chemical product design — a brief overview

Chemical Product Design: Toward a Perspective through Case Studies KM Ng, R Gani, K Dam-Johansen (Editors) © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1 Chapter 1 Chemical Product Design – A Brief Overview Rafiqul Gani a , Kim Dam-Johansen a & Ka M. Ng b a Department of Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Building 229, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark b Department of Chemical Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, P.R. China 1. 1 INTRODUCTION In chemical product design and development, one first tries to find a candidate product that exhibits certain desirable or targeted behavior and then tries to find a process that can manufacture it with the specified qualities. The candidate may be a single chemical, a mixture, or a formulation of active ingredients and additives. For the later product type, additives are usually added to an identified active ingredient (molecule or mixture) to significantly enhance its desirable (target) properties. Examples of chemical products, such as functional chemicals (solvents, refrigerants, lubricants, etc.), agrochemicals (pesticides, insecticides, etc.), pharmaceuticals & drugs, cosmetics & personal care products, home and office products, etc., can be found everywhere. In this chapter and this book, the term “chemical product design” will be used to also include some aspects of “chemical product development”. Also, unless otherwise specified, the term “product” in this chapter will only include various types of chemical products. Even though it is possible to identify many chemicals or their formulations as potential chemical products, only a small percentage actually become one. Finding a suitable process that can reliably, efficiently and economically manufacture the identified chemical with the desired product qualities as well as

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In chemical product design and development, one first tries to find a candidateproduct that exhibits certain desirable or targeted behavior and then tries to finda process that can manufacture it with the specified qualities. The candidatemay be a single chemical, a mixture, or a formulation of active ingredients andadditives. For the later product type, additives are usually added to an identifiedactive ingredient (molecule or mixture) to significantly enhance its desirable(target) properties.


  • Chemical Product Design: Toward a Perspective through Case Studies KM Ng, R Gani, K Dam-Johansen (Editors) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1

    Chapter 1

    Chemical Product Design A Brief Overview

    Rafiqul Gania, Kim Dam-Johansena & Ka M. Ngb

    aDepartment of Chemical Engineering Technical University of Denmark Building 229, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark bDepartment of Chemical Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, P.R. China


    In chemical product design and development, one first tries to find a candidate product that exhibits certain desirable or targeted behavior and then tries to find a process that can manufacture it with the specified qualities. The candidate may be a single chemical, a mixture, or a formulation of active ingredients and additives. For the later product type, additives are usually added to an identified active ingredient (molecule or mixture) to significantly enhance its desirable (target) properties. Examples of chemical products, such as functional chemicals (solvents, refrigerants, lubricants, etc.), agrochemicals (pesticides, insecticides, etc.), pharmaceuticals & drugs, cosmetics & personal care products, home and office products, etc., can be found everywhere. In this chapter and this book, the term chemical product design will be used to also include some aspects of chemical product development. Also, unless otherwise specified, the term product in this chapter will only include various types of chemical products. Even though it is possible to identify many chemicals or their formulations as potential chemical products, only a small percentage actually become one. Finding a suitable process that can reliably, efficiently and economically manufacture the identified chemical with the desired product qualities as well as

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    evaluating product performance during application and analyzing market trends play important roles in product design and development. From a process point of view there are products where the reliability of the quality of the manufactured chemical may be the deciding factor (for example, drugs & agrochemicals), while there are others where the cost of manufacturing the product is at least as important as the reliability of the product quality (solvents, refrigerants, lubricants). This means that product-centered process design is important because identifying a feasible chemical product is not enough, it needs to be produced through a sustainable process. Also, while in the case of functional chemicals, the identified molecule or mixture is the final product, in the case of chemicals based consumer products (drugs, cosmetics & personal care products, etc.), they are intermediate products from which the final products are obtained through additional processing. Finally, the performance of the manufactured product, when applied, needs to be tested and validated. For some functional chemical products (such as solvents and refrigerants) this may be straight forward, but for some consumer products (such as drugs and food-products), it may not be so straight forward.

