choral evensong at st paul’ ·...

Friday 15 December 2017 Choral Evensong at St Paul’s On Monday 11 December 50 members of the Emanuel Choir travelled to Central London to sing Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral. After a brief warm up in the Choir Room, we assembled in the Cathedral and rehearsed through the service including the responses with the Canon. The Choir sang beautifully and more than half had not sung an evensong before, let alone at St Paul’s Cathedral. The choir is making excellent progress and gaining in experience with opportunities like this. Throughout the service, the Choir sang the Rose Responses confidently, followed by Bairstow’s Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D, and as an Anthem Handel’s well known And the Glory of the Lord from the Messiah. It was a really special occasion and it was lovely to see so many parents and members of the public in attendance. Bravo to all who took part - more opportunities like this are most certainly on the horizon for the future. TWR Emanuel recently received a certificate of thanks and congratulations from unicef for raising an incredible £16,570 for the charity. The amount was raised by former Emanuel sixth form students Lottie Dick, Ben Player, Jared Gibson, Polly Mccahon and Sharif Kazemi, all of whom left this summer after completing their A levels. It was the result of Emanuel holding the first charity auction in the school’s history last October (2016). The event had everything: a bar, silent and live auctions, and a jazz band. It had the whole nine yards. Very well done to everyone involved in helping to raise this fantastic amount for a very good cause. A thank you from unicef

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Friday 15 December 2017

Choral Evensong at St Paul’sOn Monday 11 December 50 members of the Emanuel Choir travelled to Central London to sing Choral Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral. After a brief warm up in the Choir Room, we assembled in the Cathedral and rehearsed through the service including the responses with the Canon. The Choir sang beautifully and more than half had not sung an evensong before, let alone at St Paul’s Cathedral. The choir is making excellent progress and gaining in experience with opportunities like this. Throughout the service, the Choir sang the Rose Responses confidently, followed by Bairstow’s Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D, and as an Anthem Handel’s well known And the Glory of the Lord from the Messiah. It was a really special occasion and it was lovely to see so many parents and members of the public in attendance. Bravo to all who took part - more opportunities like this are most certainly on the horizon for the future. TWR

Emanuel recently received a certificate of thanks and congratulations from unicef for raising an incredible £16,570 for the charity. The amount was raised by former Emanuel sixth form students Lottie Dick, Ben Player, Jared Gibson, Polly Mccahon and Sharif Kazemi, all of whom left this summer after completing their A levels. It was the result of Emanuel holding the first charity auction in the school’s history last October (2016). The event had everything: a bar, silent and live auctions, and a jazz band. It had the whole nine yards. Very well done to everyone involved in helping to raise this fantastic amount for a very good cause.

A thank you from unicef

On Tuesday 12 December the historian Lionel Knight came to speak to the Senior History Society about interpretations of Indian Independence. The talk marked the 70th anniversary of Indian Independence. Lionel is the author of Britain in India 1858-1947 and his lecture was on interpretations of Indian Independence. This proved to be an insightful overview of conflicting historical analyses of British actions and intentions in India from the late nineteenth century to independence and partition in 1947. As well as presenting an erudite summary of the historiography of the period, he placed India in the context of British politics of the time and illuminated the talk with fascinating detail and anecdotes. Lionel left the school impressed, not only by the Christmas tree in the Library, but by the “sharp” questions from the floor. The Senior History Society meets in room M114 every Thursday at 1:15pm. All year 11 to upper sixth students are more than welcome. SMJ

