cheraw gazette and pee dee farmer (cheraw, s.c.).(cheraw ...€¦ · jsm:^ws-. *-a.% * "* jee1...

. * - 'jsm: ^ws - . * - a. * "* JEE1 % . JL . .- \ * - * <? ~ %!m CHERAW GAZETTE . ' AND - ; s. * PEE DEE FiKMEK. % - r,. , . CHERAW S. C. WEDNESDAY,- DECEiMBER 19,1838. Vol. IV. No. 5 M. MacLean, Editor and Proprietor. laiJMwv ° ' - ' TBR1IS. If paid within three months, . - 300. Ifpaid within three months after the close of the year, 3. 5C If paid within twelve months after the close ofthe year, < 4 0C If not paid within that time, . . - - 5 GC A company of ten persons taking the paper i the same Poet Office, shall be entitled to it at provided the names bo forwarded together, an acompanied by the money. No paper to be discontinued but at he optio of the Editor till arrearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding sixteen liuei inser ted for one dollar the first time, and thirty seven and a halfcents, each subsequent insertior Persons sending in advertisements aro request eh to specify tho number of times they are to b iuse'ted; otherwise they will be continued til ordered out, and charged accordingly. CThe Postage must be paid on all comrnu nieations ymsssoyg nmmed to Daniel C. McLane MT late of Society Hill, are required to mak< payment to the subscriber who is authorised t< receive the same and grant discharges. Payment may be mado to him at the Post Of fice at Cheraw or to his oider elsewhere wlthoa cost, before the first day of January next, wher all the onsettlod claims of said D. C, McLane will of necessity be put in suit for collection. Those having claims against him are request ed to present them properly authenticated. d". Mclaughlin. Choraw, 8th Des. 1838. 4 3t A House and Lot for Sale: FM^HE Subscriber offers forsalo his residence JL together with a tract of 50 acres of land upon which t is located. Society Hill, Dec. 10, 1838. T. P. LIDE. 4t. Dentistry. J. LEE respectfully informs his frienc .' '. f:i>nraw that ho willcer anu oiupivjrviw . tainly visit thoir town on er before tne first of Jan uary fully prepared to perform any and ever} Dental operation that may i»e required of him tho week revious to his arrival in Chsraw Uj will be in Wadesboro N. C. Dec. 1, 183* 3-Rt A Card. DR. Robe s Dontist, will return to Chcrav aboutithe 1st of December to attend to tin practice of his profession. November 7th, 1339. 51 3t_ Assigned Estate. fiJHADRACH MITCHELL deceased, dil ii ^5 his in lifetime make an assignment to m< of all his estato both real and personal of evarj description for tho benefit of his creditors as se forth in tho assignment. This is therefore to re quest all persons who are indebted to the sail Shadrach Mitchell to come forward and mak< payment without delay and ,all persons havinj demands against him will bring them properl; attested within tho time prescribed by law o they wllLnot bo attended to. D. S. HARLLEE, Assignee. December 12.11,1839. 4 6t For Sale. ° ^ Rlji/ £jU Dy l!lc otViUuvi vstuin uii wii sigument. 9 thousand Amarilla Cigars, 2 44 Pellon 44 1 44 Princippies, 44 Superior quality. Applp to FELIX LONG. Cheraw, 10th Dec. 1835, 4 3t Groceries. THE undersigned have received by the lat arrivals and offer for sale the following ai ticlef. 10 Hhds. St. Croix's Sugar, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico, do 50 Bags Coffee, 5 Hhds. Molasses. 10 Hhds N. E. Rum. 1 Pipe Gin. 1 Pip C. Brandy, 2 Casks Porter (in bott'e-0 5 bib Vinegar, 50 bbls. Domestic Liquors, 10 Cask Cheese and 4 boxes Pine Apple Cheese, Peppei Spico, Ginger. Indigo, Madder, Sperm and Ta] low Candles, Chocolate, Mustard, Hyson, Ira perial and Gun Powder Teas, Soap, Rice, Pow tier, Shot and Lead. J NO. M ALLOY", & Co. Administrator's Sale. BY permission of the ordinary will be sold ( Saturday the 15th December next at ll I market House in Cheraw, the celebrated bloo ed hoise, Franklin, owned in part by tho c 1 tato of William Pegues and a gentleman in N J I His pedigree will be furnished on application it the subscriber, , 15 Terms..Twenty-five dollars in cash. Tweh id months credit on the balance, if over one thoi sand dollars, ifkss than ono thousand dollar n six months with note payable at the Merchant Bank of S. C. at Cheraw, endorsed to tho sati s, faction of the adrainis rator and all conepmed. r. BROWN BRYAN, i Admr. of W. Ptgues. » At lOOO U | xxovomoer 21. iooo. 0 1 1 Just Received, and for sal* at the llook Store. t IBBON'S Rome, Marshall's Washington MJC Burr's Memoirs, Fianklin's Works. Coml on the Constitution of Man, Arabian Night; Travel's in Egypt, Arabia 4-c. Robinson Cruso J fine gilt, do. plain, Child's own Book, Horn j Book of Health and Medicine, Virginia House wife, Miss Leslie's Seventy-Five Receipts, Stew ^ art's Adventures in Capturing Murrell, Mason' t Frarier, Western Songster, Singer's own Book j Boy's own Book. Diinlap [Marshall. HAVE received a part of their new Fall am Winter goods, and expect the remainder o their fancy goods on Monday. They have oi hand a good stock of Salt, Sugar, Coffee &c. &c October 24th, 1838. New Goods. THE Subscriber is now Receiving his fal stock of dry goods, consisting in pirt o ' British and American Prints. Silks, Mu-liiis Laces &.c. also a good stock of Cloaks, Cats: meres, Sattinetts, Negro Kersics, Blankets 1 Hats, Bonnets, Shoes, and a great many othe p i articles too tedious to cnumerato. I Which he will sell low for cash. | MALCOM BUCHANAN. ' ] Cheraw Sept. 12, 1838 i j India Rubber Overshoes, FOR Sale by I). MALLOY. Nov.lot ) I 837. 1 tf Painis, Oils, Glass, &c. ' | 25 kegs White Lead, j 8 bbls Linseed Oil, t J 3D gallons Turpentine, a 300 lbs Putty, 25 boxes 8 k 10, Glass. Just received and for sale by A. r. LACOSTE. I October 17th, 8138. 48 tf_ i Received by the late arrivals at the Boo Store a numbe r of New Religious Worki [ which with those on hand before, mak an assortment. Among them are tli i | following: e j BOSTON'S Fourfold State, Scott's an I j JLp Clark's Commentaries, Crudens Concord f t ance, Milner's Chucrh History, Cudworth's Ir r j tellcctual System, vol. 1st, Campbell's Four Gos j pels, Apple ton's Works, Missionary Enterprizei j Watson's Dictionary, Dwight's Theologj | Home's Introduction, Gaston's Collections, Tyr dale's New Testament, Comprehensive Bibl< . Family Bibles, Ilodgo on the Romans, Lim street Lectures, Spruce Street Lectures, Marroi af Divinity, Cole on God's Soverignty, Synod c " Dort, Mark's Medulla, Harvey on Moral Agenc Memoir of Dr. Porter, Memoir of Dr. Nevin, Ne i vin's Practical Thoughts, Nevin on Popcrj Luther on Galations, Life of Calvin, Calvin o i?,...,.,., Hutinr's An.ilotrv. ChalmePs Work November 29th, 1838. 2 tf Cotton Yarn. f}^k£k Bunches Cotton Yarn, from Wil Hams' Factory, for sale by J NO. M ALLOY, & Co. November 28th, 1638. 2 tf Cigars. 5M. Spanish Cigars, just received and for sa! bv ' JNO. MALLOY, & Co. November 28th» 1838. 2 tf Corn Meal. A supply of fresh ground corn meal, coi stantly on hand, and for sale bv D. MALLOY. April 18th, 1838. 23 tf__ Notice. WILL bo received in a few days a ham some extension top Barouche with sea tor six trown prrsons 4 inside and 2 out, a excellent article lor a family and well adapted Southern Roads being light built. Also a nei Family Carriage, light and in cumplelo orde 1 i i . i n i ,, i\i6o a sccurm nana ^ norse jraroucne, uji ( either ol which will be soli] on good terms. Apply to BROWN BRYAN. Nov. 7th, 1338. 