chris 2.3.0/hpg 3.1.0 final release notes for...

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes For External Partners V1.0 Organization: Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers (OACCAC) Division: Business Technology Solutions Version: 1.0 Version Date: November 15, 2013 Prepared by: OACCAC

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Page 1: CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes For … 2...CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes For External Partners V1.0 Organization:

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes

For External Partners V1.0

Organization: Ontario Association of Community

Care Access Centers (OACCAC)

Division: Business Technology Solutions

Version: 1.0

Version Date: November 15, 2013

Prepared by: OACCAC

Page 2: CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes For … 2...CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes For External Partners V1.0 Organization:

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 i © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Revision Log

Version No. Version Date Changed by/Input from Summary of Change

0.1 Nov 8, 2013 Joan Hill Content from Interim Release

Notes as published

0.2 Nov13, 2013 Joan Hill Additional content as per

functional changes since


0.3 Nov 15, 2013 Joan Hill / Business & Dev leads Content for external audience


1.0 Nov 15, 2013 Joan Hill Final release notes as published to OACCAC website -for

External Partner use

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 ii © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary ..................................................................................... 1

Major Enhancements ................................................................................................ 1 1.1

Other Enhancements ................................................................................................ 2 1.2

2. OBP/OBR Phase 2 – Pathway Reporting .................................................... 3

Business Need .......................................................................................................... 3 2.1

Solution Overview ..................................................................................................... 3 2.2

Known Issues............................................................................................................ 4 2.3

3. OBP/OBR Phase 2 – Payment & Pricing Framework .................................. 5

Business Need .......................................................................................................... 5 3.1

Solution Overview ..................................................................................................... 5 3.2

Known Issues............................................................................................................ 6 3.3

4. CCAC Referral – eReferral Acute to CCAC ................................................. 7

Business Need .......................................................................................................... 7 4.1

Solution Overview ..................................................................................................... 7 4.2

Business Need .......................................................................................................... 9 5.1

Solution Overview ..................................................................................................... 9 5.2

Functionality ............................................................................................................ 10 5.3

6. ED Notification (Health Links) .....................................................................11

Business Need ........................................................................................................ 11 6.1

Solution Overview ................................................................................................... 11 6.2

Enhancements ........................................................................................................ 12 6.3

7. CCAC Efficiencies ......................................................................................13

HPG ........................................................................................................................ 13 Enhancements .......................................................................................... 13 7.1.2 Defect Resolutions ..................................................................................... 17 7.1.3 Known Issues ............................................................................................ 18

Other Technical Changes ....................................................................................... 19 7.2

8. Provincial Data Updates .............................................................................20

Allergies .................................................................................................................. 20 8.1

Languages .............................................................................................................. 21 8.2

Service Related Table Changes ............................................................................. 21 Community Services (for eReferral to Community) .............................................. 21 8.3.2 Purchased Services ..................................................................................... 21

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 1 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

1. Executive Summary This document provides specific information on the Enhancements and Provincial Data Updates, included

in CHRIS Release 2.3.0 and HPG Release 3.1.0, which affect Service Providers, Medical Supply &

Equipment Vendors, LTC homes, Complex Care / Rehab hospitals, Hospitals & Physicians, and any other external partner. This release is scheduled to go live on November 20, 2013.

This section provides an executive summary of the projects / major changes and other enhancements included in R2.3.

New External CCAC / OACCAC website

A new system of 14 CCAC external websites are being introduced, which will replace the

existing website currently accessible at The current website address will be redirected to the new one, which will be

Go-live for the new websites is scheduled for the week of November 4, 2013. We will let you

know if the schedule changes. The go-live date has been extended to the week of Nov 18.

As of this date, external partners looking for e-health information related to CCACs, including

Release Notes for new CHRIS & HPG releases, will go to the NEW website. When you arrive at the new website, click through to any individual CCAC site, then click on the Partners tab and

select Service Provider Portal to access the information you need.

Major Enhancements 1.1

R2.3 Project Overview

OBP/OBR Phase 2 – Pathway


(of interest to Service Providers)

Enhances the existing Pathway Reporting by providers and CCACs

with the ability to report expanded pathway and client status information

With the purpose of supporting a more efficient and complete

outcome reporting process

OBP/OBR Phase 2 – Payment &

Pricing Framework

(of interest to Service Providers)

Implements a new reimbursement model for pathways which are

appropriate for outcome based reimbursement

With the purpose of providing fair compensation to providers,

based on client outcomes achieved

CCAC Referral – eReferral Acute to CCAC

(of specific interest to Acute Care


Automates the sending and receiving of referrals from Acute Hospitals to CCACs, in compliance with the RM&R Acute to CCAC

Provincial Referral Standard

With the purpose of reducing the time from referral to patient discharge

CCAC Referral – Provincial

Referral Standard for eReferral to LTC

(of interest to LTC Homes)

Builds on the existing eReferral to LTC Homes by meeting the

Provincial Referral Standard for the client application

With the purpose of providing consistent, complete information

when referring clients for LTC

ED Notification for Health Links

(of interest to Hospitals)

Builds on the existing ED Notification feature to share an expanded set of client events in hospital with CCACs and Primary Care Team

With the purpose of alerting CCAC and Primary Care providers of changes in client location and status, related to hospital admissions

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 2 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

R2.3 Project Overview

and discharges


(of interest to all)

Provides new and/or increased efficiencies in the CCAC and

external partner operation of CHRIS / HPG (Health Partner Gateway) / CHP (Client Health Portal)

Other Enhancements 1.2This release also includes a number of Provincial Data Updates, and a number of defect corrections across the application.

