childlabor: the need for its elimination

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  • 7/29/2019 Childlabor: The need for its elimination



    Jane Doe

    English 101

    Research Paper-Final Draft

    Child Labor: The Great Need for its Elimination

    Child labor is a complex international issue and its global reach affects both developed

    and developing countries, as well as a myriad of different industries. It is an emotionally charged

    issue that is capable of inciting very strong and adamant supporters on both sides of the debate.

    A lot of discourse, literature, and research point to the ill economic and social effects of abusive

    child labor. Because of the overwhelming international furor that the aforementioned literature

    have caused, varied international agencies and governments have joined together to lay down

    policies that call for the halt of exploitative child labor. Unfortunately, despite these efforts,

    abusive child labor still pervades the societies and economies of numerous third world countries,

    as well as that of the first world. In order to successfully halt the growth and practice of this

    despicable social and economic custom, it is necessary to understand the issue fully. This can be

    done through the critical study of child labor history, the evolution of its definition, and its

    causes and effects. After the careful study and analysis of this multi-faceted issue, successful,

    systematic and enforceable solutions for the eradication of exploitative child labor can be


    Since the beginning of humankind, children have been working to help their families

    raise crops and livestock. Normal families in the old days found it necessary to have as many

    offspring as possible so that there would be more hands to help with the running of the

    household and the earning of the family livelihood. As societies became larger and more

    organized, with many specialized jobs that required greater mastery and assistance, children


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    began being employed as servants and apprentices. Child labor was not viewed as a despicable

    practice until the onset of the Industrial Revolution, during at which time the treatment of

    children grew to be especially exploitative. Children often worked long hours in dangerous

    factory conditions for very little money. Children were useful as laborers because their size

    allowed them to move in small spaces in factories or mines where adults could not fit, children

    were easier to manage and control and more importantly, children could be paid less than adults

    (Child Labor). The ease by which child workers could be molded, manipulated, abused and

    underpaid, most often than not with their own desperate parents consent, contributed to the rise

    of this type of inhumane labor.

    Despite this rise, different kinds of propaganda on varying mediums were circulated

    throughout society that sought to open peoples eyes to the horror and abuse that child laborers

    endured in their everyday lives. Walter I. Trattner indicates in his treatise that the

    transformation of attitudes about child labor was fueled in part by [the circulation and

    popularization of] images of children being sucked into the new factories, and partly by nascent

    perceptions that childhood should be a period of play and education instead of work (qtd. in

    Bachman 548). As the old adage goes, one gut-wrenching and powerful photograph is worth a

    thousand words. The enduring photographic images from the turn of the century were of

    children working in textile factories, seafood packaging, newspaper distribution and other work

    outside the home (Bachman 549). These photos were instrumental in educating the public to the

    horrific plight of the abused young laborers. Ultimately, this led to the persuasion of many

    citizens in the industrial world, some of whom became passionate anti-child labor advocates, that

    these exploitative practices should be mitigated. By the nineteenth century, reformers in Europe

    and the United States began to attempt instituting laws that seek to establish a minimum wage


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    for labor and minimal requirements for school attendance, (Child Labor) but these were not

    enforced. From that time until the present, anti-child labor advocates have coalesced to put some

    pressure on guilty and corrupt governments, industries and businesses. They accomplished this

    through the inception of conventions and policies that were backed by national and international

    organizations (some still present, others now defunct) such as the United States Child Labor

    Committee, United Nations Emergency Childrens Fund (UNICEF), and the International Labor

    Organization (ILO). Despite these efforts, the statistics that were released by ILO in 2001 were

    still staggeringly alarming: 250 million children, ranging in age from 5 to 14 are estimated to be

    laboring worldwide. Approximately 60% and 30% of these laboring children reside on the Asian

    and African continents, respectively . . . [and the] United States have as many as 800,000

    children under the age of 18 working as migrant and seasonal farmworkers in California alone

    (qtd. in Pasztor, McFadden and Otis 612). These numbers are significant in establishing the

    extent of how much child labor has pervaded the global economy. In 2010, the United States

    Labor Department announced the addition of a dozen countries to a list of nations that utilize

    child/forced labor. Officials warned that the global economic crises could cause an upswing in

    the exploitation of children and other workers. [They identified] 128 export goods from 70

    countries where child, forced labor or both are used ("A Dozen Nations"). The numbers and

    data speak for themselves; clearly, there is a great need to stop the ongoing spread of child labor

    and to eradicate its worst forms.