31 tt NT. B. Persons who may wish to purchase i groes may hear of a few on application to nn Hats. Cases 1st onalitvCliDPCil. Nutria, latest stj <^5 2 do do piuiii Russia for Suinin 2 do do Otter & Beaver naps, vc handsome, 1 do do Wool iiati1, 1 do do Straw do. All for salo verv eheap I»y P. MALLOY. 5th. Ip3>- 1"?.tf AllSlltUlJO* w i Dick's Works. For <Salc at the Book $tore (Scientific Class Book, Parker's English Gran . ! ^ mar, Parker's English Compositions, Whel i plcy's Compound, Sinellie's Philosophy, Kame' i Criticism,Woodbridge's Gcograj4iy, Smith's Ei: c ) glish Grammar, ii'ake's Philosophy, Smith' '* Arithmetic, Davie's Legendcr, Davie's Bourdon' Geography of the Heavens, together with a gcr eral assortment of Classical and other scno< { books. j Record Books, from 2 to 5 quires, full bound, do do do do half bourn e ! Merchant's Day Books and Ledgers. J- I Water colours Fine Pen Knives. s April, 25, 1838. 24.t u ENTER TA IN MENT »- rjlHE Subscriber, having been salisfactoril JL engaged for more than three years in a tending to a BOARDING HOUSE, Feels encouraged to say to the public, that lie j HOUSE and STABLES are well furnished ft the reception and accommodation of thoso wh j may be pleased to call. E. SMITH. Mrs. Smith is prepared to entertain Stage Pa: | scngers, shouli any think proper to call. The j B iggage shall be removed to and from the Stag j Office free of charge: D' Mv Residence is on the corner of Gille: pio street, tho lot formerly occupied by Mr Barge convenient to tho Market and near lli State Bank, le Fayettcrille, Sept. 1, 1838. 41.lmf3m i Estate Sale. i permission of the ordinary for Cheste - JL> field District; will be sold on the first da of January next, at the Market House in Ch< raw, at 12 o'c'ock, M. j 10 LIKELY NEGROES. rni - l-i» U'n, Porriir-Q imhr: J 1 lit] jllUjjui VII wjc laiu mm ft ....... i cing a variety of ages and sexes. The lot is t likely as any to be found in the State. Furtlx _ particulars are dceoicd unnecessary as purchi ! sers will of course be on the ground to see an , act for themselves, ivhere every information ca be had, to give satisfaction to the buyer. TERMS[0 One.third of the purchase money will be r< ^ quired in cash. The balance, a credit until tl r first of Jauuary 1840. Notes bearing intere 3r* j from the day of sale, payable at the Merchant ! Bank of S. C. at Cheraw, with good person security, and mortgage of the property; pure I ascrs to pay for papers, and the property not J bo removed until the condition oi the sale 1 complied with.' B. BRYAN, Adin'r. I" N'ov. 31,1838. 1. tjnTen Dollars Reward. WILL be given to any one who may fii and return to me a large brown pock er book lost on thursday the 25th inst. betwci ry the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clo P. M. containing five dollors cash, notes a duo bills. Tho papers will be of no valuo to aj | one but the' owner. I FELIX LONG. Cheraw Oct. 29. 1938. ;V> rf I BURN'S MILLS. >n fWlHESE Mills five miles belowCheraw are ie -M. now in complete order fofr sawing lumber, d. grinding corn and whoat and bolting flour. The s. bolting cloths are new and of a superior quality 3. The Proprietor intends to remain at the mills the to present year and will give his personal attention ! to all the business of the mills. He hopes re by punctual attention to business not only, a. merit, but get a large share of eustom in tho s, above line of business. a* . . J. W. BURN s. Chesterfield, District S. C. Jan. 22d, 1638. 'j. In Equity. South Carolina Cheraio District. - Wiley Kelly and Wm. Kelly Rll 6 Admr's of David Kelly, vs. -T account Ehzabeath Kelly etal. »nd . - *- -- J ^ i tteir« ot David Kelij J rartraon. 0 WT appearing to my satisfaction that John ». Ji. Fraser and Elizabeth his wife, and David <o Wingate, defendants in this case are absent e from the ljmits of this state. It is, 011 motion of i- Sims Sol. for complainants, ordered that the, said absent defendants do appear, and plead an. s swer or demur to the bill of complainants on or . before the first day of January next or the said hill will be taken pro confesso as to them. It is also ordered that notice of this order bo published in the Cheraw Gazette twice a month [1 for the space of three months, f GEO. W. DARGAN", 1 Comin'r in Equity for Cheraw District. Sept. 12, 1836. 45 2mfco m Broad Cloths Cassimcrse and lf <Satinettes. , MMTILL 6e sold very cheap.Persons wanting . w bargains will please call and examine my i. Stock. D, MALLOY. rf ' 52tf. Apples. 60 bushols Limber Twig moiintainApplcs, 25 ' Sifted Meul, For sale bv A. I\ LACOSTE. October 24th, 1838. j 49 * | Horseshoes and Horse Shoe j Nails. Burdens patent No 1.2, and 3 Horse Shoes and Horse shoe nails, cheaper and better than can be made by the common operationFor sale by D. MALLOY Not. 8, 1837. 25 I Wanted. k fWlWO or three Journeyman Tailors, good , . JL workman by L S. DRAKE. Cheraw, Octcber 2, 1838. e 47 tf__ d Administrators Notice. |. A LL persons indebted to the late John T. i. xm. Hinson, will please inako payment to the subscriber forthwith; and all persons havingde3( mands against the intestate will present them r, properly proved, within the time prescribed by i. law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their » recovery. e ALEXANDER GRAHAM, Admr. v Cheraw, S. C. Feb. 14th, 1838. 'f For Sale., u A second hand two horse Carriage and Gig r xmboth in good repair. Apply to Q M. BUCHANAN. Pol, 16 tf S v"'"u"' * - Molasses. 4~k IIIIDS. Prime Trinedad Dc Cuba MoJL lasses, just received, and lor sale by Taj l4 D. MALLOY * s th. 1638. ]s Carpenters Tools. S A ^ additional supplyjust reev'd. which makes l; xmmy assortment very good, »' D. MALLOY. Marcli 5th, 1838. i. 200 Negroes Wanted. TO work on tbe Louisville Cincinnati and Charlestun Rail Road, near ^Columbia at Twenty Dollars per monthby NESB1TT & LEWIS, Contractors for sections 5 to 13. Every aty tention will be p^l to the comfort of the negroes; l* and any owner closed to hiro hands may satisfy himself by a visit to the work, that they are as well treated as any negroes in the State. >r 52 6\v o Real Estate for Sale. THE Subscriber offers tor sale, on most accommodating terms that newly erectcu ir Dwelling House situated between second and third streets fronting on tho latter, opposite Mr. E. Bovvnes'residence, together with the other ne . - - 1 /V J ! cessary out buildings, l nc lots arc newiy icnceu "J in; the whole in goodrepair. The house is 16 by i 36 feet, containing 6 rooms viz. 4 in the lower sto[ ry with passage IU feet wide through the centre, J and 2 in upper story, all well plaistered and rin. j ished: each room iu lower story has a neat ! fire place ; there is attachod to these prcmfees» 5 j lots 3 fronting on second*trcct and 2 on third " ! street, and bounded on the south by Powo st. The ; situation is considered as healthy as any in "" ; Town. CONLAW LYNCII. 1 Scpt- 12, 183s- 11-- ;8! Fish. f ' TW ACKEREL, Codfish and Salmon. .j ifJL For Sale by . ! D. MALLOY. | Nov. 8, 1837. 