“chinese companies, spurred on by an - the best … 2.pdf · “chinese companies, spurred on by...

“Chinese companies, spurred on by an enthusiastic government, are increasingly going beyond the country’s borders to seek business opportunities. ” TheLINK Volume 1, 2016 COVER STORY 32

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Page 1: “Chinese companies, spurred on by an - The Best … 2.pdf · “Chinese companies, spurred on by an ... economy will still reside in emerging markets. ... but the growth potential

“Chinese companies, spurred on by an

enthusiastic government, are increasingly going beyond the country’s

borders to seek business opportunities. ”

theLINK Volume 1, 2016

cover story


Page 2: “Chinese companies, spurred on by an - The Best … 2.pdf · “Chinese companies, spurred on by an ... economy will still reside in emerging markets. ... but the growth potential

Lessons from a Global Journey

Ch i n e s e com p a n i e s , s p u r re d on

by an enthusiast ic government,

a re increas ing ly go ing b e yond

the countr y’s borders to seek business

opportunities. In the last decade, there have

been much publicised success stories and

often a lot less noise when deals fail. Many

Chinese companies are still finding their way,

and therefore look for success stories and

cautionary tales among those that have already

venturedabroad.Theyalso looktoCEIBS–

with its wealth of knowledge from the school’s

faculty, alumni companies and corporate


It was natural, then, for the issue of Chinese

companies going global to be the topic of the

4thAnnual CEIBS InternationalAdvisory

Meeting held at the Shanghai Campus on

October30,2015.Renownedbusiness leaders

from around the world gathered to discuss

the challenges companies face when going

abroad, and some successful strategies for

navigating them. Here are some excerpts from

presentations given at the meeting by TCL



Bio-Medical Electronics Xu Hang (EMBA


MotorsRaviKant inwhich they share first-

hand experiences of Chinese companies’ forays

abroad, as well as lessons on the globalisation


lessons from which everyone can learn.

theLINK Volume 1, 2016

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“We must expand our share of the high- and medium-

end markets, in order to obtain higher global brand

positioning and better economic benefits.”

theLINK Volume 1, 2016

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Page 4: “Chinese companies, spurred on by an - The Best … 2.pdf · “Chinese companies, spurred on by an ... economy will still reside in emerging markets. ... but the growth potential

Li Dongsheng: Transition, Upgrade & Go Out

The Chinese economy saw rapid

growth over the past 30 years, but in


growth rate is expected to be under

7% (editor’s note: the official number


slower growth is due to a sharp rise

in manufacturing costs – especially

labour costs which have risen 2.7

times in the past decade. TCL is a

manufacturer and has experienced

these changes i t se l f . With more

than 70,000 employees, the change

in labour costs, which have seen an

especially dramatic rise in the coastal

regions, has had a profound impact

on the company. Manufacturing costs

in China now exceed those in most

of the world’s developing countries:

if manufacturing costs in the US are

100, then in China costs are 94, in

India 82. In other words, the cost

advantage of Chinese manufacturers

no longer exists. China’s industrial

s t r u c t u r e i s b e i n g o p t i m i s e d ,

and economic growth is shifting

from being investment-driven to

innovat ion-dr iven. Investment-

driven growth may last for a while,

but it cannot last for long, since

rising government and enterprise

debts will place restrictions on the

investment-driven growth model.

T h u s I h o p e t h e e co n o my w i l l

become more innovation-driven in


Over the last few years, the developing

countries’ contribution to world

economic growth has continued to

rise and, in the coming years, the

greatest growth potential in the world

economy will still reside in emerging

markets . In 2015 India, with an

economic growth rate of 7%, topped


There is also a reshuffle occurring in

the global manufacturing industry.

In television, computer and mobile

phone manufacturing where TCL

is focused, China, Japan and Korea

are the leading players in television


are losing market share. Among

computer manufacturers, the top

three are China, the US and South

Korea; while in the mobile phone

manufacturing industry, the US,


three positions. Looking back five

years, Japanesebrandswere still the

major players in the market, but they

are now declining. I am convinced

that we will see a few new consumer

electronics companies come from

some emerging markets such as India

and Russia in the future, which will

give rise to another change in the

whole global market structure.

Where’s the opportunity for Chinese


the strategy of “upgrade, transition

and go out” over the past few years.

