chemistry ch. 17 test bank

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  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    Chapter 17 - Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria

    1. Cation C and anion A form an ionic compound for whichKsp=s2, wheresis the molar

    solubility of the ionic compound. Which of Figures IIII represent!s" possible results of the

    mi#ing of an a$ueous solution containing cation C with an a$ueous solution containing

    anion A%

    A" only I

    &" only IIIC" both I and III

    '" both I and II(" only II

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Write solubility product e#pressions. !(#ample 1/.1"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    2. Cation C and anion A form an ionic compound for whichKsp= 6s7, wheresis the molar

    solubility of the ionic compound. Which of Figures IIII represent!s" possible results of the

    mi#ing of an a$ueous solution containing cation C with an a$ueous solution containing

    anion A%

    A" only III&" only II

    C" both I and II

    '" only I(" both I and III

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Write solubility product e#pressions. !(#ample 1/.1"

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    7. Which of the following particulate 8iews is9are consistent with a heterogeneous


    I II III

    A" I only

    &" II onlyC" III only

    '" II and III

    (" I, II, and III

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Write solubility product e#pressions. !(#ample 1/.1"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    6. What is the solubility product e#pression for Al!0:"7%

    A" Ksp= ;Al7

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    &" Ksp= ;7@n2

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    (" Ksp= ;*n2

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ 'efine molar solubility. -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant 5*C+ general chemistry

    17. Figures IIE represent ionic compounds formed upon the mi#ing of an a$ueous solutioncontaining cation C with an a$ueous solution containing anion A. Identify the figure!s" that

    represent!s" products for whichKsp= 1Ds>, wheresis the molar solubility of the ionic


    A" only II

    &" both I and IIC" only IE

    '" only III

    (" only I

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ 'efine molar solubility. -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility product constant 5*C+ general chemistry

    16. What is the relationship between molar solubility !s" andKspfor calcium fluoride%






    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ 'efine molar solubility. -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant 5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    1>. What is the correct mathematical e#pression for finding the molar solubility !s" of *n!0:"2%

    A" 2s7=Ksp&" 6s7=KspC" 1Ds>=Ksp'" 2s2=Ksp(" s7=Ksp

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ 'efine molar solubility. -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant 5*C+ general chemistry

    1?. -he concentration of calcium carbonate in a saturated a$ueous solution of the salt at 2>C is

    ?./1 1D>

    M. What is theKspof this sparingly soluble salt%

    A" 6.>D 1D

    &" 1.21 1D12

    C" >.6/ 1D1?

    '" .1 1D7

    (" 6.D? 1D2

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !simple e#ample". !(#ample 1/.2"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    1/. -he solubility of strontium carbonate in water at 2>C is 6.>D 1D7

    g9B. What is theKspof

    this sparingly soluble salt%

    A" .7D 1D1D

    &" 1.17 1D17

    C" 2.76 1D1/

    '" >.>2 1D7




    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !simple e#ample". !(#ample 1/.2"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    1. After mi#ing an e#cess bCl2with a fi#ed amount of water, it is found that the e$uilibrium

    concentration of b2

    C" 2.> 1D6

    '" 6.



    (" 1.D 1D?

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !more complicated e#ample".!(#ample 1/.7"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    1. -he solubility of lead!II" sulfate is 6.D 1D2g9B. What is the solubility product constant

    for lead!II" sulfate%A" 1./ 1D

    &" 1.7 1D6

    C" 1.? 1D7

    '" 6.? 1D1>

    (" . 1D12

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !more complicated e#ample".!(#ample 1/.7"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant5*C+ general chemistry

    2D. -he solubility of sil8er!I" carbonate is 7.? 1D2g9B. What is the solubility product

    constant for sil8er!I" carbonate%

    A" 6.6 1D1>

    &" . 1D12

    C" 1./ 1D

    '" 1.7 1D6

    (" 1.7 1D7

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !more complicated e#ample".!(#ample 1/.7"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    21. -he hydro#ide ion concentration of a saturated solution of Fe!0:"2is 1.1? 1D>

    M. What

    is the solubility product constant for Fe!0:"2%

    A" /.D 1D1?

    &" ?.26 1D1>

    C" 1.>? 1D1>

    '" 7.61 1D7

    (" 2.2? 1D2

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !more complicated e#ample".!(#ample 1/.7"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria )0-+ (EI*('

    22. -he sil8erGion concentration in a saturated solution of sil8er!I" chromate is 1.7 1D6M.

    What isKspfor sil8er!I" chromate%

    A" 2. 1D1?

