china garment industry

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  • 7/27/2019 China Garment Industry


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    Globalization affects China Clothing Manufacturing Industry

    Globalisation refers to the integration of industries, markets, economies, policy making

    and cultures across the world. It describes a process by which regional and national economies,

    cultures and societies have been integrated through the global network of communication,

    transportation, trade and immigration (Aghion and Jeffrey 1; par 1). Knutsen explains the term

    globalisation as a multidimensional process that serves to compress the world (227; par 1). The

    major factors of globalisation include advanced transportation, telecommunication, infrastructure

    and technology like telegraph and the internet. In the recent past, globalisation has been focusing

    primarily on the worlds economic side such as foreign direct investment, trade and capital

    inflows. However, the term has recently expanded to include categories like media, culture,

    technology, political, socio-cultural and even biological like climate change (Aghion and Jeffrey

    1; par 6).

    The history of globalisation traces its way back from the early civilization period to

    1600s where the creation between communities and states was done through the geographical

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    transmission of ideas and social norms both at regional and local levels. Between 1600 and 1800

    the concept of globalisation was introduced by historians Christopher Bayly and Hopkins

    (Aghion and Jeffrey 2; par 1). During this period there were increased cultural exchanges and

    trade links that characterised the immediate period of high globalisation in the modern world in

    the late 19th

    century. This period was marked by the move of hegemony to Western Europe,

    trade arrangements like East India Company, increased conflicts between nations and the rise of

    slave trade. In the 19th century, globalisation reached its modern form due to the industrial

    revolution. Imperialism shaped globalisation during this period. There was standardised

    household items production using economies of scale and increased population growth created

    and sustained demand for these commodities (Aghion and Jeffrey 3; par 3).

    In the present day globalisation is seen in the increased international trade, economic

    blocks, trade agreements and trade zones, tax havens, international tourism, international sports

    as well as a global financial system. All these have been made possible by globalisation; the

    British service can deal with its clients in India through a call centre, or a manufacturer of

    sportswear to design in Europe, make them in Asia and sell them in America. However, there is

    an anti-globalisation school of thought who argues that globalisation is a way of surrendering

    power to powerful corporations and keeping the poor nations poor(Aghion and Jeffrey 3; par 5).

    Some of these negative effects include disposing off state owned industries as a condition to

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    qualify for IMF and World Bank aid; GM seed forced to farmers in developing countries, low

    paid sweatshop operators and increased domination of European and US corporate cultures

    across the world (Aghion and Jeffrey 4; par 1). Whether globalisation is seen as negative,

    positive or a marginal process, the precise interpretation of globalisation will continue to be a

    topic of great debate among the supporters, those who oppose or the indifferent.

    Globalisation and the Garment Industry

    Knutsen explains economic globalisation as the restructuring response of the fordist

    mode of mass production (227; par 2) which started in the late 60s and early 70s. The functional

    changes in globalisation characteristics were made possible by the electronic industry. It now

    became possible to decompose the process of production as well as coordinating and controlling

    dispersed economic activities through the changes in technology. A difference exists between

    internationalisation and globalisation where the former refers to the dispersion of economic

    activities to more than one country while the latter is a more advances form of

    internationalisation with functional integration between economic activities that are

    internationally dispatched (Knutsen 227; par 3).

    The garment industry is one of the oldest industries in the globe. This can be attributed

    to the fact that before technological advancement, the industry flourished as it was mostly labour

    intensive. The industry has emerged as one of the most significant export-oriented industry,

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    creating job opportunities especially for low skilled workers and generating foreign exchange. Its

    labour intensive process of productive is able to accommodate women into the industry who

    would previously stay at home (Thee 352; par 1). The textile and garment industry was initially

    being controlled by the Multi-Fibre arrangement (MFA) which was an agreement in the textile

    and clothing industry. Under this system, the largest garment economies in the world that

    included European Union and the US had to restrict their imports in order to protect their

    domestic supply (Goto, Kaoru, and John 356; par 2). The MFA system was abolished in 1994

    during the Uruguay round of the GATT negotiations. This was to be done through a ten year

    transition period until December 2004. From 2005, trade in the garment and textile industry was

    integrated into the normal WTO guidelines (Goto, Kaoru, and John 356; par 2). The abolition of

    the MFA system provided more competition in the industry as countries could now export

    further (Goto, Kaoru, and John 356; par 3).

