chinese government work report 2011

Chinese Government Work Report 2011 - 2011.3.5 Eleventh National People's Congress of the Fourth Meeting March 5, the Eleventh National People's Congress in Beijing Great Hall of the fourth meeting of the opening. Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report. Delegates: Now, on behalf of the State Council, make the government work report to the General Assembly, Delegates are requested to review and request the CPPCC National Committee members for comments. All rights reserved:

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March 5,2011. the Eleventh National People's Congress in Beijing Great Hall of the fourth meeting of the opening. Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report.


Page 1: Chinese government work report 2011

Chinese Government Work Report 2011

- 2011.3.5 Eleventh National People's Congress of the Fourth Meeting

March 5, the Eleventh National People's Congress in Beijing Great Hall of the fourth meeting

of the opening. Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report.


Now, on behalf of the State Council, make the government work report to the General

Assembly, Delegates are requested to review and request the CPPCC National Committee

members for comments.

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Page 2: Chinese government work report 2011

First, the "Eleventh Five-Year" period, a review of economic and social development

"Eleventh Five-Year" period in the development process of China's extraordinary five years.

The face of complex domestic and international situation and a series of major risks and

challenges, the Chinese Communist Party to unite and lead people of all nationalities, and

comprehensively promote the reform and opening up and modernization, the state has

undergone historic changes.

- This year, China's social productive forces, overall national strength significantly increased.

Our ability to effectively cope with the international financial crisis and maintain stable and

rapid economic development, successfully completed the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" the main

objectives and tasks of the national economy to a new level. GDP reached 39.8 trillion yuan, an

average annual increase of 11.2% of revenue from 3.16 trillion to 8.31 trillion yuan. Manned

spaceflight, lunar exploration, super computers and other cutting-edge technology to achieve

major breakthroughs. National defense and army modernization made significant


- This year, to accelerate the development of social undertakings, significant improvement in

people's lives. Education, science, culture, health, sports progress. Million new urban jobs,

5771, transfer of agricultural labor force of 45 million people; disposable income of urban

residents and rural residents per capita net income of the average annual real growth of 9.7%,

respectively, and 8.9%; urban and rural social security system and gradually improve.

- This year, significant progress in reform and opening up. Key areas and key links to achieve

new breakthroughs in reform, the socialist market economic system more perfect. Last year's

foreign trade volume reached 2.97 trillion U.S. dollars, open economy improved rapidly.

- This year, China's international status and influence significantly. We play in international

affairs an important and constructive role in effectively safeguarding national sovereignty,

security and development interests, all-directional diplomacy made significant progress. We

successfully hosted the Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo, the Chinese nation's

century-old dream realized.

These remarkable achievements, it shows the superiority of socialism with Chinese

characteristics, reform and opening up to show great strength, great people of all enhance the

country's confidence and pride, and enhance the cohesion and solidarity of the Chinese nation,

will inspire the history of our journey in the new forge ahead.

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Five years, we mainly do the following:

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(A) strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation to promote steady and rapid

economic development. We pay attention to grasp the direction of macro-control, focus and

intensity, firmly grasp the initiative in economic work. "Eleventh Five-Year" early, rapid growth

for the investment, the trade surplus is too large, excess liquidity, as well as structural,

imported inflation and other problems, take the right policy measures to effectively prevent

the symptoms of the problem evolved into a trend of the problem , localized problem evolved

into a global problem. The past two years, in the face of years of international financial crisis

rare, we calmly and scientific decision-making, determined to implement a proactive fiscal

policy and loose monetary policy. Insist on implementation of the package, a massive increase

in government spending and tax cuts to implement structural, large-scale implementation of

key light industries, vigorously promote independent innovation and enhance scientific and

technological support, substantial increase in the level of social security. Adhere to the

strategic guideline of expanding domestic demand and adopt a series of policy measures to

encourage consumption, increase urban and rural residents, especially low-income people's

income, consumption continues to grow, continue to upgrade the structure. Implementation of

the new two-year investment plan of 4 trillion yuan, of which the new central government

investment of 118 billion yuan. Affordable housing projects, livelihood projects and social

undertakings in rural areas accounted for 43.7% of investment, innovation, restructuring,

energy saving and ecological construction 15.3%, major infrastructure projects accounted for

23.6%, 14.8% post-disaster reconstruction. Government investment guidance leading to social

investment, a substantial increase in domestic demand, external demand makes up the gap, a

relatively short time to reverse the decline in economic growth, the first to achieve recovery in

the world for the better, not only to overcome the special difficulties, and effectively protect

and improve people's livelihood, but also to lay a solid foundation for long-term development.

(B) the unrelenting success of the "three rural" work to consolidate and strengthen the

agricultural base. The central government "three rural" into a total of nearly 3 trillion yuan, an

average annual increase of more than 23%. Complete abolition of agricultural taxes and various

fees, ending a history of peasant farming tax year to reduce the burden on peasants more than

133.5 billion yuan. The establishment of subsidies to grain farmers and the main producing

areas of interest compensation mechanism, the production subsidies to farmers reached 122.6

billion yuan last year. Implementation of key grain varieties temporary storage and the

minimum purchase price policy of wheat, the minimum purchase price of rice increased by 25%

to 40%. Strict protection of cultivated land. Efforts to promote agricultural science and

technology. Record high grain output last year reached 546.41 million tons, production for

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seven consecutive years; rural per capita net income reached 5,919 yuan, to achieve sustained

rapid growth. Steady progress in comprehensive rural reform, the reform of collective forest

right system, the state-owned farm management system comprehensively. Accelerate

agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, completed 7356 and focus of small and

medium-sized reservoir reinforcement, 215 million rural population, safe drinking water to

solve the problem, the days become better farmers, rural development has entered a new era.

(C) vigorously promote the economic structural adjustment, improve quality and efficiency of

economic growth. First, accelerate industrial restructuring and innovation. Actively promote

the technological upgrading of enterprises and mergers and acquisitions, general equipment

manufacturing industry, particularly the level and competitiveness has improved significantly.

Strategic and emerging industries grew rapidly. Accelerate the construction of national

innovation systems, knowledge innovation engineering and technological innovation projects,

the development of much-needed breakthrough in a number of cutting-edge technology

industry, the core technology and key equipment and technology, a large number of scientific

research to achieve the industrialization. The rapid development of services in GDP accounted

for 2.5 percentage points. Significantly speed up infrastructure construction, built five years

16,000 km of new railway lines, new highways 639,000 km, 33,000 km of expressways, new

construction, renovation and expansion of the airport 33, the new and reinforced

embankments 17,000 km. Second, the solid to promote energy conservation, ecological

construction and environmental protection. By 2020, China's actions to control greenhouse gas

emissions targets and policy measures, developed and implemented a comprehensive energy

conservation program of work. Develop clean energy, new power generation capacity 445

million kilowatts, of which 96.01 million kilowatts hydropower, nuclear power 3.84 million

kilowatts. Shutting down small thermal power 72.1 million kilowatts, eliminating a number of

outdated coal, steel, cement, coke production capacity. Promote the key forestry ecological

construction, the completion of 25.29 million hectares planted. Comprehensive control of soil

erosion area of 230,000 square kilometers, the strengthening of key water pollution control, air

pollution control and industrial "three wastes" treatment. Vigorously develop the circular

economy. Five-year total, the unit GDP energy consumption fell 19.1%, chemical oxygen

demand and sulfur dioxide emissions decreased by 12.45%, 14.29%. The third is to promote

regional economic development. Implement the overall strategy of regional development,

promulgation and implementation of national plans of the main functional areas to develop

the western region to develop new guidance and a series of ten regional development plan,

launched to promote the four provinces of Tibet and the Tibetan and Xinjiang ethnic

leap-forward development of new regional initiatives. Accelerated development of the

Midwest and Northeast, and other major indicators of economic growth than the national

average; the eastern region to optimize the economic structure, innovation and

competitiveness gradually increase; regions tend to narrow the gap between basic public

services, distinctive regional development begun to take shape.

