christmas gift guide 2010

(MS) -- With the holidays upon us, shoppers across the country are once again agonizing over what to get their family and friends. While holiday shopping once consisted of a necktie for Dad, a comfy robe for Mom and some toys for the kids, today's holiday shopping list is much more complicated than that. Each and every family or circle of friends has its own unique identity, and each member within those groups is his or her own individual. For those with a holiday shopping list on which no two people are the same, consider the following gift ideas to ensure everyone on your list enjoys a happy holiday season. The Techie What do you get your gadget-obsessed friend or relative this year? Oftentimes, when it comes to gifting a tech- savvy relative, it helps to go with something new.This holiday season,SANYO's Full HD Pocket-size Dual Camera, VPC-PD2, complete with embedded software for easy use and sharing on social networks, figures to be the talk of the town among techies.The only camera of its kind to offer full HD video, 10 MP photos and 3x optical zoom, the new Pocket Dual Camera ( makes it a snap to shoot, connect, view, and share both videos and photos on popular social networking sites,including YouTube, Facebook and Picassa.The camera's dual microphones record stereo sound with the same technology found in SANYO's professional sound recorders. The Busy Woman On-the-Go Today's woman is busier and more on-the- go than ever before. LJE Designs' Lauren Joy Handbags ( help fashion forward women save time with an interchangeable handbag system that enables them to transform one bag into many looks to match any outfit. "Every woman has left the house with a bag that didn't match her outfit because she didn't have the extra 10 minutes -- or has swapped bags only to realize she left her wallet or something else she needed in the other purse," says Didem Ellermeyer, founder and creative director of LJE Designs, LLC. "With Lauren Joy Handbags, you never have to sacrifice time for fashion, or fashion for time. It's the best of both worlds." With Lauren Joy Handbags, women can transform a bag's entire look in a matter of seconds, without ever having to transfer purse contents from one bag to another. Women simply use one high-quality core bag, then mix, match and play by adding, removing or combining attractive accessories to create an unlimited number of different looks. The Wine Lover Few hobbies taste as good as developing an affinity and knowledge of the wines of the world.With their masses growing, wine connoisseurs have now infiltrated families across the country.This holiday season, shoppers can give the wine lover on their list the latest innovative solution to wine storage.Vynebar ( is ideal for anyone who loves great wine and appreciates sleek, modern design. Crafted from a solid sheet of anodized aluminum, the Vynebar vertical wine storage system can be engraved with images, monograms or company logos and provides a great opportunity for wine enthusiasts to turn their wine collection into a stunning work of art, all without taking up much space. "I wanted to show off my favorite wines in a fairly limited space," says creator Jason Bevis. "It also turned out to be a great conversation piece." The Environmentalist Speaking of popular trends, arguably nothing is growing as fast as the go green movement.This year, shoppers can put a smile on their favorite environmentalist's face with Xoopii's eco-fashionable, reusable totes and bags, available in two unique styles and roomy and durable enough to carry groceries and stylish enough to take along to the beach. Xoopii's Yorkii bags are extra-large reusable tote bags that fold up so small they fit inside pockets, purses, glove compartments, and, of course, Christmas stockings. Xoopii's ( freestanding RPET bags are made from used plastic bottles and sure to please the environmentalist who no longer has to sacrifice style and function for the sake of the environment. Both styles come adorned with limited-edition art crafted by today's hottest street, pop, anime, and urban artists. Once a design is sold out, it's gone -- soon to be replaced by another must- have design trendsters will love to tote around town. Customers and Clients Of course, no holiday shopping list is complete without customers and clients.The holiday season is a time for businesses to show just how much they appreciate their customers and clients, and how much they look forward to working with them in the year ahead. Branded gifts from The Brandmarket ( are bought in bulk and allow businesses to carry goodwill with their clients, customers and colleagues into the New Year.Messages expressing holiday goodwill and appreciation can be laser-engraved on a host of products ranging from versatile kitchenware to relaxing spa products tailor-made to relieve the stress of the holiday season -- and everything in between.What's more, no gift idea is too intricate or creative, including a toaster that can emblazon a corporate logo on toast, waffles and pancakes, epitomizing The Brandmarket's "You Name it,We Brand It" mantra. When it comes to holiday shopping, finding the right fit is never as easy as it should be. But when steered in the right direction, holiday shoppers can ensure the important people in their lives remember this holiday season for years to come. The Daily Herald Thursday, November 25, 2010 Find the Right Fit For Everyone On Your List

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The Daily Herald's 2010 Gift Guide. Find lots of creative ideas to help with your holiday shopping.