25 tf. SALE OF NEGROES. "mmriLL be sold at Darlington Court House, 101 ww on the first Monday in January, between t; 30 and 40 Negroes aj j nearly all of them able bodiod men and women, h. I Thcso negroes belong to the estato of E. R. t0 [ Mclver and have been at work for some time on j3 I a Rail Road in Alabama. Terms Cash. TOHV K. ATnTVER. ) Executors. WM. C. McIVER, \ E. R Mclver. - i Nov. 28th, 1838. I 2 if J* Overcoats & Cloaks. en "WUST received by our Pole Boat, 4 dozen ck Ladies Cloaks (assorted qualities) also a gen' eral assortment of Gontlemens Cloaks, C.oth ny and Blanket Overcoats, which will bo sold on j accomodating terms by JNO. MALLOY, & Co ! November 28th, 1838. o t f Bacon and Lard. JUST reoeived, and for sale low for cash, 6000 lbs. well cured Baltimore bacon, con- slating of Hams, Shoulders, and Sides; also 500 lbs. leaf lard in 50 lb Kegs. D. MALLOY. July 20th, 1838. 37 tf Sperm Oil. BEST winter strained Speriu Oil, for sale by . A. P. LACOSTE. October 31st, 1838. ' 50 tf Notice. BROWN BRYAN takes this method to give public notice that letters of administration have been vranted him on the estate ot William . j i_. c r*:. regues junr. aeceaseu, iai« vi vu^muvm tnct, and to request all persons indebted in ai<y manner to the said estate to moke payment to him. All those to whom the estate may be ind bted will present their claims within the time fixed by law, or payment will be refused. Cheraw, October 24th, 1838. 49 tf BOOK BINDING. * THE subscribers have established thcmselvos in the above line of business in Cheraw and offertheirscrvicestoits citizens. u.i BAZENCOURT, Sc CO. Cheraw, S. C., Jan. 2G. Cheese. "g 4k CASKS CHEESE, very fine, just re- la. "r ccivedand For sale by D. MALLLOY. tf TIIE following new Works h<vc recently been received at the "Book Store." Milton, Young, Gray, and Beatties' Poetical Works 1 vol. 8vo. i . Rogers, Poetical Woras, 1 vol. 8vo. | Byrons Works. Fowler's Phrenology. Complete L.tterWri- J ter. j j Hannah Morc's Works 7 vol. . Ewell's Mechanical Companions. Homo Book of Health and Medicine. Combo on the Constitution of Man. Shakcspear's Works 2 vol. Wvo. }' ALSO j \ Merchant's Assistant. j McKenzies 5000 Receip's. | < Virginia Housewife. ! a Miss Leslies 75 Receipts. _____ c Fall and Winter Goods. j THE Subscribers have lately ree'd by Steam suid Pole Boats their full and winter supply ofGoods which arc offered for sale on accoaimo- i dating terms. ' AMONG WIIICIT ARE Blue, Black, Invisible Green, and Mixed1 < BroadCloths, Casimeres, Sattinetts, Silk Velvet and Worsted Vesting*, Flannels, Blankets, i , Irish Linon, Sheetings a id Shirtings, Marenos, j , Circassiaus, Shawls and fancy Handkerchiefs, Calicoes, Hosiery, Lambs Wool and Worsted 1 Shirts and drawers, fine and common Stocks i and Collars, Silk, Kid and Worsted Gloves, Lin. j seys, Domestics, Ac. &c. ALSO A general assortment of negro cloths. ALSO Table and Pocket Knives, Files, Rasps, Pad and Stock Locks, HaLar, Trace and Log Chains, Iron and Brass andirons, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Curry Combs, Handsaws, Mill and Handsaw files, Collins' Axes, Drawing Knives, Coffee Mills, with a general assortment of Blacksmith's Tools. ALSO Common and fine Teas, Bowls, Plates, Dishes, Pitchers and Ewers and Basons, Cut Glass and common Castors, fine and common Tumblers, and Wines, with a few fine dinner sets. ALSO A general assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes, Boots and Over Shoes. All of which will be sold low and on accomodating terms by JOHN MALLOY & Co. Brick Store. Nov. 21st, 1838. 1 tf J, w mes, ( JUST received and for salo, Champaigne, , Madeira, Teneriff, Sicily, Port, ^Muscat, Hoc and Malaga Wines, and for sale by JOHN MALLOY & Co. ; I November 28tb, 1838. i ( 2 jf J( Hats & Caps. j j Cases fashionable Hats Caps, just &\W received and for sale low by J. MALLOY & CO. I; November 28th, 1838. [< 2 tf j, Bagging. Rope & Twine. 1 AT 4k pieces Bagging, 50 Coi's Ropo and ' 200 pounds Twine fcr sale by t JOHN MALLOY & Co. , November 38th, 1838. ( {1 -jl 4 Jugs & Jars. i ( T 9 W ' 1 Large and general assortment Jugs and j Jars, just received and for sale by i JOHN MALLOY &, Co. < November 28th, 1838. 2 tf W-fc J l\Jils Of jsraas. i1 Kegs Nails and Brads, assorted sizes ' O" for sale low by j J J NO. M ALLOY, & Co. h November 28ib, 1839. I ( 2 tf Guns. < 1 Dozen Single and Double Barrel Guns, received aud for sale by JOHN MALLOY & Co. November 26th, 183S. \ 2 tf in Equity. Lancaster District. John Massey, jr. admr. etal 1 VS. Sarah Massey etal ~ tni 1 Ky order of the uourt 01 i^quuy juiy it-nn 183d, the crcditorg of John Mussey Sen'r. (de. ceased) lato of Chesterfield District are required to present tho amounts of their demands on oath, and establish the satno on or beforo the first of the next court. J. XV. WITHERSrOON, Jr. C. E. L. D. Commissioners Office. ) Oct. 12. 1838. ( rPri;iter« f*>p S&5 SO 1 .3m A supply of the following, among other, books q for young persons and Children for sal© at the g Book Store. r Flora's Interpreter, Young Ladie's Own . Book. , « Boy's Own Book, Girl's Own Book. it Child's Own Book, Stone's Chil'ds Reader.. . di Watts Divine Songs, Worcester'sFrimer* ^ New England Do. VariousC atechisms. Manroo and Franci's Colored Toy Books. .Esop's Tables. Crockctts Songs. Down. ing's Do. W Boys and Girls Library 23 vol. bi Spanish Cig rs. Brat quality Spanish cigars, " Eagle Brand, just received and h for sale by w D. MALLOY. lc April 18th, 1838. .. <' j 23 . tf j.c. - P Hafs & Caps. . A Few casee, latest style of fashionable Hats and Caps. L For sale by hi D. MALLOY. a! Nov. lath,- 1837. 1 tf til Blacksmiths Tools. s( A good supply on hand, of every thing in the ^ line, for sale at a small advance above cost, W D. MALLOY. ei March 5th 1838. ' »- gj Hams. rc A A lbs very choice N C Hams. ^ Also 400 suporior Sides and Cf Shoulders N. C. bacon, for sale by cc A. P. LACOSTE. October 17th, 1838. ^ 49 tf 1 Notice. is LS. DRAKE lias commenced the Tailor. ing business in Dr. McLean's Store op. . aosite to 1). Muiloy. Chcraw, Sept. 26th, 1838.. 46 tf (lit Carpenters & Joiners Planes &c, &c. A MON'G which are she following, viz:. £m. Plow, Astragals, Dadoes, Fillisters, Gre:ian Ovolos, Og es and quirk Ogees, Sash, Bead ind Match Planes, Hollows and Rouuds, Snipe Hills, Rabbet, side Rabbets and Reeding Planes, Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer Planes (double ind single Irons) Firmer chisels, Spring Divilers, squares &c. Marking and Morticing Guares, Key hole, Tenant and Hand Saws: Also el Locks, Ilinges, Files, Sprigs, Nails &c. &c. n For sale cheap by V. -UALL.UY. i; Oct. 2~>th, 1837. 