    Globalisation has made it possible for labour to be mobile across the globe. There has

    been increased competition for profit making and market share among countries. Thus, labour

    has been able to move to the foreign global market making it completely global. This results to

    the recomposition of social relations which impacts and directly relates to different economies

    (Wong 70; par 1). Globalisation has enabled the growth of garment industry through increased

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    competition, development of infrastructure, communication and transportation. The national

    labour movement was also introduced as a result of this (Wong 70; par 1).

    In Indonesia, the garment industry emerged in the 1980s was the major export oriented

    industry. (Thee 562; par 1). Competition from other developing industries such as China,

    Vietnam, Bangladesh and India posed a threat to Indonesias garment industry. The garment

    industry in Indonesia is relatively young; after facing some challenges in the first two years of

    the Asian economic crisis. The exports have increased slightly since the abolition of the MFA

    and the industry is yet to take full advantage (Thee 562; par 1). There is less hope with the

    development of this industry in Indonesia but a strong case has been put forth to upgrade and

    increase international competitiveness after the expiry of the MFA system. There has been a rise

    in minimum wages, increased labour productivity which ensures market competitiveness of the

    industry (Thee 576; par 3). Indonesias garment industry should thus shift from the lower end of

    the garment market where international competition is severe to up-markets and high quality

    garments. This is as a result of the strong international competition facing the industry (Thee 576;

    par 4).

    Sri Lankas garment industry has also experienced tremendous growth since the

    abolition of the MFA. As an export led industry, the growth has been significant to the economy

    (Knutsen 243; par 3). This has been made possible by the process of globalisation and

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    regionalisation that has increased its competitive edge in the market. However, this competition

    has made the industry face some price vulnerability (Knutsen 246; par 1). Knutsen argues that

    government regulations have made it possible for freer trade through economies of scale and

    expansion of the market (246; par 2). From 1956 to 1977 there were changes in the production

    process as import substitution strategies were in place. Introduction of export orientation and

    Export Processing Zones played a significant role in this (Knutsen 235; par 3). Networks were

    also formed with the establishment of a buying office which would select the appropriate

    suppliers and coordinate the buying process. Businesses could be conducted in EU and the US.

    Improved literacy levels and technology advancements played a major role in the growth of the

    industry and the production process was enhanced. Most of the competition for Sri Lankas

    garment industry came from Mexico, China, and other Sub Saharan Countries (Knutsen 237; par

    2-5, 239; par 2).

    Garment Manufacturing Industry in China

    China is the leading manufacturer and exporter of garments and textiles across the globe

    (Goto 355; par 1). Goto, Kaoru, and John also termed it as the archetypical driver of industrial

    growth both in developed countries in the past and in most newly industrializing countries more

    recently.(355; par 1). It was expected that China would increase its market share at the expense

    of its competitors globally as a result of the abolition of MFA which had some export restrictions.

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    However, the integration of the Chinese socialist economy with the global capitalist system has

    challenged the labour movements in overcoming divisions within the worldwide working class.

