Toulh Ai'llvtllM 4 46 pm Evanlnc Oospal Hour 7 p m. WCDtfHDAT . ^ X2S* * Ad**11 Sludy. Prayar a Fallowahlp 7:16 pm Nurawv FVllltlw S»rvln« Chrlat and In* na«la ft Man NATIVITY CATHOUC CHURCH 47 aVfraota A«a., R»r John P. Cramlna, Paala* II It and S'PM" St. JVtaaph'a at » SO AM. T:SO to S >"l St. Jooaon'i at T IS P.M. Evtry Sunday at 1:41 P.M. IMMANUK lUTHaVAN CHURCH M SiAoona. Paator Sunday BVhool and RlN. naaat. »:»» M. (1 Taara and Vp>

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Page 1: Churches - Torrance · 2010-01-14 · urday, Nov. 2, at the Hsr- tkm of Jehovah's Witnesses will Probation After Death To Be 'Science' Topic "Blessed \K the man that enrtureth temptation:



Lutheran Pastor Attends Confab

Women To Collect For Poor

World Community Day. featuring collection for the world's underprivileged, will be observe! by the Torrsnce- Lomita Council of Church Women United next Friday t the First Baptist Church of Torrance.

Clothing will be collected and sent to Indonesia and the Middle East. Women will also be asked to buy $3 cer­ tificates for the purchase of blankets, fabrics, and other necessities.

Mrs. Betty Lockhart, chairman of the local ob­ servance, has announced the program will begin at 11 a.m. Featured will be an in­ terracial dialogue between a Chinese laywoman of the church and a pastor's wife from Jamaica.

The Rev. Jeremiah Rowe. pastor of Los Angelea Com- munity Church, win adress the group during the noon luncheon. Music will be pro­ vided by the Bell Ringer Choir of the host church.

A silver offering will be taken for the luncheon.

Women of all faiths and races are invited to attend this program. World Com­ munity Day is observed in many nations around the world.

The Rev. Elmer E. Chris- ttansen, pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Tor- ranee, wan one of 1.000 delegates attendkdhj the BS>* tional biennial coovention of American Lutheran Church held October 1« through 22 in Omaha, Nebraska. The American Lutheran Church, with nearly 5,000 congrega­ tions, is the ninth largest Protestant denomination in the United States.

The V» clergy and 500 lay delegates discussed meas­ ures to cope with racial ten-

Pathfinder Gub Aids Indians

Many tan uniforms will be In evidence in Torrance on the evening of Oct. Sl, but they will not be military un­ iforms.

The overseas caps and un­ iforms will be worn by young people the Pathfinder dub of the Seveth-dsy Ad- ventist Church, 1610 Acacia Ave.

This will be a Halloween night march for the boys and girls to collect canned food, quilts, blankets, over­ coats and children's cloth- Ing.

Due to a hard, cold winter In Monument Valley, the Navajo Indians at the Mon­ ument and Holbrook mis­ sions urgently need these Items.

All materials will be used where needed most, helping people in the hospital, the school, and on the reserva­ tion.

Qergyman To Confirm Recipients

Most Reverend John J. Ward. Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, will administer the Sacrament of Confirma­ tion to 150 recipients Tues­ day, In St. Margaret Mary Church, Lomita.

Rev. John V. Hegarty, pas­ tor of St. Margaret Mary's announced the men of the parish wil form the honor guard for Bishop Ward

ion. the position of the church in the Vietnam war and related lames, the in. creasing plight of rural con- tMfations. steps toward closer unity with other Lu­ therans, interdenomination­ al relationships, and prob­ lems of Internal restructure.

Church Bazaar A. C MANERA JR.

... Keynoter

Planned Movah'sChristmas decorations,

stuffed toys, potted plants,W 111168868

g^ •*wittier_ are among the goods

to be offered for sale Sat- The Torrance eongregs urday, Nov. 2, at the Hsr- tkm of Jehovah's Witnesses


Probation After Death To Be 'Science' Topic

"Blessed \K the man that enrtureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has prom­ ised to them that love him."

This verse from James is part of the Bible lesson- sermon titled "Probation After Death," to be read in all Christian Science churches this Sunday. In 1st Church of Christ. Scientist, 218th and Manuel Ave., the service will begin at 11 a.m.