(D) of firm deepen reform and opening, to enhance the inherent vitality of economic and

social development. Gradually improve the fiscal transfer payment system, county-level basic

financial guarantee mechanism was established. Full implementation of VAT, oil prices and the

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smooth progress of tax reform, tax reform starts pilot resources, comprehensive and coherent

domestic and foreign taxation. The reform of large state-owned commercial banks successfully

completed, the policy reform of financial institutions, and actively promote the reform of rural

credit cooperatives; stable of listed companies tradable solve the problem, the GEM, stock

index futures and the smooth introduction of margin trading, the steady development of bond

markets; further promote the Insurance reform and opening up; RMB exchange rate formation

mechanism reform in an orderly way, cross-border trade, RMB pilot expanded. Joint-stock

system reform of state-owned enterprises, reform of state-owned assets supervision and

positive progress. Postal reform accelerated. Developed and implemented to promote SME

development and private investment in a range of policies, non-public economic development,

improving the environment, a variety of forms of ownership develop.

Expanding the breadth and depth of opening. 15.9% average annual growth of total imports

and exports, improve the structure. Trade surplus fell for two consecutive years in 2010

decreased by 6.4% over the previous year. Use of foreign capital to a higher level. Enterprises

"going out" significantly speeding up the total $ 220 billion of foreign direct investment, foreign

project contracting and labor cooperation turnover of $ 335.2 billion. Actively participate in

global economic governance reforms and regional cooperation mechanisms, multilateral and

bilateral economic and trade cooperation continued to deepen. Foreign aid continues to grow.

Open a powerful impetus to economic development and structural adjustment, increased

employment, absorb advanced technology and management experience, has greatly enhanced

China's international status.

(E) to accelerate the development of social undertakings, and effectively protect and improve

people's livelihood. Always adhere to the economic development and social development in

harmony around the improvement of people's livelihood and development. To employment in

economic and social development priority. Strengthen vocational training and employment

services, promote the college graduates, rural migrant workers, urban employment difficulties

in seeking employment, job placement veterans do. Implementation of the Labor Contract Law

and Employment Promotion Law, a general increase in the minimum wage, promote the

establishment of harmonious labor relations. Urban and rural social security system has

achieved a breakthrough, urban basic old-age insurance to achieve the provincial level, the

implementation of inter-provincial transfer Jiexu pension insurance relationship means, for

seven years to improve basic pension for enterprise retirees, the average annual growth of 10%,

pilot the new rural social pension insurance covered 24 percent of the county. Actively and

steadily push forward medical and health system, the full establishment of the basic medical

insurance system for urban residents, the new rural cooperative medical care system,

benefiting 1.267 billion urban and rural residents. Minimum living security system to achieve

full coverage, basic system of urban and rural social relief, social welfare, special care and

placement, charity and the disabled has made new progress. National Social Security Fund has

accumulated 781 billion yuan, more than five years ago more than 5800 billion yuan.

Vigorously implement the construction of affordable housing and shantytowns, the 11 million

poor families live in new houses. We must persevere and strive to make all the people a sense

of security, medical, and housing.

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Formulation and implementation of national long-term reform and development plan for.

Cumulative five-year national fiscal expenditure on education 4.45 trillion yuan, an average

annual increase of 22.4%. The full realization of free compulsory education in urban and rural

areas, all school-age children can be "no cost, to school on." Compulsory education teacher

performance pay system is fully implemented. Secondary vocational education for rural

economically disadvantaged families, low-income urban households and agriculture-related

majors is free. Accelerate the implementation of the national student system, financial

investment of 1.8 billion yuan from 2006 to 2010 of 30.6 billion, from institutions of higher

learning to expand coverage to the secondary vocational schools and ordinary high school

students 21.3 million total funding, but also for more than 12 million provide compulsory

education boarders were living allowance. Speed up the renovation of dilapidated buildings in

rural primary and secondary schools and vocational education infrastructure. Comprehensively

improve the quality and level of higher education, colleges and universities to enhance

innovation capacity. Development and implementation of national long-term scientific and

technological development program, the central government invested 619.7 billion yuan

technology, an average annual increase of 22.7%, made a series of significant results. Great

efforts to strengthen primary health services capacity building. National financial allocation of

funds, transformation and new 23 000 township hospitals, 1500 County Hospital, 500 County

Hospital and the 1000 county MCH, the establishment of 2400 community health centers.

Development and implementation of national long-term talent development program.

Population planning objectives successfully achieved. Cultural system made significant progress.

Public cultural service system significantly accelerated, and cultural industries to flourish.

Philosophy and social sciences and journalism, publishing, radio and television, literature and

art prosperity and progress. Speed up the construction of urban and rural public sports

facilities, fitness activities become common practice. Comprehensively promote the legal

system, "55" Franco-Prussian successfully completed. Innovation and strengthen social

management and maintain social harmony and stability.

Wenchuan earthquake in the fight against natural disasters such as the struggle to achieve a

major victory, Wenchuan disaster recovery and reconstruction of basic three-year mandate for

two years to complete, Yushu earthquake and Zhouqu large debris flow disaster recovery and

reconstruction in an orderly way. After the baptism of the disaster, the Chinese people more

mature, confident, strong, Chinese perseverance and tenacity of the great spirit of invincibility.

Five years, we have been deepening administrative reform, accelerate the transformation of

government functions, complete a new round of government institutional reform, further

promoting administration according to law, construction law government and service-oriented

government, of governments, strengthening administrative accountability, perseverance to the

struggle against corruption, the government itself made positive progress.

Over the past five years, we came to be step by step, the Chinese people have reason to be

proud! Five years of hard-won achievements. This is the CPC Central Committee with Comrade

Hu Jintao as general secretary of the overall situation, the right leadership, the whole Party and

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people work together for results. Here, on behalf of the State Council, people of all

nationalities, the democratic parties, people's organizations and all walks of life, to express my

sincere thanks! Compatriots in the Hong Kong SAR, Macao Special Administrative Region and

Taiwan compatriots and overseas, to express my sincere thanks! To care for and support

China's modernization of national governments, international organizations and foreign friends,

to express my sincere thanks!

We clearly recognize that the development of China's unbalanced, uncoordinated and

unsustainable issues are still outstanding. Mainly: economic growth, resource and

environmental constraints to strengthen the imbalance between investment and consumption,

a larger gap in income distribution, technological innovation is not strong, irrational industrial

structure, agricultural base is weak, uncoordinated urban and rural development, employment

and total pressure structural problems exist, restricting the development of science structural

and institutional obstacles still more; the proportion of value added services and employment,

research and experimental development expenditures to GDP ratio did not complete the

"Eleventh Five-Year Plan" goals. Some people resent the problem is not solved, mainly: quality

education, the total lack of medical resources, unevenly distributed; inflation pressures, prices

rose too high in some cities; illegal land acquisition, demolition and other social conflicts

triggered by an increase; food safety issues more prominent; serious corruption in some areas.

We must be responsible for the country and the people's spirit, through the painstaking work

and persistent efforts to expedite the settlement of these problems, making the people happy!