10 New Books. THE follow ng among others, have been ad- ded to the stock of standard Religious . . works always to bo found at the " Book Stortf* P' viz : J* Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, it Lime Street Lectures, Spruce St. do. js Hunter's Sacred Biography. Bunyan's Works r 18mo. 11 Burder's Village Sermons 1 vol. 8vo. Almost Christian. tr( Berkeleys Works 1 vol. 8vOi Milton'3 Prose fa Works. _r Offices ol Christ by Stevenson. Barnes' on ® the Gospels. Polyglott Bibles, fine gilt and plain. SO Thomson's Catechism for Communicants, eq Presbyterian Book of Discipline, I pocket vol. sC Christian Lyre and Supplement. v Theron and Aspasia, by Hervey. Presbyterian Missions, by Dr. Green, nl Booth's Reign of Grace. Methodist Hymns. November 28 th, 1838. ci 3 tf pr g< AGRICULTURAL. £ - I tlx SILK OULTURE. nr Two hundred years ago, our forefathers, Y< wilder British subjection, were impressed se with the importance of the production of en silk.they were aware of the capacity of or )ur climate and soil for all the purposes o! thi iilk culture.find enacted laws to compel th< he culture of the mulberry. Those laws, mi lowever, were in udvance of the age, and ;ou!d not be enforced. Legislative inter- qu 'ercnce can do little towards the introdue. r0 ion of peculiar departments of industry, th< when the moral and physicial character of op he people offer barriers. Twenty-five ^ears ago an enterprising merchant of this thi :ity at'empted with a Cotton Factory to I pe iush manufacturing among us. But he na failed.the time had not arrived. Now we pr i ii 1 iear the buzzing ana singing 01 spinaies, or pr he clank of hammers, or the merry song j aj if the mill in almost every quarter of our j bu ;ity. The times are propitious, and ihey m< orosper and will continue to prosper. The sei genius of the age must sanction new enterorizes.and without such sanction, Leg. j trc slative interference and individual zeal are ; hp of no avail. q ft Two hundred years fathers atiemp ed 19 force tneljnf but were unsuccessful. Our pi out the aid or compulsion of such fevf & ire now entering the business with an ind profit. The propitious period has an Lome, and prosperity must attend the enter fri prise, sanctioned and aided by the public :ountenance and patronage. JV Believing this, we take pleasure in throw, ing what light we con, on matters approaching to the silk interest. A friend, whose b) acquaintance we cannot too highly estimate, has conned over some periodicals, and pa 1 / n.<i U. cornmunicaieu some iacis 10 us, nuiui u< consider important at this juncture, and th offer them, hoping that they may not be without somo benefit. ec Burmah, now under English Government," th among oilier and valuable sources of trade s<i numbers that of silk culture. It appears the Burmans have at least twelve difterent hi kinds of silk worms, vurying in habits and w appearance ; but all profitable in their prop- m er locations and treatment. Some oftliem th are remarkable, and we should suppose w most valuable. One ofthese is the Muga e: worm, which feeds on a variety of trees, and «<* or for?'' in the rv uantilies of cocoons form%d by them, are atheredby iho natives and carried to the ictories of Calcutta eveiy year. The worm irives best in dry wecther.4>ut can protect self from wet, invariably taking shelter uq. cr the leaves. Many of the iuh&bitaois take te worms when young and r&nove then* ear their dweHing where thoy pan more (Fectually proteol them from their enemies ; hen young tlie black ant, and wlMS^okh'r, irds, among which the owl is fond.oflhern. if hen they begin to spin,, which is jo about 0 days, they descend from the tree find re taken in basket with dry leaves,; to rhichthey adhere. The Mega is jjnucti >nger than the roatborry worm, hn4 prouces a cocoon of two inches in length, and roportionate ilpcknes*. ~ * Ann twar vn!n:<hl/< sftflrtPfi itf lhrt Prin nr Lundr worm, which feeds chiefly on Palm* 'hristi, (which grows easily and luxuri., ntly in this country) It doe* not require* 3 much attention as fh« Mulbery worm, tough alws\s reared uadei' a bower, and jventeen broods are produced in one year, 'he worms before they spin, are either hiteor grc?n. The cocoons are not reel. I, but spun as thai of the Muga. The Ik is coarse and harsh at first; but from 'peated washings,becomes sot* and glossy. early all (hat is made is consumed in the >untry where it is produced, mid forms tho instant dress of the poorer classes. Tho Ik, though coarse, is warm and durable, he iife of one person being, seldom suftcn: to wear out a garment.The worm raised in almost every house in Assam. These two varilies woul t suit our climate ell. The last mentioned is particularly tsirable, as the Palma Christi suffers but tie from being stripped of its leaves, and ill produce a fine crop of seed, which are tluable for castor oil. Richmond Compiler. Destruction of the Curcilio. . / » ^FROM THE NEW ENGL AIM U hAKMEtt-^ Messrs Editors .vFor the following sucssful mode of destroying the Curculio, I n Indebted to my respected friend Dr. in. Burnett, ofSou hboro\ a gentleman etuimtly distinguished for s< ience and* :al observation. 1 hope others may be ^ duced to try the experiment and uit.i tire ur e successful results. In insulated situations, as in cities and places surrounded by salt msfsbes, the . um and other smooth skina<xl fruits usually ?ar large and very abundant crops, frit is not thus in the open country, where it well known, that a great proportion ofthe jits of the Plum, and the Nectarine and o Apricot are extremely liable to be desjyed by the attacks of the Curculio ; and >m this cause prematurely fall to the ound. The Curculio is extremely partial to the 100th skinned fruits. 'The cheery though uaJy obnoxious to the attacks ofthis in. ct, usually in a great measures escapes, ving to no other cause than the incredible imber of its fruits. It is well known I hut the egg which the trculio desposits in the fruit become* ia ocessoftime a worm, which causes a cat part of the fruits, to fall. Soon after ; fall, the worm quits the fruit, descending 0 the earth. Early in spring, and about e time the fruit is forming, the Curculio ises from its early bed, a winged insect, et though having wings, it has been ob. rved that they rarely use them. After tering their new element and remaining 1 the surface of the earth for a time, ?y ascend they tree, and in u fey days sy puncture and deposite an egg, in nny cases, in every fruit. nn . _< iL. .O. i:_ XI1C motions Ol mo vurvuuv arc vi.jy ick; to observe them require very »rw and close inspection, as they avoid 3 face of man suddenly dodging to the posite side of the leal or limb. Dr. Burnett informed me a few da s since, at he had a 6ne tree of the Princes Iin. rial Gage Plum. This variety, although turally one of the most valuable and oductive of all Plums, yet never would oducc a crop of fruit on his grounds, on count of the abundance of the Curcuboa, it by adopting the following expedient, a * 3st bountiful crop was produced nfraifrit Early intho spring, was in blonai ^Aencoop comqji) » flramttarfybroodof chickens, was placed keafh 'he tree. After the Cinrculios isen from the earth, and before they were epared to ascend the tree, every one of,' em, as it appears, were devoured bv tiie ood ; and owing to this circumstance id to no other cause, ..the tree ripened id matured a most extraordinary crop of jit. : t. WILLIAM KEN RICK. nn/inltim T1JL Mem/on. Anril 10 1820. "7 '-r . ."" * The following principles are luid down ' Ciiaptal lor a rotation of crops : ' I. All plants exhaust the soil. They are irtially supported by the earth, tha juices Dm which constitute an important part of eir nourishment. *r *> II. All plants do not exhaust the soil [ually. Air and water help to nourish em; different kinds of plants require tha ime nourishment in different degrees. III. Plants of different kinds do not ex. tust tne soil in the same manner. Plants .ii.-i . Hn rnni« rfr<iw nnnrnk. nil spuiuicu ui , . cm from layers of soil ia eoataact with e lower part of the root; while those' hose roors arc spread near the surface, chaust only that part of the soil. IV. All plants do not restore to the soil thcr same quality er qualiy 4 . -r-^e -4

