chpt11a electricity,power supplies & electrostatic discharge

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  • 8/9/2019 Chpt11a Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge


    A+ Certification for PC Technician

    Chapter 11Chapter 11

    Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

  • 8/9/2019 Chpt11a Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge


    Slide 2Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge


    What is Electricity?It is the Flow of Electrons from in amedia. Electricity flow from Negativeto Positive potential.

    How many types of Electricity?

    2 types: Static and Dynamic.

    What is Static Electricity?

    Electrical charge stored within ainsulating object. The Electrons do notmove through a circuit.

    What is Dynamic Electricity?

    Charges created by heat, light,chemical reactions or magneticinduction. Electrical circuit is created inthe process.

    What are the 2 forms of electricity?1. Alternating current

    2. Direct current

    What is Alternating current?

    Current flow that changes direction at

    a certain frequency eg 60Hz

    What is Direct Current?

    Current that flows in 1 direction.Rectifier is used to converts AC to DC

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    Slide 3Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Measuring ElectricityMeasuring Electricity

    What is Voltage?Measure the difference of electriccharges that causes the electrons toflow from 1 point to another. Unit isVolts or V. Use a Voltmeter to measure.

    How is Voltage measured?

    Measure in Parallel to the device to bemeasured.

    What is Ampere?

    Measure the rate of flow of electricalcharge (current). Unit used is Amp or A.

    How is current measured?

    Measured in series with the device tobe measured.

    What is Ohm?Measure the resistance to the flow ofelectricity (;). Device used to limit theflow of electricity is the Resistor.

    How is Resistance measured?

    Measure in parallel to the device to bemeasured in a broken circuit?

    What is Watt?

    Measure the electrical power,calculated by multiplying Volts by Amps

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    Slide 4Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Measuring Voltage, Current & ResistanceMeasuring Voltage, Current & Resistance

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    Slide 5Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge


    What is a multimeter?A measuring instrument use to measurevoltage, current and resistance. It canbe select to function as voltmeter,ammeter and ohmmeter.

    How do you set it to use measure areading?To measure, set to the range to coverthe expected reading eg to measure20V range, set meter to 25V and allvoltages fall between 20 and +20 aremeasurable

    Multimeter sets to 20V

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    Slide 6Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Short CircuitShort Circuit

    How is current being controlled in anormal circuit?

    Each electrical device has someresistance to the current flow. Thiskeeps the current from reaching verylarge values.

    How does a Short Circuit Happen?Occurs when the current finds a way tobypass the appliance on a path that haslittle or no resistances to the currentcan flow straight to ground.

    How dangerous it is?In a very large current occur, itproduces a lot of heat is a fire hazard.

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    Slide 7Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Electronic ComponentsElectronic Components

    Components Description

    Conductors Conducts electricity eg gold, copper

    Insulators Resists the flow of electricity eg glass, ceramic

    Semiconductors Ability to conduct electricity falls between conductor

    and semiconductorTransistor Used as a switch for electrical signal

    Amplify the flow of electricity

    Capacitor Holds electrical signal for a period of time

    Smoothen out the flow of electricity

    Measure in FaradsDiode Semiconductor device allowing electricity to flow in one


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    Slide 8Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Common Electronic Component SymbolsCommon Electronic Component Symbols

    Resistor Capacitor Ground



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    Slide 9Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power SupplyPower Supply

    What type of Power supply is used bythe computer?

    Direct current or DC. The main powersupply to the PC is AC and needs to beconverted to DC.

    What are the 2 components of thePower Supply Unit?1. Fan to provide an airflow inside the

    computer to cool the componentsand also to keep the dust fromsettling on and coat thecomponents.

    2. AC/DC converter to change the120V AC current to DC current of5V/12V/3.3V. Converter include theregulator, rectifier, resistors,capacitor and transformer.

    Does the Power Supply requires a loadto function?

    Yes. Voltage does not flow unlesssomething ask for it.

    How does it maintain a steady flow ofcurrent?

    It has a load resistor and fuse tomaintain power flow at a pre-determined limit. Exceeding that limitwill cause the fuse to burns out.

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    Slide 10Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    AT/ATX Power Supply Unit (PSU)AT/ATX Power Supply Unit (PSU)

    What are the 2 major PSU formfactors?

