choosing early education...choosing early education in wandsworth 2020 things to consider when...

Choosing EARLY EDUCATION in Wandsworth Information for parents of children (three and four year olds) starting Early Education in September 2020 APPLY BY 7 FEBRUARY 2020

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Page 1: Choosing EARLY EDUCATION...Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020 Things to consider when choosing Early Education 4 It is recommended that you arrange to visit a few schools



Information for parents of children (three and four year olds) starting Early Education in September 2020


Page 2: Choosing EARLY EDUCATION...Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020 Things to consider when choosing Early Education 4 It is recommended that you arrange to visit a few schools


We have tried to give as much information as possible in this booklet.However, if there is anything you do not understand or there are furtherquestions you need to ask, please contact The Early Education andChildcare Places Team:

• Telephone: (020) 8871 7899

• Email: [email protected]

• Write to: Early Education and Childcare Places Team Early Years Centre1 Siward RoadLondon SW17 0LA

• Website:

Introduction 1

Early Education in Wandsworth

Starting Early Education 2

Things to consider when choosing Early Education 4

How will Early Education help your child? 5

Applying for an Early Education place

When can children start Early Education in Wandsworth? 6

Applying for places in maintained nurseries and academies - step by step guide 7-8

Admissions to maintained, academies, faith and free schools 9-11

Franciscan, Furzedown, Penwortham and Sellincourt nursery classes 12-13

Map of schools in Wandsworth 14-15

List of schools offering Early Education in Wandsworth 16

Non-maintained providers

Applying for places in non-maintained nurseries - step by step guide 17-18

Further information

Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 19-20

Useful information 21

Useful contacts 22

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

The photos within this brochure are courtesy of local nurseries in Wandsworth. A big thank you to BalhamNursery School, Goldfinch Nursery School, John Burns Nursery School, Ravenstone Nursery School,Roehampton Church Nursery School, St Anne’s Nursery School and St Joseph’s Nursery School.

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IntroductionStarting Early Education is an important and exciting step in your child’s life.Early Years education has been shown to provide children with a firmfoundation for future achievement in life. All children aged between three andfive are entitled to a part-time Early Education place from the term after theirthird birthday. Children can attend either a Wandsworth Council school (calleda maintained school), a private or voluntary sector nursery, nursery school,playgroup, childminder or an independent school registered as a provider ofEarly Education and childcare places. Some children are entitled to a nurseryclass place from the term after their second birthday.

This booklet brings together information on the maintained, private, voluntaryand independent sectors to assist you, as a parent/carer, in choosing thebest Early Education for your child.

We have included the following information about Early Education inWandsworth:

• Information on what Early Education is and how to recognise high quality.

• Useful information about how to apply for a place.

• Important dates to remember when applying for maintained nursery classes or schools.

• Contact numbers for more information on Early Years education and childcare.

• Important information about moving on to primary school.

• Support for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND).

We hope that by reading this booklet and following the step by step guide, youwill be well equipped to make an informed choice about the type ofeducational setting that will be best for your child. We wish you a happy andsuccessful start to choosing Early Years education for your child.


Ana Popovici

Director of Children’s Services

Councillor Will Sweet Cabinet Member for Education andChildren’s Services

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Starting Early EducationWhat is an Early Education and Childcare Place?All children in England are entitled to receive a good quality, part-time EarlyEducation place from 1 September, 1 January or 1 April following their thirdbirthday.

This is known as the Universal entitlement.An Early Education place is up to 570 hours of education in an academic yearwhich can be taken as 15 hours a week in a nursery or provider that is openup to 38 weeks of the year (or fewer hours per week at a nursery or provideropen for more than 38 weeks - this is known as a stretched entitlement).

Can I get 30 hours Early Education?Some working parents may be able to claim an additional 15 hours freechildcare per week.

To be eligible for the additional 15 hours of free childcare, the householdmust:

• Be a two-parent working family or a lone working parent

• Have each working parent earning between:

- the equivalent of 16 hours a week at the National Minimum or LivingWage (includes income received from Tax Credits or Universal Credit), and

- earning less than £100,000 per year

Please note if one parent’s income exceeds £100,000 the household willnot be eligible

• Both parents usually working, but one is temporarily out of work for aparticular reason, as explained below:

- One/ both parent/s is away from work on leave (parental, maternity etc.)

- One/ both parent/s is in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay

• Parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible, as are those who areregistered as self-employed.

• One parent is employed and the other parent has either: substantial caringresponsibilities/ and or disability based on specific benefits received forcaring; is a foster carer with their own three- and four-year-old children.

• Parents who are in training will not be eligible as they can receive otherGovernment support.

Deadlines for 30 hour applications

To ensure that your child can receive the additional 15 hours entitlement,parents must apply and have their codes validated by the Local Authority bythe following deadlines:

• 31 August 2020 to receive the funding in the Autumn 2020

• 31 December 2020 to receive the funding in the Spring 2021

• 31 March 2021 to receive the funding in the Summer 2021

For more information and to apply online

Flexible and stretched placesSome providers may be able to offer the entitlement in a flexible way, such asa combination of morning and afternoon sessions.

Parents can choose to split their entitlement across more than one providerbut a child cannot attend more than two settings in one day (or go over theiroverall entitlement).

It is advisable to check the provider can offer the hours you need beforeaccepting a place.


Deadline forWandsworth Schools isFriday 7 February 2020

The start of Early Education isan important step in yourchild's life. All children agedthree to five years are entitledto part-time Early Education in:

• a Wandsworth Council School(maintained school)

OR with a provider in the 'nonmaintained' sector

• childminder

• private or voluntary, nurseryschool, playgroup

• independent school

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Types of providers offeringEarly Education and Childcare Places for three and four-year-olds

Maintained sector

This is the education provision that isthe responsibility of the LocalAuthority and may be in a maintainednursery school or primary schoolnursery class. The provision is freeto all parents/carers. Schools aregenerally open between 9am and3.15pm and can offer full and parttime places. Schools may offer thesehours in differing patterns and youshould contact the school forinformation on how they offer thefree hours.

