chronobiology living with the inner clock

Chronobiology Living with the inner clock A new medical understanding of the right moment

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Living with the inner clockA new medical understanding of the right moment

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Living with the inner clockA new medical understanding of the right moment

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Living with the inner clockA new medical understanding of the right moment

Table of contents

There is a time for everything. Also for disease and healing ....................................................................6Light and darkness control our organs ........................ 10The intelligence of our inner clock ............................... 12Chronopharmacology: the right formulation at the right time ......................... 14Chronobiology of vitamins: which of them are effective in the morning, which in the evening? ......... 16Chronobiological practice: Let the new medical understanding guide your day .................................... 21Nutrition ..................................................................... 21Mobility ....................................................................... 22Heart health ................................................................ 23Metabolism .................................................................. 24

Intestinal flora ............................................................ 25Mood ........................................................................... 26Sleep ........................................................................... 28Eyes ............................................................................ 29Concentration .............................................................. 30Bone health ................................................................. 30Women’s health ........................................................... 34Pregnancy and breastfeeding ....................................... 35Men’s health ................................................................ 36Fertility (men) ............................................................ 39Skin............................................................................. 40Hair & nails ................................................................. 42Cellulite ....................................................................... 44Prevention of uncontrolled cell growth ....................... 46The ultimate anti-aging preparation – All good things ready to hand: fighting the three major threats ............ 47Tips for the user: Additional information on advanced chronobiological preparations ..................... 50Summary .................................................................... 60










All rights reserved. No part of this work may be copied or distributed in any form whatsoever (including without limitation by means of electronic or mechanical procedures, photocopying, micro-filming or storage or processing in electronic sys-tems) without the written approval of the publisher. Short text quotes in reviews are exempt from this provision.Disclaimer: This publication serves for in-formation and instruction purposes only. Any kind of medical care or treatment should–if professional help is needed–be sought immediately. The author, the publishers, the distributors, and anyone named in this publication assume no liability or responsibility for losses or damage of any kind whatsoever which have been caused or are claimed to have been caused by information presented in this publication.

Published by Anti Aging News Inc.Copyright © 2010, Anti Aging News Inc.

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To date, we may only divine a small fraction of the secrets underlying these substances. But a number of important substances is already available as a chrono-biologically meaningful formula, scientifically tested and proven.

Initially, chronobiologists were being laughed at. Today, their science is an acknowledged branch of research which investigates the interconnections of body, mind and time. You may be in for quite a surprise!

Our body temperature decreases when we sleep and our blood pressure rises as we wake up.

The most important conclusion drawn from a chronobio-logical viewpoint is that we possess a whole control pack-age of genetically determined internal «time regulators».

Most importantly, our body follows an internal 24-hour cycle. Hormonal release fatefully depends on the impulses of our inner clocks.

There is a time for everything. Also for disease and healing. External and internal time regulators control our physi-cal, mental and emotional functions without the need for us to interfere. The more intelligently we attune our life to these rhythms, the greater the benefit we are able to draw from them.

Whether it is the oral mucosa or the liver, each physi-ological system has its own biological rhythm. This knowledge is of particular importance for disease and healing. Every ailment–such as asthma, arthritis, hypertension, depression, heart attacks, stomach ulcers, sleeping problems, cerebral metabolic disturbances and others – has its own phases. And this has important implications: the chronobiological factor of the active ingredients that are used in disease prevention or treat-ment is of crucial importance.

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

7 – 9 am:

→ Hormones at their peak

8 – 9 am:

→ Low pain level




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It seems that with age, some of our inner clocks are ticking more slowly while others are ticking faster. They tend to go out of tune, and some of them stop ticking altogether over the years. Organs begin to develop their own rhythm and disturbances occur. If they remain untreated, diseases may develop. Science distinguishes around 80 illnesses which are all deemed sleep-related.

This is exactly the goal which chronopharmacology pursues: the right formulation at the right time. The cur-rent objective is to identify a circadian component in an increasing number of diseases or physical dysfunctions. This results in surprising options of treatment – to the point, more effective and with fewer side effects. Chrono-biological medicines or food supplements «recalibrate» our inner time regulators.

Under the control of our brain, 150 messenger sub-stances circulating in the blood inform our organs about the current situation and prescribe specific consequences. These hormones have a boosting as well as a curbing effect. Our body temperature decreases during sleep, our blood pressure rises as we wake up – and so forth.

These rhythms repeat every 24 hours, day after day, night after night. Scientists therefore speak of a «circa-dian» rhythm. This term comes from the Latin «circa», meaning «around», and «dies», meaning «day». The shortest up-and-down cycle is measured in the brain waves: fractions of milliseconds. The longest daily rhythms – such as hunger or need for sleep – extend over many hours.

In every single moment, chronobiology transforms the actions inside our organs into a unique and distinctive spectacle. An hour later, nothing remains as it was an hour ago.

