christ umc - february 2015

Christ United Methodist Church | | 251.342.0462 Women’s Conference 2015............. front cover A Note from Pastor Jeff.................................... 2 Adult Opportunities ........................................ 3 Youth Ministry................................................. 4 Children’s Ministry...........................................5 Recreation Ministry..........................................6 Water for Life....................................................7 Various Ministries.......................................8-12 Pastoral Care.................................................13 Weekly Events/Library...................................14 February Calendar......................................... 15 Women’s Conference ....................... back cover What’s Inside Worship Services Can’t make it to church? Watch services online at FEBRUARY 2015 By Kasey Van Norman Less than 2 years before the day of my cancer diagnosis, I’d held the hand of my 51 year-old mother, screaming at the top of my lungs for Jesus to please take her away from her suffering. I was sitting by her side in that cold, foul-smelling hospital room when, at 8:05 a.m., my mom took her last breath in this life and breathed in the new life she had always longed for. And then, not quite 2 years from that point and receiving my own cancer diagnosis, I remember thinking; ‘God, you wouldn’t do this to me—not now. You know how much I’ve been hurting. How scared I’ve been.’ But sure enough, I did relive it. Every dreaded thing that I watched happen to my mom started happening to me. And now, 3 years later and still living with incurable cancer, I am seeing... God’s glory and our purpose meet us in the most grueling and gut-wrenching valleys of our life. True joy and overwhelming satisfaction is found here. For me, I have sensed no greater feelings of protection, security, purpose and identity than inside the moments of heaving and sweating my guts out into the toilet from my recent chemotherapy treatment. As I consider now, it seems my entire life has been merely a pressing of me into an existence where Jesus is my greatest joy because nothing else (including my health and life) will last. I am certainly a Texas country gal who never set out to tell my story. I have no connections, no great accomplishments and very little money. When I say that I wouldn’t be here unless God wanted me here, I am not speaking metaphorically. Battling cancer is nothing compared to the demons of abuse, fear, unworthiness, addiction and sin I have battled through as a young woman. For most of my life I have felt too ashamed, fearful or embarrassed to tell my story. I meet people like me all the time. I also meet people who think they have little or no story to tell—both have untapped power to change the world. When we come to a place of understanding that God is the author of our story; all of the good, bad and unanswered, we draw closer to who we are meant to be. Living our story is powerful, but also painful. When we see our life-story from God’s point of view, we are then able to speak it and share it. And every time we lay our story bare before another we take one step closer toward healing, redemption and freedom in our life. The worship leader for the conference is Heather Messick, a wife of 11 adventure-packed years and mother to three sweet little girls! Heather serves with her husband, Mark, at First Baptist North Mobile in Mobile, Alabama, where he is the Discipleship Pastor. Heather is a stay-at- home mom, a studio vocalist, a Commercial Voice Instructor at the University of Mobile and an inspirational singer/speaker for women’s events around the country. It would be my greatest joy to meet you and point you toward the power of your story on Saturday, February 28th at Christ United Methodist Church for the “Live a Better Story” Women’s Conference! I hope to see you there and give you a big Texas-sized squeeze! In the meantime, I hang out at Christ United Methodist Chruch Women’s Conference Saturday, February 28 Speaker: Kasey Van Norman Worship Leader: Heather Messick 8:30 a.m. Check in & refreshments 12:30 p.m. Closing Cost of conference $35 For more information and to register visit You may also register and purchase a t-shirt at the church office during the week or on Sunday mornings at the Information Table.

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Page 1: Christ UMC - February 2015

Christ United Methodist Church | | 251.342.0462

Women’s Conference 2015............. front coverA Note from Pastor Jeff.................................... 2Adult Opportunities ........................................ 3Youth Ministry................................................. 4 Children’s Ministry...........................................5Recreation Ministry..........................................6Water for Life....................................................7Various Ministries.......................................8-12Pastoral Care.................................................13 Weekly Events/Library...................................14 February Calendar......................................... 15 Women’s Conference ....................... back cover

What’s Inside

Worship Services

Can’t make it to church? Watch services online at


By Kasey Van NormanLess than 2 years before the day of my cancer diagnosis, I’d held the hand of my 51 year-old mother, screaming at the top of my lungs for Jesus to please take her away from her suffering. I was sitting by her side in that cold, foul-smelling hospital room when, at 8:05 a.m., my mom took her last breath in this life and breathed in the new life she had always longed for.

And then, not quite 2 years from that point and receiving my own cancer diagnosis, I remember thinking;

‘God, you wouldn’t do this to me—not now. You know how much I’ve been hurting. How scared I’ve been.’

But sure enough, I did relive it. Every dreaded thing that I watched happen to my mom started happening to me. And now, 3 years later and still living with incurable cancer, I am seeing... God’s glory and our purpose meet us in the most grueling and gut-wrenching valleys of our life. True joy and overwhelming satisfaction is found here.

For me, I have sensed no greater feelings of protection, security, purpose and identity than inside the moments of heaving and sweating my guts out into the toilet from my recent chemotherapy treatment. As I consider now, it seems my entire life has been merely a pressing of me into an existence where Jesus is my greatest joy because nothing else (including my health and life) will last.

I am certainly a Texas country gal who never set out to tell my story. I have no connections, no great accomplishments and very little money. When I say that I wouldn’t be here unless God wanted me here, I am not speaking metaphorically. Battling cancer is nothing compared to the demons of abuse, fear, unworthiness, addiction and sin I have battled through as a young woman.