Page 1: Christmas Gift Guide 2010

(MS) -- With the holidays upon us,shoppersacross the country are once again agonizingover what to get their family and friends.While holiday shopping once consisted of anecktie for Dad,a comfy robe for Mom andsome toys for the kids,today's holidayshopping list is much more complicatedthan that.

Each and every family or circle of friends hasits own unique identity,and each memberwithin those groups is his or her ownindividual.For those with a holiday shoppinglist on which no two people are the same,consider the following gift ideas to ensureeveryone on your list enjoys a happy holidayseason.

The Techie

What do you get your gadget-obsessedfriend or relative this year?

Oftentimes,when it comes to gifting a tech-savvy relative,it helps to go with somethingnew.This holiday season,SANYO's Full HDPocket-sizeDual Camera,VPC-PD2,completewithembeddedsoftware foreasy use andsharing onsocialnetworks,figures to be the talk of the townamong techies.The only camera of its kind tooffer full HD video,10 MP photos and 3xoptical zoom,the new Pocket Dual Camera( makes ita snap to shoot,connect,view,and shareboth videos and photos on popular socialnetworking sites,including YouTube,Facebook and Picassa.The camera's dualmicrophones record stereo sound with thesame technology found in SANYO'sprofessional sound recorders.

The Busy Woman On-the-Go

Today's woman is busier and more on-the-go than ever before.LJE Designs' Lauren JoyHandbags ( fashion forward women save time withan interchangeable handbag system thatenables them to transform one bag intomany looks to match any outfit.

"Every woman has left the house with a bagthat didn't match her outfit because shedidn't have the extra 10 minutes -- or hasswapped bags only to realize she left herwallet or something else she needed in theother purse,"says DidemEllermeyer,founder andcreativedirector of LJEDesigns,LLC."With LaurenJoy Handbags,you neverhave tosacrifice time for fashion,or fashion for time.It's the best of both worlds."

With Lauren Joy Handbags,women cantransform a bag's entire look in a matter ofseconds,without ever having to transferpurse contents from one bag to another.

Women simply use one high-quality corebag,then mix,match and play by adding,removing or combining attractiveaccessories to create an unlimited numberof different looks.

The Wine Lover

Few hobbies taste as good as developing anaffinity and knowledge of the wines of theworld.With their masses growing,wineconnoisseurs have now infiltrated familiesacross the country.This holiday season,shoppers can give the wine lover on their listthe latest innovative solution to winestorage.Vynebar ( is idealfor anyone who loves great wine andappreciates sleek,modern design.

Crafted froma solid sheetof anodizedaluminum,the Vynebarvertical winestoragesystem canbe engravedwith images,monograms or company logosand provides a great opportunity for wineenthusiasts to turn their wine collection intoa stunning work of art,all without taking upmuch space.

"I wanted to show off my favorite wines in afairly limited space," says creator Jason Bevis."It also turned out to be a great conversationpiece."

The Environmentalist

Speaking of popular trends,arguablynothing is growing as fast as the go greenmovement.This year,shoppers can put asmile on their favorite environmentalist'sface with Xoopii's eco-fashionable,reusabletotes and bags,available in twounique styles androomy and durableenough to carrygroceries andstylish enough totake along to thebeach.

Xoopii's Yorkii bagsare extra-largereusable tote bagsthat fold up sosmall they fit insidepockets,purses,glovecompartments,and,of course,Christmas stockings.

Xoopii's ( RPET bags aremade from used plasticbottles and sure to please theenvironmentalist who nolonger has to sacrifice styleand function for the sake ofthe environment.

Both styles come adornedwith limited-edition artcrafted by today's hottest street,pop,anime,and urban artists.Once a design is sold out,it's gone --soon to be replaced by another must-have design trendsters will love to tote

around town.

Customers and Clients

Of course,no holiday shopping list iscomplete without customers and clients.Theholiday season is a time for businesses to

show just howmuch theyappreciatetheircustomersand clients,and howmuch theylookforwardto

working with them in the year ahead.

Branded gifts from The Brandmarket( are bought inbulk and allow businesses to carry goodwillwith their clients,customers andcolleagues into the New Year.Messagesexpressing holiday goodwill andappreciation can be laser-engraved ona host of products ranging fromversatile kitchenware to relaxingspa products tailor-made torelieve the stress of the holidayseason -- and everything inbetween.What's more,no giftidea is too intricate orcreative,including a toasterthat can emblazon acorporate logo on toast,waffles and pancakes,epitomizing TheBrandmarket's "You Nameit,We Brand It" mantra.