    It is important to first define child labor. International organizations such as UNICEF and

    ILO differentiate between child labor and child work. Child labor is an economic activity that is

    driven by child and family impoverishment, market forces, and political apathy (Pasztor,

    McFadden and Otis 612). In this activity, there is a larger focus on moneymaking, as opposed to


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    child learning and maturation. George defines that child work refers to adult-guided activities

    that focus on the childs growth and enculturation into the families and societies that they are a

    part [of] (qtd. in Pasztor, McFadden and Otis 612). Later, this child work definition will be

    expounded to include productive economic activities that child workers themselves clamor for.

    Child work [is defined] as developmental in nature (Pasztor, McFadden and Otis 612), and this

    encompasses activities that only seek to improve and nurture the childs natural abilities for his

    or her enrichment. Advocates are actively fighting and are most concerned with exploitative and

    abusive child laborthe worst of its kind.

    UNICEF and ILO are historically involved in determining different policies concerning

    child labor, such as the minimum age for labor and the naming the worst kinds of child labor, by

    hosting multiple international conventions over the years. One of the most important actions by

    the international organizations is the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by

    the United Nations General Assembly in 1989.

    The Convention singly enshrines the full range of civil, political, economic,

    social, and cultural rights of children necessary to their survival, development and

    protection in society. Because of the connection between child rights and survival

    and development, virtually all of the Conventions articles apply to the distressing

    effects child labor. In particular, Article 32 recognizes the right of children to be

    protected from work that threatens their health, education, or moral development.

    Article 24 more explicitly recognizes the right of children to enjoy the highest

    standards of health, while Article 28 details the expectations that all children

    receive a compulsory and free primary education. (Narayan)

    This Convention single-handedly compiled over a centurys worth of work, research, and


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    conclusions drawn by anti-child labor advocates into a cohesive manifesto, which sought to

    actively challenge UN-member countries to observe and adopt its tenets. Another forward-

    thinking action by ILO is the founding of the International Program on the Elimination of Child

    Labor (IPEC) in 1992. The sole purpose of this program is to explore policies and programs to

    reduce child labor, to help countries improve existing national services (for example, statistical

    measurement, labor inspection and education) and to help implement interventions in specific

    industries (Bachman 550). This is a definite step forward in establishing that the ILO has taken

    a strong anti-child labor stance and that the organization has taken the child labor threat

    seriously. In 1999, the ILO took a great leap and unanimously called for a convention known as

    ILOs Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention No. 182 (Kovasevic 38) that named and

    defined the worst forms of child labor. This convention stressed [the need] for [necessary]

    immediate action to combat exploitation of children (Kovasevic 37). The ILO Convention in

    1999 identified [these] worst forms of child labor . . . [which included] slavery and slavery-like

    work, prostitution, forced work and work that endangered a childs physical, mental or moral

    well-being [in both short and long term] (qtd. in Bachman 550). This paper will from here on

    now adhere to this ILO definition and refer to child labor as the practice of the aforementioned

    exploitative worst forms unless explicitly noted.