10 am – 12 noon:

→ Fully fit and wide awake, brain functions most efficiently

12 noon:

→ Time to eat, digestion in top gear

1 – 2 Pm:

→ Noon low, time for a nap

These rhythms repeat every 24 hours, day after day, night after night.




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hour tumor cells tend to divide. They are controlled by time regulators that differ from those of healthy cells. It is therefore of vital importance that therapeutic cyto-toxins be introduced into the target organ at a time when their impact on tumor growth is higher, and when their effect is less detrimental to the remaining cells.

Chronopharmacology, the search for therapeutic meas-ures which are in harmony with our inner clocks, is cur-rently the most fascinating area of medical research.

We are gradually beginning to understand more and more diseases as rhythm disorders. This is the first step to take account of the principles of chronobiology in healing.

Light and darkness control our organsThe light-darkness factor continuously adjusts our every day functions to a 24-hour rhythm. Inside our body, its information is converted into a signaling hor-mone called melatonin. The latter completes a multitude of tasks, already by daylight. Around 11 pm, there is usually a sudden surge in melatonin levels to between eight and ten times the normal value. This is a signal for many organs to slow down their activity and regenerate themselves. Many elderly people, however, have largely lost this nocturnal melatonin surge. Many rhythms – including sleep, blood pressure, body temperature and hormones – remain uncontrolled. A smart form of chronobiological support is needed.

Exciting recent studies have come to valuable conclu-sions. Researchers are beginning to understand at what

Around 11 pm there is usually a sudden surge in melatonin levels to between eight and ten times the normal value.




3 – 4 Pm:

→ New upswing, phase of learning, long-term memory

5 – 6 Pm:

→ Second high, manual work

6 – 9 Pm:

→ Regeneration and relaxation, good sense of smell and taste

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The main switch is located in the so-called diencephalon, a central part of the brain composed of two structures. The diencephalon receives messages from special photo-cells located in the retina. These sensors, which have been decoded only recently, do not recognize objects or colors, but the times of the day, the ambient atmosphere and the seasons. They are the starting point of a mecha-nism of action which in its entirety may be described as a control room where all inner clocks are set. This control room transfers the change between daytime and night-time from the world outside to innumerable rhythms in our body and attunes them to and among each other.

Light is a powerful pulse generator. Whether a person survives a heart attack may depend on the sun’s rays that shine through the window of the intensive care unit. Beds in the northern wing of a hospital are mysteriously associated with a higher mortality rate.

The intelligence of our inner clockEach cell produces highly specific substances, such as the building blocks of amino acids. Once the desirable concen-tration is reached, production stops. Enzymes decompose the substances within hours. A new cycle begins.

Certain genes, which are also referred to as «clock genes», act as on /off switches for these processes. They can be found in nearly any type of human tissue and their impacts are incredibly multifaceted, sophisticated and smart. All parts of the human body have receptors that take up the information of messenger substances and neuronal stimuli. Their sensitivity is controlled by the «clock genes», or one could simply say switched on and off. This also applies to the effect of vitamins, trace elements and other biologically effective substances, including medicines.




9 Pm:

→ Stomach rests – stop eating

11 Pm:

→ Time for bed, BUT:

11 Pm – 1 am:

→ Creativity at its absolute peak

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best absorbed at bedtime? Which substances are compat-ible with each other? Which of them must be taken toge-ther to be at all effective? Which biological substances may block the effect of others? Chronotherapy supports the body exactly at a time when a maximum effect can be achieved. This is how we increase efficacy. This is how we reduce undesirable side effects.

For many substances chronobiology already knows the most effective time point. There is a number of modern formulations which are truly smart. They contain specific micro-biosubstances for the whole day and are perhaps taken only once daily. A time lock or the different rates of action of the individual substances assure that the relevant effects are triggered one by one, according to a circadian rhythm, and last well into the night.


Chronopharmacology: the right formulation at the right timeHow quickly or effectively a biological substance is absorbed and produces an effect after being taken largely depends on the activity of the digestive tract. If a substance is to produce an effect in a target organ at a certain time, it needs to reach the liver on time. Yet this passage through the digestive tract does not always take place at the same rate. For instances, the blood supply to the stomach and intestines is rich in the morning but relatively low around lunchtime. This aspect is taken into consideration in chronobiological formulations which are given in the morning, at bedtime, or are provided with a kind of time lock.

This new medical understanding may help to avoid doing the right thing at the wrong time. Which substance has its maximum effect in the morning? Which substance is




1 am:

→ Dream time

2 am:

→ All systems stop except liver and skin

3 am:

→ Intensive sleep phase

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Chronobiology of vitamins: which of them are effective in the morning, which in the evening? Most people regard vitamins as the givers of good health and swallow them at any time, thinking that they can do no wrong. Far from it! The stringent rules of chrono-biology also apply when you seek to remedy vitamin or mineral salt deficiencies. Vitamins? Look at the clock first!

The time point is crucial. Firstly, because the effect of some vitamins in the morning simply differs from their effect in the evening. Secondly, because their effect on the metabolism may disturb the 24-hour rhythm of our body’s organs.