    &" 6.2 1D

    C" . 1D12

    '" 1.1 1D12

    (" 1./ 1D

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ difficult (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate 3sp from the solubility !more complicated e#ample".!(#ample 1/.7"

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    27. Which of the following salts has the highest molar solubility in water%

    A" *rC07!Ksp= .7 1D1D"

    &" &a*06 !Ksp= 1.1 1D1D"

    C" b* !Ksp= 2.> 1D2/"




    = 1.2



    "(" AgCl !Ksp= 1. 1D1D"

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    26. Which of the following salts has the lowest molar solubility%

    A" *rC07!Ksp= .7 1D1D"

    &" 5n* !Ksp= 2.> 1D1D"

    C"&aF2!Ksp= 1.D



    "'" &a*06!Ksp= 1.1 1D1D"

    (" AgCl !Ksp= 1. 1D1D"

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    2>. anH the following salts in order of increasing molar solubility.

    *alt Ksp

    &a*06 1.1 1D1D

    AgCl 1. 1D1D

    &aC07 .1 1D

    Cd* 1D2/

    b*06 1. 1D

    A" Cd* AgCl &a*06 &aC07 b*06&" Cd* AgCl &aC07 &a*06 b*06C" Cd* &a*06 AgCl &aC07 b*06'" b*06 &aC07 AgCl &a*06 Cd*

    (" b*06 &aC07 &a*06 AgCl Cd*

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    2?. A saturated solution of which of the following salts will ha8e the lowest molar concentrationof chromate ion%

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A" &aCr06!Ksp= 2.1 1DG1D"

    &" CuCr06!Ksp= 7.? 1DG?"

    C" Ag2Cr06!Ksp= 1.2 1DG12"

    '" :g2Cr06!Ksp= 2.D 1DG"

    (" -l2Cr06!Ksp= . 1DG17"

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    2/. A saturated solution of which of the following salts will ha8e the greatest molar

    concentration of sil8er ion%

    A" Ag2* !Ksp= 1DG>1"

    &" AgCl !Ksp= 1. 1DG1D"

    C" Ag2Cr06!Ksp= 1.2 1DG12"

    '" Ag2C07!Ksp= .1 1DG12"

    (" Ag6Fe!C)"? !Ksp= .> 1DG6>"

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    2. What is the solubility !in g9B" of aluminum hydro#ide at 2>C% -he solubility product

    constant for aluminum hydro#ide is 6.? 1D77at 2>C.

    A" 7.? 1D71g9B

    &" .2 1D1Dg9B

    C" 2. 1D/g9B

    '" >.7 1D1>g9B

    (" 1.



    g9BA)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    2. What is the solubility !in g9B" of sil8er!I" bromide at 2>C% -he solubility product constant

    for sil8er!I" bromide is >.D 1D17at 2>C.

    A" .6 1D7g9B

    &" .6 1D11g9B

    C" 1.7



    g9B'" 6./ 1D11g9B

    (" /. 1D2g9B

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    7D. anH the following metal sulfides in order of increasing molar solubility in water.

    *alt KspCo* 6 1D21

    Cu* ? 1D7?

    Fe* ? 1D1

    :g* 1.? 1D>2

    5n* 2.> 1D1D

    A" 5n* Fe* Co* Cu* :g*

    &" Fe* :g* Co* Cu* 5n*C" :g* Cu* Co* Fe* 5n*

    '" Cu* Co* Fe* 5n* :g*

    (" Co* Cu* Fe* :g* 5n*

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    71. What is the molar solubility of sil8er!I" bromide at 2>C% -he solubility product constant

    for sil8er!I" bromide is >.D 1D17at 2>C.

    A" /.1 1D/M

    &" 2.> 1D17M

    C" 6.2 1D6M

    '" >.D 1D>M

    (" >.D 1D17M

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    72. What is the molar solubility of calcium sulfate at 2>C% -he solubility product constant for

    calcium sulfate is 2.6 1D>at 2>C.

    A" 2.6 1D>M

    &" 7.> 1D2M

    C" 1.2 1D>M

    '" 1. 1D2M

    (" 6.



    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    77. What is the molar solubility of barium fluoride at 2>C% -he solubility product constant for

    barium fluoride is 1.D 1D?at 2>C.

    A" ?.7 1D7M

    &" 1.D 1D?M

    C" >.D 1D/M

    '" 1.D 1D7M

    (" 1.? 1D2M

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant5*C+ general chemistry

    76. What is the molar solubility of aluminum hydro#ide at 2>C% -he solubility product

    constant for aluminum hydro#ide is 6.? 1D77at 2>C.