One of the related pas­ sages to he read from the

lenominatirnal textbook 1* the following: "During the sensual ages, absolute Christian Science may not l>e achieved prior to the change called death, for we have not the power to dem­ onstrate what we do not understand. But the hu­ man self must be evangel­ ized. This task God de­ mands us to accept loving­ ly today and to abandon so fast an practical the ma­ terial, and to work out the spiritual which determines the outward and actual."

HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS ... I>ls»la>lnf few of the many Item* to he shewn t the annual Christmas Fair of the First ChrUtlan Church are (from left) Mrs. Grant Jane*, fair chairman; Mr*. Dm Morgan, luncheon chairman, and Mr». Le- roy Pulllam. president of the Christian Women's Fellowship. Slated for Tues­ day In the fym of tho rhurch, the fair will be open from 10:30 a.m. to Z p.m. and from 41 to 9:30 p.m. A chef's salad luncheon wll be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for a ft donation. Purpose of the fair Is te share idees for making Christ* mas gifts and decorations. None of the items will he sold, but Instructions for making the novelties will be given out. Other women helving to plan the fair are Mm**. Walter McGinnis, Charles Babiger, and Elva McMIIlen.

(Prose-Herald Photo)

Sermon of the Week

Christ Remains the Hope of the World

Attend Church This Week


vest Basaar at' Walterla Un­ ited Methodist Church.

Th« event, rponsored bv the Women s Society of tho church, will run from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The snack bar will be open from noon until 2 p.m.. end a Mexican din­ ner will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. in tlic church soc­ ial I'lll.

Author h Guest Speak

Best selling novelist Adela Rogers St. Johns is guest speaker of the month of Oct. ober at Redondo Torrance Church of Religious Science, 907 Knob Hill Ave., Redon­ do Beach.

Topic for this Sunday's services, at 9:30 and 11 a.m., will be "Authority."

Mrs. St. Johns is author of "Tell No Man," s novel about a successful Invest­ ment counselor who turns to the ministry.

be Joining with eight other nearby congregations at their semi-annual Circuit Convention. Nov. 1 to 3. The gathering will be held at the newly acquired Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, located at 3341 W. 43rd PI., Los Angeles.

The program starts Fri­ day with the theme. "Shar­ ing Fully in the Preaching of the Good News." This keynote address will be giv­ en by the district supervisor of Jehovah's Witnesses. A. C. Manera Jr.

Edward Kezar, presiding minister of the Torrance congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, will also address the more than 900 persons expected to ateend. He will be helping them to see the importance of faithfulness to God's principles and laws.

Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. many will be in attend­ ance for the discourse on baptism and then witness the Immersion of the candi­ dates.

Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.. the hour discourse, "God's Way is Love" will be presented. All interested persons are invited to attend the entire program free of charge.


Plrit Baptist Church

We have all stood by the sra-ihoro from time to time watching men casting their nets or lines into the sea for fish. Somethimes they catch, sometimes they do not. but one thing about a fisherman, he never doubts that there are fish In the sea for that is their home.

I would like, today, to compare this thought with man himself. For man apart from God dies because God Is the proper environment of men. The Bible says man was made In the image of God. Someone asks the ques­ tion. "What Is the purpose of man?" The answer quick­ ly comes back, 'To glorify God and to rnjoy Hiir. for­ ever." Augustine put It this way, "We are resiles*. O God. until we find our rest in thee." • • •

THE MEANING Is simply this. God Is everywhere. He Is the foundation of all things. Even Paul, himself, stated very clearly in the New Testament "Not I. but Christ liveth in me." It was important to him that the person of Jesus Christ was

living within him and through his life. May I say then to you that God has created man for certain purpose*, and according to certain laws, and when man violates these basic and primary con­ siderations he is out of his environment and in a spiri­ tual sense he dies.