    1.1.1 Chemical Product Process Design Chemical product design typically starts with a problem statement with respect to the desired product qualities, the needs and a set of target properties that define them. Based on this information, alternatives are generated, which are then tested and evaluated to identify the chemicals and/or their mixtures that satisfy the desired product specifications (qualities, needs and cost). This could be regarded as the discovery step. The next step is to select one of the product alternatives and design a process that can manufacture the product. This could be regarded as the product-process development step. The final step involves the analysis, test and validation of the product and its corresponding process. This could be regarded as the product manufacturing & launch step. Chemical process design, as it is commonly known, typically starts with a general problem statement with respect to the chemical product that needs to be produced, its specifications that need to be matched, and the chemicals (raw materials) that may be used to produce it. Based on this information, a series of decisions and calculations are made at various stages of the design process to obtain first a conceptual process design, which is then further developed to obtain a final design, satisfying at the same time, a set of economic and process constraints. The important point to note here is that the identity of the chemical product and its desired qualities are known at the start but the process (flowsheet/operations) and its details are unknown.

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    Some of the important features of product-process design are the following: At the start, the identity of the chemical product is not known but the

    desired product specifications (targeted behavior) are known. Process design can be considered as an internal sub-problem of the total

    product design problem in the sense that once the identity of the chemical product has been established, the process and/or the sequence of operations that can produce it, needs to be determined.

    Product performance as well as issues related to supply chain, marketing, etc., need to be addressed. It may also be necessary to evaluate not only the product but also the process in terms of environmental impact, life cycle assessment and/or sustainability, before it can be launched.

    1.1.2 Integration of Product-Process Design From the above descriptions of product-process design, it is clear that some aspects of product and process design are linked. Also, product design is linked to product performance just as process design is linked to process performance (operation). Figure 1 illustrates these links by highlighting the interest in a process that is capable of manufacturing a product having the desired qualities and functions that match the targeted product performance.

    Figure 1: Links between product-process design and product-application design

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    Another interesting link between product-process design is the following - high value (low volume) chemical products require close monitoring of product quality for a fixed set of process (batch) operations, while low value (high volume) chemical products require close monitoring of product quality that is matched by changing the process (continuous) operations, when necessary. This means that for some chemical products (such as drugs and food-products), once the process details are fixed, they cannot be changed, making thereby, the achievement of first time right with respect to their manufacture, a primary target. For other chemical products (such as intermediate chemicals) the processing conditions can be manipulated in order to control the product quality. In the first case, on-line monitoring schemes keep the materials being processed and their corresponding processing steps at their specified (and approved) design to ensure that the product with the specified quality would be obtained. In the second case, on-line monitoring schemes take corrective actions by manipulating the processing conditions to ensure that the specified product will be obtained. In both cases, process economics and operability as well as issues related to sustainability and environment play important but different roles.

    1.1.3 Stages of Chemical Product-Process Design As pointed out by Gani (2004a), integration of the product and process design problems can be achieved by broadening the scope of a typical process design problem to include at the beginning, a sub-problem related to chemical product identification and to include at the end, sub-problems related to product and process evaluation, including, lifecycle and/or sustainability assessments. Gani (2004a) also proposed a modified version of Cussler and Moggridges (2001) main stages of product design, which is highlighted through Fig. 2 [see also Wesseling, Kiil and Vigild (2005)]. Recently, Cordiner (2004) and Hill (2004) have highlighted various issues related to product-process design with respect to agrochemical products and structured products, respectively. Issues related to multi-scale and chemical supply chain have been highlighted by Ng (2001) and Grossmann (2004), respectively. According to Fig. 2, during the pre-design stage, the needs and goals of a product are defined through a set of essential, desired and EH&S (environmental, health and safety) properties. In the product-design stage, the candidate molecules and/or mixtures that satisfy the desired (target) properties, are determined. In the process-product design stage, processes that can

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    manufacture the identified product are determined and from it, the optimal is selected. Issues related to the actual manufacturing of the product through the designed process and associated topics (on-line monitoring and control of product quality) are also addressed in this stage. In the product application stage, the performance of the product when applied, is evaluated. Note that since there are feedbacks between the product and process design stages, simultaneous as well as sequential approaches are applicable.

    Figure 2: Different stages of product design and development


    In principle, problems related to chemical product design can be formulated and solved in many different ways. The objective here is to highlight some of those that have also been applied in the various product design case studies reported in chapters 2-15 of this book. These solution approaches may be classified under the following types: Experiment-based trial and error This approach is used when

    mathematical models for the estimation of the desired (target) properties are not available. A large number of consumer products are developed through experiment-based trial and error approaches. In this case, the desired properties need to be measured and consequently, not many candidate molecules can be considered. A list of candidate molecules may however be supplied by an expert or generated from past knowledge and/or experience. A database of chemicals may also be used to generate a list of candidates.