The whole industry is in need of

upgrading. In the early years we were

focused on learning and imitating,

and our products have always been


In future , we must expand our

shareof thehigh-andmedium-end

markets, in order to obtain higher

global brand positioning and better

economic benefits. The Internet and

intelligence-orientation are more

important in this transition process.


come up with the “Double +” strategy,

namely, “Intelligence + Internet” and

“Products+Services”.Ouraimis to

include smart Internet applications in

more terminal products in an effort

to turn consumer products into smart

terminals, bringing customers more

value and experiences. In addition,

instead of merely selling products, in

future, we will also provide services

and support to service platforms.

theLINK Volume 1, 2016

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China’s joining the WTO in 2001 has

been a driving force for integrating

the Chinese economy into the global


a new engine for Chinese companies

in the future, especially for large-

scale companies. According to our


the domestic market in our industry

is very low, but the growth potential

in foreign and emerging markets

remains high. Companies who want

to maintain growth must speed up

globalisation of their business.

TCL was the forer unner o f the

globalisation trend among Chinese

companies. In 2004 we completed

two re lat ive ly large-scale cross-


of Thomson’s colour TV business

and Alcatel's mobile phone business,

which have boosted our overseas sales,

which have grown from a relatively

smallnumber toRMB47billion in

2014. Thanks to our global business

expansion, we rank fourth globally in

sales of colour televisions, and sixth

for mobile phone sales.

The backstory to the globalisation

of Chinese companies is the growth

of the Chinese economy. China has

risen to become a net capital exporter

i n 2 0 1 4 , a n d Ch i n e s e f i n a n c i a l

institutions have also been accelerating

their globalisation. Ten years ago, it

was very difficult to get support from

Chinese banks to do business overseas.


banks are all expanding globally, and

China Industrial and Commercial

Bank has seen exceptional ly fast

development in its overseas business.

China has a complete industr ial


transition, Chinese companies have

proven their advantage in Internet

applications and services. The world’s

top ten Internet companies are either

from the US or China.

The challenge we are facing now is how

to grow from a vast manufacturing

country to a strong manufacturing

country. How can we improve our

innovation capability? How can we

build brand influence? How can we

improve management capabilities of


term target: accelerating the push into


andRussia;enhancing its innovation

capability in technology. TCL has

invested heavily in technological

innovation in the past decade. We rank

third among Chinese companies for

number of patent applications.

Ta l e n t c u l t iv a t i o n p l ay s a ve r y

important role in the company’s


TCL, includingmyself,haveattended


among the first batch of participants


I hope that in future CEIBS wil l

continue to provide support for the

globalisation of Chinese companies.

I am really grateful to the nurturing I


“ Companies who want to maintain growth must speed up globalisation of

their business.” theLINK Volume 1, 2016

cover story


Page 6: “Chinese companies, spurred on by an - The Best … 2.pdf · “Chinese companies, spurred on by an ... economy will still reside in emerging markets. ... but the growth potential

Xu Hang: Mindray’s Global Journey

Confucius said, “A man of forty, free

from perplexity”. However, I applied to


At that time, Mindray was planning

to go overseas. Our thinking was that

it was now difficult to do business

in China, so why not go outside of

China? We actually had opportunities

to do business overseas; however

when we did, the company’s profit

was less than RMB100 million, and

the sales volume was also very small.

The question was, how could we go

out? During my two years of study at

CEIBS, I focusedon theproblemof

globalisation of Chinese companies.

This turned out to be my biggest


topic was Mindray’s globalisation

strategy, and to my delight, it received

“excellent” marks from my professors.

Globalisation isan irreversible trend.

Entrepreneursgowhere thebusiness

opportunities are – they do this by

instinct. Huawei and Mindray both

began in Shenzhen. Mindray was

established in 1991, while Huawei

was founded in 1987. Now Huawei is

a top-rankedcompany in theglobal

communications market. Huawei’s

successful globalisation was driven

by localisation through technological

r e s e a rc h a n d d e ve l o p m e n t a n d

establishing R&D and talent centres

all over the world. Today in Huawei’s


are local residents. Huawei expands

steadily around the world by focusing

on marketing and R&D.

All roads lead to Rome. Which road has

Mindray taken? In 2000, we decided to

make our first efforts at globalisation.