    After recognizing this definition, the leading causes for the prevalence of these worst

    forms of child labor that beleaguer society can be recognized. First, it is necessary to recognize

    that economics is one main reason for child labor. Before one can delve into this issue, it is

    imperative to understand the differences between the formal and informal economy. The formal

    economy consists of huge industries that are heavily regulated, and are usually large-scale

    operations that employ thousands of employees and also bring in a lot of revenue. The informal


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    economy is hidden and invisible. These are usually agriculture, services, small-scale

    manufacturing and other sectors that are hard to monitor, (Bachman 546) as well as

    illegitimate industries such as drug trafficking (Narayan). Exploitative child labor occurs in

    both the formal and informal economy, but is more practiced and rampant in the informal

    economies of developing countries. Since the informal economy makes up from one-third to

    two-thirds of the economies of developing nations and although it is much smaller in developed

    countries, it is still a large enough repository of child labor (Bachman 547). With that being

    said, children can [still] be found in the low-skill, low-tech and poorly regulated sectors of the

    formal economy(Bachman 545), although there are factors that minimize the childrens

    presence in that arena and end up pushing these child laborers to the mostly uncharted and

    unmonitored waters of the informal economy. These factors are the presence of adult trade

    unions and the relatively high education, skill and physical strength demanded by most formal-

    sector employers (Bachman 546). Now that these have been defined, the issue of economics can

    be explored.

    Poverty plagues a good number of third-world citizens. This is one main reason why

    families opt to engage their young ones immediately into employment as soon as they are able to

    work. The childrens meager earnings [not only] help provide basic food and medicine for

    themselves and younger siblings, but also augments the pittance of a wage that their parents

    earn (Becker 15). The entire familys economic contribution is necessary for the familys

    survival. Clearly, child labor is primarily an economic choice which brings significant

    economic benefits to an unscrupulous and greedy minority of third world elites that take

    advantage of[the] economic desperation that many families face (Tsogas 368). Unfortunately,

    desperate poverty-stricken families have no means but to capitulate to the merchant class who


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    ultimately hold the survival of these poor families in their hands. These families economic

    plight is directly related to another cause of child labor prevalence, which is the lack of education

    and literacy among the poor, and the dearth of opportunities to actually attend school. Even

    though parents may want their children to remain in school and receive an education that can

    improve their future chances, they cannot afford the luxury of taking them out of the labor

    market. In essence, child labor is the result of a conflict between short-term parental economic

    interests and the long-term interests of the children (Becker 15). Parents are put between a rock

    and a hard place, wherein they are caught between wanting a brighter future for their children,

    but at the same time are pressed by the familys immediate living needs. Children trapped in

    [these difficult circumstances] fail to obtain the [prerequisite] education necessary to attain

    higher paying jobs once they [reach adulthood] (Narayan) which effectively eliminate their

    chances of breaking this self-perpetuating cycle of child labor and poverty (Narayan). These

    working childrens futures, and that of their progeny, then become forever tied to the tides of the

    menial labor market with no hope for escape.

    Another cause for rampant child labor and the on-going practice of hiring children by

    informal economy/cottage industry employers is the perceived economic benefit of cheap

    exploitative child labor to small businesses in developing countries. The 1996 ILO Convention

    documents one such example,

    [that of Indian] loom owners who hired children [because] . . . their margins are

    so thin that they would go out of business if they suddenly had to hire adults and

    pay adult salaries. Reducing child labor in this industry would therefore require

    either putting these loom owners out of business, restructuring industry price and

    sales patterns, or taking other measures to ensure that they received a greater


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    share of the retail price of a carpet. Fear of the price sensitivity of international

    demand was another reason why . . . exporters relied so heavily on the low

    expenses . . . [of] informal sector loom owners. (qtd. in Bachman 561)

    This circumstance is all too common in third world countries where the informal economy is

    more prevalent than the formal business sector. Business owners who seek to stay afloat and

    competitive in a saturated market, like that of the dime-a-dozen Indian loom owners, see no other

    choice but to exploit the millions of suffering children and put them to work in the most bleak

    and despicable conditions.

    Unenforceable national child labor laws are also a main cause of child labor prevalence.

    Different developing countries have been passing anti-child labor laws that intend to curb abuse.