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    Model-based search techniques This approach is used when validated mathematical models for the estimation of all desired properties are available. In this case, a list of chemically feasible molecules and mixtures can be very efficiently and quickly generated and tested. Final selection depends, among others, on the corresponding process design, operational issues and product performance evaluation. Availability of models have contributed to the development of model-based computer aided molecular design (CAMD) and computer aided mixture/blend design (CAMbD). These techniques are very suitable for design of functional chemicals where a large collection of property models can be found. More details on CAMD and CAMbD can be found in Achenie et al. (2002) and Gani (2004b).

    Hybrid experiment-model based techniques By far the largest number of chemical product design problems are solved through some form of a hybrid experiment-model based technique. These techniques are used when mathematical models are not available for all desired properties and/or product-process performance evaluations. One option then is to use the mathematical models to generate and test alternatives in order to identify a small number of candidates, which may be further investigated through the experiment-based trial and error approach. In this way, the search space is reduced and reducing thereby, the time and resources spent on the needed experimental effort.

    1.2.1 Design of Molecule or Mixture for a Desired Chemical Product These product design problems are typically formulated as,

    Given the specifications of a desired product, determine the molecular structures of the chemicals that satisfy the desired product specifications, or, determine the mixtures that satisfy the desired product specifications.

    The design/selection of functional chemicals (refrigerants and solvents) are common examples of these chemical product design problems. The design/selection of the active ingredients (AI) in the case of pharmaceutical, food and other consumer products is more complex as the size of the molecules are usually larger and the estimation and/or measurements of desired (target) properties more difficult. In the case of mixtures (blends and/or formulations), the chemicals comprising of AIs and additives may already be known and it is usually desired to find the identities of the chemicals that will be present in the final product (mixture) together with their compositions.

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    These two molecular-mixture design problems are also typically known as the reverse of property prediction, where, given the properties of the molecule or mixture, the objective is to identify the candidate molecules-mixtures that match them. Consequently, an iterative solution strategy where feasible alternatives (molecules and/or mixtures) are generated and tested to verify if their properties satisfy the target (properties are evaluated through reliable property estimation methods). The molecular design problem, as formulated above, is mainly employed to identify functional chemicals that are added to the process-product, such as solvents, refrigerants and lubricants and may be used by the process to manufacture a chemical product. In the case of mixture design, petroleum blends and solvent mixtures are two examples where the product may be designed with or without process constraints. In the design of more complex chemicals, such as, the AI for consumer products, hybrid experiment-model based techniques are most appropriate as a combination of computations and experiments are needed to solve these problems. For example, in drug design, structures of synthetic candidates of a lead biologically active compound may be identified through molecular design. The generated synthetic candidates help to establish the activity of the parent molecule representing the lead chemistry. In this way, much time and resources are saved during the development of lead biologically active compounds. QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships) techniques may be used to establish the relationships between the biological activity of the molecules, some characteristic properties of the molecules (such as the octanol-water partition coefficient) and the molecular structural parameters. The optimal AI can then be determined by generating similar molecular structures as the parent molecule and then locating the one having the minimum concentration in the protein. Note also that in all three types of solution approaches, databases may be used, if they are available.

    1.2.2 Design and Development of Chemical Products Structured products and formulations Structured products, such as cosmetics, detergents, surfactant foams, inks, paints, drugs, foods and agrochemicals, combine several functions and properties in a single product. Design of these structured products involve the creation and the control of the particle size distribution in operations such as crystallization, precipitation, generation of aerosols, and nanoparticles as well as