We began with a strategy similar to our

domestic operation, which is to set up

offices everywhere, looking for agents

and attending exhibitions. We found


US. At that time we had many agents in

Germany,Britain,France, Italy,Spain

and the Netherlands, and we had more

orders than we could handle. However

in the US it was different. There are

only big companies, but no small and

medium-sizedcompaniesoragents in

the US medical device industry, so we

had to set up our own teams, and were

not able to hire locals. It is very difficult

for Chinese products , especial ly

medical products, to enter the US


our company, not only our product

sales, but also by integrating more

resources. We listed on the New York

StockExchange(NYSE) in2006.We

were not short of money, but of others’

understanding and confidence. By


that we are a capable and responsible

company, and we will be responsible to

everyone who buys our products.

Right before the g lobal f inancial

crisis began in 2008, an opportunity

came up when the founder of our

American partner was about to retire.

After two months’ consideration we

acquired that company. It is to date

the largest overseas investment by

a Chinese company in the medical

device industry. The acquisition of

a US company has been very helpful

for our domestic operation; it has

increased domestic clients’ confidence

in our brand. Now that we have

entered the US market by acquiring

a US company, i t seems natural

for us to enter the Chinese market

and other developing markets. This

experience exemplifies the Chinese

idiom: blossoming outside of the wall,

perfuming inside.

T h e Am er ica n com pa ny i s ver y

traditional and complementary to

us. The biggest challenge for us with

the acquisition was integration. This

company used to cover many areas,

including production, sales, R&D

andafter-sales service.We found its

theLINK Volume 1, 2016

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strength was actually in sales and

after-sales service instead of R&D.

Therefore we employed the strategy

often used by Chinese companies

– we drew on its strength. Now its

R&D and production are all done

inChina; its clientbaseandmarket

intelligence have proven to be a great

help to our understanding of the

American market. What we had failed

to accomplish in the US before was

realisedonly after the acquisition–

we suddenly had hundreds of staff


is of great significance. The US market

is basically an indicator of “which way


it applies everywhere in the world. In

total, 40% of Mindray’s global income

in the medical device sector is from

the US market.

We made another US acquisition in

2013, which is a leading ultrasound

t e c h n o l o g y c o m p a n y . I t h a d

exper ienced a major loss . Af ter

Mindray went public, I told them

that their technology was inadequate

and that our technology could help

them improve their products. At that

time they had just raised money, so

theyrejectedus.Fiveyears later, they

decided to sell the company. It was

still unprofitable, and its investors

thought it was the right time to sell.

We immediately decided to buy it.

Two ye a r s l a te r, we l a u n ch e d a

product co-produced by the two

companies which has enhanced

Mindray’s positioning in the area of

ultrasonography. [Co-producing]

such a high-end product saved us

more than three years [ in R&D


B a s e d o n o u r k n o w l e d g e a n d

experience, I think there are still many

areas for Chinese companies to work

on before they go global. There are

many challenges, for example one

must have a clear-cut globalisation

strategy. It can be difficult hiring

local talent and there are also cultural

differences. Most of the time, Chinese

companies going g lobal only see

flowers but not the thorns beside

them, which means they need to

improve their risk awareness.

I think the time is ripe for CEIBS

t o t a k e t h e l e a d i n b u i l d i n g

communication between Chinese

and foreign entrepreneurs. The time

is right and the prospects are bright.

We can gain more useful knowledge


and research into the experiences of

Chinese and Asian companies’ who

havegoneglobal. I alsohopeCEIBS

wil l continue to attract talented

professionals from overseas to China

and nurture local talent with a global

vision. This would make our overseas

recruitment efforts easier.

“ The biggest challenge for

us with the acquisition was


theLINK Volume 1, 2016

cover story


Page 8: “Chinese companies, spurred on by an - The Best … 2.pdf · “Chinese companies, spurred on by an ... economy will still reside in emerging markets. ... but the growth potential

Ravi Kant: 10 Quick Lessons on Globalisation

Tata Motors had its first globalisation experience in 2004 when we acquired

South Korea's Daewoo CommercialVehicle Co. It was a great success, and

became a good example for our subsequent acquisitions (Tata Motors later

acquiredcompanies suchas JaguarandLandRover).Hereare10 thingswe

learned from our first overseas acquisition.