For a more detailed understanding of these enhancements, please refer to the body of this

Release Notes document.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 3 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

2. OBP/OBR Phase 2 – Pathway Reporting

The enhanced OBR/OBR – Pathway Reporting functionality will be deployed enabled for those CCACs that have an active Outcome Based Service in CHRIS.

Existing OB pathways will be retained as previously for outcome interval reporting; however they will have the new added functionality for reporting and changes to OB management

screens in both HPG and CHRIS.

Business Need 2.1

With the release of OBP/OBR functionality in CHRIS 2.1, there was an identified need to enhance the

present functionality due to:

Service Provider Organizations required to submit a report that contains several elements that

they could not enter into the HPG interval report. This report must be submitted and its

information shared with the CCAC outside of the context of the outcome-based pathway interval

reporting functionality.

Elements that were excluded from HPG include;

o barriers to achieving outcomes,

o variances,

o risk factors,

o requests for professional or community referrals

o changes to a client’s status such as a supervening event

Certain pathways have outcomes that must be achieved and submitted by Client Services staff.

These CCAC only outcomes cannot presently be accommodated by the system.

SPOs can only submit information through HPG as part of an interval report. If communication

between the SPO and the CCAC is necessary prior to an interval report, this communication

must occur outside of the system.

SPO and CCAC users need the ability to view OBP information outside the context of the HPG or

CHRIS applications.

Solution Overview 2.2

The ability for SPOs and CCACs to submit and view additional OBP information such as:

o Variances and Risk Factors o Activity Notifications / Requests o Supervening Events

The ability for Client Services staff to submit CCAC only outcomes and for SPOs to view those


The ability for CCACs and SPOs to generate a report that displays OBP information for a client

These enhancements will benefit clients, SPOs and CCACs by:

Allowing both SPO staff and CCAC staff to communicate information about a client’s care in a

timely manner, through the system.

Providing enhanced notification and tracking for follow-up during the Pathway course of


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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 4 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Known Issues 2.3

SMA # OBP/OBR Phase 2 Project

Affects Client Services, Service Providers

Description NEW – User cannot discharge Pathway as required unless all payment linked outcomes have been submitted

System requires that all payment linked outcomes have to have been reported in order

for the Pathway to be Discontinued with a supervening event within 7 days of day X.

User must submit Discontinue Pathway with a requested date before 7 days prior to

day X.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 5 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

3. OBP/OBR Phase 2 – Payment & Pricing Framework

The new OBP/OBR Payment & Pricing Framework will be deployed enabled for those CCACs that have an active Outcome Based Service in production at R2.3.

Existing OB pathway services will be retained as Fee for Service with authorization of visits/hours billed by the provider. Fee for Service will allow the CCAC to enable ‘frequencies

required’ on provider contracts and allow CCAC users to order service on OB billing codes using

the Service delivery type override.

Over the next 6 to 8 weeks, a proposed schedule for deployment of OBP/OBR functionality to

CCACs and SPOs will be finalized. The current thinking is that some CCACs and SPOs will deploy OBP/OBR in late November and December with the majority of CCACs and SPOs deploying

between January and March 2014.

Business Need 3.1

The OBP & OBR initiative is being undertaken as part of the Quality and Value in Home Care collaborative which will support health care system funding reform in the home and community care

sector by creating value and driving integration in Ontario’s health system, fostering patient-centred positive change and increasing quality of care delivery.

The successful adoption of the outcome-based pathways and OBR will:

Enable improved patient experience and outcomes

Incent SPO adherence to evidence-based best practices by reimbursing SPOs through an all-in,

fixed price

Support consistency and evidence-based outcome management by Care Coordinators for

specific populations

Work is currently underway to revise the short-stay outcome-based reimbursement framework and to

develop OBR pricing for 6 short-stay wound types, and hip and knee replacements. It is expected that the pricing will be available in November 2013.

There are 5 other wound care outcome-based pathways, for which fee-for-service will remain the

payment model.

Based on the proof of concepts for wound care and hip/knee replacements, revisions have been made to

the outcome-based pathways, and these revisions will be included in CHRIS R2.3.

The ability to have this information in CHRIS will enable a new level of automation to achieve OBP &

OBR, as well as the ability to monitor SPO performance, ensure usage of best practices, support CCAC/service provider organization (SPO) billing practices, and allow for efficient and timely service

provider reporting.

