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Post on 21-Apr-2018




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Sarah Huber

Chief Operating Officer

Peter Frykman

Chief Executive Officer

Water saving up to 30-70 %

Crop quality improvement

(Up to 100% higher market price per kg)

Driptech brings the impact of traditional drip irrigation at 30% of the cost

Easy to install and maintain without any technical support.

Least clogging

Designed specifically for small-plot farmers

Driptech, incorporated in 2008, is an American drip irrigation technologies company. Driptech's mission is to

improve the profitability of small-plot farming. The company is headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra. Compared

to flood irrigation, drip irrigation increases crop yields 20-90% and requires less labor and less money spent on

diesel or electricity for pumping water.

Driptech's proprietary laser-punching technology ensures high uniformity of water application at low cost and

low water pressure. Driptech drip irrigation systems are at least 70% lower than other commercial drip irrigation

companies and are optimized for ease of use and low maintenance. Driptech systems are optimized for closely

spaced row crops, particularly vegetables, sugarcane, cotton, and spices.

In addition to our custom drip system, we introduced the first 1-acre all-in-one drip irrigation system in India,

InstaKit. InstaKit is a do-it-yourself off-the-shelf system that includes everything you need in one package. It can

be installed in under 3 hours by farmers on their own without the need for technical support. Being portable, it

can be shifted among fields where crop rotation is being practiced.

We have successfully covered 20,000 acres with drip irrigation since beginning commercial sales in 2010. We look

forward to bringing the advantages of our system to a million smallholder farmers over the next 5 years.

World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer, 2012

US government Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation program, 2013

Tech Awards Laureate innovative use of technology benefiting humanity, 2009

Featured in Economic Times, The Hindu, Times of India, Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek

Customer Care/After Sale Service

Product Delivery

Payments & Accounting

1 Year Warranty All Driptech Products

Installation Guideline

Irrigation System Information



Dealers / Institution Farmers

“I installed Driptech systems for 5 acres of onion in November 2013. The crop

yield has increased from 10-12 tons to 15-16 tons per acre. I have achieved labour cost savings of at least

Rs 3000 per acre and water savings of 30%, and can now irrigate a larger area with the same amount of

water. Pest attacks have reduced and the quality of the crop has consequently improved.”

Sharad PawarWadala Mahadev, Tal.Srirampur, Dist.Ahmednagar, MaharashtraCrops: Sugarcane, onion, Mobile: 9860432446

“I installed Driptech systems across 5 acres of land in January 2014, of which

onion was planted on 2.5 acres and sugarcane intercropped with onion on the rest. I have achieved water

savings of around 30% and labour cost savings of Rs 5000 per acre, with large time savings as well. I expect

the yield to increase from 10 tons to 15 tons. The quality of both the crops has vastly improved, and I have

saved a lot on pesticide spraying for onion (at least 3 sprays at Rs 1000 per acre). I plan to purchase Driptech

systems for 3 more acres of sugarcane in March. Other farmers in my village who have seen my Driptech

system at work are very interested in it as well.”

Ashok PawarNagapur, Tal.Nandgaon, Dist.Nasik, MaharashtraCrop: Onion Mobile: 9850917742

I installed Driptech last year for 2 acres of sugarcane, which resulted in a yield

increase from 60 tons to 80 tons, water savings of 50%-60% and labour savings of Rs 3000 per month. I

do not need to hire any additional labor for irrigation now. Weed growth has reduced and I save 30%-

40% on fertilizers. I have recently installed Driptech on 2 acres of chilli and okra, and 1 Driptech InstaKit

for sugarcane. I also plan to use Driptech systems for 7 acres of sugarcane starting next month.

Kiran PansareKatewadi, Tal.Baramati, Dist.Pune; Mobile – 9096349101Crop: Sugarcane, chilli and okra

I installed Driptech on 1.5 acres of cabbage last month and within this short

span of time, I have been able to save approximately 50% on water and 50% on labor costs, having

changed to drip from flood irrigation. This is the first time I am growing cabbage and I am very happy

with my choice of Driptech, as the system is affordable and easy to install and maintain. I expect a large

yield this season.

V JayappaMummiderlapalli, V Kota, Andhra Pradesh; Mobile - 09396340296Crop: Cabbage

Driptech Products

I used to flood irrigate my crop. I needed to flood my field all the time and it caused me great stress.

I saw the Driptech systems being used nearby and I bought Instakit for 1 acre of sugarcane. This system had filter, venturi and all the components I needed for drip irrigation. I did not have to spend on transportation. Now I just irrigate my field using Instakit for 1 hour in the morning and evening. Now I am more relaxed and my yield has increased. After experiencing the benefits of this system on sugarcane, I have used this for 1 acre of tomato inter-cropped with chilli and okra. Because of Instakit, I was able to produce 40 tonnes of sugarcane and this gave me Rs. 80,000 in the market. This is at least Rs. 40,000 more yield in

just 9 months.

SadaShiv ArjunSulerjavalgi, Solapur Dist., Maharashtra; Mobile - 09673489873Crop: Cabbage


For the first time in India, 1-acre portable drip irrigation

instakit1-acre, all-inclusive drip irrigation system

Instakit Benefits :=Extremely portable

• Can be transported easily by the farmer to the field of installation

• Can be shifted easily from one plot to another even after installation

= Assemble entire system in less than 3 hours

=High quality laser-punched driptape

=Specially designed for delivering uniform water at low pressure

=1 - Year Warranty

Due to special color coding on the components, a farmer can install the system accurately without

help from experts and in less than 3 hours.

All the necessary PVC fittings along with submain punching tool are included in InstaKit, hence the

trouble of frequently visiting shops can be avoided.

Manufactured from high quality virgin material. Can last up to 4 years in the field.

Major components in InstaKit






900 micron flexible layflat submain

Partially assembled Venturi for fertigation

Plastic Screen Filter

Control valves & PVC fittings

Poly fittings like Takeoff, Joiners etc.