    For example, India passes law after law that at first glance seems to deliver great blows against

    child exploitation and labor. As it turns out, these laws remain unenforced by the government.

    Current searches and raids do occur sporadically and for short periods, but they are cursory and

    ineffective, leaving both laborers and employers confident that government vigilance is

    temporary (Kovasevic 37). The lack of effort by law enforcement clearly shows how

    uncommitted some developing countries are in upholding the law. It is almost a joke to all those

    involved and the policies are therefore not accorded the respect that it deserves.

    Similarly, another cause of rampant child labor is the lack of follow through and funding

    for the financial support of the affected masses and the proposed alternative anti-child labor

    programs. Although governments pass legislation that call for the financial support of displaced

    child laborers, there is a glaring lack of concrete plans that actually stipulate funding and

    enforcement of rehabilitation and re-education programs for the children and their families. The

    abused children who labor in sweatshop conditions have no incentive and reason to abandon


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    their work due to this lack of support (Kovasevic 38). The scarcity of working alternatives

    leaves destitute families no choice but to readily accept bribes for labor and [then] employers

    will devise more effective [and creative] ways to hide their illicit workers (Kovasevic 38).

    Ultimately, all these wonderful plans and good intentions are rendered useless in light of the lack

    of funding. The destitute children and their families return to seeking whatever illegal

    employment they can to make ends meet.

    Lastly, lack of accountability between international organizations, governments and

    industries/businesses also drives the practice of exploitative child labor. An astounding number

    of nations have ratified ILO and UN conventions that practically seek to denounce and abolish

    the worst forms of child labor abuse and exploitation. Such cooperation is evidence of a vital

    international consensus on immediate action against child labor (Kovasevic 38). Despite this

    seemingly successful international cooperation, the aforementioned statistics stand to show that

    the practice of exploitative child labor, although condemned and despised, is still very much a

    part of the social and economic front of many third world countries. This is due partly to the

    absence of actual working frameworks and financial support of the international organizations

    themselves to these third world countries that desperately need their guidance and program

    funding for the enactment and enforcement of said noble conventions and declarations. Aside

    from the ILO and UN Conventions, the World Trade Organization (WTO) also joins the

    discourse of both the ILO and UN on the inclusion of labor standards in international trade

    agreements, which usually include anti-child labor stipulations. There is a marked disagreement

    between the members of these international organizations on how to successfully impose trade

    agreements that call for the inclusion of labor standards. It is highly debated whether a trade-

    related mechanism that could ultimately lead to trade sanctions (Tsogas 369) should be utilized


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    or if moral suasion (i.e. ILO) (Tsogas 369) should be practiced. Regardless, there has been a

    failure to bring at-risk child labor- practicing countries to task through this manner, and this

    failure is definitely hindering these countries from being accountable for their actions in regards

    to the halting of exploitative child labor within their borders.

    After the enumeration of the main causes of child labor pervasiveness in society, both its

    positive and negative effects can now be explored. It is true that when children are allowed to

    work, they are immediately placed in a possible endangering situation, but it is entirely likely

    that work, under capable adult guidance and in reasonable and non-abusive circumstances can

    contribute to their development, help to enhance their self-confidence and prepare them to play

    a responsible and meaningful role in their societies (Liebel 265). Different researchers have

    done corroborating research on this topic. Christopher Headys paper on The Effects of Child

    Work on Educational Achievementpresents studies [that] show [how] poor schooling can

    actually be detrimental to a childs development, and that a limited amount of work may actually

    be beneficial for children (qtd. in Bachman 554). Jo Boydens report, The Impact of Childrens

    Activities (Work and School) on their Well-Being and Development, also suggests that if a child

    feels he or she is learning from work, the work itself is less likely to be less detrimental and

    possibly beneficial to the individual child (qtd. in Bachman 554). Self-organizing children in

