christ-led, christ-fed, and hope-filled · 1/13/2019  · linda evans katie coakley ba anne meadows...

THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF SAINT MARY Parish Office 68 Court Street, Canton, New York 13617 PHONE: (315) 386-2543 [email protected] St. Mary’s School 2 Powers Street (315) 386-3572 [email protected] Sacrament of Baptism – For Children to be Baptized, please call the Rectory to schedule a meeting. Sacrament of Penance – Tuesday from 5:40pm until done, Saturday 3:45—4:45, pm and by appointment. Marriage – Make arrangements with the Pastor at least six months in advance. Pre-Cana instruction is necessary. Anointing of the Sick – Please advise the parish office of the serious illness or hospitalization of a parishioner. Communion for shut-ins – Please notify the Rectory if anyone is unable to attend Sunday Mass regularly. *** New Parishioners – Register at the Rectory at any time. *** PARISH STAFF Rev. Bryan D. Stitt, Pastor • [email protected] Mr. James M. Snell, Deacon [email protected] (315)262-0491 Mr. Paul J. Schrems, Pastoral Associate for Administration [email protected] Mrs. Amanda J. Conklin, Campus Ministry [email protected] or [email protected] Ms. Jamie J. Burns, Religious Education Coordinator [email protected] Ms. Terrianne Yanulavich, Child Safety & Victims’ Assistance Coordinator: (518) 483-3261 [email protected] Mrs. Michele A. Meyers, Principal • [email protected] Mrs. Terry M. Feuka, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Gabriel Project • (315)244-8232 Parish Nurse • (315)322-1836 Surviving Spouse Group (315)379-1650 Our Sacred Purpose: Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled The Diocese of Ogdensburg joyfully invites the people of the North Country to the journey of faith through the proclamation of the Gospel, the celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments, and the loving service of neighbor. January 13, 2019

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Page 1: Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled · 1/13/2019  · Linda Evans Katie Coakley Ba Anne Meadows Phyllis Cunningham Sue Dean Val Bernier Doni Peters Lucas Duvalloffering is to


Parish Office 68 Court Street, Canton, New York 13617

PHONE: (315) 386-2543 • [email protected]

St. Mary’s School 2 Powers Street • (315) 386-3572 • [email protected] •

Sacrament of Baptism – For Children to be Baptized, please call the Rectory to schedule a meeting. Sacrament of Penance – Tuesday from 5:40pm until done, Saturday 3:45—4:45, pm and by appointment.

Marriage – Make arrangements with the Pastor at least six months in advance. Pre-Cana instruction is necessary. Anointing of the Sick – Please advise the parish office of the serious illness or hospitalization of a parishioner.

Communion for shut-ins – Please notify the Rectory if anyone is unable to attend Sunday Mass regularly. *** New Parishioners – Register at the Rectory at any time. ***


Rev. Bryan D. Stitt, Pastor • [email protected]

Mr. James M. Snell, Deacon • [email protected] • (315)262-0491

Mr. Paul J. Schrems, Pastoral Associate for Administration • [email protected]

Mrs. Amanda J. Conklin, Campus Ministry • [email protected] or [email protected]

Ms. Jamie J. Burns, Religious Education Coordinator • [email protected]

Ms. Terrianne Yanulavich, Child Safety & Victims’ Assistance Coordinator: (518) 483-3261 [email protected]

Mrs. Michele A. Meyers, Principal • [email protected]

Mrs. Terry M. Feuka, Administrative Assistant • [email protected]

Gabriel Project • (315)244-8232 • Parish Nurse • (315)322-1836 • Surviving Spouse Group • (315)379-1650

Our Sacred Purpose:

Christ-led, Christ-fed,

and Hope-filled

The Diocese of Ogdensburg joyfully

invites the people of the North Country to the journey of faith

through the proclamation of the Gospel,

the celebration of the Eucharist and

the Sacraments, and the loving service of neighbor.

January 13, 2019

Page 2: Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled · 1/13/2019  · Linda Evans Katie Coakley Ba Anne Meadows Phyllis Cunningham Sue Dean Val Bernier Doni Peters Lucas Duvalloffering is to

Page 2 January 13, 2019

CD of the Week:

Janet Smith, Ph.D. a seminary professor and internationally-known author and speaker, provides important context for why Humanae Vitae is considered the most controversial, and one of the most important, encyclicals promulgated by the Church in modern times. She discuss-es how this document written by Blessed Pope Paul VI served to prophetically warn the world of the dire consequences associat-ed with artificial contraception and faithfully witness to the beau-ty of God’s plan for sex within marriage.

Pastor’s Corner Merry Christmas!—That’s the last time you’ll re-ceive that greeting from me this liturgical year. I was having a pleasant conversation with a very faithful life-long Catholic this week. He said, “Well, you made it through another Christmas season, Father!” While I appreciated the congratulations, I had to point out that it was a bit premature. The reason is because the Christmas season doesn’t end until this Sunday.

It’s confusing, I know! The 12 Days of Christmas get us from the 25th to the coming of the Magi at Epiphany. So why another week?