    A" 2.7 1D77M

    &" ?. 1D1/M

    C" 6.? 1D77M

    '" 7.? 1DM(" 1.D 1D11M

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    7>. What is the solubility !in g9B" of barium chromate at 2>C% -he solubility product constant

    for barium chromate is 1.2 1D1Dat 2>C.

    A" D.62 g9B

    &" 7.D 1D

    g9BC" 1.> 1Dg9B

    '" D.D/ g9B

    (" D.DD2 g9B

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant5*C+ general chemistry

    7?. What is the solubility !in g9B" of calcium fluoride at 2>C% -he solubility product constant

    for calcium fluoride is 7.6


    at 2>C.A" D.DDD6? g9B&" 2./ 1Dg9B

    C" D.D1? g9B

    '" 1.7 1Dg9B

    (" D.D6 g9B

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.1

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant5*C+ general chemistry

    7/. ure water is saturated with slightly soluble calcium fluoride, CaF2. Which of the followingis true concerning the e$uilibrium concentration of Ca2"

    &" Fe!0:"2!Ksp= 1D1?"

    C" bI2!Ksp= ?.> 1D"

    '" *rC07!Ksp= .7 1D1D"

    (" Ag&r !Ksp= >.D 1D17"

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    7. Which of the following salts has the highest molar solubility in water%

    A" CaC07!Ksp= 7. 1D"

    &" )i!0:"2!Ksp= 2.D 1D1>"

    C" Fe!0:"2!Ksp= 1D1?"

    '" Ag&r !Ksp= >.D 1D17"

    (" bI2!Ksp= ?.> 1D"

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.10&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ precipitation calculations5*C+ general chemistry

    6D. Which salt has the highest molar solubility in pure water%

    *alt KspCd!0:"2 >.7 1D1>

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    Fe!0:"2 .D 1D1?

    bCr06 1. 1D16

    CdC07 ?.2 1D12

    5n!0:"2 2.D 1D17

    A" CdC07&" Cd!0:"2

    C" 5n!0:"2'" bCr06(" Fe!0:"2

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    61. Which salt has the lowest molar solubility in pure water%

    *alt Ksp

    Cd!0:"2 >.7



    Fe!0:"2 .D 1D1?

    bCr06 1. 1D16

    CdC07 ?.2 1D12

    5n!0:"2 2.D 1D17

    A" bCr06&" Fe!0:"2C" CdC07'" Cd!0:"2(" 5n!0:"2

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    62. What is the hydro#ideGion concentration of a saturated solution of )i!0:"2% For )i!0:"2,

    Ksp= 2.D 1D1>.

    A" 2. 1D7M

    &" /. 1D?M

    C" 1.D 1D/M

    '" 2./ 1D2M

    (" 1.? 1D>M

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    67. What is the p: of a saturated solution of )i!0:"2% For )i!0:"2,Ksp= 2.D 1D1>.

    A" 6.D&" .D

    C" >.1D

    '" .2D(" /.DD

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ solubility product constant

    5*C+ general chemistry

    66. anH the following salts in order of increasing molar solubility.

    *alt KspAg*C) 1.D 1D12

    Ag2Cr06 1.1 1D12

    Ag706 1.D 1D1?

    A" Ag*C) Ag2Cr06 Ag706&" Ag*C) Ag706 Ag2Cr06C" Ag706 Ag2Cr06 Ag*C)'" Ag706 Ag*C) Ag2Cr06(" Ag2Cr06 Ag*C) Ag706

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.1

    0&+ Calculate the solubility from 3sp. !(#ample 1/.6"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility product constant relati8e solubilities 5*C+ general chemistry

    6>. -he insoluble salts AE, &2W, C2J7, '42, and (@7, which were formed from the metal ions


  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.2

    0&+ (#plain how the solubility of a salt is affected by another salt that has the samecation or anion !common ion". -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect

    5*C+ general chemistry

    6/. In which of these solutions would sil8er!I" carbonate ha8e the lowest molar solubility% For

    sil8er!I" carbonate,Ksp= .> 1D12.

    A" D.D7M:2C07&" D.1MAg)07C" D.D1MAg)07'" D.1M)a2C07(" pure water

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.20&+ (#plain how the solubility of a salt is affected by another salt that has the same

    cation or anion !common ion". -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect5*C+ general chemistry

    6. -he figure below represents the result of adding which of the following a$ueous solutions to

    a filtered, saturated solution of AgCl%

    A" only )aCl!aq"&" only :)07!aq"C" :Cl!aq" or )aCl!aq"

    '" only :Cl!aq"

    (" :Cl!aq" or :)07!aq"

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.2

    0&+ (#plain how the solubility of a salt is affected by another salt that has the samecation or anion !common ion". -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect

    5*C+ general chemistry

    6. What is the concentration of sil8er!I" ion in a saturated solution of sil8er!I" carbonate

    containing D.DD7DM)a2C07% For Ag2C07,Ksp= .? 1D12.