For most of my life I have felt too ashamed, fearful or embarrassed to tell my story. I meet people like me all the time. I also meet people who think they have little or no story to tell—both have untapped power to change the world.

When we come to a place of understanding that God is the author of our story; all of the good, bad and unanswered, we draw closer to who we are meant to be. Living our story is powerful, but also painful. When we see our life-story from God’s point of view, we are then able to speak it and share it. And every time we lay our story bare before another we take one step closer toward healing, redemption and freedom in our life.

The worship leader for the conference is Heather Messick, a wife of 11 adventure-packed years and mother to three sweet little girls! Heather serves with her husband, Mark, at First Baptist North Mobile in Mobile, Alabama, where he is the Discipleship Pastor. Heather is a stay-at-home mom, a studio vocalist, a Commercial Voice Instructor at the University of Mobile and an inspirational singer/speaker for women’s events around the country.

It would be my greatest joy to meet you and point you toward the power of your story on Saturday, February 28th at Christ United Methodist Church for the “Live a Better Story” Women’s Conference! I hope to see you there and give you a big Texas-sized squeeze! In the meantime, I hang out at

Christ United Methodist ChruchWomen’s ConferenceSaturday, February 28

Speaker: Kasey Van NormanWorship Leader: Heather Messick8:30 a.m. Check in & refreshments

12:30 p.m. ClosingCost of conference $35

For more information and to register visit

You may also register and purchase a t-shirt at the church office during the week or

on Sunday mornings at the Information Table.

Page 2: Christ UMC - February 2015


SEVEN YEAR PLAN REPORTRob Blackwell, Church AdministratorNow that we have implemented the FORWARD Initiative, it can be a bit confusing with all these names. What is the difference between FORWARD, the Seven Year Plan and the Operating Budget? Here’s a quick summary: FORWARD is Christ UMC’s main financial and stewardship emphasis. When we give our tithes, they should go to FORWARD. FORWARD does NOT replace the 7YP, however; rather, they work hand in hand to accomplish our goals of properly funding the ministries of the church while simultaneously paying down our debt. When we give our tithes and offerings to FORWARD, a portion goes to the General Fund (which funds the ministries and operations of the church) and a portion goes to the 7 Year Fund (which pays down the principal on the debt). The amount going to each is specified by the Budget and the 7YP Payment Schedule and is managed by the Finance Committee. This year, our goal is to pay $1.15M on loan principal, in addition to the $2M we plan to pay down from the proceeds of the Crossroads sale. If we all give according to what is anticipated from pledges and other gifts, we should be able to pay down over $3 Million in principal in 2015! Keep in mind that since FORWARD now funds both the Operating Budget and the 7 Year Plan, it is no longer necessary to designate gifts directly to the 7YP. Your gifts to FORWARD are already being used to fund the $1.15M 7YP goal. If that explanation doesn’t clear up your confusion, please contact me at [email protected] or 251.706.3321 and I’ll be glad to answer your questions.

LOOKING FORWARDAs we look forward to the beginning of the Lenten season on February 18, I think it’s important to count our blessings as we anticipate this season of deepening our walk with Christ! A very important blessing is our improving financial picture as we enter 2015:

n The first two years (2013/2014) of our 7-Year Plan saw us reach and surpass our goal of $1.25M principal debt reduction. From a high mark of $15M, our debt is now under $10M ($9.95M).

n Our general operating income surpassed $4M in 2014. This is the first time since 2008!

n Our FORWARD Initiative last fall was very successful in pledging 10.6 (96%) of our $11M goal over the next two years. We’re counting on those who did not sign a pledge card to continue their consistent, generous giving. This will be essential to our success.

n Our church conference voted overwhelmingly to sell our corner property to CVS for $2.35M. This transaction will occur within the year. $2M will go directly to principal debt (putting us below $8M), $125,000 in broker’s fees, and $225,000 toward much needed building repairs.

This Lenten season we are also blessed to be able to focus on our ongoing relationship with the Methodist Church on the Ivory Coast of Africa (Cote d’Ivoire). We will begin a church-wide sermon series and small group study on February 22 exploring the powerful imagery of water in the New Testament. We encourage everyone to participate from kindergarten to senior adults. You will find more information on page 7.

Hope to see you in worship Sunday!

In Christ,

Get started in the right direction with Starting Point. Learn about the Christian

faith, the mission of our church and membership. You will also learn how to

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$1,337,000thru January








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Adult Bible Studyopportunities

SUNDAY MORNING STUDIESBEGINNING FEBRUARY 19:15 a.m. | Bible Study: CorinthiansRoom C-221 | Paul’s letters to the troublesome church in Corinth. Some of Paul’s most profound teachings can be found here. For single adults. 9:15 a.m. | Stewardship for LifeRoom A-209 | This study addresses the concepts of Christians drawing closer to God, living intentionally for Him, loving and serving others in His name and standing fast in our faith. For senior adults. 9:15 a.m. | The Trouble with the Truth by Rob Renfroe | Room D-204 | This study explores the truth—why it’s in trouble, what the culture tells us about it and why the church is so confused about it. For couples 30 and up. 9:15 a.m. | Follow by Andy Stanley | Room A-201 | In this 8-part study, Andy Stanley takes us on a journey through the Gospels as he traces Jesus’ teachings on what it means to follow. For 40 plus adults, couples and singles.

