china focused sca hygiene matters 2011

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  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    1 Women and Hygiene The SCA Hygiene Matters Report 2011

    2 Foreword: We care about womenshygiene needs

    4 Introduction: Women at the hygieneoreront

    7 Chapter 1: Women, hygiene andidentity

    14 Focus: Incontinence care

    18 Chapter 2: Women, hygiene and theamily

    26 Focus: Sustainability

    30 Chapter 3: Women, hygiene andsociety

    36 Focus: Innovation

    40 Facts: SCA at a glance

  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Women and Hygiene The SCA hygiene mATTerS reporT 2011

    Through our series o Hygiene Matters Reports, we at SCA aim to raiseawareness o the connection between hygiene, health and wellbeingamong decision makers, experts and the general public around theworld. And at the same time contribute to a more knowledge-basedpublic debate that strengthens the possibility o improved hygiene orwomen, men and children everywhere. In 2011, the Reports ocus ison Women and Hygiene.

    U su

    The attitudinal survey underlying the 2011 Report, carried out inNovember 2010, was commissioned by SCA and conducted by thebusiness-intelligence consulting rm United Minds and the researchcompany Cint. The survey was conducted in nine countries: Australia,China, France, Germany, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, the United King-dom and the United States. Responses were compiled through a web-based survey, and a total o 7,000 persons participated. 500 womenand 250 men were surveyed in each market, except in Sweden where500 women and 500 men took part. National quotas have been usedto obtain accurate age representation.

    Cs t

    This Chinese edition o the 2011 Report ocuses on the underlying sur-veys results in China, an important growth market or SCAs hygieneproducts and solutions in personal care and tissue. Please note, as theDisclaimer below states, that since the content o this Report is basedon online surveys in nine countries, the content mirrors the attitudes othe part o the respective population that has internet access. In China,the overall internet penetration rate is about 30 percent, and mainlyused among the urban population. That does not mean, however, thatthe survey results are necessarily invalid or the rest o the population,but it is, nevertheless, important to keep this in mind. The content othis Chinese edition is based on online responses o 250 men and 250women.


    The survey has been carried out through the Cint Panel Exchangesystem. National quotas have been used to obtain a representative dis-tribution o sex and age. Results and conclusions rom the survey areonly representative or that part o the respective markets populationswith Internet access.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    We care about womens

    hygiene needs

    Welcome to SCAs annual Hygiene Matters Report. This year, we ocuson Women and Hygiene, which is a subject close to our hearts, bothbecause o the important role women play in development throughoutthe world, including in the hygiene area, and because the majority oSCAs hygiene products are used and bought by women. We are mak-ing a dierence to peoples everyday lives through women.

    Around me, I see how values which dene SCA as a global hygieneleader and employer are mirrored in the public debate when it comesto the right or hygiene and health, both in emerging and in more ma-ture markets. That tells me that SCA is at the oreront o one o themost important issues in the world today, in a position to contributenot just to the practical needs and solutions we identiy in many di-erent societies, but to the shape o the discussion as a whole.

    SCA especially cares about womens needs and desires when it comesto personal and intimate hygiene and preventive health or themselvesand their amilies. As the worlds third-largest hygiene company, withsales in about 100 countries, we have consumers in so-called emerg-ing markets where inadequate hygiene standards are, in some cases,a matter o lie and death as well as in more mature markets wheremuch higher hygiene standards are taken or granted, we have becomean important source o knowledge, research and expertise in this eld.Without a doubt, we live in an imperect world a act that otenaects women and children the hardest.

    However, women still play an under-utilized role as change agents and

    sources o knowledge within hygiene and health in many countries. Assuch, hygiene is a vital area where more ocus and resources shouldbe devoted to women.

    Womens living conditions vary between countries, driven by diversesocieties, cultures, religions and economies. These dierences aect awomans empowerment and independence within her respective society.

    I am proud o how SCAhas developed theknowledge, experienceas well as the productsand solutions to makeeveryday lie or peoplethroughout the world abit better, a bit easier, a bithealthier.

    U Sstpst, SCA Asa pacfc

    Shanghai, China, 2011


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Nevertheless, our survey has revealed that despite this act, womenthe world over demonstrate a surprising number o similarities whenit comes to their needs, desires and behaviors around personal andintimate hygiene and preventive health both or themselves and ortheir amilies.

    By blending survey results and research ndings with our extensiveknowledge in this report, we reveal new angles on womens attitudesand roles when it comes to understanding and improving personal andintimate hygiene around the world.

    In this Chinese edition o SCAs 2011 Hygiene Matters Report, you canread about how Chinese women share many o the same needs andworries related to hygiene and preventive health or themselves andtheir amilies with sisters in other countries around the world. Also,

    this report shows how the broad and ast changes in China duringrecent years have resulted in improved hygiene and preventive-healthstandards or Chinese women, men and children.

    I am proud o how SCA has developed the knowledge, experience aswell as the products and solutions to make everyday lie or peoplethroughout the world a bit better, a bit easier, a bit healthier. SCA hasa long history o capturing and developing customer and consumerinsights in a clear, simple and straightorward way. Thus, we are ableto develop our products and solutions or ever more people aroundthe globe women, men and children o all ages. Our work continues.

    Ul SderstrmPresident, SCA Asia Pacic


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Women atthe hygiene


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    The The Hygiene Matters Report is an SCA initiative,now in its third year, which aims to raise awarenesson the connection between hygiene, health and well-being around the world. The mission o the project issimple, that no one, disregarding sex, age, or wherethey live, should have to suer physically or mentallydue to insucient hygiene.

    One o the greatest issues conronting humanity at this time is worldhygiene. Many agencies, both governmental and independent, andcountless individuals throughout the world work tirelessly to improvestandards o hygiene everywhere. And it would be simplistic to suggestthat there can be any easy answers or solutions.

    However, in commissioning and compiling any report concerning hy-

    giene and its connection to preventive health in the world today, itis essential to acknowledge the pivotal role women play in improv-ing hygiene standards the world over, regardless o culture, society oreconomic conditions.

    Thereore, it makes perect sense to ocus this years report specicallyon women; their role, infuence, attitudes and importance regarding hy-giene and preventive health on a personal, household and societal level.

    Sats acss s

    In the results o our surveys there are many threads o commonal-ity, similarity and unanimity in the attitudes people have regarding

    hygiene across the span o the nine countries. In ocusing this yearon women, we have rearmed a universal and timeless truth aboutwomens role in amilies.

    Culture and geography may determine what women expect rom lie,but make remarkably little dierence to what they want. Women takethe largest share o responsibility or hygiene in the amily. They worryabout personal hygiene more than men, spend more time on it, are themain buyers o personal and domestic hygiene products or their ami-lies and are more concerned about hygiene on behal o their children.

    Women AT The hygiene oreronT

    Women AS ChAnge AgenTS

    Women play a crucial role as change

    agents in the developing world

    when they are placed at the centre

    o decisions about water supply,

    sanitation and hygiene promotion

    programmes and activities.

    The eects o both improved service

    provision and better knowledge

    about hygiene are elt throughout

    the wider community, most obviously through improved general health

    and quality o lie.

    At the same time, there are more

    subtle eects o these measures on

    the lives o women, such as greater

    condence, increased capacity to

    earn money, and the act that wom-

    en are likely to be healthier, happier

    and have more time to concentrate

    on making the home a better place

    in which to live. Again, ultimately,

    what is good or women is good or

    the amily and the whole communitywho share the benet rom all these


    Suc: For her its the big issue: Putting

    women at the centre o water supply, sanita-

    tion and hygiene, Water Supply and Sanitatio

    Collaborative Council (WSSCC), Gender andWater Alliance (GWA), Water, Engineering and

    Development Centre (WEDC) and United Na-

    tions Childrens Fund (UNICEF), 2006

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Also, or the present, women remain the most important source o ad-vice, inormation, education and good example on matters o hygieneand preventive health within amilies.

    W as ca atsAs economies develop, societies do so with them, and concerns as un-damental as hygiene and preventive health move rom being a luxuryo both nance and time that ew can attain to being a denite aspira-tion, then a need, then an assumed right.

    This progression rom aspiration to assumption ollows a remarkablysimilar curve, regardless o cultural dierences. It is driven primarilyby women, who are not only more concerned and inormed abouthygiene matters than men, but are also overwhelmingly the ones whodrive up hygiene standards as and how they can.