    A" ?.D 1D6M

    &" 2.D 1DM

    C" .D 1DM

    '" >.6 1D>M

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    (" .D 1D6M

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.2

    0&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble salt in a solution of a common ion.

    !(#ample 1/.>" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect

    5*C+ general chemistry

    >D. What is the molar solubility of 5gF2in a D.6DM5g!)07"2solution% For 5gF2,Ksp= .6 1D


    A" .D 1DM

    &" 2.7 1D6M

    C" 2.D 1DGM

    '" 6.? 1D6M

    (" 7.2 1D7M

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.2

    0&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble salt in a solution of a common ion.!(#ample 1/.>" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect5*C+ general chemistry

    >1. What is the molar solubility of 5gF2 in a D.6>M)aF solution% For 5gF2,Ksp= .6 1D.

    A" 1.D 1D/M

    &" 1.6 1D6M

    C" 1. 1D/M

    '" /.1 1D6M

    (" 6.1 1D/M

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.20&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble salt in a solution of a common ion.

    !(#ample 1/.>" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect5*C+ general chemistry

    >2. Kspfor bF2is 6.D 1D. If a D.D76M)aF solution is saturated with bF2, what is ;b


  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    >7. -he solubility of Ba!I07"7in a D.?2M3I07solution is 1.D 1D/mol9B. CalculateKspfor


    A" ?.2 1D

    &" 2.6 1D22

    C" 2.6 1D1

    '" 2.6 1D

    (" none of these

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.20&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble salt in a solution of a common ion.

    !(#ample 1/.>" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ solubility and the commonGion effect5*C+ general chemistry

    >6. Which of the following, when added to a saturated solution of AgCl, will cause a decrease in

    the molar concentration of Ag

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A" both I and II

    &" only I

    C" only II

    '" only III(" only IE

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.70&+ *tate the criterion for precipitation.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ precipitation calculations

    5*C+ general chemistry

    >/. Which Figures IIE represent!s" the result of mi#ing a$ueous solutions of )a0: and CuCl2

    in which the ion product QcKKspfor the insoluble product% !C = cation, A = anion"

    A" only II

    &" both I and II

    C" only IE'" only I

    (" only III

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.70&+ *tate the criterion for precipitation.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ precipitation calculations

    5*C+ general chemistry

    >. For which of the following will precipitation be e#pected%

    A" QcKsp&" Qc= 1

    C" Qc=Ksp'" QcKKsp(" Ksp= 1

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ *tate the criterion for precipitation.-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    >. Which of the following will apply to a saturated solution of an ionic compound%

    A" QcKsp&" QcKKsp

    C" Qc=Ksp'" Ksp= 1

    (" Qc= 1

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ *tate the criterion for precipitation.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    ?D. *uppose >D.DD mB of 2.D 1D?MFe!)07"7is added to >D.DD mB of 2.D 1D6M3I07.

    Which of the following statements is true% For Fe!I07"7,Ksp= 1.D 1D16.

    A" A precipitate forms because QcKKsp.&" A precipitate forms because QcKsp.

    C" )o precipitate forms because QcKsp.'" )o precipitate forms because Qc=Ksp.

    (" )o precipitate forms because QcKKsp.

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.70&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en ion concentrations". !(#ample 1/.?"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    ?1. -o 1.D B of water, 7.D 1D?mol of b!)07"2, 6.D 1D?mol of 32Cr06, and 1.D mol of

    )aCl are added. What will happen%

    *alt Ksp

    bCr06 1. 1D16

    bCl2 1.? 1D>

    A" A precipitate of 3Cl will form.

    &" A precipitate of bCr06will form.C" A precipitate of bCl2will form.

    '" )o precipitate will form.

    (" &oth a precipitate of bCl2and a precipitate of bCr06will form.A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en ion concentrations". !(#ample 1/.?"-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    ?2. What is the ma#imum *r2


    sulfideGion concentration without precipitating strontium sulfate% For *r*06,Ksp= 2.> 1D


    A" 1.? 1D1D


    &" 1.? 1D11

    MC" 6.D 1D


    '" ?.7 1D>

    M(" 2.> 1D2M

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en ion concentrations". !(#ample 1/.?"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    ?7. What will happen if D.1 mol of solid sil8er!I" nitrate is added to 1.D B of a saturated solution

    of sil8er!I" chromate% For Ag2Cr06,Ksp= 2.6 1D12.

