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  • 7/23/2019 CHEMISTRY 1.docx


    Project in


    Esmero, Rose May Angel E. EsmeroMT12KA2

    Engr. Juanita C. Apostol

    Chemistry Proessor

  • 7/23/2019 CHEMISTRY 1.docx


    AluminumThe most abundant metal element in Earth's crust.Aluminum originates as an oxide called alumina. Bauxite ore is themain source of aluminum and must be imported from Jamaica,Guinea, Brazil, Guyana, etc. sed in transportation !automobiles",pac#aging, building$construction, electrical, machinery and otheruses. The .%. &as (( percent import reliant for its aluminum in)().

    AntimonyA nati*e element+ antimony metal is extracted from stibnite ore andother minerals. sed as a hardening alloy for lead, especially storagebatteries and cable sheaths+ also used in bearing metal, type metal,solder, collapsible tubes and foil, sheet and pipes and semiconductortechnology. Antimony is used as a ame retardant, in -re&or#s, andin antimony salts are used in the rubber, chemical and textileindustries, as &ell as medicine and glassma#ing. The .%. &as /percent import reliant in )().

    !ariumA hea*y metal contained in barite. sed as a hea*y additi*e in oil&ell drilling+ in the paper and rubber industries+ as a -ller or extenderin cloth, in# and plastics products+ in radiography !0bariummil#sha#e0"+ as a deoxidizer for copper+ a spar#plug in alloys+ and inma#ing expensi*e &hite pigments.


    sed in the nuclear industry and to ma#e light, *ery strong alloysused in the aircraft industry.Beryl is the gem stones emerald anda1uamarine. 2t is used in computers, telecommunication products,aerospace and defense applications, appliances and automoti*e andconsumer electronics. Also used in medical e1uipment

    ChromiteThe .%. consumes about 3 percent of &orld chromite ore productionin *arious forms of imported materials, such as chromite ore,chromite chemicals, chromium ferroalloys, chromium metal andstainless steel. sed as an alloy and in stainless and heat resisting

    steel products. sed in chemical and metallurgical industries!chrome -xtures, etc." %uperalloys re1uire chromium.

    Co"altsed primarily in superalloys for aircraft gas turbine engines, in cemented carbides for cuttingtools and &ear4resistant applications, chemicals !paint dryers, catalysts, magnetic coatings" and

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    permanent magnets. The nited %tates has cobalt resources in5innesota, Alas#a, 6alifornia, 2daho, 5issouri, 5ontana and7regon.


    sed in building construction, electric and electronic products!cables and &ires, s&itches, plumbing, heating"+ transportatione1uipment+ roo-ng+ chemical and pharmaceutical machinery+and alloys !brass, bronze and beryllium alloyed &ith copper are

    particularly *ibration resistant"+ alloy castings+ electroplatedprotecti*e coatings and undercoats for nic#el, chromium, zinc, etc.


    Gallium is used in integrated circuits, light4emitting diodes !8E9s",photodetectors and solar cells. 2t has a ne& use in chemotherapy forsome types of cancer. 2ntegrated circuits are used in defense

    applications, high performance computers and telecommunications.

    #ol$sed in :e&elry and arts+ dentistry and medicine+ in medallions andcoins+ in ingots as a store of *alue+ for scienti-c and electronicinstruments+ as an electrolyte in the electroplating industry. 5ined inAlas#a and se*eral &estern states. 8eading producers are 6hina,Australia, nited %tates, ;ussia and 6anada. The .%. &as not importreliant in )().


    2ndium tin oxide is used for electrical conducti*ity purposes in atpanel de*ices 4 most commonly in li1uid crystal displays !869s". 2t isalso used in solders, alloys, compounds, electrical components,semiconductors and research. 2ndium ore is not reco*ered from oresin the .%. 6hina is the leading producer. 2t is also produced in6anada, Japan and Belgium.

    %ron &re

    sed to manufacture steels of *arious types. ?"= in medicine+tracer element in biochemical and metallurgical research. 2ron blue= in paints, printing in#s,

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    plastics, cosmetics, paper dyeing. Blac# iron oxide= as pigment+in polishing compounds+ metallurgy+ medicine+ magnetic in#s.

    'ea$sed in lead4acid batteries, gasoline additi*es !no& beingeliminated" and tan#s, and solders, seals or bearing+ used inelectrical and electronic applications+ T@ tubes and glass,construction, communications and protecti*e coatings+ in ballastor &eights+ ceramics or crystal glass+ 4ray and gamma

    radiation shielding+ soundproo-ng material in construction industry+ and ammunition.