    Women are, thereore, a undamental and essential cornerstone o anydiscussion about hygiene on a personal, household and societal level.In other words, put women rst and they will drive up standards ohygiene everywhere.

    Women AT The hygiene oreronT

    Culture and geographymay determine whatwomen expect rom lie,but make remarkably littledierence to what they



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    and identity


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Hygiene and human dignityHygiene is normal, routine, constant, habitual. Its many rituals punc-tuate our days, hardly noticed, its products are as basic to our shop-ping lists as ood. Mostly we do not think about it, we assume it. It ispart o the bedrock o what we are, o how we see ourselves, o oursel-image, our sel-esteem, o our dignity.

    According to our nine-country survey, or women, personal hygieneranks above the clothes they wear, the ood they consume and thehomes they inhabit in their order o priorities. Young women particu-larly spend more time on personal hygiene, worry about it more andare more likely to be embarrassed about their personal hygiene thanany other group.

    T a w

    It would appear that as economies develop, people spend more timeon hygiene. 80% o Chinese spend more time on personal hygienenow than they did a decade ago, two thirds o Mexicans, almost six

    in ten Russians.

    Among Chinese, this time increase is more or less equally distributedbetween women and men: 81% o Chinese women spend more timeon hygiene today than 10 years ago; and 78% o Chinese men do.

    At the same time, Mexicans and Chinese worry markedly more thanthe other countries surveyed about illness as a direct consequence opersonal hygiene. Perhaps because both these countries have experi-enced infuenza-pandemic scares during the last ew years.

    Women, hygiene And idenTiTy

    S t sa -

    ta ta 10 as a

    Would you say that you spend

    more or less time on your personal

    hygiene today than you did 10 years



















    80%o ChineSe people SUr-

    veyed Spend more Time on

    perSonAl hygiene TodAy

    Then They did 10 yeArS Ago

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    51% o Chinese respondents worry oten or always about becomingill due to a lack o hygiene. Chinese women (53%) are somewhat morew ried than Chinese men (49%) within this context.

    Daily problems in emerging marketsIt is to be expected, perhaps, that hygiene is a more immediate concern,and poses more problems on a day-to-day basis in emerging ratherthan in more mature markets. The same three countries with the great-est worries concerning health and hygiene Mexico, China and Russia show a higher degree o unease than the others when asked whethereither money, living situation, time or knowledge are problems con-nected to personal hygiene. A clear majority o Mexicans surveyed citeall our as major problems, whilst over two thirds o Chinese see theirliving situation as a problem and over hal o Russians say that moneyis a serious concern related to personal hygiene.

    At the other end o the scale, the relatively small numbers o respond-ents who see knowledge o hygiene as a problem in the USA, the UK,Germany, Australia and Sweden points to populations satised in gen-eral terms with how inormed they are on hygiene issues.

    Cttt cu

    This would appear to lend weight to the thesis that there is a content-ment curve on hygiene matters that correlates closely to the economicdevelopment o countries. As countries develop, people spend moretime and money on personal hygiene and become comortable about

    hygiene matters. Oten, as populations or parts o populations rise

    da ccs sa

    What issues linked to personal hygiene do you

    experience as the biggest problems in your daily lie?

    money living SiTUATion Time knoWledge














    29% U.S.

















    13% U.S.

















    21% U.S.

















    9% U.S.




    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?

    About two thirds oChinese see theirliving situation and lack oknowledge as the biggestproblems in their dailylives related to personal


    51% o Chinese re-spondents worry oten oralways about becoming illdue to a lack o hygiene.Chinese women (53%)are somewhat more wor-ried than Chinese men(49%) within this context.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    along this contentment curve, their hygiene concerns more and morestart ocusing on wellbeing and appearance, which, in turn, createneeds or new products and solutions.

    Although even in more mature markets, with a high prevalence o

    hygiene acilities and products, local or temporary anxieties abouthygiene continue to cause signicant levels o unease. During the lastew years, we have seen how health scares such as the so-called birdfu and swine fu have aected hygiene-related attitudes and behaviorsin both emerging and mature markets.

    Wellbeing a universal aspirationAn overall majority o respondents across all nine countries stresswellbeing and eeling resh and good about themselves, as opposedto staying healthy and avoiding inection, as the most important parto personal hygiene. This nding indicates that hygiene is to a largedegree considered to be a matter o sel-esteem.

    According to our survey, 55% o Chinese respondents overall viewwellbeing as the most important dimension o personal hygiene,whereas 40% say staying healthy is most important and only 6% saysocial acceptance is most important.

    However, there is a substantial dierence between Chinese men andwomen within this context: Chinese men view wellbeing more impor-tant (62%) than women (48%); whereas Chinese women (47%) viewstaying healthy more important than men (32%).

    It is worth noting, however, that a sense o wellbeing is closely as-sociated with quality o lie, and is thereore a relative and subjectiveconcept, liable to be interpreted and experienced dierently in dier-ent societies.

    Hygiene, identity and dignityIt has been established earlier that hygiene and eelings o wellbeingare closely correlated, and that wellbeing, although necessarily a di-cult concept to quantiy, is closely linked to sel-image, sel-esteemand ones sense o individual identity.

    A public-health problem as common as urinary incontinence, or in-stance, remains a taboo subject in almost every culture, despite itsdevastating eect not just on ones physical wellbeing, but on onespsychological sel-image.

    It is not surprising, thereore, that a sense o the essential privacy anddignity o being able to care or ones personal hygiene is what mostalarms people about growing old, or becoming physically handicapped.By ar the largest proportion o both women and men in the nine coun-

    o All Women SUrveyed Con

    Sider Wellbeing The moST

    imporTAnT dimenSion o perSonAl hygiene


    Women, hygiene And idenTiTy

    T a sa

    What is the most important aspect o

    personal hygiene or you personally?




    Wellbeing, feeling fresh and good about myse

    Social acceptance and feeling at easein my interactions with other people

    Staying healthy and avoiding infection



    inConTinenCe: The lAST

    SoCiAl TAboo

    I think we have made good

    progress during the past 10 20

    years in reducing the social taboo

    surrounding incontinence. Products

    are now advertised on television and

    the Internet and this obviously has

    helped to break this taboo. However,

    am araid there is still a lot to do re-garding incontinence, a condition tha

    will ater all aect many o us in some

    way or another in our lietime, and

    is just as much a serious healthcare

    problem as asthma, raised cholestero

    or depression.

    Suc: Ian Milsom, proessor o Obstetrics andGynecology at Sahlgrenska Academy, University

    o Gothenburg, Sweden, Chair o TENAs bi-

    annual Global Forum on Incontinence.

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    tries surveyed cite not being able to go to the toilet unaided and notbeing able to care or their own personal hygiene as their two worstears, ar ahead o other concerns such as leaving home, dressing andpreparing ood on ones own.

    Among Chinese women respondents, not being able to go to the toileton ones own (69%), and not being able to care or ones personal

    hygiene (66%), is what worries them most about growing old or be-coming physically handicapped. For Chinese men, these gures are62% and 64%, respectively.

    It is interesting to note that these Chinese gures are the lowest amongthe nine countries surveyed. Perhaps there are partly cultural and so-cial explanations or this the Chinese society still holds on to certainattitudes and behaviors concerning intergenerational living, in-homecare, respect or the elderly and dignity in old age that have been or-gotten or suppressed in many other cultures. As a result o this, the

    ShAre o Women over35 Who experienCe

    Urine leAkAge AT Some

    poinT in Their lie

    (men: 5%)

    Suc: Abrams, P et al, incontinence, 4th

    International Consultation on Incontinence,

    4th edition 2009


    b a t ca u

    w sa

    Imagine a situation where you were

    not capable o caring or yoursel

    (Because o old age, physical

    handicap etc.).

    What o the ollowing would be

    worst or you? Not being able to:










    Prepare my own food

    Take care of my own home

    Choose what music/TV/booksI consume myself

    Choose my own clothing and dress myself

    Leave my home by myself

    Care for my personal hygiene

    Go to the toilet on my own



    perSonAl hygiene iS A mATTer o digniTy

    Among Chinese women respondents, not being able togo to the toilet on ones own (69%), and not being able

    to care or ones personal hygiene (66%), is what worriesthem most about growing old or becoming physicallyhandicapped.

