china related party transactions and tp documentation rules. china_sat bulletin 42 _ briefing...

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  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation RulesHighlights10 August 2016

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 2

    Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules

    Bulletin 42 is a significant revision and update of Chinas related party transactions and TP documentation rules: compliance burden for and level of transparency required of companies increased. Disclosures made in relation to global supply chains in particular, may led to China arguing for tax on a larger share of companies global profits.

    Formalizes response to OECD/G20 BEPS Action 13: China confirms position as a first mover. Adopts BEPS Action 13 recommendations and adapts them for Chinas unique economic environment and development factors.

    Only related party transactions and TP documentation rules contained in Circular 2 revised: other provisions of Circular 2 remain in force. Revisions of those other provisions still expected, but timing uncertain.

    Aligned with OECD recommendations and adapted for China

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 3

    Bulletin 42 framework 4

    Ensuring compliance 12

    On the horizon 15


  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 4

    Bulletin 42 framework

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 5

    Bulletin 42

    Bulletin 42 is a significant revision and update of Chinas related party transactions and TP documentation rules. These new rules were issued in time for them to apply in relation to 2016. The remaining revised Special Tax Adjustments Rules are still in draft (issued September 2015). Implementation of these remaining provisions are still expected, although timing uncertain.

    Related party transactions and TP documentation only

    Articles Contents Articles Contents

    1 Requirements for submitting PRC Annual Related Party Transactions Reporting Forms 10 17

    Framework and thresholds for contemporaneous TP documentation Master file (11 12) Local File (13 14) Special Issue File (15 17)

    2 3 Definitions of related party relationships 18 22 Language, and deadlines for preparation and filing

    4 Types of related party transactions 23 - 25 Requirements to maintain records, and penalties for non-compliance

    5 - 9 Country-by-country report filing requirements26 27, and Appendices

    HK, Macau and Taiwan, and consequentialamendments. Reporting forms and filing instructions.

    The Appendices to Bulletin 42 include the new PRC Annual Related Party Transactions Reporting Forms (2016 version) the 22 forms, along with filing instructions for the forms.

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 6

    Related party forms, relationships and transactionsScope broadened, new compliance requirements introduced and existing rules refined

    Related party relationships

    Existing regulations largely retained, in particular, 25% shareholding as primary test

    Definition broadened:

    one partys production and operation is dependent on another partys intangibles

    one party makes decisions concerning the other partys financial and operational strategies

    common senior management

    Expanded to cover situations where two parties have other substantial common interests

    New calculation rules for control through debt, and aggregating shareholdings of natural persons

    Related party transactions

    Retains existing transaction types, provides clarification in relation to intangibles and specifically defines financial asset transactions

    Transfers of financial assets such as equity to cover related party acquisitions/sales of shares specifically included

    Financial transactions defined to specifically include group cash pooling and guarantee fees

    Definition of intangible assets refined, in particular, land use rights excluded, and franchise rights and government licencesincluded

    Related party transaction reporting forms

    PRC Annual Related Party Transactions Reporting Forms updated, and now have 22 forms

    Adds new disclosures for specific types of transactions

    Requires disclosure of financial analysis forms in advance of filing TP documentation, requiring earlier preparation

    Includes the country-by-country reporting template, which is consistent with BEPS Action 13 requirements

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 7

    Country-by-country report

    Required of Chinese tax resident enterprises:

    Ultimate parent of the MNC group and have consolidated revenue over RMB 5.5 billion; or

    Nominated as the filing entity by the multinational group

    Form and due date of lodgment: one of the 22 related party transaction forms to be annually lodged together with the enterprises tax return and other applicable related party transaction forms by 31 May following the end of the relevant tax year.

    Contents: aligned with BEPS Action 13

    Non-Chinese MNC groups: CBC reports generally requested from relevant other tax authorities through applicable information exchange mechanisms. In the event of a TP audit, provision for special situations such as gap (implementation) years, failure of ultimate parent entity to file, lack of appropriate information exchange mechanism, failure of competent tax authority to provide, etc. Provisions for such exceptions aligned with OECD recommendations.