    'ithium6ompounds are used in ceramics and glass+ batteries+lubricating greases+ air treatment+ in primary aluminumproduction+ in the manufacture of lubricants and greases+roc#et propellants+ *itamin A synthesis+ sil*er solder+ batteries+medicine. 8ithium ion batteries ha*e become a substitute fornic#el4cadmium batteries in hand held$portable electronic


    Manganese2t is essential to iron and steel production. Also used in thema#ing of manganese ferroalloys. 6onstruction, machinery andtransportation end uses account for most .%. consumption ofmanganese. 5anganese ore has not been produced in the .%.since ?/(.

    Moly"$enumsed in alloy steels to ma#e automoti*e parts, constructione1uipment, gas transmission pipes+ stainless steels+ tool steels+cast irons+ super alloys+ and chemicals and lubricants. As apure metal, molybdenum is used because of its high meltingtemperatures !,/C( D" as -lament supports in light bulbs,metal&or#ing dies and furnace parts.


    sed in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, fertilizers, petroleumre-ning+ and metal mining. Elemental sulphur and byproductsulfuric acid &ere produced in o*er (( operations in )3 stateand the @irgin 2slands

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    2t is used as a cooling medium for the 8arge adron 6ollider!86", and the superconducting magnets in 5;2 scanners andH5; spectrometers. 2t is also used to #eep satellite instrumentscool and &as used to cool the li1uid oxygen and hydrogen thatpo&ered the Apollo space *ehicles.

    Krypton2t is used in some types of photographic ashes used in highspeed photography. %ome uorescent light bulbs are -lled &ith amixture of #rypton and argon gases. Frypton gas is alsocombined &ith other gases to ma#e luminous signs that glo&&ith a greenish4yello& light.


    Bromine is used in many areas such as agricultural chemicals,dyestus, insecticides, pharmaceuticals and chemicalintermediates. %ome uses are being phased out for en*ironmentalreasons, but ne& uses continue to be found.Bromine compoundscan be used as ame retardants. They are added to furniturefoam, plastic casings for electronics and textiles to ma#e them lessammable. o&e*er, the use of bromine as a ame retardant hasbeen phased out in the %A because of toxicity concerns.


    Heon is used to ma#e high4*oltage indicators and s&itching gear,lightning arresters, di*ing e1uipment and lasers. 8i1uid neon is animportant cryogenic refrigerant. 2t has o*er ( times morerefrigerating capacity per unit *olume than li1uid helium, andmore than C times that of li1uid hydrogen.

    !oronAmorphous boron is used as a roc#et fuel igniter and in

    pyrotechnic ares. 2t gi*es the ares a distincti*e greencolour.The most important compounds of boron are boric !orboracic" acid, borax !sodium borate" and boric oxide. These canbe found in eye drops, mild antiseptics, &ashing po&ders and tileglazes. Borax used to be used to ma#e bleach and as a foodpreser*ati*e.Boric oxide is also commonly used in themanufacture of borosilicate glass !

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    heads and machine tools and to deoxidise steel.%ilicon is also used to ma#e silicones. These aresilicon4oxygen polymers &ith methyl groups attached. %ilicone oil is a lubricant and is added tosome cosmetics and hair conditioners.

    #ermaniumGermanium is a semiconductor. The pure element &as commonly doped &ith arsenic, gallium orother elements and used as a transistor in thousands of electronic applications. Today, ho&e*er,other semiconductors ha*e replaced it.Germanium oxide has a high index of refraction anddispersion. This ma#es it suitable for use in &ide4angle camera lenses and ob:ecti*e lenses formicroscopes. This is no& the ma:or use for this element.


    Arsenic is a &ell4#no&n poison. Arsenic compounds are sometimes used as rat poisons andinsecticides but their use is strictly controlled. 2n @ictorian times, 9r Do&lerIs %olution !potassiumarsenate dissol*ed in &ater" &as a popular cure4all tonic that &as e*en used by 6harles 9ic#ens.

    Today, organoarsenic compounds are added to poultry feed to pre*ent disease and impro*e&eight gain.


    Tellurium is used in alloys, mostly &ith copper and stainlesssteel, to impro*e their machinability. hen added to lead itma#es it more resistant to acids and impro*es its strength andhardness.Tellurium has been used to *ulcanise rubber, to tintglass and ceramics, in solar cells, in re&ritable 69s and 9@9sand as a catalyst in oil re-ning. 2t can be doped &ith sil*er, gold,copper or tin in semiconductor applications.


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