child development assignment

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  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment




    No. Pagenumber

    1. Introduction 2-4

    2. Analyzing the scenario 5-6

    3. Factors that influenced the childrens development 7-9

    4. Analyze the childrens development using developmentaltheories


    5. Task ii 14-19

    6. Reference 20

    7. Attachments 21

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment




    Child development is a continuous development from the early stage of birth

    until the maturity stage. Everybody may have a different rate of development of life. The

    aspects of development can be classified into physical, emotion, cognitive and social

    approaches. The changes and the development of physical can be seen on their

    physical appearance for instance, the increasing of the children s teeth, height, weight

    and parts of their body will grow bigger. They will also be able to make a physical

    movement such as walking, holding, or picking things. Furthermore, the development of

    their cognitive can somehow be measure by the ways of their thinking. They will be able

    to memorizing, reasoning, counting and many other abilities. As for emotion

    development, children will discover many emotions within themselves. They can be sad,

    happy, and angry according to particular situation. They will also be able to deal with

    those emotions. Lastly, the development of ones social interaction can be clearly seen

    on how the person interact and mix with other people as well as try to adapt with the

    environment surrounding.

    Growth and development are related with each other. The growth pattern can be

    similar with everybody but it is different in rate. Ones rate of development is influenced

    by two major factors which turned humans into various kinds of personality and

    characteristics in terms of their cognitive, physical, emotion as well as their social

    approaches. As a result, an inconsistencies and different stages of ones development

    process occur. The two major factors are genetic (nature) and environment (nurture)

    factors and it has been scientifically proven.

    Genetic can be referred as biological characteristic or genes of parents which

    passed on to their child. These genes are stored in the parents chromosome and when

    the fertilization process between sperm and ovum occur, the chromosomes will

    somehow be intertwined and affect the characteristic of an individual. One of the

    characteristic that possessed by the children is their physical appearance for instance

    their skin colour, height, hair, face and many others. Other than that, genetics do carry

    parents intellectuality. It includes the potential, talent, ways of thinking and habits of

    their parents. When a father or a mother is talented enough in any kind of sports or

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    activities, then their children may inherit that particular talent. The development of a

    person can be measure through their behaviors, emotion, physical, social interaction and

    many others which slowly change as the time passes. However, there are cases where

    the child does not inherit any of their parents characteristic. This probably because they

    inherit their ancestors characteristic. Genes can face conflict of information and most of

    time, when this happened, the dominance genes will win for instance, if the father has

    dark skin color while the mother has a fair skin, the child might end up splitting the

    difference by having a tan skin. Children can also affected by the environment

    surrounding. If a pregnant mother exposed to the harmful and hazardous chemical which

    affect the children, the children will be born abnormal. The children may suffer of certain

    sickness such as syndrome down and many other.

    On the other hand, environment can also be a factor which affects childrens

    development. According to Bronfenbrenner theory, child development is a result of

    interaction between the children and their environment surroundings. According to his

    theory, environment factor consists of five systems which are Microsystem,

    Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem and Chronosystem. Microsystem is the closet

    environment in which the child has direct interaction and spent most of the time such as

    family. Mesosystem is somehow related with Microsystme as what happened in

    Microsystem will also affected the relationship in Mesosystem range for instance whathappened in home will influence the childrens behavior while they are in school.

    Exosystem can be explained as the childrens experience with an environment that does

    not involve the children directly but the decisions taken in the environment affect children

    development. For example, the rule that set in school or shopping mall indirectly helps

    the childrens development. Macrosystem is individuals development which influenced

    by norms, values and practices of society for instance, in some communities, gender

    roles are definitely emphasized. The girls are expected to play a role as a home-maker

    and the boys should work to earn a living for his family. This kind of traits will be

    absorbed by the children and they will grow with it. Lastly, Chronosystem is conditions

    changing within a time period. We can clearly see where the children nowadays used to

    play video games and many other kind of recent technologies compared to children

    twenty years back who plays with marbles and many others.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    Children should be exposed to the world and taught to socialize and interact

    with the people surrounding in order to develop. Children may learn lessons through

    their experience of learning sessions either directly or indirectly. Elements that serve as

    the catalyst of this factor are the influence of peer groups, mass media, and community

    relations, family and the environment.