Recalling the "Eleventh Five-Year" period of government work, we

have further deepened in the following areas of knowledge and


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First, they must adhere to scientific development. We overcome challenges, by the

development; all the achievements made in all areas and progress through the development;

on the road ahead to solve difficulties and problems, still rely on the development. China is still

in the primary stage of socialism will be long-term, we must persist in taking economic

construction as the center of scientific development. Be people-oriented, to protect and

improve the livelihood of the people all work as a starting point and goal, unswervingly take

the road of common prosperity, so that the fruits of development benefit all people; insist on

integrated, promoting urban and rural, regional, economic and social development; accelerate

the transformation of economic development way, vigorously promote independent

innovation, resource conservation and protection of the environment in which economic and

social development and population resources and the environment, improve the development

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of a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable.

Second, we must adhere to government regulation and market mechanisms of organic unity.

A sound market mechanism, effective macro-control, are socialist market economic system, an

indispensable component. Role of the market role of government more or more, must be

discretionary. In response to the international financial crisis, we strengthen and improve

macro-control, and promptly correct market distortions, to compensate for market failure,

prevent the economy from big ups and downs, proved entirely correct. We must constantly

improve the socialist market economic system, give full play to the market in allocating

resources to the basic role, to stimulate the inherent vitality of the economy, at the same time,

the scientific use of the macro-control measures, to promote the economic long-term stable

and rapid development.

Third, we must adhere to co-ordinate domestic and international situations. In-depth

development of economic globalization and opening up under the conditions of deepening

China's economic ties with the world economy increasingly close interaction and

interdependence is growing. Must establish a global vision, to enhance strategic thinking, good

at developing the international situation changes from take full advantage of development

opportunities and challenges to deal with risks and secure, and utilize both domestic and

international markets and resources, co-ordinate the good relationship between domestic

development and opening-up, really do to the external balance, balanced development.

Fourth, we must adhere to the reform and opening up as the fundamental driving force of

economic and social development. Reform is to achieve national prosperity, people's happiness,

the only way, to be run through the whole process of socialist modernization. We should take

greater determination and courage to push forward reform and improve the reform decisions

more scientific, and enhance coordination of reform measures, advance economic, political,

cultural, social and other aspects of reform and innovation, a fundamental break from the

institutional mechanisms for barrier, the maximum the limits of liberation and development of

productive forces, promote social fairness and justice. To adhere to the improving living

standards as to correctly handle the relations between reform, development and stability of

the integration point, the intensity of reform, the speed of development and the degree of

social tolerance together to promote harmony and stability of reform to ensure that people live

in peace, social peace and order, national long-term stability.

Second, "Twelfth Five-Year" period of the main objectives and tasks

According to "National Economy and Social Development, the recommendations of Twelfth

Five-Year Plan", we prepared the "economic and social development Twelfth Five-Year Plan

(Draft)", submitted to the General Assembly.

"Five" is the key to building a moderately prosperous society in the period, is the deepening

of reform and opening up, accelerate the transformation of economic development in the

crucial period. Internationally, the world multi-polarization and economic globalization, peace,

development and cooperation remain the trend of the times. Far-reaching impact of

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international financial crisis, world economic structure, accelerate the adjustment of the

profound changes in global economic governance, technological innovation and industrial

restructuring gave birth to a breakthrough, developing countries, especially emerging market

countries into the overall strength of the upswing. Domestically, China's favorable conditions

for development and long-term trend has not changed for the better, industrialization,

information technology, urbanization, marketization and internationalization in-depth

development of huge potential market demand, ample capital supply, technology and

education to enhance the overall improve the quality of labor, infrastructure has improved, the

government's macroeconomic control and the ability to respond to major challenges markedly

enhanced overall social stability. Comprehensive assessment of the international and domestic

situation, China can accomplish a great deal is still in the development of important strategic


We must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng

Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, thoroughly implement the scientific

concept of development, to adapt to new changes in domestic and international situation,

people of all conform to new expectations for a better life, the theme of scientific development,

to accelerate the transformation of economic development as the main line, deepening reform

and opening up, protect and improve people's livelihood, to consolidate and expand the results

to tackle the financial crisis, the long-term stable and rapid economic development and social

harmony and stability, for building a moderately prosperous the community to lay the

foundation of decisive significance.

- We must promote economic development to a new level. The next five years, China's

economic growth target is to significantly improve the quality and efficiency, based on the

average annual growth of 7%. At 2010 prices, gross domestic product in 2015 to over 55 trillion

yuan. Should continue to strengthen and improve macro-control to keep the overall price level

basically stable, Ba short-term and long-term control policy development policies, adhere to

the strategy of expanding domestic demand, to fully tap the great potential of China's domestic

demand, accelerate the formation of consumption, investment and exports to promote

economic growth situation.

- We must accelerate the transformation of economic development and economic

restructuring. Adhere to the new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics,

promote the industrialization of information technology and the depth of integration,

transform and elevate the industry, foster the development of strategic new industries.

Accelerate the development of services, value added services in the proportion of gross

domestic product increased by 4 percentage points. Actively and steadily promote urbanization,

the urbanization rate increased from 47.5% to 51.5%, improve the layout and form of

urbanization, constantly improve the quality and level of urbanization. Continue to strengthen

infrastructure construction, and further reinforce the economic and social development

foundation. Vigorously develop modern agriculture, accelerate the building of new socialist

countryside. Further implementation of the overall strategy of regional development strategy

and the main functional areas, and gradually realize the equalization of basic public services.

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Promote urban and rural, regional interaction, the coordinated development of tertiary


- We must vigorously develop social undertakings. Give priority to the development of

education, steady improvement of education for all. Adhere to independent innovation,

focusing on cross, supporting the development and lead the future of the policy, improve the

technological innovation system and support policies, efforts to promote the scientific and

technological breakthroughs. Research and experimental development expenditures to GDP

ratio reached 2.2%, to better promote scientific and technological achievements into

productive forces. Meet the needs of modernization, strengthening personnel training and

strive to create large-scale high-quality talent. Greatly improve the cultural infrastructure,

promotion of cultural reform and the development of a new leap forward to meet people's

growing spiritual and cultural needs. To develop sports. Further deepen the medical and health

system, and improve the basic health system, to accelerate universal access to basic health

services targets. Social management system and mechanism innovation, strengthening the

social management of legal, institutional, capacity building, full of vitality and to ensure social

harmony and stability.

- We want to push forward the resource conservation and environmental protection. Actively

respond to climate change. Enhance resource conservation and management, improve

resource security capacity, increase the arable land protection, environmental protection, and

strengthen ecological construction and disaster prevention and mitigation system,

comprehensively enhance the capacity for sustainable development. Non-fossil fuels in

primary energy consumption, the proportion increased to 11.4%, per unit of GDP energy

consumption and carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 16% and 17%, the total discharge

of major pollutants decreased by 8% to 10%, forest reserves increased 600 million cubic meters,

the forest coverage rate of 21.66%. Strengthen the water conservancy and infrastructure

construction, promote the important tributaries of major rivers, lakes and medium and small

rivers, significantly improve the basic farmland irrigation, efficient use of water level and flood

control capacity.

- We should fully improve people's lives. Adhere to increase employment as a priority

objective of economic and social development for all workers to create equal employment

opportunities for five years 45 million new urban jobs. Uphold and improve the distribution

according to work is dominant and diverse modes of distribution coexist distribution system,

efforts to achieve income growth and economic development simultaneously, labor

compensation and labor productivity growth simultaneously, and gradually increase the

income share of national income distribution, improve work remuneration in primary

distribution of income, accelerate the formation of a reasonable pattern of income distribution.

