christ in you, the hope of glory

Christ in You, The Hope of Glory How our identity is in Christ

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Post on 26-Jun-2015



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Finding our identity in him


Page 1: Christ in you, the hope of glory

Christ in You, The Hope of Glory How our identity is in Christ

Page 2: Christ in you, the hope of glory

What is Identity?

Our identity is our overall make-up. “Who we are”

Physically (Outer Man)

Spiritually (Inner Man)

God wired us for worship Isaiah 43:7…We all base our identity in something.

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Main Source of Identity


Greek-Seat of Mind (Proverbs 23:7), Emotions (Soul) (Psalms), Spirit (Hebrews 4:12)

The Heart is the center of the Physical Body

The Heart is the center of the Spiritual Body

Hebrews 4:12 “Division of Soul and Spirit”

Proverbs 4:23 “Wellspring of life”

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Heart (Pre-Conversion)

Wicked beyond nature Jeremiah 17:9

Spirit is dead

Thoughts, Emotions and Will went towards our sin nature (Romans 7:18)

Everyone did what he thought was right

Every human was born with a sin nature that wanted to serve itself (and the devil)

ALL about Performance

Satan is Lord

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Heart (Upon Conversion)

When people accept Christ as their savior, they get a brand new identity (spirit).

Christ comes to live inside of them 1 Cor 6:17

Christ becomes their life Colossians 3:4

Christ lives in them Galatians 2:20

However, their mind, will and emotions have not changed

People have to renew their mind by walking in the spirit (or allowing Christ to live his live through us)

Its not about our performance, but Christ’s performance.

Christ is Lord

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Allowing God to live in us

It takes resisting the flesh and walking in the holy spirit

Flesh “Devil” Holy Spirit “Angel”

Living each step controlled to the Holy Spirit

Allowing God to do his work in us

Allowing God to match our mind, will and emotions to our born again spirit (him)

Becoming who we already are.

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Reading and Applying the Word 1 Peter 1:23

Hearing the Word Romans 10:17

Speaking the Word 2 Corinthians 4:13

Acting on the Word James 2:24

Praying without ceasing 1 thess 5:17

In everything give thanks 1 thess 5:18

Confession/Repentance of Sin to remain in fellowship on earth 1 John 1:9

Yielding to the Holy Spirit 1 Peter 5:7, Phil 4:6-9

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Correcting a Mistaken Identity

Christians always find themselves measuring themselves by their actions and how cool they are by what other people say

When they mess up, they feel like they “lost their salvation” or their “cool standing” per se.

Righteousness is based on Christ (2 Cor 5:21), not our own so we should not measure ourselves by our performance, but by him.

We all want to be at a certain place, but we do not have to measure our abillity, value, or acceptance in ourselves or what people say and do.

Our identity is in Christ…so is our acceptance, strength, abillity, value, worth.

Be yourself in Christ and be strong in Christ Eph 6:11-13

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Releasing the Shame and Rejection Many people do not like themselves because they feel

ashamed of who they are

Many people try to get attention/approval from others in order to feel validated and loved.

They feel rejected, dejected, etc. When someone correct them, they feel like they are no longer saved, or not righteous anymore.

When someone rejects them, they suddenly feel unworthy

Get out of the performance mentality of the flesh into the grace mentality of the spirit and come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain mercy Hebrews 4:16.

It is by grace we are saved, and it is by grace we are being transformed. Who we are in Christ is based on his grace and not our own merits. Our value is in him! Romans 4:4-5.

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Heart (Present condition of Christians)

Christ lives and reigns in them

They are transformed day by day as the believer walks by faith in him

They will become more christlike and develop more fruits of the spirit gal 5:22-25

They will still sin, but it is related to their flesh, not their spirit. They should repent of it and move forward and not be ashamed of it again.

Christ lives in them as believers put their faith in Christ.

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Final Thoughts

Our identity is not based on what we do, but based on what Jesus Christ did on the cross

Jesus is our value

Jesus is our ability

Jesus is our source of love and hope

Know Jesus today. Be strong in the lord and in the power of his might.