When it comes toholiday shopping,finding the right fit isnever as easy as itshould be.Butwhen steered inthe right direction,holiday shopperscan ensure theimportantpeople intheir livesrememberthis holidayseason foryears tocome.





The Daily Herald TThhuurrssddaayy,, NNoovveemmbbeerr 2255,, 22001100

Find the Right Fit For Everyone On Your List

Page 2: Christmas Gift Guide 2010

While many people stillfind holiday shopping nowalk in the park,those samepeople would likely admitthat shopping for lovedones around the holidayshas become much easierover the last decade.Muchof that newfoundconvenience is a result ofthe ever-evolving Internet.

Once used primarily for e-mail and informationgathering,the Internet hasgrown in leaps and boundsduring the 21st century.It'snow just as easy,if not mucheasier,to shop for lovedones online,whereshoppers can visit theirfavorite stores and makepurchases without thehassle of haggling forparking spaces or dealingwith heavy holiday traffic.

But just because onlineshopping is convenientdoesn't mean there aren't afew tricks of the tradeshoppers should know tomake sure everything goessmoothly and safely.

* Only use secure Websites.The easiest way todetermine if a Web site issecure is to look at the URL.Instead of the "http://" ofstandard Web sites,a securesite will read "https://".That"s" signifies that the site issecure.However,manytimes the "s" won't appearuntil it's time to check out.This shouldn't concernshoppers,as sites won't askfor personal informationuntil checkout anyway.

Another,and even easier,way to determine if a Website is secure is to look forthe closed padlock icon at

the bottom of the screen.Such a padlock is therewhen checking e-mail on asecure e-mail server likeGmail or Yahoo! mail,and itshould also appear on theWeb sites of online retailers.If there is no "s" or nopadlock (some Web sitesuse a broken key instead),the site should be avoided.

* Learn how to determinewhich retailers aretrustworthy.Many shoppersare skeptical of spendinglots of money with retailersthey haven't previouslydone business with,evenwhen they have met theretailer or visited the store in

person.Not surprisingly,trust remains an issue andmight even be a biggerissue when shoppingonline,where retailers arefaceless and can be moredifficult to contact.

When looking for atrustworthy online retailer,look for certain indicatorsthat can put any concerns atease.Reliable onlineretailers will advertise theirphysical business addressand a telephone numberwhere they can becontacted (preferably a 24-hour number).

Another indicator is thecompany's return policy.Online shopping isn't as cutand dry as shopping in-store,where clothing can betried on and productsexamined prior to purchase.A trustworthy online retailerwill recognize this disparityand offer a lenient returnpolicy wherein shopperscan return items that arenot what they appeared tobe on a shopper'scomputer.

A trustworthy online

retailer will also have aneasily accessible privacyand security policy.Thisshould indicate if theretailer intends to share itsusers' information (andwhich information isshared) with a third partyand if the retailer mandatesthat any third party cannotmarket to users.This is agreat way to reduce thereceipt of unsolicited e-mails,also known as "spam."

* Shop with credit cardsand only credit cards.Whileit's easy to go overboardwith credit cards whenshopping for the holidays,online shopping shouldalways be done with creditcards instead of debit cardsor personal checks.Usersare always protected fromfraud when using a creditcard thanks to the FairCredit Billing Act.Chargescan always be disputed andpayments withheld whilethe investigation isongoing.

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The Christmascountdown has begun, andthe days will no doubt flyoff the calendar like theydo every year. Before youknow, it's only a few daysuntil the holiday is here.Those who haven't yet

started shopping may feelpressed for time and worrythat they will not be able tofind gifts for everyone ontheir lists -- at least giftsthat don't look like theywere afterthoughts. Butgood gifts can be found inthe eleventh hour.


n Visit the local liquorstore for a bottle of wine inthe price range desired.Wrap it in a wine bag orleave it as is with a nicebow.n Pick up passes to a localattraction, such as anamusement park or amuseum. Put togethertickets for a play pairedwith a soundtrack of theproduction.n Food is oftenappreciated. A box of finechocolates or one of thoseedible fruit arrangementswill be a tasteful, and tasty,gift.n Fill a large bowl with ascooper, sprinkles,cherries, and othertoppings for making icecream sundaes.n Pick a gift thatembraces the holidayspirit. Holiday music,ornaments or tabledecorations can be usedthis year or next.


