christmas time

Christmas Time By: Sophia Cristiani

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Christmas Time. By: Sophia C ristiani. You are on the stairs watching santa put presents under your C hristmas tree. you could... [[say hi]] ,[[go into santa’s bag]] ,[[or wait until he leaves and then play with your toys]]. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Christmas Time

You go to Santa and talk to him about your life story. and why you are the top of the nice list. Then he gives you coal for trying to try to talk to him, and to tell him how to do his job.

You sneak into Santas bag and find your self in a present workshop where all toys are made. you could.. [[go to the toys to play with them]] or you could.. [[go to other places of the house]]

You wake up from that night and find yourself wrapped up like a present. You also found out instead of going to sleep into your bed, you fell asleep on the stairs. This means Santa saw you. Then you look into your stocking and you find black coal.

you come down the stairs to see could.. [[ go to talk to santa]] or you could [[go back to you bed because your a good kid and a loser]]

You see Santa and he gives you coal for waking up early.

You find yourself surrounded by elves. They have candycanes to knock you out with, so they can bring you back to your house. Then you wake up to see black coal in your stocking.

You decide to go to other places in the house. you could go to [[ the kitchen]] , [[the reindeer barn]] or [[the sleigh]]

you decide to go to other places in the house. you could go to [[the reindeer barn]] or [[the sleigh]]