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Chinese are less worried about not being able to take care o their ownpersonal hygiene due to old age or handicap.

    Perhaps China will change within this context as the economy and

    work patterns continue to develop, and become even more like moremature markets. How this might aect in which manner Chinese peo-ple will take care o their elderly in the uture remains to be seen.

    h a sca tact

    According to our nine-country survey, women spend, on average, threequarters o an hour a day on personal hygiene, twelve minutes morethan men. 94% o women would eel uncomortable in a social situ-ation i they had not brushed their teeth, over 88% o men. Morewomen worry about not having washed their hair, in act, than menworry about brushing their teeth. In almost every respect women aremore concerned about the eect o personal hygiene in social situa-tions than men, the sole exception being the primarily masculine con-cern o not having shaved.

    Our survey shows that Chinese women spend 13 minutes more ontheir daily personal hygiene than do Chinese men: Chinese womenspend an average o 49 minutes on their personal hygiene daily, whileChinese men spend 36 minutes.

    mstuat st a sta

    In terms o social discomort, it is surprising that old taboos aboutsuch a natural and cyclical physical unction as menstruation still per-

    sist in much o the world. In seven o the nine countries surveyed,

    Women, hygiene And idenTiTy

    Our survey shows thatChinese women spend13 minutes more on theirdaily personal hygienethan do Chinese men:Chinese women spendan average o 49 minuteson their personal hygienedaily, while Chinese men

    spend 36 minutes.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    o ChineSe Women SUr-veyed experienCe So-

    CiAl diSComorT When

    They hAve Their period


    mstuat causs sca


    Would the ollowing make you eel

    uncomortable in a social situation?

    Base: Having my period veryuncomortable OR uncomortable



















    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?

    menstruation makes the majority o women surveyed eel socially un-comortable.

    Indeed, almost nine in ten women in China (87%) eel uncomort-

    able in social situations when they have their period, three quarters inMexico, and two thirds o French women.

    Also, overall the survey shows that women with higher education eelmore socially uncomortable when they have their period than womenwith less ormal education. For instance, as many as 96% o Chinesewomen with a post-graduate degree eel socially uncomortable dur-ing menstruation.

    Only in Australia and Sweden do ewer than hal o the respondentsconsider it a cause o unease or them in social situations, with Swedishwomen showing the least concern, at little more than a quarter.

    Younger women are keyI one was to identiy a single group or whom, irrespective o cultureor geography, personal hygiene is o paramount importance, youngwomen would stand out

    According to our nine-country survey, this gender dierence is es-pecially marked when one looks at young women. In the age groupbetween 1525, women spend on average 51 minutes o their dayon their personal hygiene, ully quarter o an hour more than men

    the same age, and twelve minutes more than women over ty-six.In common with young men, young women are appreciably moreworried than older people that they will contract illnesses due tobad hygiene and are more embarrassed about hygiene in social situ-ations than any other age group.

    Young women are also more insecure about being in social situa-tions when they are menstruating than older women are. And as weshall see in the ollowing chapter, young women are more unsureand worried about hygiene inormation and products than men orolder women.

    In act, it would be air to conclude that personal hygiene is a pri-mary concern or young women, whereas or men and older womenit is, in the main, secondary or even tertiary. In that sense youngwomen are probably more receptive to good inormation and good,aordable hygiene products than any other group, because personalhygiene is inextricably entwined with their sense o identity.

    And then they have children and their ocus widens which is amain topic o the ollowing chapter.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    oCUS: inConTinenCe CAre

    Increasing incontinence suerersquality o lie and sense o dignity

    With a share o the Chinese population older than 60

    years approaching 200 million, there is a rapidly grow-

    ing need or urinary incontinence-care products and

    solutions or home as well as healthcare use. At any

    given point in time, there are tens o millions o Chi-

    nese adults who suer rom incontinence, a taboo-

    ridden medical condition with many physical and psy-

    chological eects.

    SCAs incontinence-care brand TENA is number one

    in the world with sales in more than 100 countries,

    including China. In order to increase access to incon-tinence care, SCA is very much in avor o sharing its

    world-class knowledge and expertise to reach out to

    more suerers in China, women and men, rural and


    One way this is done is by letting Chinese healthcare

    proessionals capitalize on TENAs expertise through

    an injection rom its knowledge bank so that more

    incontinence suerers lives will be a bit easier, health-

    ier and more comortable. At the same time, it will take

    at least some o the burden o the shoulders o amily

    members and other caretakers.

    TENA, SCAs global incontinence-care brand witha 25 percent market share, was launched in Chinain 2009. Through TENA, SCA has knowledge andexpertise accumulated and rened rom over 20,000healthcare institutions around the world during thepast 40 years.

    SCA oers incontinence-care products and solutionsor both home and healthcare use which improvephysical as well as psychological wellbeing or thosewho suer rom adult urinary incontinence. ForSCA, the overriding objective is to raise the qual-ity o lie and restore a sense o dignity through itsTENA brand to the many Chinese adults aected byincontinence.

    i quat s s t

    Many more o us than we might think suer rom

    incontinence. As many as 25 percent o women and5 percent o men over the age o 35 suer rom urineleakage or shorter or longer periods o time, mostoten in complete silence due the social taboos at-tached to this very uncomortable medical condition.This means that there are tens o millions o Chineseadults who suer rom lie-limiting incontinence atany given point in time.

    But it does not have to be this way, however. Thereare tailor-made products that alleviate the problemreadily available on the market.

    Daniel Huang, SCAs Regional Director or Incontinence

    Care in China, explains:

    For us working at SCA, our aim is to improve peo-ples quality o everyday lie through our hygieneproducts no matter i they live in a rich or poorcountry, or in an urban or rural area. As ar as weare concerned, good-quality hygiene is everybodys


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    right. And as we reach out to more Chinese with ourproducts and solutions each and every day, we eelproud to contribute to raising the hygiene standardsin dierent parts o the country.

    rst a ss t

    An intimate medical condition such as adult urinaryincontinence is closely linked to almost lie-turningexperiences when suerers get the help they so des-perately need. It is both about improving quality olie and restoring as sense o dignity.

    Daniel Huang elaborates urther:

    Based on our vast experience rom other countriesaround the world, we at SCA know that increasedaccess to incontinence-care products in China willchange large groups o peoples lives dramaticallyrom one day to the next by oering security, com-ort, discretion and odor control that they have nev-er experienced beore.

    Simply put, SCAs TENA products enable users torestore their sense o dignity which gives themthe necessary condence to leave their homes, go towork, take part in social activities and lead a ulland satisying lie without having to worry aboutleaking bodily fuids.

    gus w sa

    Traditionally in China, it is the younger generationsthat take care o the elderly in their amilies. Thevast majority o elderly lives, and will most prob-ably continue to live, with their amilies in the ore-seeable uture.

    Since amily members in many cases bring theirquestions about incontinence to healthcare provid-ers, SCA realized early on that there is a considerableneed or incontinence-care training among health-

    care proessionals. Thus, the knowledge-sharing is-sue was already addressed in conjunction with thelaunch o SCAs TENA oering in China in 2009.

    Daniel Huang explains:

    In China, many people turn to healthcare provid-ers or advice about incontinence, which gives pro-essional healthcare employees a key role. There is a

    Daniel Huang, SCAs Regional Director orIncontinence Care and the TENA brand in China.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    oCUS: inConTinenCe CAre

    broad spectrum o areas in need o competence de-velopment such as incontinent-related diseases, pre-ventive treatment and available solutions. Providingproducts is only one actor in this large equation, so

    we decided to give relevant healthcare proessionalsan expertise injection rom our knowledge bank.

    Now, two years later, SCAs knowledge sharing issuccessully carried out on two, complementary lev-els to key healthcare proessionals: an incontinence-care training program or hospital nurses, andhealthcare-management competence developmentor directors o nursing homes, called the TENA In-stitution Director Forum

    nuss ta suts ta a

    Hospital nurses are a key group to train, not leastsince the social taboos attached to incontinence areso great in China. This act has been conrmed byTENA through the training program or nurses dur-ing the last two years since it has contributed to anincreased dialogue with the elderly and their care-takers, oten younger amily members, a develop-ment which contributes to breaking the taboos.

    Daniel Huang goes on to explain:

    One o our several objectives is to break the ta-

    boos associated with adult incontinence throughincreased knowledge and understanding. This is animportant step orward on the road towards an im-proved quality o lie or many more incontinencesuerers in China.