WEEKDAY STUDIESn Daniel by Beth MooreBegins Tuesday, February 24 | 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Room A-206 | Just as the prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressure to compromise his faith in a hostile culture and was constantly confronted by temptations and threats, today’s believers face similar trials. Join leader, Brenda Ragland, for this 12 week study for ladies. Books will be available at first class meeting for $16. To register, contact Sonya Carson at [email protected] or 251.706.3365.

WEDNESDAY STUDIESn Methodist is Not a Four Letter Word Begins Wednesday, February 25 | 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | Hospitality Room | Led by Jeremy Steele | The theology, history and structure of the Methodist church is powerful, full of the Spirit and enables transforming ministry all over the globe. During Lent, we will discuss the deep theological, historical and organizational roots of our particular perspective on Christianity.

n Bible Study With Pastor BobbyThe Wilderness Journey | 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | Room A-209 | We all have “wilderness” times in our lives. Times of loneliness, despair, illness, depression, desertion and more. Learn from Pastor Bobby Williams as he brings to life Biblical characters who have also experienced the wilderness in their lives. Characters like Jacob, Elijah, Hosea and even Jesus.

To register and order a book for one of these classes, contact Sonya Carson at [email protected] or 251.706.3365.

WATER FOR LIFE: A CHURCH-WIDE STUDY (A LENTEN STUDY)Water is needed to sustain life. Spiritual water is needed to sustain our faith and relationship with God. Jesus refers to water many times in the New Testament. The Jewish laws required cleansing with water in the Old Testament. In the world are many places where physical and spiritual water are rare or unavailable. How do we as followers and witnesses for Christ provide both of these where it is needed? Study begins Sunday, February 22 in the following classes:

n 8:00 a.m. | Room A-207 – A class for couples with children of all agesn 9:15 a.m. | Room A-206 – A class for 50 plus adults, singles and couples

n 9:15 a.m. | Parlor – A class for senior adultsn 9:15 a.m. | Room A-201 – A class for 40 plus adults, singles and couples

n 9:15 a.m. | Room A-202 – A class for senior adultsn 9:15 a.m. | Room C-221 – A class specifically for single adults

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FEBRUARY ACTIVITIESn 1 | Super Bowl Party: A Party with a PurposeFor 6th - 12th grade | Time: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. | This is a party with a purpose! Not only will we have the big game on all of the big screens, inflatables, and tons of tailgate food, but we will be raising money for a good cause. This is an awesome event to invite your friends to! Please bring a donation for our church’s Africa mission efforts!

n 7 | Hands & Feet Youth Local MissionsFor 6th - 12th grade | Details and registration information at 27 | Middle School Fun Night: Bonfire/Outdoor Movie Night | For 6th - 8th grade | 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. | Grab a friend and come hang out with us under the stars and watch a movie on the giant outdoor inflatable screen, eat s’mores around the bonfire and hang out with your friends. Cost: $5. Register at 27 | High School CHAOS: Glow in the Dark Gym Night For 9th - 12th grade | 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. | Christ Center GymHow do you make team sports more fun? Turn off the lights and play basketball, volleyball, frisbee, spikeball and 9 square in the air with black lights and neon outfits. There will be a 3 v 3 basketball tournament, a 2 v 2 spike-ball tournament and Neon Costume Contest with awesome prizes. Cost: $5. Register at

YOUTH MINISTRY STAFFTyler Vittetoe, High School Minister

WEEKLY PROGRAMSVisit for more details. n SUNDAY MORNINGS: Breakfast is provided starting at 8:00 a.m.9:16 Worship | Youth Area | 9:16 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. A great worship venue for middle and high school students.

Bible study | Youth Lounge | 10:40 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Middle and high school Sunday school class.

Youth Singers | Rehearsal | 10:20 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.Youth Ringers | Rehearsal | 11:00 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

n SUNDAY NIGHTSMiddle & High School | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Hang out and get to know new friends as we break into small groups.

n WEDNESDAY HANGOUT AND WORSHIP Re:Fuel | Youth Area | 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | Wednesday Night Bible study for middle and high school students. Eat and hang out with us | 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.Bible Study | 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

STAY CONNECTED WITH USCheck in with us at Want to get text updates? MS text @CUMC to 475.252.2857HS text @HSGR to 475.252.2857Visit for all our events

LOOKING FORWARD By Tyler Vittetoe, High School Minister I hope all of you had a meaningful Christmas season! At the same time our youth group was celebrating Christmas at our Rock Star Christmas Party, we were taking every opportunity to celebrate all of the wonderful years of ministry that Bill McLarty has given to our church. As we look forward to the future of our student ministry as a part of Christ UMC, we reflect on the Kingdom impact that Bill has made for the students and families here in Mobile. Like many of you, I will miss him dearly. Please be in prayer with us as we seek new candidates to minister to our Middle School students.

At the same time, we are celebrating the opportunity this gives to other leaders to get a taste of leadership in youth ministry. David Livingston, a 25 year old graduate from Mississippi State University, will be our interim Middle School minister. David, as well as all of our youth leaders, are filling in the gap as we move forward together in ministry in 2015. They are already proving to be capable and gifted leaders.

We are looking forward to all of our Spring events as well as the Summer planning that is already in full swing. This is a great time for your students to get involved in the great things going on at CYM.

