chinese style management

Chinese Style Management School of Economics and Management, Northwest University Arthur Dong

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50 Strategems about Chinese business behavior and principles.


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Chinese Style Management

School of Economics and Management, Northwest University

Arthur Dong

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Chinese Style Management

1 管理是修己安人的历程。 Management is a process of self-disciplin

e and stabilizing others

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Chinese Style Management

2 搞清楚推、拖、拉的真正用意,合理应用以求圆通。

Figure out the true meaning of the words “put off” and doing things sluggishly to reconcile with others and to be flexible.

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Chinese Style Management

3 以化解代替解决,务求尽量减少后遗症。 Reconciling problems in stead of solving t

hem to reduce the bad after effect

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Chinese Style Management

4 寓人治于法治,更符合中国社会的实际情况。

Integrate “rule of man” and “governed by law” together is a way which is fitting for the real situation of the Chinese society.

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Chinese Style Management

5 做人做事兼顾并重,透过好好做人来把事情做好。

Personal integrity takes priority of business prosperity! Make a balance between the two.

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Chinese Style Management

6 抱持既不赞成也不反对的心态,来包容一切。 A proper mental attitude should be: neithe

r agree or support nor disagree or go against with persons or things so to tolerate the different situation.

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Chinese Style Management

7 发展事业本身并没有什么目的,必须在经营事业的过程中,完成修、齐、治、平的人生使命,立业才有价值。

There is no meaning of doing business itself, a man or elite should accomplish the goal of “Self-cultivation, Family Harmony, State Governing and world Peace” in the process of his business. Only by this way, his business can be valuable.

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Chinese Style Management

8 计划的目的,在于肯定今后几年如何安人。 The target of planning is to confirm how t

o stabilize others in the coming years.

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9 组织的功能,在于聚合安人的力量,协同一致。

The function of an organization is getting all the forces of stabilizing others together to realize the synergistic effect.

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Chinese Style Management

10 领导的意义,在于发挥安人的潜力。 The rule of a manager is to extend the org

anization’s potential of stabilizing other to the extreme.

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11 控制的用意,在于保证今后几年如何安人。 The target of controlling is to make sure h

ow to stabilize others in the coming years.

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12 所有管理措施,无一不与安人密切相关。

All the control measures are closely related with stabilizing others.

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13 只有组织成员各守其分,大家才能和合为一,产生强大的组织力量。

Only if all the members of the organization can do well of his or her own business, can the talents of them be integrated to generate mighty organizational force.

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Chinese Style Management

14 安人就是把部分“和”在一起,“合”成“一”个整体,并且促使“整体大于部分之和”,透过“己安”和“人安”,增进“和谐”的效果。

Stabilizing others is a way to stay harmoniously with other team members and to make the organization as a whole, which can realize the target of “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Enhancing the harmony by realizing the self mental peace and stabilizing others.

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Chinese Style Management

15 安人的历程,是“由开心而交心,借交心而共同关心”,然后产生同心的一连串心与心的变化。

The process of stabilizing others is a series of changes of “hearts”. Because of happiness, we are making friends with each other; due to friendship between us, we can doing business according to the mutual interests.

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Chinese Style Management

16 中国人擅长“把二看成三”,以“二合一”来代替“二选一”。

Chinese people are good at seeing the “two” (yes or no options) into “three”, choosing the way of “neither A…nor B” or “both A and B”, not to choose A or B.

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Chinese Style Management

17 “ 以不变应万变”是管理的最高智慧,不要因误解而放弃。

“To deal with changes with no change” is the top wisdom of management; we should not give this principle up due to misunderstanding.

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18 “ 持经达变”是最有效的管理方式,有原则,却必须因人、因时、因事、因地而应变,以求制宜。

“Insist on principles and to be flexible” is the most effective management style. We have our principles, but we must to be flexible and find the most appropriate way to deal with the situations according to different persons, different times, different affairs, and different places.

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19 “ 经”是方的,规规矩矩,实实在在;“权”是变动的意思,要持经达权,合理应变,才能圆通而安人。

“Principle” is square, Bind him or her over to good behavior and get benefit honestly; “Flexibility” means changes, “Insist on principles and to be flexible” is the best way to stabilizing others.

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Chinese Style Management

20 美国式管理的哲学基础是“个人主义”,日本式管理的哲学基础是“集体主义”,中国式管理则是我们常用的“交互主义”。

The philosophy foundation of American style management is “Individualism”, of Japanese style management is “collectivism” and of Chinese style management is “Interactionism”.

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Chinese Style Management

21 日本人拿中国的管理哲学,运用于西方的管理科学。

Japanese management is a combination of Chinese management philosophy and Western management sciences.

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22 中国式管理具有三大主轴,那就是以人为主、因道结合以及依理应变。

There are three pillar stones of the Chinese style management: take the human as the centre, to obey the “Tao” (way of thinking and doing business), and to change according to the different situation.

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Chinese Style Management

23 中国人相信“事在人为”,所有的事都是人做出来的,所以管理应该以人为主。

Chinese people believe that all the things are doing by human, so the management should take the human as the rule.