    But taboo breaking is only one ocus area, however.TENAs training program or hospital nurses also

    includes other incontinence-related topics such aspathology, treatment, impact, caring, epidemiologi-cal survey and skin care.

    Since this training program was launched back inthe all o 2009, it has been carried out at hospitalsin 12 Chinese cities, including Guangzhou, Shang-hai and Nanjing. By late 2010, almost 5,000 nursesrom 1,100 dierent hospitals had participated inthe program.

    There are plans to expand this successul trainingprogram to other regions in the country. I the pro-gram is implemented throughout China, more than200,000 nurses will be trained during the next ewyears.

    dcts us s

    a ctc-ca aat

    Another key target group or SCAs ongoing knowl-edge sharing in China is directors o nursing homes.

    Daniel Huang explains:

    We are also building a knowledge-sharing networko directors o nursing homes, who share the samevision as SCA and our TENA brand when it comesto top-quality, incontinence-care management. We

    have several objectives in common: to break the so-cial taboos together, to increase the quality o lieas well as to restore a sense o dignity to the manymillions o adult incontinence suerers in China.

    This knowledge-sharing network is called the TENAInstitution Director Forum, and it was launched inthe spring o 2011 in Beijing and Shanghai. In to-


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    tal, more than 180 institution directors participated

    at the two conerences. Led by two European aca-demic experts, a number dierent incontinence-re-lated case studies and viewpoints were shared anddiscussed during the conerences, including uturechallenges, quality management, risk managementand dementia care.

    Daniel Huang concludes:

    The benets o using top-quality incontinence-careproducts and solutions rom SCA were also present-ed during the conerences. The nursing homes direc-tors were interested in learning more about TENAs

    reality-based results and how our products andsolutions support psychological and physical well-being among elderly incontinence suerers, reducesta workload and lower total costs. That is what Iwould call a win-win scenario.

    SCAs test launch or adult urinary

    incontinence care began in 2009, when the

    TENA brand was introduced in southern China.

    The products are now also available in eastern

    and northen parts o the country. The launch

    has been a success, especially in southern

    China, where TENA has developed into one o

    the most successul brands in cities such as

    Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It is estimated that

    by 2050 there will be about 440 million Chi-

    nese over 60 years old, equal to a third o the


    Urinary incontinence is a common condition

    which aects both men and women in dierent

    lie stages. About 25 percent o women over 35

    experience incontinence at some time in their

    lie. Around 10 percent have regular problems

    and the number increases with age. One main

    reason or emale incontinence is the weaken-

    ing o the pelvic-foor muscles which can occur

    due to pregnancy and childbirth. Around ve

    percent o men experience urinary incontinenceand the gure rises to close to 20 percent

    among elderly men. Risk actors or men are

    inections, prostatectomy (removal o the pros-

    tate) and age itsel (there is a greater increase

    in the prevalence o incontinence in ageing men

    than there is in ageing women). In later years o

    lie, incontinence can be caused in both men

    and women by other conditions such as stroke

    or senile dementia.

    TenAS irST TWo yeArS

    in ChinA

    ACTS AboUT inConTinenCe

    The recently launched game-changing, innovativeproduct TENA Belt was developed by SCA ater hav-ing invested a lot o time by observing Chinese inconti-nence patients and their habits. This new product uses

    less material, has increased breathability and providesmore dignity or the patients as well as less o a burdenor caregivers. And it takes up the traditional Chineseway o using a belt with a pad.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    h t st tatat u

    Think about how you bring up

    (or brought up) your children,

    how important would you say the

    ollowing are (were)?

    Base: Very important

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?

    o All moTherS SUrveyed

    ConSider perSonAl hygiene

    To be The moST imporTAnT

    pArT o bringing Up Their



    Women, hygiene And The Amily










    Forming social relationships


    Religion or faith

    Working hard in school

    Physical activity and eating and drinking right

    Good manners

    Personal hygiene (such as wasing their handsstaying clean etc.)




    W at t at a

    According to our nine-country survey, the amily is the principle placewhere hygiene inormation is disseminated and learnt, and how moth-ers are at the core o that process.

    Motherhood concentrates womens natural predisposition towardsmaintaining their own personal hygiene, whilst also reocusing it ontothe habits and values o their children, and the immediate environmenttheir amilies inhabit, as long as that environment can be controlled,maintained and improved.

    According to our survey, the moment when the perspective o thateminine instinct or cleanliness shits rom personal to collective iswhen they have a child.

    Families look ater the hygiene o their own, and mothers are the hubo amilies. Thereore, womens importance within the hygiene andpreventive-health context cannot be overstated.

    Personal hygiene and upbringingO all the concerns that parents stress in terms o their childrens up-bringing, personal hygiene ranks highest, according to our interna-tional survey. As a whole, women stress the importance o childrenspersonal hygiene more than men do.

    Chinese parents consider personal hygiene to be the most important

    part o upbringing: 71% say that personal hygiene is very important.More Chinese women (74%) than men (66%) consider personal hy-giene to be the most importan part o bringing up their children.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    mt a ts cts


    Think about when you had your

    rst child. Can you remember what

    eects it had on your personal

    hygiene habits?

    Sa t ts aats aut sa

    Have you ever discussed your person

    hygiene or related problems with any

    the ollowing people?

    mt at

    m 27% 15%

    W 42% 6%

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS

    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS



    I became more sensitive to otherpeoples personal hygiene (or lackthereof)








    I became more cautious of the hygieneproducts I bought for our household

    I became more cautious of thepersonal hygiene products I boughtfor myself

    I spent more time on my personalhygiene

    I spent less time on my personalhygiene

    I became more cautious of andsensitive to hygiene deficienciesin my surroundings

    I started to wash my hands more often

    Among Chinese parents, personal hygiene is considered more impor-tant than good manners, working hard in school, exercising, ormingrelationships, traditions or religion.

    bt fst c tu t

    For young women, a turning point in their lives would appear to be thebirth o their rst child. Not only do they become more aware o theirown personal hygiene, but they also ocus more on hygiene standardsaround them. Over hal start to wash their hands more oten andbecome more cautious about the sort o hygiene products they buyor their households. Over a third admits to becoming more aware odecient hygiene standards around them in their daily lives, and to an

    increased caution about which hygiene products they use themselves.

    Our international nine-country survey shows that these gures areeven more marked in growth markets such as China, Mexico andRussia, and more still amongst young mothers, particularly ones inmore mature markets, who change their habits more radically thanany other group, or than older mothers remember doing.


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  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    sel-condence, wellbeing and social interactions. About one th oall mothers are concerned about other peoples perception o themas a result o their childrens personal hygiene. But close to the sameproportion, however, are concerned about the potential risks o theirchildren being overly hygienic developing allergies and skin condi-tions, or example.

    Women as primary hygiene consumersIn general women buy, or at least control, what products come intotheir homes. According to our nine-country survey, in the overwhelm-ing majority o households women buy hygiene-related products, with

    a little over one in ten athers buying most o the personal-hygieneproducts or their children. This gure is a bit higher or Chinese meneven though it is still a relatively low number; about 20 % o Chinesemen buy most o the personal hygiene products or their children -which means that 80 % o Chinese women still buy most o theseproducts in their households.

    This emale predominance continues in terms o shared responsibilityor buying hygiene products or the household. In seven o the ninecountries surveyed ewer than hal the respondents could say that they

    By having established a common, global

    supplier standard or its hygiene businessesaround the world, SCA is transparent with its

    commitment to corporate social responsibilityand sustainability: regarding its own produc-

    tion as well as when it comes to suppliers

    and sub-suppliers.

    About 20 % o Chinesemen buy most o thepersonal hygiene productsor their children - whichmeans that 80 % oChinese women still buymost o these productsin their households.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Ws aut au


    Are you worried that the content

    and material used in personal

    hygiene products you buy will be


    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?


























    To me

    To my children

    Women, hygiene And The Amily

    and their partners share equal responsibility, although in an interesting

    discrepancy between men and women, double as many men claim toshare the buying o domestic household products than the number owomen who would agree.

    itac sustaa ats

    In In emerging markets there would appear to be considerable poten-tial or greater innovation in terms o the development and marketingo hygiene products. Up to six in ten consumers in these markets can-not nd the hygiene products they need, as many as seven in ten eelunderinormed about the products they buy. In China and Russia overhal say that personal hygiene products are too expensive.