Christ UMC Youth Ministry

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WEEKLY PROGRAMSVisit for more details. n Sunday Mornings | All Sunday School classes are located in Building E. Visit the Next Generation booth for location of classes. 8:00 a.m.: 3K – 4K | E-146 5K – 5th | E-248

9:15 a.m.: 3K – 4K | Bldg E | Sunday School 5K – 2nd | Bldg F | Elementary Worship 3rd – 5th | Bldg E | Sunday School

10:40 a.m.: 3K – 4K | Bldg F | Preschool Worship 5K – 2nd | Bldg E | Sunday School 3rd – 5th | CCAA | Tween Worship

n WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER AND WORSHIPDinner: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. | Fellowship HallPreschool Worship: Bldg E, Rm 149 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.K5 - 5th Grade Worship: Fellowship Hall | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY STAFFAshley Walker, Early Childhood Minister; Email: [email protected] Seale, Elementary Minister; Email: [email protected] Ford, Kidz Crossing Director; Email: [email protected]

FEBRUARY ACTIVITIES n 7 | Family Service Day and Laser Tag10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | We will help Ransom Cafe serve others by helping in the Hillsdale Community Garden. We will meet afterwards at LaserZone for laser tag and fun. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please contact Jon Seale at [email protected] with any additional questions.

n 11 | Preschool Fun Day: Be Mine Sweet Valentine11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | For Preschool aged children Fellowship Hall | There will be Valentine’s crafts, games and lots of fun. Register at by Friday, February 6.

n 11| Daddy and Daughter Date Night For Preschool – 5th Grade | 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall | $15 per family | Join us for a Daddy and Daughter dinner and dance! All father figures and grandfathers are invited to this special night with their princesses. Register at by Wednesday, February 4.

n 27 | Elementary Fun Night | 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. K5 – 5th Grade | Christ Center Assembly Area (Tween Worship Area) | Drop your kids off for an evening of video games, karaoke, live music and dancing. Pizza and drinks will be available. Cost: $5 per child.

n 27 | Parent’s Night Out | 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. For 6 weeks – K5 | Nursery | Drop the kids off for a night of fun activities. They will watch movies, enjoy fun activities and games. Please send a snack/dinner and drinks as food will not be provided. Cost: $10 per child. Register at by Monday, February 23.

“THAT WAS ME”By Jon Seale, Elementary Minister What a wonderful month we had serving the Lord. This past month, we put together several hundred coloring, comic and sticker book packets for the children at USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital. Inside each packet, the families made get well cards and prayed for each child that would receive one. We then delivered them to the hospital, and the outpouring of love and gratitude from the staff was evident. When we all held hands in the lobby and prayed for the children and staff, God’s light was certainly seen by all there.

This month we are helping decorate soap box cars for the car show and helping Ransom Cafe in their community garden. We invite you to join us. The scripture/lesson we have been teaching the kids is, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did to the least of these brothers and sisters you did to me.” Matthew 25:40 While we were at USA, a child came up to me and said “This is so cool. I can tell God, remember when you were sick in the hospital and got coloring books… THAT WAS ME!”

E-NEWS via

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CSPORTS REGISTRATIONn SPRING YOUNG RUNNERS CLUBFor 5K - 9th grade. Weekday practices begin in March. There will be two to three Saturday morning and/or Sunday afternoon races during the season. Season is 8-10 weeks. Registration fee is $35.

Visit or visit the Recreation Desk to fill out a registration form and pay.

FEBRUARY DATES n 2 & 3 | TBall, Baseball & Softball Evaluations

n 5 | 678 Volleyball practices begin

n 7 | 678 Volleyball coaches clinic

n 7 | 678 Volleyball clinic for players

n 12 | First 678 Volleyball games

n 17 | Recreation Ministry CLOSED

n 19 | TBall, Baseball & Softball coaches

meeting & roster assignment

n 21 | Recreation Ministry CLOSED—CAR SHOW

n 23 | TBall, Baseball & Softball practices begin

n 24 | 678 Volleyball Pictures

S.M.A.R.T. GOALS Goals are essential to any lifestyle change. However, it’s easy to set yourself up to fail when you make goals that are too large (like quit smoking “cold turkey”) too vague (like “healthy”), or too unrealistic (e.g., start jogging today.) The key to success is to remember to be SMART. This is your way to remember the 5 parts of successful goals: S is for SpecificWhat will you do, when, where, even with whom? Specific goals are things like “My husband and I will take a walk through the neighborhood after dinner tonight for 30 minutes,” or “We will buy 1% milk instead of whole milk on the next trip to the grocery store.” Those goals are much better than “I’m going to exercise,” or “I’m going to eat a low-fat diet.” M is for MeasurableHow will you know when you have reached your goal? For example, “I’ll put 8,000 steps on my pedometer,” is measurable. “I’m going to walk more,” is not. A is for Action-Focused Focus on what you will DO, not what you want to change. “I’m going to get in shape,” or “I’m going to lose weight,” aren’t about the actions you need to take. “I’m going to walk for 30 minutes 3 times this week,” or “I’m going to pack my lunch instead of get fast food tomorrow,” are action-focused. R is for Realistic Can you really do this? Can you do it at this time? If you haven’t exercised in 15 years, a goal of working out at the gym for 30 minutes is destined to fail. “I’m never going to eat fast food again,” is unrealistic, but a goal of limiting to once a week is much more likely to be reached. T is for TimelyAre you ready to do this NOW? Don’t set a goal of eating healthy snacks when your kitchen only has sugary or fat-filled snacks. Don’t set a goal of nightly walking before you set a goal to buy a comfortable pair of walking shoes.