    AT, ATX

    What are the major characteristics ofAT PSU?1. Uses P8 and P9 connectors. Need to

    keep the black cables from bothconnectors together when insertingto the motherboard

    2. Supplies 5V and 12V

    3. Power supply lead:

    Black for ground

    Red for +5V White for 5V

    Yellow for +12V

    Blue for 12V

    Orange for Power_Good

    What are the major characteristics ofATX PSU?1. Use P1 connector (20 pins) and

    supplies 3.3V, 5V and 12V

    2. Support software switch which allowsautomatic shutdown when press

    3. Power supply lead:

    Black for ground Red for +5V, White for 5V

    Yellow for +12V, Blue for 12V

    Brown for +3.3V

    Grey for Power_Good

    ATX P1 connectorAT P8 and P9 connector

    4 Black cables

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    Slide 11Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Energy Star ComplianceEnergy Star Compliance

    What are the criteria necessary for anequipment to be labeled Energy Star?

    Satisfy certain energy-conservingstandards of the US EnvironmentProtection Agency (EPA)

    What are the common features?

    Device should not consume more than30 Watts. Equipment goes into sleepwhen not in used and can saved up to50% of energy.

    Energy Start Logo

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    Slide 12Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power Management MethodsPower Management Methods

    What are the 2 methods used in PC toManage power

    Advanced Power Management (APM)Advanced Configuration and PowerInterface (ACPI)

    What is APM?

    Introduced with Windows 95. Itshutdown power consuming devicesafter a period of inactivity.

    What are the items supporting APM?

    Hard disk, monitor (laptops LCD

    backlight), throttling back the CPUduring idle periods, query the batteryto obtain its current charge information

    What is ACPI?ACPI build upon APM. Introduced withWindows 98/ME. It can turn off CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, modems.. Allowssystem to wake up and perform pre-determined tasks.

    Activating ACPI?Install Windows 98 with ACPI onsystem with ACPI. Steps:

    1. Start, run

    2. Setup /p j

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    Slide 13Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power Management FeaturesPower Management Features

    What are the necessary components tosupport Power Management?

    BIOS, chipset, devices and operatingsystem

    What are the Power Schemes inWindows 98?

    1. Basic conservation

    2. Standby

    3. Hibernation

    What is Basic Conservation?

    Turn off monitor and drive after agiven period is inactivity

    What is Standby?Put computer in a standby mode whenidle. Monitor turns off, hard disk andsome other devices are powered down

    What is Hibernation?

    Go into standby mode . If PC continuesto be idle, everything is saved into thehard disk and PC is turned off.

    What happens when the the PCs restartafter hibernation?

    The last state is restored to the


    What does hibernation needs in orderto work?

    Sufficient hard disk space to work.

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    Slide 14Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power SchemePower Scheme

    What are 3 pre-defined Power Scheme:1. Always on

    2. Home/Office Desk

    3. Portable/Laptop

    How to Customized the Power Scheme?

    Click Start, Setting, Control Paneland then double-click PowerManagement

    Click the Power Scheme dropdownlist and select on of the choices

    You can customize

    How to Invoke Standby Mode? Use the Shutdown Windows dialog


    Note: Information is RAM is NOTsaved to the HDD and will be lost ifthere is a power interruption

    How to Configure PC to go Standbymode when you press Power button

    Start, Setting, Control Panel anddouble-click Power Management

    Click the Advanced tab, locateWhen I press the power button on

    my computer and click Standby Note: For Notebook, find When I

    close the lid of my portablecomputer

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    Slide 15Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power HazardPower Hazard Surge/SpikeSurge/Spike

    What is a Spike?Instantaneous increases in voltage, dueto lightning storms or immediatelyafter the utility restores power.

    What damages can it cause?Refer to Surge.

    What is the equipment use to protectagainst Surge/SpikeSurge/Spike Suppressor

    How does it works?Reduces the massive voltage to a samesafe level of power that your equipmentwas receiving before the lightningstrike. Should let through only thepower needed by your equipment. Maxvoltages allow through is normally 300V.

    What are the common power problemsthat may damage the PC?

    1. Surge

    2. Sag

    3. Spike

    4. Blackout

    What is a Surge?

    Small over-voltage lasting few seconds

    How does Surge damage the PC?

