christmas around the world

CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD How do you celebrate Christmas?

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Christmas Around The World


How do you celebrate Christmas?

Page 2: Christmas Around The World


In America the traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Mince pies, pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried fruit.

Page 3: Christmas Around The World


In England the traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Mince pies, pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried fruit.

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Spaniards eat many different types of food but the most common ones are, turron, polvorones, peladillas, and carbon and many many others.

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During the Christmas day Portuguese people visit the friends and family and have a big lunch normally with roast chicken, lamb or turkey.

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After 40 days of fasting, the Christmas feast is looked forward to with great anticipation by adults and children alike. Pigs are slaughtered and on almost every table are loaves of christopsomo or "Christ Bread". This bread is made in large sweet loaves of various shapes and the crusts are engraved and decorated in some way that reflects the family's profession.

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Many people have dinner with their families. They gather together on Christmas Eve and have many kind of food: turkey, prawns,cold meat, turrón,polvorones,and many more things.

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The menu for the meal varies according to regional culinary tradition. In Alsace, goose is the main course, in Burgundy it is turkey with chestnuts, and the Parisians feast upon oysters and pat de foie gras. Le Revellion may consist of poultry, ham, salads, cake, fruit and wine.

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On christmas Eve the dinner is called cenone which is a traditional dish of eel.

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In Canada the traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce. Mince pies, pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried fruit.