chemical hazards-iaoh-bohs

Prepared in Public Interest Prepared in Public Interest By By Indian Association of Indian Association of Occupational Health Occupational Health April, 2013 April, 2013

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Presentation on Chemical Hazards in Industry and protection of workers, diagnosis of adverse health effects. Creating their awareness and guidance to Doctors.


  • 1. Prepared in Public InterestByIndian Association of Occupational Health April, 2013

2. December 3rd 1984 3. The Union Carbide Pesticide Plant in Bhopal,released 40 tons of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) gas,killing between 2,500 to 5,000 people in the earlyhours of the morning. The Worlds worst Industrial Disaster 4. The gas being heavier than air, started entering intothe homes of the unwary population. Many whopanicked and ran out also got crushed instampedes. Around 500,000 were estimated to be exposed to thegas & around 20,000 have died as a result. Over120,000 continue to suffer from the from the effectsof the disaster. 5. Doctors and Hospitals were unaware of the natureof the Gas, nor were they informed of the propertreatment of the inhalation of MIC gas, beingmerely asked to give cough medicine & eye drops. If they were informed about the same, propertreatment could have been instituted & a lot oflives could have been saved. 6. The Bhopal disaster brought into sharp focus theunprecedented potential of hazardous chemicalrelease in terms of loss of life, health, injury andevacuation. It created a compelling evidence to approachdisaster management and chemical safetyholistically. The disaster brought in its wake, an era ofrestructuring and inducting new hazardouschemical control systems and procedures all overthe world 7. There have been many more such incidents of a relativelyminor nature. One such was a Petroleum tanker accidenton the highway near Mumbai. Spillage of the chemical onto the road came to the attention of the localimpoverished tribal population, which started collectingthe liquid, presuming it to be cooking fuel. A spark led toa conflagration consuming the lives of innocents. Such incidents brought into focus the vulnerability andthe need for Risk assessment of transportation ofHazardous chemicals. 8. Another frequent accident occurs when workersdescend into empty confined spaces such as disusedWells, Food silos, Sewage channels etc, due topresence of noxious gases such as H2S & CO. Many a lives have been lost and even those whotried to save the victims, due to lack of knowledge,have fallen prey to the same gas exposure. 9. Factories Act was amended to assignresponsibility for workplace safety to theOccupier. Environment Protection Act was introduced in1986. The Manufacture, Storage & Import ofHazardous Chemicals Rules,1989. The Chemical Accidents, Emergency Planning,Preparedness and Response,1996 introduced. 10. India at present is achieving new milestones, majoreconomic breakthroughs and moving aheadtowards the vision of a developed nation. Asustained industrial growth including progress ofthe chemical sector is crucial to attaining this goal. The growth of the chemical sector has led toincrease in the manufacture, storage and use ofHazardous chemicals (Hazchem) resulting inenhanced threats of accidents. Occurrence ofaccidents remains a cause of concern. 11. The Indian Chemical Industry contributes to 6.7% ofthe GDP. Indian Fertilizer Industry is the fourth largest in theworld. Largest manufacturer of Pesticides in Asia secondonly to Japan. Indian Pharmaceutical industry is the largest in thedeveloping world 12. There are around 1790 Major Accident Hazard unitsin the country, handling large number of chemicalsas raw materials, in processes, products and wasteswith flammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic andnoxious properties. Handling of large quantities of hazardous chemicalsin installations, isolated storages and duringtransportation, poses grave risk of sudden release ofcopious quantities of toxicants. This may adverselyimpact both the communities in and around the areaand the environment. 13. A chemical substance is a material with a definitechemical composition. New chemicals are being discovered daily & at lastcount there are about 30 million chemicalcompounds 14. Toxicology is the science concerned with poisons and howthey affect the body. The main factors which determine the Toxicity of asubstance are Chemical Composition- Some more poisonous thanothers Physical State-More toxic in soluble form than gas Amount Concentration Particle Size -especially when inhaled Routes of Absorption- Inhaled, Skin Contact orIngestion. Presence of other poisons -Additive effects Duration of Exposure 15. Acute - Short Minutes to Hours Sub acute - Longer up to 90 days Chronic - Prolonged /Repeated over days,months & years. 16. Threshold Limit value (TLV): Time weighted(average) concentration of an airborne substance towhich workers could be safely exposed over anEight hour working day throughout a life time. Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) Peakor Maximum conc. of an airborne substance towhich workers could be safely exposed. Biological Limit values (BLV) : Concentration ofthe substance in body fluids such as blood & urinebelow which no toxic effects should occur. 