childparticipation in a childfriendly neighborhood · makers (english version available by early...

Childparticipation in a childfriendly neighborhood Froukje Hajer Florence, January 2008

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in a childfriendlyneighborhood

Froukje Hajer

Florence, January 2008

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Mission Jantje Beton• Jantje Beton is a Dutch Foundation + Fund

• founded 1968

• Jantje Beton improves child friendly neighborhoods, including non formal learning and play-full environment (qualified, meaningfulland attractive for children and youth)

• UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a comprehensive approach

• Focus on children at risk and children in poverty

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Statue Jantje Beton is made by Her Majesty the Queen Beatrix , Patroness of Jantje Beton

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Jantje Beton stands up for the chance to play for allchildren in the Netherlands. When children play, they notonly have fun, they also gain all kinds of experiences thatbenefit their development. This is especially important forthose children that are at risk of getting into a tight corner due to their situations. Jantje Beton lends them a hand bypreparing them for participation in society through play. This is why Jantje Beton comes up with, finances and organises projects that allow children to play together. Because playing together is learning to live together.

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'Er even tussenuit' (Getaway): focuses on children who have few orno moments at which they can relax, for example because there are problems at home or because there is no money for something extra.

Three programmes, in which childparticipation is essential

'Bouwstenen' (Building stones): facilities are supported where childrencan play. This can be a new roof for the scouting clubhouse or a renovation of the playground

'Jongleren' (Non formal learning)focuses on activities in which childrencan develop their talents in afterschool ours in their neiurborhoods.

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Environments Children and Youth

Homefirst environment



Leisure time/ neighborhood

third environment

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Different levels of child participation

-continue children involved in urban planning projects-dialog on local level in all issues- experiences in every daylife (nonformal and informal education)

a childfriendly environment (provisions, protection, participation, related to IRVK!)

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formal education: institution based, structured, emphasises objectivity of knowledge, with certification.

non-formal learning: intrinsic motivation, social context of learning, voluntary

informal learning: learning in everyday life

Lasse Siurala: Non-formal learning as an educational approach, Non-formal Education through Outdoor Activities Guide,

Buckinghamshire 2006

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Five levels (P.Petrie, UK)

Adults are guiding Program with activities5

Adults as a guide Mix of free play and activities


Adults in backgroundMix of free play and activities


Supervision adultsFree play2

Without adultsFree play1

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All children have the Right to participate

Children “at risk” need extra attention:

- success-experiences in playing and learning

- self-esteem, social skills etc.

- participation in different provision (f.a.leisure time activities)

So: cooperation in neighborhood to improve the opportunities to all children, on local level

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(Leisure time / play) (not)-organized informal education!

Competences different learning and - environments - sport, art, cooking, technical etc - learning to learn, social

competences, language

Orientation/ meeting activitivities, jobs, people, situations, future … etcetera

Participation 1. activity (designer, organizer) 2. neighborhood, environment - as a product (to present, to sell something) - the process (influence on environment / conditions, experiences in ‘real life’ )

GLOBAL GOALS non formal education in a neighbourhood (NIZW 2005)

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Child Friendly Cities

Dr. J. Van Gils - chairman EN CFC

AIM:Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on the local level

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HistoryUNICEF• 1989: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.• 1995: UN Habitat II conference Istanbul (World Conference on

Human Settlements)

ENCFC• 1998: Children First, Opinion of the European Economic and

Social Committee• 2001: Foundation European Network Child Friendly Cities


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What we do at European levelCreate a movement on ‘child friendly cities’ bynetworking• European conferences ‘Child in the City’

– 2002 Bruges, Belgium– 2004 London, United Kingdom– 2006 Stuttgart, Germany– 2008 Rotterdam, Netherlands

• Lobby the EU institutions on child related issues in urban areas.

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What we do at national level

• Support the networks with information and guidance.

• Help to liaise with other partners or institutions

• Contribute with presentations at relevant events.

• Disseminate good practices for children and youth policies in urban areas.

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Activities in the Netherlands

• child friendly projects (70 projects submitted) are published

• fieldtrips and exchange visits

• creating a combined manual for urban planners and youth policy makers (English version available by early 2007)

• more information and and – eu

• 4th EUconference in Rotterdam 3,4,5 November 2008

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Necessary to enhance childparticipation and a childfriendly neighborhood

- child focused attitude, related to different age-groups

- intersectoral cooperation at all levels

- enough facilities (public space/accommodation)

- trained volunteers and professionals

- long term policy (in stead of limited projects)

An open attitude! children as members of the society!

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To a effective childfriendly neighbourhood

- a holistic intersectoral approach at all local policylevels

- integrated (mobility, education, leisure, housing, care servises, health, environment etc).

- intergenerational

- children ang younsters participate

- a dynamic proces

To create Childfriendly cities is a constant ambition!

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A city friendly to children is a city friendly to all!

Special attention to children at risk is necessary!

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