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    control of the particle morphology and the final shaping and presentation in operations such as agglomeration, calcinations, compaction, and encapsulation [Charpentier (2003)]. In this case, the complex media (polymers, colloids, microemulsions, etc., where rheology and interfacial phenomena play an important role) and the particulate solids (ceramic pastes, foods, solid foams, gels, etc.) control the end-use property of the product as well as the product quality (defined in terms of taste, feel, smell, color, etc.). Consequently, these problems involve different scales of size, time and complexity. The key to success in the design of structured chemical products is to first identify the desired end-use properties of the product and then to control the product quality by controlling the microstructure formation. Solution of these problems require a hybrid multidisciplinary approach involving, for example, fundamental issues (interfacial phenomena, phase equilibria, kinetics, etc.), product design issues (nucleation growth, stabilization, additive, etc.), process design issues (design of operation, mass-energy balance, equipment sizing, etc.) and process control issues (sensors, quality monitoring, etc.). An interesting example of a food product reported by Schubert [as described by Charpentier (2003)], where the quality of a food product is controlled by controlling the growth of microorganisms that could spoil the product. This is achieved by enclosing the microorganisms in a water-in-oil emulsion of aqueous droplets of a specific size. As pointed out by Schubert, special processing techniques are needed to generate the microemulsions (see also chapters 6 and 9 for examples of different aspects of structured product-process design). A hybrid experiment-model based approach has been developed to solve this problem. Control of size and shape of crystals in an industrial crystallization process can also be cited as an example of structured product design. Other chemical products

    In these design problems, given, the specifications (qualities and needs) of a desired chemical product, the objective is to identify the chemicals and/or mixtures that satisfy the given product specifications, the raw materials that can be converted to the identified chemicals, and a process (flowsheet/operations) that can manufacture them sustainably, while satisfying the economic, environmental and operational constraints. Alternatively, processes and products would need to be matched from a list of candidate chemicals and processes in order to determine the optimal product-process combination. This design problem may also be termed as product-centric process design [Fung & Ng (2003); Harjo et al. (2004); Wibow & Ng (2001)]. See also Ulrich & Eppinger (2000) for a good overview on product design and development.

  • Chemical Product Design A Brief Overview 9 As illustrated in Figure 3, solution of these problems could be broken down into three sub-problems, a chemical product design problem that only identifies the chemicals (typically formulated as a molecule or mixture design problem), a process design part that determines a process that can manufacture the identified chemical or mixture (typically formulated as a process design problem) and a product-process evaluation part (typically formulated as product analysis and/or process analysis problems). In principle, mathematical programming problems can be formulated and solved to simultaneously identify the product and its corresponding optimal sustainable process. The solution of these problems are however not easy, even if the necessary models are available [Gani (2004a)]. The main difficulties, as pointed out by Cordiner (2004) for the agrochemical products sector, are caused by the lack of a systematic effort to measure and collect data for the development of models that could be used in model-based techniques for product-process development.

    Figure 3: Decomposition of the product design problem.

    Numerous examples of new alternatives for the production of known chemical products can be found in the open literature and have been successfully addressed by employing a model-based technique. Examples of complete product-process design for new high-value chemical product, however, is not easy to find because of reasons of confidentiality. Still, interesting examples of some well known high value bio- and chemical products from the pharmaceutical and specialty chemical industries can be found, for example, design and manufacturing of penicillin [Queener and Swartz (1979)]; production of intracellular protein from recombinant yeast [Kalk and Langlykke (1985) and Blanch & Clark (2007)].

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    1.2.3 Evaluation in Chemical Product Design

    In these problems, given a list of feasible candidates, the objective is to identify/select the most appropriate product based on a set of product performance criteria. This problem is similar to CAMD or CAMbD except for the step for generation of feasible alternatives. Also, usually the product specifications (quality and needs) can be sub-divided into those that can be used in the generation of feasible alternatives and those that can be used in the evaluation of performance. A typical example is the design of formulated products (also known as formulations) where a solvent (or a solvent mixture) is added to a chemical product to enhance its performance. Here, the feasible alternatives are generated using solvent properties while the final selection is made through the evaluation of the product performance during its application. Consider the following problem formulations:

    Select the optimal solvent mixture and the paint to which it must be added by evaluating the evaporation rate of the solvent when a paint product is applied [Klein et al. (1992)]. Select the pesticide and the surfactants that may be added by evaluating the uptake of the pesticide when solution droplets are sprayed on a plant leaf [Munir (2005)]. Select the active ingredient (AI) or drug/pesticide product and the microcapsule encapsulating it by evaluating the controlled release of the AI [Muro-Sune et al. (2005)] through the microcapsule. Select solvent mixtures for crystallization of drug or active ingredient [Karunanithi et al. (2006)]. See also chapters 2 and 4.