    Family institution is the primary influence on the human development.

    Institutional elements that influence the development of individual are the environment of

    ones home, food, parenting and family socioeconomic status. Children who were born in

    a house which full of love and affection will experience healthy emotional development,

    while nutritionally balanced meals will help the help the children developing his physical

    body. Good socio-economic status of a family will assist the intellectual and physical

    development of a child to the optimum level as his family capable of providing enough

    nutritionally balanced food as well as good quality of education to their children. Peer

    influence is essential in children's development, especially in the intellectual, personal,

    emotional and social for instance children who mix with peers who are diligent, it will

    somehow encourage their intellectual development and potential to the optimum.

    Children who socialize with well-mannered friends will imitate the values at once apply it

    in their daily life. According to the NAEYC (National Association For the Education of

    Young Children), children's cognitive development influenced by the environmentencompassed, such as home and school.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    Analyzing the scenario

    Based on the two scenarios given, we can clearly see the vast difference between

    these two students, Rizal and Farid through their development stage. Both of them are in

    a same age and learn at same class but they counter great differences. This usually

    happened due to the ways they have been brought up. We can compare and contrast

    the difference between these two students in terms of socio economy status, personality

    and moral awareness, ways of learning, social skills, and their interest.

    The socio economy status between Rizal and farid are quite different as Rizal

    comes from middle class family while Farid comes from a lower class society. Rizal lives

    in housing area and it shows that his parents are capable in providing a comfortable

    living conditions. He is probably able to get enough nutritionally balanced food as well as

    good quality of education. The possibility of having a financial crisis is lower. Unlike

    Rizal, Farid who comes from lower class society, end up lives in flat. He does not have a

    father to support his family and as a result, his mother needs to work to earn a living. His

    family might face some financial difficulties. We aware that flat cost an affordable price

    for lower class family but it might be a little inconvenience especially for Farids family as

    he has a many siblings. Farid might not get the same necessity as Rizal. He is required

    to help his mother to do some house chores and cooks which usually done by adults.

    Farid needs to sacrifice his leisure time that supposes to be spending to play just like

    other children did.

    As for the personality and moral awareness of these two students, they have

    different personalities. We can see that Rizal is quite active but he is also a hot

    tempered person. Rizal often shows his impolite behaviors in class as he always

    interrupts the teacher while the teacher is teaching. Rizal also used to rebel. He does not

    repent after being scolds by his teacher instead; he releases his anger towards his

    friends. Rizal should be taught to behave properly as what Farid does. Farid is definitely

    a passive student. He does not participating in class unless the teacher asked him to do

    so. He chooses to be an observer and remains silent when there is group work. We can

    somehow conclude that Rizal is recessive person and he will only shows his true

    personality in front of people who make him comfortable with such as his family

    members as well as his friends who lives nearby his house and they used to play football


  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    Their learning style is also quite different. Both of them have their own ways of

    learning. Rizal is an active person in class and he often voice out his opinions. In group

    work, we can see that Rizal likes to dominate the group as he does not allow his friends

    to talk. He refused to accept others opinions and as a result, he left behind in his

    academic. The resistance of collaborating and discussing make Rizals thinks that he is

    always correct at once he does not really learn the right thing. We can also see that his

    teacher does not aware of his problems in study so this resulting him to become a slow

    learner and hard to catch up with what the teacher has teach. While Farid, has his own

    learning skills. He is a passive learner who used to receive information without giving

    feedback. In group work, he also does not contribute any ideas and prefers to be an

    observer. However, Farid often does self-study as he loves to read. He probably learns

    and apply what he has reads and thus his academic performance is better that hisfriends.