Last week, 37 pupils from years 10 to 13, skilled in a diverse range of talents, welcomed audiences into the world of Shakespearean comedy. For two hours, parents, friends and teachers were transported to an Illyria set in a post-war jazz era where characters fell in and out of love, played pranks on one another and philosophised on the human condition. Played with poise and grace by Miranda, the Lady Olivia was wooed with frenzy by the Count Orsino (Nicolas), while her household fell into disarray on account of her drunkard cousin Sir Toby Belch (James), his foolish friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Ethan) and the sly barman Fabian (Wilf). Felix demonstrated both severity and sensitivity as the head-servant Malvolio, the victim of feisty lady-in-waiting Maria’s (Rosie) practical joke. Meanwhile, Antonio, a seaman on the run played by Billy, befriended shipwrecked Sebastian (Rudi) who had been tragically separated from his twin Viola (Sadie) who spent most of the play disguised as a boy. The audience willingly suspended their disbelief as all performers, including the indispensable ensemble, beautifully shared their passions and pains on the temporarily transformed traverse stage of the Fiennes Theatre. The acting was further enhanced by a perfect jazz quartet which included Jedd, Jasper and Hugo: Keaton sang vocals in his role as melancholic clown, Feste. Technical magic was spun by a small crew of brilliant student technicians, led by stage manager Caroline and deputy stage manager Michael, without whom the show would simply not have gone on. All company members had worked long and hard since the very start of term and should be extremely proud of their achievements: Emanuel students can do Shakespeare, and can do it exceedingly well. LAS

This week’s cake winners

This week’s Emanuel cake was awarded to the cast and crew of Twelfth Night for their hard work and dedication. The stu-dents put in many long hours to produce an incredible play.

Senior History Society


Shakespeare returns to Emanuel

We would like to congratulate Mr Charlie Lyne (OE2001-08) for his fantastic win in the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA) last weekend with his lovely 14 minute film Fish Story. He picked up the Best British Short Film Award. The film was also produced by another OE, Mr Anthony Ing (standing on the right of the picture). This quirky and amusing little film traces the supposed 'opening' of an aquarium in Anglesey in the late 1980s in which all the guests were especially selected as their surnames were also fish. If you watch the film make sure you stick around to the credits as the legendary BBC weatherman Michael Fish makes a surprise appearance. Over the last few

years we have watched Charlie’s career with a keen eye as the eclectic range of projects he has been involved in goes from strength to strength. This latest film has the Lyne originality stamp all over it. If you want to check out Charlie’s other work, his very cool horror film documentary Fear Itself has recently returned to the BBC iplayer which features lots of clips from famous horror films and has Charlie’s commentary on fear to accompany it. He specialises in documentaries and Beyond Clueless, his lovely and personal homage to the teen movies of his formative years kick started his career. At the time a couple of us saw Beyond Clueless at the Brixton Ritzy and

caught Charlie at the Q&A after the film, we didn’t embarrass him too much when we asked a couple of sly questions about his own school days. Charlie is also a highly respected film journalist, blogger, and critic who writes a column for the Guardian and guests for other film magazines. 2016 saw him release his most challenging and demanding work… a 10 hour film of paint drying (quite literally) which was an anti-censorship statement of some sort. You can watch Fish Story here for free on Vimeo: and Charlie’s acceptance speech is on the ‘Old Emanuel Alumni’ Facebook page. Congratulations Charlie and Anthony. TRJ

On Tuesday and Wednesday, large congregations gathered in the school chapel to enjoy two beautiful Carol Services, led by the chaplains. They were wonderful and dignified occasions with superb congregational singing of traditional carols. With more than 50 voices, the choir were simply superb, their repertoire being drawn from different centuries, countries and Christian musical traditions. A highlight was surely, “And the

glory of the Lord” from Handel’s Messiah. Our excellent readers, both pupils and teachers, delivered the traditional Old and New Testament lessons with clarity and confidence. The services concluded with the uplifting carol, “O come, all ye faithful” and exquisite organ voluntaries, ensuring the congregations left well and truly in the Christmas spirit. The merriment continued in the refectory afterwards with convivial chats, mince

pies and very festive tasting mulled wine. Thank you to all participating students and staff, particularly members of the choir and music department staff for their hard work and dedication making this year’s carol services such a huge success. The retiring offerings will support two great charities, GKV School in India and A.B.C.D. which works with disabled children in the Bethlehem area. RFW

Carol Services

OE Charlie Lyne wins BIFA Award


House Points Totals At 6 December

Junior Senior OverallClyde 125 Howe 137 265

Drake 135 Nelson 125 260

Lyons 148 Marlborough 132 273

Wellington 159 Rodney 125 291

Weekly House point totals

ENJOYING THE FESTIVE SPIRIT: 9REM have been enjoying the Christmas spirit, decorating the form room, contributing extensively to the charity box collection (we ended up with three boxes full) and also rocking out at their form Christmas party on Christmas jumper day! Apologies to the English department and the cleaners for the crumbs! REM

For the first time in art department history the whole class (6CFF) were awarded top marks and a prize each for Ms Burnett’s magnificent sock puppet homework. Well done everyone.