Early Education in maintainedschools is provided by fully qualifiedteachers, assisted by nurserypractitioners qualified in childcareand education and teachingassistants. Many maintained schoolsprovide before school and afterschool childcare.

Non-maintained sector

Non-maintained settings have to beregistered with the Local Authority toprovide Early Education andChildcare Places.

• Childminder. Some childmindersprovide Early Education andChildcare Places and flexiblechildcare. They provide childcarefor children from birth to eightyears, and are registered withOfsted.

• Day nursery. Day nurseries providechildcare for children from sixmonths to five years. They areregistered with Ofsted to provideearly education and childcare.

• Independent school. Independentschools provide education forchildren aged from three years inWandsworth. They have to beregistered with the Department ofEducation (DfE) or Ofsted.

• Pre-school playgroup. Pre-schoolplaygroups provide places for smallgroups of children aged from twoand a half to five, to learn and play.Playgroups are usually open part-time.

• Private nursery school. A nurseryschool that is run by a privatesector provider. They provideeducation for children aged fromtwo to five. They are registered withOfsted to provide childcare.

Please note that the 15 (or 30) hourplaces should be completely free ofcharge, however many non-maintained providers will operate in away which includes additionalactivities and services which meansthey will have a charge for anadditional service package. Allcharging information must clearlyshow the cost of any additionalservice package as well as chargesfor additional hours over the freeentitlement.


All nurseries are required to beregistered and inspected by Ofsted.

Inspection reports are available onthe Office for Standards inEducation, Children’s Services andSkills (Ofsted)


Do children have to be born in this country to get a place?Children moving to England fromanother country are entitled to aplace on the same basis as anyother child regardless of whetheror not they have British citizenship.

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Things to consider whenchoosing Early Education


It is recommended that you arrange to visit a few schools beforeapplying for a place. Some indicators of a good quality nursery are:

• You and your child are made welcome.

• You are encouraged to stay with your child during the settling-in stage.

• Children are happily engaged in purposeful play activities throughout the sessions.

• Adults are interacting with and supporting the children’s play and learning.

• The nursery has on display plans for children’s learning.

• There is a good selection of resources and equipment for children’s use inthe outside play area.

• There is a good selection of books, play equipment and activities forchildren to use freely.

• Children’s models, paintings and drawings are displayed.

• There are short and enjoyable times for groups to sit together for songs and stories.

Applying for the three and four year old place

What type of Early Education provider do you want your child to attend?

A nursery classplace in a school

A childminder, a daynursery, independent

school, pre-schoolplaygroup or private

nursery school.

Cost: Free

Cost: There may beadditional services or

hours with costs, checkwith the provider

Part-time or full-time places (termtime only) Check

with nursery.

Part-time, full-time(school hours) or fullday care. Term timeonly or year roundcare, check with

individual providers.

Go to page 7 formore information

Go to page 17 formore information

Contact the EarlyEducation and

Childcare PlacesTeam

020 8871 7899.

Make yourapplication for

September 2020by 7 February


Contact the providerdirect as soon as

possible to discuss a place

I don’t know

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How will Early Education help your child?


How will Early Education helpyour child to develop andlearn? The Early Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) sets the standards that allEarly Years providers must meet, toensure that children learn anddevelop well and are kept healthyand safe. High quality teaching andlearning experiences supportchildren’s ‘school readiness’ and givechildren the broad range ofknowledge and skills that provide theright foundation for good futureprogress through school and life.

Principles should shape practice inearly years provision. These are:

• every child is a unique child, who isconstantly learning and can beresilient, capable, confident andself-assured.

• children learn to be strong andindependent through positiverelationships.

• children learn and develop well inenabling environments, in whichtheir experiences respond to theirindividual needs and there is astrong partnership betweenpractitioners, parents and/or carers.

• children develop and learn indifferent ways and at different rates.This covers the education and careof all children in early years

provision, including children withspecial educational needs anddisabilities.

Educational programmes mustinvolve activities and experiences forchildren, as follows:

• Communication and Languagedevelopment involves givingchildren opportunities toexperience a rich languageenvironment; to develop theirconfidence and skills in expressingthemselves; and to speak andlisten in a range of situations.

• Physical Development involvesproviding opportunities for youngchildren to be active andinteractive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement.Children must also be helped tounderstand the importance ofphysical activity, and to makehealthy choices in relation to food.

• Personal, Social and EmotionalDevelopment involves helpingchildren to develop a positivesense of themselves, and others;to form positive relationships anddevelop respect for others; todevelop social skills and learn howto manage their feelings; tounderstand appropriate behaviourin groups; and to have confidencein their own abilities.

• Literacy development involvesencouraging children to link soundsand letters and to begin to readand write. Children must be givenaccess to a wide range of readingmaterials (books, poems, and otherwritten materials) to develop theirinterest.

• Mathematics involves providingchildren with opportunities todevelop and improve their skills incounting, understanding and usingnumbers, calculating simpleaddition and subtraction problems;and to describe shapes, spaces,and measures.

• Understanding the World involvesguiding children to make sense oftheir physical world and theircommunity through opportunities toexplore, observe and find out aboutpeople, places, technology and theenvironment.

• Expressive Arts and Design involvesenabling children to explore andplay with a wide range of media andmaterials, as well as providingopportunities and encouragementfor sharing their thoughts, ideasand feelings through a variety ofactivities in art, music, movement,dance, role-play, and design andtechnology.

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

When can children start Early Education ina maintained nursery school or class?


In the maintained sector priority isgiven to older children who will beturning four during the school year.The school year starts in Septemberand ends in the following July.

If there are places remaining afterchildren have started, they will thenbe offered to younger children.These children will start the schoolterm after their third birthday. Forexample, if a child is three in Octoberthey can start in January of thefollowing year.


• Schools have a limited number ofplaces so your child is notguaranteed a place in a particularnursery class or school. For thisreason it makes sense to considerapplying to more than one provider.