    Rizal and Farid do have distinct differences in social skills. The ways that Rizal and

    Farid approach his classmates is contrasting with each other. In the scenario, we can

    clearly see that Rizal is not having any problems in socializing with his classmates. He

    probably an easy going so he easily managed to befriends with his classmates. While

    Farid does face some difficulties to interact and socialize with his classmates as he

    probably getting used with the environment. Farid is seen as a passive person who doesnot have many friends. He probably does not expose with the environment before so he

    does not know how to interact with them. However, Farid does befriend with the people

    he comfortable with such as his friends who lives nearby his house. His social range is

    limited to certain people and he does not take any opportunity to wider it. He feels safe

    enough in his comfort zone.

    Rizal and Farid also have different interest. Rizal used to stays quietly at home

    and watch action movies while Farid likes to do physical activity as he always playfootball with his friends. Rizal seems to be lazy and while farid is known as a diligent

    child who often helps his mother to do house chores and cooks. Farid also loves to read

    very much. According to both interest, we can somehow conclude that their interest

    develop their behaviors. Rizal loves to watch action movies and he becomes biolent as

    he always releases his anger towards his friends. On the other hand, Farid likes to read

    books so he learns lots of things at once make him become clever and smart. Their

    interest also helps in their development stage.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    i) Factor that influence thechildrens development

    According to the situations given, we could clearly see the difference level of

    development between these two children. There many factors which influence the rate of

    their development.

    First, we can see that their residential area did play a role in terms of the

    development of their social skills. We aware that Rizal used to stay quietly at home and

    watch television without mix with other children who live surround the housing area. Healso does not really close with his family because according to his mother, he rarely

    speaks at home. So we can somehow conclude that Rizal becomes more active and

    take the opportunity to interact with his friends at school as much as he needs. He tries

    to widen his social range and managed to socialize with everybody quite well.

    On the contrary, Farid who lives in flat used to play with friends nearby his

    house. He feels comfortable and happy enough with them. As a result, he becomes

    passive and refuses to mix around at school. He does not know how to socialize withnew friends as he has his own friends. He only befriends with his friends who live nearby

    his house during the recess and he could not make any friends with students from his

    class. He may take plenty of time to make new friends and adapting the environment in


    Other than that, the family background also contributes to the childrens

    development. Looking through these two situations, we can clearly see that both of them

    live in different kind of status. Rizal comes from a middle class family who lives in afamily who are able to provide him a comfortable living, they own a television for him to

    watch while Farid lives in flat which cost not too much of money as the house does not

    really big and conducive. Farid does not have a father. He also forced to help his mother

    to do house chores as his mother has to work hard to earn a living. Farid has to face the

    hardship of losing a father, while Rizal is vice versa. That situations and hardship

    shaped Farid to become a responsible and matured child but he is low self-esteem. He

    refuses to mix with other people and does not answers question unless his teacher asks

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    him to do so. This might be because of he did not have a father just like other normal

    children who have father to love and play with.

    Rizal does not have that kind of problem. He grows up as a normal child who

    has both of father and mother. He does not have to do house chores likes Farid. As aresult, Rizal becomes lazy and used to watch television. He also rarely completes his

    tasks because of his laziness. He becomes very demanding when there is group work.

    He becomes greedy and dominated the group work. Rizal have everything he needs so

    he probably feels that he is good enough than everybody else.

    Furthermore, based on these two different situations, we could see the

    relationship between both of these students with their family. According to Rizals

    mother, he rarely speaks at home. This means that he does not interact with his familymuch and used to spend time to watch television rather than plays with his family

    members. We can somehow conclude that Rizal is actually lacks of love. He does not

    get much attention and from his family as well as warmth loves affection so he becomes

    an attention seeker. He likes to be a predominant. He always interrupts the teacher so

    that the teacher would give an attention towards him. It is also happened when there is a

    group work. He dominates the group as he does not give a chance to everybody to talk.

    Rizal seemed to be an active students but he is all alone inside as he does not get

    enough attention from his family. As a result, he used to be a predominant who expects

    other people to give him an attention which is necessary for children of his age.

    Different from Farid, he is an obedient child who used to help his mother to

    do house chores and cook. He might spend plenty of time with his mother and his family

    as he likes to help his mother to cook which they probably shares good times together.