n Pop into a toy store or adepartment store and pickup a cuddly stuffed animal.n Buy an art set for olderchildren, full of paints andmarkers. If a complete setcan't be found, make an artpackage with a bunch ofsupplies packed into a giftbag.n Choose an educationalgift that is still fun, likealphabet flash cards orpuzzles. A subscription toa children's magazinewould also work, seeing aschildren love getting mail.n Few kids will turndown a DVD of theirfavorite televisioncharacters. The DVDsshould feature an age-appropriateness rating tomake choosing one eveneasier.


n Teenagers can befinicky, so a monetary giftwill be one-size-fits-all.n Teenage girls mayappreciate a gift basket ofdelicious scented lotions.n Passes for movies canmake date night lessexpensive.n Consider a gift card ore-gift coupon for digitalmusic downloads.n Give a subscription to ateen magazine so thateveryone can keep abreastof their favorite celebrities

Make the Most ofShopping Online

Online shopping might be more convenient during the holidays, but

shoppers should always be sure they're shopping in the safest and most

secure way.


When You’rePressed ForTT--II--MM--EE

AvoidCrowds byShoppingSmart

Christmas shopping.Some

love it and some hate it.

Regardless,it's expected that

crowds will be part of the

equation at some point during

the holiday season.Avoiding

the biggest crowds is often the

goal of many holiday


Today most shoppers are

looking to save time or money

...or both.They often wonder

what are the best times to

shop to realize the best deals

and avoid the crowds.While

Black Friday may offer low-low

prices,crowds are definitely in

abundance,with thousands of

people anxious to score

savings.However,if smaller

crowds are desired,many

retailers offer similar prices to

Black Friday the week

following Thanksgiving.

Shoppers who want to

avoid crowds as a main priority

will want to shop weekday

mornings.If it is possible to

take off a day in December to

set aside for shopping,one

should consider it.Just avoid

the hours of 11 to 2.People

who are at work may spend

their lunch hours catching up

on shopping.While weekday

shopping may not offer the

sales that take place on the

weekends,the stores will

certainly be less crowded.

Shoppers who know they

will be giving gifts after the

Christmas holiday,be it to

distant relatives or faraway

friends,can take advantage of

shopping after December 25.

This can be a great

opportunity to save a lot of

money on purchases,as many

items are deeply discounted

after Christmas.Keep in mind,

though,that crowds still may

be large because of people

making returns or cashing in

on gift cards.

Page 3: Christmas Gift Guide 2010

Christmas is a holiday full of

joy and celebration.It can also

be a time of consumption and

stress on the environment.

However,holiday shoppers and

celebrants can easily reduce

their carbon footprint this

holiday season.

During a season in which

more is often more,it can be a

challenge to cut back in an

effort to protect the planet.But

scaling back gifts,food

consumption and travel can be

effective ways to go green this

holiday season.

* Buy fewer gifts.Christmas

gifts show others how much

they are cared about.Some

gifts are given out of necessity.

Others are more of a

sentimental statement.It's easy

to express how much you care

without overdoing it.Set a limit

on the number of gifts each

recipient gets.

* Organize a "Secret Santa."

An easy way to cut down on

gifts purchased is to organize a

Secret Santa or holiday grab

bag.This means that each

participating person only has

to purchase one gift.

* Be smart about wrapping.

Chances are there are plenty of

items around the house that

can be recycled into gift

wrapping for presents.Foil,


and even brown mailing paper

are all good ideas.For those

interested in really going

green,skip the wrapping all


* It's okay to make gifts.

Handmade gifts are thoughtful

and can be cherished for years.

Individuals who know how to

knit or crochet can handcraft

scarves or hats.Make a photo

album with scrapbooking

supplies.Individuals who are

handy in the kitchen may want

to give baked goods.

* Choose battery-free gifts.

Discarded batteries are a

plague on the environment.

According to the

Environmental Protection

Agency,about 40 percent of all

battery sales occur during the

holiday season.If batteries

can't be avoided,choose ones

that can be recharged.

* Use LED holiday lights.

Keeping lights on for hours on

end certainly uses a lot of

electricity.Limit the drain on

energy by selecting lights that

have the least impact.LEDs use

less power and last longer than

traditional bulbs.When

possible,consider the use of

solar-powered holiday lights.

Plus,don't leave the lights on

when no one is home or the

household has gone to sleep.

* Decorate a live tree.