    The entry of Chinese workers into the international labour market is perceived more of a threat

    than a blessing (Wong 70; par 1). As compared to Sri Lankas and Indonesias garment

    industries which are striving to excel and face competition in the market, Chinas garment

    industry is faced with several challenges making it decline day by day. The garment industry in

    China is the main source of income for Chinas population and approximately 50 per cent of the

    population rely on it for survival (Zhang 29; par 1). The garment industry in China however

    cannot be as successful as Sri Lankas and Indonesias is anticipated to be because of several


    Firstly, inadequate and weak capital is a significant challenge. The company owners or

    contractors are unable to meet the industry demands because of cash flow problems, inability to

    buy sufficient machinery or repair them. This leads to the contraction of work apart from may be

    three of four garment firms (Zhang 29; par 4). Secondly, the seasonal nature of work makes the

    workload throughout the year to be instable. This is because garment market demand is seasonal

    and both manufacturers and jobbers have their own industries and thus make optimal use of their

    own production capacity. Consequently, they are only able to offer what garments they are not

    able to handle during the peak season to China town contractors in spring. These occasions are

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    not numerous and cannot be guaranteed thus the factory owners have to protect themselves (; 29

    par 5).

    Another challenge is the issue of inadequate understanding of the industrial practices.

    There is general lack of knowledge in the management practices of the firms which are poorly

    managed despite their abilities to make profits. Consequently, the industry has faced other

    challenges including shortage of skilled workers; this can be attributed to their way of life or the

    fact that the physical working conditions do not appear improve peoples lives. Thus, the ones

    who can handle the work would just turn away to work for industries that would offer permanent

    employment and improved wages. Another problem is the fierce competition they face amongst

    themselves making new companies to close down or incur losses. The factory owners underbid

    each other while jobbers keep prices very low. There are also conflicts with economic recovery

    policies where some feel cutting wages is the solution thus declining workers living standards

    and decreasing the minimum wage set by the Economic recovery Act. This leads to increased

    discontent among garment workers who thus unite to fight for their rights (Zhang 30; par 1-5)

    As much as this crisis continues to affect the industry, the factory owners and workers

    tend to blame the white and yellow races contradictions. However, this does not solve the

    situation. Zhang suggest two solutions that could be of help (31; par 2). Firstly, contractors

    should be able to unite and punish those who lower bids in the market. This will end illegal

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    competition and manipulation done behind the scenes. There should be equal sharing of working

    hours and work load as well as consolidating the production equipment to adapt to dynamic

    situations. Discipline should be improved and garment prices increased so as to improve the

    living conditions of workers. Secondly, garment workers should voluntarily aim to improve their

    techniques and skills so as to improve their lives. This can be done through trainings, workshops

    and transmission of knowledge amongst themselves. Means of working together and long term

    positive and healthy coexistence should be enhanced.

    In conclusion, the garment industry has witnessed tremendous growth especially since the

    abolition of the MFA in 2004 where export restrictions were terminated. Globalisation has

    played a significant massive role in this in terms of improved transportation, communication,

    trade and infrastructure. This is evidenced in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. However, China has had

    several challenges in the industry like inadequate capital, inadequate skills and competition

    among others. This problems need to be addressed for the garment industry to be efficient and

    effective. This could be done through unity in the industry and improvements in knowledge and

    skills in the practices of the industry. This will lead to better management, increased productivity

    and improved living standards of the Chinese.

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    Works cited

    Aghion, Philippe, and Jeffrey, Williamson, eds. Growth, inequality, and globalization: theory,

    history, and policy. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

    Goto, Kenta, Kaoru Natsuda, and John Thoburn. "Meeting the challenge of China: the

    Vietnamese garment industry in the post MFA era." Global Networks11.3 (2011): 355-379.

    Knutsen, Hege M. "Globalisation and the garment industry in Sri Lanka."Journal of

    Contemporary Asia33.2 (2003): 225-250.

    Thee, Kian Wie. "The development of labour-intensive garment manufacturing in Indonesia."

    Journal of Contemporary Asia39.4 (2009): 562-578.

    Wong, Monina. "Chinese workers in the garment industry in Africa: Implications of the contract

    labour dispatch system on the international labour movement." TRAVAIL, capital et socit

    39.1 (2006).

    Zhang Hentang. The Chinese American Garment Industry. Chinese Historical Society of

    America (2008): 29-31.