A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DELIVERY: On Tuesday Miss Henderson, Miss Fitzgibbon and Mr Andrews delivered 18 lovely Christmas hampers to St Mark’s Church, Battersea Rise. These had been put together by the middle school forms in close collaboration with Emanuel parent ‘Cheer’ volunteers at the Church. ‘Cheer’ is a leading ministry for the support of those who find themselves parenting alone. SPA

ART CLUB: Members of Art Club have had fun producing wonderful Christmas decorations. Some very creative and professional results. For those of you who haven’t collected them please don’t forget. Well done and see you all next year.Photo (Emiliano Warren- Year 6)

BY FREYAYear 8 students attended a lecture on climate change at Imperial College. The talk was presented by Jo Haigh, professor of Atmospheric Physics at Imperial. She is also co-director of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment. The lecture included fascinating information that suggests global warming is caused by human action. We watched number of exciting experiments showing how rising temperatures cause our oceans to expand. The scientists even created a cloud right in front of us. However,

the most important experiment used a balloon filled with carbon dioxide and an infrared camera. It showed how carbon dioxide prevents the sun’s heat from escaping the earth’s atmosphere. The lecture ended with simple tips on how to help prevent global warming. Professor Haigh also delivered a very compelling message to the audience: “It is possible that global warming is a false alarm, but the likelihood is that it is not, and we need to do everything we can to prevent it worsening, for the sake of both the planet and humankind.”

Merry Christmas from the art department!


What’s Changing our climate?

SPORTNetballU15B v JAGS FINAL SCORE: 14-10 (WIN)BY JOSIEIt was our last game of the season. JAGS are a team we have previously lost to as they are a large all-girls school, so we went out fighting. Despite playing outside on a slippery court we did ourselves proud. At the end of the first quarter the score was 4-1 to Emanuel. However, in the second quarter JAGS upped their game, scoring five goals to catch up. At half time the score was 8-6 to us. We were determined to maintain our lead and it really showed in the second half. We fought for every ball and this resulted in a well-deserved win. All three of our shooters (Esme, Emily and Lara) worked hard throughout the match. Leah had an excellent game especially when playing WD, getting lots of tips and interceptions. Player of the match went to Josie who played centre.

U13A: THOMAS’ CLAPHAM TOURNAMENT FINAL SCORE: WINNERSBY OLIVIAWe won the competition last year so winning it again was on everyone’s mind. Lucy, Ella and Rosie scored many goals in our highest scoring match against Thomas's Battersea (15-1). Georgia and Eva played very well against Broomwood in a 13-6 win. Saskia and Rosie forced many errors against our toughest opponents, Thomas’s Clapham A, to win 9-4. Maddy P and Maddy A, our player of the tournament, made many interceptions in the D and snatched in several rebounds to beat The Harrodian School in our final match (11-5). We went unbeaten throughout the tournament and our reputation was deservedly upheld. Everyone played extremely well and it was a great way to finish off the season.

U13A v ALLEYN’SFINAL SCORE: 25-16 (WIN)BY OLIVIAWe knew before the game started that Alleyn’s would be tough competition for us, hence it was important for us to make a strong start. In the third quarter we made no mistakes despite being under pressure and tired. We put pressure on Alleyn’s and forced them to make mistakes, winning turnovers and taking the lead. Maddy A and Maddy P made many interceptions while shooters Lucy, Ella and Rosie scored 25 goals between them. Our centre court players Olivia, Eva and Georgia fed our shooters incredibly. Player of the match was our Lucy Taylor (GA) who demonstrated unbelievable attacking and scoring skills

U13B v ALLEYN’SFINAL SCORE: 15-11 (WON)BY LUCIEWe made a rocky start but Clara, Ana and Sas managed to bring the ball down the court at a controlled speed with strong passing. Lucie, Sveva and Amber scored 15 goals between them with their excellent movement in the circle and strong rebounds. Anna and Sophie were fantastic in defence, gaining key interceptions and tips. Sofia (GD) was player of the match. It was an excellent game to end our season.