Taking a multi-component formulation in a chrono-biological form is simply essential – and choosing a different regime for men and women is even better.

Excessive intake of vitamins and mineral salts without a clear concept bears its risks:

1. Intake is disturbed. A vitamin or mineral salt gets blocked by another organic substance.

2. No synergy effect. Individual vitamins will not be effective unless taken concurrently with other vitamins or trace elements.

3. Each organ has its individual peak time during the day.

4. The biological effect of vitamins and trace elements shows major daily fluctuations and influences the body’s shifts of activity.




4 am:

→ Critical for lung patients

5 am:

→ Kidney at lowest point

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

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dosage avoids vitamin deficiencies or metabolic disor-ders. There are seven water-soluble vitamins in the B group: folic acid (B9), pantothenic acid (B5), thiamine (B1), cyanocobalamin (B12), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and pyridoxine (B6). Other water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C (ascorbic acid), biotin (vitamin H), choline and myo-inositol.

Most vitamins have no direct effect and play only a con-tributory role in certain functions. This is why they are commonly classified as co-enzymes or co-factors. The remaining tasks are taken care of by other substances – and this only works if these are simultaneously available in their active form.

Vitamins which are taken with food or in the form of food supplements require fats or water to be trans-ported to their target areas. Let us look at the fat-soluble vitamins first: Once they have dissolved inside the fat molecules, these vitamins first of all reach the lymphatic vessels, the primary vascular system of tissue fluid. The lymphatic vessels are directly linked to only few organs. The relevant vitamins accumulate primarily in fatty tis-sue and in the liver. Once inside the body, they cannot easily be eliminated. As the storage capacity of fat is huge, such vitamins should only be taken with utmost care. There are only four fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. They are best taken in the morning after a plenti-ful breakfast, and are less effective when taken later in the day.

Water is distributed all over the body: inside the cells, in the blood, and in the interstitial tissue. Vitamin substances dissolved in water are therefore virtually universally effective, but also much more volatile. They are regularly eliminated in the urine. Consistent daily

Vitamins: Consistent daily dosage avoids vitamin deficiencies or metabolic disorders.

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

7 – 9 am:

→ Hormones at their peak

8 – 9 am:

→ Low pain level




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The more researchers become involved in this issue, the more criteria have to be fulfilled. The challenge is to apply two strictly separate but equally intelligent multi-vitamin-mineral products: one in the morning, the other at bedtime. (They are already available; read → Tips for the user on the pages 50 – 58)

VitaBasix®, an international pioneer in implementing the concepts of chronobiology at the highest level, has succeeded in developing a range of products, such as Vitachron®, which take the perfect time point into consid-eration. The morning and evening capsules, containing more than three dozens of vitamins and minerals, cater to women’s needs and, in a slightly modified formula, also to men’s needs.

Chronobiological practice: Let the new medical understanding guide your day Nutrition:To perform its myriad of tasks, our body needs to take in valuable substances at very specific different times of the day. Even people with a healthy diet may experi-ence nutritional deficiencies, especially so when they are exposed to everyday stress, environmental toxins, or metabolic disorders. Scientific research has provided us with accurate information on which nutrients the body needs and when and at what dosage they provide opti-mal support for food digestibility. While some nutrients ideally have a mutually enhancing effect, others may even hamper the desired effect. Chronobiological practice improves the ability of our organs to take up vital bio-substances. The vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements

10 am – 12 noon:

→ Fully fit and wide awake, brain functions most efficiently

12 noon:

→ Time to eat, digestion in top gear

1 – 2 Pm:

→ Noon low, time for a nap




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and phytopharma ceuticals provided are supplied in a smart combination at the right time point. The morning capsule, for instance, helps the body to keep its energy balance. The evening capsules helps to burn fats during the night and remove toxins from the body. Gender-spe-cific formulas take account of the different metabolism of the female and male organs.

Mobility:The weight-bearing joints of the knee and hip, but also the shoulder and wrist joints, are mostly affected by the fraying of cartilage. This happens when the organism is not adequately supplied with glucosamine, chondroitin and hyaluronic acid, essential constituents contributing to the formation of cartilage tissue. The new generation of preparations supplements these substances of targeted

Chronobiological practice improves the ability of our organs to take up vital biosubstances.

cartilage formation with further anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving vital substances 24 hours a day. Thanks to their anti-oxidative effect, they protect these zones from free radicals at daytime, and use enzymes to foster the production of cartilage tissue and synovial fluid dur-ing the night.