• It cannot be guaranteed that aplace will be found close to whereyou live.

• Apply as early as possible.

• Application forms are availablefrom local schools and may alsobe on their websites.

• Visit THRIVE for an up to datelist of nurseries.

• Application forms for maintainedschools must be returned to yourchosen schools by Friday 7February 2020.

• Schools will write to you with adecision. Visit the school's websiteto check when they inform parents.

• You will then have to confirm inwriting that you accept a place foryour child.

Do I apply for a nursery class or primary place?

Please note that having a place at a maintained nursery does NOT guaranteethat your child will be able to go on to reception class in the same school.

You will have to apply the following year; see Choose a Wandsworth Primary

School for the application for your child's reception class place guidance.Primary applications are co-ordinated centrally through Pupil Services( Nursery applications are processed byindividual schools.

Children born between Nursery application Reception application

Apply by Start date Apply by Start date

1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017

Feb 2020 Sept 2020 Jan 2021 Sept 2021

1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018

Feb 2021 Sept 2021 Jan 2022 Sept 2022

1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019

Feb 2022 Sept 2022 Jan 2023 Sept 2023

1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020

Feb 2023 Sept 2023 Jan 2024 Sept 2024

1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021

Feb 2024 Sept 2024 Jan 2025 Sept 2025

Children born between Start Early Education

1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 September 2020

1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018 September 2021

Children born after 31 August 2017 may be admitted later in the year if places are available.

Term dates 2020/2021

Autumn term 2020

First day Wednesday 2 Sept

Half term 26-30 October

Last day Friday 18 December

Spring term 2021

First day Monday 4 January

Half term 15-19 February

Last day Wednesday 31 March

Summer term 2021

First day Monday 19 April

Half term 31 May - 4 June

Last day Friday 23 July

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Applying for places in maintained schools and academies


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

STEP 1Collectinginformation

You will probably want to find out asmuch information as possible about the schools before applying for aplace. You can do this by:

• reading this booklet

• reading school inspection reportsat

• visiting THRIVE Wandsworth to findlocal schools in your area.

• contacting schools for a copy oftheir prospectus and an application form.

• arranging to visit the school on anopen day or by appointment.

STEP 2Making informeddecisions

As well as finding out about the schools and what they offer, youalso need to consider whether ornot your child is likely to get a placeat a particular school.

If a school receives moreapplications than it has placesavailable, it will use its admissionscriteria to decide which childrenshould be offered places. You must therefore:

• apply to more than one schoolunless you are certain of getting aplace in the school you mostprefer.

• carefully read the criteria set out on page 10 for community andfoundation schools and in theschool prospectus for voluntaryaided (faith) schools andacademies.

STEP 2Making informeddecisions

Please remember that if you areoffered a nursery class place, yourchild will not automatically be offereda reception place at the same schoolin the following year. You will need tore-apply and have your applicationconsidered again.

Whether you get a reception place willdepend on the number of placesavailable and the number ofapplicants who meet the admissioncriteria at that time.

If you want more information aboutthe likelihood of securing a schoolplace in a particular school, pleasecontact the school directly or PupilServices on (020) 8871 7316

Applying for a place inmaintained nurseryschools and classesFind an up to date list of Early Education and Childcareproviders on THRIVE

For admissionsbetween September2020 and July 2021return your applicationforms to the maintainedschools by Friday 7 February 2020.

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Applying for places in maintained schools and academies


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

STEP 4Being offered a place

Each school will consider all theapplications received by the closingdate and will allocate up to itsmaximum number of places to thechildren with the highest priorityunder the admission criteria.

The schools will write to you with theresult of your application by the end of March.

What to do when you are offereda place

• When you receive an offer, let theschool know within seven dayswhether or not you want to accept it.

• If you are offered a place at morethan one school, accept the oneyou prefer and tell the otherschool(s) that you no longer want aplace, so that it can be offered tosomeone else.

What to do if you are not offered aplace at any school

Tell the schools you applied to thatyou want your child’s name to stay ontheir waiting list, in case a placebecomes available later on.

Contact the Early Education andChildcare Places Team on 020 8871 7899 or

Waiting lists

Any children who are not offeredplaces can be put on the waiting list.The list will be kept in the sameorder as the school’s order of priority.If a vacancy comes up, the schoolwill offer the place to the child at thetop of the list.

Late applications are also added tothe list in order of priority. Thismeans that a child’s position on thelist can move down as well as up.

STEP 3Applying for places

How to apply

Each school has its own applicationform. You should:

• contact the schools you are interested in

• ask them for an application form

• Fill in the form and return it to theschool, remember to ask for proofof your application.

When to apply

You must return your applicationform to the school by the closingdate of Friday 7 February 2020 at the latest.

Late applications

You will not get priority by applyingearly as all applications received byFriday 7 February 2020 will beconsidered together. However, if youapply after this date your applicationwill not be considered until after theinitial offer of places in March. If theschool is full at that time your child’sname will be put on the waiting list inthe order of the admission criteria.

Applying to more than one school

You can apply to as many schools as you wish. However, it is important toapply to at least one school near toyour home, as most schools givesome priority to applicants who livenearest to the school.

Brothers and sisters

If your child already has a brother orsister attending the school you muststill complete an application formand state this on the form.

Applying for places

Acute medical or personal need

If your child has an acute medical orpersonal need for a place at aparticular school, you must tick thebox on the application form andprovide professionally supportedevidence (eg a doctor’s letter) tosupport your application.

How your address affectsyour application

The address you put on yourapplication form must be yourpermanent address on the closingdate for applications.

If you change your address youshould tell the school immediately. A child’s address can only beconsidered for a nursery class placeif your child has an acute medical orpersonal need for a place at aparticular school.

Addresses outside Wandsworth

If you live in another borough you canapply for a part-time place in aWandsworth nursery class or school.However, if there are moreapplications than places, children ofthe same age group who live in theborough of Wandsworth will be givenpriority over those who live outsidethe borough. The admissionsprocess is explained on page 10.