SPOs and client service users will have access to the patient information received in CHRIS and to

automatically update outcome status for reimbursement to the SPO when patient outcomes are met.

Solution Overview 3.2

In order to allow implementation of the payment and pricing framework, the system was enhanced to:

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 6 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Release payment to providers upon confirmation of pathway and achievement of payment

linked outcomes

Release payment to providers upon passage of X days, should payment-linked outcomes not

be met

Enable providers to report a fee for service rate for visits provided under an OBP to be used

for compensation upon transition of a client to fee for service

Authorize payment to providers based on fee for service rates upon transition to fee for


Release the final payment to providers when payment-linked outcomes have been achieved by day x

Patients may not be eligible for an Outcome Based Reimbursement type pathway however best practice indicates that there are benefits to managing and reporting care under an Outcome Based pathway. In

this instance the outcome based pathway is still ordered however the reimbursement type will be Fee for Service. The SPO will be compensated on visits/hours provided. The CCAC will have the ability to set

frequencies by specific service discipline in order to meet the patient’s needs.

Known Issues 3.3

SMA # OBP/OBR Phase 2 Project

Affects Finance, Service Providers

Description Final Core Payment Denied in Error

When provider submits second interval report with outcomes not met, the system incorrectly creates a Final Core Payment with status = Denied, which is shared with

the provider via Outcome Based Remittance Report.

This is being fixed for production.

SMA # OBP/OBR Phase 2 Project

Affects Client Services, Finance, Service Providers

Description NEW – Previously paid Core Payments reversed in error

When a supervening event (client died or vacation on hold >14 days) is identified as

the Discontinue Reason, and is submitted after all Payment Linked Outcomes have been met and Core Payments have been paid, CHRIS takes the wrong action. Core

payments are reversed and the Pathway is transitioned to Fee For Service capped.

Workaround: Service Providers should submit Discontinue Reason on same occasion

as final Payment Linked Outcomes OR the CCAC HRA can delete the Discontinue

Report and resubmit as Treatment Complete – Goals Met, which will return Pathway Status to OBR and Core Payments paid.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 7 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

4. CCAC Referral – eReferral Acute to CCAC

The CCAC Referral – eReferral Acute to CCAC project has a two prong deployment, CHRIS changes for CCAC users, and integration with acute hospitals.

The integration for system to system communication of eReferrals from acute hospitals to CCACs, and the new CCAC Referrals feature in CHRIS will be deployed first to a pilot CCAC and

pilot hospital, after which it will be available to other CCACs and other hospitals through a

planned deployment process.

Business Need 4.1

The CCAC Referral project is being driven by both internal and external business needs. CCACs are

looking for a better method of receiving hospital referrals in a timely manner. The Ministry of Health and LHINs are looking to automate the referral process from Acute to CCAC as part of the larger RM&R

strategy for the province. The Provincial RM&R Committee is a key partner and stakeholder of this


In May 2013, the Provincial RM&R Group agreed on a Provincial Referral Standard in an effort to

standardize referral information from the Hospitals to the CCAC and Complex Continuing Care / Rehab facilities. In addition, a Provincial Referral Standard was also established for referrals from the CCAC to


The eReferral to CCAC component of the CCAC Referral project will provide an automated method for

(acute) hospitals to refer clients to the CCAC. This project will implement the Provincial Referral

Standard for hospital to CCAC referrals, as defined by the Provincial RM&R Committee.

CCACs receive requests to assess clients from many sources, including hospitals, primary care, and

community support agencies. The receipt of and response to these requests presently occurs through a variety of means, outside of CHRIS. The work that is triggered by these requests (the assessment of

clients) is recorded in CHRIS through the client record.

Phase I of the project addresses only the Acute Hospital to CCAC pathway. Future phases will extend the functionality to other referral sources.

Solution Overview 4.2

The proposed solution will provide a standard system to system interface to be used by hospitals when referring new patients to their associated CCAC. This standard interface will be used to integrate the

incoming referrals from the hospital with CHRIS. The incoming referral information will flow directly into CHRIS where users can manage the incoming hospital referrals.

As a provincial RM&R solution, CHRIS will publish a standard based on the Provincial Referral Standard

for Referrals to CCAC, which will be used by all hospitals when submitting referral information.

This common interface will be used to integrate incoming referrals with CHRIS which will allow

information to flow directly into CHRIS where users can manage these referrals.

As a result, CHRIS will be able to work with any integration partners to receive referral information.

CCACs will have the ability to review and process all incoming referrals within CHRIS, create CHRIS

referrals and generate outgoing referrals to various facilities/agencies.

This solution will benefit the Hospitals and CCACs as follows:

Improved referral process

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 8 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Many methods of communications are standardized into a single process for referring a client to


Process is more reliable and is expected to reduce time between referral and admission for


Improved CCAC User efficiency

eliminating duplicate entry of client registration information

automated workflow to move from hospital referral to creation of CHRIS home care referral

view and management of hospital referrals for new clients and clients already on service in one


Phase I functionality will not include Referral Package automation from hospitals to CCACs.