    A" -he Ag)07will settle to the bottom without dissol8ing.

    &" -he concentration of Cr062will increase.

    C" *ome Ag2Cr06will precipitate.'" )othing will happen.

    (" -he concentration of Ag. What is the minimum concentration of Cu2

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.70&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en ion concentrations". !(#ample 1/.?"

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    ?/. If >DD mB of 1.6 1D?MAg)07is mi#ed with >DD mB of 1.6 1D?M)a&r, what will

    occur% For Ag&r,Ksp= > 1D17.

    A" *il8er!I" bromide will precipitate.

    &" -he concentration of AgD.DD mB of a

    1 1D?solution of sodium phosphate. Which of the following statements is true% For

    lead!II" phosphate,Ksp= 1 1D66.

    A" A precipitate forms because QcKsp.

    &" )o precipitate forms because QcKKsp.

    C" A precipitate forms because QcKKsp.'" )o precipitate forms because Qc=Ksp.

    (" )o precipitate forms because QcKsp.

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en solution 8olumes and

    concentrations". !(#ample 1/./" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    ?. If 2/D mB of 1 1D/MAg)07is mi#ed with 2/D mB of 1 1DM)aI, what will occur%

    For AgI,Ksp= .7 1D1/.

    A" *odium nitrate will precipitate.

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    &" *il8er!I" nitrate will precipitate.

    C" *odium iodide will precipitate.'" *il8er!I" iodide will precipitate.

    (" )o precipitate will form.

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en solution 8olumes and

    concentrations". !(#ample 1/./" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    /D. If 71> mB of 1 1D6MCa!)07"2is mi#ed with 71> mB of 1 1D6M)aF, what will

    occur% For CaF2,Ksp= 7.6 1D11.

    A" )o precipitate will form.&" *odium nitrate will precipitate.

    C" Calcium nitrate will precipitate.

    '" Calcium fluoride will precipitate.(" *odium fluoride will precipitate.

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.70&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en solution 8olumes and

    concentrations". !(#ample 1/./" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    /1. If 2/D mB of 1 1DMAl!)07"7is mi#ed with 2/D mB of 1 1DM)a0:, what will

    occur% For Al!0:"7,Ksp= 6.? 1D77.

    A" Aluminum hydro#ide will precipitate.

    &" *odium hydro#ide will precipitate.C" Aluminum nitrate will precipitate.

    '" *odium nitrate will precipitate.

    (" )o precipitate will form.

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.70&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en solution 8olumes andconcentrations". !(#ample 1/./" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    /2. What is the minimum mass of )a2C07that must be added to 26.? mB of a .> 1D

    6MAg)07solution in order for precipitation to occur% For Ag2C07,Ksp= .? 1D12.

    A" 2.> 1D7g

    &" 7.1 1D6g

    C" 1.2 1D7g

    '" 2.6 1D

    g(" 2.> 1D>g

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en solution 8olumes andconcentrations". !(#ample 1/./" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations criterion for precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    /7. What is the ma#imum 8olume of 6. 1D>M32Cr06that, added to 1/.D mB of a solution

    that is .? 1D>M&a!)07"2and >.6 1D?Mb!)07"2, will precipitate bCr06but not

    &aCr06% For bCr06,Ksp= 1. 1D16, and for &aCr06,Ksp= 1.2 1D


    A" 1/ mB

    &" D.>1 mB

    C" D.6 mB'" D.DD12 mB

    (" /./ mB

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ difficult (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ redict whether precipitation will occur !gi8en solution 8olumes and

    concentrations". !(#ample 1/./" -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations fractional precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    /6. A solution is D.D1DM in each of b!)07"2, 5n!)07"2, and @n!)07"2. *olid )a0: is added

    until the p: of the solution is .>D. Which of the following statements is true%

    *alt Kspb!0:"2 1.6 1D2D

    5n!0:"2 2.D



    @n!0:"2 2.1 1D1?

    A" 0nly 5n!0:"2will precipitate.&" All three hydro#ides will precipitate.

    C" 0nly b!0:"2will precipitate.

    '" )o precipitate will form.(" 0nly @n!0:"2and b!0:"2will precipitate.