Schools outside Wandsworth

You may apply for a nursery classplace in a school in another boroughif you wish, but you should bear inmind that the age when childrenstart may be different.

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Admission to maintained, academies and free schools


Schools generally admit childrenearly in the autumn term but wherethere are vacancies they can admitthroughout the year as childrenbecome old enough. Where childrendo have additional needs then aplace may be kept for them to startas soon as they are old enough.

Generally maintained schools andprimary academies provide places forchildren age three and over. Someplaces are available for two year oldswith additional needs in themaintained nursery schools and forchildren with specific special needsin Wandsworth Special Schools. Inmost cases private or voluntarygroups or childminders provideplaces for two year olds.

Admissions to maintained nurseries- Deciding which schools to apply to

Greater priority is given to childrenwith additional needs, older nurseryage children, children who areWandsworth residents and siblingsof older children who will beattending the school at the time thata nursery child would start. Distancebetween home and school based ona straight line between your homeand the centre of the school sitecalculated by Wandsworth Council'sGeographical System is also a factorand these points should guide you indeciding which schools to apply to.

You are recommended to apply tomore than one school even if youhave older children already in aschool as Wandsworth cannotguarantee a nursery class place atthe same school as older siblings.The factors above should inform your choices. You can find an up to date list of nurseries on theTHRIVE Applications aremade direct to the schools and mustbe made by Friday 7 February 2020.

Children with additional needs

If you feel your child has anadditional need that should beconsidered then you should ask alead professional in your ‘TeamAround the Child’* to providesupporting information when youmake your application. It is importantto give as much information as youcan about your child’s additionalneeds and provide supportinginformation. Professionals can onlygive schools information about yourchild with your permission andschools will not know about yourchild’s or your family’s needs unlessyou tell them when applying.

All school nurseries have a limit on the number of children that they canadmit. If there are more applications than places then there needs to be aprocess to decide which children will be offered places. Greater priority isgiven to children with additional needs where there is supporting evidencefrom professionals who know the child and family well. Therefore, it isimportant to tell the school if your child or family has additional needs andensure a professional helps to provide evidence of the need.

*Parents/carers who want theirneeds to be considered by amulti disciplinary group (forexample Team Around the Child(TAC) should contact a healthprofessional or the localChildren’s Centre (CC) who willcomplete an assessment oftheir need. An assessmentusing the Early HelpAssessment (EHA) will bemade. For a list of Children's Centres visit

** When deciding whether achild has an educational,medical or social need, theheadteacher will consider thechild’s needs or circumstances,supporting evidence from otherprofessionals, and theavailability of nursery classes inneighbouring schools.

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Admission to maintained, academies,faith and free schools


Information about the systemused by Wandsworthmaintained schools

Schools deciding which children tooffer places to - Step 1 Admissiongroups

All Wandsworth Schools mustconsider nursery class applicationsin the following group order startingwith Group A and finishing with GroupE. Groups are considered in turn untilplaces are allocated.

Group A

Children living in the borough ofWandsworth recommended for anursery class place at that school byan allocated Social Worker or as partof an action plan agreed by a multi-disciplinary group* (see page 9), forexample a Team Around the Child(TAC) or children who are the subjectof adoption and special guardianshiporders who were previously lookedafter by the Local Authority.

Normally admission is from the termafter the child’s third birthday andchildren in this group should have aplace held for them if they are not oldenough to start in the Autumn term.

Group B

Children born between 1 September2016 and 31 August 2017 who livewithin the Wandsworth borough.

Group C

Children born between 1 September2016 and 31 August 2017 who liveoutside the Wandsworth borough.

Group D

Children born after 31 August 2017who live within the Wandsworthborough (from the start of the termafter their third birthday, if places areavailable.)

Group E

Children born after 31 August 2017who live outside the Wandsworthborough (from the start of the termafter their third birthday, if places areavailable.)

Schools deciding which children tooffer places to - Step 2 - Admissioncriteria

If there are more nursery classapplications than places within theadmission group that the school has,then the school’s admission criteriawill be used to decide which childrencan be offered a place within thatgroup. There are some differencesbetween admission criteria in someschools and the school can providedetails of the criteria that it will use.

Nursery classes in communityand foundation schools andprimary academies1. Children looked after, or who have

an allocated social worker whohas provided written support ofthe application or children who arethe subject of adoption, residenceorder, child arrangements order orspecial guardianship order whowere previously looked after by aLocal Authority.

2. Children who are recommendedfor a place at that school followingan action plan agreed by a multi-disciplinary group* (see page 9)(for example Team Around theChild (TAC).

3. Children with brothers and sisterson the roll of the school on thedate of admission living up to adistance of 800 metres from theschool. Children with a brother orsister at the school on the date ofadmission living over 800 metresfrom the school will also receivepriority under this criterion wherethe family have not moved sincelast sibling was offered a place orthe last sibling was admitted priorto September 2020.

4. Children who live nearest to theschool by a straight line betweenyour home and the centre of theschool site calculated byWandsworth Council’s GeographicalInformation System.

Nursery classes in communityschools in a priority areaFour schools in the Tooting areahave slightly different criteriabecause they have a ‘geographicalpriority area’.

The schools are: Franciscan,Furzedown, Penwortham andSellincourt. Details of the admissioncriteria and priority area for theseschools are set out on pages 12 and 13.

Nursery Schools (Balham, Eastwoodand Somerset)

1. Children looked after, or who havean allocated social worker whohas provided written support ofthe application or children who arethe subject of adoption, residenceorder, child arrangements order orspecial guardianship order whowere previously looked after by aLocal Authority.

2. Children who are recommendedfor a place at that school followingan action plan agreed by a multi-disciplinary group* (See pages 9and 19) (for example Team Aroundthe Child (TAC). In some caseswhere there is a particular need,places can be given to childrenfrom the age of two years.

3. Children with professionallysupported educational, medical or social needs**(see pages 9 and 19).

4. Children who live nearest to theschool by a straight line betweenyour home and the centre of theschool site calculated byWandsworth Council’sGeographical Information System.