Heart health:Nearly one in three adults exposes his or her heart and blood vessels to the burden of hypertension. Most therapies are primarily aimed at reducing blood pres-sure. MegaGrape BP®, a recently investigated substance derived from certain grape kernels, is able to do just that. Rich in polyphenols, it delivers more oxygen into the blood and thereby reduces blood pressure. The risk of hypertension is nearly always associated with the circadian rhythm. Blood pressure surges in the morning, but drops at night – taking a remedy at bedtime would therefore be too dangerous. For this and other reasons, intelligent combinations of active substances for cardio-vascular health always strictly comply with the principles




3 – 4 Pm:

→ New upswing, phase of learning, long-term memory

5 – 6 Pm:

→ Second high, manual work

6 – 9 Pm:

→ Regeneration and relaxation, good sense of smell and taste

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of chronobiology. Modern preparations such as Cardio-chron® utilize another much-longed-for effect: a special enzyme with its 285 amino acid components is able to dissolve or prevent blood clotting. This enzyme based on soy proteins is called nattokinase and known as an Asian remedy for reversing or preventing cardiovascular

disease. MegaGrape BP® and nattokinase also make a perfect match with the three key substances that fight the toxic amino acid homocysteine: folic acid and the vitamins B12 and B6.

Metabolism:The main task of insulin in the blood is to supply the cells with glucose so they can produce energy. In case

The risk of hypertension is nearly always associated with the circadian rhythm, such as a blood pressure surge in the morning.

of malnutrition, overweight, lack of exercise, or genetic disposition, glucose metabolism is seriously imbalanced. The human organism is no longer able to take up glu-cose from the blood in order to nourish its cells. Excess glucose remains in the blood stream, resulting in a rise in blood glucose levels over the long term. This will dra-matically damage blood vessels and organs. Intelligent chronobiological preparations support the metabolism with two different daytime and nighttime formulas. They curb glucose release from the intestines into the blood as well as facilitate glucose transfer into the cells. This leads to a decrease in blood glucose levels. Another disorder that is frequently present is disturbed fat metabolism, which is remedied by certain enzymes und extracts that foster fat burning and digestion. It is also important to combat free radicals, which in diabetes mellitus patients tend to be quite aggressive.

Intestinal flora:The maintenance of a healthy bacterial flora in the intestine and its restoration after infectious and




9 Pm:

→ Stomach rests – stop eating

11 Pm:

→ Time for bed, BUT:

11 Pm – 1 am:

→ Creativity at its absolute peak

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deficiency. Neurotransmitters are messenger substances which mediate signal transmission. Serotonin, which is commonly known as the «happiness hormone», plays a key role. The human body itself produces this substance

by a sophisticated interplay of amino acids and enzymes. Unluckily its production is curbed by the impact of vari-ous types of medicines. Serotonin deficiency cannot sim-ply be remedied by the direct intake of serotonin, which is why its precursors are so important. A novel two-phase preparation assures that the vital components are administered in a chronobiologically optimized manner with one single tablet: one vital ingredient has a rapid effect, the other is released more slowly. When taken in the morning, the patented formula assures a serotonin profile which is attuned to the daily rhythm.

inflammatory diseases or antibiotic therapy is one of the specialty areas of chronobiology. This treatment is preparatory as well as preservative. Prebiotic substances derived from indigestible fibers provide the perfect breed-ing ground for beneficial probiotics. Modern preparations which are delicately attuned to the circadian rhythm place particular emphasis on a morning supply of well-tried fructose saccharides, mineral salts, special plant root substances and a carefully balanced mix of differ-ent lactic acid bacteria. This enhances the effectiveness of microorganisms in the evening, when the nutrients meanwhile used up are replenished by the next dose.

Mood:From a clinical viewpoint, one out of eight adults develops depression. But mood swings affect a lot more people in our civilized countries. The flow of information between nervous cells does not work as it should. Mood disturbances express themselves in many ways such as lack of interest, feeling of inner emptiness, eating disor-ders, or pain. This is often caused by neurotransmitter




1 am:

→ Dream time

2 am:

→ All systems stop except liver and skin

3 am:

→ Intensive sleep phase

From a clinical viewpoint, one out of eight adults develops depression.

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quently during the sleeping phase (six to eight hours). A chronobiological preparation for this specific purpose has recently been launched.

Eyes:Retinal or macular degeneration is an age-related vision disturbance. One out of five people in their eighties fall victim to this disease. It leads to the loss of central vision. Two pigments from the plant family of carot-enoids have been long known to be essential in protect-ing the retina from damage and degeneration: lutein and zeax anthin. They scavenge the free radicals which damage the cellular tissue and they also prevent dam-age caused by ultraviolet radiation. Modern two-phase preparations assure the rapid as well as retarded release of a therapeutically effective amount of lutein and zeax-anthin, thus offering long-term protection.

Sleep:Melatonin is produced in the brain and released into the blood. This hormone synchronizes our inner main clock. Melatonin production takes largely place at night. Young people normally experience an eight to tenfold increase in melatonin levels before midnight. Melatonin produc-tion decreases later in life, and nighttime values often increase only shortly and only to the double of daytime levels. As a result, the body’s organs no longer receive correct information about the changes between daytime and nighttime, and the inner clock goes out of tune.

Conventional sleeping pills may additionally suppress melatonin production. Sleep disturbances and various diseases begin to occur. If we want to help our body in coping with this situation, we need to absorb enough melatonin when falling asleep (short term) and subse-




4 am:

→ Critical for lung patients

5 am:

→ Kidney at lowest point

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

Melatonin synchronizes our inner main clock.

