chinese history introduction

Introduction to Chinese History Joanne Chen 2015

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Page 1: Chinese history introduction

Introduction to

Chinese HistoryJoanne Chen


Page 2: Chinese history introduction

I. The Origins of Chinese Civilization: c. 2200-221 BCa) Xia: c. 2200- c. 1750 BCb) Shang 1750 – 1100 BCc) Zhou (Chou) 1100 – 256 BC

II. The Early Empires 221 BC - 589 ADa) Qin 221- 206 BCb) Han 206 BC -220 ADc) The Three kingdoms and the Dynasties of North and South

III. The Second Empire: 589 – 1644 ADa) Sui 589-618b) Tang 618-907c) Song 960-1279d) Yuan (Mongol) 1279- 1368e) Ming 1368 - 1644

IV. The Birth of Modern China: 1644 - presenta) Qing (Manchu) 1644 – 1911 b) Republican China 1911 – 1949c) The People’s Republic of China 1949 - present

Chinese History

Great Wall

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The Origins of Chinese Civilization: c. 2200-221 BC

Xia: c. 2200- c. 1750 BC Shang 1750 – 1100 BC Zhou (Western and Eastern) 1100 – 256 BC

Yu the Great, is known for controlling floods and he established the Xia Dynasty. The establishment of the Xia Dynasty marks the end of the Primitive Society and the beginning of the Class Society.

The bronze wares reached a high level of artistry that signified the Shang's advanced civilization.

Zhou political and social structure


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Eastern Zhou (770 – 221 BC) Philosophers The most influential minds in the Chinese intellectual tradition flourished under the Zhou Dynasty, considered a time of intellectual and artistic awakening. Many of the ideas developed during this time would shape the character of Chinese civilization up to the present day.

Mencius 370-290 BC

Confucius551 – 479 BC Laozi Sunzi

Author of The Art of War (Chinese: 孫子兵法 ; pinyin: Sūnzĭ bīngfǎ) is an ancient Chinese military treatise.

Laozi is known as the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching and the founder of philosophical Taoism.

Mencius is most famous for his theory of human nature, according to which all human beings share an innate goodness that either can be cultivated through education and self-discipline.

Confucius was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher and political figure known for his popular aphorisms and for his models of social interaction.

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Qin Shih Huang centralized all power to himself by placing only giving power to those loyal to him. At his command was a powerful army.

Qin Dynasty ( 221- 206 BC) Han Dynasty (Western and Eastern Han) 206-22 AD

Great Wall

Standardized currency, measurements, legal rights, writing system.

Terracotta warriors

Silk Road was started as trade road.

Qin Coin

Emperor Wudi made efforts to expand the empire.

Paper was invented.

Wang zhou jun. Her polical marriage connectedXiongnu to Han.

Han tomb painting

Han clothingHanQin

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Three Kingdom 220-265 AD Jin 265-420 AD Southern and Northern Dynasties 420-589

Wei: Cao Cao

Shu: Liu Bei Wu: Sun Quan

Throughout the Three Kingdoms Period, battles between the three countries were countless

After a period of fighting, the process of Han-Chinese assimilation with other minority groups was greatly progressed.

Buddhism became more and more popular.

Yungang Grottoes 云冈石窟

Wang Xizhi (Eastern Jin), 兰亭集序Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Manuscript, dated 353 AD

Gilded Buddha Statue


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Sui Dynasty 581-618 AD Tang Dynasty 618 – 907 AD

Grand Canal was built.Emperor Sui Wendi

Sui developed granaries to Supply to the people

Development of Great Wall

Confucian Civil Service Exams becameVery important to enter the official ranks.

Golden Age of foreign relations with other countries

Strongly influenced the culture of Japan and Korea

Silk Road trade with Middle East and Constantinople

Gun Powder invention


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Song Dynasty 960 – 1279 Five Dynasties 907 – 960 ADAnd Ten kingdoms

Landscape painting


清明上河圖 Qingming scroll painting

Invention: wood block printing

Song clothingCeramic bowl

Emperor Sengzong

Calligraphy Transportation & trading

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The Tang and Song dynasty is often referred to as China's "Golden Age“.

Poetry, calligraphy, landscape painting, philosophy, political thought, historical writing, scientific advances in astronomy, chemistry, and medicine, and the production of fine silks, porcelain, and teas all flourish, particularly in the period from the 7th to the 12th centuries.

THE GOLDEN AGE: Tang (618-907) and Song 960-1279) dynasties

Tang painting: Horse Riding Tang: Three colored- wareTang Calligraphy, poem and painting

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Buddhism’s impact is felt throughout China

Tang and Song Dynasties: From the 7th to the 12th centuries

Chinese culture spreads throughout East Asia

Korea, Japan and Vietnam influenced by Chinese culture greatly

Trade, business, and innovation boom.

Growth in Chinese population


Tea leaf

Making silk The Trading Ship

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Yuan dynasty (1279 – 1368) Ming dynasty 1368 - 1644

The Mongol empire spans Eurasia in the 13th and 14th centuries and facilitates trade and exchange across the Eurasian land mass.

Army of YuanKublai Khan

Marco Polo Yuan Ceramic

Emperor Hong Wu

The Royal Ship

Beijing Forbidden City

Voyages of Zheng He

Zheng He

Completion of Great Wall

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However, there was a contradiction during the Ming: As China became more integrated with the world, the further the Imperial government closed themselves off.

Yuan and Ming Dynasty: 1271 - 1644

The most significant achievement of the Yuan Dynasty was the unification of the whole territory. This enhanced the communication between different ethnic minorities.

Ming Dynasty’s achievement in oversea relationship:

Ming emperor Chengzu assigned a man named Zheng He (1371 - 1433) to make numerous lengthily voyages to countries in Southeast Asia,the Indian Ocean (the Red Sea area) and the east coast of Africa. These voyages greatly increased the Ming's influence abroad and made Zheng He the forerunning figure in seafaring history.

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Qing Dynasty (Manchu leaders) (1644 – 1911)

Fall of the empire becauseof a lack of modernization

1911 Qing Dynasty Collapsed. End of the Chinese Dynastic System

The Qing Dynasty Ci-Xi Dowager Empress1903

Increased interaction with Europe Opium Wars

Qing long Emperor

Taiping Rebellion

By the Qing dynasty, the Chinese empire saw themselves as the Celestial Empire.( 天朝 )

In a letter to the King of England, Qian Long declared that they had everything they need and had no use for the manufactures of the West.

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The Republic (1911-1949) People’s Republic of China (1949 – present)

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Chiang Kai Shek Mao Ze Dong

The Nationalist Party

The Communist Party

The Revolution of 1911 is of great significance:The monarchical system was discarded with the founding of the provisional government of Republic of China.

Since 1949, the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has entered a new communist era.

Reform and Opening Up policies in 1978, bringing in China’s phenomenal economic growth.

Deng Xiao Ping

China Civil War 1911 -1949

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China Today

Shanghai Beijing Tian An Men

Factory workersOn streetSubway

Chinese food

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Conclusion The pattern of dynastic rise and fall is the theme of Chinese history. A strong dynasty overtook the weaker one.

There are many ethnic groups from ancient times. Through continuing communication and fusion, Chinese civilization keeps developing and spreading.

China's four great inventions, namely, the compass, gunpowder, movable type printing and papermaking, not only changed the world but also accelerated the evolution of world history.