chmsc lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration


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Page 2: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration


Page 3: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration

carbon dioxide + waterchlorophyll→→→→→→→→light energy

sugar (glucose) + oxygen

What is photosynthesis ?

The process by witch plant make food is called “photosynthesis”The word photosynthesis is made up of two words:

1. Photo = light 2. Synthesis = putting together

Plants take carbon dioxide from air and water from the soil; put them together (in the presence of light energy and chlorophyll ) to produce sugar ( glucose )

And oxygen.

Page 4: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration

Cycle of Photosynthesis and respirati on

T h u s t h e p r o c e s s o fP h o t o s y n t h e s i s c a n b e

R e p r e s e n t e d a s -

C a r b o n d i o x i d e +W a t e r

C h l o r o p h y l l L i g h t e n e r g y

S u g a r ( g l u c o s e ) o x y g e n

Page 5: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration

How do plants get energy from The sun?

Light as an Energy SourcePlants that are able to create energy from sunlight are known as photoautotrophs. The term is Greek and means "placing with light." Not all plants can produce energy from sunlight. Such plants are called chemoautotrophs; they instead draw energy from inorganic compounds in the soil. The process by which plants turn light into energy is called photosynthesis. Many of the basic steps to photosynthesis were discovered as early as the 1600s by scientists throughout much of Europe, but the specifics of the entire process have yet to be completely discovered or defined.

Read more: How Do Plants Get Energy From Su

Page 6: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration

The cells of a green plant carry on many important jobs.Photosynthesis is just one of them .another job called respiration

As you know , the light – trapping part of photosynthesis Takes place only during daylight. But the energy – releasing process

Called respiration goes on every second of an organism’s life .

During respiration . Oxygen that enters the stomata caused The chemical breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water

This releases energy that plants need for their life activities.

Let’s bear in mind…

Page 7: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration

What have you notice about photosynthesis and respiration?Let us compare the two process

In photosynthesis, light energy is trapped by the chlorophyll pigments To form glucose , a high- energy compound from carbon dioxide and

Water and the consequent release of oxygen as by – product …..In respiration oxygen is used to break don glucose, a high energy compound

Into smaller activities with consequent release of carbon dioxide and water…..

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Page 9: CHMSC lab school grade 5 project in science photosynthesis and respiration

• • There are approximately 250,000 different types of flowering plants in the world.

• • Wheat is the world’s most widely cultivated plant. It is grown on every continent except Antarctica.

• • One ragweed plant can release as many as one billion grains of pollen. • • Sunflowers have long been used to control weeds in cultivated fields.

They produce a natural toxin • from their roots that keeps weeds from germinating. • • There are almost 600 species of carnivorous plants. They capture and

kill prey like small insects and • then digest and absorb the nutrients. Most carnivorous plants capture

insects, but some species can • capture frogs, birds, and even small rodents!

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