Good luck practicing SMART goals! You’ll be setting yourself up to succeed.Visit for more healthy information.

Visit /cumc.recreationministry to stay up-to-date with the Recreation Ministry.

CHRIST CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.For additional recreation information, call 251.706.3326 or visit:

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WATER CHANGES EVERYTHINGSt. John UMC is joining us as we bring Living Water and clean water to the people in Gnangoussou, Cote d’Ivoire. This will give every person in this village of 2,000 people an opportunity to not only hear the Gospel (Living Water) but to experience His love in a practical way (Clean Water). Our goal is to raise $25,000 to build a church and dig a well in this community.

Join us starting Sunday, February 22 for the Fill the Water Bottle Challenge.1. Take the bottle home and enjoy clean water.

2. Begin following our 40 Days of Prayer Calendar. (Download at

3. Each day as you pray, put $1 in the empty bottle. ($1 = average cost of bottle of water)

4. Return the water bottle filled with your donation to Christ UMC on Easter Sunday April 5.

Think about this...n The average American uses 176 gallons of water per day compared to 5 gallons of water the average African family uses each day. (

n Every minute, a child dies of a water-related disease. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death among children under five in the world. Around 1.5 million deaths each year—nearly one in five—are caused by diarrhea. It kills more children than malaria, AIDS and measles combined.

n In the village of Gnangoussou, women and children walk half a mile to the coastline where they will get water (unclean saltwater) for their family. This journey consists of carrying nearly 3-5 gallons of water back to their home. That is approximately 30-50 pounds of water carried half a mile.

Be sure to pick up a Water for Life: Prayer Calendar on Sunday, February 22.

“…To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.” - Rev. 21:6 (NIV)

LENTEN FAST IDEAS There are traditionally forty days in Lent which are marked by fasting, both from foods and festivities, and by other acts of penance. The three traditional practices to be taken up with renewed vigor during Lent are:

n Prayer (justice towards God)

n Fasting (justice towards self)

n Almsgiving (justice towards neighbor)

This year, our prayer focus for the people of Gnangoussou is that they will have access to living water and clean water. Our almsgiving is directed to the completion of this project. Include one of the following fast ideas this Lent:

n Refrain from drinking anything but water

n Refrain from drinking your favorite beverag

n Fast from caffeine after 10:00 a.m.

n Fast from all beverages (except water) each Friday throughout Lent. You are encouraged to pray daily as you participate in fasting and almsgiving

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ONLINE GIVINGRob Blackwell, Church AdministratorNow that we have completed a month of FORWARD, we will soon begin our Online Giving program. We hope that this will help everyone take a step up the Giving Ladder by making it more convenient to give using whatever transaction method you prefer. Some will prefer to continue using checks, and that’s just fine. But for those who prefer to use their debit or credit card, this will be a great convenience. If you forget your checkbook one Sunday, just pull out your phone during the Offertory! If you are homebound and watching the live web stream of the service, or even if you’re on vacation, you can give from wherever you are! The flexibility doesn’t end there. With our Online Giving program, administered by PushPay, you will be able to give from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can do this through the Christ UMC web page link, the easily installed app, or even via text messaging. When you access the secure system, you can give from a debit or credit card or draft directly from your bank account. You can give once or set up a recurring automatic gift, and if you like, the secure app will retain your information so you don’t have to key it in each time, and will save a transaction history for your records! One cautionary note, however: we strongly discourage anyone from going into debt to support the church. If you feel called to give more and don’t have the money in your budget, examine ways to earn additional money or reduce your expenses. And if you have difficulty with credit card discipline, stick with debit card or ACH bank draft. More information will be coming soon on a start date, instructions, etc. If you have any questions in the meantime, email Rob Blackwell at [email protected] or Patricia Parker at [email protected].

The Grounds Ministry is looking for volunteers to help take care of Christ UMC’s grounds. If you have been blessed with a talent of landscaping/gardening and have a specific area of interest, we would like for you to join us. n Meet as a group for work days on the 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings of each month. n Receive reminder emails. n Work around weather and church events. n Schedules are flexible and you can come at your convenience. n A variety of projects and areas are available.

Please let us know when you can volunteer and in what area. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Pierce Staples at 251.599.2071.


WHY ASHES ON ASH WEDNESDAYAdapted from The United Methodist Book of Worship Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Ash Wednesday emphasizes two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality. During some Ash Wednesday services, the minister will lightly rub the sign of the cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers. Historically, ashes signified purification and sorrow for sins.

It is traditional to save the palm branches from the previous Palm Sunday service to burn to produce ashes for this service. The ash cross on the forehead is an outward sign of our sorrow and repentance for sins.