17. Genetic factors State of Health Hypersensitivity or Allergy Personal Hygiene & other personalhabits such as Smoking etc. Pregnancy & lactation. 18. Local- contact site such as Skin, URT Systemic Organs other than portal of entry In general, effects are on the metabolic processesof the body, especially enzymes. Others combinewith substances essential for metabolism eg-CO 19. Poisons are detoxified indifferent organs notablythe Liver. Excretion takes place throgut, urinary tract, skin orlungs. May also pass throplacenta & milk. Dose -Effect & Doseresponse demonstrate theresponse between the doseand the magnitude ofeffect. 20. Skin Irritation Eye Irritation Inhalation Effects Ingestion Effects Carcinogenicity Mutagenecity 21. Inorganic and organometallic Substances-Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium& Chromium compounds, Fluoride, Lead,Manganese, Mercury, Nickel etc. Organic Chemicals - Aliphatic Hydrocarbons suchas Cyclohexane, n-Hexane, Methyl pentane Aromatic Hydrocarbons such as Benzene, Styrene,Toluene & Xylene. Halogenated Hydrocarbons - Halothane,Trichloroethylene & Vinyl Chloride. Amino & Nitro derivatives - Aniline,Nitroglycerine, Trinitrotoluene 22. Alcohols, Glycols & derivatives- Ehtyleneglycol, Methanol Cetones- Acetone Aldehydes-Formaldehyde Amides & Phenols Asphyxiants such as Acrylonitrile, CarbonMonoxide,Cyanide & Aliphatic Nitriles. Pesticides such as Baygon, Carbaryl,Chlorphenoxyacetic acid derivatives 23. DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, Hexachlorbenzene Carbamate Insecticides Lindane Organophosphorus esters Parathion Mutagenic and carcinogenic Substances Others such as Carbon Disulfide,Diethylstilboesterol & Ethylene Oxide 24. Inorganic Lead -Mining & SmeltingLead PaintLead Storage BatteriesPottery enamelling & glazingPolyvinyl Plastics-Lead stabilisersGlass manufactureFire arms 25. Peripheral Neuropathy Anaemia Nephrotoxicity GI Spasm Treated with Chelating agents such as BAL,EDTA& Penicillamine. 26. In Scientific Measuring Instruments-Thermometers, barometers,Transformers,Rectifiers Mercury Vapour Lamps & Storage batteries Amalgams for Dental use & Jewellery Seed Dressings & as Pesticides 27. Miamata Bay,Japan- (Untreated InorganicMercury released into sea waters-contaminatedFish.) Stomatitis, Gingivitis CNS Dysfunction Erethism Tremors Chronic Nephritis 28. Phosphorus - Phossy Jaw (matches) Arsenic - Smelting, Pesticides, Weed Killer,Metal smelting, refining, in manuftrng ofchemicals & electronic equipment- Irritant,Peripheral Neuropathy Haemolytic. Manganese - Dry Electric batteries-Parkinsons Syndrome, Psychosis,Pneumonitis Cadmium - Used as alloy in Welding,batteries, Dentistry,pigments,paints,pesticides- Nephrotoxic,Emphysema. Nickel- Dermatitis Chromium- Chrome Ulcers, Necrosis ofNasal Septum 29. Aliphatic -Methyl Alcohol, Tetrachlorethane,Carbon tetrachloride, Trichlorethylene &Glycols Aromatic - Benzene, Toluene, Xylene etc.Exposure- Degreasing, Metal Machining, painting,Welding, Wood working & Printing. 30. Occupational Dermatitis CNS depressants CVS disturbances esp CS2 Nephro toxic Bone Marrow Depression & Leukemia Carcinogenesis Chromosomal aberrations 31. Insecticides & Fungicides - - Pyrethrum & Pyrethrins(Mosquito Coils), Organochlorine Compounds suchas DDT, Lindane, Dieldrin & Aldrin,Organophosphate compounds such as Parathion,Dichlovos, Carbamates & Organic Mercurials. Herbicides - Arsenicals, Dinitrophenol,Di nitro Orthocresol,Phenol herbicides, Paraquat, Diquat, Phenoxyherbicides. Rodenticides & Fumigants -Calcium Cyanide, Methylbromide, Phosphine, Anticoagulants. 32. Inert gases - Act by displacing O2 -AnoxicAnoxia,eg: Methane Irritant Gases - Flourine & its compounds,Ammonia, Sulphur Dioxide, Ozone, Phosgene. Gases with Systemic effects- Carbon Monoxide(Toxic Anoxia),Carbon Disulfide (ChemicalAnoxia), Hydrogen Cyanide & Cyanide Salts,Acetylene(Cyanide has a Bitter almonds smell whilst Benzaldehyde has a sweet almonds smell) 33. Halogen Gases like Cl2,Br,Flourine,Iodine havean Irritant effect on URT. Flourine could cause Flourosis, Fits & Coma. Ammonia- Irritant, Brochospasm, PulmonaryOedema & Respiratory Arrest Sulfur Dioxide So2 - Lassitude, ChronicBronchitis, Loss of Smell. Ozone-Irritant, emphysema, Pulmonary Fibrosis. Phosgene-Pulmonary Oedema, Fibrosis &Emphysema 34. Carbon Monoxide - Anoxia, Headache, Cough,Paralysis, Sensory Loss, Parkinsonism, Death. Hydrogen Sulphide - Irritant, Loss of Smell,Giddiness, Unconsciousness, Death. Hydrogen Cyanide - Extremely Poisonous.Bitter Almond Smell, Dermatitis, Headache &Motor Weakness at low conc. Breathlessness &Coma.. Acetylene - Fume Fever 35. Substitution Segregation Enclosure Ventilation Wet Methods Personal Protective Devices Monitoring of Work Environment Monitoring of Exposed Workers Education & Supervision Enforcement Emergency Measures 36. Removal from further Exposure / Evacuation Detoxification eg Chelating agents Supportive Therapy - Oxygen & IV Fluids. 37. ConclusionNeed to increase Awareness About the Industries in your area About the nature of Chemicals being used,stored and transported About their hazards and treatment proceduresin the event of exposure.