    In all the above design problems, the manufacturing process is not included but instead, the application process is included and evaluated to identify the optimal product. Note that the formulated product, which may also be defined as products that are sold based on their properties during use and not their molecular structure, may need to pass a set of quality tests. Consider the following product design and evaluation problem from the agrochemical industry. A pesticide product consisting of an active ingredient and an additive need to be evaluated in terms of its controlled release characteristics from a polymeric microcapsule to a release medium. Here, since the AI and the additives (solvent and surfactant) are known, the product-evaluation problem consists of designing the microcapsule and identification of

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    the polymer (molecular/mixture design), determining the loading of the microcapsule with the AI (process measurement and/or process design -modeling), and, the controlled release of the AI from the microcapsule (product performance evaluation). Figure 4 illustrates the three sub-problems that need to be solved. For each sub-problem, experiments would need to be performed if the appropriate property-process models were not available. A systematic effort is necessary to collect data; to develop models for prediction of pure polymer (repeat unit) properties, polymer solutions and controlled release performance based on the collected data and a good understanding of the product-process-performance characteristics; and, finally to use the developed models for screening of alternative pesticide formulations and microcapsules so that the pesticide product and the optimal microcapsule design can be identified simultaneously. Muro-Sune et al. (2005) provides details of model-based computer-aided design for controlled release of pesticides. Using a similar approach, the uptake of a pesticide AI from a water droplet into a plant leaf can be investigated as a function of the additives needed to enhance the uptake rate. In both cases, an integration of methods, models and tools is necessary to identify the optimal design.

    Figure 4: Illustration of simultaneous product design (polymeric membrane), process evaluation and product performance in terms of controlled release of a

    pesticide product.

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    Some of the important issues and needs for chemical product design are discussed in this section with respect to the main stages of the product design problem highlighted in Figure 2. That is, How to define the goals and needs of a chemical product in terms of a set of

    desired (target) properties? How to identify a set of product candidates that will define the search space

    where the optimal product may be found? How to determine the process that can manufacture the desired product with

    the specified quality and optimal cost? How to evaluate the process and product performance?

    1.3.1 Definition of Product Goals

    A systematic method to identify the properties through which the goals and needs of chemical products is currently not available. Databases and CAMD techniques applied to the design of functional chemical products (refrigerants, solvents for extraction, solvents in organic synthesis, solvents for cleaning, solvents in formulations and polymers with specific end-use properties) have been reported [see Achenie et al. (2003)]. Much work is needed, however, to extend these methods to cover a wide range chemical products. A good understanding of the issues, such as the relation of end-use properties defining the performance of a chemical (product) to its microscopic and macroscopic structural parameters and the phenomena governing the product-process characteristics. For example, which end-use properties of a structured product can be controlled, does solvents have any influence on the shape of crystals to be formed, which properties of polymeric membranes in microcapsules define its performance during controlled release of the AI and many more. An important first step is to collect information from known (or published) case studies and store them in a suitable database with an appropriate search engine for data retrieval.

    1.3.2 Identification of Product Candidates

    In this case, systematic methods for generation of feasible molecular and mixture candidates have been reported for the design of functional chemical products [see Achenie et al. (2003)]. Methods based on database search, total enumeration of feasible candidates (rule-based techniques that avoid a combinatorial explosion), mathematical programming, genetic algorithm, and,

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    statistical optimization, have been reported and successfully applied for design of solvents, refrigerants, process fluids and polymer repeat units. For larger and more complex products, however, the number of combinations even after application of special rules, is too large (for example, the number of possible isomers for a C9 primary alcohol alone is more than a million). Also, even if all the structures can be generated, to evaluate their target properties, property estimation methods that can distinguish between isomers and/or predict reliable property values for large, complex multifunctional molecules, would be necessary. Sufficient data needs to be collected to enable a systematic study of the properties that define the goals and needs of a product and for the development of appropriate mathematical models. Where experiments cannot be performed to measure the needed data, validated molecular modeling techniques could be used to generate pseudo-experimental data, specially the end-use properties as a function of the microstructure of the chemical product. Knowledge-based systems that can apriori screen-out redundant combinations, and therefore, reduce the combinatorial size of the search space would also make a big impact in terms of finding the optimal structured chemical product. Kontogeorgis and Gani (2004) provide a useful overview of model-based property estimation for chemical product design, including the need for data to model development and validation. Identification of AIs based on their desired activity as in drugs, food-products, cosmetics, etc., require hybrid experiment-model based techniques [see Reynolds et al. (1995)].

    1.3.3 Identification of the Process Alternatives

    This topic is discussed in detail in chapter 16 and therefore not discussed further in this section.