Phase I functionality will only include the communication of the initial referral. No updates from either hospital or CCAC are in scope for phase I.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 9 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

5. CCAC Referral – eReferral to LTC (Provincial Referral Standard)

The CCAC Referral - eReferral to LTCH (Provincial Referral Standard) functionality will be

implemented as part of the CHRIS R2.3 release, and does not require a separate deployment.

The new fields that were required to comply with the LTC Provincial Referral Standard will be deployed and available for all CCACs with R2.3.

Business Need 5.1

In May 2013, the Provincial RM&R Group agreed on a Provincial Referral Standard in an effort to

standardize referral information from the Hospitals to the CCAC and Complex Continuing Care / Rehab facilities. In addition, a Provincial Referral Standard was also established for referrals from the CCAC to


CHRIS has been recognized as a solution for RM&R by the Provincial RM&R Committee. The business need is to comply with the provincial standard, specifically:

Identify and collect any information not currently available in CHRIS

Identify and add information not currently included in the LTC Application / Referral.

A LTCH referral is made up of the client application, and a referral package containing the client assessment and a number of other documents. The Provincial Referral Standard for LTC includes a

provincial list of documents that will form the Referral Package for LTC.

CCACs need to have a method to ensure that the documents required by the MDS are sent to

the LTC homes as part of the LTC referral package.

There is intended to be a standard format and content for each document on the provincial list.

CCACs have identified these, and are working towards provincial consistency.

The CHRIS LTC application contains MORE information than is specified in the Provincial Referral Standard. The Provincial RM&R Committee has agreed that this is fine, given that the additional

information is related to the waitlist management aspect of LTC Referral Management.

The Referral to LTC pathway includes all LTC programs: Long Term Placement, Short Stay Interim,

Short Stay Convalescent Care and Short Stay Respite. The CHRIS eReferral to LTC solution addresses

all LTC programs except Short Stay Respite.

The changes in R2.3 do not include eReferral to LTC for Short Stay Respite: this is out of scope, and

will need to be addressed in a future release.

Solution Overview 5.2

This project will implement the Provincial Referral Standard for LTC referrals. This includes:

Adding client Ethnocultural Preferences field to CHRIS Add / Edit Choices

Adding new legal roles for personal contacts in CHRIS

Prompt the user with the provincial list of documents to be included with an LTC application

Adding the new CHRIS fields and additional information to the LTC application

Include the identified document types from the provincial document list in the LTC application,

to notify the LTC homes what to expect in the referral package

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Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 10 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Functionality 5.3

For information on the enhancement details to be deployed with CHRIS R2.3.0, please refer to

the CCAC Efficiencies section below in this document, identified with the project name in the

SMA# row.

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Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 11 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

6. ED Notification (Health Links)

The enhanced ED Notification functionality will be deployed in disabled mode in Release


New ED Notification functionality will be available for those CCACs with ED Notification currently

enabled and whose partner hospital(s) have upgraded their software to extract and send the

expanded list of patient events.

CCAC’s will require an SMA to enable/disable the new functionality. The OACCAC will work with the CCAC to onboard a partner hospital to ensure the hospital’s HIS feed is integrated into

CHRIS and certified by the CCAC. To support the ED Notification functionality, a Data Sharing Agreement will also need to be signed between the CCAC and the partner hospital.

Business Need 6.1

The ED Notification project is being driven by the Health Links objectives to improve care for 1-5% of Ontario’s population that are responsible for approximately 20B in healthcare system costs.

The Provincial Health Links eHealth Advisory Committee (HLEAC), headed by the MOHLTC, identified the

need to notify the Health Link Care Team when the patient presents/admitted/discharged to/from a Hospital Emergency Department. Although it is necessary for the patient’s entire care team to be

notified of such occurrences, there has been a heavy emphasize on the importance of notifications to primary care. HLEAC recognized that the OACCAC ED Notification solution along with OMDs HRM

(OntarioMD Hospital Report Manager) solution have the foundation in place to be a key enabler to

support this business need in the short term.

This approach will allow care providers to better and more efficiently coordinate care for these patients.

Two areas where coordination of care can be improved include better communication of ED visits and a patient registry.

Solution Overview 6.2

Existing Solutions:

ED Notification - The OACCAC has developed an ED Notification solution that a number of CCACs are

using receive notifications from Hospitals. The current solution supports the following hospital


Patient Presents in the ED

Patient is Discharged from the ED

Patient is Admitted to an In-Patient Unit

Ontario MD Hospital Reports Manager – OMDs HRM solution enables Primary Care Practitioners who

have adopted the EMR solution to receive hospital reports electronically.

The objectives of this project are:

Enable direct routing of ED Notifications to Primary Care Clinician’s EMR systems via OntarioMD

Hospital Report Manager system. Allow Hospitals to specify Primary Care clinicians that the ED

Notification should be routed to and expand this list of recipients using Medical Contact information stored in CHRIS.