6:00 p.m. | Sanctuary

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WELCOMED BY GOD - WELCOMING ALL Ladies of the church are all invited to come together for a great morning of fellowship in A Gesture of Gratitude, the annual Call to Prayer and Self-Denial on February 3, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall (Building F). Following a short general meeting at 9:00 a.m., we will identify new ways of welcoming and expressing hospitality to others for the purpose of developing relationships that reflect God’s love; and we will see models of extending Christian welcome and hospitality and give to the Call to Prayer and Self-Denial offering. Bring a brunch item to share, invite a friend and feel God’s loving presence! For more information, contact Joyce Genz at 251.259.1675.

n Crossroads Circle Meets 4th Tuesday/month5:30 p.m. | Christ UMC Parlor

n Esther Circle Meets 2nd Tuesday/month9:45 a.m. | Christ UMC Parlor

n Lydia CircleMeets 2nd Friday/month10:00 a.m. | Christ UMC Parlor

n Mary and Martha Mail Circle Meets 1st of each month online

UnitedMethodistWomenFAITH • HOPE • LOVE IN ACTION

EXPERIENCE THE LENTEN SEASON AS JESUS DID LAGRANGE, GA | MARCH 25-27The Explorations in Antiquity Center offers an amazingly authentic setting designed to bring the ancient, Biblical world to life. Celebrate the beginning of the Lenten Season with Pastor Bobby and experience life as in Jesus’ day. Share a Passover meal like Jesus and his disciples did at the Last Supper. Sit in an authentic goat hair tent like the nomadic shepherds lived in; make bread and butter; visit tombs like the one one where Jesus was buried and catacombs like those early Christians used for worship; enter a village through the city gate; step into a Time Tunnel and learn about the worship practices of pagans, Jews and Christians.

n Wednesday, March 25 – Travel by bus to Callaway Gardens for a tour of the gardens and arrive in LaGrange, GA for two night stay.

n Thursday, March 26 – Experience daily life in Biblical times by enjoying a Passover meal,learning how the shepherds made bread and visiting a life size village like in Jesus’ day.

n Friday, March 27 – A briefing of what we learn and head home. For more information, contact Kathryn Twilley at [email protected] or call 251.404.4414 or Bobby Williams at 251.342.0462, ext. 264.

CHRIST UMC 50+ MINISTRY CRUISE TRIPSail away with Pastor Bobby on Sunday, May 17 on a seven-night cruise aboard the Carnival cruise ship The Dream. Enjoy fun, fellowship and time in the Word…all while at sea! We depart from New Orleans to three ports—Mahogany Bay, Honduras, Belize, and Cozumel. Rates start at $470 per person based on two people per cabin. Please call Kathryn Twilley to book your cabin at 251.443.7501, 251.404.4414 (cell) or email [email protected].

INSPIRIT: A TIME TO REKINDLE, RELAX AND RENEWAging Faithfully with keynote speaker Missy Buchanan. A ministry event designed for adults age 50 plus. The retreat is from April 9 - 11 at Blue Lake Assembly, sponsored by the Alabama West Florida Conference Older Adult Task Force. For more information or to register, contact Kim Pratt or Ed Sells at 251.342.0462, ext. 231.

STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE AVAILABLEAs we go through life, we sometimes run into bumps along the way. Our Christian walk is no different. We can’t always skip over the bumps or drive around the bumps. Sometimes the bumps look like ant hills, and sometimes they look like Mt. McKinley.

There are people who can be there with you as you face the bumps or crises in your life. People that can walk beside you and to listen to you without judging you. They can be a helping hand to let God work in you and with you. At Christ UMC, we are fortunate to have Stephen Ministers that are available to walk the road of healing with you.

If you are staring at the ant hill or a mountain range, perhaps a Stephen Minister can help. For more information please contact Donna Alexander at 251.510.0905. Your call is confidential.

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A NEW ORGAN FOR CHRIST UMCBy Ralph GudemanLast month, I wrote about the establishment of a fund to replace the sanctuary organ which has served our congregation well for nearly 35 years. During this span of time, the organ, which was moved from the original sanctuary, has endured both lightning strikes and power surges which have weakened and compromised nearly all of its electrical components. These events, coupled with the aging process, are causing the organ to both malfunction and fail on an intermittent and increasingly frequent basis. Bob has been able to “coax” the organ along, but the time has come to replace it with a new instrument that will serve future generations of worshipers at Christ United Methodist Church with the same reliability and excellence that we have enjoyed for many years. The current organ was built during the era when the 8-track cartridge tape was still popular and cassette tapes were just being introduced. We were typing on electric typewriters and early word processors, and black & white televisions were still being widely sold in stores across America! Early bag-style cell phones were still years away. Since then, technology has changed significantly and digital church organs today replicate authentic pipe organs with outstanding realism and warmth. They support all types of music with great tonal variety and versatility. The organ we are considering will not only support traditional hymnody and choral music, but all genres of contemporary music as well. The sound capabilities will essentially be limitless and designed to grow with the music program over the years. The Organ Committee has been formed, met with the Finance Committee, and is collecting proposals from three organ companies. Look for more news in the near future. If you have questions, please contact Ralph Gudeman at [email protected] or 251.510.1099.

WOMEN’S CONFERENCEChrist United Methodist Church

For more information and to register, visit Grelot Road Mobile, AL 36609


Kasey Van NormanSpeaker

Heather MessickWorship Leader

Page 11: Christ UMC - February 2015


Michael & Janna TignerJoined Sunday, January 11, 2015

Anita BlackJoined Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 11TH

6:00 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.Fellowship Hall$15.00 Per Family

TICKETS AVAILABLE at the Next Generation booth on Sundays

(while they last)

SUNDAY BUS DRIVERS NEEDEDVolunteer bus drivers are needed to transport folks from University Oaks, Ahepa (Cottage Hill & University) and Somerby to and from the 10:40 a.m. Sunday Worship Services. Volunteers are needed for about an average of two times per quarter. CDL not required but is helpful. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kim Pratt, Pastoral Care at 251.706.3331 or email [email protected].