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.70&+ (#plain how two ions can be separated using fractional precipitation.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations fractional precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    />. What is the ma#imum concentration of carbonate ions that will precipitate &aC07but not

    5gC07from a solution that is 2./ 1D7

    Meach in 5g2

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    /?. Which of the following solutions should be added to a solution containing both copper!II"

    ions and sil8er!I" ions in order to precipitate only one of the ions%A" :Cl!aq"

    &" :2*!aq"

    C" :)07!aq"'" :2*!aq" < :Cl!aq"

    (" :2*!aq" < :)07!aq"

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.70&+ (#plain how two ions can be separated using fractional precipitation.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations fractional precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    //. For which pair of cations would the addition of dilute hydrobromic acid precipitate one but

    not the other%A" Ag

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    0&+ (#plain how two ions can be separated using fractional precipitation.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    D. *il8er nitrate !Ag)07" is slowly added to a solution containing D.1DD 5 &rand D.D>D 5

    FeC)?6until a precipitate Lust forms. What is the molar concentration of Ag.D 1DG17and Ag6FeC)?Ksp= .> 1D


    A" 2.D 1DG11M Ag.D g&" 7.7 g

    C" 2.? g

    '" D.D g(" 1./ g

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ difficult (F+ 1/.7

    0&+ (#plain how two ions can be separated using fractional precipitation.-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ precipitation calculations fractional precipitation 5*C+ general chemistry

    2. -he best e#planation for the dissolution of @n* in dilute :Cl is that

    A" the Minc ion is amphoteric.

    &" the sulfide ion concentration is decreased by the formation of :2*.C" the solubility product of @nCl2is less than that of @n*.

    '" the Minc ion concentration is decreased by the formation of a chloro comple#.

    (" the sulfide ion concentration is decreased by o#idation to sulfur.

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.6

    0&+ (#plain the $ualitati8e effect of p: on solubility of a slightly soluble salt.-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ effect of p: on solubility $ualitati8e effect of p: 5*C+ general chemistry

    7. 4ou ha8e two salts, AgJ and Ag4, with 8ery similarKsp8alues. 4ou Hnow thatKafor :J ismuch greater thanKafor :4. Which statement will be true%

    A" AgJ and Ag4 are less soluble in acidic solution than in pure water.

    &" AgJ is more soluble in acidic solution.

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    C" AgJ and Ag4 are e$ually soluble in acidic solution.

    '" Ag4 is more soluble in acidic solution.(" none of these

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.60&+ (#plain the $ualitati8e effect of p: on solubility of a slightly soluble salt.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ effect of p: on solubility $ualitati8e effect of p: 5*C+ general chemistry

    6. For which of the following salts would the addition of nitric acid increase its solubility%

    A" AgI

    &" Ag)07C" AgCl

    '" Ag2*06(" Ag&r

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.6

    0&+ 'etermine the $ualitati8e effect of p: on solubility. !(#ample 1/."-0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ effect of p: on solubility $ualitati8e effect of p: 5*C+ general chemistry

    >. Which of the following substances will increase the molar solubility of nicHel!II" phosphate

    in a saturated solution%

    A" AgCl

    &" :)07C" 30:

    '" Al06(" )a706

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.6

    0&+ 'etermine the $ualitati8e effect of p: on solubility. !(#ample 1/."

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ effect of p: on solubility $ualitati8e effect of p: 5*C+ general chemistry

    ?. In which of the following solutions would CaC206ha8e the highest molar solubility%A" D.D1M)a2C206&" D.D1M)aCl

    C" D.D1M:Cl'" D.D1MCa!)07"2(" D.D1M)a:C206

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.6

    0&+ 'etermine the $ualitati8e effect of p: on solubility. !(#ample 1/."

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria3(4+ effect of p: on solubility $ualitati8e effect of p: 5*C+ general chemistry

    /. -he figure below represents the results of adding a strong acid to a saturated solution of an

    ionic compound. Which of the following could be the ionic compound%

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A" AgCl06&" AgF

    C" AgI

    '" AgCl(" Ag&r

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.60&+ 'etermine the $ualitati8e effect of p: on solubility. !(#ample 1/."

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ effect of p: on solubility $ualitati8e effect of p: 5*C+ general chemistry

    . What is the best way to ensure complete precipitation of *n* from a saturated :2* solution%

    A" Add a strong acid.

    &" Add a weaH acid.C" Add a strong base.

    '" Add a weaH base.

    (" Add more :2*.

