child abuse investigation: forensic issues

Child Abuse Investigation: Forensic Issues Charles Ennis VPD Det. (retired) Police Dispatcher for ECOMM for SW BC

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Child Abuse Investigation: Forensic Issues. Charles Ennis VPD Det. (retired) Police Dispatcher for ECOMM for SW BC. Writing Resources on My Blog :. / Police procedural Medieval arms and armor Occult lexicon. Car 86. Child abuse and neglect investigation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Child Abuse Investigation: Forensic IssuesCharles EnnisVPD Det. (retired)Police Dispatcher for ECOMM for SW BC

Writing Resources on My Blog: proceduralMedieval arms and armorOccult lexicon

Car 86

Child abuse and neglect investigationCar 87/88Dealing with mentally disordered individuals

Attempted Exculpations(My Favorite Excuses From Suspects)I only had 2 beersI only use occasionallyThe babysitter was on the way when I leftI was only gone for 5 minutesIm (shopping/cleaning/doing laundry) tomorrowBut they have toys!I only hit him lightly

Forensic Issues

Children frequently fall or bump into thingsSkin over lower legs, forearms & face easily crushed, causing bruisesSkin over padded parts of anatomy such as buttocks hard to bruise

Primary Target ZoneBack from neck down to the back of the knees, including the shoulders and the entire length of the victims arms.

Primary Target Zone(Source: Child Abuse and Neglect, Volcano Press)

Red Flag Areas

EarNeckBackCommon Weapons

Bruise Aging:ColorageredImmediate 24 hrDusky purple/blue blackSoon afterGreen4-5 daysYellow7 10 daysResolution14 15 days

Linear Bruising

Linear Bruising

Things Mistaken for BruisesHemophiliacs bruise easilyAllergic Rhinitis (inflammation of mucous membrane of the nose) can cause a black eyeMigrating bruise from forehead can cause a black eyeCao GioCuppingMongolian SpotsHemophilia

Allergic Rhinitis

Mongolian Spots95 % of Black children81% of Hispanic children10% of White children

Mongolian Spots

Cao Gio: A common fever remedy in Asia

Cupping: Another Fever Remedy

Shaken BabyViolent shaking of the baby, causing injury similar to whiplash suffered by victims of motor vehicle accidents. The brain is thrown about inside the skull, causing torn blood vessels and bruising.

Shaken Baby Stats:1,000 to 1,500 infants/year. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:Of the almost 2,000 children who die from abuse or neglect each year, shaken baby syndrome accounts for 10%-12%Victims commonly between 3 and 8 months old; however, it has been reported in newborns and in children up to 4 years of age. 25% of all children diagnosed with shaken baby syndrome die from their injuries.

Shaken Baby Syndrome Causes:Infants have very weak neck muscles and large and heavy heads in proportion to their bodies. In addition, because the infant brain is immature and needs room to grow, there is naturally a virtual space between the skull and brain to allow for development. Violently shaking an infant can cause the brain to move within the skull, resulting in cerebral contusions (bruising of brain tissue) and shearing (tearing) of blood vessels. Most commonly, the injuries associated with shaken baby syndrome include bleeding around the brain (subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages), bleeding in the eyes (retinal hemorrhages), and spinal cord or neck injuries.

Shaken Baby Symptoms:Injuries may not be immediately noticeable. These symptoms are caused by the developing increased pressure within the brain (intracranial pressure) caused by brain hemorrhages and swelling:IrritabilityPale or blue skinVomitingLethargyBreathing difficultiesSeizures

ACCIDENTAL BURNSUsually the result of glancing contactTypically affect small areaUsually located on an extremityAccidental cigarette burn: irregular in shapeAppear on parts of body not normally clothedDELIBERATE BURNSResult from prolonged contactUsually symmetrical and deepHave well defined marginsLocated in suspicious areas (eg: buttocks)Deliberate cigarette burn:Regular shapeCommonly found on palms, soles of feet, buttocksACCIDENTAL IMMERSION BURNSChildren do not accidentally burn themselves in the bathtub by playing with the taps or by putting their hands in hot liquids in the kitchen.Affect a small area of skinUsually at extremitiesIrregular with slurred margins

DELIBERATE IMMERSION BURNSTypically cover large areaClearly delineated marginDeliberate 3rd degree burn

Weapon used:

Impetigo(streptococcal infection: often mistaken for a cigarette burn)

Cigarette Burn Scars

Puncture Wound Scars

Other Symptoms of Child AbuseDeterioration of health and personal hygieneFailure to thriveAggressive behaviorSexually inappropriate behaviorRegressive behaviorFear of a particular person or placeFear of abandonmentSleep disturbances or nightmaresWithdrawal from family and friendsPoor performance in schoolTruancyWhat a mess!

What a mess 2

Contact Me:C.A. Ennis blog: [email protected]: @warriorwitchFacebook: Kerr Cuhulain