1.Once you dec ide on an

acquis i t ion, you must

centralise al l resources and

respond rapidly, because you

have rivals targeting the same

properties. In the case of our

acquisition of Daewoo, there

were 10 companies bidding for

it, including companies from

South Korea and Europe, so

we had to respond quickly to


2.Fi gure out an es t imated

value quickly. If you are

obsessed w i th de ta i l s , you

will get lost in them and miss

the overall picture. Only by

knowing the whole picture can

one have confidence in deciding

whether or not to carry out the

acquisition. In the Daewoo case,

we found that they possessed

3.Be prepared for unknown

challenges. For example,

all the statistics we got were in


disliked Tata Motors, because

t h e y h a d t h e i m p r e s s i o n

that Indian technology was

backward. In the first round

of interaction, we asked some

middle managers,“Please tell

us frankly. What do you want?”

They replied, “Sir, we really

want to work with European

companies, because we think

that would be better for our

future.” From their angle, I

understood very well. I knew

what we were trying to buy was

not only a company or property,

but a business, a sustainable

business. When you are trying

ver y s trong manufactur ing

capabilities and were highly

complementary to our products,

so we only took about 10 days

to make the decision on the


to buy a company, it’s natural

for employees to question who

you are and what you mean for

their future. We needed more

conversation. Therefore we began

to tel l them the story of Tata


Four years before, the Korean

C h a e b o l [ t h a t h a d o w n e d

Daewoo] went bankrupt, leaving

a heap of problems behind, so

corporate governance was very

important for them. We talked

about how wel l we had done

w i th Tata Motor ’s cor porate

governance in the past several


learn from us. Though we belong

to the Third World, we have our

own excellent technology along

with technology from all over

the world. After a 20-minute

conversation about this, they

started to ask us, “What can we do

to help you?” The communication

was ver y successful . Later on

w e b e g a n t o p r o v i d e s o m e

promotional material to them,

and by doing so, we began to


theLINK Volume 1, 2016

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Page 9: “Chinese companies, spurred on by an - The Best … 2.pdf · “Chinese companies, spurred on by an ... economy will still reside in emerging markets. ... but the growth potential

4.Be prepared to be evaluated.

Acquisition doesn’t mean

you can just tell everyone, “What

I say goes!” In the investment

process, one must be sincere

and frank. Everyone will look

critically at everything about

yo u , i n c l u d i n g yo u r b o d y


5.Ob t a i n f i r s t - h a n d

knowledge of clients and

markets. We interacted with

people in the market to gain

statistics. If we found anything

the clients were not content

with, we would try to learn what

we could do to satisfy them.

6.Pay attention to details. They

are what determine success

or failure.

7.Set specific aims, and delegate

powers to teams. We have

many people working at the

frontline, and they have a lot of

8.Le a r n a b o u t r i v a l s . We

d i d n ’ t k n o w w h o w e

were competing with for the

acquisition, but we needed to

figure out the reasons why they

chose to purchase this company,

so that we could work out the

prices other bidders were willing

to offer. We needed to know

something about the competing

price offers.

9.Fo c u s o n p e r s o n n e l

i n t e g r a t i o n a n d

communicat ion. We gave a

three-day personnel training

course to the teams from the

acquired companies. Before

dispatching our people to South

Korea, we needed to let them

understandKoreanculture, the

labour practices there and the

Korean foodculture.After the

acquisition, the Indian team

based in South Korea had to

learn the Korean language,

and we also provided English


10.In t e r n a l a n d e x t e r n a l

c o m m u n i c a t i o n . W e

c o m m u n i c a t e d w i t h n o n -

K o r e a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l

companies to get an in-depth

understanding of industrial

re lat ions in Korea; we also

s p o ke t o Ko re a n i n d u s t r y

organisations to understand the

local market environment and

the secret of success, and we

alsokept in touchwithKorean

government agencies.

The acquisition of Daewoo took

six months, which earned us

status and reputation in the market.

Years later, another Indian company

succeeded in acquiring a Korean

company. They said our success in

South Korea had paved the way for

their acquisition. I think these lessons

apply to Chinese companies, Indian

companies as well as companies from

other countries. If one company

can build a good reputation in a

foreign land, it will be easier for other

companies from the same country

to make an acquisition or develop

a new market there. If you are not

performing well and cause resistance

from the locals, it will be a disaster for

other companies from your country.

power. If there is any problem,

they can give me a cal l . We

have very good communication

among us.

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“If you are not performing well and cause resistance from the locals, it will be a disaster for other companies from your country.”

theLINK Volume 1, 2016

cover story