    Although he does not have a father, his mother managed to teach him to be a diligent

    yet a responsible boy. The attention that given to Farid makes him becomes such a boy

    who does not really care about his social life in school. Unlike Rizal, Farid refused to talk

    much and he does not participating in group work as he feels there is no needs to talk.

    Besides of his low self-esteem, he probably shows his true self when he is in comfort

    zone. He may not be able to be away from his family and that leads him to be passive

    and gloomy.

    In addition people perspective may also be the factor of child development. Rizal

    literally looks active and happy enough. He even managed to socialize well with his

    classmates. People do not know that he is actually a person who needs to be treated

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    tenderly and softly as his behaviors which seemed to be cheerful so he does not get the

    sufficient attention. Thus, he kept being ignored and lives his life on his own. He does

    not get the opportunity to be really concerned and loved by people surrounding. He may

    grow as a rebel or rather an independence person. In contrast, Farid is a person who

    apparently seen as passive and gloomy. People might have different perspective on him

    than Rizal.

    Farid seems that he requires a counselor who may help him to solve his

    emotion problem as well as bring his back to a normal yet happy person. Both of them

    need the same attention as they have their own crisis and dilemma of life. The lack of

    attention towards both of them may affect their self-development.

    Lastly, we can see that mass media did play a role in developing the childrensbehaviors. Referring to the scenario, we can see that Rizal loves to watch action movies.

    The movies might affect his behaviors as he behaves inappropriately in class. He often

    interrupts his teacher and when he gets scolded, he will release his anger towards his

    friends. Children at his stage are easily influence by what they have seen. They will

    imitate the action and apply it in their daily life. Rizal likes to watch action movie which

    usually are not suitable for children as there are lots of violence in it. Rizal probably

    learns those unfavorable actions and becomes an aggressive person and easily getting

    mad. Whereas, Farid does not watch television that much and he probably does not own

    any television at home as their socio economic status is not that high so Farid may not

    influenced by those unhealthy kinds of mass media. Farid grows up as a child who is

    obedient enough.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    ii) Analyze the childrens development

    using developmental theories

    According to both of Rizals and Farids situations, we could see that both of

    them are in the stage of making friends and socialize. Their residential area somehow

    gives the opportunity for them to befriend with other children who lives around and are

    about the same age with them. While, in school, they also exposed to group work which

    needs cooperation between each others. This will helps to develop their maturity and

    ways of thinking as what is stated in Vygotsky theory which explains that childrens

    thinking will be developed when they often had social interactions with other people.

    Vygotsky believes in the importance of social influences, especially instruction, on

    childrens cognitive development is reflected in his concept of the zone of proximal

    development(John W. Santrock, 1987). Zone of Proximal development (ZPD) is a

    theoretical term of Vygotsky theory which explains that the distance between the actual

    developmental stages with the individual development potential which are determined by

    help from an adult or collaboration between colleagues who are capable. ZPD

    emphasizes on social interaction and cognitive development can be constructed throughsocial interactions with people such as parents, siblings, closet family; cousins, uncle,

    auntie as well as peers. We can see from the scenario that Farid does not have much

    social interaction with his classmates but he does socialize with his family members and

    his friends who live nearby his house, thus he becomes a diligent person who loves to

    read books and play football. He is able to help his mother to do house chores and

    cooks often because he is experienced in doing so. That experience probably helps the

    development of Farid, as ones cognitive development depends on their social

    interaction with guidance from adults and as a result, Farid perform well in his academic.

    While Rizal did interact with his classmates but he probably lack of communication. He

    refused to hear others opinion and often dominates the group work thus Rizal left

    behind in his academic. Rizals way of interact does not really helps him in his academic

    performance as he lack of collaboration with his friends and used to dominates them.

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    Furthermore, we can also see the problem that faced by the children who Farid

    becomes a low self-esteem person as he does not have a father and Rizal who often fail

    to complete his tasks and always left behind in his academic. According to the theory of

    Erik Erikson, he strongly believes that human are able to experience a healthy

    psychological development (William Crain, 1992). Humans also do have the ability to

    overcome difficulties which arise as the time passes in certain stages. He classified

    humans development to eight stages. The fourth stage which discuss about chi ldren of

    age six to eleven may get through the process of industry versus inferiority. At this stage,

    through social interactions, children begin to develop a feeling of pride towards their

    success and their ability. Children that are supported and directed by their parents and

    teachers will develop a feeling of competency and will start to believe in their ability.