U13C v ALLEYN’SFINAL SCORE: 11-10 (WON)BY GRACE We lost the first quarter but in the second we bounced back to win 4-3. Zarina (GK) and Izzy (GD) helped with great work in defence. In the last two quarters we pulled away. Amber and Sveva’s goals helped win the match. Player of the match was Henriette. She hardly missed a goal, which made us feel very positive that we could win.

U12A v ALLEYN'SFINAL SCORE: 20-14 (WON)BY LILYIt was a frosty start to our last match of the season, but despite the cold we continued our run of great play. We made a strong start pulling away from Alleyn's, scoring several quick goals. As the match wore on the opposition scored a number of goals to themselves back in the game - fortunately not enough for the win. It was a strong performance from the team, in particular Alice (WA and C) who was voted player of the match. She passed accurately and was quick onto the ball to prevent any interceptions. This season we have really grown as players and as a team it was great to have ended on a high.

U12D v ALLEYN'S SCHOOLFINAL SCORE: 7-1 (WON)BY DANIELAIt was a great match and we played well. The ball went up and down the court a lot, but when Alleyn's won the ball their passes were usually intercepted by one of our players. Our player of the match was Caitlin who performed well in centre with strong passes and good interceptions.

U12C v ALLEYN’SFINAL SCORE: 12-14 (LOST)BY ISLAThe match was close and intense affair as Alleyn’s kept scoring. However, we kept on coming back to keep in touching distance. Isla was nominated player of the match for finding space and getting the ball into our shooting third. Jessica (GS) was also very accurate with her shooting. Sara (WD) made some vital interceptions. It was a close match and, despite losing, the team played very well.


U12E v ALLEN’S U12D FINAL SCORE: 2-2 (DRAW)BY FLEURDespite the cold weather, we were feeling positive, with an unbeaten record this season. We were very attacking going forwards, which unfortunately left us weaker in defence. We didn’t defend as well as we have in other matches. Scarlett and Elisa did especially well as this was their first match coming from the U12F team. It was a tight game with a close draw. Player of the match was Ice for her excellent goal keeping.

U15/U14 v LATYMER UPPER (LOST)This was a preseason fixture for us and we knew it would be a tough game as Latymer have been playing hockey all term and are an established team. However, we were excited to pick up our sticks and give them a good match. It was decided we would play an extended match with four 20 minute quarters to give all members of the squad adequate time on the pitch. It would also push the girls’ fitness levels. It was clear from the whistle that Latymer were a good side and would push our defence and midfield players to the limit. Libby, Jess, Bobby and Anna worked hard at the back to try and keep Latymer out of our D and limit their opportunities to score. Freya made numerous saves in the first quarter. Latymer scored first but we fought back. Emma and Millie worked together upfront and managed to break through the Latymer defence, with Millie Yates scoring a superb goal. By the end of the first quarter we were 2-1 down. As the game progressed Latymer kept applying the pressure and it was tough going. Lara, Lucia, Libby and Lauren worked endlessly in midfield to try and break through, but unfortunately we were unable create scoring opportunities and we were defeated by a more experienced team. Freya Pangbourne and Bella had an exceptional game in goal, both making great saves and showing great confidence and determination. Player of the match was Freya Pangbourne. The match was a great opportunity and


we look forward to starting the hockey season in the new year and travelling to Barcelona for the first Emanuel hockey tour in February.

ROWING COACHES ADD TO THEIR TROPHY CABINETS: A number of the school rowing coaches are still actively involved in the sport and there have been some notable successes since the summer. Most recently Mr Roberts competed at the British Rowing Indoor championships where he won the gold medal in his age class, beating a certain Bradley Wiggins amongst many others and with a time of 6:05. He was ninth overall, including the GB squad athletes. The previous weekend Miss Adams raced in her single scull in the prestigious Sculler's Head of the river and took the win in her class of Women’s Club singles. Earlier in the autumn Ali Elliott raced at the World Masters Regatta, held in Bled in Slovenia and returned with wins in the pair, coxed and coxless fours and the eight, to become a multiple world champion. DMC


Mr Roberts

Ali Elliott

Miss Adams