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Page 1: Cheraw gazette and Pee Dee farmer (Cheraw, S.C.).(Cheraw ...€¦ · jsm:^ws-. *-a.% * "* JEE1 JL..- CHERAW GAZETTE *-*

. * - 'jsm: ^ws-


- a.* "* JEE1% . JL . .- \ * -

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AND - ; s. *

PEE DEE FiKMEK. %-r,., . CHERAW S. C. WEDNESDAY,- DECEiMBER 19,1838. Vol. IV. No. 5

M.MacLean, Editor and Proprietor. laiJMwv °'-'

TBR1IS.Ifpaid within three months, . - 300.

Ifpaid within three months after the closeof the year, 3. 5C

If paid within twelve months after theclose ofthe year, < 4 0C

Ifnot paid within that time, . . - - 5 GCAcompany often persons taking the paper i

the same Poet Office, shall be entitled to it at

provided the names bo forwarded together, an

acompanied by the money.No paper to be discontinued but at he optio

of the Editor till arrearages are paid.Advertisements not exceeding sixteen liuei

inser ted for one dollar the first time, and thirtyseven and a halfcents, each subsequent insertior

Persons sending in advertisements aro requesteh to specify tho number of times they are to b

iuse'ted; otherwise they will be continued tilordered out, and charged accordingly.CThe Postage must be paid on all comrnu

nieations nmmed to Daniel C. McLaneMT late of Society Hill, are required to mak<

payment to the subscriber who is authorised t<

receive the same and grant discharges.Payment may be mado to him at the Post Of

fice at Cheraw or to his oider elsewhere wlthoacost, before thefirst day of January next, wherall the onsettlod claims of said D. C, McLanewill of necessity be put in suit for collection.Those having claims against him are request

ed to present them properly authenticated.d". Mclaughlin.

Choraw, 8th Des. 1838.4 3t

A House and Lot for Sale:FM^HE Subscriber offers forsalo his residenceJL together with a tract of50 acres of land

upon which t is located.Society Hill, Dec. 10, 1838.

T. P. LIDE.4t.

Dentistry.J. LEE respectfully informs his frienc

.' '. "» f:i>nraw that ho willceranu oiupivjrviw .

tainlyvisit thoir town on er before tne first ofJan

uary fully prepared to perform any and ever}Dental operation that may i»e required of himtho week revious to his arrival in Chsraw Ujwill be in Wadesboro N. C.

Dec. 1, 183* 3-Rt

A Card.DR. Robe s Dontist, will return to Chcrav

aboutithe 1st ofDecember to attend to tin

practice of his profession.November 7th, 1339.

51 3t_Assigned Estate.

fiJHADRACH MITCHELL deceased, dil ii^5 his in lifetime make an assignment to m<

of all his estato both real and personal of evarjdescription for tho benefit of his creditors as se

forth in tho assignment. This is therefore to re

quest all persons who are indebted to the sailShadrach Mitchell to come forward and mak<payment without delay and ,all persons havinjdemands against him will bring them properl;attested within tho time prescribed by law o

they wllLnot bo attended to.

D. S. HARLLEE, Assignee.December 12.11,1839.

4 6t

For Sale.° ^

Rlji/ £jU Dy l!lc otViUuvi vstuin uii wii

sigument.9 thousand Amarilla Cigars,2 44 Pellon 44

1 44 Princippies, 44

Superior quality.Applp to

FELIX LONG.Cheraw, 10th Dec. 1835,

4 3t

Groceries.THE undersigned have received by the lat

arrivals and offer for sale the following ai

ticlef.10 Hhds. St. Croix's Sugar,10 Hhds. Porto Rico, do50 Bags Coffee,5 Hhds. Molasses.10 Hhds N. E. Rum. 1 Pipe Gin. 1 Pip

C. Brandy, 2 Casks Porter (in bott'e-0 5 bibVinegar, 50 bbls. Domestic Liquors, 10 CaskCheese and 4 boxes Pine Apple Cheese, PeppeiSpico, Ginger. Indigo, Madder, Sperm and Ta]low Candles, Chocolate, Mustard, Hyson, Iraperial and Gun Powder Teas, Soap, Rice, Powtier, Shot and Lead.


Administrator's Sale.BY permission ofthe ordinary will be sold (

Saturday the 15th December next at llI market House in Cheraw, the celebrated bloo

ed hoise, Franklin, owned in part by tho c

1 tato of William Pegues and a gentleman in NJI His pedigree will be furnished on applicationit the subscriber, ,

15 Terms..Twenty-five dollars in cash. Twehid months credit on the balance, if over one thoi

sand dollars, ifkss than ono thousand dollarn six months with note payable at the Merchant

Bank of S. C. at Cheraw, endorsed to tho sati

s, faction of the adrainis rator and all conepmed.r. BROWN BRYAN,

iAdmr. of W. Ptgues.» At lOOO

U | xxovomoer 21. iooo.

0 11 Just Received, and for sal*

at the llook Store.t

IBBON'S Rome, Marshall's WashingtonMJC Burr's Memoirs, Fianklin's Works.Comlon the Constitution of Man, Arabian Night;Travel's in Egypt, Arabia 4-c. Robinson Cruso

J fine gilt, do. plain, Child's own Book, Hornj Book of Health and Medicine, Virginia House

wife, Miss Leslie's Seventy-Five Receipts, Stew^ art's Adventures in Capturing Murrell, Mason't Frarier, Western Songster, Singer's own Bookj Boy's own Book.

Diinlap [Marshall.HAVE received a part of their new Fall am

Winter goods, and expect the remainder o

their fancy goods on Monday. They have oi

hand a good stock of Salt, Sugar, Coffee &c. &cOctober 24th, 1838.

New Goods.THE Subscriber is now Receiving his fal

stock of dry goods, consisting in pirt o' British and American Prints. Silks, Mu-liiis

Laces &.c. also a good stock of Cloaks, Cats:meres, Sattinetts, Negro Kersics, Blankets

1 Hats, Bonnets, Shoes, and a great many othe

pi articles too tedious to cnumerato.I Which he will sell low for cash.| MALCOM BUCHANAN.

' ] Cheraw Sept. 12, 1838

i j India Rubber Overshoes,FOR Sale by

I). MALLOY.Nov.lot ) I 837. 1 tf

Painis, Oils, Glass, &c.' | 25 kegs White Lead,

j 8 bbls Linseed Oil,t J 3D gallons Turpentine,a 300 lbs Putty,

25 boxes 8 k 10, Glass.Just received and for sale by

A. r. LACOSTE.I October 17th, 8138.

48 tf_i Received by the late arrivals at the Boo

Store a numbe r ofNew Religious Worki[ which with those on hand before, mak

an assortment. Among them are tlii | following:e j BOSTON'S Fourfold State, Scott's an

I j JLp Clark's Commentaries, Crudens Concordf t ance, Milner's Chucrh History, Cudworth's Irr j tellcctual System, vol. 1st, Campbell's Four Gos

j pels, Appleton's Works, Missionary Enterprizeij Watson's Dictionary, Dwight's Theologj| Home's Introduction, Gaston's Collections, Tyrdale's New Testament, Comprehensive Bibl<

. Family Bibles, Ilodgo on the Romans, Limstreet Lectures, Spruce Street Lectures, Marroiaf Divinity, Cole on God's Soverignty, Synod c

" Dort, Mark's Medulla, Harvey on Moral AgencMemoir of Dr. Porter, Memoir of Dr. Nevin, Ne

i vin's Practical Thoughts, Nevin on PopcrjLuther on Galations, Life of Calvin, Calvin oi?,...,.,., Hutinr's An.ilotrv. ChalmePs Work

November 29th, 1838.2 tf

Cotton Yarn.f}^k£k Bunches Cotton Yarn, from Wil

Hams' Factory,for sale by

JNO. MALLOY, & Co.November 28th, 1638.

2 tf

Cigars.5M. Spanish Cigars, just received and for sa!


JNO. MALLOY, & Co.November 28th» 1838.

2 tf

Corn Meal.A supply of fresh ground corn meal, coi

stantly on hand, and for sale bvD. MALLOY.

