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Page 1: Christianity
Page 2: Christianity

Slide 3: What is Christianity? Slide 4: How the world started Slide 5: Adam and Eve Slide 6: Jesus

Slide 7: Miracle Slide 8: Where is God? Slide 9: What does God look like? Slide 10: What if someone made up the bible?

Slide 11: DEVIL Slide 12: Hell Slide 13: Heaven Slide 14: Ten commandments Slide 15: Noah’s Ark

Slide 16: Jesus’s sacrifice Slide 17: Text Bibliography Slide 18: Picture Bibliography

Page 3: Christianity

Christianity is a religion that believes god

and Jesus, it is very similar to Jewish. It

has been one of the most popular

religion in the world! The story of how it

started is a big book called bible. The

bible contains all types of information

about the Christian religion.

Page 4: Christianity

God made the world. He made the world in 6 separate days. On the first day god had made light and dark. He called the light day and called the dark night. On the second day he separated sea and sky. On the fourth day he separated sea and land. On the fifth day he made sun at day and the moon (night) and stars for light. On the sixth day he made all types of animals in land and sea. On the seventh day god have rested achieving is creation.

Page 5: Christianity

When god had finish making the Earth the world had a really

good environment and fruits would never rotten. God then made 2 humans, a male and a female. The male was called

Adam and the female was called Eve. At the time they could

live for thousand years since their food and environment was

excellent. God had told them cleary not to eat the fruit of a certain tree or there would be some harsh consequences. But

sadly Eve ate the fruit and god had said to them “ you have

broken my rule so now life would not be easier than it is right

now, when you reproduce, the woman would have pain, it will also not be the right temperate than it is right now, you

will have to find out how to make yourself warm and your

husband Adam, since he's a male, males will be more anger

issued so life would be much harder for woman.

Page 6: Christianity

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus was the son of god but also the son of Mary and Joseph. When Mary was pregnant a angel went down and told them to name their SON Jesus and to be the messiah. A messiah is a person to can accomplish tasks by god. When Jesus was born the angel was singing halleluiah and the Sheppard's decided to go to Bethlehem to see him. He was born in a stable because when they tried to get in the inn, it was full of people.

Page 7: Christianity

If you were a Christian there could be miracles that you don’t even notice. Like Jesus. He was once on the cross nailed on each arm and on each foot. Eventually he was reborned but the story happened again and he died. One time he was captive in a cave with no food no water and no fresh air. There wasn't a gate blocking him, it was a big rock. He said his prayers hard and next day when the Romans were taking him out Jesus was gone. Another time he was in a big fishes mouth and said his prayers for 7 nights, the big fish just spat him out in a beach.

Page 8: Christianity

God was only here when he made the earth because as time goes on, people had stop believing in god so he said, when everyone is Christian he would come back and take every one to heaven. Heaven is the best place you can go to. It will never get boring and you will live there forever with god and the angels. You can only get there if you were good and say sorry to your own sins. Sins are all the bad things that you done before. Hell is underground were you have pain all over your body and will live there forever and that is were you go if you don’t say sorry to your sins. ‘As years come by I'm sure we will be ready.

Page 9: Christianity

God is the most beautiful thing you can

ever see. He is not a human though. He is

a GOD. Once you go on heaven we will

all look beautiful.

Page 10: Christianity

At first it wasn’t a bible. It was a small

little diary of what happened. Eventually

it got passed on and all the diaries that

people made just bunch up together to

make 1 big bible. It has been passed on

through time and more and more

became photocopied. The real bible is

in a big church in jeuruslem.

Page 11: Christianity

The devil is the most worst living thing you

can see. He is ugly that you can start

crying, he is the MASTER of pain. He has

11 horns and 3 heads. He is not a dragon

he is a very scary creature.

Page 12: Christianity

Once you go to Hell you will always be

sad and depressed. You will be on fire

burning. Normally you would die from fire

but in Hell you will feel the pain forever.


Page 13: Christianity

Heaven is the best place you an go. You

will always have what you want on

earth. Life is amazing there. You live in

heaven for all time and will never get

bored of it!

Page 14: Christianity

The 10 commandments is a list of ways you won’t be going to hell.

1: You should never have an other God before the Christian God.

2: Never carve yourself thinking its better than God.

3: Do not make a own religion just like the Christian religion.

4: Honour your father and mother.

5: You shall never murder.

6: You shall not commit adultery.

7: You shall not steal.

8: Never blame others on purpose.

9: Do not be greedy.

10: Shall never break a promise.

Page 15: Christianity

Noah was a man and Jesus came and told him to make a big ark and bring 2 animals of each type because of a huge flood that is going to happen in the future. Noah told everyone about this flood that Jesus said, but unfortunately no one would dare to even think about it. The flood was 7 days and 7 nights and he, his family, and the animals were only left.

Page 16: Christianity

Jesus died in a cross for everyone in the

world another chance to eliminate sins.

A sin is something you do bad. So if you

lie, you have a sin. Although, god can

forgive you if you pray back to him

giving him a sorry.

Page 17: Christianity
Page 18: Christianity BY: R.L Floyd (Slide 3) BY: Heikenwaelder (Slide 4) By: Bernad Shaw (Slide 8) By: Virtual Union (Slide 15) By: Pat Robertson (Slide 11) By: (Anonymous) (Slide 5) By: Pink Sherbet Photography (Slide 7)

Page 19: Christianity

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures) Everything was by Derek Cai (except pictures)

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