    One of annual tax return forms, and aligned with BEPS Action 13

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 8

    Master, Local and Special Issues FilesSeparate and independently operating sets of thresholds

    Special Issues Files

    Master File(part of Chinese TP

    documentation, OECD/G20 adapted for China)

    Local File(enhanced: detailed

    value chain information requested)

    Thin Capitalization

    Cost Sharing Agreements

    Master File 12 months after ultimate parent year end

    A Chinese Master File is required if entity:

    has transactions with an overseas related party, andultimate parent company has prepared a Master file; or

    has related party transactions worth over RMB 1 billion

    Contents aligned with BEPS Action 13 requirements

    Special Issues Files 30 June of following year

    Information is required for companies that have Cost Sharing Arrangements, or that exceed the applicable thin capitalization thresholds

    The content of the required reports is nearly identical to the existing requirements in Circular 2.

    Local File 30 June of following year

    Local File is required if related party transactions exceed thresholds of: purchases/sales of tangible goods of RMB 200 million; or purchases/sales of financial assets or intangible assets of RMB 100 million; or other related party transactions of RMB 40 million

    Required contents are effectively an enhanced local file. Including information concerning value chains (including location specific advantages and principles for allocating profit between entities), outbound investment, equity transfers, service arrangements, and APAs and rulings obtained in other countries

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 9

    Chinese Master File

    Chinese Master File may be required, even though entity is not required to prepare Local File: requires change in compliance approach

    Information required for the Chinese Master File consistent with the BEPS Action 13 requirements

    Chinese requirements may differ from the MNC home jurisdiction requirements, depending on how closely that home jurisdiction follows OECD requirements. In theory, the Chinese Master File may be a mere translation of the Master File prepared by the ultimate parent company; however, we expect multinational company groups to tailor the latter for submission.

    In tailoring the ultimate parent companys Master File, need to consider strategy in relation to sensitive information, description of potentially controversial structures, such as central entrepreneur, IP and marketing services structures, and the use of particular terms that attract undue attention by Chinese tax authorities, such as management fees.

    Likely required if ultimate parent company prepares a Master file

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 10

    Local FileSignificant increase in disclosure requirements

    Local File not required merely because Chinese Master or Special Issues Files required; threshold for Local File independently applicable.

    Significant expansion of information requirements, compared to Circular 2. Key changes for inbound MNCs include:

    Value chain analysis: Taxpayers asked for extensive details (including financial statements) for entities in the value chain, and the allocation principles and actual group profits through the value chain. Contribution of location specific advantages must be addressed.

    Obtaining detailed information may be very difficult for some groups. The required level of information is unknown, and so care will be needed to present appropriate levels of detail at first.

    Related party services: Comprehensive overview of the service arrangements required, including the benefits for each party to the transaction and methodology for calculating the service fees.

    Taxpayers will also need to consider how to disclose complex service fees arrangements, and how to support the Bulletin 16 requirements for service fees (i.e. the six tests)

    Related party equity transfers: Taxpayers asked for information about the acquisition or disposal of equity interests in related parties, including details of the transfer and the target entity, as well as valuation and due diligence reports.

    Taxpayers will need to take care to account for any gains on disposal of direct or indirect equity holdings.

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 11

    Special Issues Files

    Cost Sharing Agreements: taxpayer participating in CSA

    Copies of agreement, details of how CSA is intended to operate, and evidence of adherence thereto to be included

    Ready for submission by 30 June of following year

    Thin Capitalization: non-financial institutions with debt-to-equity ratios above 2:1, and financial institutions with ratios above 5:1

    Demonstrate that the level of debt and applicable interest rates are arms length

    Ready for submission by 30 June of following year

    Existing compliance requirements fine tuned

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 12

    Ensuring compliance

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 13

    Ensuring complianceMaintain perspective, achieve balance, manage resources and leverage technology

    PerspectiveStrategically manage from group transfer pricing perspective, not merely focus on local subsidiary compliance and reporting

    ApproachBalance digital and manual processes, and deal with multiple deadlines across jurisdictions. Leverage technology.