    Another crucial aspect o these emerging markets is the latent worryshown by consumers over the contents and materials in hygiene prod-ucts. As many as 80% o Mexicans surveyed are very worried aboutwhether hygiene products may contain materials that are potentiallyharmul or their children, 60% o Russians, over hal o Chinese(56%).

    In the UK and Sweden, by contrast, consumers appear largely uncon-cerned in this regard.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Whether these results are due to unounded suspicion or to genu-ine experience o harmul materials in hygiene products, particularlyin emerging markets, they should constitute an area o concern or

    providers o hygiene products. A sizeable minority o distrustul andanxious consumers must have a powerul negative impact both oncommercial interests in these markets and on hygiene generally.

    Young women especially concernedAs a whole, it would be air to say that women care especially abouttheir own personal hygiene, and are more open and orthcoming abouthygiene issues. Women take responsibility or hygiene-related mat-ters within the amily, young women are more aware o, and anxiousabout, their personal hygiene than older women, and rst-time moth-ers is a sensitive category.

    There is a case, thereore, or making young mothers a particular o-cal point or inormation, education and help regarding hygiene andhygiene products, as they are the hub o uture amilies and they arethe demographic that expresses most anxiety about hygiene and hy-giene products.

    It would appear to be beyond question that better hygiene, and knowl-edge o issues and products related to hygiene, is a goal to which manyaspire, particularly women, and that many consider essential to theirwellbeing.

    SCA is a world-leader in incontinence-careproducts and solutions through its TENA

    brand, which provides comort and dignity

    to millions o women and men o all agesworldwide who experience bladder weak-

    ness. TENAs incontinence products areavailable on the Internet, an ideal and discreet

    sales channel.

    Women, hygiene And The Amily

    Over hal o Chinese(56%) parents are veryworried about that thepersonal hygiene productsthey buy may contain ma-terials that are harmul ortheir children.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    SCAs Tempo brand o top-quality paper handkerchies,

    with an about 70 percent market share in Hong Kong, is

    now also available in some other major cities in China.

    Building on its award-winning branding and market-

    ing activities in Europe and Hong Kong, Tempo is now

    more than ready to meet and surpass the increasingly

    sophisticated demands and needs o Chinese consum-

    ers especially those o young proessional women, a

    highly-aspiring, trend-setting consumer segment.

    yu w t t

    For many leading brands within ast-moving consumergoods, young proessional women is a key consumersegment as it is a highly-aspiring, trend-setting groupleading the way or new liestyle-related attitudes andbehaviors later picked up by broader consumer seg-ments in any given population. This is also true withinthe hygiene area, a act conrmed in the survey nd-ings underlying this report, something which Tempo isalready capitalizing on.

    This report shows, among many other things, thatyoung women in the nine countries surveyed, includ-ing China, spend more time on their daily hygiene thanany other age or gender group. For instance, Chinesewomen aged 15-25 spend an average o x minutes ontheir daily hygiene, compared with In addition, thereport shows that young women in all countries aremore aware o, and more anxious about, their hygienestatus compared to older women as well as men o allages.

    Iconic Tempo brand exes its muscles urther into ChinaSt tw c s a


    Also, this report shows that 80 percent o the Chinesespend more time, and more money, on their hygiene to-day compared with ten years ago. This is a developmentpattern which SCA, the worlds third-largest hygienecompany with sales in more than 100 countries, bothrich and poor, is very amiliar with.

    As income levels, size o the middle class and standard oliving continue to rise in China, generally speaking, moreand more people will gain access to hygiene products andservices rom companies like SCA which contribute tomaking them eel more comortable, strengthening theirsense o dignity as well as improving their health. As amatter o act, at income levels as low as USD 2 per day,people start using their money to nance items otherthan ood and housing and hygiene products are highon that list.

    All this bodes well or people living in China and or

    SCA. Thus, Tempos urther expansion into China tsvery well with SCAs strategic objective as a global hy-giene, preventive-health and sustainability leader. Andthe chances or success are high, since Tempo is alreadyone o the top-ten household brands that mainland Chi-nese buy during their trips to Hong Kong.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    oCUS: SUSTAinAbiliTy

    SCA Walks the Sustainability Talk

    As the worlds third-largest hygiene company, we at

    SCA believe that we must contribute towards increas-

    ing the number o healthy people as well as a healthyplanet. The way we view the equilibrium in the world,

    those two dimensions must go hand in hand. And

    they defnitely do, in the way SCA manuactures and

    distributes hygiene products and solutions around

    the world.

    As a recognized, global sustainability leader envi-

    ronmentally, fnancially and socially with production

    in 40, employees in 60 and sales in more than 100

    countries, we have a lot o experience and knowledge

    about how to act sustainably a act that our employ-

    ees, customers and end-consumers in China now alsocan beneft rom and capitalize on.

    The act that SCA is Europes largest private orest

    owner plays an important role in our fght against

    global warming. The scale and quality o our sae

    processes, resource-efcient production, responsible

    orest management and fber sourcing as well as ener-

    gy-saving measures distinguish us rom our competi-

    tors and makes SCA the natural sustainability leader.

    SCA ranks as one o the worlds most environmen-

    tally sustainable, or greenest, companies. Ourinternationally renowned, award-winning orestmanagement is a corner stone in the Groups envi-ronmentally-riendly, energy-ecient sourcing andproduction with a ocus on a continuous reductiono CO2 emissions. In addition to cutting-edge orestmanagement, SCA systematically replaces coal and

    oil with biouels and natural gas in its productionplants around the world.

    C at stat

    Sustainability is an integral part o SCAs world-wide operations and a key dimension o the Groupsstrategy or growth and value creation. SCAs oursustainability targets, o which our ambitious CO2target is one, are incorporated in the Groups over-all strategy. This ensures that our long-term sustain-ability ambitions are prioritised at both Group andbusiness-area levels.

    Wesley Chiu, Director or Business Development & Legal

    Aairs in SCA Asia Pacifc and based in Shanghai, aposition which includes responsibility or Sustainabilityissues, explains:

    SCA has since long recognized that sustainable busi-ness operations nancially, environmentally andsocially constitute a market driver which lead tohigher prots as well as increased satisaction amongour employees, customers and end-consumers.

    He elaborates urther:

    In short, SCAs strong, multiaceted sustainabilityrecord creates value or everyone involved. And as a

    producer o hygiene-related, ast-moving consumergoods, or SCA there is absolutely no contradictionbetween making the world a better place and mak-ing money. On the contrary; we live it every dayin everything we do. For us it is a matter o cred-ibility, and it is important that we practice what wepreach.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    vau cat tu

    csu sts

    Focus on sustainability is built into SCAs organiza-tional culture Thats how we do things aroundhere. To a large degree it is about understandingand acting on the needs o customers and end-con-sumers, and give them what they want. SCA has along history o doing just that insight-driven in-novation is a key concept throughout the companyaround the world.

    From having sales in over 100 countries, SCA knowsthat an growing number o consumers around theworld, in emerging as well as in more mature mar-kets, have increasingly high expectations that the hy-giene-related products they buy do not cause signi-cant environmental harm or harm to themselves ortheir amilies. Our survey ndings presented in thisHygiene Matters Report conrm this.

    Wesley Chiu says:

    Today, many consumers want to know how prod-ucts are made, what they are made rom, how arthey travel, and how they are packaged. This way,the challenge or SCA is to embrace this consum-

    er approach and create new market opportunitiesbased on our insight-driven innovation processes.And SCA does just that, or instance through ourrecently established Innovation Centre in China.

    He continues to explain:

    As a matter o act, we view these increasing de-mands related to environmentally riendliness andsaety as something which add value by providing uswith new customer and end-consumer insights beit rom a Chinese nursing home using our TENA-brand urinary incontinence-care products and solu-

    tions, Australian end-consumers buying our babydiapers and eminine-care pads, or rom a Frenchhotel chain using our Tork-brand toilet paper andsingle-use paper towels. This our continuously on-going dialogue with our customers and end-con-sumers plays a crucial role in our ability to developbetter products meeting their needs.

    Wesley Chiu, Director or Business Development &Legal Aairs in SCA Asia Pacifc, is also responsibleor Sustainability issues. In the picture, he visits

    Antarctica to learn more about the eects o climatechange on the region and its residents.


