christ's evangelical catholic church september news letter

Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without sur- render be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive per- sons, they are vexaous to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bier; for always there will be greater and lesser per- sons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep inter- ested in your own career, how- ever humble; it is a real posses- sion in the changing fortunes of me. Exercise cauon in your busi- ness affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high C.E.C.C. Founded The C.E.C.C has been formed as a new church jurisdiction serving Christ. The ministry of the C.E.C.C. is to evangelize and serve the needs of those who may be marginalized by other main stream Christian faiths and juris- dictions. A home to those who seek to follow Christ in serving God. The C.E.C.C. has created its first Synod, elected its first Patriarch and ap- proved its Canon Law. The C.E.C.C. is now working on creating its first Seminary and in support- ing the growth of the independent and individual ministries of its clergy. Desiderata (Latin: "desired things") C H R I S T S E V A N G E L I C A L C A T H O L I C C H U R C H E S Living Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

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Page 1: Christ's Evangelical Catholic Church September News Letter

Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without sur-render be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive per-sons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser per-sons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep inter-

ested in your own career, how-ever humble; it is a real posses-sion in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your busi-ness affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high

C . E . C . C . F o u n d e d

The C.E.C.C has been formed as a new church jurisdiction serving Christ.

The ministry of the C.E.C.C. is to evangelize and serve the needs of those

who may be marginalized by other main stream Christian faiths and juris-

dictions. A home to those who seek to follow Christ in serving God.

The C.E.C.C. has created its first Synod, elected its first Patriarch and ap-

proved its Canon Law.

The C.E.C.C. is now working on creating its first Seminary and in support-

ing the growth of the independent and individual ministries of its clergy.

D e s i d e r a t a ( L a t i n : " d e s i r e d

t h i n g s " )

C H R I S T ’ S E V A N G E L I C A L C A T H O L I C C H U R C H E S


Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 2: Christ's Evangelical Catholic Church September News Letter

From The Desk



Daniel J. Fashingbauer D.D SSFX

Through the grace of the Lord and Savior I welcome you to Christ's

Evangelical Catholic Church and to all who may read this that are not clergy or members.

A little over a month ago this new Denomination was just a thought of four Bishops

who had finally had enough of the Catholic Church of today. The fact that in all the denomi-

nations of Catholic (Christian) Churches there where those who want to control the Church

and all the scandals in so many such as the Roman Catholic, Baptist and Lutheran. Along

with the issues of the Papacy being the head and infallible. There was only one human ever

that was infallible and the only true head of the Church. They agreed that they would take the

Church back to the first Church and bring it into the 21st century.

He did not discriminate against any who came to Him. He also did not discriminate

against anyone becoming ordained for if he did Mary His mother and Mary Magdalene

would not have been amongst the first disciples. So therefore neither do we. We accept all no

matter race, color creed or sexual preference and all who feel called to minister we will or-

dained after approval and training or education if needed. We have a set of Canon Laws to

guarantee that this continues through the history of the church.

For those who say I'm not Catholic and don't want to be Catholic but want to be bap-

tized Christian, your are and will be a Catholic. The word Catholic and the word Christian

mean Universal standing for the fact it is everywhere in the world. Now we here in America

automatically think Roman Catholic when we here the word Catholic but they are only one

of the many Catholic or Christian Churches known to mankind.

Thank you for reading our News Letter an if you have any questions or comments please

talk to the person who let you read it or gave you a copy. They can answer all your concerns

and questions an if they can't they'll know where you can get them.

Daniel J. Fashingbauer D.D SSFX


Page 3: Christ's Evangelical Catholic Church September News Letter

Society of St. Francis Xavier


You may have noticed that some of us now have the initals SSFX behind our names, this

would be especially true if you are on ULCM ministers site and belong to our group there.

You may be wondering what these initials mean?

So please allow me to introduce to you the new religious order being formed under the auspi-

ces of our church. The Society of St. Francis Xavier (SSFX).

St. Francis Xavier lived a life dedicated to serving the Lord and preaching the Gospel to those

who were sick and infirmed, otherwise unable to attend mass. He performed his work joyful-

ly as a founding member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), which still exist to this day.

It is in this spirit of service to our Lord Jesus Christ that we wish to emulate the works of our

Patron Saint, St. Francis Xavier.

It is the mission of the Society of St. Francis Xavier, to emulate and continue the wondrous

works of St. Francis Xavier. Therefore, we will continue to preach the good news of the Gos-

pel to those that are infirmed. We will go to them, for they cannot come to us. We will be

there for those in time of need and in time of joyful worship and praise for the Lord. We will

see to those who are alone and provide the companionship and joy in Catholic fellowship. To

provide the Holy Eucharist to the flocks of believers that cannot come to us. We will be there

in time of need when the people need the healing and strength and comfort of the sacraments.

In this way we can honor the memory of St. Francis Xavier, and thus glorify the Father.

Membership in the Society will be open to anyone who wishes to serve the Lord God in the

spirit and manner of St. Francis Xavier be they clergy or laity. Each person is welcome to

serve in the capacity that the Lord has called them and each according to their talents.

The Society of St. Francis Xavier will be governed under the auspices of Christ’s Evangelist

Catholic Church, as well as the guiding principles of the Society of St. Francis Xavier.

Bishop Roy W. Stevens III, SSFX.

Page 4: Christ's Evangelical Catholic Church September News Letter

lics which is the Eastern Rite.

The term Catholic originally

comes from the Greek which

means universal or Christian.

All of the different denomina-

tions wouldn’t exist if the Ro-

man Catholic Church weren’t

so corrupt. The initial refor-

mation occurred when the

Pope needed more money in

the treasury in Rome decided

to sell Indulgences, otherwise

known as “Get out of Hell free”

cards. Fr. Martin Luther

preached against that and

thus broke away from the RCC.