April 18th, 1838.23 tf__

Notice.WILL bo received in a few days a ham

some extension top Barouche with sea

tor six trown prrsons 4 inside and 2 out, a

excellent article lor a family and well adaptedSouthern Roads being light built. Also a nei

Family Carriage, light and in cumplelo orde1 i i . i n i ,,

i\i6o a sccurm nana ^ norse jraroucne, uji (

either ol which will be soli] on good terms.Apply to

BROWN BRYAN.Nov. 7th, 1338.

31 ttNT. B. Persons who may wish to purchase i

groes may hear of a few on application to nn

Hats.Cases 1st onalitvCliDPCil. Nutria, latest stj

<^5 2 do do piuiii Russia for Suinin2 do do Otter & Beaver naps, vc

handsome,1 do do Wool iiati1,1 do do Straw do.All for salo verv eheap I»y

P. MALLOY.5th. Ip3>- 1"?.tf

AllSlltUlJO* w

i Dick's Works.For <Salc at the Book $tore(Scientific Class Book, Parker's English Gran

. ! ^ mar, Parker's English Compositions, Wheli plcy's Compound, Sinellie's Philosophy, Kame'i Criticism,Woodbridge's Gcograj4iy, Smith's Ei:

c ) glish Grammar, ii'ake's Philosophy, Smith''* Arithmetic, Davie's Legendcr, Davie's Bourdon'

Geography of the Heavens, together with a gcreral assortment of Classical and other scno<

{ books.j Record Books, from 2 to 5 quires, full bound,

do do do do half bourne ! Merchant's Day Books and Ledgers.J- I Water colours Fine Pen Knives.s April, 25, 1838. 24.t

u ENTER TAINMENT»- rjlHE Subscriber, having been salisfactoril

JL engaged for more than three years in a

tending to a

BOARDING HOUSE,Feels encouraged to say to the public, that lie

j HOUSE and STABLES are well furnished ftthe reception and accommodation of thoso wh

j may be pleased to call. E. SMITH.Mrs. Smith is prepared to entertain Stage Pa:

| scngers, shouli any think proper to call. Thej B iggage shall be removed to and from the Stagj Office free of charge:

D' Mv Residence is on the corner of Gille:pio street, tho lot formerly occupied by MrBarge convenient to tho Market and near lliState Bank,

le Fayettcrille, Sept. 1, 1838.41.lmf3m

i Estate Sale.i permission of the ordinary for Cheste

- JL> field District; will be sold on the first daofJanuary next, at the Market House in Ch<raw, at 12 o'c'ock, M.

j 10 LIKELY NEGROES.rni - l-i» U'n, Porriir-Q imhr:

J 1 lit] jllUjjui VII wjc laiu mm ft .......

i cing a variety of ages and sexes. The lot is t

likely as any to be found in the State. Furtlx_ particulars are dceoicd unnecessary as purchi

! sers will of course be on the ground to see an

, act for themselves, ivhere every information ca

be had, to give satisfaction to the buyer.

TERMS[0One.third of the purchase money will be r<

^ quired in cash. The balance, a credit until tl

r first of Jauuary 1840. Notes bearing intere

3r* j from the day of sale, payable at the Merchant! Bank of S. C. at Cheraw, with good personsecurity, and mortgage of the property; pure

I ascrs to pay for papers, and the property not

J bo removed until the condition oi the sale1 complied with.'

B. BRYAN, Adin'r.

I" N'ov. 31,1838. 1. tjnTenDollars Reward.

WILL be given to any one who may fiiand return to me a large brown pock

er book lost on thursday the 25th inst. betwci

ry the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'cloP. M. containing five dollors cash, notes a

duo bills. Tho papers will be of no valuo to aj

| one but the' owner.I FELIX LONG.

Cheraw Oct. 29. 1938.;V> rf

I BURN'S MILLS.>n fWlHESE Mills five miles belowCheraw are

ie -M. now in complete order fofr sawing lumber,d. grinding corn and whoat and bolting flour. Thes. bolting cloths are new and of a superior quality3. The Proprietor intends to remain at the mills theto present year and will give his personal attention !

to all the business of the mills. He hopesre by punctual attention to business not only,a. merit, but get a large share of eustom in thos, above line of business.a* .


s. Chesterfield, District S. C. Jan. 22d,

'j.In Equity.

South Carolina Cheraio District.- Wiley Kelly and Wm. Kelly Rll6 Admr's of David Kelly,

vs. -T accountEhzabeath Kelly etal. »nd. - *- -- J ^

i tteir« ot David Kelij J rartraon.0 WT appearing to my satisfaction that John». Ji. Fraser and Elizabeth his wife, and David<o Wingate, defendants in this case are absente from the ljmits of this state. It is, 011 motion ofi- Sims Sol. for complainants, ordered that the,

said absent defendants do appear, and plead an.s swer or demur to the bill of complainants on or. before the first day of January next or the said

hill will be taken pro confesso as to them.It is also ordered that notice of this order bo

published in the Cheraw Gazette twice a month[1 for the space of three months,

f GEO. W. DARGAN",1Comin'r in Equity for Cheraw District.

Sept. 12, 1836.45 2mfco m

Broad Cloths Cassimcrse andlf <Satinettes., MMTILL 6e sold very cheap.Persons wanting. w bargains will please call and examine myi. Stock. D, MALLOY.



Apples.60 bushols Limber Twig moiintainApplcs,25 ' Sifted Meul,

For sale bvA. I\ LACOSTE.

October 24th, 1838.

j 49*

| Horseshoes and Horse Shoej Nails.

Burdens patent No 1.2, and 3 Horse Shoesand Horse shoe nails, cheaper and better

than can be made by the common operationForsale byD. MALLOY

Not. 8, 1837. 25

I Wanted.k fWlWO or three Journeyman Tailors, good, . JL workman by

L S. DRAKE.Cheraw, Octcber 2, 1838.

e47 tf__d Administrators Notice.|. A LL persons indebted to the late John T.

i. xm. Hinson, will please inako payment to thei« subscriber forthwith; and all persons havingde3(mands against the intestate will present them

r, properly proved, within the time prescribed byi. law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their» recovery.e ALEXANDER GRAHAM, Admr.v Cheraw, S. C. Feb. 14th, 1838.'f For Sale.,u A second hand two horse Carriage and Gigr xmboth in good repair. Apply to


Pol, 16 tfS v"'"u"' * -

Molasses.4~k IIIIDS. Prime Trinedad Dc Cuba MoJLlasses, just received, and lor sale by Taj


s th. 1638.

]s Carpenters Tools.S A ^ additional supplyjust reev'd. which makesl; xmmy assortment very good,»' D. MALLOY.

Marcli 5th, 1838.

i. 200 Negroes Wanted.TO work on tbe Louisville Cincinnati and

Charlestun Rail Road, near ^Columbia atTwenty Dollars per monthby

NESB1TT & LEWIS,Contractors for sections 5 to 13. Every atytention will be p^l to the comfort ofthe negroes;

l* and any owner closed to hiro hands may satisfyhimself by a visit to the work, that theyare as well treated as any negroes in the State.

>r 52 6\v

o Real Estatefor Sale.THE Subscriber offers tor sale, on most accommodatingterms that newly erectcu

ir Dwelling House situated between second andthird streets fronting on tho latter, opposite Mr.E. Bovvnes'residence, together with the other ne

. - - 1 /V J

! cessary out buildings, l nc lots arc newiy icnceu

"J in; the whole in goodrepair. The house is 16 byi 36 feet, containing 6 rooms viz. 4 in the lower sto[ry with passage IU feet wide through the centre,

J and 2 in upper story, all well plaistered and rin.j ished: each room iu lower story has a neat! fire place ; there is attachod to these prcmfees» 5

j lots 3 fronting on second*trcct and 2 on third"

! street, and bounded on the south by Powo st. The; situation is considered as healthy as any in""

; Town. CONLAW LYNCII.1 Scpt- 12, 183s- 11--

;8! Fish.f ' TWACKEREL, Codfish and Salmon..j ifJL For Sale by

. ! D. MALLOY.| Nov. 8, 1837. 25 tf.