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balance between bone tissue formation and resorption is often disturbed, resulting in lower bone density and increased brittleness. Osteoporosis, the thinning of bone tissue, is a slowly progressing disease which can only be effectively controlled with highly bioavailable mineral salts and vitamins needed to keep our bones strong. Calcium is familiar to all of us, but the bone nutrient hy-

droxyapatite is still largely unknown. Hydroxy apatite is the chief structural component of hard tissue in all ver-tebrates, accounting for 95 percent of the dental enamel and nearly 50 percent of bone tissue. This active ingredi-ent contains the essential element calcium as well as a wide range of other nutrients vital for the human loco-motor system: phosphates, magnesium, fluoride, zinc, copper, manganese, and others. During daytime, we need

Concentration:When we have reached what in our modern days is midlife, also our neuronal brain structures need addi-tional high-quality food supplements to retain their functional capacity. Certain vitamins and trace elements as well as phospholipids, antioxidants and plant extracts improve mental fitness, concentration, memory and cognitive abilities. Some substances have a stimulat-ing effect and it is recommended to take them in the morning. Other nutrients – such as those fostering long-term memory – have a soothing and calming effect and are therefore recommended at bedtime. How is a food supplement expected to affect our cognitive skills? Most impor tantly it should stimulate blood circulation, enhance anti-oxidative activity, improve oxygen supply, foster the formation of messenger substances between neuronal structures and boost our energy level.

Bone health:Today, people no longer have the guarantee of healthy bones once they reach their middle years. The natural

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

7 – 9 am:

→ Hormones at their peak

8 – 9 am:

→ Low pain level




Calcium is familiar to everyone, but the bone nutrient hydroxyapatite is still largely unknown.

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6 amThe organism starts up

7 – 9 amHormones at their peak

8 – 9 amLow pain level

10 am – 12 noonFully fit and wide awake, brain functions most efficiently

12 noonTime to eat, digestion in top gear

1 – 2 PmNoon low, time for a nap

3 – 4 PmNew upswing, phase of learning, long-term memory

5 – 6 PmSecond high, manual work

6 – 9 PmRegeneration and relaxation,good sense of smell and taste 9 Pm

Stomach rests – stop eating

11 PmTime for bed, BUT:

11 Pm – 1 amCreativity at its absolute peak

1 amDream time

2 amAll systems stop except liver and skin

3 amIntensive sleep phase

4 amCritical for lung patients

5 amKidney at lowest point

6 amThe organism starts up

Rhythm of LifeChronobiology

32 33

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much more of it than at night; this is why the chrono-biological concept of morning and evening capsules is additionally beneficial. A particularly highly advanced preparation moreover separates the forming substances (C, D, B6 and K1 vitamins in the morning) from the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving vital constituents (iso-flavones, sulfurous compounds at bedtime). This results in high efficacy through optimum absorption.

Women’s health:For many of us it is hard to imagine that the informa-tion structures of plants are very similar to those of the human organism. There are substances which provide information about day and night, spring and autumn. These substances are similar to our hormones and are therefore called phytohormones. Phytoestrogens play a predominant role as they are comparable to the sexual hormones produced by the human organism. Such plant messenger substances almost optimally compensate the body’s own production decrease while curbing overpro-duction. One can say, this astounding process fine-tunes

10 am – 12 noon:

→ Fully fit and wide awake, brain functions most efficiently

12 noon:

→ Time to eat, digestion in top gear

1 – 2 Pm:

→ Noon low, time for a nap




the body’s own hormone production. Innovative prepara-tions, which are based on the chronobiological concepts underlying the female body, regulate the female metabo-lism; they control i.a. hot flushes and mood swings dur-ing the day and foster a healthy sleep at night.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:The supply of special proteins, carefully selected vita-mins and compatible mineral salts exactly in tune with the circadian rhythm is vitally important for a healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding period. More than three dozens of vital substances, including trace elements and fatty acids, are essential for our organism. Examples include folic acid to counteract spinal deformations, iron for blood building, calcium for the bones, etc. Moreover, only the fine-tuned interaction of a number of antioxi-

Plant substances provide information about day and night, about spring and autumn.

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dants can defend rapidly growing cells against free radi-cal attack during this special period. For the first time, mothers to be can rely on a product of optimal bioavail-ability for themselves and their baby, which supplies the body with sufficient vitamin C and E in the morning and delivers most B-group vitamins in the evening, thereby fostering rather than inhibiting the uptake of the other substances.

Men’s health:The decline of sexual hormone production in men–as well as its effects – spans a period of 15 years or more. The decline of hormones leads to a change in fat meta-bolism, muscle mass formation, heart and kidney func-tions as well as inner drive and libido. To maintain the energy balance of the male organism, modern medicine resorts to carotenoids, oils, flavonoids, phytosterines and other natural plant constituents. (also read: → Women’s health). Some extracts have a particularly stimulating effect on the pituitary gland and increase the level of bioavailable testosterone in the blood, which is synony- For the first time, mothers to be can rely on a product of

optimal bioavailability for themselves and their baby.