Remember what we spoke about last week? Christmas only makes sense when we see Jesus shared with the all people. We saw that in the coming of the three wisemen. But Jesus didn’t just reveal himself as a cute baby. He was also made manifest as an adult as he began his public ministry. Thus, today is all about a fresh start.

How are those New Year’s resolutions coming? Maybe that would be a good time to hit the “refresh” button on them.

(A little aside: I’d probably leave the decorations up for a few more days, but I’m heading to D.C. this week with our college students for the March for Life—more on this next week. As a result, we’ll be taking the decorations down after the 9:00 AM Mass.) Our dear friend, Fr. Jack Downs will be with you again next week. Have a blessed week! —Fr. Bryan Stitt

Thank you for the continued prayers for our baby, Nolan Joe Redmond. After 9 months of chemotherapy and a bone mar-row transplant in Sept., he is now home with his parents. He continues to be checked on bi-weekly. Barbara Towne & Family


The over 56 million abortions since the 1973 decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton reflect with heartbreaking magnitude what Pope Francis means by a “throwaway culture.” However, we have great trust in God’s providence. We are reminded time and again in Scripture to seek the Lord’s help, and as people of faith, we believe that our prayers are heard. The General Instruc-tion of the Roman Missal designates January 22 as a particular day of prayer and penance, called the "Day of Prayer for the Le-gal Protection of Unborn Children”: “In all the Dioceses of the United States, January 22 shall be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion.” As individuals, we are called to observe this day through the penitential practices of prayer and fasting. Another way to take part is participating in special events to observe the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. If you are unable to participate physically, please pray for those who are traveling to Washington DC to March for Life. Thank you for your prayers. Resources are available here:

UPDATE: Diocesan/Parish Capital Campaign Positive momentum continues to grow for Capital Campaign. As of Jan. 3rd, St. Mary’s has raised $313,100.99 from 111 donors. This is 81.25% of our Goal! When we subtract the amount designated for our Bishop’s Fund Appeal Goal of $35,000 and the 25% designat-ed to the Diocesan Projects (or our indirect needs – Camp Guggenheim, Priest Retirement, Education of Seminarians, St Mary’s Ca-thedral extensive work), so far, the income coming back to St. Mary’s, if all pledges are honored, is $208,575.74 for our needs (The school roof loan, brick repair on the church, the wheelchair ramp and on going religious education for every member of the parish). It is our hope that everyone will participate so that our very much needed parish projects will be able to get done. So if you have yet to make a donation or pledge we are really counting on all parishioners to make this happen.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

As Father Stitt and our college students head to DC, join them and thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual pro-life no-vena, Monday, January 14 – Tuesday, January 22. Pray for the respect of all human life with daily intentions, brief reflections, and more. Download a free mobile app, or sign up to receive the novena through daily emails or text message. (A printable ver-sion is also available online.) Sign up at!

Decorations Coming Down Many hands make light work. (No pun intend-ed). Can you join us to lift a hand after the 9:00 AM Mass?

Page 3: Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled · 1/13/2019  · Linda Evans Katie Coakley Ba Anne Meadows Phyllis Cunningham Sue Dean Val Bernier Doni Peters Lucas Duvalloffering is to

Page 3 January 13, 2019

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen.

Nolan Joe Redmond Joel Rivera Camille Brown Sam Bisonette Trina Anderson Annette Hurley David Datush Leward & Betty Lucia Arlene Maroney Judy Ruddy Debbie Gainey Linda Evans Katie Coakley Ba Anne Meadows Phyllis Cunningham Sue Dean Val Bernier Doni Peters Lucas Duvall Shirley Lamendola Abuse Victims and their families

Religious Education classes resume at 10am on Sunday, January 13.

Confirmation I & II Classes are at 6:00pm

Reminder: there are no classes on Janu-ary20 due to the Martin Luther King holi-day weekend.

Principal’s Corner

Jan. 17—Family Fun Night—6:30 pm

No School—Jan. 21—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Not Feeling 100%? It probably would be best not to shake hands at the

sign of peace. Feel free to smile and wave.

Feeling okay, but concerned

about the sick around you? Feel free to do the same!

Surviving Divorce: 12-week program

The Surviving Divorce Program offers support and healing for people who are separated or divorced. The groups meet once a week for 12 weeks. New groups are starting in Massena and Watertown in late January.

For more information, contact Steve Tartaglia at 315-393-2920.

Amateur Greeters? We’ve

got some well trained Greeters here at St. Mary’s who are good welcoming people by holding doors, passing out bulletins, and sometimes doing both at the same

time! But don’t feel you have to be a “professional” to do so. If it feels like you’ve got an extra 5 minutes and you’re willing/able to help us out, please feel free to step in—we won’t force you to give up your amateur status and go pro if you don’t want to !

Job Advertisement – Guggenheim Camp Director The Diocese of Ogdensburg is seeking a Guggenheim Camp Di-

rector who will supervise the day to day operation of Camp Gug-

genheim during the seven week Summer Camp season, to in-

clude staff orientation week and six weeks of Summer Camp.