Man, then, who down through the ages has chosen to follow his own paths, has chosen to go his own ways. Is literally committing spirit­ ual suicide. For just as a fish cannot live without water so man cannot live apart from God. This Is the reason the Bible says, "The wages of of sin It death." When we RO our way and not God's way we die.• • •

A LAWYER asked Jesus one day. "Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered, "How do you read the law?" and he answered thoughtfully. "Thou shall love the Lord with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength and with all thy

rtltleal AdT.rlli«ni«Bt)'

mind, and thy neighbor as thyself."

Jesus said. "You are right. Do this and thou shalt live." If then I consider my en­ vironment to be with God and Jesus affirms that I am to love God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength then 1 must care­ fully look at my life and ex­ amine the faithfulness of my stewardship to the Lord.

• • •AS YOU consider these

thoughts with me today I would like you to ask your­ self three basic questions. "How much of my time does God control?" How much of my talent and ability does God control? How much of my physical and financial re­ source does God control?" Perhaps you would come back and say why should I ask. Basically because God is the owner of all things. Hear the words of the Lord. "The sea Is his and he made it and his hands formed the dry land." "It Is he that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadelh them out as a tent to dwell In."

You see. sovereignty Is an attribute of God. He would not be God If the controls were out of Ills hands. The brief titles that we possess. for example the title to your home, the title to that trail­ er or boat, the title to your car, are soon passed on to car. are soon passed on the others for we live but a short time. But. "A thousand years In His sight are but as yesterday when It Is past and as a watch In the night from Everlasting to Ever­ lasting, He is God."• • •

I WOULD say further then, that faith Itself Is only wishful thinking or a sorry sentiment if it Is not rooted and centered in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. The ownership is with God and we are trust ed for a short time with little portions of our Fa­ ther's boundless estate but God stands in the midst. As 4he Psalmist has said. "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. The world and they that dwell therein.'

He further states, "Every beast of the forest Is mine



CHURCHMTX) Karfaoona A»f. Lemlta


Worehlp Sarrka ........T PM.

Oiunft ..............10:ie AM.Sunday Srhnnl ....... t tt A.M.Traimnf Unloa .........I P.M.

and the cattle upon a thou­ sand hills." "I am the Lord and there Is none else. Woe unto him that striveth with his maker."• • •

I DON'T think that you would question the fact that there are many in our world today who are not only striv ing with their maker, but trying to claim that He does not exist. Trying to claim that they are their own God and that they can do what they please in this world and that they answer to no man:j| but It seems rather clear I from what we have said thatM they are out of their envi-1 ronment and for this reason they are dying.

BUT OUB possessions can be taken away In a moment. A rich man once stood with his pastor high on a hill overlooking his beautiful lands and houses and he said to him. 'Don't tell me this Is not mine. 1 earned It with my own hands and 1 tilled the fields. It belongs to me The pastor said. 'Tell roe that 100 years from now,

The fundamental need of our time Is an awakened conscience our obligations to the Lord who created this universe: To the Lord who has given us all things and through Jesus Christ has pro vided for each one of us "the Way. the Truth, and the Life" which we can live

IN CHRIST there is still hope for the world. In Christ there is the wsy Into our proper place before our Lord. How much of your heart, your mind, your soul your strength does Jesus control?


Carann and Si PrdePhono FA S-SM1

K*T Arttiur Naa»l. PaalorMM. phono PA 14xii_ HOfDATHTvn WnrtMp Swrrlnaj

» » and It A M T»« rnmpl.i. riiurch ftrhtnli

»0 and II AM All ( *. nun'Tv thru adult* Frikivahlp MMIIiic 4 >0 P.M.


Sunday Sanaal ...... .S W AM.Churrh Sarvkaa ( 10 U A M.

Junior Mil Primary Church1080 AM.

BaplM Trainlaarunion . . .....SOOPM

gnaiiur Worahlp ....700 P.M.W*dn*a>tay Ptayar

B»r»k» ..... ......TOO P.M.Nunwrr and ladder car* All Mrtk**. B u a Irajwporuikio


IDUeWN of Chrl*t> MS EJDncado-FA S-SSN

MUnataf of'

» SO and if :00 AJI.' Nuraary vrmldad at k*4k

aaaalMi*.CH1 RHO F»lto»ahl»

S JO PM Tout* I 7 00 PI



Radnnto B«axh

MonaUiwir DuiM P. CMIIMMua T. S. S. in. 11 IS. IMS



Ra». Wattar M. SIMM*

11 00 Moraine Worn*** S SO- Youth

7 to Wadnaaday


. MaMUtja

Sunday School'• IS AM and 11.00 A M.