Nursery classes in voluntaryaided (Church or Faith) primaryschools.Church of England, Roman Catholicand Muslim schools will havedifferent admissions procedures andcriteria. Please contact theseschools direct for details.

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Nursery classes in academies and free schools Academies and Free Schools mayhave different admissionsprocedures and criteria. Pleasecontact these schools direct fordetails.

Maintained Special Schools,Resource Bases and theSpecialist NurseryPlacements at the Special Schoolsand units are made by the council’sSpecial Needs Assessment Section(SNAS) in consultation with theschool and parents or carers. Seepage 19 for more information.

Nursery class place offers

Once the school has a list of whichchildren will be offered a place it willwrite to those families by the end ofMarch. If there are more applicationsthan places then it will operate awaiting list (see page 8). If there arestill places available the school willinform the Early Education andChildcare Places Team so that placescan be allocated to other childrenwho have not yet found a nurseryclass place.

Being offered and acceptinga placeYou should find out about an offer ofa place by the end of March. As acondition of applying to a maintained

school you must accept the nurseryoffer that you plan to take up andinform any other schools that haveoffered your child a place that you arerefusing a place. This means otherchildren can be offered placespromptly. If you are not offered aplace you may be kept on a waitinglist and places may become availableif other families refuse a place or failto take one up. Places can stillbecome available right up to theAutumn term and during the year. TheEarly Education and Childcare PlacesTeam can help you if you have notfound a place please contact 020 8871 7899.

In accepting a nursery class placeyou must ensure your child attendspunctually (on time) and regularly(every day) unless they are unwell- inwhich case you must inform theschool. Schools are accountable forthe progress your child makes andwill expect them to attend for thewhole session on every day that theyare open.

Schools will normally operate asystem of staggered starting datesto help children make a happy andconfident start. The school shouldtell you exactly what the start datewill be and any arrangements forstarting with slightly fewer hourseach day.

Moving on to primary schoolYour child moves on to a primaryschool reception class in theSeptember of the school year inwhich the child reaches their fifthbirthday. Attending a nurseryclass at a maintained schooldoes not guarantee a receptionclass place at the same school inthe following year. There is aseparate application process foradmission to reception co-ordinated by the council. The’Choose a Wandsworth PrimarySchool’ booklet gives furtherdetails and is available from Pupil Services. Telephone (020) 8871 7316 or visit or [email protected]

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Franciscan, Furzedown, Penwortham and Sellincourt nursery classes


Franciscan, Furzedown, Penwortham and Sellincourt nursery classes inTooting have priority areas. Children living in the areas are given priorityover those living elsewhere. However living in a priority area does notguarantee a place at the school. This will depend on the demand for placesfrom people living in the priority area in a particular year.

Parents are advised to apply to other schools as well, in case theirapplication is unsuccessful.

Please contact Franciscan School direct for their admissions criteria.

Admission criteria for Furzedown, Penwortham and Sellincourtschools

Nursery class places at these schools are offered in the following order:

1. Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who hasprovided written support of the application or children who are the subjectof adoption, residence order, child arrangements order or specialguardianship order who were previously looked after by a Local Authority.

2. Children who are recommended for a place at that school following anaction plan agreed by a multi-disciplinary group (for example TAC).

3. Children living inside the priority area with a brother or sister who will stillbe at the school in September 2020.

4. Other children living inside the priority area in order of distance from hometo the school in a straight line.

5. Other children living outside the priority area with a brother or sister whowill still be at the school in September 2020.

6. Children who live nearest to the school as measured by a straight line fromhome to school as calculated by Wandsworth Council’s GeographicalInformation System.

Exceptional circumstances

The Director of Education and Social Services has discretion to give higherpriority where:

• A parent or guardian provides professionally supported evidence at the time of application that their child has an acute medical or personal need for a place.

• Refusal of a place would result in an unreasonable journey to an alternative school.

Applications within any of the above categories will be considered in order ofdistance from home to school as measured by a straight line by WandsworthCouncil’s Geographical Information System.

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Priority area boundariesThe boundaries of the priority areas forFranciscan School, Furzedown School,Penwortham School and SellincourtSchools run along the roads detailedbelow. These roads and all the roadsinside the boundary are included in thepriority area (unless otherwise stated).

Franciscan School

• South side of Derinton Road (evennumbers 10-316)

• West side of Rectory Lane (fromnorth side of Hill House to junctionwith Mitcham Road)

• North side of Mitcham Road (oddnumbers 1-215) and including BevillAllen Close

• East sides of Tooting High Street(odd numbers 1-69) and UpperTooting Road (odd numbers 127-247).

Furzedown School

• Furzedown Road• West side of Thrale Road (odd

numbers 75-99) from junction withFurzedown Road to Nimrod Road

• Brookview Road to the junction withNimrod Road

• Woodnook Road to the junction withNimrod Road

• Parklands Road to the junction withNimrod Road

• Moyser Road (odd numbers 91-133and even numbers 96-144) to thejunction with Nimrod Road

• Longstone Road to the junction withNimrod Road

• Spalding Road to the junction with Nimrod Road

• Welham Road (odd numbers 143-163and even numbers 50-78) to thejunction with Nimrod Road

• Southcroft Road (odd numbers 1-161and even numbers2-248), 47-50Eastbourne Road, 1-9 Amen Corner,223-249 Mitcham Road (east side)

• East side of Rectory Lane (numbers1-113)

Penwortham School

• Nimrod Road (both sides)• Thrale Road (odd numbers 1-73

(west side) and even numbers 36-62(east side)

• West Drive• Tooting Bec Road (from junction with

West Drive to junction with AldringtonRoad)

• Aldrington Road (from the junctionwith Tooting Bec Road to 10Aldrington Road, including allproperties on between east side of

Aldrington Road and railway line; thatis, Shepley Court in the north to FirTree Close in the south)

• North side of Fayland Avenue(Boothby House, Adams House, odd numbers 1-31) to junction withThrale Road

• West side of Mitcham Lane (evennumbers 120-282)

• Southcroft Road (odd numbers 225-313 and even numbers 250-444)and Swain Close

• NB Only the following properties inMoyser Road (odd numbers 1&1A-89and even numbers 2&2A-94) andWelham Road (odd numbers 1-131and even numbers 18-34) fall in thepriority area.