    1.3.4 Product-Process Evaluation

    As highlighted through Fig. 1, in addition to evaluation of the performance of the process, the performance of the product when it is applied, also needs to be evaluated. Depending on the type of the product-process, these can be model-based, experiment-based or a combination of both. The performance of functional products and the processes that manufacture them, are generally easier to evaluate than the consumer chemical products. The reason being that a greater amount of knowledge and available data have been converted to mathematical models that can be used for model-based performance evaluations. In the case of consumer chemical products, however, the available knowledge and data have not yet been converted into models that are suitable for model-based techniques. Also, because of the nature of the final consumer product and their manufacturing process, on-line monitoring and data analysis is

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    more appropriate for their performance evaluation. PAT (process analytical technology) systems, which are based on on-line analysis and monitoring of the product and process, are finding increasing use in the pharmaceutical, food and agrochemical industries. Finally, product evaluation based on the activity of the active ingredient, such as the activity of a drug or the taste of a food-product, is based on experiments involving human volunteers.

    1.3.5 Framework for Product-Process Design

    Even though we do not have sufficient knowledge to understand all aspects of product-process design, do not have sufficient data to resolve all product-process design issues and/or do not have versatile models or a sufficient large collection of models to cover a wide range of chemical products, it is still possible to solve many product-process design problems correctly, consistently and efficiently. What is important is to learn from past experience so that the next time, solution of similar problems will require a smaller effort. This can be achieved through a framework for product-process design that allows the use of the available knowledge, data, model, etc., in the most flexible and efficient manner. A simple version of this framework is illustrated in Fig. 5, where the main steps of product design and development are indicated in terms of the associated work-flow, the data-flow and the associated techniques, methods and tools. The parts where models may be developed and used, are also highlighted.

    Figure 5: Framework for systematic product-process design and development

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    We start with a definition of the problem and based on this, we identify the candidates (such as, molecules, mixtures and formulations) through expert knowledge, database search, model-based search, or a combination of all. The next step is to perform experiments and/or model-based simulations (of product behavior) to identify a feasible set of candidates. At this stage, issues related to process design are introduced and a process-product match is obtained. The final test is related to product quality and performance verification. Other features, such as life cycle assessment could also be introduced at this stage.


    1.4.1 Molecular and/or Mixture Design

    In this book, case studies highlighted in chapters 2, 3 and 5 involve chemical product design problems where relationships between molecular structures or mixtures and end-use (target) properties are investigated to identify the chemical product. In chapter 2, the role of solubility modeling and its application within the design framework of a pharmaceutical product (Cimetidine) is highlighted for an API crystallization step. A hybrid experiment-model based technique has been applied. In chapter 3, a computer aided molecular design technique has been employed to identify solvent replacements for the process industry. Experiments have been performed to validate the final selection. In chapter 4, a decomposition based computer aided molecular and mixture design technique has been employed to identify mixtures of solvents and anti-solvents for the multi-step crystallization of a pharmaceutical product (Ibuprofen). Again, experiments have been performed to validate the design. In chapter 5, a hybrid experiment-model based technique is employed to design a liquid detergent enzyme product with a built-in stabilization system that could be employed by a liquid detergent designer to avoid the addition of boric acid and thereby reduce the amount of polyols.

    1.4.2 Structured Product-Formulation Design

    The case study highlighted in chapter 9 involves the design and identification of a structured chemical product. In particular, the case study involves the design of a cleansing bar that did not leave a bathtub ring as well as recognition as a high quality personal cleansing bar characterized by properties such as firmness, rich creamy lather, absence of grit, not harmful to skin, without unpleasant odor

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    or color and low mush rate. The final consumer product, Dove, is a well known product from Unilever.

    1.4.3 Structured Product-Formulation Design

    The case study in chapter 6 deals with the synthesis of processing steps needed in the manufacture of a multi-phase and structured food product. The challenge is to design a process that can produce the product having a specified arrangement of phases within a microstructure. Examples involving the manufacture of mayonnaise (which is an emulsion of about 80% oil in water, stabilized by egg yolk protein) and ice cream (a product that consists of four phases) are presented. The case study in chapter 8 proposes a product-centered approach which applies chemistry and chemical engineering principles to develop the manufacturing process of detergent products with the desirable performance. The products can have different delivery forms such as powder, tablet, spray, gel, unstructured liquid, and structured liquid. A systematic procedure is presented to provide guidelines for easier and faster product and process development, focusing on how to manipulate the detergent chemicals and the processes involved in response to consumer needs. The procedure highlights specific aspects unique to detergents, which were absent in the previously developed procedures for specialty chemicals in general. The case study in chapter 10 involves the manufacture of an industrial chemical product, epitaxial silicon wafers, used in the production of configured consumer products such as integrated circuits. This case study also discusses the process technology innovation issues such as the design of the plasma-enhanced, chemical-vapor-deposition (PECVD) reactor. The case study in chapter 11 discusses the steps involved in the design and development of a new SO2 oxidation catalyst, which was introduced to the market in 1996 by Haldor Topse from Denmark.