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    reSoUrCe mAnAgemenT SySTem

    SCA has always believed that action speaks

    louder than words. Thereore, we make sure

    that our sustainability-related activities world-

    wide are measured and ollowed up in a

    transparent manner to have credibility internallyas well as externally. This approach demands

    a comprehensive system or managing the col-

    lection, analysis and presentation o sustaina-

    bility-related data rom our operations around

    the world.

    SCA has since the late 1990s developed and

    rened its Resource Management System

    (RMS), which contain data or individual pro-

    duction acilities and business groups as well

    as on Group level. RMS allows SCA to analyse

    data that describe how dierent parts o the

    company use raw materials, water, energyand transportation; the emissions they make;

    and the solid waste produced and how it is


    la-sca st aat

    At SCA, we take a holistic view o our productsand our environmental ootprint, rom when we

    plant pine seedlings in our orests, the processes inour mills to the nal products and how they can bedisposed o.

    Forest management is an important way to counterclimate change. SCA is Europes largest private or-est owner. Growth in our orests is more than 20percent higher than elling, which entails an annualnet absorption o CO2 o 2.6 million tonnes. Thenet CO2 absorption o SCAs orests is approxi-mately equivalent to the combined amount o CO2

    released by all o the Groups production acilitiesworldwide.

    Wesley Chiu emphasises:

    On a global scale, every year seven million hec-tares o orest disappear rom the earth, corre-sponding to 0.2 percent o the worlds total orest-land. The amount o CO2 that can be sequesteredby trees and land declines accordingly. For SCAsorest operations, however, the situation is reversed.Each tree harvested by the company is replacedwith three new ones. That is one o several concrete

    actions that prove that we at SCA walk the CO2-reduction talk.

    He continues:

    Altogether, SCAs orests have an annual netgrowth rate o about one percent. As a matter oact, i hal o the earths orestland were managedin the same way as SCAs orests, the amount oCO2 sequestered in a growing orest would be su-cient to oset the use o ossil uels. That wouldmean no more global warming. It is a staggeringnotion!

    oCUS: SUSTAinAbiliTy


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    broAd SpeCTrUm

    o Co2-relATed ACTiviTieS

    SCA contributes in many ways to reducing the

    total volume o carbon dioxide emissions rom

    ossil uels. Here are the main areas:

    st: Growth in SCAs orests exceedsthe harvesting rate by more than 20 percent,

    meaning that a net amount o about 2.6 million

    tonnes o carbon dioxide is absorbed annually.

    Growth in SCAs orests is 20 percent higher

    than the volume harvested, which means

    that a net amount o about 2.6 million tonnes

    o carbon dioxide is absorbed annually. This

    corresponds to the total amount o carbon

    emissions rom ossil uel generated by all o

    the Groups production acilities. I hal o the

    earths orestland were managed in the same

    manner that SCA manages its orests, the

    amount o ossil carbon dioxide absorbed in a

    growing orest worldwide would be sucient to

    oset the use o ossil uels.

    bu: SCA is a major supplier o biouels

    to Swedish municipalities,companies and

    households. In 2010, deliveries o orest-based

    biouels were 3.5 TWh.

    ruc us ss us: For the past

    number o years, SCA has been pursuing a

    long-term programme to reduce the Groups

    use o ossil uels. Today, the Groups use o

    biouels accounts or 43 percent o the Groups

    entire uel consumption.

    icas sa wa ctca

    w: SCA strives to increase the share o

    renewable energy by, or example, investing

    heavily in wind power and by using the residual

    products rom mills and orestry as uel.

    m fct csut: SCA

    works continuously to enhance the eciency o

    its energy consumption. This takes the orm o

    small-scale projects (ESAVE) and major energy


    btt ucts st us ss ata:

    Hygiene products are steadily improving rom a

    user perspective. Better products and the useo less material lead to lower consumption and

    less waste and transport, and thus a smaller

    environmental ootprint. Examples o this in-

    clude the ultra-thin incontinence-care products

    launched by SCAs TENA brand in 2010 on

    some markets.

    Awards and recognitions

    SCA is listed on the Global Challenges Index,

    which was launched by the Hannover Stock

    Exchange and the research company Oekom

    Research AG in 2007.

    SCA is included in Kempen SNS SRI

    Universe and was approved or inclusion

    in the Orange SeNSe Fund.

    SCA has been listed on the FTSE4Good

    global sustainability index since 2001.

    SCA became a UN Global Compact member

    in 2008. SCAs 2008 and 2009 Communication

    on Progress reports were selected as repre-

    sentative o Best Practice by Global Compact.

    SCA applies the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at A+ level in its

    sustainability reporting. The report was audited by PwC.

    SCA was ranked one o the worlds most sus-

    tainable companies in 2010 by the respon-

    sible business magazine Corporate Knights.

    SCA was named one o the worlds mostethical companies by the Ethisphere Institute.

    SCA won FARs prize or the best 2009

    Sustainability Report. FAR is an industry

    organization or accountants and consultants.

    SCA was cited as the best Swedish company

    or carbon dioxide reporting in the global

    Carbon Disclosure Project survey 2010.

    SIX STAR is a Nordic sustainability index

    launched in 2009 by SIX and the consultant

    Ethix. SCA is ranked among the top 25

    Swedish companies.

    SCA is included in OMX GES Sustainability

    Nordic and OMX GES Sustainability Sweden,

    wo indexes or responsible investments

    launched by Nasdaq OMX and GES

    Investment Services.

    SCA is a constituent o ECPI indices. ECPI

    is a rating and index company dedicated to

    ESG Research (Environmental, Social and



  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011



    and society

  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    iua scts, c ccs

    In the previous chapters we have seen how womens concern about,interest in and knowledge o personal hygiene is high, and how moth-

    ers are a driving orce behind health and hygiene in the amily. Andwe have also seen how anxiety about hygiene is more pronouncedin emerging markets compared to in more mature markets. In thischapter we will widen the ocus to womens role regarding hygiene inwider society, and how women can and are a primary ocus o eortsto improve hygiene in society.

    Women are integral to this because they are aected and concerned bypoor standards o hygiene in society. And given that women are activeparticipants in improving standards o public hygiene, their role andimportance should not be underestimated.

    Women are not millions, but hundreds o millions, billions even. Aspresented earlier, as consumers alone, women ar outweigh the com-bined spending power o the populations o China and India.

    What they do or themselves and their amilies, they may also do orwider society.

    Women, hygiene And SoCieTy

    Women knoW Their

    hygiene needS beST

    How well operators o public

    washrooms understand the needs

    and wants o women may very well

    determine i they will come back to

    their gyms, movie theaters, res-

    taurants or shops again. Ater all,

    women o all ages spend a lot o

    time outside their homes, so public

    restrooms serve many more pur-

    poses than one might think.

    Obviously, women have biologi-

    cal needs, but a restroom can also

    cater to psychological needs whichmake them want to use public

    washrooms as a place o their own

    to wind down. Ater a long, busy

    morning at work, and on top o that,

    a severe headache because o men-

    struation, the restroom can provide

    a quiet sanctuary to sit down and


    Thereore, besides being well-

    stocked with soap and single-use

    paper towels, it is important that

    public washrooms are designed

    and spacious enough to t womensvarious needs: a place to wind

    down, a hygienic place to change

    their eminine or incontinence pads

    or babies diapers and, o course,

    easy access to toilets, dispensers

    and designated bins.

    Suc: Third-party qualitative research

    conducted by Psyma International Inc. orTork in North America.

    Poor hygiene is keeping Chinese women romusing public acilities:

    66% have recently rerained rom using a publicswimming pool or shower at a gym

    38% have recently rerained rom using a publictoilet because o poor hygiene standards

    28% have recently rerained rom visiting arestaurant, pub or ca


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011










    Eating dinner at someone elses house

    Going to the movies, concert or similar e

    Going to work or school

    Traveling on public transport

    Visit a cafe, pub or restaurant

    Showering or swimming at a certaingym or swimming pool

    Visit a public toilet




    p uc staas:

    Have you recently decided NOT

    to do one o the ollowing activi-ties because you were concerned

    about the lack o hygiene and


    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS ?

    o All Women SUrveyedhAve reCenTly rerAined

    rom USing A pUbliC

    ToileT dUe To Their Con-

    Cern o lACk o hygiene

    And CleAnlineSS


    Women, hygiene And SoCieTy

    Women and public hygienePublic hygiene appears to be a source o considerable anxiety in themodern world, or women more than men. Six in ten o respondentsin our nine-country survey have signicantly altered their behaviorin certain situations in the past year due to poor standards o public

    hygiene. Almost hal have rerained rom visiting a public toilet, anincrease o 17% on the previous year, over ve in ten women asagainst our in ten men.