The Anglican Church broke

away because the Pope would-

n’t grant the King of England,

Henry VIII a divorce. In 1307

the Pope turned on a Catholic

order of Knights, the Knights

Templar because of the greed

of King Philip of France.

The final nail in the coffin of

the RCC was Vatican I. Where

the Pope took the power of the

local Bishops and Cardinals

and centralized it back to him.

But the real kicker was where

Vatican I declared that the

Pope was infallible. The Pope

has now place himself as God

on earth. This is an Apostasy.

The Roman Catholic Church

has decided to exclude people

because of their sexual orien-

tation or marital status. Also

women are not allowed to fol-

low their calling.

We also know from listening to

the presentation from Matthew

Vines, that the Scripture on

longer supports the ban on gay

and lesbians from participating

in the church.

So back to the original ques-

tion, what is a Catholic? As

our mission statement says. It

would be any denomination

that believes that Jesus is the

Son of God and that God is one

yet God is three. The Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

That would include the

Protestants, even though we

have some very distinct doctri-

nal differences such as the

Sacrament of Penance, and

the Holy Eucharist, our beliefs

are very similar. So therefore,

we are all Catholic.

Bishop Roy Stevens III, SSFX

What is a Catholic?

P a g e 4 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

In my travels as a Priest and

now a Bishop, as I go from

nursing home to nursing home

celebrating Mass for the great-

er glory of our Lord. I am al-

ways asked what denomina-

tion am I? I will reply Catholic,

and the first thing that always

comes out of their mouths to

that is, you’re Roman Catholic.

When I ask them if they are

going to attend Mass? I get

the basically the same answer

with different little variations. I

am told that I can’t I’m not Ro-

man Catholic, or I’m Baptist, or

Methodist, or Lutheran, or Epis-

copalian. You get the picture.

Or I will get an answer, that

you can’t be a priest, you are


Have you ever thought about

why everyone thinks Catholic

equates to Roman Catholic?

I think one of the main reasons

for this, is that the other

churches basically keep to

themselves, where the Roman

Catholic Church has television

stations and Radio station

around the world arrogantly

telling everyone that they are

the true church and Roman

Catholic Churches around the

country have banners saying to

return home to the RCC. What

a bunch of hogwash!

For some reason people forget

that there are Orthodox Catho-

Page 5: Christ's Evangelical Catholic Church September News Letter

Friars of the Holy Trinity present : Latin Lessons with Friar John.

Liturgical Latin I “the” and Word Order

An excerpt from The Order of Mass: The Introductory Rites according to the Roman Missal,

Third Edition

When the Entrance Chant is concluded, the Priest and the faithful, standing, sign themselves with the Sign of

the Cross, while the Priest, facing the people, says:

In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti.

The people reply:


Then the priest, extending his hands, greets the people, saying:

Grátia Dómini nostri Iesu Christi, et cáritas Dei, et communicátio Sancti Spíritus sit cum ómni-

bus vobis.

The people reply:

Et cum spíritu tuo.

“In nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti.”

The literal translation of the Priest’s words are: “In name Father, and Son, and Spirit Holy.

So what happened? new words added to the translation?

In Latin, the does not exist, but is supplied as appropriate to make sense in the language of the transla-

tion. Similarly, of is included in the Nouns (and adjectives, if necessary), by reason of Declension. The words

“Patris, Fílii, Spíritus, and Sancti” are all in the Genitive (possessive) Case. Adjectives always agree in Case

with the modified Noun.

Supplying the as appropriate, and prefixing the Genitive case of results in:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit Holy.

Oh! My! Does that make sense in English? … NO! In English, adjectives usually precede the

modified noun, whereas in Latin, adjectives follow the modified noun. Changing the word order, one hears:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Holy.

Exercise A. Translate the following into English:

Grátia Dómini nostri Iesu Christi, et cáritas Dei, et communicátio Sancti Spíritus sit

cum ómnibus vobis.

English words: Grace Lord our Jesus Christ, and love God, and communion Holy Spirit be with all you.

(In Latin, no J, instead use I. SIT is third person, singular, future tense of the verb esse To Be. Cum is

a preposition, followed by the Ablative Case.)

Add the as appropriate: The grace Lord our Jesus Christ, and the love God, and the communion the Holy

Spirit be with all you.

Account for the Genitive Case: The grace of Lord our Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the commun-

ion of the Holy Spirit be with all you.

Adjust Word Order: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the

Holy Spirit be with you all.

Exercise B. Translate: Et cum spíritu tuo. (And with spirit your.)

HINT: you only need to change word order.

Page 6: Christ's Evangelical Catholic Church September News Letter

R e c o m m e n d e d R e a d i n g

P a g e 6 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1

Priests for the Third Millennium by Archbishop Timothy Dolan This book clearly sets forth what it takes to be a Catholic priest in the third millennium. Whether he is stressing the ne-cessity of regular Confession, the need to celebrate daily Mass and say the Liturgy of the Hours, or discussing priestly celibacy in frank, realistic terms, Archbishop Dolan emphasizes true priestly identity by presenting a life worth living, a life worth sharing, a life worth offering up to the Father through Christ and in the Holy Spirit.

Purpose Driven Man/Purpose Driven Life - Christian Author Rick Warren

By first understanding God's plan for our lives, we can then see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God had in mind for us. Written in a devotional style, The Purpose-Driven Life is divided into 40 short chapters that can be read as a daily devotional.

The Holy Bible

This collection of writings by early Christians inspired by God is a must read.