    1.4.4 Product Identification and Evaluation

    The case study from chapter 7 is concerned with the design and improvement of chemically-active ship bottom paints known as antifouling paints. A hybrid experiment-model based approach is employed here. Experiments and use of expert knowledge are employed to identify product alternatives, whose evaluation in terms of performance as a marine biofouling protector is verified through a model-based approach.

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    1.4.5 Chemical Product Design Educational Modules

    Several case studies that have been generated from teaching courses on chemical product design and may be used as educational modules in courses on chemical product design are given in chapters 13 and 14. In chapter 14, the case studies involve the use of computer aided methods and tools for chemical product design. In addition, chapter 12 describes the experience in teaching Chemical Engineering students in Hong Kong the basic elements of successful entrepreneurship and product design through the final year design project. The chemical product used in the design project (chapter 12) is a household appliance designed to deliver clean air by removing and killing airborne microorganisms, and converting carbon monoxide and common VOCs found indoor into harmless carbon dioxide and water. It also dehumidifies indoor air and maintains a comfortable humidity level that suppresses fungal proliferation. The appliance is intended to maintain its performance without maintenance for at least two years and is expected to have a functional life of at least five years. The product contains an active formulation of (1) low temperature oxidation catalyst, (2) VOCs adsorbent and (c) desiccant. Six chemical product design problems are presented together with the solutions developed by students from the University of Minnesota. These problems cover the following topics

    Optical currency substrate for counterfeit prevention Oxygen impermeable food wrap Controlled drug release Solid formulation mof low melting point of active ingredients UV shield film Adhesives for wet metal surfaces

    The use of computer aided methods and tools in chemical product design is highlighted in chapter 14 through several design/selection problems involving solvent design/selection, refrigerant design, polymer repeat unit design, mixture design and backbone design and evaluation. In all cases, the problem definition, the input specifications for the software used and the results are given. The software used is ICAS (Integrated Computer Aided System), which contains a number of toolboxes that are specially suited for some aspects of chemical product design. Finally, chapter 15 proposes the development of a classification system for the available knowledge on chemical products that can serve as a guide in chemical product design, development and teaching. The chapter examines the nature of

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    chemical products and discusses some of the important issues related to chemical product design and development.


    As chemical product design covers a wide range of products-processes and topics, it is not possible to cover all aspects within a single book or chapter. This chapter has tried to provide the reader with a brief overview of some of the important features of chemical product design. First, an introduction to chemical product design, its link to process design and the stages of product design have been discussed. This is followed by a classification of different types of problems related to chemical product design and a discussion on the issues and needs with respect to solution of various types of chemical product design problems. A framework for systematic computer aided chemical product design has also been proposed within the context of systematic chemical product design. Finally, the product design problems presented as case studies in chapters 2-14 of this book are briefly previewed, highlighting some of the issues discussed in this chapter. Important messages to take from this chapter are the following: Product-process design are linked and in specific cases, there is an

    advantage to look at integrated solution approaches rather than sequential approaches.

    The solution approaches that are currently being applied to product-process design can be classified in terms of those that are experiment-based, model-based and combination of both (hybrid).

    While model-based techniques may be efficient, because of the lack of reliable models, knowledge and data, experiment-based is the one more commonly applied.

    A more practical approach is the hybrid approach where a combination of models (where applicable) and experiments (where models are not applicable) are employed. For hybrid approaches, development of a systematic method of solution based on a decomposition of the overall design problem into a hierarchy of tasks and sub-tasks is necessary.

    It is important to collect information on various chemical product design applications in the form of case studies, as they can help to understand the issues and needs related to the development of more efficient and versatile methods and tools. Also, they serve as examples in teaching of chemical product design.

  • Chemical Product Design A Brief Overview 19


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