    Chinese worry a lot about becoming ill due to poor hygiene. 53%o Chinese women respondents (and 49% o Chinese men) worryalways or oten about becoming ill due to poor hygiene. This isthe highest level o worry in any country in the survey apart romMexico.

    Also, poor hygiene is keeping Chinese women rom using publicacilities: 66% have recently refrained from using a public swimming pool

    or shower at a gym (64% o Chinese men) 38% have recently refrained from using a public toilet because

    o poor hygiene standards (39% o Chinese men) 28% have recently refrained from visiting a restaurant, pub or

    ca (26% o Chinese men)


  • 8/4/2019 China focused SCA Hygiene Matters 2011


    Improved standards of hygiene inhospitals and healthcare providers.









    More education and information tocitizens.

    Legislation that regulates hygieneissues more clearly and strictly (inpublic places, food hygiene, etc.).

    Improved water and sewage system.

    Companies taking more responsibilityfor hygiene issues.

    Improved standards of hygienein public places (e.g. restaurants,gyms and conference centers).

    Individuals taking greater personalresponsibility

    Improved standards of hygiene inpublic toilets.

    i uc staas

    What measures do you think

    would make the greatest di-

    erence in raising standards o

    hygiene and improving peoples

    health in the country where you


    SCA hygiene reporT 2011:

    nine CoUnTrieS


    o All people SUrveyedbelieve ThAT individUAlS

    TAking greATer reSpon-

    SibiliTy WoUld mAke The

    greATeST dierenCe or

    rAiSing hygiene STAnd-

    ArdS And improving peo-

    pleS heAlTh


    It would be hard not to conclude that poor standards o public hygieneprevent people rom eortlessly participating in normal everyday ac-tivities and interactions such as going to school or work, enjoying

    cultural activities or going shopping with amily and riends.

    iua cc, cct sst

    When asked what measures would make the greatest dierence inimproving standards o public hygiene, the largest proportion, almostour in ten, in our nine-country survey cited a greater degree o indi-vidual responsibility.

    On the same question, three in ten thought that the greatest improve-ment in standards o public hygiene could be aected by making pub-lic toilets cleaner. A quarter would like better education and inorma-tion, and one in ve would like to see an improvement o hygiene

    standards in their hospitals.

    Among the Chinese respondents, however, the results are quite dier-ent. The Chinese believe that stricter legislation and ocus on hygienein public areas are the best ways to raise hygiene standards and im-prove peoples health in their country:

    Legislation that regulates hygiene issues more clearly (36%) andstrictly (in public places, ood hygiene, etc.)


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    Improved standards of hygiene in public places (36%) (e.g. restau-rants, gyms and conerence centers)

    Improved water and sewage system (29%) More education and information to citizens (29%)

    Improved standards of hygiene in hospitals and healthcare provid-ers (24%)

    Improved standards of hygiene in public toilets (19%) Individuals taking greater personal responsibility (12%) Companies taking more responsibility for hygiene issues (6%)

    W ta t a

    Our nine-country survey shows that by a margin o two to one inmost o the countries surveyed, women see themselves as taking amore proactive role than men in contributing to the good public hy-giene o their communities. Indeed, the margin widens in Swedento almost our to one, and in China over two thirds o women seethemselves, rather than others, as the main contributors to standardso public hygiene around them.

    Correlating to this, when asked whether women or men are mostaected by poor standards o public hygiene, 56% o Chinese saidthat women are worst aected, over our in ten Russians and Swedishrespondents concurring. Overall, one in three think that women aremore aected than men, as opposed to just 5% who think men aremore aected than women.

    Women, hygiene And SoCieTy

    The Chinese believe thatstricter legislation andocus on hygiene in publicareas are the best waysto raise hygiene stand-ards and improve peopleshealth in their country.


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    Women empowermentEmpowering individuals is ultimately how you change communities.According to our nine-country survey, individually and collectively, onhygiene issues women are more active in their communities, amilies,and between each other. Empowering women is thereore a rst steptowards changing the hygiene and health standards o communities,and potentially societies as a whole.

    When we talk about empowerment in terms o hygiene and preventivehealth, we mean that the need or, and the right to better hygiene andhealth, on a personal, household and societal level, is a need and a rightto which all can readily agree. Likewise, by stressing the empowermento women in this regard, we believe that it makes sense to devolve asmuch responsibility to them as possible, because they will acilitateimprovement.

    h s a asc ua

    It is a natural human need to want to be in control o ones immediateenvironment, and a undamental part o that instinct is to keep thatenvironment clean birds will remove their chicks droppings romthe nest or the same reason. The question thereore is not whetherthere is any substantial dierence in attitudes to personal hygiene indierent cultures, societies, economies, but where people in diversecountries eel the boundaries are o an immediate environment thatcan, practically, be controlled. The need to ensure good hygiene in thehome is the same as the desire to attain good hygiene in the neighbor-hood, and society as a whole.

    For our health, our sense o wellbeing and our dignity as human be-ings, we all aspire to the best possible standards o hygiene. As thisreport shows, women are a key orce o change in this area. In hygienematters, thereore, it makes sense to put women rst.

    For our health, our sense o wellbeing andour dignity as human beings, we all aspireto the best possible standards o hygiene.

    As this report shows, women are a key orceo change in this area. In hygiene matters, thereore, itmakes sense to put women frst.


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    oCUS: innovATion

    SCAs Recipe or Success:Competitive-Edge Based Innovation

    SCAs new Innovation Centre in Shanghai is an ex-

    ample o how SCA, a global leader in hygiene prod-

    ucts and solutions, manages to marry the best o two

    worlds. On one hand, SCA is a proftable company

    which sells its branded, ast-moving consumer goods

    in more than 100 countries.

    At the same time, through its insight-driven innova-

    tions SCA contributes to making the world a better

    place by oering essential hygiene products that

    make everyday lie a bit easier, healthier and more

    comortable or hundreds o millions o children, wom-

    en and men.

    The ability to bridge these two worlds is where SCAs

    truly competitive, dierentiating edge lies. The new

    Innovation Centre in Shanghai is a case in point as

    it clearly delivers on this duality o strength and cre-

    ates value or end-consumers and customers in China

    and beyond.

    Ctt sustaat aata

    The new Innovation Centre in Shanghai capital-izes on the inherent strength in this duality. As aras SCA is concerned, the right or hygiene is eve-

    rybodys right a way o thinking refected in thecompany employees strong desire to improve peo-ples everyday lives through innovative, sustainablehygiene products.

    Olle Carlbark, Head o SCAs new Innovation Centre in

    Shanghai, explains:

    For us working at SCA, it is about improving peo-

    ples everyday lives and raising their quality o lie no matter i they live in a rich or poor country, orin an urban or rural area. And the act that SCAis an international orerunner in sustainable busi-ness practices environmentally, nancially and so-cially is really appreciated by stakeholders here inChina.

    Christoph Michalski, President o SCA Global Hygiene

    Category, adds:

    SCA has vast amounts o experience and knowl-edge accumulated rom meeting consumers hygieneneeds in more than 100 countries both in so-called

    developing countries and in more mature markets.So we know that women, men and children havesimilar hygiene needs wherever they may live. Andwe do our utmost to meet those needs on their ownterms when it comes to nancial means and poten-tial cultural and social restrictions. SCAs Chineseconsumers already benet rom this approach, orinstance when it comes to our adapted product o-ering in urinary incontinence care which providesbroader access to market-leading products to thetens o millions o adult Chinese who suer romthis common medical condition.

    d cs at

    SCAs aspirations within Social Corporate Respon-sibility to raise individual and collective hygienestandards around the world are an important driv-ing orce in the companys innovation work.


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    Olle Carlbark, Head o SCAs newInnovation Centre in Shanghai,visits a TENA end-user in Guang-zhou in southern China.