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.6

    0&+ (#plain the basis for the sulfide scheme to separate a mi#ture of metal ions.-0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria 5*C+ general chemistry

    . *uppose hydrogen sulfide is added to a solution that is D.1DMin Cu2*alt Ksp

    Cu* ?.D 1D7?

    b* 2.> 1D2/

    )i* 7.D 1D1

    A" Cu* only

    &" b* and )i*C" Cu* and b*

    '" )i* only

    (" Cu*, b*, and )i*

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ difficult (F+ 1/.6

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    0&+ (#plain the basis for the sulfide scheme to separate a mi#ture of metal ions.

    -0+ solubility solubility e$uilibria 3(4+ effect of p: on solubility5*C+ general chemistry

    D. *uppose hydrogen sulfide is added to a solution that is D.DD1DMin Fe20&+ 'efine formation constant or stability constant, 3f, and dissociation constant, 3d.

    -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria 3(4+ comple# ion formation

    5*C+ general chemistry

    2. Which of the following is not liHely to form a comple# ion with Al7

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    7. Which of the following statements concerning amphoteric hydro#ides is9are correct%

    1. -he amphoteric hydro#ide of aluminum!III" is commercially used to separatealuminum!III" o#ide from impurities in the aluminum ore bau#ite.

    2. Amphoteric hydro#ides form soluble comple# ions at high p:Os.

    7. -he amphoteric hydro#ide, @n!0:"2, can be precipitated by increasing the p:

    of a solution containing @n2


    A" 1 only&" 2 only

    C" 7 only

    '" 1 and 2(" 1, 2, and 7

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.>

    0&+ 'efine formation constant or stability constant, 3f, and dissociation constant, 3d.

    -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    6. Calculate the molar concentration of uncomple#ed @n2


    0&+ Calculate the concentration of a metal ion in e$uilibrium with a comple# ion.!(#ample 1/." -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    >. Cyanide ion forms 8ery stable comple# ions with a 8ariety of metal ions. What is the molare$uilibrium concentration of uncomple#ed Cu2


    &" 7.? 1D?


    C" 6.6 1D>

    M'" 7.6 1D


    (" 1.2 1D1/


    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.>0&+ Calculate the concentration of a metal ion in e$uilibrium with a comple# ion.

    !(#ample 1/." -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    ?. What is the molar e$uilibrium concentration of uncomple#ed Ag


    &" >.2 1D11

    MC" .D 1D


    '" 2.6 1D1D

    M(" 1.1 1D>


    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.>

    0&+ Calculate the concentration of a metal ion in e$uilibrium with a comple# ion.

    !(#ample 1/." -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    /. An a$ueous solution of Ag!C)"2 is made by combining D.D1DD moles Ag)07with 1.DD

    mole )aC) and diluting to 1.DDD B. What is the molar concentration of Ag


    A" 1. 1DG21


    &" >.7 1D2DM

    C" >. 1D1?M

    '" 1./ 1DG1/M

    (" D.D1DM

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.>

    0&+ Calculate the concentration of a metal ion in e$uilibrium with a comple# ion.

    !(#ample 1/." -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria3(4+ comple# ion formation e$uilibrium calculations with 3f 5*C+ general chemistry

    . *uppose sodium hydro#ide is added to a D.DD1?Msolution of Minc nitrate such that the p:

    of the solution is 17.62. What is the e$uilibrium concentration of @n21>

    A" 2.2 1D1M

    &" 1.? 1D7M

    C" ?.? 1D2M

    '" 1.2 1D1?M

    (" 2.2 1D1M

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ moderate (F+ 1/.>

    0&+ Calculate the concentration of a metal ion in e$uilibrium with a comple# ion.!(#ample 1/." -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    3(4+ comple# ion formation e$uilibrium calculations with 3f 5*C+ general chemistry

    . What is the concentration of Cd2

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    '" AgCl

    (" *rC07

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.?

    0&+ redict whether a precipitate will form in the presence of the comple# ion. !(#ample1/.1D" -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    3(4+ comple# ions and solubility 5*C+ general chemistry

    1D7. What will happen if >D.D mB of D.D22M)a2*207, >D.D mB of D.D1DMAg)07, and >D.D mBof D.D/M3Cl are mi#ed together% For AgCl,Ksp= 1. 1D

    1DN for Ag!*207"27,

    Kf= 2. 1D17.

    A" A precipitate of Ag2*207will form.

    &" A precipitate of 3)07will form.C" )o precipitate will form because sil8er!I" ion e#ists predominantly as Ag. 1D

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.?0&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble ionic compound in a solution of the

    comple# ion. !(#ample 1/.11" -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    1D>. Pi8en the following e$uilibrium constants,

    AgI07 Ksp = 7.1 1D


  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    AgI07!s" < 2):7!aq" Ag!):7"2

    C" >.> 1D16

    '" 1.