Enable hospitals to include clinical or administrative context information (“observations”) with

the ED Notification message. Examples include CTAS Score, LACE Index, or narrative-based Clinical Notes.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 12 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Allow Hospitals to inform notification recipients of health-related “groups” (i.e. HealthLinks) that

a patient is known to be associated with. Inform Hospitals of health-related “groups” that are

recorded as contacts in the Patient’s CHRIS Client Record if any exist.

Expand the notification types to include discharges from In-Patient Units

Expand CHRIS Client queries to determine CCAC Client status at a provincial scope. Upon

identifying a CCAC Client, provide an opportunity for each CCAC with that Client’s record to

receive a notification.

Enable CCAC-configurable filtering logic on ED Notifications including Client Age and Client


Enhancements 6.3

SMA # CCAC Request

Affects Client Services

Description Increase Field Size for Patient Surname and First Name in ED Notification XML Interface

Hospital patients with long names were failing to match to a client in CHRIS, due to a

restriction on the size of the surname and first name fields.

An enhancement is being implemented to expand the Surname and First Name fields

in the XML message from 25 characters to 250 characters.

Client name search functionality which is used when the hospital patient has no HCN

will now search using just the first 25 characters.

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Final Release Notes (External Partners) Date: Nov 15, 2013

CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 13 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

7. CCAC Efficiencies

HPG 7.1

7.1.1 Enhancements

SMA # LTC Legislation

Affects LTC Homes

Description LT Placement – New Priority for Clients Waiting for Admission from a Specialized Unit

A new long term placement category has been legislated, for clients that are waiting

for admission to a LTCH that is NOT their original home. This applies to clients who are in a specialized unit or have been transferred from the specialized unit to a regular

bed in the same home. The new category falls between categories 2 (Spouse/Partner Reunification) and 3 (Religious, Ethnic or Linguistic Origin).

The ministry has now coded the new priority as “2.1”. CHRIS has been updated to use

“2.1” instead of “2T”.

A new priority has been created in CHRIS:

Priority Code = 2T 2.1 Priority Description = Transition from a Specialized Unit

Continuum of Care consideration does NOT apply to this priority.

On Waitlists, 2T 2.1 is listed in sequence after clients with Priority 2, and before clients

with Priority 3A.

SMA # CCAC Referral – eReferral to LTCH (Provincial Referral Standard) Project

Affects LTC Homes

Description LTC Placement – new Ethnocultural field

To comply with the Provincial Referral Standard for referrals to LTC, a new

Ethnocultural Preferences field has been added to Choice Details in CHRIS. This is intended to be used to indicate a client’s eligibility for an Ethnocultural / Language

specific home, when a client’s priority is 3A or 3B. It can also be used for other

choices to share a client’s Ethnocultural background or Language with LTC homes.

SMA # CCAC Referral – eReferral to LTCH (Provincial Referral Standard) Project

Affects LTC Homes

Description LTC Placement –Provincial Documents to be included with referral

To comply with the Provincial Referral Standard for Referral to LTC, a new Documents

section has been added to the LTC Referral. The new “Provincial Documents Included with Referral” grid tells the receiving LTC home which of the provincial placement

documents apply to the referred client, and should be found in the Referral Package.

For CCACs with an integrated Document Management System, the selected Provincial Documents will be found by LTC home users under the Referral Documents tab of HPG

Referral Management. The RAI-HC Assessment reports should be viewable under Shared Assessments section. All other documents should be found under Shared

Documents section.

For CCACs without an integrated Document Management System, the selected Provincial Documents may be found by LTC home users in a couple of places. The

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Version: 1.0

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 14 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

RAI-HC Assessment reports should be viewable under the Shared Assessments section

of the Referral Documents tab of HPG Referral Management. All other documents may

be found in the HPG Inbox under the Document Exchange tab of HPG.

SMA # CCAC Referral – eReferral to LTC (Provincial Referral Standard)

Affects LTC Homes, Hospitals and CSSAs using HPG Referral Management;

Hospitals and Providers using CHP Client View

Description Client Personal Contacts – expanded list of Legal Roles

In order to comply with the eReferral to LTC Provincial Referral Standard, a number of new Legal Roles choices have been added to CHRIS, as follows:

Other Legal Oversight

POA – Personal Care (Jointly)

POA – Personal Care (Jointly & Severally)

POA – Finances and Property (Jointly)

POA – Finances and Property (Jointly & Severally)

The existing POA – Personal Care and POA – Finances and Property are still available

for selection.

These new roles can be used for any client, and are not restricted to clients with LTC


SMA # CCAC Referral – eReferral to LTCH (Provincial Referral Standard) Project

Affects LTC Homes

Description HPG Referral Management: LTC Placement – expanded LTC Referral

To comply with the minimum data set for eReferral to LTC, a number of additions have been made to the LTC Referral in HPG Referral Management. These changes apply to

all LTC Placement streams for which eReferral functionality has been implemented

(Long Term Placement, Short Stay Interim and Short Stay Convalescent Care Referrals).