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mous to male performance. A chronobiological formula provides these supplements just at a time when the organism’s circadian clock demands them (example: tribulus terrestris, which is contained in the evening capsule, prepares the ground for the natural testosterone surge in the morning).

Saw palmetto as well as a dozen of other plant constitu-ents (such as pumpkin seed extract and resveratrol) with a strong anti-inflammatory and cell-protective potential serve to protect the prostate gland and may be used as a supplemental therapy in the treatment of prostate gland enlargement (benign pro static hypertrophy/ BPH). They are best taken separately and at the right time of day, split into a morning and evening capsule.

Fertility (men):Throughout history, substances for boosting sexual performance and male libido were held in high esteem in every folk medicine. Today, infertility is increasingly also becoming a problem for men, being triggered by envi-ronmental impacts, stress, addictive behavior, or medi-cal causes such as inflammatory diseases and hormonal

imba lances. A chronobiological (morning capsules, evening capsules) combination of well-proven secondary plant constituents can improve sperm quality and restore the desired vitality.




3 – 4 Pm:

→ New upswing, phase of learning, long-term memory

5 – 6 Pm:

→ Second high, manual work

6 – 9 Pm:

→ Regeneration and relaxation, good sense of smell and taste

Today, infertility is increasingly also becoming a problem for men.

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Skin:The full replacement of dying or dead cells with new ones takes 27 days on average. An intense suntan also lasts that long. The daily rhythm of our skin is even more interesting. There is a lot the skin has to cope with throughout the day. It is a vital organ that detoxifies and purifies our body. Skin renewal begins around 6 pm. Loose, tiny scales containing harmful substances which the body eliminates are shed from the skin. As many substances are best absorbed in the evening, a facial mask is much more effective now than at other times during the day. Unfortunately, this is also the case with environmental toxins and potentially allergenic sub-stances. Chronobiology knows the secret behind optimal cosmetic results: Highly active food supplements are not only applied externally, but are also swallowed and reach the deeper layers of the skin from within, through the blood. Vital substances undergo certain processes during digestion. The time of day influences their effectiveness. The active ingredients administered in the morning and evening are intelligently attuned and complement each Natural beauty develops from within, but we can

support the body also from outside.

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A lack of these substances needs to be replenished around the clock.

Finger nails grow four times quicker than toe nails. They consist of 100 to 150 stacked layers of cells. Not only the horn substance keratin but also MSM, a derivative of sulfur, and biotin (vitamin H) are essential for healthy nails. Chronobiological preparations guar-antee an optimal supply to meet the changing needs throughout the day.




9 Pm:

→ Stomach rests – stop eating

11 Pm:

→ Time for bed, BUT:

11 Pm – 1 am:

→ Creativity at its absolute peak

other. This mix combats wrinkles and sag-ging skin from within, tightens the tissue and supports the skin in defending the body against harmful environmental impacts. The improvement of blood circulation and the elimination of free radicals are a top priority.

Hair & nails:Hair density on the head ranges between

200 and 900 hairs per square centimeter. Our hair grows one third of a millimeter

each day. Up to 90 percent of the head hair is consistently in a phase of proliferation. Espe-

cially in men, its growth diminishes with age. Some ten percent of the human hair consists of water. Its dry matter is mostly made up of special proteins, the so-called keratins. Healthy hair has a high content of cysteine, a sulfurous amino acid which makes the hair stronger and protects it from free radicals and their destructive effect on cells. The hair also needs silicon.

Finger nails grow four times quicker than toe nails. They consist of 100 to 150 stacked layers of cells.

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Cellulite:Cellulite develops when fat cells swell to between

60 and 100 times their size. These disturbing pockets of fat primarily occur in the subcu-taneous skin of buttocks, hips, thighs and occasionally also upper arms, knees and belly. Fats stored inside the cells should be transformed into energy as needed. There is usually a healthy balance between fat storage and fat burning, but fat metabo-lism is subject to fluctuations in glucose and fatty acid levels. Disorders of fat metabolism are remedied by a double strategy comprising external and inter-nal treatment. Activation of fat burning, the most important step, is achieved with the help of special phytosubstanc-es. A particularly active mix in the form of a cream is massaged directly into the skin in the morning. This supports the

regeneration of connective tissue, leaving the skin smooth and supple. A dehydrating effect is also desirable. The draining of water accumulation in tissue accelerates fat mass reduction. The reduced volume of fat tissue also cre-ates a renewed sense of wellbeing.

Certain amino acids with anti-glucose properties prevent the renewed transformation of glucose into fat reserves. They are particularly beneficial during daytime. Other substances are more effective in the evening. Modern preparations take all chronobiological preconditions into consideration to obtain a smooth and supple skin.

Disorders of fat metabolism are remedied by a double strategy comprising external and internal treatment.