Disposable income of urban residents and rural residents per capita net income of the average

annual real growth over 7%. Improve poor standards and poverty reduction. Improve the social

security system to further improve the level of protection. Urban and rural basic pension, basic

medical insurance system to achieve full coverage, improve and stabilize the three basic urban

medical insurance rates, health insurance policies within the fund level to 70% or more, the

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national coverage of affordable housing in urban areas reached 20%. Adhere to the basic

national policy of family planning, and gradually improve policies, promote the balanced

development of long-term population, per capita increase in life expectancy 1 year of age, 74.5

years old.

- We should deepen reform and opening-round. More attention to top-level design and

overall plan of reform, vigorously promote economic reform, and actively and steadily push

forward political reform, speed up the cultural and social reform, and constantly improve the

socialist market economic system, expand socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal

system, the superstructure more responsive to changes in economic infrastructure

development, providing a powerful guarantee for scientific development. Uphold and improve

the basic economic system, according to various economic sectors to create equal access to

factors of production, fair competition in the market, the same institutional environment

protected by law. Accelerate the taxation of financial restructuring, and actively build help

changing the economic development and taxation system, build organizational diversity,

service efficiency, prudential regulation, risk-controlled financial system. Deepen the prices of

resource products and environmental protection fees reform, establish and improve the

flexibility to reflect market supply and demand, resource scarcity and environmental costs of

resource products pricing mechanism. Implement a more proactive strategy of opening up

participation in international cooperation and foster new competitive advantages, mutual

benefit and win-win opening up further to form a new pattern.

- We should continue to strengthen the Government's own reform and construction. All the

powers of government are given by the people, must be accountable for the interests of the

people, accept their supervision; to be the most widely according to mobilize and organize the

people to manage state and social affairs, economic and cultural undertakings; must adhere to

the basic rule of law strategy, strengthening to maintain the interests of the legal system,

promoting administration according to law; must implement a scientific and democratic

decision-making, establish and improve the decision-making, implementation, monitoring both

the coordination of mutual restraint, the operating mechanism to ensure the proper exercise of

power; must change the power system over focus on the situation and the lack of constraints,

resolutely punish and prevent corruption; the need to safeguard people's democratic rights

and legitimate interests, safeguard social fairness and justice.

In short, through the next five years to achieve the "five-second" planning goals, China's

comprehensive national strength will have more to enhance people's lives will have greater

improvement occurs more national outlook change.

Third, the work in 2011

2011, is the "second five" first year, good year's work for the completion of "five-second"

mission-critical goals. Over the past year, our work has made great achievements. GDP grew by

10.3%, consumer price rise in the 3.3% 1168 million new urban jobs, balance of payments

situation has improved. This is good work this year has laid a good foundation.

This year, the situation facing China's development is still extremely complex. The world

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economy will continue to slowly recover, but recovery of the foundation is not strong. Sluggish

economic growth in developed economies, the unemployment rate at a high, hidden in some

countries sovereign debt crisis had not been resolved, the major developed economies, further

easing monetary policy implementation, a significant increase in global liquidity, international

commodity prices and increased volatility in major currencies, emerging market asset bubble

and inflation pressures, protectionism and continue to heat up the international market more

competitive, unstable and uncertain factors still more. China's economy in a number of

long-term issues and short-term issues are intertwined, and institutional contradictions and

structural problems added together, increase the macro-control more difficult. We want to

accurately judge the situation, keep a clear mind, enhance the sense of well prepared to deal

with risks.

Economic and social development this year, the main targets are: GDP growth around 8%;

economic structure was further optimized; consumer price rise in the level of around 4%; more

than 9 million new urban jobs, registered urban unemployment rate was controlled at 4.6%;

balance of payments position continues to improve. The overall consideration is for the

transformation of economic development to create a good environment, and guide all aspects

of the work focus on speeding up economic restructuring, improve quality and efficiency, and

on increasing employment, improving people's livelihood and promote social harmony on.

Achieve these objectives, the macroeconomic policies to maintain the continuity and stability,

improve the relevance, flexibility, effectiveness, handle to maintain stable and rapid economic

development, economic restructuring, management of the relationship between inflation

expectations, price stability is more emphasis on the total level, to prevent big fluctuations in

the economy.

Continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy. Maintain an appropriate budget deficit

and government debt. Budget deficit 900 billion yuan this year to be arranged, including the

central budget deficit 700 billion yuan to 200 billion yuan on behalf of local bonds and into the

local budget, the budget deficit over the previous year to reduce the size of 150 billion yuan,

the deficit ratio decreased to 2%. To focus on optimizing the structure of fiscal expenditure,

increase the "three rural", less developed areas, livelihood, social undertakings, restructuring,

technological innovation and other key expenditures; reduce general expenses, strict control of

the party and government office buildings and other government building construction,

(border) funding, vehicle purchase and running costs, fees, official reception on the principle of

zero growth in spending, and effectively reduce administrative costs. Continue to implement

structural tax cuts. Steps to strengthen tax administration. Debt of local government to conduct

a comprehensive audit of the implementation of full aperture control study to establish a

standard of local government debt financing mechanism.

Implementation of prudent monetary policy. Maintain a reasonable scale of social financing,

the broad money growth target of 16%. Sound macro-prudential policy framework, the

integrated use of price and quantity of tools to improve the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Increase the proportion of direct financing, play good stocks, bonds, funds and other financial

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instruments industry's role, to better meet the diverse investment and financing needs. Efforts

to optimize credit structure, to guide commercial banks to increase investment in key areas and

weak links of the credit support, and strictly control the "two high" trade and industry

overcapacity loans. Further improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. Closely

monitor cross-border capital flows, to prevent "hot money" inflows. Strengthen the reserve

assets of the investment and risk management, improve investment returns.

This year, the focus on the following aspects of work to do.

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(A) maintain the basic stability of general price level

Currently, the price increases rapidly, inflation is expected to increase, this issue involves

people's livelihood, the overall situation and affect stability. Should stabilize the general price

level as the primary task of macroeconomic regulation and control, give full play to the general

oversupply of major industrial country, ample food stocks, large foreign exchange reserves and

other favorable conditions, efforts to eliminate the input of, the adverse effects of structural

inflation, absorb the pressure of rising factor costs, the right guide market expectations, to

resolutely curb price momentum. Should take economic and legal means supplemented by

necessary administrative means, to comprehensively strengthen price regulation and

supervision. First, effective management of market liquidity, to control price hikes of monetary

conditions. A good grasp of government to adjust prices of goods and services, the timing,

tempo and intensity. The second is to develop production and protect the main agricultural

products, basic necessities of life, an important means of production and supply.

Implementation of the "rice bag" responsibility system of provincial governors and the

"vegetable basket" Mayor of responsibility. Third, strengthening the agricultural products

circulation system, and actively carry out the "Farm", smooth transportation of fresh

agricultural products "green channel." Improve the reserve system and the major important

agricultural commodities temporary storage system, a good grasp of national reserves

throughput regulation time, improve the import and export regulation, increase market

regulation and control. Fourth, to strengthen price monitoring, maintaining market order. In

particular to strengthen the price law enforcement, severely deal with malicious speculation,

collusion, bid up the price and other illegal activities. Fifth, improve the subsidy system,

establish and improve social assistance and security standards and price increases linked to the

linkage mechanism to not allow price increases affect low-income people's normal life.

(B) to further expand domestic demand, especially consumption demand

China to expand domestic demand is the long-term strategy for economic development and

the basic starting point, but also to promote balanced economic development fundamental

Page 14: Chinese government work report 2011

approach and internal requirements.

Actively expand consumption demand. Continue to increase for the improvement and

expansion of government consumption expenditure and increase income of urban residents

and farmers of subsidies. The continued implementation of home appliances and trade policy.