Sellincourt School

• East side of Tooting High Street (oddnumbers 71-221)

• South side and west side of MitchamRoad (even numbers 2-284) and westside of London Road (even numbers2-6)

• Longley Road (both sides) includingWaterfall Terrace.

© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Wandsworth Borough Council Licence No. LA 1000019270 (2019)


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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Schools in Wandsworth with nursery classes


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48 B53


© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Wandsworth Borough Council Licence No. LA 1000019270 (2019)

Albemarle R,15

Alderbrook N,34

All Saints (CE) I,10

Allfarthing M,23

Ark John Archer J,26

Beatrix Potter Q,25

Belleville L,30 (Webbs Road site)

Belleville Wix I,34

Brandlehow K,16

Broadwater U,28

Chesterton F,33

Christchurch (CE) H,29

Earlsfield R,24

Falconbrook H,27

Fircroft S,30

Floreat Wandsworth P,23

Franciscan W,32

Furzedown Y,35

Goldfinch X,38

Granard M,9

Griffin E,37

Heathmere Q,6

Hillbrook U,32

Honeywell Infant M,30

Hotham J,12

John Burns G,33

Our Lady Queen P,13 of Heaven (Catholic)

Penwortham X,36

Ravenstone Q,34

Riversdale P,19

Roehampton (CE) O,8


























No. Primary School Map Ref.







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1842 28

Ronald Ross O,14

Sacred Heart G,28 Battersea (Catholic)

Sacred Heart M,6 Roehampton (Catholic)

St Anne’s (CE) L,23

St Boniface (Catholic) W,31

St Faith’s (CE) K,22

St George’s (CE) D,37

St Joseph’s (Catholic) L,19

St Mary’s E,35 Battersea (Catholic)

St Mary’s I,12 Putney (CE)

Sellincourt X,30

Shaftesbury Park H,32

Sheringdale P,18

Smallwood V,26

Southmead Q,15

Swaffield N,23

The Alton N,2

Trinity Q,33 St Mary’s (CE)

West Hill M,20

Westbridge E,27





















No. Primary School Map Ref.

Balham Nursery O,33 (020) 8673 4055 www.balham-nursery.

Eastwood Nursery N,5 (020) 8876 3976

Somerset Nursery D,26 (020) 7223 5455




No. Nursery School Map Ref.

Nursery schools in Wandsworth

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Schools offering Early Education in Wandsworth


Albemarle Primary School (020) 8788

Alderbrook Primary School (020) 8673

All Saints’ (CE) Primary School (020) 8788

Allfarthing Primary School (020) 8874

Ark John Archer Primary Academy (020) 7228

Beatrix Potter Primary School (020) 8874

Belleville Primary School (020) 7228

Belleville Wix Academy(020) 7228

Brandlehow Primary School (020) 8874

Broadwater Primary School (020) 8672

Chesterton Primary School (020) 7622

Christ Church (CE) Primary School (020) 7228

Earlsfield Primary School (020) 8946

Falconbrook Primary School(020) 7228

Fircroft Primary School (020) 8672

Floreat Wandsworth Primary School(020) 8353

Franciscan Primary School (020) 8672

Furzedown Primary School (020) 8672

Goldfinch Primary School (020) 8769

Granard Primary School (020) 8788

Griffin Primary School (020) 7622

Heathmere Primary School (020) 8788 9057

Hillbrook Primary School (020) 8672

Honeywell Infant School (020) 7228

Hotham Primary School (020) 8788

John Burns Primary School (020) 7228

Our Lady Queen of Heaven (Catholic) Primary School(020) 8788

Penwortham Primary School (020) 8769

Ravenstone Primary School (020) 8673

Riversdale Primary School (020) 8874

Roehampton (CE) Primary School (020) 8788

Ronald Ross Primary School (020) 8788

Sacred Heart (Battersea) (Catholic) Primary School (020) 7223

Sacred Heart (Roehampton)(Catholic) Primary School(020) 8876

St Anne’s (CE) Primary School (020) 8874

St Boniface (Catholic) PrimarySchool (020) 8672

St Faith’s (CE) Primary School (020) 8874

St George’s (CE) Primary School (020) 7622

St Joseph’s (Catholic) PrimarySchool(020) 8874

St Mary’s (Battersea) (Catholic) Primary School(020) 7622

St Mary’s (Putney) (CE) PrimarySchool (020) 8788

Sellincourt Primary School(020) 8672

Shaftesbury Park Primary School(020) 7228

Sheringdale Primary School(020) 8874

Smallwood Primary School(020) 8672

Southmead Primary School (020) 8788

Swaffield Primary School (020) 8874

The Alton School (020) 8876

Trinity St Mary’s Primary School (CE) (020) 8673

West Hill Primary School(020) 8874

Westbridge Primary School (020) 7228 1293

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Applying for places in thenon-maintained sector


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

STEP 1Collectinginformation

Find out as much as you can aboutlocal provision before applying for aplace by:

• Visiting THRIVE for an up to datelist of providers offering EarlyEducation or call (020) 8871 7899.

• asking the Early Education providerfor a brochure or information.

• arranging to visit or attend opendays before you need to apply.

• reading inspection reports on theOfsted

STEP 2Making informeddecisions

Consider your child’s needs, theservices offered by the provider andtheir admission criteria andarrangements.

You can use more than one non-maintained school or nursery for anEarly Education place as long as youdo not go above the total 15 (or 30for some working parents) hours perweek, or above your overallentitlement for the academic year.

STEP 3Applying for places

Complete the application form forthe provider of your choice. Someindependent and private schoolshave long waiting lists and youshould complete the applicationform 12 months to 18 months beforeyour child is three years old.