SALE OF NEGROES."mmriLL be sold at Darlington Court House,

101 ww on the first Monday in January, between

t; 30 and 40 Negroesaj j nearly all of them able bodiod men and women,

h. I Thcso negroes belong to the estato of E. R.t0 [ Mclver and have been at work for some time on

j3 I a Rail Road in Alabama.Terms Cash.

TOHV K. ATnTVER. ) Executors.WM. C. McIVER, \ E. R Mclver.

- i Nov. 28th, 1838.I 2 if

J* Overcoats & Cloaks.en "WUST received by our Pole Boat, 4 dozen

ck Ladies Cloaks (assorted qualities) also a gen'eral assortment of Gontlemens Cloaks, C.oth

ny and Blanket Overcoats, which will bo sold on jaccomodating terms by

JNO. MALLOY, & Co !November 28th, 1838.

o t f

Bacon and Lard.JUST reoeived, and for sale low for cash,

6000 lbs. well cured Baltimore bacon, con-slating of Hams, Shoulders, and Sides; also 500lbs. leaf lard in 50 lb Kegs.

D. MALLOY.July 20th, 1838.

37 tf

Sperm Oil.BEST winter strained Speriu Oil, for sale

by .

A. P. LACOSTE.October 31st, 1838.


50 tf

Notice.BROWN BRYAN takes this method to give

public notice that letters of administrationhave been vranted him on the estate ot William

. j i_. c r*:.regues junr. aeceaseu, iai« vi vu^muvm

tnct, and to request all persons indebted in ai<ymanner to the said estate to moke payment tohim. All those to whom the estate may be indbted will present their claims within the timefixed by law, or payment will be refused.Cheraw, October 24th, 1838.

49 tf


THE subscribers have established thcmselvosin the above line of business in Cheraw

and offertheirscrvicestoits citizens.u.i BAZENCOURT, Sc CO.

Cheraw, S. C., Jan. 2G.

Cheese."g 4k CASKS CHEESE, very fine, just re-

la. "r ccivedandFor sale by D. MALLLOY.


TIIE following new Works h<vc recentlybeen received at the "Book Store."

Milton, Young, Gray, and Beatties' PoeticalWorks 1 vol. 8vo. i .

Rogers, Poetical Woras, 1 vol. 8vo. |Byrons Works.Fowler's Phrenology. Complete L.tterWri- J

ter. j jHannah Morc's Works 7 vol. .

Ewell's Mechanical Companions.Homo Book of Health and Medicine.Combo on the Constitution of Man.Shakcspear's Works 2 vol. Wvo. }'

ALSO j \Merchant's Assistant. jMcKenzies 5000 Receip's. | <

Virginia Housewife. ! a

Miss Leslies 75 Receipts. _____ c

Fall and Winter Goods. jTHE Subscribers have lately ree'd by Steam

suid Pole Boats their full and winter supplyofGoods which arc offered for sale on accoaimo- i

dating terms.'

AMONG WIIICIT AREBlue, Black, Invisible Green, and Mixed1 <

BroadCloths, Casimeres, Sattinetts, Silk Velvetand Worsted Vesting*, Flannels, Blankets, i ,

Irish Linon, Sheetings a id Shirtings, Marenos, j ,

Circassiaus, Shawls and fancy Handkerchiefs,Calicoes, Hosiery, Lambs Wool and Worsted 1

Shirts and drawers, fine and common Stocks iand Collars, Silk, Kid and Worsted Gloves, Lin. jseys, Domestics, Ac. &c.

ALSOA general assortment of negro cloths.

ALSOTable and Pocket Knives, Files, Rasps, Pad

and Stock Locks, HaLar, Trace and Log Chains,Iron and Brass andirons, Shovel and Tongs,Sad Irons, Curry Combs, Handsaws, Mill andHandsaw files, Collins' Axes, Drawing Knives,Coffee Mills, with a general assortment of Blacksmith'sTools.

ALSOCommon and fine Teas, Bowls, Plates, Dishes,

Pitchers and Ewers and Basons, Cut Glass andcommon Castors, fine and common Tumblers,and Wines, with a few fine dinner sets.

ALSOA general assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen'sShoes, Boots and Over Shoes.All of which will be sold low and on accomodatingterms by JOHN MALLOY & Co.

Brick Store.Nov. 21st, 1838.

1 tfJ,

w mes,(

JUST received and for salo, Champaigne, ,

Madeira, Teneriff, Sicily, Port, ^Muscat,Hoc and Malaga Wines, and for sale by

JOHN MALLOY & Co. ; INovember 28tb, 1838. i (

2 jf J(Hats & Caps. j j

Cases fashionable Hats Caps, just&\W received and for sale low by

J. MALLOY & CO. I;November 28th, 1838. [<

2 tf j,Bagging. Rope & Twine. 1

AT4k pieces Bagging, 50 Coi's Ropo and '

200 pounds Twine fcr sale bytJOHN MALLOY & Co. ,

November 38th, 1838. (

{1 -jl

4Jugs & Jars. i (

T 9 W ' 1

Large and general assortment Jugs and jJars, just received and for sale by i


November 28th, 1838.2 tf

*» W-fc J

l\Jils Of jsraas. i1

Kegs Nails and Brads, assorted sizes '

O" for sale low by j J

JNO. MALLOY, & Co. hNovember 28ib, 1839. I (

2 tf


1 Dozen Single and Double Barrel Guns,received aud for sale by

JOHN MALLOY & Co.November 26th, 183S. \

2 tf

in Equity.Lancaster District.

John Massey, jr.admr. etal 1

VS.Sarah Massey etal

~ tni 1Ky order of the uourt 01 i^quuy juiy it-nn

183d, the crcditorg of John Mussey Sen'r. (de.ceased) lato of Chesterfield District are requiredto present tho amounts of their demands on

oath, and establish the satno on or beforo thefirst of the next court.


Commissioners Office. )Oct. 12. 1838. (

rPri;iter« f*>p S&5 SO 1 .3m

A supply of the following, among other, books qfor young persons and Children for sal© at the gBook Store. r

Flora's Interpreter, Young Ladie's Own .

Book. ,«

Boy's Own Book, Girl's Own Book. itChild's Own Book, Stone's Chil'ds Reader.. . diWatts Divine Songs, Worcester'sFrimer* ^New England Do. VariousC atechisms.Manroo and Franci's Colored Toy Books..Esop's Tables. Crockctts Songs. Down.

ing's Do. WBoys and Girls Library 23 vol. bi

Spanish Cig rs.Brat quality Spanish cigars, "

Eagle Brand,just received and hfor sale by w

D. MALLOY. lcApril 18th, 1838. ..


23 . tfj.c. - P

Hafs & Caps. .

A Few casee, latest style of fashionable Hatsand Caps. L

For sale by hiD. MALLOY. a!

Nov. lath,- 1837. 1 tf tilBlacksmiths Tools. s(

A good supply on hand, of every thing in the ^line, for sale at a small advance above cost, W

D. MALLOY. eiMarch 5th 1838. ' »- gj

Hams. rc

AA lbs very choice N C Hams. ^Also 400 suporior Sides and Cf

Shoulders N. C. bacon, for sale by ccA. P. LACOSTE.

October 17th, 1838. ^49 tf 1

Notice. is

LS. DRAKE lias commenced the business in Dr. McLean's Store op. .

aosite to 1). Muiloy.Chcraw, Sept. 26th, 1838..