A welcoming and friendly atmosphere is an important factor in the life of our church. It creates a positive experience for our visitors and attendees. Our team of volunteers do a fantastic job giving a little time on Sundays to help. We find with the New Year, we are in need of new volunteers. We need YOUR HELP in continuing to create this warm spirit of Christian caring and friendliness. Please prayerfully consider serving 15-25 minutes once per month on a Sunday. Fill out this form and drop it off at one of our Information Desks.

Name(s): ______________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________

Phone#: _______________________________________________

WHEN ARE YOU AVAILABLE?q I am/We are available to volunteer before/during this service:q 8:00 a.m. q 9:15 a.m. q 10:40 a.m.

COMMIT TO ONE SUNDAY PER MONTH! SELECT A SUNDAY:(You will receive a reminder via email or mail)q 1st Sun. q 2nd Sun. q 3rd Sun. q 4th Sun. q 5th Sun.

PLEASE SELECT AN AREA:q Guides and Greeters: Spend 25 minutes opening doors, greeting and welcoming visitors and attendees once per month on Sunday morning before/after a service.q Sanctuary area q Christ Center Doors q Recreation area

q Information Desk volunteers: Help answer questions on what, where and when once per month on Sunday morning for about 30 minutes. Volunteers will be provided with the tools to answer these questions. q Discover the Joy Booth q Christ Center Info Desk

q Phone volunteers: Help answer the phone, once per month on Sunday morning at the Front Desk in the Christ Center.

q Golf Cart Drivers: Pick up and drop folks off using a golf cart. Drivers must have a valid Drivers License and be at least 21 years old. Once per month on Sunday morning in-between services for about 30 minutes.

q Attendance Sheet Volunteers: Tear out filled out sheets from the Attendance pads after the 10:40 a.m. services.q Sanctuary q NewSong (Christ Center Gym)

During the Weekq Scribe volunteers: You will spend about 30 minutes hand writing welcome notes to our 1st time visitors once per month on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m.

For questions, visit one of our Information Desks on Sundays or contact Kerry Cohen at 251.342.0462.

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FEBRUARY 21, 2015


Car Show

Visit to register. Spectator admission is FREE! Plenty of food and entertainment for everyone! Vendors are welcome. There will be an Honor Guard Flag Ceremony.

All proceeds will benefit the ministries of Christ UMC. Contact Ricky Bell at [email protected] for more details.

with a ministry today!Visit for current volunteer opportunities.

TUESDAYS6:30 p.m. - Supper/meeting

LOCATIONHome of Jim & Amy Mitchell

6724 Candlelight Court [email protected] or 251.767.1325

WHAT IS GAP? It’s a casual Bible study group for unmarried graduates and professional men

and women, ages 23 - 35. The focus is on learning from the Bible, as well as how to grow

in our relationship with God and His people.

Registration: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Judging: 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.Awards Ceremony: 3:00 p.m.

ABOUT RANSOM CAFE Ransom Cafe’s mission is to combat physical and spiritual hunger locally and throughout the world by using quality fresh ingredients in the food served, helping others learn about food preparation, job

preparedness, participating in community missions and showing the love of Jesus through acts of service.


11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

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Bart Ray and family in the death of his wife Peggy RayMike Pappas and family in the death of his father Nick PappasSteve Schneider and family in the death of his mother Louise SchneiderCindy Schultz and family in the death of her son Harold Baker IIILinda Dixon and family in the death of her father William SpaudingCarolyn Norman and family in the death of her husband Chuck NormanKenny Haig and family in the death of his mother Audrey HaigLavonne Lobsitz and family in the death of her husband Hugh Lobsitz

Bob Methvin and family in the death of his wife Claudia MethvinBrian Larsen and family in the death of his father Sonny LarsenKerry Cannon and family in the death of his brother Gerry CannonJon Seale and family in the death of his aunt Joy SealeCraig Mathews and family in the death of his grandmother Viola BeedeBrandon & Blake Mathews, Ben Cash and their families in the death of their great-grandmother Viola Beede

THE STEPHEN MINISTRY CAN HELPDid you ever want to talk to someone but felt no one really wanted to listen? Stephen Ministers

are trained to listen well. They will listen to you and respond lovingly and non-judgmentally. They are not there to tell you what you should or should not do. If you need

someone who will really listen to you as you work through a problem, you may want to consider a Stephen Minister.

For more information contact Donna Alexander at [email protected] or 251.342.0462, ext. 225 for more information.

For more information, contact Donna Alexander at [email protected] or ext. 225 or visit

A Christ-centered 12 step program for life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Recovery is a journey you don’t have to travel alone.

Every Thursday6:30 p.m. Building F

Tuesday, February 108:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Across from Recreation Desk

Provided by Susie OllhoftChrist UMC Health Care Ministry


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 96:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. | PARLOR

Christ UMC Christian Cancer Support meets every 2nd Monday of the month.Please join us for cancer education, faithful testimony, information/referral and prayer.

Contact Teresa Atkins at [email protected] or 251.653.0364 for more information. For child care, contact Kim Pratt at [email protected] or 251.706.3331.