    Damage critical component eg burns the

    motherboard, rendering the hardwareuseless and destroy your data. If asurge travels into your computer viadata or telephone lines, the firstcasualty is usually the modem.

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    Slide 16Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power HazardPower Hazard Sag/BlackoutSag/Blackout

    What is Blackout?Lost of power supply. Caused by faultson the utility power system. Causesunexpected and damaging shutdown ofall electrical equipment eg fuse blown

    Which equipment is used to guardagainst Blackout?Interrupted Power Supply or UPS. Itmaintains a steady flow of power untilthe system can be safely, automaticallyshut down.

    What are the purchasingconsiderations?Power rating (VA or Watt), operatingtime, cost

    Should UPS be used for Printer?No

    What is a Sag?Drop in voltage level lasting from a fewmilliseconds. Sags of longer than about10 to 20 milliseconds may causecomputer equipment to malfunction.

    What causes Sag?

    Very high power demands of manyelectrical devices (including motors,compressors, elevators, shop tools, etc.)when they powered on.

    What does Sag affects a PC?

    Starve" a computer of the power itneeds to function, and cause frozenkeyboards and unexpected systemcrashes which both result in lost orcorrupted data.

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    Slide 17Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Power HazardPower Hazard Sag/BlackoutSag/Blackout

    Which equipment is used to guardagainst Sag?

    Power line conditioner and a UPS.

    What is a Line conditioner?

    Apower conditioner is a device that isused to protect electrical devices frompower surge and sag. It automaticallysteps up low voltage and steps downhigh voltage to levels that are suitablefor your equipment

    What is a Brownout?

    Extended Sag, last more than a second.

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    Slide 18Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

    What causes ESD?

    Brief flow of static electricity causedby 2 objects having difference voltages

    Is it destructive?

    Yes. It can damage components egmicroprocessor, RAM

    What causes ESD:

    1. Moving people, where clothes rubtogether

    2. Low humidity (hot and dry), below50%

    3. Improper grounding

    4. Unshielded cable

    5. Poor connection

    6. Moving machines

    What can you used to clean the interiorof a PC without producing ESD?

    Use Compressed Air to blow dust out ofcomponents

    Can eraser (rubber) be used to cleanthe leg of expansion card?

    No. Using Easer to clean the connectingpins produce ESD

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    Slide 19Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Discharging ESDDischarging ESD

    What are the ways to discharge ESD?

    Wear Grounding strap around thewrist when working withcomponents

    Stand on anti-static mats

    Ground is connected to the safetyground of the AC power outlet

    Discharge by touching the chassis

    Humidify the room as dry air actsas insulator storing static charges

    In what situation you should NOT weara Static Wrist strap?

    When working INSIDE a Monitor orPower supply unit.

    What are the devices that requireprofessional service personnel?

    CRTs (cathode ray tube)

    Power supplies

    Laser (high power sources)

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    Slide 20Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Electromagnetic InterferenceElectromagnetic Interference

    What causes EMI?Caused by flow of electricity

    Are they Destructive?No. It does not damage equipment. But

    can disrupt the operation ofelectronic components, devices, and

    systems in its vicinity.

    What does it affects?1. Distorted images on the video

    display2. Interfere with commercial

    communication equipment eg TV,

    radio3. Corrupt data4. Signal loss in cable. Called Cross

    Talk - where a cable interfere withadjacent cable

    What are the steps can be taken tominimize EMI?

    Ensuring all electronic equipment isoperated with a good electrical groundsystem. Cords and cables connectingthe peripherals in an electronic orcomputer system should be shielded

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    Slide 21Ver 1.0 10 April 2001 Electricity,Power Supplies & Electrostatic Discharge

    Fire ExtinguisherFire Extinguisher

    How are Fire Extinguisher categories?

    By the types of material causing thefire

    What are the 3 common classes of fire?

    A, B and C

    What is Class A fire extinguisher?

    Ordinary combustible. Fire from wood,paper, clothing, etc.

    What is Class B fire extinguisher?

    Combustible liquid. Fires from gasoline,oil, or grease fires in the kitchen.

    What is Class C fire extinguisher?

    Electrical fire. Any fires that involveelectricity fall into this category

    Which Class of fire extinguisher shouldbe used if the fire involves a PC?

    Class C