46 tf (litCarpenters & Joiners Planes

&c, &c.A MON'G which are she following, viz:.£m. Plow, Astragals, Dadoes, Fillisters, Gre:ianOvolos, Og es and quirk Ogees, Sash, Beadind Match Planes, Hollows and Rouuds, SnipeHills, Rabbet, side Rabbets and Reeding Planes,Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer Planes (doubleind single Irons) Firmer chisels, Spring Divilers,squares &c. Marking and Morticing Guares,Key hole, Tenant and Hand Saws: Also elLocks, Ilinges, Files, Sprigs, Nails &c. &c. n

For sale cheap byV. -UALL.UY. i;

Oct. 2~>th, 1837. 10

New Books.THE follow ng among others, have been ad-

ded to the stock of standard Religious . .

works always to bo found at the " Book Stortf* P'viz : J*Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, itLime Street Lectures, Spruce St. do. jsHunter's Sacred Biography. Bunyan's Works r

18mo. 11

Burder's Village Sermons 1 vol. 8vo. AlmostChristian. tr(

Berkeleys Works 1 vol. 8vOi Milton'3 Prose faWorks. _r

Offices ol Christ by Stevenson. Barnes' on ®

the Gospels.Polyglott Bibles, fine gilt and plain. SOThomson's Catechism for Communicants, eqPresbyterian Book of Discipline, I pocket vol. sCChristian Lyre and Supplement. vTheron and Aspasia, by Hervey.Presbyterian Missions, by Dr. Green, nlBooth's Reign of Grace. Methodist Hymns.

November 28th, 1838. ci3 tf pr



Two hundred years ago, our forefathers, Y<wilder British subjection, were impressed sewith the importance of the production of en

silk.they were aware of the capacity of or

)ur climate and soil for all the purposes o! thiiilk culture.find enacted laws to compel th<he culture of the mulberry. Those laws, milowever, were in udvance of the age, and;ou!d not be enforced. Legislative inter- qu'ercnce can do little towards the introdue. r0ion of peculiar departments of industry, th<when the moral and physicial character of ophe people offer barriers. Twenty-five^ears ago an enterprising merchant of this thi:ity at'empted with a Cotton Factory to I peiush manufacturing among us. But he na

failed.the time had not arrived. Now we pri ii 1

iear the buzzing ana singing 01 spinaies, or prhe clank of hammers, or the merry song j ajif the mill in almost every quarter of our j bu;ity. The times are propitious, and ihey m<

orosper and will continue to prosper. The sei

genius of the age must sanction new enterorizes.andwithout such sanction, Leg. j trcslative interference and individual zeal are ; hpof no avail. q ftTwo hundred years

fathers atiemp ed 19 force tneljnfbut were unsuccessful. Our piout the aid or compulsion ofsuch fevf &ire now entering the business with anind profit. The propitious period has an

Lome, and prosperity must attend the enter friprise, sanctioned and aided by the public:ountenance and patronage. JV

Believing this, we take pleasure in throw,ing what light we con, on matters approachingto the silk interest. A friend, whose b)acquaintance we cannot too highly estimate,has conned over some periodicals, and pa

1 / n.<i U.cornmunicaieu some iacis 10 us, nuiui u<

consider important at this juncture, and thoffer them, hoping that they may not bewithout somo benefit. ec

Burmah, now under English Government," thamong oilier and valuable sources of trade s<i

numbers that of silk culture. It appearsthe Burmans have at least twelve difterent hikinds ofsilk worms, vurying in habits and w

appearance ; but all profitable in their prop- m

er locations and treatment. Some oftliem thare remarkable, and we should suppose w

most valuable. One ofthese is the Muga e:

worm, which feeds on a variety oftrees, and«<* or for?'' in the rv

uantilies of cocoons form%d by them, are

atheredby iho natives and carried to theictories ofCalcutta eveiy year. The wormirives best in dry wecther.4>ut can protectselffrom wet, invariably taking shelter the leaves. Many of the iuh&bitaois takete worms when young and r&nove then*ear their dweHing where thoy pan more

(Fectually proteol them from their enemies ;hen young tlie black ant, and wlMS^okh'r,irds, among which the owl is fond.oflhern.ifhen they begin to spin,,which is jo about0 days, they descend from the tree findre taken in basket with dry leaves,; to

rhichthey adhere. The Mega is jjnucti>nger than the roatborry worm, hn4 proucesa cocoon of two inches in length, androportionate ilpcknes*. ~ *

Ann twar vn!n:<hl/< sftflrtPfi itf lhrt Prin nr

Lundr worm, which feeds chiefly on Palm*'hristi, (which grows easily and luxuri.,ntly in this country) It doe* not require*3 much attention as fh« Mulbery worm,tough alws\s reared uadei' a bower, andjventeen broods are produced in one year,'he worms before they spin, are eitherhiteor grc?n. The cocoons are not reel.I, but spun as thai of the Muga. TheIk is coarse and harsh at first; but from'peated washings,becomes sot* and glossy.early all (hat is made is consumed in the>untry where it is produced, mid forms thoinstant dress of the poorer classes. ThoIk, though coarse, is warm and durable,he iife of one person being, seldom suftcn:to wear out a garment.The wormraised in almost every house in Assam.These two varilies woul t suit our climate

ell. The last mentioned is particularlytsirable, as the Palma Christi suffers buttie from being stripped of its leaves, andill produce a fine crop ofseed, which are

tluable for castor oil.Richmond Compiler.

Destruction ofthe Curcilio. .

/ »^FROM THE NEW ENGLAIM U hAKMEtt-^Messrs Editors .vFor the following sucssfulmode ofdestroying the Curculio, In Indebted to my respected friend Dr. in.Burnett, ofSou hboro\ a gentleman etuimtlydistinguished for s< ience and*:al observation. 1 hope others may be ^

duced to try the experiment and uit.i tireur e successful results.In insulated situations, as in cities andplaces surrounded by salt msfsbes, the .

um and other smooth skina<xl fruits usually?ar large and very abundant crops, fritis not thus in the open country, where itwell known, that a great proportion ofthejits ofthe Plum, and the Nectarine ando Apricot are extremely liable to be desjyedby the attacks of the Curculio ; and>m this cause prematurely fall to theound.The Curculio is extremely partial to the100th skinned fruits. 'The cheery thoughuaJy obnoxious to the attacks ofthis in.ct, usually in a great measures escapes,ving to no other cause than the incredibleimber of its fruits.It is well known Ihut the egg which thetrculio desposits in the fruit become* iaocessoftime a worm, which causes a

cat part of the fruits, to fall. Soon after; fall, the worm quits the fruit, descending0 the earth. Early in spring, and aboute time the fruit is forming, the Curculioises from its early bed, a winged insect,et though having wings, it has been ob.rved that they rarely use them. Aftertering their new element and remaining1 the surface of the earth for a time,?y ascend they tree, and in u fey dayssy puncture and deposite an egg, innny cases, in every fruit.nn . _< iL. .O. i:_XI1C motions Ol mo vurvuuv arc vi.jyick; to observe them require very »rwand close inspection, as they avoid3 face of man suddenly dodging to theposite side of the leal or limb.Dr. Burnett informed me a few da s since,at he had a 6ne tree of the Princes Iin.rial Gage Plum. This variety, althoughturally one of the most valuable andoductive of all Plums, yet never wouldoducc a crop of fruit on his grounds, on

count of the abundance of the Curcuboa,itby adopting the following expedient, a


3st bountiful crop was produced nfraifrit

Early intho spring,5© was in blonai^Aencoop comqji) »

flramttarfybroodofchickens, was placedkeafh 'he tree. After the Cinrculiosisen from the earth, and before they were

epared to ascend the tree, every one of,'em, as it appears, were devoured bv tiieood ; and owing to this circumstanceid to no other cause, ..the tree ripenedid matured a most extraordinary crop ofjit. :


WILLIAM KEN RICK.nn/inltim T1JL Mem/on. Anril 10 1820.

"7 '-r. ."" *

The following principles are luid down' Ciiaptal lor a rotation of crops : '

I. All plants exhaust the soil. They are

irtially supported by the earth, tha juicesDm which constitute an important part ofeir nourishment. *r


II. All plants do not exhaust the soil[ually. Air and water help to nourishem; different kinds of plants require thaime nourishment in different degrees.III. Plants ofdifferent kinds do not ex.

tust tne soil in the same manner. Plants.ii.-i . Hn rnni« rfr<iw nnnrnk.

nil spuiuicu ui , .

cm from layers of soil ia eoataact withe lower part of the root; while those'hose roors arc spread near the surface,chaust only that part of the soil.IV. All plants do not restore to the soilthcr same quality er qualiy

4 . -r-^e -4