Strengthening of rural and small urban flow of commerce, culture, sports, tourism and

broadband network infrastructure. Vigorously promote the culture of consumption, tourism

spending and pension spending. Promotion of rural business management and a unified chain

of distribution, and optimize urban commercial network layout, and actively developing

e-commerce, online shopping, geographic information and other new services formats. Rectify

and standardize market order, and effectively safeguard the interests of consumers. Depth to

combat violations of intellectual property and selling counterfeit and shoddy goods special


Efforts to improve the investment structure. Conscientiously implement the State Council to

encourage and guide private investment in the new 36, pay close attention to the development

of open and transparent market access and support policy, and expand market access, really

get rid of all tangible and intangible barriers, encourage and guide private investment into basic

industries and infrastructure, municipal utilities, social undertakings, financial services, etc., to

promote private enterprise to enhance independent innovation and transformation and

upgrading, to encourage and guide private investment and participation in restructuring of the

joint state-owned enterprise reform, strengthen private investment in services, to guide and

standardize the management, promote the steady growth of social investment and structural

optimization. Full restructuring of government investment on the guiding role to ensure that

key priority in the construction, continued construction of the project's funding requirements,

and orderly start "second five" major projects. Prevent blind investment and duplicated

construction. Strict implementation of investment projects, land use, energy saving,

environmental protection, safety, access standards, improve quality and efficiency of


(C) consolidate and strengthen agriculture as the foundation

Adhere to the "three rural" work on the most important in the industrialization and

urbanization to proceed with further development, agricultural modernization, consolidation

and development of good agricultural and rural situation.

Ensure the supply of agricultural products through multiple channels to increase farmers'

income. Necessary to ensure food security as a primary objective, relentlessly good job in

agricultural production. Stable grain growing area, to support competitive production of cotton

producing areas, oil, sugar and other bulk products. Vigorously develop animal husbandry,

fisheries, forestry. Really good grasp of a new round of "vegetable basket" project, suburban

cities have a basic vegetable garden area and fresh food supply capacity. Strengthen

agricultural science and technology support, development and growth of crop seed industry,

large scale high-yield created. Minimum grain purchase prices to continue to implement the

policy, the minimum purchase price of wheat this year for every 50 kilograms 5-7 yuan, the

lowest purchase price per 50 kg of rice increased 9-23 yuan. Vigorously develop the rural

non-agricultural industries, boost the county economy, improve vocational skills and

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entrepreneurial farmers, income-generating capacity, farmers locally to promote the transfer of

employment. Improve poor standards, increase the poverty alleviation and development


Daxing irrigation, agriculture overall strengthening of rural infrastructure. Focus on

strengthening the construction of farmland water conservancy, medium and small rivers and

small reservoirs and sluice gates reinforce dangerous flash floods and prevention of geological

disasters. Improving irrigation and drainage facilities, water-saving irrigation, strengthening

river embankments, dredging to improve, eliminate hidden reservoirs, flood storage capacity

expansion. Through years of hard work, improve flood control and drought, disaster prevention

and mitigation capabilities. Vigorously push forward the rural land development, large-scale

construction Hanlaobaoshou high standard of farmland, to accelerate the country added one

thousand tons of grain production capacity. Strengthen the rural water circuit gas housing

construction, substantial improvements in living conditions of rural production, farmers' efforts

to build a better home.

Increase the "three rural" investment, improve benefiting the agriculture policy. Spending

priorities to agriculture rural areas, to ensure that the total for agriculture and rural areas,

increments were increased; budget priorities for investment in fixed assets, agricultural and

rural infrastructure, to ensure that the proportion of the total and to further improve; focus on

investment in land revenue agriculture, land development, irrigation and rural infrastructure,

to ensure full extraction, directed use. This year the central government for the "three rural" to

be arranged 988.45 billion yuan of investment, increased 130.48 billion yuan over the previous

year. Continue to increase production subsidies to farmers, subsidies for new focus to the main

producing areas, focusing on species, large professional, farmer cooperative organizations tilt.

Increase the central government for food, oil, pig transferred out of the county general transfer

payments, awards grants to expand the scale and scope. Guide financial institutions to increase

agriculture-related credit, to ensure that agriculture-related loans accounted for not less than

the prior year increments. Increase the financial policy of the "three rural" support. Sound

policy agricultural insurance system, establishment of agricultural reinsurance and catastrophe

risk diversification mechanism.

Deepen the rural reform, and enhance rural development activity. Uphold and improve the

rural basic management systems, improve the coverage of arable land, woodland, grassland

and other household contract management system. Orderly rural land management system

reform. Explore the establishment of compensation mechanisms for farmland protection.

Continue to promote comprehensive rural reform. Full implementation of village-level public

construction of a proposed financial award up, make up a substantial increase in prize money

scale. Accelerate the development of farmer cooperative organizations and agricultural social

service system, improve the degree of organization of agriculture. Before the end of the

township in the country have established a sound or regional agricultural extension, animal

and plant disease control, agricultural products, quality control and other public service


1.3 billion Chinese people to solve the food problem is always the top priority at any time

can not be taken lightly. We are confident and able to host this event.

(D) to accelerate the strategic adjustment of economic structure

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This is a way of changing the main direction of economic development. Go as soon as

possible to promote endogenous economic growth, innovation-driven track.

Adjust and optimize industrial structure. Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial

system, promote industrial restructuring and upgrading. First, transform and elevate the

industry. Increase the technological transformation of enterprises, focusing on new product

development capabilities and enhance branding, increase energy level of resource utilization,

technology and process integration, improve product quality, technological content and added

value. Key industries and enterprises to promote trans-regional mergers and acquisitions.

Improve the exit mechanism behind the production and supporting policies. Second,

accelerating the development of the strategic development of new industries. Actively

developing a new generation of information technology industry, building high-performance

broadband information network, to accelerate the "triple play" to promote demonstration and

application of things. Vigorously promote energy saving, new energy, biotechnology, high-end

equipment manufacturing, new materials, new energy and automobile industries. To pay close

attention to setting standards, improving policies, strengthening the innovation capacity

building, technology-based SMEs to play a role in promoting the healthy development of

strategic new industries, speed up the manufacturing capacity and core competitiveness. The

third is to develop services. Accelerate the development of producer services, and actively

develop life of service. To develop and enhance the software industry. Efforts to create a

favorable market environment for services development, accelerate the improvement of

policies to promote growth of the service system. Class service as soon as possible to

encourage use of electricity, water, gas, heat and industrial basically the same price. Fourth,

strengthening the modern energy industry and comprehensive transport system. Actively

promote energy production and use patterns change, improve energy efficiency. Promote the

clean use of traditional energy sources, strengthen smart grid construction, to develop clean

energy. And rural development, accelerate the construction of convenient, safe, economical

and efficient integrated transport system. Insist on land and sea co-ordination, promote the

development of marine economy.

Promoting coordinated regional development. Full implementation of the regional

development planning. Adhere to the implementation of western development strategy on the

overall strategy for regional development priority, to seriously implement the western

development of new policy measures and the promotion of years in Tibet, Xinjiang and other

regions of the leap-forward development initiatives. The overall revitalization of northeast old

industrial base, continue to promote the transformation of resource-based cities. Vigorously

for the central region to further develop east and west of the regional advantages. Actively

support the eastern region to lead the development of institutional innovation and

development in the way of change on the forefront of the country. Better play to the Shenzhen

Special Economic Zone, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, Tianjin Binhai New Area in the reform and

opening up the role of pilot. Greater support to old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas,

border areas development, promulgation and implementation of poverty alleviation in rural

China 2011-2020 Program, launched a special focus on difficult areas contiguous tackling

poverty alleviation and development projects to speed up the pace of poverty alleviation in

poor areas.