Christmas tree farms are in the

business of regularly planting

and harvesting evergreen

trees.That makes live trees a

renewable resource instead of

plastic trees made from

petroleum.What's more,after

the season Christmas trees can

be turned into mulch.

* Send recycled cards or e-

cards.The amount of cards sold

in the United States during the

holiday season would fill a

football field 10 stories high

and requires the harvesting of

nearly 300,000 trees.Don't

send so many cards and

choose materials around the

house that can be turned into

Christmas cards for those that

you do send.Also,recycle last

year's cards into tags for gifts.

* Recycle leftover materials.

Chances are large gifts will

have enough wrapping paper

remaining to wrap other gifts

next year.Avoid metallic paper,

which is more difficult to

recycle.Be sure to break down

all cardboard and paper so that

it can be put out for recycling.

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Donating is a popularway to show appreciationduring the holidayseason,but not everyhousehold has the fundsto donate this year.In lieuof making a financialdonation,a gift of timeand service is just asvaluable.

Research indicates that50 percent of charitabledonations are madebetween Thanksgivingand Christmas.During theseason of hospitality andtogetherness,makingcharitable donations isever-present in manypeople's minds.However,financial insecurity due tothe sluggish job marketand economy will likelyresult in more peoplehoping to volunteer theirtime instead of theirfinances this holidayseason.

Volunteering one's timeis a way to give back

without expending funds.Just as charities and otherorganizations are in needof money to operate theircauses,they also needmanpower to put plans inaction.

Busy people may thinkthey don't have the timeto volunteer,but this is notthe case.According toCharity Guide,a nonprofitorganization dedicated topromoting flexiblevolunteerism by inspiringand facilitating acts ofkindness,volunteer workcan take as little as 15minutes per week and bebased on a flexibleschedule.

When consideringvolunteerism,individualscan pick a cause that isdear to their hearts.Organizations that raiseawareness about medicalconditions to animalrights groups are allcharities that can use

assistance.Here are someways the average personcan volunteer service

* Business owners whoprovide a particularproduct or service candonate such items to thecharity.For example,aprinting company canoffer to print letterhead orenvelopes for anorganization.A baker canoffer food for luncheonsor fundraisers.Donationof time doesn'tnecessarily have to meanmanning the phones.

* Schools are oftenunderstaffed and can usethe help of parents andother communitymembers.Volunteeringbeyond the typical call ofduty can help schoolprograms flourish.Volunteering time as acoach or as a librarian canensure children have theresources and programsfor a well-rounded

education.* Consider spending

time with the elderly at anearby assisted-livingfacility or as part of ahome-visitor program.Individuals who don'thave family nearby mayappreciate a visit fromsomeone,even if it's justto sit and chat.This issomething the entirefamily can do,evenchildren.

* Something as simpleas carpooling or offeringto shop for busy people isanother form of volunteerwork that doesn't requirebeing part of a particularorganization.Why notbabysit for a person whohas to catch up on someholiday shopping?

There are plenty of waysto contribute withoutwriting a check.Theholiday season is theperfect time of year tothink in a giving way.

The Gift of Volunteerism for the Holidays

Dreaming of a White Christmas?Consider a 'Green' One Instead

Reducing the use of gift wrapping or recycling previously used

paper are green ways to celebrate the holiday.

The trend toward usingphoto greeing cards for theholidays is one thatcontinues to grow inpopularity.Many peoplewant to share pictures oftheir family or children withfriends and relatives andholiday cards make thatpossible.

Photo greeting cardscome in two maincategories:One is astandard stock card with awindow cut out to allow aphoto to show through.Theother is a design andphotograph printed as oneon glossy photo paper.Thecard stock varieties canoften be purchased whereother greeting cards aresold' then slip in yourpicture.The glossy photo-style cards are eitherordered and printed froman online service,or can becreated using the digitalphoto kiosks at manypharmacies and retailstores.

Regardless of the type ofcard you use,you want toensure your photograph isthe best possible to convey

your message of season'sgreetings.It pays to brushup on some photographytechniques and follow a fewtips to work toward a goodimage.

* Get a new perspectiveon a shot rather than simplystanding and shooting thecamera.Try kneeling downor lying on the floor andshooting upward at yoursubject.Or stand on aladder and shootdownward.

* Pay attention to thebackground as well as theforeground in your pictures.You don't want to mar apicture by having anunsightly background itemsteal the thunder of yourmain subject.

* Don't limit yourself to aChristmas or winter theme.As long as it's a great image,feel free to use a vacationshot or another picture.Thiswill allow card recipients tokeep and display the imageall year long instead offeeling limited to theholiday season.