    Latin America take this to another level as they come together to create their own labor union-

    like groups. In his journal article, Manfred Liebel details how these groups refer back to the

    adult-sanctioned rights in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, wherein they seek to

    supplement these rights with their own positions and demands, such as the right to work. He

    explains that these children deem themselves competent enough to design their lives

    themselves (Liebel 266) and contribute to their societies. According to a working childrens


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    organization of Latin America and the Caribbeans statement that Liebel includes in his article,

    these children aim to be protagonists of [their own] life story as opposed to being passive

    social subjects (qtd. in Liebel 266). Aside from the right to work, these children formally

    stated at the first world meeting of children workers in India in 1996 that they yearn to be

    accorded the requisite respect and security for [themselves] and the work that [they] do in their

    societies (qtd. in Liebel 267). They pointed out that they want humane working conditions, so

    that [they will] have time for education and leisure (qtd. in Liebel 267). These children also

    desire to end discrimination and marginalization against them and their organizations.

    Undoubtedly, these coalitions of working children around the world demand control over their

    own destinies, and believe themselves to be deserving of equal stature to policy-making adults in

    terms of child labor mandates and positions.

    Clearly, even though there are positive effects of child work under certain circumstances,

    the negative health, social and economic effects are too detrimental to ignore. Christopher

    Headys article on The Effect of Child Labor on Learning Achievementpoints out that poor

    health is a serious negative consequence of child labor, representing a missed opportunity to

    enhance the productivity and future earnings of the future generation (qtd. in Rosati et al. 271).

    This serious negative consequence of child labor is particularly alarming since it is one that

    directly affects the chances of child laborers and their future offspring to fight this bleak fate.

    The research on the correlation of exploitative child labor to that of child laborers health has

    only been around in the past three decades or so, which correspond to the rise in international

    organization support for the anti-child labor cause at around the same time. A lot of this research

    has been limited in scope due to the many variables present in the child labor and health studies.

    Despite this obstacle, it is clear that identifying the health effects of child labor is essential


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    because it enables [the international organizations] policymakers to decide which types of child

    labor to target for eradication (Rosati et al. 271). The data presented by past studies is so

    important in creating the different convention frameworks and policies that govern how child

    labor is viewed and treated globally. Unquestionably, abusive child labor practices, such as that

    denounced by the UN and ILO, place children in the most dangerous conditions imaginable.

    Narayans article indicates that many forms of child labor thrust children into jobs that are as

    unsafe for children as they are for adults, such as mining, quarrying, agriculture, prostitution,

    and abusive domestic work wherein they develop numerous physical and psychological traumas.

    How can children be expected to successfully function and develop into contributing healthy

    adults in an environment where adults themselves are not safe? Finally, Graitcer and Lerer

    emphatically argue that a childs exposure to poor working conditions and health hazards may

    result in health consequences much later in life (qtd. in Rosati et al. 274).

    Aside from these terrible health burdens, another negative effect of child labor is its

    perpetuating of the vicious poverty cycle among the poor. This continues to increase the

    disparity between the economic classes, effectively widening the gap in terms of wealth and

    educational opportunities. This becomes more marked in developing countries where there are

    only a few elites who actually benefit from the industries revenues. Since there are no successful

    large-scale educational and economic mechanisms and programs set up to alleviate the poors

    burden, there is a lack of opportunities for the affected masses to break free of this cycle. The

    families visions for their future are very narrow-minded, undoubtedly driven by the desperation

    to afford the basic necessities such as food, shelter, and adequate clothing. As mentioned before,

    this desperation drives parents to put their young ones into employment as opposed to attending

    school. Gallis, and Harper, Marcus, and Moores articles reveal that low school attendance . . .


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    [causes] child laborers [to] grow up to be low wage-earning adults; as a result their offspring will

    also be compelled to work to supplement the familys income. In this way, poverty and child

    labor is passed from generation to generation (qtd. in Rosati et al. 271). The aforementioned

    abuses of poor child laborers do not only cripple their health and rob them of their chances to

    develop in every possible way, but also the chances of their future children and families as well,

    creating a series of broken generations, belonging to the bottom economic class that will not be

    able to rouse themselves from their hopeless plight.