    BalanceBalance manageable

    disclosure and meeting the


    ResourcesRecognize and work

    with stakeholders outside tax, and co-

    ordinate between in-house and external


  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 14

    Recommended approach


    Understand new requirements, within the particular context of affected Chinese entities and the multinational company group

    Start now!

    Get report preparation underway early: most qualitative analyses can be completed before year end

    2016 is new base year for enhanced disclosure requirements: if wish to make change to business models and transaction structures, do so before end of the year

    Gap analysis

    Establish the gap between existing documentation and availability of information, and the new disclosure requirements

    Formulate strategy

    Make decisions concerning information collection, appoint appropriate teams, and determine how to prepare documentation

    Centrally consider how to ensure consistency and accuracy of information, and alignment with CBC report

    Plan for dealing with risks arising from increased disclosure

    No longer business as usual, reset and rethink start now!

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 15

    On the horizon

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 16

    On the horizon

    Remaining revision of Special Tax Adjustments Rules: discussion draft issued September 2015. Implementation of remaining provisions thereof still expected, although timing uncertain.

    OECD work on profit splits (Actions 8-10): OECDs Discussion Draft on Revised Guidance on Profit Splits released July 4. Not yet a consensus document. Issued to facilitate discussion and obtain public comments. Comments due early September, and consultation to take place in October.

    Chinas position on permanent establishments and attribution of profits thereto (BEPS Actions 7): SAT still studying issues in relation to PEs in particular, the attribution of profits thereto, in particular, the use of deemed profits basis for such profit attribution. No definitive conclusion yet reached. Likelihood of formal SAT issuing guidance concerning these issues in 2016 is "low".

    Further significant China SAT and OECD developments expected

  • China Related Party Transactions and TP Documentation Rules 2016. For information, contact Deloitte China. 17

    TP audits in ChinaObservations from our recent cases

    Expert panels reviewing cases of significance: SAT using expert panels made up of five tax officials apparently randomly selected from a pool of 50. Panels review proposed adjustments and may return cases for further consideration by local tax bureaus. Decisions of panels are required to be unanimous.

    Previously, expert panels appeared to focus on adjustments of tax payable of over RMB 50 million. Recent experience indicates a lower threshold, perhaps RMB 10 million, with a higher priority for:

    Non-trade related party payments Settlements that appear to merely adjust an entitys overall profitability (TNMM)

    Implications for formal TP audits: Expert panels appear now to be taking a more analytically rigorous approach in their review of disputed cases, rather than accepting settlements based on the entitys overall profitability. As a consequence, formal audits are likely to take longer to conclude. A work around considered by taxpayers is to agree self-assessed adjustments with local tax bureaus, without a formal TP audit being conducted. Although taxpayers may consider this option to avoid delays associated with formal TP audits, they should note that voluntary self-assessed adjustments are not subject to MAP.

    SAT internal reorganization: New team, Division 3, set up to conduct national TP audits (local TP audits, still carried out by local tax authorities, with SAT approval). Potentially more SAT driven national TP audits of selected industries and as follow up from additional disclosures in TP documentation.

    Existing Division 1 and Division 2 groups have new responsibilities: organizing the expert panel reviews of cases, and conducting APA negotiations respectively. These teams were previously geographically focused, rather than being issues focused.

  • About Deloitte Global Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (DTTL), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as Deloitte Global) does not provide services to clients. Please see for a more detailed description of DTTL and its member firms.

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    About Deloitte in Greater ChinaWe are one of the leading professional services providers with 24 offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Harbin, Hefei, Hsinchu, Jinan, Kaohsiung, Macau, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Taichung, Tainan, Tianjin, Wuhan and Xiamen in Greater China. We have nearly 13,500 people working on a collaborative basis to serve clients, subject to local applicable laws.

    About Deloitte ChinaThe Deloitte brand first came to China in 1917 when a Deloitte office was opened in Shanghai. Now the Deloitte China network of firms, backed by the global Deloitte network, deliver a full range of audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services to local, multinational and growth enterprise clients in China. We have considerable experience in China and have been a significant contributor to the development of China's accounting standards, taxation system and local professional accountants. To learn more about how Deloitte makes an impact that matters in the China marketplace, please connect with our Deloitte China social media platforms via

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    2016. For information, contact Deloitte China.