* If you're posing theentire family for a shot,

consider having everyonewear the same color or typeof outfit so it lends acohesive look to the picture.

* While you can visit aphoto studio and have aprofessional photo takenwith their backdrop andprops,you can create asimilar effect at home.ForChristmas,pose subjects onwrapping paper,tissuepaper,or amid a pile of giftsand snap away.Use a solidcolored tablecloth to serveas a backdrop for the image.

* If you plan on havingmultiple family members inthe photo but throughscheduling or geographymakes it hard for all to betogether,consider usingphoto editing software.Take a picture of everyoneindividually and put themtogether in the singleimage with the software.

Remember,photogreeting cards should notbe limited to Christmas.They can also be used year-round for special events,such as birthdays,invitations and thank-younotes.

Photo Card Tips forSeasonal Greetings

Page 4: Christmas Gift Guide 2010






Every child wants thepopular toys forChristmas.Each yearparents,grandparents,aunts and uncles head tothe stores in search ofthose sold-out items andmust-have gifts.

So what gifts arebound to be snatchedfrom toy store shelvesthis season? Here are afew that kids are boundto be requesting.

* Moon Dough:MoonSand is a popularmolding product thatdoesn't dry out.Thetrouble is,it tends to bemessy.Moon Dough is aless sticky version that'seasier on clean-up.

* Tickle Me Elmo:Thatloveable Elmo is back inan 'extreme' version.Helaughs,tells jokes androlls to the ground in fitsof laughter.Elmo caneven get back up to astanding position.

* "Twilight" ActionFigures:Based on thepopular "Twilight" saga,these action figures arebound to be the nextcollectibles for kids wholove "Bella," "Jacob" and"Edward." Girls and boyscan continue to play outthe popular tale ofvampires andwerewolves at home.

* Furby:Furby is back,probably as a result of thepopularity of last year'sZhu Zhu pets.Thisincarnation of Furby canreact with true emotionsthanks to newtechnology.

* Furry Frenzies:Alsobanking on thepopularity of Zhu Zhupets is Hasbro's version ofelectronic pets.Thesecreatures can interactwith one another andscurry around playsets,

which are sold separately.* Dance Star Mickey:In

Elmo-like fashion,thisdoll dances,talks andmoves.Kids who areenamored with all thingsDisney

certainly will berequesting their favoritemouse.

* Extreme Micro RCHelicopter:This infraredhelicopter is the smalleston the market and candart and fly around insideor outdoors.

* Rock Band:TheBeatles:Those who love

previous incarnations ofRock Band and playingalong to favorite songswill enjoy The Beatlesversion.It's bound to be"Beatlemania" all over


* Star Wars ForceJedi Trainer:This toy usesbrain wave technologyand measures how kidsconcentrate.Playersfollow the directions tomake their way towardJedi master.

Other toys and gamingsystems are bound to befavorites again this year.

Expect kids to becollecting and tradingmore Silly Bandz in manydifferent shape themes.Nintendo Wii needs nointroduction.With scores

of game

offerings,this gaming system is

still tops on holiday giftlists.Expect to seedifferent high-techeducational items forchildren,including digitalbook readers andcoloring sets gearedtoward helping kids learnwriting and reading skills.

As usual,certain gifts are bound to be kid favorites this year.

Hot Holiday Toys for 2010

(MS) -- Today's kids

have scores of

technological games and

gadgets from which to

choose for their holiday

wish list.How much do

they differ from the toys

children requested just

10 to 20 years ago?

Here's a look at some of

the popular toys of the

1980s and 1990s.11998800ss

If you were a kid

growing up during the

age of excess you were a

part of the mass hysteria

explosion for new toys.

Most memorable during

the '80s was the shortage

of Cabbage Patch Dolls

that coincided with

Christmas shopping

season.This led to fights

at area stores and

bidding wars over the


Boys in the '80s were

enthralled by the action

figure craze sparked by

favorite cartoon


Mutant Ninja Turtles,He-

Man and Transformers

were just some of the

action figures played

with primarily by boys.

However,girls enjoyed

spin-off series,such as

She-Ra and the co-ed

Thundercats and

subsequent action


In terms of dolls,apart

from Cabbage Patch

Dolls,kids could choose

among Rainbow Brite

and her cohorts,Popples,

Care Bears and many


For those looking for

video game action,the

introduction of Nintendo

in the late '80s created

mass appeal and totally

eclipsed earlier efforts by


Advancing technology

in the '90s and improved

marketing campaigns

turned every toy into that

"must-have toy." There

are a few toys that stand

out from this decade that

kids were eager to own.