However, do not be put off by longwaiting lists, as many parents willplace their child’s name on severalschool lists. The school or nurserywill then contact you confirming yourplace some months before your childis three years old.

STEP 4Being offered a place

When your child starts an EarlyEducation place you will be given awelcome pack.

Your provider(s) will ask you to sign a'Parent Declaration form'. By signingthis form you are confirming that yourchild is only claiming (and receiving)their Universal (and if applicableextended) entitlement. If it is foundthat you have claimed over yourentitlement you will be required topay for any additional hours yourchild has attended.

Non-maintained Early Education Places are in the private,voluntary or independent sectors.

They can be childminders, day nurseries, independent schools,pre-school playgroups and private nursery schools.

Applying for a place in thenon-maintained sectorYou should start to find outabout Early Education placesnear where you live as soonas possible, well before yourchild is old enough to start, ifyou plan to take up a place.

Each childminder, private,voluntary nursery andindependent school will haveits own application process.Most providers will have awaiting list, therefore theearlier you apply, the morelikely you are to get a place inyour preferred setting.

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Applying for places in thenon-maintained sector


When looking for a provider in the non-maintained sector there are a numberof things you should find out:

Are there additional charges with non-maintained providers?Non-maintained providers usually have overheads to pay for such as rent forusing a building.

While 15 and 30 hours places are completely free of charge in maintainedschools, you may be asked to pay for an ‘additional package of services’ witha private, voluntary or independent provider.

An example of these additional services are:

• offering a higher staff ratio

• providing more highly qualified staff than required by Ofsted

• taking children on outings

• hiring specialist teachers for classes such ballet or language classes.

They may also have very high business overheads that are included in theadditional package of services.

Is there a minimum number of hours attendance required?Some providers will require a set number of hours or days as minimumattendance. For example parents may be required to agree to a minimum ofthree days per week and pay for any hours above the free entitlement.

Providers must be very clear about how they provide the free hours. This mustinclude the costs of any additional package of services.

Early Years Pupil PremiumThe Early Years Pupil Premium gives childcare providers additional funding toimprove the education they provide for three and four-year-olds who qualify.

Childcare providers can claim an additional £300 per year to spend onenriching your three or four-year-olds child’s education. Fore example they can:

• buy equipment to support children’s learning and development

• employ specialist staff to help children develop their speech and language skills

• enhance children’s life experiences by going on trips, offering dramalessons

To qualify for Early Years Pupil Premium, you must meet the eligibility criteria. For more information visit

Universal entitlement 15 hours

Entitlement 570 hours in anacademic year

Settings open38 weeks of the year or less

Up to 15 hoursper week

Maximumhours per day

10 hours

Entitlement is stretched forproviders open more than38 weeks, for example:

Entitlement 570 hours in anacademic year

Stretchedentitlement fora childattending asetting open50 weeks ofthe year (570hours ÷ 50weeks)

11.4 hours per week


10 hours in one day

Box A

Box B

Working parents that qualify for 30hours free Early Education andChildcare Places per week will beentitled to an additional 570 hours per academic year.


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Children with Special Educational Needsand Disabilities


All Early Years settings and nurseriesin the maintained, private, voluntaryor independent sector will have anidentified Special Educational Needsand Disabilities Co-ordinator(SENDCO).

The SENDCO has responsibility for:• Ensuring liaison with parents and

other professionals in respect ofchildren with special educationalneeds and disabilities.

• Advising and supporting otherpractitioners in the provision.

• Education, Health and Care Plans(EHC Plans) are in place ifappropriate.

• Ensuring that relevant backgroundinformation about individualchildren with special educationalneeds and disabilities is collected,recorded and updated.

The majority of children will have theireducational needs met by their earlyyears provider or school. If they havesevere or more complex needs theymay need more support or help thantheir setting can give.

The SEND Information ReportAll schools are required by the 2014SEND legislation to publish an up todate SEND Information Report. Thisexplains how they will meet pupils'special educational needs and

disabilities. This information shouldbe published on schools' websites.The ‘SEND Information Report’should be clearly labelled and easyto find.

A link to this information is includedin each of the schools’ andnurseries’ webpages on the LocalOffer website under ‘Other details’,‘Related Links’. It is always advisableto contact any school or nursery youare thinking of sending your child to,to discuss how they will meet theirneeds.

SEND Inclusion FundA fund is available to ensure thattwo, three and four year old childrenwith low and emerging needs areable to participate fully in activities inearly education settings. The fund ispayable directly to providers.

“Low and emerging needs” mayinclude a physical, sensory orlearning disability, or difficulties inareas such as communication,attention, or behaviour. If you feelthat your child will benefit from theSEND Inclusion Fund you should talkto your provider.

Education Health and CarePlans (EHC Plans)For a small number of children whoneed more help, the Local Authority,

(LA) may need to make a statutory(legal) assessment of the child’sneeds to find out what level of helpis needed.

The assessment will in some caseslead to an Education, Health andCare Plan (EHC Plan). This takes intoaccount a child’s special educationalneeds and disabilities, together withany health or social care needs. Achild with an EHC Plan may beplaced in an Early Years setting withextra support or in a specialistschool.

If you would like to know more youcan get an information pack forparents of children with specialeducational needs and disabilitiesfrom the Special Needs AssessmentService (SNAS), Wandsworth Council,Education and Social ServicesDepartment, Town Hall, WandsworthHigh Street, SW18 2PU. Telephone:(020) 8871 8061 or email: [email protected]

Placements at the specialist schools and resource bases aremade by the council’s Special NeedsAssessment Service in consultationwith the provider and parents orcarers, details available on the Local Offer

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Children with Special Educational Needsand Disabilities


Disability Access FundThe Disability Access Fund isavailable to help settings provideadditional support for three and fouryear old children with a disability.

To qualify for the one off payment of£615 per year the child must be inreceipt of Disability Living Allowanceand also attending a free earlyeducation place. The payment ismade directly to the Early Educationprovider.