Page 14: Christ UMC - February 2015



To receive the Christ UMC In The Loop email blast or

electronic version of the monthly newsletter, visit CHRISTUMCMOBILE.COM/MEDIA

SUNDAY8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Coffee & Donuts8:00 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Service Sunday School - All Ages9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Library open9:15 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Service NewSong Worship Service Early Elementary Worship Preschool Sunday School 9:16 Youth Worship Adult Connection College Connection10:20 a.m. Youth Singers 10:40 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Service NewSong Worship Service Adult Sunday School Tween Worship Early Elementary Sunday School11:00 a.m. Youth Ringers 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service Youth Worship Preschool & Children Choir 6:00 p.m. College Group MONDAY8:00 a.m. Lifegate

TUESDAY9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Library open6:15 p.m. Exaltation Ringers6:30 p.m. GAP (off campus)

WEDNESDAY8:00 a.m. Lifegate9:30 a.m. Mom’s Bible Study5:00 p.m. Children’s dinner/worship5:30 p.m. Youth Re:Fuel6:15 p.m. Stephen Ministry6:30 p.m. Adult Studies Singles Bible Study Youth Bible Study Sanctuary Choir Single Mom’s Class DivorceCare THURSDAY9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Library open6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

MONDAY - FRIDAY8:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Preschool9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Mom’s Day Out

JEFF’S PERCEPTIONS | 7:40 A.M.WKSJ 94.9 FM | WRKH 96.1 FM | WTKX 101.5 FM


LOCATIONThe Music Hallway, Building B.

A convenient drop box is located in the hallway just outside the Library.

HOURS OF OPERATIONTuesday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.



Featured Auther, Beverly Marie Lewis Jones was born in the heart of Amish country—Lancaster, Pennsylvania. At the tender age of nine, she began writing short stories and poetry. Prior to that, she made up lyrics to the “little fingers” piano pieces she learned at the age of five.

Not until her own children were well into middle school did Beverly seek to publish her work, first in magazines and then her first book in 1993—Mountain Bikes and Garbanzo Beans—presently retitled Big Bad Beans (book #22 in the popular Cul-de-Sac Kids series of chapter books).

Beverly’s first venture into adult fiction is the best-selling trilogy, The Heritage of Lancaster County, including The Shunning, a suspenseful saga of Katie Lapp, a young Amish woman drawn to the modern world by secrets from her past. Asked if she is surprised by the popularity of her work, Lewis says, “The sales response for my work is astonishing, but even more heartwarming are thousands of letters a year pouring in from readers.” She also enjoys responding to these many letters.

A member of the National League of American Pen Women, as well as a Distinguished Alumnus of Evangel University, Lewis has written over 80 books for children, youth and adults, many of them award-winning. She and her husband, David, make their home in Colorado, where they enjoy hiking, biking and spending time with their family. They are also avid musicians and fiction “book worms.” (Reprinted from Lewis’s web site.) You will find these books by Beverly Lewis in the Lighthouse Library:




Weekly Activities

For children:Just Like Mama (easy)What is Heaven Like?

Fiction for adults:Seasons of Grace Series:1. The Secret2. The Missing

Fiction for adults: (Cont’d): Annie’s People Series:1. The Preacher’s Daughter2. The Englisher3. The Brethren4. The Fiddler

Page 15: Christ UMC - February 2015



9 10 11 1312 14

17 18 2019 2115 16

24 2522 23 2726 28

282725 26

6:30 p.m. Christian Cancer Support Group

3029 31

5 6

8:30 a.m. Free Blood Pressure Check

1 2 3 4

6:30 p.m. DivorceCare

6:30 p.m. DivorceCare

6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

6:30 p.m. Divorce Care

6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ransom Cafe

6:00 p.m. Parents’ Night Out


6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery


6:00 p.m. Elem. Fun Night

Communion Sunday

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ransom Cafe

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ransom Cafe

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ransom Cafe

6:00 p.m. PNO6:00 p.m. Elementary Fun Night7:00 p.m. MS Fun Night7:00 p.m. HS Chaos

8:00 a.m. Youth Hands & Feet Mission

10:00 a.m. Lydia Circle

Mary Martha Circle at

5:30 p.m. Crossroads Circle

9:45 a.m. Esther Circle

11:00 a.m. Preschool Fun Day6:00 p.m. Daddy & Daughter Date Night

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ransom Cafe


For more information on Christ UMC visit

Look for our summer sessioncoming soon!

KindermusikAtchristunited.comCall Trish Dougherty at 251.706.3336 or

[email protected].


8:00 a.m. | Hospitality Room

Kidz Crossing has spots available in the half day as well as the extended day program for children 8 weeks to 4 years old.

Please call Christie Ford or Sunnilee Chafin at 251.342.7215 for more information.

Women’s Conference

Water for LifeChallenge kicks off

Youth Super Bowl partyTBall, Baseball & Softball Evaluations

678 Volleyball practice begins

678 Volleyball Clinic

678 Volleyball games begins


Car Show

Recreation MinistryClosed

Tball, baseball & Soft-ball practices begin

Service6:00 p.m. Sanctuary

10:00 a.m. Children’s Family Service Day & Laser Tag

5:30 p.m. Crossroads Circle

6:30 p.m. DivorceCare

6:30 p.m. DivorceCare

Page 16: Christ UMC - February 2015


CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH6101 Grelot Road • Mobile, AL 36609-3611251.342.0462 •