    (" 1./ 1D/

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/.?

    0&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble ionic compound in a solution of thecomple# ion. !(#ample 1/.11" -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    1D?. What is the molar solubility of nicHel!II" sulfide in D.D>7M3C)% For )i*,Ksp= 7.D 1D

    1N for )i!C)"62,Kf= 1.D 1D


    A" >.> 1D1DM

    &" >.7 1D2M

    C" 1.> 1D1M

    '" 1.7 1D2M

    (" 2.2 1D>M

    A)*+ ' -*+ 1 'IF+ difficult (F+ 1/.?

    0&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble ionic compound in a solution of the

    comple# ion. !(#ample 1/.11" -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria

    3(4+ comple# ion formation e$uilibrium calculations with 3f 5*C+ general chemistry

    1D/. What is the molar solubility of Minc hydro#ide at p: 12.6D% For @n!0:"2,Ksp= 2.1 1D1?N

    for @n!0:"62,Kf= 2. 1D


    A" .6 1D2?M

    &" 1.> 1D2M

    C" 7./ 1D6M

    '" 7./ 1D?M

    (" 1.6 1DM

    A)*+ C -*+ 1 'IF+ difficult (F+ 1/.?

    0&+ Calculate the solubility of a slightly soluble ionic compound in a solution of the

    comple# ion. !(#ample 1/.11" -0+ solubility comple# ion e$uilibria3(4+ comple# ion formation e$uilibrium calculations with 3f 5*C+ general chemistry

    1D. Which of the following statements concerning the separation of metal ions into AnalyticalProups IGE is9are correct%

    1. 0nly the least soluble sulfides will precipitate in an acidic solution of :2*.2. 3

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    C" 7 only

    '" 1 and 2(" 1, 2, and 7

    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/./0&+ 'escribe the main outline of the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis.

    -0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria

    1D. Which of the following statements concerning the separation of metal ions into AnalyticalProups IGE is9are correct%

    1. -he substitution of dilute @n!Cl"2for dilute :Cl in step one, the precipitation ofthe Analytical Proup I metal ions as chloride salts, will ha8e no effect on the

    rest of the analysis.

    2. Proup I ions cannot be precipitated using this scheme.7. In the filtration stages, the filtrate is the solid material that is remo8ed from the

    mi#ture by filtration.

    A" 1 only

    &" 2 only

    C" 7 only'" 1 and 2

    (" 1, 2, and 7

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/./

    0&+ 'escribe the main outline of the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis.

    -0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria

    11D. In the $ualitati8e analysis scheme for metal ions, how are the Analytical Proup III cations

    separated from the cations of Analytical Proups IE and E%

    A" by addition of :2* in acidic solution, forming insoluble metal sulfides

    &" by addition of !):6"2C07or !):6"706, forming insoluble metal carbonates orphosphates

    C" by addition of :2*06, forming insoluble metal sulfates'" by addition of :Cl, forming insoluble metal chlorides

    (" by addition of :2* in basic solution, forming insoluble metal sulfides or hydro#ides

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/./0&+ 'escribe the main outline of the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis.

    -0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ $ualitati8e analysis of metal ions 5*C+ general chemistry

    111. What is the effect of substituting soluble metal salts such as )aCl and 32C07for :Cl or

    !):6"2C07in the $ualitati8e analysis scheme for separating the fi8e Analytical Proups%A" 4ou can no longer tell if your original sample contained )a

  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A)*+ A -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/./

    0&+ 'escribe the main outline of the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis.-0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria

    112. In the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis, the cations of Analytical Proup IE areprecipitated as phosphates or carbonates. Analytical Proup IE consists of

    A" alHaline earth elements.

    &" the halogens.

    C" alHali metals.'" transition metals ha8ing

    A)*+ & -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/./0&+ 'escribe the main outline of the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis.

    -0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ $ualitati8e analysis of metal ions 5*C+ general chemistry

    11>. -he following reaction represents a step in the separation of which analytical group of



  • 8/10/2019 Chemistry Ch. 17 Test Bank


    A"Analytical Proup I

    &" Analytical Proup III

    C" Analytical Proup E'" Analytical Proup IE

    (" Analytical Proup II

    A)*+ ( -*+ 1 'IF+ easy (F+ 1/./

    0&+ 'escribe the main outline of the sulfide scheme for $ualitati8e analysis.

    -0+ solubility applications of solubility e$uilibria

    3(4+ $ualitati8e analysis of metal ions 5*C+ general chemistry