Please talk to your Early Educationprovider if you think your childqualifies for the funding. Moreinformation is available

Early Education provision forchildren with socialcommunication difficulties.

• Hillbrook School nursery resource base.

• Eastwood Nursery ASD resource base.

These two schools offer earlyeducation and assessment forchildren with social communicationdifficulties including AutisticSpectrum Disorder (ASD).

In order to be considered for aplacement at one of these schoolschildren must have either:• an Education, Health and Care Plan

naming the provision, or• a medical formal diagnosis of an

ASD or social communicationdifficulties, or similar difficultiesidentified by an appropriateprofessional, or

• a need for a placement to furtherassess a suspected socialcommunication difficulty.

A child would have significant needsthat required more support thanwould be found in general Early Yearssettings (which are also able toprovide for children with ASD andsocial communication difficulties).

• A child would have a cognitiveability, as far as can bedetermined, within the averagerange and the potential to beadmitted to a mainstream primaryschool at statutory school age withadditional support.

Parents/carers who want their childto be considered for a place in eitherprovision should contact their healthprofessional, eg, general practitioneror paediatrician, in order for a referralto be made and to discuss whethertheir child may benefit from theprovision. The referral will then beconsidered by a specialist multi-agency team.

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Useful information


AttendanceAccepting and Early Education andChildcare place indicates thatparents or carers will ensure thattheir child attends every session andall of that session. In maintainedschools permission should besought from the headteacher if achild will be away during term time.

IllnessIf your child is unwell he or she should stay at home. A sick child willbe unhappy and may pass theirillness to others. If the illness isinfectious you may need a certificatefrom the doctor before returning toEarly Education.

You should tell the headteacher ornursery manager if your child isreceiving treatment and give anymedication needed at home. If aprescribed medication is absolutelynecessary whilst your child is in EarlyEducation you should discuss thiswith the headteacher or nurserymanager.

ComplaintsIf you have a complaint about yourapplication, please contact the EarlyEducation and Childcare Places Team

Telephone: 020 8871 7899Email: eecp@richmondand

Equal opportunitiesThe council’s policy is that everychild should receive the bestpossible education. It is committedto providing equal opportunities forall children in its schools and seeksto eliminate discrimination.

All registered early years settingsmust have an Equal Opportunitiespolicy which is adhered to andunderstood by all the staff team.

The following could be found in anEqual Opportunities policy on how:

• staff and children deal with anyissues of discrimination.

• stereotypes are challenged.

• the environment reflects culturaland social diversity

• planning reflects respect fordifferences.

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Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020

Useful contacts


Thrive Wandsworth (020) 8871 7899Email: [email protected]

Information for parents of 0-19 yearolds on childcare, Early Educationplaces, family support information,disability information and activities todo with your child. website that hasinformation on all governmentservices including Early Yearseducation.

Local (020) 8871 7899 Email: [email protected] for children and youngpeople aged 0-25 with specialeducational needs and disabilities(SEND) and their families living inWandsworth. Find advice, support,health, education and short breaksinformation. 0300 123 1231The Office for Standards inEducation, Children’s Services andSkills. Ofsted inspect and regulateservices which care for children andyoung people, and those providingeducation and skills for learners ofall ages.

Pupil ServicesTelephone: (020) 8871 7316Email: [email protected]: advice on finding amaintained primary school place.

Wandsworth Information, AdviceSupport Service (WIASS)Advice line: (020) 8871 5237 (schoolterm time only) Monday 10am-1pm,Wednesday: 1.30-4.30pm and Friday10am-1pmCall back service (020) 8871 8065(24 hour answer machine)Email: [email protected]: provide confidential, impartial,information advice and support toparents/carers, children and youngpeople (aged 0-25) on SpecialEducational Needs and Disability(SEND).

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The Early Years Pupil Premium gives childcare providersadditional funding to improve the education they providefor some 3 and 4-year-olds.*



Find out if you qualify

Early Education and Childcare [email protected](020) 8871 7899

*Eligibility based on household income. Terms and conditions apply.

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to up to 15hours of freechildcare per week. Workingparents may be able to claim an additional15 hours per week (the 30 Hour Offer*).

Designed and produced by Wandsworth Design & Print. [email protected] AD.1199 (9.18)

Early Years Pupil Premiumfor 3 and 4 year olds Want to give your child that little bit extra?

Email: [email protected]

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AD.1180 (8.19)

Wandsworth Council are offering some two year olds up to 15hours free Early Education following their second birthday.

Apply online: call the Early Education and Childcare team: 020 8871 7899

Who can apply for an Early Education Place?Parent/carers must live in Wandsworth and be inreceipt of at least one of the following benefits:

• Income Support

• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)

• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

• Support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act

• Child Tax Credit and/or Working Tax Credit and have an annual income under £16,190 before tax

• The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

• The Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the

payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)

• Universal Credit and have an annual incomeunder £15,400 after tax

Children are also entitled to a place if:• they're looked after by a local council

• they have a current education health and careplan (EHCP)

• they get Disability Living Allowance

• they've left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order

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Your free family friendly guide



email: [email protected] telephone: 020 8871 7899


and more!family activities

SEND local offer


Designed and produced by Wandsworth Design and Print. [email protected]. AD.1216(10.19)

parenting support

LOCAL OFFERwebsite CS.14

18 (1



The Local Offer has informationfor children and young peopleaged 0-25 years with specialneeds and/or disabilities andtheir families in Wandsworth.

Information about

Support and advice

Information aboutEducation

Information aboutSocial Care and Short breaks

Information aboutEducation Health and Care Plans

Join and find things to do, services and support-including the WAND card

Disabled Children’sand Young People’s













For more information contact 020 8871 7899

[email protected]/localoffer

Page 28: Choosing EARLY EDUCATION...Choosing Early Education in Wandsworth 2020 Things to consider when choosing Early Education 4 It is recommended that you arrange to visit a few schools

Designed and produced by Wandsworth Design & [email protected]  CS.109 (10.19)