    However, the children who does not receive support from their parents, teachers, orpeers will start to doubt their ability at once make them feel lack of confidence.

    According to Erikson, at this stage the child should use their energy to good things.

    Through perseverance, a child is capable enough in doing something. This stage is the

    key to the development of a hard-working attitude and desire to do meaningful activities.

    Referring back to the situations, even though Farid is passive and he feels lack of

    confidence to point out his views in class, Farid is a diligent boy. His mother always

    gives him a support. The teacher might also give him lots of attention because of his

    good performance in school and his passiveness may be a focus for the teacher to helps

    him. He loves to read and through the perseverance of reading, his academic

    performance is better than his friends. He becomes a clever person because of his

    diligence and supports from his family and teacher. Unlike Farid, Rizal lack of attention

    from his family as he rarely interacts with his family members because of their business.

    His teacher does scold him because of his unfavorable behaviors which interrupt the

    teacher while teaching. As a result, he is left behind. Referring back to the theoretical

    term which is industry versus inferiority, we can somehow conclude that Farid possesthe positive one and through perseverance, he managed to become a good students but

    Rizal is vice versa. He often fails to complete his task and left behind in academic. It

    shows the different of development through the theory of Erik Erikson.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    Robert Havighurst does explain briefly that at the stage of their age, the children

    can start to master many different kinds of skills in games, master the skills of reading,

    writing and counting and start to befriends with certain people surround them. That are

    the developments that outlined in the Robert Havighurst theory. According to this theory,

    we can somehow relate the scenario of these two childrens with the development that

    been stated. We can see from the scenario that both of them are start to befriend with

    other people than their family members. Rizal is good at making friends as he interact

    and socialize with his classmates well. He start to show the interest in befriends with his

    classmates as he does not interact much with his family members. Lack of interaction at

    home makes him becomes active and good in socializing. As for Farid, he only befriends

    with friend who lives nearby his house. He likes to plays football together with them and

    it shows the closeness between Farid and his friends. At this stage, the children are alsoexpected to master the skills of reading, writing, counting and certain skills in game. We

    could see that Farid knows how to read because he loves to read and he probably

    master all the three skills as his academic is good compared to other students. He also

    does master certain skills in game as he likes to play football with his friends. He

    probably often play with his friends and through the repeated activity, farid might know

    some skills in football game. He somehow develops his cognitive as well as his socio

    emotion within himself. Rizals development is quite slow as he always left behind in the

    academic. He himself probably does not master the skills yet but or his development

    might be slower compared to Farid. The Robert Harvighurst theory proves that the

    developments of children are depends on the nurture factors.

    Furthermore, Kohlberg theory can also be apply in these scenarios of two

    different children who are in stage of developing. He believes that moral reasoning

    associated with cognitive development even though sometimes the thought does not

    guarantee the increasing of moral reasoning level (Konstelnik, 2006). According to

    Kohlberg, at a certain stage of development, children will learn what is right and what is

    wrong. They will also practice kindness, honesty, loyalty, obedience and a variety of

    other moral aspects, although they do not know the true meaning of morality. In this

    theory, moralities are classified into three types which are pre conventional level,

    Conventional and Conventional Morality. Pre conventional is a stage where the children

    think that they must obey the rule that had been set up unquestioningly. They also see

    morality as something external to themselves, as that which the big people say they

    must do. They think that obedience is necessary in order to avoid punishment. We cansee that Farid is an obedience child who does not cause any problems in class. He used

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    to lives quietly as possible. Farid is somehow be in the stage of pre-conventional who

    thinks that the rule that been set up is a rule that must be obeyed by everybody to avoid

    punishment. Children at this stage are somehow egocentric who concern of the physical

    effect and the consequences of not obey rules. The second level of moralities,

    conventional level is a stage where the theory of moralities develops. Individuals begin

    to determine and consider the rules in accordance with the permission and consent of

    parents, teachers and community. The children will apply the rules that set up by the

    people in their life such as their parents because they start to appreciate the value of

    compliance. The children want to be seen as a good child. We can see also see that

    Farid is obedient enough. He does not cause any problems and he probably acts

    obediently in order to be a good son for his mother and wants to become a son that his

    mother can be proud of.