Actively and steadily promote urbanization. Stick to the road of urbanization with Chinese

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characteristics, follow the laws of urban development, and promote healthy development of

urbanization. Adhere to the scientific planning, strict management. Strengthen urban

infrastructure and public service facilities, and enhance the overall carrying capacity of urban

areas, improve management and service level. Local conditions, step by step, to have a stable

labor relations and a certain number of years living in urban migrant workers, and gradually

become urban residents. Have temporarily settled on the conditions of migrant workers, to

solve their labor rewards, children, education, public health, housing rental, social security and

other practical problems. To fully respect the farmers in the village into the city and stay on the

issue of the right to choose, and effectively protect farmers' contracted land, homestead and

other lawful rights and interests. Urbanization and agricultural modernization to be with each

other to promote the new rural construction, which must uphold the right direction.

Strengthen energy-saving environmental protection and ecological construction, actively

respond to climate change. Prominence to the industrial, construction, transportation, public

institutions and other areas of energy conservation. Continue to implement major energy

conservation projects. Vigorously carry out industrial energy efficiency, promote energy-saving

technologies, the use of energy-saving equipment, improve energy efficiency. Increase the

existing buildings into energy-saving, and actively promote the new building energy efficiency.

Vigorously develop the circular economy. Promote low-carbon city pilot. Enhance adaptation to

climate change, particularly capacity building against extreme climate events. Establish and

improve the greenhouse gas emissions and energy saving system of statistical monitoring.

Speed up the urban sewage pipe network, the planning and construction of waste treatment

facilities to promote wastewater treatment and reuse. Strengthen the environmental

management of chemicals. Coal-fired power plant NOx start work, deepening the particulate

matter pollution prevention. Strengthening of marine pollution. Speed up the water pollution

control in key river valleys, air pollution, heavy metal pollution control in key areas and rural

integrated environmental management, control rural nonpoint source pollution. Continue the

implementation of major ecological restoration project, the strengthening of key ecological

function areas protection and management, the implementation of the second phase of

natural forest resources protection, the implementation of grassland ecological protection

grants incentives to consolidate the forest and grassland, pasture and other results, vigorously

carry out tree planting afforestation, enhance wetland protection and restoration, promote

desertification, rocky comprehensive. Improve the disaster prevention and mitigation

contingency plans to speed up flash geological investigation and assessment of disaster-prone

areas, monitoring and early warning, prevention and control emergency response system


(E) Vigorously Implementing the Strategy and this strategy

Science and technology, education and talent is the basis for national development and

fundamental, must always be an important strategic position.

Give priority to the development of education. Promote education and scientific

development, providing people with more diverse, more equitable, higher quality education.

2012 financial education expenditure to GDP ratio of 4%. Accelerate the development of

pre-school education. Public and Private simultaneously, increasing pre-school resources to

urgently address "the park difficult" problem. Promote the balanced development of

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compulsory education. Strengthen the standardization of compulsory school construction,

public resources to focus on poor rural and urban school tilt. The inflow to the Government and

the public schools-based, effective protection of migrant workers equal access to compulsory

education, children or wife. Support the development of education in ethnic minority areas, do

the "bilingual" teaching. To promote quality education. Speed up education reform, effectively

reducing the heavy academic burden on students, pay attention to guiding and training the

children to think independently, practice innovation. One hour per day to ensure that primary

and secondary school sports. Vigorously develop vocational education. Senior high schools and

colleges to guide unique, to improve the quality of education, enhance student employment

entrepreneurship. Strengthen the construction of key disciplines, accelerate the construction of

a number of world-class university. Support the development of special education. Implement

and improve the national student system, no matter what stage of education, must ensure that

every child does not drop out of school because of family financial difficulties.

Overall strengthening of human resources work. High-level and highly skilled personnel to

focus and accelerate the train a large number of innovative scientific and technological talents

and much-needed talent shortage. Increase investment in human resource development,

promoting a major talent project. Deepen the reform of the system of selection and

appointment, and strive to create an equal open and competitive merit-based system and

social environment, encourage outstanding talent, expertise and resources to create a good


Vigorously promote technological innovation. Accelerate the implementation of major

projects of national science and technology, breaking a number of key technologies, to enhance

the integration of major innovation. Strengthen basic research, frontier research, and enhance

the original innovation. Promote the establishment of business-led R & D and innovative

institutional mechanisms. Encourage enterprises to co-financing in the critical common

technology, sharing risks and sharing the results of the project in line with national strategic

direction, policies and funding from government support. Deepen scientific and technological

management system, the optimal allocation of resources to promote science and technology,

efficient use and open sharing. Encourage research institutes, universities and the general

scientific and technical personnel in various forms of cooperation with enterprises. Maintain

the steady growth of financial investment in technology to improve efficiency in the use of

research funding. Unswervingly implement the national IP strategy to enhance the IP creation,

application, protection, management, stimulate innovation and vitality of society as a whole.

(Vi) strengthen social construction and improve the livelihood security

The more developed the economy, more attention should be paid to strengthen the social

development and improve people's livelihood security.

Everything possible to expand employment. Continue to implement a more active

employment policy. This year the central government will allocate 42.3 billion yuan for the

support and promotion of employment. To adapt to the structural characteristics of China's

labor force, to develop labor-intensive industries, service industries, small micro-enterprises

and innovative technology companies, to meet the employment needs of different levels.

Employment of college graduates continue to give priority employment to do focus groups.

Strengthen vocational and technical training, and encourage their own businesses. Strengthen

the public employment service, improve standardized and flexible human resources market.

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Speed up the employment information network construction, to achieve national

interoperability. Strengthen enforcement of labor security supervision, improve the labor

dispute settlement mechanisms, to safeguard the interests of workers and building a

harmonious labor relations.

A reasonable distribution of incomes. This is a long-term task, but also an urgent work. Focus

this year to take three-pronged: First, focus on improving the basic income of urban and rural

low-income people. Steady increase in the minimum wage workers, the basic pension for

enterprise retirees and urban and rural minimum living standard. Establish a sound mechanism

for the normal growth of wages and strict enforcement of the minimum wage system. The

second is to increase efforts to regulate the distribution of income. Increase in personal income

tax expense deduction standards for wage income, a reasonable tax rate structure adjustment,

effectively reducing the tax burden low-income persons. Effectively regulate excessively high

incomes, income is too high for the industry to enhance the total wage and salary levels of the

dual-control, strictly regulate state-owned enterprises, financial institutions, senior

management compensation management. Third, rectify and standardize the income

distribution. Resolutely ban illegal income. Accelerate the establishment of the income

distribution monitoring system. Through continuous efforts, as soon as possible to reverse the

widening income gap, efforts to reform the masses More sharing the fruits of development.

Accelerate the establishment of urban and rural residents of the social security system. The

new rural social pension insurance pilot expanded to 40% of the county. Old-age insurance for

urban residents to promote pilot projects to address the collective security of the pension for

enterprise retirees historical issues, the establishment of the basic pension for enterprise

retirees normal adjustment mechanism. Agencies and institutions to actively promote the

pension reform. State-owned enterprises, collective enterprises "old injury" workers into

work-related injury insurance system. Improve the system of urban subsistence allowances.

Continue to increase social security funds through various channels. Will be orphans, education

and rehabilitation of orphans with disabilities into the financial scope of protection. People

with disabilities continue to promote the social security system and service system. Accelerate

the social security management information. Commercial insurance to play in improving the

social security system in effect. Develop charity.