    After delving deeper into the child labor issue, analyzing its many facets, and studying

    the current child labor discourse and the different proposals of leading researchers, a clearer

    picture is presented to the reader. This study leads one to deduce that a combination of the

    different solutions and proposals mentioned in the various journal articles and papers will be

    necessary for the development of successful, systematic and enforceable solutions for the

    eradication of exploitative child labor. First, it is necessary to find ways to finance these

    programs within national budgets, even before asking for international aid from the World Bank,

    ILO and UNICEF. A good start would be to recognize that . . . many other less developed

    nations typically spend disproportionally on programs that benefit . . . the elites (Becker 15).

    Diverting some of these funds for educational, health, and economic programs would reduce

    inequality and stimulate faster economic growth (Becker 15). To combat the excuse that

    poverty prevents destitute families from sending their children to school, it would be a great idea

    to institute the already successful Mexican programProgresa in countries that have high

    instances of exploitative child labor.Progresa gives parents a financial incentive to allow their

    children to attend school. Mothers whose children attend classes regularly, succeed in getting

    promoted, and get regular medical checkups are paid $25 by the government every month


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    (Becker 15). This payment is already a large percentage of a poor familys monthly income,

    which can be a major incentive for complying with the program. Progresa [also] tries to combat

    [the] tendency of poor families to favor education of older sons by paying a little more to

    families that keep teenage daughters enrolled (Becker 15). In just a few years, remarkable

    headway in the education of the poor children in this program was made. This is proof that

    Progresa can also be successful in the large scale in other regions and countries.

    Another solution would be to take into account the desire of children to work and learn a

    trade, especially those who have taken the time to self organize to fight for this right.

    [The children should be guaranteed] that nothing will be decided over their heads,

    that their agreement is always sought and that they are supported in being able to

    influence the decisions of adults in their immediate and wider environment. [They

    should be assured that] actions . . . must contribute to influence the living and

    working conditions of children directly. This can include . . . the improvement of

    working conditions, and the creation of alternative work patterns in which

    children can co-operate and act in self-determination. (Liebel 269)

    Alternative work patterns, as proposed above by Liebel, should be developed that can

    successfully integrate monitored and regulated apprenticeships with the basic educational

    standards of reading, writing, and mathematics. This allows willing children to have a mixed

    curriculum of both specialized training and basic education.

    Finally, it is also important to propose solutions directed at the global and national

    economic level. This can be achieved through the better synthesis and acceptance of WTO, ILO

    and UNICEF-approved trade agreements that include social clauses and provisions for fair labor

    practice that include the end of exploitative child labor practice. [This can] endeavor tohelp


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    workers redistribute the wealth created by transnational capital [as well as] create an enabling

    framework at the international level, so that collective bargaining and labor legislation at the

    national level can actually lead to higher standards of living for all (Tsogas 371). These are

    lofty and idealistic goals. Despite the harsh reality that these goals may be too ambitious to truly

    enact, fair labor and anti-child labor advocates must rise to the challenge and continue the fight

    to rid society of this social and economic blight. Undoubtedly, a main obstacle will be trying to

    get all member countries of these international organizations to join forces and take an active

    stand against the unjust labor practices by agreeing to actually work on implementing these

    proposals as soon as possible.

    By critically analyzing child labor history, the evolution of its definition, and its causes

    and effects, the multi-faceted practice of child labor is better understood. Only through this

    understanding can successful, systematic and enforceable solutions that can eradicate

    exploitative child labor come forth. Making the public aware of [this problem] helps promote

    efforts to combat child labor ("A Dozen Nations") and also enflames potential advocates who

    can join the fight to end this troubling economic and social dilemma.

    Works Cited

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