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    TASK 2




    12 AGE 12

    11/12/2001 DATE OF BIRTH 29/12/2001













    4 (3) NO. OF SIBLINGS 4 (2)



  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment




















    CO-OP SOC.



    TOP 10














    RM 1 RM 1


  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    - He did not pay anyattention to the

    teacher- Used to stare at the

    picture of thetextbook and did notlistening to what the

    teacher said- Plays by himself

    while the teacherteach

    - Not much socialinteraction

    - Probably did notunderstand what the

    teacher said- Did not sit still, often

    shaking- Raise his hand and

    answer the questiononce

    - Likes to arrange hisstationery

    - Peeks quietly at hisfriendss textbook

    without communicatewith them

    - Easily distracted

    - Could not payattention for morethan 10 minutes

    - Easily getting bored- Could not catch up

    with what theteacher teach

    - Discouraged to talkwith anybody in his



    - An active students- Always raise her

    hand to answerquestion

    - Often interacts withher friends

    - Managed to givefeedback to what the

    teacher teach- Participating actively

    - Often helps herfriends who seemed

    confuse- Did her homework

    well- Listen to the teacher


    - Often interact withthe teacher

    - Catch what theteacher teach easily

    - Easily cooperatingwith her tablemates

    - Get the first place inspelling bee contest

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    I had chosen two pupils from a class of 6 Permata at SK Seri Tasik. This

    activity had been carried out through observation of the students for about a week.

    Through the observation, I can conclude that these two students have different stage of


    The male student is Muhammad Farhan b. jamaluddin. He was born on

    11/12/2001 at Dewan Bandaraya clinics. He lives in Sri Johor flat with his family. His

    fathers name is Jamaluddin b. Mohd. Shahril and he work at Dewan bandaraya Kuala

    Lumpur. His fathers income is approximately two thousand ringgit. His family does

    receive a financial support from government such as Pusat Zakat as well as private

    company. His mothers name is Mahani bt. Marzuki. She is a home maker. Farhan has

    four siblings. He has two elder brothers and a younger sister. His eldest brother is a

    home tuition teacher who works on his own. His second brother is currently participating

    in Wataniah and becomes a trainee soldier. His younger sister is 6 years old and she is

    a pre school student of SK Seri Tasik. Farhan loves to play football and reads book. His

    favourite subject is sciene because he likes the respective teacher very much. Farhan

    rarely revised at home unless his brother forces him to do so. He wants to be a

    policeman because he wanted to catch bad people. He is sent to school by his brother,

    and his pocket money is about one ringgit per day.

    In terms of intellectual aspect, Farhan is quite slow as he refused to answer the

    question that asked by the teacher. Farhan raise his hand and answer the question

    once. Farhan did not pay much attention to the teacher. When they were asked to reads

    the text book, he used to stare at the picture of the textbook without reading it. He

    probably does not listen to the teachersinstruction and plays quietly by himself. He sits

    at the last row at the corner of the class. He often arranged his stationery. He also could

    not sit still as he always shaking his body. Farhan seemed to be alone as he did not

    interact with his tablemates. He probably does not understand what the teacher said. Hecould not pay attention for more that 10 minutes. He also was easily getting bored. He

    might be a kinesthetic learner who needs activitiens that would enliughten the learning


    Furthermore, in terms of social interaction, Farhan seemed to have some

    difficulties to socialize with his classmates. He did not interact with his friends very much.

    When there is group work, he used to stares and laugh at his friends when they make

    jokes but still, he did not say a word. When he did not get what the teacher said, he willquietly peeked at his friends books without verbally ask them what they suppose to do.