Firm to improve the real estate market regulation. Accelerate the establishment of long-term

mechanism of regulation of real estate market, focused on solving the housing difficulties of

urban low-income families to effectively stabilize the real estate market prices, to meet

people's reasonable demand for housing. First, to further expand the scale of construction of

affordable housing. Again this year started construction of affordable housing in shantytowns,

housing a total of 10 million units, 1.5 million renovation of dilapidated buildings in rural areas.

Focus on the development of public rental housing. Arrangements for the central budget

subsidies to be 103 billion yuan, 26.5 billion yuan more than last year. Governments at all levels

to raise funds through multiple channels, a substantial increase in investment. And to establish

affordable housing use, operation and exit management system, improve transparency, and

strengthen supervision to ensure that eligible households. Second, to further implement and

improve the real estate market regulation policy, resolutely curb the momentum of housing

prices in some cities. Develop and make public the annual housing construction plan, land use

planning in new construction, a separate land for affordable housing, cities do. Increased focus

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on small and medium size apartment building. Regulate the development of the housing rental

market. Strict implementation of the differential housing credit, tax policy, adjust and improve

real estate-related tax policy and strengthening tax collection and management, effectively

curb speculative investment buyers. To strengthen the real estate market monitoring and

market conduct regulation, strictly investigated kinds of illegal activities. Third, establish and

improve the assessment of accountability mechanisms. Stable prices and housing security to

the provincial people's government assumed full responsibility, city and county people's

governments bear direct responsibility. Authorities need to improve the inspection, evaluation,

interviews and accountability system, price stability, promote construction of affordable

housing in poor, thus affecting the social development and stability of place, should be held


To promote medical and health sector reform and development. This year is the

implementation of health reform crucial three-year goals to ensure the completion of the task.

First, full implementation at the grassroots level national essential drug system. Establish and

improve the protection of essential drugs supply system, to strengthen drug supervision, to

ensure drug safety, and effectively reduce drug prices. Second, grasp the reform of public

hospitals. Encourage management system around the hospital and medical service price

formation mechanism and regulatory mechanisms, so bold exploration. Improve the medical

dispute resolution mechanisms to improve the physician-patient relationship. Third, raise the

basic level of medical care. Steady increase of urban workers, residents and the new Medicare

enrollment rate of rural cooperative participation rate. This year should the new rural

cooperative medical insurance for urban residents and financial aid standards to 200. Fourth,

the complete three-tier health service network in rural and urban community health service

institution-building tasks. This year, the per capita funding for basic standards of public health

services to 25 million. Strengthen the major infectious diseases, chronic diseases, occupational

diseases, endemic diseases and mental illness prevention and control and standardized

management. Strengthening maternal and child health, continue to promote cervical cancer,

breast examination and treatment free of charge to protect the pilot. AIDS do a good job.

Vigorous development of Chinese medicine and the national pharmaceutical industry, and

implement policies. Fifth, to encourage social capital held in medical institutions. Relaxation of

social capital and access to foreign capital held in the scope of medical institutions. Improve

and promote the practice of multi-point system for doctors, doctors in various medical

institutions to encourage the rational flow between the clinic and set up at the grassroots level,

convenient for the people to provide health services.

Comprehensive population and family planning work. Continue to stabilize the low birth rate.

Good management of floating population family planning services. Birth defect intervention to

strengthen and further expand the free pre-pregnancy health checks eugenics experiments,

good maternal and infant health care. Hospital delivery rate of rural women more than 95%.

Implementation of a new round of women and children development program, the effective

protection of rights of women and minors. To establish and improve the elderly social service

system, strengthen the public service pension service facilities.

Enhance and innovate the public administration. Strengthen the government's social

management functions, according to mobilize and organize the masses to participate in social

management, social organizations to play an active role in improving the social management

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pattern. In urban and rural communities as a carrier to residents demand, integration of

population, employment, social security, civil affairs, health, culture and other social service

resources management functions and to achieve the government administration and effective

convergence and grassroots self-government interaction. To establish and improve mechanisms

for safeguarding people's rights, administrative decision-making risk assessment and correction

mechanism, strengthen the petition, people's mediation, administrative mediation and judicial

mediation, to broaden the social conditions and public channels of expression, to effectively

solve the unauthorized occupation of cultivated land, illegal demolition and other masses of

the problem . Strengthen and improve public safety system. Improve emergency response

system, improve the social crisis management and risk-resisting ability. Strengthen information

security and confidentiality, improve network management information. Strengthen the social

order, and strictly guard against and crack down on various criminal activities. Implementation

of corporate safety and product quality of the main responsibilities, resolutely curb serious

safety accidents. Improve the food security monitoring systems and mechanisms, a sound legal

system, rigorous standards, improve the monitoring and evaluation, inspection and testing

system, and strengthen local government regulatory responsibility, strengthen the supervision

of law enforcement, improve food safety standards.

All levels of government must take social management and public service placed in a more

important position, and effectively solve the people most concerned about the most direct and

practical interests.

(G) and vigorously improve the cultural infrastructure

Cultural impact of the nation and the country deeper, more distant. To better meet people's

diverse multi-cultural needs, play and cultural guide community, educate the people, promote

the development of capabilities to enhance national cohesion and creativity. Strengthen civic

morality in society and establish the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics

and beliefs, accelerate the construction of heritage of Chinese traditional virtues, in line with

requirements of the socialist spiritual civilization, to adapt to the socialist market economy,

ethics and code of conduct. Strengthen the credit system, establishment of relevant institutions

and laws and regulations. Increase the supply of public cultural products and services, with

emphasis on strengthening the central and western regions and urban and rural grass-roots

cultural infrastructure, continue to implement cultural projects that benefit. Support non-profit

cultural undertakings, to enhance cultural heritage protection, utilization and transmission.

Further prosperity of philosophy and social sciences. Development of the press, radio and

television, literature and art, archives. Strengthen the use and management of the Internet.

Deepen cultural restructuring, and actively promote the management of cultural institutions

into enterprises. Develop the cultural industry, cultivating a new culture of formats, to promote

cultural industries have become national pillar industry. Vigorously develop a nationwide

fitness activities, promote mass sports and sports development. And boosting cultural and

sports exchanges and cooperation, expanding the international influence of Chinese culture, so

profound Chinese culture and then show brilliant.

(H) further promote the reform of key areas

Continue to promote the strategic adjustment of state-owned economy and improve the

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state capital advance and retreat, and reasonable flow mechanism. Improve the state-owned

financial assets, non-operating assets and natural resources asset supervision system and

strengthen supervision of state-owned assets abroad. Continue to encourage, support and

guide non-public economic development. Sound financial resources and powers to match the

tax system, clean up and merge special transfer payments, an increase of general transfer

payments, and improve county-level basic financial protection mechanism. In some areas of

the implementation of value-added producer services reform, promote resource tax reform.

Deepen the reform of budget management system, a comprehensive budget for the

preparation of government funds to expand the state capital budget, a trial of social insurance

fund budget. Continue to deepen reform of financial enterprises, accelerate the establishment

of a modern financial enterprise system. Accelerate the development of new-type rural

financial institutions. Continue to develop the financial market, encourage financial innovation.

Promote market-oriented interest rate reform. RMB to expand cross-border trade and

investment use. To promote capital account convertibility of the RMB work. Strengthen and

improve financial regulation, establish early warning systems to prevent systemic financial risk

and disposal mechanisms. Improve the oil and natural gas pricing mechanism, and various

electricity pricing mechanism. Promote the reform of water prices. Compensation for the use

of the development of emission rights and trading pilot guidance. Price reform should give full

consideration to the people, especially low-income people can afford. Affairs in accordance

with separate things separate enterprises, separate management from operation, profit and

non-profit separate requirements, and actively and steadily push forward the reform of

institutions classified.