1 am:

→ Dream time

2 am:

→ All systems stop except liver and skin

3 am:

→ Intensive sleep phase

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Prevention of uncontrolled cell growth:Nutrition and genetic disposition each account for about 30 percent of the general risk of developing cancer. Epi-demiological studies confirm that a large number of plant constituents have protective properties, which can mean-while be explained by the results of research undertaken in molecular biology.

Uncontrolled cell growth implies changes in the tran-scription inside the cell nucleus or the translation inside the cell. This is exactly where the molecules of curcumin, capsaicin, lycopene, catechines, resveratrol, or the bee antibiotic propolis intervene. Their aim is to inhibit pro-tein synthesis outside normal cell regulation. The chance of success is even greater if the principles of chrono-biology are taken into account as well.

The ultimate anti-aging preparation – All good things ready to hand: fighting the three major threats Aging is meanwhile regarded as the most critical risk factor for all ailings that will determine our fate in the 21st century. Due to their life expectancy, millions of people are facing one or more of the following major threats:

Cardiovascular diseases


Uncontrolled cell growth

The combined effect of silent inflammation and oxidative stress on our organs has the potential to take our breath away: heart problems, atherosclerosis (also referred to as




4 am:

→ Critical for lung patients

5 am:

→ Kidney at lowest point

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

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arterial sclerosis), stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, depres-sion, cancer, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, diabetes, meta-bolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction, orgasmic dysfunc-tion, formation of wrinkles and cellulite.

The first and foremost prerequisite of successful age management is preventing or attenuating inflammatory stress and fighting the so-called free radicals (aggressive oxygen molecules).

For the individual it is almost impossible to put together a perfect mix of effective secondary plant constituents. Dosage, mutual interaction of the relevant substances and

their individual efficacy peaks require scientifically proven formulas. ResverAge® is the first chronobiological broad-spectrum anti-aging preparation. It combines the best know-how from four millennia of anti-aging medicine in an all-in-one product.

The objectives of ResverAge® are generally based on highly effective secondary plant substances with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. The predomi-nant share of these substances are phytoalexines from the immune systems of plants. Nearly all of them were discovered and tried out by the different branches of folk medicine throughout the past four millennia. The essential vitamins and vital substances are moreover administered at the right time of day, in tune with the principles of chronobiology.

All good things ready to hand: preventing silent inflam-mation, fighting the destructive power of free oxygen radi-cals, and using stimulated calorie restriction to activate long-life genes in the human organism.

ResverAge® is the first chronobiological broad-spectrum anti-aging preparation. It combines the best know-how from four millennia of anti-aging medicine in an all-in-one product.

6 am:

→ The organism starts up

7 – 9 am:

→ Hormones at their peak

8 – 9 am:

→ Low pain level




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Tips for the user: Additional information on advanced chronobiological preparations

The pharmaceutical products developed by chronobiology pioneer VitaBasix® are available at pharmacies or can be obtained from the company Pharmatrans. Sales hotline: 00800 - 8010 8040 (toll free) or 0031- 43 - 7999 070

NutritionVitachron® Multi-vitamin preparation enriched with minerals to support a health-conscious and chrono-biologically perfect diet.

Mobility Arthrochron® Chronobiologically active food supplement for persons with joints exposed to strain.

Heart health Cardiochron® Chronobiological combination of mainly plant constituents to optimally promote cardiovascular health.

Metabolism Diabetichron® Innovative food supplement to regulate glucose metabolism for diabetics.

Intestinal flora Florachron® improves the intestinal flora through a chronobiologically designed prebiotic (morning) and pro-biotic (evening) mix of bacteria with a synergistic effect.

Mood Tryptochron® Chronobiological formulation for main-taining the serotonin profile adjusted to the daily rhythm.

10 am – 12 noon:

→ Fully fit and wide awake, brain functions most efficiently

12 noon:

→ Time to eat, digestion in top gear

1 – 2 Pm:

→ Noon low, time for a nap




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Supplies mother and child with all vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Sleep Melachron® Chronobiologically oriented natural formulation for improving the behav-ior of falling asleep and sleeping through the night.

Eyes Visiochron® Chronobiological formulation with lutein and zeaxanthine for protecting the retina against harmful effects.

Concentration Neurochron® Chronobiologically active food supple-ment based on plant extracts, vitamins and minerals for the maintenance of mental fitness and enhance-ment of concentration.

Bone health Osteochron® Highly active mineral and vitamin complex promoting the physiological metabolism of the skeletal system through chronobiologically controlled release.

Women’s health Menochron® Innovative food supplement based on plant extracts with an effect similar to that of estrogen for the natural treatment of the symp-toms of menopause.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding Pregnachron® Innovative food supplement for pregnant and breast-feeding women, supplying mother and child with all vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

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The four elements of chronobiology:▹ the optimal substance ▹ the right quantity ▹ the selected target organ ▹ the most effective time point

Our range of chronobiological products:Androchron® • Arthrochron® • Cardiochron® • Celluchron® Cerachron® • Diabetichron® • Fertilichron® • Florachron® Juvichron® • Melachron® • Menochron® • Neurochron® Oncochron® • Osteochron® • Pregnachron® • Prostachron® ResverAge® • Tryptochron® • Visiochron® • Vitachron®

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Fruchtbarkeit (Mann)Fertilichron® Chronobiological mixture of medicinal plants for increasing the vitality and mobility of sperms and the sperm count.