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Chinese Style Management 24 若非理念相同,很不容易做到以人为主而又能够密切


If different people in the organization hold different philosophies, it is very hard to implement the principle “take human as the rule ” and to do business effectively at the same time. Chinese style management attaches great importance to the idea “Those whose courses are different cannot lay plans for one another.” or “Men of totally different principles can never act together.” Try their best to setting up the mutual goals and share the same management philosophy to realize the synergistic effect.

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Chinese Style Management 25 志同道合的同仁,由于人心善变,不久之后,可能变成志不同、


Colleagues sharing with the same ideals and interests perhaps change their ideals and interests since people’s minds are changeable or fickle and there are lots of variables in the internal and external environments. Chinese style management attaches great importance to the idea of “Insist on principles and to be flexible”. We have our principles, but we must to be flexible and find the most appropriate way to deal with the situations according to different persons, different times, different affairs, and different places.

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Chinese Style Management

26 只要合理,怎样变动都可以。 If it is reasonable, you can make whatever

change you want.

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Chinese Style Management

27 中国式管理,重视把人际或人群和伦理合在一起,建立一种差别性的关系,称为人伦关系。

Chinese style management combines the interpersonal relationship and moral principles together to establish a distinctive relationship. This is the so-called Human relations in Chinese language.

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28 中国式管理的交互主义,秉持“二合一”的态度,将个人主义和集体主义这两种极端的说法,合在一起,形成“在集体中完成个人”的合理主义。

Interactionism in Chinese style management makes a great effort to combine the individualism and collectivism together. This is the so-called “rationalism” which means to realize the individual’s value in a collective group.

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29 人伦关系,便是以伦理的观点来建立合理的人际关系。

An emphasis on the human relations is an approach to establish a reasonable interpersonal relationship in the view of the ethics.

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30 对上要有礼貌,但是不能够讨好。对下不宜太严,也不能够过分宽松。平行同事不必太拘束,也不应该过分熟而不拘礼。

Attitudes toward superiors should be polite but not be ingratiate;

attitudes toward subordinate can neither be too strict or serious, nor be too loose or relax;

attitudes toward parallel colleagues should neither be too formalistic, nor be too familiar to forget an appropriate manner.

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31 大同必须包容小异,世界大同并非世界一同。

Great harmony or great unity should contain subtle differences; the great harmonious world does not mean an identical world.

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Chinese Style Management

32 凡事未定案之前,十分民主,但一旦拍板定案,便相当独裁。

Be democratic before making a decision and be autocratic after the decision making.

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33 “ 法”是过去的产物,“情”是未来的埋伏,只有“理”才是现在的指标,中国式管理主张依理应变,按照现在的情势做出合理的调整。

“Law” is an outcome of the past, “affection” is an investment for the future, “logic” is the criteria of the present. Chinese style management believes that we must change ourselves by the logic and to make reasonable adjustment according to the present situation.

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34 中国式管理重视树状的组织精神,根部吸收水分,源源不断地供应树干;树干也毫不保留地让枝叶予取予求。这种“我支持你,你放手去做”的精神,符合中国人“你办事,我放心”的心理需求。

Chinese style management attaches a great importance to the tree shaped organizational structure. The root absorbs the water and supply it to the stems and leaves. The spirit the “you can do the things as you want under the support of me” is accord with the physiological demand of “I trust you on whatever you do”.

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35 上侵下职,妨害员工的学习、成长,更破坏上司与部属之间的合理关系。

The superiors disturb the work of the subordinates. It is harmful to the study and growth of the employees and even the rational guanxi of both sides involved.

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36 决策者的大智,指具有相当的专业知识,大慧指有智慧也有德行,三者合一,才是大智大慧做决策。

The top wisdom of the decision maker means that the integration of the three factors ; considerable professional knowledge, wisdom, and virtue.

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Chinese Style Management

37 沟通以不明言为基础。 The foundation of communication is using

the implicit words or expressions.

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Chinese Style Management

38 有效地会而不议、议而不决、决而不行。 There is no discussion in the meeting, no

decision making after discussion, and no implementation after the decision making.

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39 领导比管理更重要。 Leadership is much more important than


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40 老板做好人,干部做坏人,才是良好的配合。

The best cooperation in an organization is that the boss being Mr. Nice Guy and the manager being Mr. Bad Guy.

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41 用情理来领导,最为合理。 The most reasonable way of leadership is

to lead a team by the common sense.

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42 有本事来拿,拿不到怪自己,是激励的基本原则。

The fundamental incentive principle is that you should blame yourself if you can not get awards.

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43 先求忠诚再求能力,更加安全。 Be loyal first, then to be competent. This i

s a safe attitude in the workplace.

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44 劝合不劝分,表示站在合理的立场来分。 when solving disagreement, a rather ratio

nal position is recommended.

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45 至诚可以前知,预测未来才能做好计划。

A forecast guarantees an efficient plan for the future.

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46 采取无为的执行过程,才能大有为。 Sometimes keeping a low profile in execut

ion leads to great success.

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47 全面无形的控制,把法律和良心合在一起。

Take all-around invisible control, integrate law with conscience.

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48 考核的标准是“错,不可以”而“对,并没有用”。

The criteria of evaluation: “you are not allowed to make mistake” “even you have done right things, it still u

seless” “Try to do things right”

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49 抱持救人而非杀人的心态来考核。 The attitude of “saving people” rather tha

n “killing people” should be adopted in assessment.

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