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    He seemed to be discouraged to socialize and interact with his friends. However, Farhan

    said that he has good friends from the other classes who always treat him. Farhan will

    hang around with them during recess and assembly.

    The female student that chosen is Ainur Intan Syafiqah bt. Andam Johari. She sitsat the front row of the class. She was born on 29/12/2001 at Hospital Besar Petani

    Kedah. She lives in Lestari apartment of Bandar Sri Permaisuri. Her fathers name is

    Andam Johari b. Nasir and he works as a clerk at private company. Her mothers name

    is Ainur Yuzana bt. Yusof and she works as an admin executive in private company. Her

    parents income is approximately five thousand ringgit and they did not receive any

    financial supports. Ainur Syafiqah has four siblings. She has two brothers and a sister.

    Her eldest brother studies at a local boarding school. Her younger brother is ten years

    old and he studies at the same school as she is. Her younger sister is 6 years old. Ainur

    likes to swim and play squash with her aunty. Ainur is one of the top students in her

    class. She is an active and bright student. She wants to be a doctor just like her favourite

    aunty. She wants to help people. Ainur often helps her mother to do house chores

    because she likes to do it. She does take care of her sister and her brother when her

    parents are not in home. Ainur is a responsible sister.

    In terms of intellectual aspect, Ainur is an active student. She frequently raises her

    hand to answer the question. She even managed to respond and give feedbacks to the

    teacher. She participates in class actively and always helps her friends. Her respond

    shows her understanding to what the teacher had taught. She did her homework well

    and always listens attentively to the teachers instruction. She probably could easily

    catch up and be the winner of spelling bee contest that held in class 10 minutes before

    the session ended. Nevertheless, when the teacher did not pay much attention towards

    her, she will start to plays with her friends.

    In terms of social aspect, there is no problem with her. She inteact and socialize

    well with her friends in her class. She even help those who are weak in certain subject.

    Ainur like the English subject and he can speak English language well. In English class,

    he can communicate with teacher really well.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment



    As a good teacher, we must identify the students learning skills in order to give

    equal learning standard for everybody. Students may have different kind of learning

    skills. Some of them might be a visual learner, auditory learner and kinesthetic learner.

    The teacher must identify these learning skills of her student and carry out various

    activities so that most of the students enjoy their study and get what the teacher teach.

    Different kinds of learning aids might help them to memorize things easily as interactive

    learning gives lots of effects towards the students brain. The student may at least

    develop to the optimum development.

    Other than that, the teacher can give an additional support to the student who are

    weak and seemed not interested with study. The teachers can slowly approach the

    student and carries out activity with them to develop their cognitive as well as to attract

    them to be more interested in learning. The students should also be given some moral

    supports so they will become encourage to study hard and become smart students. The

    students should be approach with gentle and tenderly so that they will feel appreciated.

    Teacher cannot simply scolds the students without knowing their background and

    scolding can sometimes make them low self esteem at once they will be discouraged to

    study hard.

    Furthermore, teacher can sometimes change the learning environment. The

    teacher can bring the students to learn outside of the classroom and let them explore the

    beauty of nature. Students should be given an opportunity to explore the world by

    themselves and they will surely learn and experience many things. Through this kind of

    activity, the student might be developed in terms of their maturity and ways of thinking.

    They will be more aware of the consequences of doing something. They will also posses

    high morality and behave appropriately. The students behavior should not be taken

    lightly. The students must be taught to be a polite student.

    As a conclusion, we can see that there are many ways of helping students

    development. The teacher must be aware of the students condition and have a good

    relationship with them. The students should not be scold as they will easily feels down.

    Studentsare the description of their teacher.

  • 8/10/2019 child development assignment




    Crain, W. (1992). Theories of development.New Jersey: Prentice-hall Inc.

    Konstelnik, W. S. (2006). Social development.New York: Thomson Delmar Learning.

    Lyle E. Bourne Jr., R. L. (1979). Cognitive process.Ne Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

    Santrock, J. W. (1987). Child development.Singapore: McGraw-Hill.

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