christingle poems


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Post on 28-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Christingle Poems


Christmas is a fun time of year, so writing a poem about Christmas should be fun as well. By following these simple instructions you will be able to write your very own fantastic, festive Christmas Poem!


Paper or Notebook Pen or pencil Loads of imagination


1. First take a blank sheet of paper and write the words ‘WORD BOX’ at the top.

2. Next make a list of your favourite Christmas words, e.g. snow, presents, Santa, reindeer – there are thousands to choose from. You will need about 10 words to start with.

3. Then choose one of the words in your Word Box and put that into a sentence to kick-start your poem. For example, if you pick the word snow you could write a sentence like I love Christmas when it starts to snow

4. After that, try to think of the next line which could rhyme with it, for example It covers the holly and the mistletoe

5. Continue using the words from your Word Box to make up your sentences to build up your poem.

6. When you have got about 6 or 8 lines start thinking about the shape of your poem – will it be 2 lines in each verse, or 3 or 4 lines, or will it just be one long poem?

7. Once you have decided how your poem will look, get ready to write out the finished version. Remember to check your spellings and make any changes you need to make. For example, my second line It covers the holly and mistletoe could be changed to It hides the holly and mistletoe – I’ve used some alliteration now to make it more interesting – it’s up to you to change any words or not – it’s your poem.

8. Finally, take a clean sheet of paper and write out your poem neatly, then you can decorate it with drawings, or even dedicate it to a special person for Christmas (your mum, dad, gran, or teacher!!).


Keep reading your poem out aloud whilst you are writing – the poem has to sound good. If you keep stumbling over a line, it might not be you; it might be the poem that needs changing!!


Page 2: Christingle Poems


Once upon a time a baby was born

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem.

The baby was born in a manger bed

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem.

Joseph and Mary were the mum and dad,

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem.

The angel shone precious light on them,

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem.

The shepherds came from far away,

To Bethlehem, to Bethlehem.

They left their flocks and brought a lamb,

To Bethlehem, to Bethlehem.

Three kings followed the shining star,

To Bethlehem, to Bethlehem.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh they brought

To Bethlehem, to Bethlehem.

They came to worship the new born king

To Bethlehem, to Bethlehem.

They kneeled before the tiny king

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem.

The baby’s name was Jesus Christ the Lord

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem

We will always remember that special night.

In Bethlehem, in Bethlehem.

Page 3: Christingle Poems


Christmas time is on the way,

Santa’s elves load up the sleigh

Playstations, dolls, games and lego

Jolly old Santa comes, ho, ho, ho.

The snow lies like icing on a cake

Santa’s sleigh zooms over the lake

Rudolph and the reindeer love to fly

The Christmas stars shine in the sky.

The Christmas star shone long ago

Over the stable where we know,

The tiny baby Jesus was there

Kings brought gifts to show they care.

The star shines over my Christmas tree

The lights are bright and twinkle on me

The angels look down from above

Let’s hope our Christmas is full of love.

Page 4: Christingle Poems


I love it when the newsman says ‘it’s gonna snow’

But when my mum hears it she just groans ‘oh no!’

‘Oh no, I’ve got to make a cake!

Even though I hate to bake…

I must remember Christmas spice

Let’s hope I don’t slip on ice

This Christmas list is WAY too dear!

And it’ll only get longer, I fear…

This house needs cleaning from bottom to top,

Clean it now kids or I’ll be in a strop…

Fifty for dinner on Christmas day,

I’ll never get it done, yet again…

Oh my goodness I forgot something… oh no!

It’s the kid’s presents…

And it’s nearly midnight

On Christmas Eve…

And there’s a metre of snow…


Page 5: Christingle Poems


Presents so exciting under the tree,

I love Christmas!

Roast turkey with all the trimmings

I love Christmas!

Having fun with my family,

I love Christmas!

Robin Redbreast on the fence,

I love Christmas!

Flashing lights and glittering baubles,

I love Christmas!

Singing carols in the street,

I love Christmas!

Mince pies and chocolate log

I love Christmas!

Stockings hung on the mantelpiece

I love Christmas!

Baby Jesus born in a stable,

I love Christmas!

Page 6: Christingle Poems


Rudolph flies across the sky,

He’s really glad he learnt to fly

If he hadn’t he would die,

Poor Rudolph.

Santa Claus is big and fat

With bright red coat and jolly hat

Falls down the chimney on the mat

Poor Santa!

Mr Snowman, he is so cool,

With a carrot nose as a rule

He melts away in a soggy pool,

Poor Snowman!

The turkey looks plumptious on the dish

With all the trimmings it looks delish

Pull the wishbone and make a wish

Poor Turkey!