(I) further improve the level of opening up

China's development is inseparable from the world. Should actively develop mutually

beneficial bilateral and multilateral economic and trade relations, and constantly explore new

areas and open space. Continue to promote the Doha Round negotiations and oppose all forms

of protectionism, promote international economic order in a more fair, reasonable, win-win


Effectively change the foreign trade development. In efforts to improve the structure and

improve efficiency, based on maintaining steady growth of foreign trade. Whether or general

trade export of processing trade, labor resources should continue to play, should reduce the

energy consumption of resources, should be extended to high-end chain, should improve the

quality, grade and added value. Actively expand exports of own-brand products. To develop

trade in services and service outsourcing, increasing the proportion of trade in services. Adhere

to both imports and exports, increasing high-tech equipment, key parts, and energy and raw

material imports from least developed countries and to promote the main source of surplus

countries to increase imports, and gradually improve the trade imbalance, and properly handle

trade friction.

Promote foreign investment and foreign investment development. Accelerate the

implementation of "going out" strategy, improve the relevant supporting policies, simplifying

approval procedures for eligible businesses and individuals to facilitate overseas investment.

Encourage enterprises to actively carry out an orderly cross-border operations. Strengthen

macro guidance of foreign investment, improve the investment promotion and protection

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mechanism to guard against investment risk. Adhere to the principle of active and effective

utilization of foreign capital, focusing on the introduction of advanced technology and talent,

intellectual resources, to encourage multinationals to establish R & D centers in China, and

effectively improve the overall level of foreign investment and comprehensive benefits.

Necessary to seize the Foreign Investment Industries, encourage foreign investment in

high-tech, energy saving, modern service industries and the Midwest.

(J) strengthening of good governance and anti-corruption work

Build a clean government is a constant and urgent task, the earnest expectation of the

people. To expedite the settlement of the outstanding construction of anti-corruption issues,

and promote the system for punishing and preventing corruption, to investigate major cases as

an important anti-corruption initiatives, while greater emphasis on institution building. The

first serious abuse of power and government staff management malfeasance issues. For

construction projects, land use right transfer and development of mineral resources,

state-owned property rights, government procurement and other key areas of problems, and

increase efforts to investigate cases of violation of discipline and resolutely punish corrupt

elements. Second, strengthen self-discipline, conscientiously implement the "Clean and Honest

Government", the implementation of leading cadres income, real estate, investment and

employed spouses and children, moved to the country (territory) and other periodic reporting

system, and consciously accept supervision. Strengthen auditing and supervision. Increase the

administrative organs and leading cadres of state-owned enterprises and institutions

responsible for supervision. Third, firmly oppose extravagance and waste, and formalism. To

streamline meetings, documents, clean up and regulate a variety of standards, assessment,

recognition and forums, celebrations and other activities, from funding strictly controlled.

Regulate the management of official vehicles with official vehicles and actively promote the

reform of the system. Accelerate the implementation of the budget open, let people know how

much the government spent money to do what happened. Governments at all levels should

strive to work for the people; every civil servant must truly become the people's servants.


Consolidate and develop the great unity of all ethnic groups, is a national long-term stability

and prosperity of the fundamental guarantee is the fundamental interests of people of all

nationalities. To uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, the central

support full implementation of the development of minority areas of policy measures.

Developed and implemented to support small populations of national development, promote

the Frontier development of minority business initiatives and five-year plan. Let us forge ahead

in unity, and write a new chapter in the history of prosperity and development of the Chinese


Fully implement the Party's basic policy on religion, thoroughly implement the "Regulations

on Religious Affairs", religious people and religious believers play in promoting economic

development, social harmony and the positive role.

Overseas work to strengthen and protect the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots,

protect the lawful rights and interests of returned overseas and their relatives, give full play to

them in promoting reunification of the motherland and national rejuvenation in the unique

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Building a strong national defense, building a strong people's army is to safeguard national

sovereignty, security and development interests and building a moderately prosperous society

in an important safeguard. Should focus on the party and state work, focus on effective

implementation of the new century, the historical mission of our military, to comprehensively

strengthen the revolutionary armed forces modernization and regularization, and continuously

improve the information to win local wars under conditions of complete diversity at the core of

the military tasks. Adhere to the ideological and political construction in the first place.

Actively carry out information under the condition of military training. Accelerate the pace of

building a modern logistics. Promote the integration of military and civilian-style development,

strengthening national defense scientific research and weapons development. Actively and

steadily promote the reform of national defense and armed forces. Insist on administering the

armed forces strictly. Determined to complete disaster relief and other difficult and perilous

task. Modernization of the armed police forces, and enhance their duties, handle emergencies

and terrorism stability maintenance capabilities. To strengthen national defense mobilization

and reserve force building, consolidating and developing military and army-people unity.


We will unswervingly implement the "one country two systems", "Hong Kong people ruling

Hong Kong", "Macao people governing Macao" and a high degree of autonomy, fully support

Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region of economic development and improving

people's livelihood. Support to consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's international financial,

trade and shipping center. Support the construction of world tourism and leisure center of

Macao, to promote moderate economic diversity. Give full play to Hong Kong and Macao in the

country's overall development strategy of the unique role. Further improve the cooperation

mechanism between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao the level of support for

Guangdong, Hong Kong deepening regional cooperation and realize mutual benefit and

win-win situation. In the great rejuvenation of the historical process, the mainland people will

join hands with Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, sharing the dignity and glory of our great


We will adhere to the new situation developing cross-Straits relations and promoting

peaceful reunification of the guiding principles and policies. Continue to promote cross-strait

negotiations, and actively implement the cross-strait economic cooperation framework

agreement to strengthen industrial cooperation, speed up new industries, and financial

cooperation in the development of modern service and support qualified enterprises to Taiwan

to invest in the mainland. Support the economic zone to promote cross-strait exchanges and

cooperation in the pilot role to play. Depth cross community exchanges, and actively promote

cross-strait cultural and educational cooperation. Promote cross-strait political trust and

consolidate the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and political basis for peaceful

development of cross-strait relations to safeguard a good situation. We firmly believe that as

long as the Chinese people at home and abroad continue to work together for the

motherland's peaceful reunification will be realized!

Page 25: Chinese government work report 2011


We will continue to peace, development and cooperation and adhere to independent foreign

policy of peace, adhere to the path of peaceful development, adhere to win-win strategy of

opening up, adhere to promote the building of lasting peace, common prosperity and

harmonious world for China's modernization create a more favorable external environment

and conditions.

We want to maintain healthy and stable development of major power relations, and actively

promote dialogue and cooperation, expand common interests and basis for cooperation.

Adhere to the "neighbors as good neighbors as partners" around the foreign policy with

neighboring countries to deepen friendship and cooperation, and promote regional and

subregional cooperation. With the majority of developing countries to enhance the traditional

friendly and cooperative relations, to further implement and expand the fruits of cooperation,

to promote innovation and cooperation mechanisms. Vigorously conducting multilateral

diplomacy, to the Group of Twenty summit as the main platform, to strengthen

macroeconomic policy coordination, promote international economic and financial system

reform, the promotion of world economy is strong, sustainable, balanced growth, in promoting

the settlement of hotspot issues and on global issues play a constructive role in fulfilling its due

international responsibilities and obligations. The Chinese government and people willing to

work with the international community to jointly cope with risks and challenges, share

development opportunities for peace and development to make new contributions to the lofty



Looking back, we have created an extraordinary brilliant performance; Looking ahead, we

are confident the country's bright future! Let us, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu

Jintao as general secretary, under the leadership firmly seize the historical opportunities and

face challenges, to forge ahead in unity, work, and strive to achieve "1025" period a good start,

the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue to push forward!

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