The changes to the LTCH Referral are as follows:

Top section (containing choice and CCAC contact information):

New field Ethnocultural Preferences

New field Updated On (date and time)

New phone # for Care Coordinator (CCAC phone # displayed)

New value for Priority for Long Stay Placement (2T – Transition from

Specialized Unit)

Spelling of Accommodation Type has been corrected

Client Information, Health Profile sections:

Phone Number moved below Home Address

New - All alternate phone numbers displayed below the Phone Number field

prefixed with the phone type (e.g. Cell: nnn-nnn-nnnn) New – Province Issuing Health Card displayed below HCN field. If client’s

Home Address Province is NOT “Ontario”, then “- -” is displayed. Present Location field label renamed “Current Location and Address”

Infection Status field label renamed “Infection Control”

Capacity for Placement field label renamed “Is the Patient Capable to Make

LTC Admission Decisions”

Contacts section

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 15 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Relationship/Role/Legal column in the Personal Contacts grid split into 3

separate columns for easier reading, titled “Relationship”, “Non-Legal Role”,

“Legal Responsibility”

New values for Personal Contact Legal Roles (Personal Contacts grid)

If Personal Contact flagged as the Primary Contact, “(Primary)” is appended to

the Contact name If Personal Contact flagged as an Emergency Contact, Emergency Contact role

is displayed in red text under the Non-Legal Role column

Both Home and Work phone numbers are displayed for Personal Contacts

under the Phone column identified as “H” for home phone, and “W” for work phone

Contact Restriction Details for Medical Contacts no longer collected, “- -”

displayed column removed from Medical Contacts grid

New Referral Documents section

New Provincial Documents included with Referral grid at bottom of application

SMA # CCAC Referral – eReferral to LTCH (Provincial Referral Standard) Project

Affects Hospital & CSSA External Partners using HPG Referral Management

Description HPG Referral Management - expanded Client Referral for eReferral to LTCH, eReferral to Complex Care & Rehab, eReferral to Community

To comply with the minimum data set for eReferral to LTC, a number of additions have

been made to the LTC Referral in HPG Referral Management. These same changes

were applied to all other eReferral streams (eReferral to Complex Care & Rehab, eReferral to Community).

Updates to the LTCH Provincial Referral Standard (from August 2013) have also been incorporated into the Client Application/Referral for all eReferral streams. These

changes are included below.

The changes to the Complex Care/Rehab and Community Service Referral are as follows:

Top section (containing choice and CCAC contact information):

New field Ethnocultural Preferences applies only to LTC Placement

New field Updated On (date and time)

New phone # for Care Coordinator (CCAC phone # displayed)

Client Information, Health Profile sections:

Phone Number moved below Home Address

New - All alternate phone numbers displayed below the Phone Number field

prefixed with the phone type (e.g. Cell: nnn-nnn-nnnn) New – Province Issuing Health Card displayed below HCN field. If client’s

Home Address Province is NOT “Ontario”, then “- -” is displayed. Present Location field label renamed “Current Location and Address”

Infection Status field label renamed “Infection Control”

Contacts section:

Relationship/Role/Legal column in the Personal Contacts grid split into 3

separate columns for easier reading, titled “Relationship”, “Non-Legal Role”,

“Legal Responsibility” New values for Personal Contact Legal Roles

If Personal Contact flagged as the Primary Contact, “(Primary)” is appended to

the Contact name

If Personal Contact flagged as an Emergency Contact, Emergency Contact role

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 16 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

is displayed in red text under the Non-Legal Role column

Both Home and Work phone numbers are displayed for Personal Contacts

under the Phone column identified as “H” for home phone, and “W” for work

phone Contact Restriction Details for Medical Contacts no longer collected, “- -”

displayed column removed from Medical Contacts grid

SMA # 507654 - CW

Affects LTCH, Hospital & CSSA External Partners using HPG Referral Management

Description HPG Referral Management: eReferral Note to Recipient – Increase size of field

The Notes field for all eReferral streams has been expanded in order to provide CCAC users to share a greater amount of client specific information with the referral

recipients. The size of the field has been expanded from 30 to 250 characters.


Affects Service Providers

Description HPG Document Exchange: CHRIS & HPG Service Offer, Service Referral, Frequency Change, Provider OBP/OBR Reports

The PDF format of all of these service reports has changed to match the new report standard:

The title is displayed according to the new report standard

The footer now includes the standard privacy disclaimer

PXML format has not changed related to this item.

SMA # OBP / OBR Project

Affects Service Providers

Description HPG Document Exchange: OBP/OBR Information added to HPG Service Reports

Content of the Service Offer, Service Referral & Frequency Change reports and the

corresponding PXML has been updated with new OBP/OBR information:

Service Offer:

Label change on Intervals

Responsible Partner identified for each Interval (CCAC or SPO)

Display of other pathways removed

Service Referral & Frequency Change:

OBP status added (authorized / discontinued

SPO status added (active / inactive)

Reimbursement Type added (OBR or FFS)

Review Date added Responsible Partner identified for each Interval (CCAC or SPO) Service Delivery Type (SDT) Override added on Frequencies ordered End Date for Discontinued Pathways added

The updated PXML schema specifications for R2.3 will be sent to providers and software vendors upon request to Fiona Williamson, OACCAC HPG Business Lead.