Rollerblades were one

of the big trends of the

era.It was no longer cool

to roller skate on four

wheels.Rollerblades took

over,enticing children

and adults alike.Today in-

line skating continues in


Younger children had

to have Tickle Me Elmo,

which sold out in stores

almost as fast as

Cabbage Patch Dolls

from a decade earlier.

Children today still enjoy

other animated Elmo


Another toy craze that

hit the 1990s were

Beanie Babies.These

bean-filled collector's

items soon became very

expensive and their

appeal died off.

In terms of outdoor

action,summertime fun

was forever changed by

the Super Soaker,which

was more powerful than

any water gun before it.

Christmas Gifts of Yesteryear

Page 5: Christmas Gift Guide 2010

To the millions of petowners across the globe,pets are more than just furryfriends around the house.Pets put many people in agood mood and can alsomake for a valuableaddition to families withchildren,instilling a sense ofresponsibility in kids theymight otherwise neverlearn.

But pets are also a verypersonal choice.Such areality makes giving a pet asa present during the holidayseason a difficultproposition -- one thatrequires carefulconsideration of the prosand cons before making afinal decision.

TThhee PPrrooss* Companionship:Pets

make fine companions,andmany people think giving apet as a present during theholiday season is a greatway to put a smile on alonely friend or relative'sface.However,when givinga pet in the hopes it willprovide companionship,besure to find a pet that'sknown for liking attention,such as a golden retriever,and not a pet that doesn'trequire much care orappreciate the attention.

* The surprise element:Oftentimes,when a familypet dies it takes awhilebefore the family is ready toget a new pet.However,ifsufficient time has elapsed,the surprise element of anew pet at the holidays canmake it one of the morememorable holidays ever.

The same can be saidwhen giving a child theirfirst pet.For moms and dadswho have decided the kidsare ready for their first pet,the holidays make a greattime to surprise them with aFido or Morris of their own.

* Cost:Particularly in thecurrent economy,not allfamilies can afford to adoptor buy a new pet.While theymight be able to afford tofeed and care for a pet,theinitial costs (someadoptions can cost severalhundred dollars) might bewell beyond their budget.For gift givers who canafford the costs of adoptionor the purchase price from abreeder,giving a pet can bea gift the family will greatlyappreciate.

TThhee CCoonnss* Personal choice:Pets

don't take long to become amember of the family.Andthat's often because petsare a deeply personalchoice made by the petowner and his or her family.Giving a pet as a gift mightbe a nice gesture,but manypeople would prefer to picktheir own pets.

* Timing:Not all familiesare ready for a pet.Evenparents who want to add apet to their home shouldconsider if the timing isright.Are kids ready for the

responsibility of a pet? Is thefamily ready to add anothermember?

Timing should also be aconsideration for thosethinking of giving a pet tosomeone they don't livewith.It might be a nicegesture to give newlywedfriends a pet,but they mightalso be trying to have ababy and might not havethe time to care for a pet.

* Allergies and additionalhealth considerations:Noteveryone can have a pet intheir home.Many peopleare allergic to animals.Itcould prove a disaster togive a kitten to someonewho is highly allergic to

cats.Shoppers who areunsure if a friend or lovedone has a pet allergy shouldavoid giving a pet as apresent.

In addition to petallergies,another medicalconcern is some peoplemight not be physicallycapable of caring for a pet.Dogs,for instance,need tobe taken on daily walks or,atthe very least,taken outsideto relieve themselves.What's more,training apuppy is no small task.If afriend or family memberdoes not appear capable ofcaring for a pet,consider adifferent gift.






Do Pets MakeGood Gifts?

Holiday shopping can bestressful enough when anadult does it alone.Withchildren factored into themix,it can turn into anadventure.Unable to dartfrom store to store andsqueeze through millingshoppers,parents mustpilot the stroller orshopping cart and battlethrough.Others mustattempt to keep an eye on ayoungster flitting through asea of much-taller people inthe mall or store.

Without having abreakdown or throwing inthe towel and skippingshopping all together,whatcan parents do when theyhave to shop with children?Be patient and follow a fewideas to minimize theconfusion.

One of the key things toremember is that children --especially toddlers -- haveshort windows of time of

good behavior andpatience.While an infant ina stroller may be content tosleep the entire shoppingtrip away,a boisteroustoddler or school-agedchild may become anxiouswhen faced with crowdsand long hours strappedinto a carriage or car seat.Plan for short bursts ofshopping so that childrenwill not becomeoverwhelmed or bored bythe experience.