Skin Juvichron® Unique combination of active ingredients for the skin to achieve optimal cosmetic results.

Hair & nails Cerachron® Chronobiological form of administration of highly effective substances for healthy hair and nails. Promotes hair growth from within.

Cellulite Celluchron® Innovative combination of active substances administered on the basis of chronobiological principles to fight cellulite from the inside and outside.




3 – 4 Pm:

→ New upswing, phase of learning, long-term memory

5 – 6 Pm:

→ Second high, manual work

6 – 9 Pm:

→ Regeneration and relaxation, good sense of smell and taste

Men’s healthAndrochron® Chronobiological food supplement for men over 50 with weak drive and the beginning of testosterone deficiency.

Prostachron® Mixture of well-proven medicinal plant extracts for optimum protection against age-related prostate complaints as well as for alleviating nocturia, formulated on the basis of the latest chronobiological principles.

Prostate glandUrine tubeTesticles


BladderBladder neck

Normal prostate gland

Seminal vesicle

Formation of residual urineEnlarged prostate

Narrowed urine tube

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Prevention of uncontrolled cell growth Oncochron® Chronobiological preparation for the preven-tion of uncontrolled cell growth in the organs.

All good things ready to hand: ResverAge® The first chronobiological broad-spectrum anti-aging preparation

ResverAge® Chronobiological preparation offering protec-tion against the three major threats emanating from the risk factor age:

£ Cardiovascular diseases

£ Dementia

£ Uncontrolled cell growth

Well-balanced combination of the most effective and best investigated anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative secondary plant constituents from four millennia of anti-aging medicine.

a.m. p.m.

SuperfruitsWith the natural power of Acai berries, Goji berries, mangosteen, noni, pomegranate and many other fruit extracts.

Green cellular protectionWith catechins, the active ingredients of green tea, L-glutathione and many other extracts from vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, spinach, carrot and tomato.

Multivitamin AMThe activating vitamin mixture for the day, consisting of beta-carotene, vitamins B6, C, D, E and K, choline, inositol, chromium, lycopene and Bioperine®.

Anti-InflammationThe combination of active ingredients against «silent inflammation»: MSM, enzyme complex, grape seed extract, Coral Calcium® and beta-1,3-glucan.

Red wine complexThe full force of red wine responsible for the

«French paradox»: resveratrol, quercetin, catechins and OPC.

Omega 3Vital elements that the body cannot produce by itself: Omega 3 complex (Omega 600 USP®, with DHA, EPA,

D-Alpha-Tocopherol, etc.)

Multivitamin PMThe regenerating vitamin mixture for the night, consisting

of vitamins B1, B2, B12, niacinamide, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, magnesium, Royal Jelly and Bioperine®.

Further information about ResverAge® can be found on the internet under

All good things ready to hand: 4000 yearsof anti-aging medicine from east to west

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Summary Chronobiology works effectively through the optimal substance, the exactly needed dosage, a new under-standing of the complex relationships, and the « sparking» time point. The most important criteria determining the effect achieved by a perfectly timed application are: What is most effective when taken in the morning? What does the body need in the evening? Which substances have a mutually potentiating effect? Which substances curb or distort the desired effect?

Today we know that many of the most popular and successful therapies can be even further optimized. Many substances may not have reached the target organ at the right time of day or in the best pharmaceutical form yet.

Chronotherapeutic preparations take account of the effect of therapeutic influences in accordance with the inner clock. The products described above are fully in

line with the concept of a perfect «top-to-toe» 24-hour food supplement. The products are manufactured in compliance with good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards. Quality, pureness of raw materials and concentration are reviewed by independent testing laboratories in keeping with FDA guidelines (US Food and Drug Administration).

If you have any questions, please call the manufacturer, VitaBasix®, at 00800 - 1570 1570 (toll-free) or 0031- 43 - 7999 317 or visit the website You may also speak to your doctor.

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Information hotline:Tel.: 00800 - 1570 1570

(toll free) or 0031 - 43 - 7999 317

or on the

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The latest findings in chronobiological research help us to do the right thing at the right time.Each organ, each individual cell in our body follows its own specific rhythm. It is therefore evident that the effect of food supplements and medicines also varies throughout the day.

Vitamins and trace elements → Check the hour first! Plant constituents → Know the perfect time of day! Multi-component preparations → Test your tolerance! Synergy effects → Deliver the suitable vital constituents to the target organs at the right time!

This is how you strengthen your organism exactly at a time when even little support has a huge effect. The efficacy of the formulation you take is increased. Adverse effects are reduced.

Chronobiology hotline: 00800 - 1570 1570 (toll free) or 0031 - 43 - 7999 317More information is available on the website