HPG Outcome Based Notifications and Outcome Based Reconciliation Reports are sent

to HPG in XML format, but are not available in the PXML interface.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 17 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Outcome Based Pathway Provider Notification:

All notifications / instructions for a specified client and OBP/OBR Pathway combined into a single notification message

Outcome Based Reconciliation Report:

Report content changed to be compliant with the revised reimbursement

functionality This report can be exported into excel for review by Provider staff

SMA # LTC Legislation

Affects Client Services, LTC Homes

Description NEW – Short Stay Convalescent Care – New Waitlist Date rule implemented

Change the business rules for the Waitlist Date under the Short Stay Convalescent

Care Program as follows:

Choice Waitlist Date no longer tied to client Eligibility Date

For in-region client, Waitlist Date = Referral Date to CCAC

For out of region client, assessed out of region, Waitlist Date = Initial Referral


When users are adding new SSCC choices, the Waitlist Date now defaults to the Referral Date to CCAC (for in region clients and referrals), and defaults to Initial

Referral Date (for out of region clients assessed out of region).

7.1.2 Defect Resolutions

SMA # 561349 - NSM

Affects External Partners using HPG Document Exchange

Description HGP Document Exchange: Add From User Column to the HPG Sentbox document grid

From User column was removed in the previous release, and has now been added back.

SMA # 562166 – NE; 561441 – NW; 561611 – WW

Affects E&S Vendors

Description HPG Document Exchange: E&S Purchase Orders – Wrong Order Type on some E&S Orders

Since R2.2.0, in some circumstances, ended equipment rentals were communicated in

HPG as New Orders, and new orders were communicated as ended rentals.

The fix that was made in HPG R3.0.1 has now been applied permanently in R3.1.0.

SMA # 571506 - Cent

Affects Community Support Service Agencies

Description HPG Referral Management: CSSA cannot accept certain offers

A small number of CSSA’s were receiving the error message “Status Date must not be

in the future” when trying to accept a community service referral.

This has been fixed.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 18 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

SMA # 566546 – ESC; 567573 - SW

Affects Hospital and Provider Partners using HPG Client View

Description HPG CHP Client View: Shared Notes content cut off

Shared Notes in HPG Client View were displayed on a single line, and didn’t wrap,

resulting in provider and hospital users being unable to read the entire note.

This has been fixed.

SMA # 595070 - MH

Affects Service Providers, Vendors

Description NEW - Schedule Invoice Files – occasionally invoice files not processed

This defect relates only to invoice files that aren’t automatically scheduled by CHRIS at the time of receipt.

Occasionally, one invoice file will be scheduled to run by 2 CCAC users. This created a data issue in CHRIS, and the job to process the invoice file couldn’t run. This delayed

the processing and payment of invoice files by several days.

This issue has been fixed in R2.3.


Affects LTC Homes

Description NEW – HPG Referral Management – LTC Waitlist not the same as in CHRIS

In some circumstances, the LTC Waitlist accessed by LTC homes in HPG Referral

Management, was not the same as the same Waitlist in CHRIS. This was caused because the HPG Waitlist was taking some of the information from the LTC

Application, which, for some clients, wasn’t up to date with the client LTC choice


This defect has been fixed in production, by taking the key waitlist date fields from the

CHRIS LTC choice, rather than the LTC Application.

7.1.3 Known Issues

SMA # De-coupling of Medical Contacts from Consent

Affects Hospital and Provider Partners using HPG Client View

Description Consent Restrictions column still in place for Medical Contacts

Even though consent restrictions no longer apply to active Medical Contacts in CHRIS,

the Consent Restrictions column is still displayed on the Medical Contacts grid on Client View in HPG Community Health Portal. The content of this column will always be “- -”.

This will be fixed in a future release.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 19 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

SMA # Regression Testing

Affects Client Services, eReferral Partners

Description NEW – HPG Referral Management - Referral Update note not always displaying correctly

When CCAC user Sends Update in CHRIS, and includes special characters in the text of

the Reason for Update field, this information doesn’t always display correctly in the Notes column of the Notification Log that forms part of the Referral Details.

Some special characters work fine, others don’t.

The workaround is to avoid using special characters in the Reason for Update field.

Other Technical Changes 7.2

SMA # Application Maintenance & Performance

Affects External Partners using HPG

Description Change in Browser Support

CHRIS R2.3.0 is being regarded as a transitional release, to give CCACs time to upgrade from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 10. CHRIS, BBM, HPG and DMS

applications are being tested under both Internet Explorer 8, and Internet Explorer 10

(IE 10 running in compatibility mode – 32 bit version); but the testing of Internet Explorer 10 is being prioritized.

Internet Explorer 9 is not being tested.

It is planned that with CHRIS R2.4.0, only Internet Explorer 10 will be supported.