Oiiidr»a undar 10 y«ara of at*itiux b« arrumpanl*d by partalor (uardian lor crralliMni

R«utln« Itnvn- 140* <'r«»MU On-n 10 AM I* S PM daily Sunday and Holidaxa. Alx. 7 la S Monday ana Friday fnlMK.

All an **koma to alUnd our OTTMM and UM our


SS44 lUdontfa BOM* Bird.Tnrrtnr*

Phono DAtla S-SSOO SundayMaMM. T, S. S. 10. U. UW»*kdwr MMM§: « SO A M. u4

S U A.M.Saturday

400 loS M. T SS to I 00


Gordon AkertPhotography


Voice TeacherFRED H. WLKINS


Aiy way ymunit...

THE FINEST WELCOME TO TORRANCE IS WELCOME * WAGONa w* ho* oar kostM «M suks yes M at SMM, Mk kor kosM of « > sol am* to tMnsos W SM Crty. Sj MMM, MS- liilMiu, Ant col...


I*.* Skurrvte-PA S-STSt

T SO AM. Holy Obmmun1i>n» IS A M. Family Worafcip Sar*.

k* Mloirad by Cburch Softooland OrffM Hour

11:00 AM Moraine WuntilaU'horal RurnarIX OR IX aMIr<l »un.lnn>

(Child » «n>l Nuraory nru- Mad at t II ard II AM. aarv-kaal

Wnrkdara Holy CummuiuuB al II AM. Thundaya and « Sfl AM. on All Saint a Dayi.


TOOMaoia A»».

R. Wallla ROOMS**. PaaUC Pa. US-SOSO

S tt Sunday 10 M Mornlni Wnrthlo 7 00 P.M. a>ama« SorriM


_ TanajaaellF "aoaU* to «M S)OTaM«-thw A4*OM& Chunk.

Sonoma St. al Acacia Ara. Turranc.. Calif, T.I SM-4I1I

Tlnw ol Worahlp: Sunday SchM.

for atl a,« ........S:IS AM. unday Monlns

Wanbip .....IOSO-11-SO AM.Sunday Era. aVnrteo 7:00 P.M. Thuraday Prayer

FaUovaMn ........ ,7:SO Fit-Nuraw* Arallabla

al AJI Sorrk*v-


1SS7 W. Radando B«arb *«. P«ana DA 4-IOU

Hurray Jona*.V. liard Sl . <

DA 1 lilt

S*nt«r III Fn|lii«n*tp andJuaMr Hujh FallowahlB

Sundaya al 7 00 P.M.



"> »•» «f a a*.


Pluwo SXMIS1 Wllllani J Roladar. Pwlor

Plmna FA S-SMS Sttvtn A Myi>r>, Aaam- P»>lor

Sunday SnhoolSOO AM . »!» AM. 10 « AM. Nuraary aardcaa for » I» AM.

and 10 «t AM.Holy CommunloB- Flrat 8unday Uithar Laacuo tod and tth

Oirlatlan SXanianiary SV-hooU- Klndarsarlan thru «th Orada


S1IS Caraoa MrtatPhono US MM

Rav. Uord II N«w1laSUNDAY

Worahlp SorvlivaS IS and U 00am.

Rlbla Study Clajaia* S 30 a m.Toulh Ai'llvtllM 4 46 pm

Evanlnc Oospal Hour 7 p m.WCDtfHDAT

. ^ X2S* * Ad**11 Sludy. Prayar a Fallowahlp

7:16 pmNurawv FVllltlw

S»rvln« Chrlat and In*na«la ft Man


47 aVfraota A«a.,

R»r John P. Cramlna, Paala*

II It and S'PM" St. JVtaaph'a at » SO AM.

T:SO to S >"l St. Jooaon'i at T IS P.M.

Evtry Sunday at 1:41 P.M.


M SiAoona. Paator

Sunday BVhool andRlN. naaat. »:»» M.

(1 Taara and Vp>