    Ul Sderstrm,President o SCA

    Asia Pacifc

    Christoph Michalski,President o SCAGlobal HygieneCategory


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    Olle Carlbark elaborates:

    Increased access to incontinence-care products, orinstance, in a country like China may change largegroups o peoples lives dramatically rom one day

    to the next by oering security, comort, discretionand odor control that they have never experiencedbeore. That way, our products enable users to im-prove their quality o lie and restore their sense odignity which gives them the necessary condenceto leave their homes, go to work, take part in socialactivities and lead a ull and satisying lie withouthaving to worry about leaking bodily fuids.

    Another important sustainability dimension drivinginnovation orward within SCA is the reduction othe environmental impact o the raw materials used,the so-called carbon ootprint.

    Olle Carlbark explains:

    In our continuous eorts to reduce our carbonootprint, we at SCA strive, among other things, touse less material in our baby diapers, eminine padsand incontinence-care products that we sell aroundthe world o course, without making them less ab-sorbent or comortable or consumers. For example,the carbon ootprint o SCAs open baby diaperwas reduced by 45 percent between 1987 and 2009,

    and our thin eminine sanitary pad by close to 30percent between 1997 and 2009. Also, TENA Belt,a new game-changing incontinence-care productdeveloped in and recently launched on the Chinesemarket, has a 25 percent lower carbon ootprint

    compared to that o TENA Value, or instance, atraditional adult diaper that has been available toChinese consumers or about two years now.

    Css-, st- atAs SCAs nine-country Hygiene Matters surveyshows, people have similar hygiene needs no matterwhere they live on our planet. Their nancial ca-pacities to buy all the hygiene products they needmay vary, but their aspirations to raise their hygienestandards or themselves and their amilies are basi-cally the same all over the world.

    Consequently, SCAs decision to open an InnovationCentre in Shanghai was not made in a vacuum. Onthe contrary. With sales in over 100 countries, SCAknows that expansion in any market, in this casein China, involves a lot more than simply repeatingproduct and marketing strategies used in other partso the world. Instead, rst and oremost, it requiresaccess to and a respectul understanding o localend-consumer and customer needs.

    Presently, SCA oers three brands o hygiene prod-ucts in China: TENA, Tempo and Tork. Initially,the new Innovation Centre will ocus on the TENAbrands incontinence-care products and solutions, an

    area in which SCA is the world leader with a 24 per-cent global market share. But the objective is clear:to add on more hygiene categories such as babydiapers, eminine care and tissue as SCAs presencein China and the rest o the Asia Pacic expands.

    oCUS: innovATion

    SCAs new Hygiene Innovation CeShanghai was inaugurated in May


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    Olle Carlbark continues:

    Simply put, the purpose o the new InnovationCentre is to learn rom Chinese consumer insightsand translate them into innovations or China, therest o the Asia Pacic region as well as global mar-kets. And it is innovation on several ronts: businessmodels, products and solutions, distribution, pack-aging and knowledge sharing.

    W-w TenA sca

    SCAs TENA brand, the world number one inconti-nence-care brand, entered into the Chinese marketin 2009. TENA is the global bladder weakness andincontinence-care expert oering leading productsand solutions - both or institutional and home care- which improve physical as well as psychologicalwellbeing. At any given point in time, there are tenso millions o adult Chinese urinary-incontinencesuerers whose lives could become a bit easier,healthier and more comortable by using TENA

    products and solutions.

    Ul Sderstrm, President o SCA Asia Pacifc, is con-

    vinced that TENA in China is a win-win scenario:

    TENA has knowledge and experience accumulatedand rened rom over 20,000 healthcare institutionsaround the world during the past 40 years. And webelieve that the relevant Chinese authorities andelderly-care institutions should capitalize on our

    knowledge bank as they are acing an aging-pop-ulation dilemma which is turning elderly care intoa major social problem an area in which SCAsworld-class incontinence products and solutionsmake lives easier or the incontinent as well as their

    amilies and proessional caretakers.

    With a share o the Chinese population older than60 years approaching 200 million, there is a rap-idly growing need or incontinence-care productsand solutions: or use at home or in institutions likenursing homes and other elderly-care living arrange-ments. SCA will make sure to contribute to makingthis transition smoother or everyone involved.

    The two new TENA products launched in

    China in July o 2011 TENA Belt and TENA

    Textile is a result o special market needs that

    SCA have identied through its continuous

    consumer and customer research in China. For

    more inormation on these or other TENA prod-

    ucts and solutions used in home or institutional

    care in China, please visit

    2011 TenA prodUCT lAUnCheS

    in ChinA


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    SCA at a glance

    SCA creates value by ulflling the needs o custom-

    ers and consumers in a spirit o innovation, through

    continuous efciency enhancements and with a

    clear desire to contribute to a sustainable develop-

    ment. The Group develops, produces and markets

    personal care products, tissue, packaging, publi-

    cation papers and solid-wood products, and has

    sales in more than 100 countries. In 2010, SCA

    had annual sales o SEK 107bn and about 45,000


    North America, 9%

    Latin America, 6%

    Asia, 5%

    Australasia, 4%

    Other countries, 1%

    Europe, 75%

    SCAs sas SCAs hygiene brands in Asia Pacifc

    President Ul Sderstrm

    Headquarters Shanghai, China

    Present in 13 countries Australia, China, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia,

    & regions Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines,

    Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand

    2011 Employees 3,000

    2010 Sales split Personal Care (43%), Tissue (48%), *Packaging (9%)


    *SCAs Packaging business in Asia was divested in April 2010

    SCA in Asia Pacifc


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    SCA Group

    SCA is a global hygiene andpaper company that develops andproduces personal care products,tissue, packaging solutions andorest products. SCA has salesin more than 100 countries undermany strong brands.

    Personal Care

    The business area comprises threeproduct segments: incontinencecare, baby diapers and emininecare. Production is conducted at27 acilities in 23 countries. Prod-

    ucts are sold in more than 100countries throughout the world.


    Consumer tissue consists o toiletpaper, kitchen rolls, acial tissue,handkerchies and napkins. In the

    Away-From-Home (AFH) tissuesegment, SCA delivers completehygiene concepts to companiesand institutions. Production isconducted at 38 acilities in 18countries. Products are sold insome 80 countries throughout the



    SCA is a ull-service supplier opackaging solutions and oersboth transport and consumerpackaging. SCA operates oneinnovation centre and 16 designcentres. Production is conductedat 170 acilities in 21 countries.Products are sold in 36 countriesin Europe.

    Forest ProductsProduction comprises publica-tion papers, pulp and solid-woodproducts, and is conducted at 17acilities in three countries. Prod-ucts are mainly sold in Europe, butalso in Asia, North Arica and North


    Awards and recognitions

    SCA is listed on the Global Challenges Index,

    which was launched by the Hannover Stock

    Exchange and the research company Oekom

    Research AG in 2007.

    SCA is included in Kempen SNS SRI

    Universe and was approved or inclusion

    in the Orange SeNSe Fund.

    SCA has been listed on the FTSE4Good

    global sustainability index since 2001.

    SCA became a UN Global Compact member

    in 2008. SCAs 2008 and 2009 Communication

    on Progress reports were selected as repre-

    sentative o Best Practice by Global Compact.

    SCA applies the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) at A+ level in its

    sustainability reporting. The report was audited by PwC.

    SCA was ranked one o the worlds most sus-

    tainable companies in 2010 by the respon-

    sible business magazine Corporate Knights.

    SCA was named one o the worlds mostethical companies by the Ethisphere Institute.

    SCA won FARs prize or the best 2009

    Sustainability Report. FAR is an industry

    organization or accountants and consultants.

    SCA was cited as the best Swedish company

    or carbon dioxide reporting in the global

    Carbon Disclosure Project survey 2010.

    SIX STAR is a Nordic sustainabil ity index

    launched in 2009 by SIX and the consultant

    Ethix. SCA is ranked among the top 25

    Swedish companies.

    SCA is included in OMX GES Sustainability

    Nordic and OMX GES Sustainability Sweden,

    wo indexes or responsible investments

    launched by Nasdaq OMX and GES

    Investment Services.

    SCA is a constituent o ECPI indices. ECPI

    is a rating and index company dedicated to

    ESG Research (Environmental, Social and



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    Images: Getty Images, Hkan Lindgren, Juliana Yondt, iStockphoto and SCA.Production: SCA Corporate CommunicationsLayout: Intellecta Inolog, Stockholm 2011Print:XXXXX