Rushing out to shop witha tired or hungry child isanother way for parents toset themselves up fordisaster.Hunger pangs andsleepiness can turn anormally amenable childinto one prone to tantrumsrather quickly.Parentsshould time shoppingjaunts for after naps andmeals to eliminate thesefactors from the things thatmight trigger poor behavior

from children.With the many toys,

trinkets and other items ondisplay for sale at areastores,children may begand plead for certain things,making shopping morechallenging.Try to avoid thestores that can be bigtemptations for children totimes when shopping canbe done sans kids.If a childis allowed to bring a toy,book or other distractionfrom home,it could helpminimize the number of "Iwant that" requests made.

When possible,talk toolder children during theshopping experience.Mention how much thingscost and how they arebeing paid for.Kids canlearn valuable life lessonsabout managing financesby mimicking their parents.

Keep Kids' Needs in Mind While Holiday Shopping

Don’t let holiday shopping with the kids drive away the smiles.

Page 6: Christmas Gift Guide 2010

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Layaway,a shopping toolpopularized in years past,isnow available againthrough many retailers.Shoppers who are makingevery cent count areturning to the pay-over-time method of purchase toavoid mounting debt afterthe holidays.

With layaway,shopperscan pay over time,interest-free and pick up theirmerchandise when it is paidoff.For people looking toavoid a whopping creditcard bill or those whosimply do not have the cashup-front for holidaypurchases,layaway can bethe ideal holiday shoppingmethod.

Although layaway is notavailable in every store,big-name retailers like Kmart,Sears and TJ Maxx do offerlayaway in some locations.More than 1,000 retailershave teamed up with theWeb site tooffer consumers an onlinelayaway option hooked upto customers' bank

accounts.Once the item ispaid for,it ships directly tothe buyer's home.

Layaway is a concept firststarted during the GreatDepression.For decadescustomers relied onlayaway to fund purchasesthey couldn't make all atonce.Although layaway wasa standard in many storesfor years,lack of interest inthe financing option causedmany retailers to give it up.However,thanks to therecession and highunemployment rates ofrecent years,many storeshave reinstituted layawaybased on customer request.

For those unfamiliar withlayaway,here's how it works.

- A shopper picks outmerchandise from storeshelves (or online).

- The layawaydepartment adds up thetotal purchase and asks for adeposit on the merchandiseand usually a nominaltransaction fee.

- The store holds themerchandise in a special

layaway area,marked withthe purchaser's information.

- The customer can returnon his or her timetable tomake payments toward thepurchase total.Some storesmay set a deadline forwhich the balance must bepaid,such as December 23for Christmas purchases.

- Once the merchandise ispaid in full,the shopper isable to take it home.

- If the layaway order iscancelled or cannot be paid,the store may refund whathas already been paid,charging a cancellation feeto restock the items.

Because there are no billsto pay after the holidays,layaway enables customersto enjoy Christmas withoutthe stress of loomingpayments.Also,failure topay the layaway purchasedoes not result in damageto one's personal creditrating,another boon in anera of stricter bankingregulations.

Familiar Friend an Option forCash-Strapped Shoppers

Individuals on a budget can consider layaway to help finance holiday purchases.

Chances are,holiday revelers

will find themselves

underneath the mistletoe at

least once this holiday season.

While they might know what

to do when that time comes,

they might not know the

history of that plant above

their heads.

Especially sacred to Celtic

Druids,mistletoe was believed

to bestow life and fertility,

while also protecting against

poison and serving as an


During the Middle Ages,

branches of mistletoe were

hung from ceilings to ward off

evil spirits.Throughout Europe,

mistletoe was placed over

doorways in the house as well

as the stables as a means to

preventing the entrance of


The tradition of kissing

underneath the mistletoe likely

stems from the belief that

mistletoe bestows fertility and

is often associated with the

Roman festival of Saturnalia,a

period of merrymaking that

pre-dated Christmas.In 18th

century England,a young lady

standing underneath the

mistletoe could not refuse to

be kissed.Once kissed,the kiss

would signify deep romance or

eternal friendship.

History also suggests that

mistletoe was a symbol of

peace.In Scandinavia,

mistletoe was considered a

plant of peace.When standing

underneath the mistletoe,

enemies could declare a truce

and spouses could end any

marital turmoil with a kiss.

Staple of Holiday DecorHas a Deep History