The Director is expected to uphold the Camp Guggenheim phi-

losophy and ensure that all activities follow Camp policies and

procedures, as well as Department of Health regulations. Appli-

cants must be a practicing Catholic. Bachelor’s degree pre-

ferred. Previous experience with youth ministry, camp admin-

istration or supervision including program planning, recreational

leadership, training and directing staff counselors required. Ex-

cellent communication skills and proficiency in digital technolo-

gy also required. Submit letter of interest, resume and three

professional references to Thomas Semeraro at

[email protected]. Deadline for application is February 15,


Week of December 30 2017 2018

Envelopes $4,396.00 $4,324.00

Plate $582.35 $650.00

Children’s Envelope 75¢ $1.00

Total $4,979.10 $4,975.00

January 1 2018 2019

Solemnity of Mary $685.00 $1,357.75

Religious Retirement $25.00

Christmas $252.00

Adopt-a-Student $300.00

Sunday Collection $150.00

Total $1,169.00 $1,609.75

Week of January 6 2018 2019

Envelopes $6,455.00 $5,196.00

Plate $525.00 $632.00

Immaculate Conception $25.00

Religious Retirement $21.00

Fuel Collection $50.00 $90.00

Solemnity of Mary $203.00 $176.00

Respect Life $10.00 $15.00

Adopt-a-Student $100.00 $100.00

Christmas $50.00 $15.00

Total $7,393.00 $6,270.00

Thank you for your support and generosity each and every week!

Please continue to remember how important your weekly offering is to the life of our parish!

Page 4: Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled · 1/13/2019  · Linda Evans Katie Coakley Ba Anne Meadows Phyllis Cunningham Sue Dean Val Bernier Doni Peters Lucas Duvalloffering is to

Readings for Sunday, January 13: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf. 11]/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 Readings for Sunday, January 20: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10 [3]/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11

St. Mary’s Thrift Store 7 Main St. Mon.-Fri. 9am-4 pm

Come see of our new clothing arriving daily

January 12 & 13, 2019 Sat. 5:00 pm

Lectors: Brad Mintener, Carolyn Shelmidine

Eucharist: Bernie Proulx, Freda Michaud, Michael Christy, Sandra Bartlett

Altar Servers: Eleanor Bailey

Greeters: Mary Evans

Sun. 9:00 am

Lectors: Russ Backus, Keith Zimmerman

Eucharist: Joan Hyde, Barb teRiele, Norma Jean Lapoint +1

Altar Servers: Gavin Thompson, Nicole White

Greeter: Brian Lee

January 19 & 20, 2019 Sat. 5:00 pm

Lectors: Shelly Roiger, Edd White

Eucharist: Carol O’Horo, Pat Furgal, Anne Ryan-Ruud,

Julie Guarino

Altar Servers: Christian Guarino

Greeters: Jim Barry

Sun. 9:00 am

Lectors: Maureen Howard, Cheryl Curry

Eucharist: Mel Schrems, Paul Schrems, Virginia Burwell,

Joe Tebo

Altar Servers: Nicole White, Gavin Thompson

Greeter: Helen Dominy

It’s 2019!

Please be attentive when writing checks for your weekly donation. The bank returns checks dated 2018,. Thank you.

We made a mistake!.

The following intentions were omitted from the Christmas Flower insert:

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Downey

Mr. & Mrs. John Downey

Ralph & Glenna Arthur

Andrew Osgood

by Debbie, Missy & Steven St. Germain

Page 5: Christ-led, Christ-fed, and Hope-filled · 1/13/2019  · Linda Evans Katie Coakley Ba Anne Meadows Phyllis Cunningham Sue Dean Val Bernier Doni Peters Lucas Duvalloffering is to

Sunday, January 13: The Baptism of the Lord

9:00 am Mass Brian Casey by Anna McKenna & Family

5:00 pm Mass Helen Wilson by Judy Wilson & Family

Monday, January 14: Weekday

8:15 pm Mass Yvonne Petit by the Makowiecs

Tuesday, January 15: Weekday

4:00 pm Holy Hour for Vocations

5:10 pm Mass Nick Spadaccini by Barb & Joe teRiele

Wednesday, January 16: Weekday

10:30 am Mass (Maplewood) Margaret Brown by the Estate

Thursday, January 17: St. Anthony, Abbot

4:45 pm Rosary for Life

5:10 pm Mass No Mass

Friday, January 18: Weekday

8:15 am Mass NO MASS

Saturday, January 19: Weekday

No Morning Mass

Vigil: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

3:45-4:45 pm Confession

5:00 pm Mass Patricia Infantine by Marilyn Infantine Mintener & Bradshaw Mintener

Sunday, January 20: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 am Mass Raymond Patnaude by Helen Kenyon

5:00 pm Mass Don Wilson by Trudy & George Wilson


Please pick up a weekly children’s

bulletin for your child.

Help them learn about the weekly gospel from a child’s perspective.

They are located in the bulletin holders.

The Church Sanctuary Lamp burns this week For

Elijah Michael teRiele’s Birthday by

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard teRiele If you desire to have the Vigil Lamp lit for a loved one or for your inten-

tion, please contact the Rectory.

BINGO is held every Monday night, at 7pm 30 Miner Street Bring a Friend!

All New Bonus Balll!