Note: When external partners are deploying IE 10, it is recommended that they update to the latest version available at the time, or at least to version

10.0.9200.16686. Small issues were found in Regression Testing in older releases.

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 20 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

8. Provincial Data Updates

Allergies 8.1

SMA # 543475 - CE; 549006 - CE; 556244 - CW; 571139 - Cent; 556032 - HNHB; 556659 - HNHB; 571974 - NE; 565421 - TC

Affects Service Providers

Description Updates for Allergy Type = Drug:

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Metoclopramide

Brand Name: Maxeran

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Mometasone

Brand Name: Nasonex

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Rosuvastatin Calcium

Brand Name: Crestor

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Barium Sulfate

Brand Name: - -

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Nitrazepam

Brand Name: Nitrazadon

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Risedronate Soduim

Brand Name: Actonel

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Etidronate Disodium/Calcium Carbonate

Brand Name: Didrocal

Added a new Drug Allergy:

Generic Name: Perindopril Erbumine

Brand Name: Coversyl

Updates for Other Allergy Types:

Added a new Environmental Allergy:

Name: Wound Dressing-OpSite

Description: --

Added a new Food Allergy:

Name: Melons

Description: - -

Added a new Food Allergy:

Name: Citrus Fruit

Description: --

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 21 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Languages 8.2

SMA # 474949 - Cent; 281497 - NSM

Affects Service Providers, eReferral Recipients

Description Updated Language:

Khmer (Cambodian)

- Formerly: “Khmer”

Added new Languages

Cambodian (Khmer)


Service Related Table Changes 8.3

8.3.1 Community Services (for eReferral to Community)

SMA # 581224 – Central; PT Reform Project

Affects Community Support Service Agencies

Description Added two new Service Types for Community Services Referral service type:

Group Exercises Programs

Falls Prevention Programs

These service types were added between R2.2.1 and R2.3 at the end of July, to support the business process for PT reform. They are for use with the eReferral to

Community functionality to refer patients to applicable community services.

PT Clinic (LHIN funded)

This service was added between R2.2.1 and R2.3 at the end of September, to support the business process for PT reform. For use with the eReferral to Community

functionality to refer patients to PT clinic service provided by CSSAs.

8.3.2 Purchased Services

New service choices will be enabled as needed by individual CCACs. CCACs will notify service

providers when new service choices are being deployed.

SMA # CCAC MIS Client Services Working Group

Affects Service Providers

Description Added new Service Type for Other Reimbursed Programs Referral type:

Self-Managed Home Care (TeleHomeCare)

SAF Code = 44 (for provider billing)

Added new Service Type for Home Care Referral type:

Self-Managed Home Care (TeleHomeCare)

SAF Code = 44

Note: No service specific Activity Codes have configured for SAF Code 44; providers will be able to bill using the generic Activity Codes that apply to all services (01 – 09).

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 22 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

Added new Service Delivery Types for Self-Managed Home Care (TeleHomeCare)-

Other Reimbursed Programs

Visit - other funding

Phone - other funding

Hourly - other funding

Added new Service Delivery Types for Self-Managed Home Care (TeleHomeCare)-

Home Care




SMA # 567507 - NW

Affects Client Services; Contract Management; Finance; Service Providers

Description Updated naming of existing Home Care Nurse Practitioner service delivery types, to reflect the service functional centre assignment:

Hourly Primary Care (formerly: “Hourly”)

Visit Primary Care (formerly: “Visit”)

Added new Service Delivery Types for Service Type ‘Nurse Practitioner’ for Home Care

Referral type, consistent with existing types above:

Phone Primary Care

Added new Service Delivery Types for Service Type ‘Nurse Practitioner’ for Home Care Referral type, where service is related to purchased service nursing, rather than NP

associated with a primary care office

Phone Nursing

Hourly Nursing

Visit Nursing

SMA # 572413 - MH

Affects Client Services; Contract Management; Finance; Service Providers

Description Complex Wound multi-disciplinary Consultation service added in R2.2.

Added new Service Delivery Type for Nutritional Services, Occupational Therapy,

Enterostomal Therapy services under Home Care Referral type:

Hourly Community Clinic

Added new Service Delivery Type for Chiropody Service Type under Home Care

Referral Service type:

Hourly Community Footcare Clinic

Updated Service Type for Chiropody under Home Care Referral type:

SAF Code = 45 (formerly: None) (for provider billing)

Updated Service Delivery Type for Chiropody Service Type under Home Care Referral

Service type:

Visit Community Footcare Clinic (formerly “Visit”)

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CHRIS 2.3.0/HPG 3.1.0 Final Release Notes External v1.0 23 © Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centers

SMA # DPC PT Transition

Affects Client Services; Contract Management; Service Providers

Description Added three new Service Delivery Types for Service Type Physiotherapy under Referral Service Type Home Care, to support different models for the delivery of Physiotherapy in retirement homes and other congregate settings:

Visit group (Congregate setting)

Hourly group (Congregate setting)

Hourly group multi-client billing cap (Congregate setting)