chemical & biological engineering (chbe) sustainability club

Turning Indicators into Reality: Methodology and Results on Assessing the Sustainability in Large Campuses Chemical & Biological Engineering (CHBE) Sustainability Club University of British Columbia – Vancouver Dora Ip, Alexandre Vigneault, James Butler AASHE 2010 Conference Denver, October 10-12 th

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Turning Indicators into Reality: Methodology and Results on Assessing the Sustainability in Large Campuses. AASHE 2010 Conference Denver, October 10-12 th. Chemical & Biological Engineering (CHBE) Sustainability Club University of British Columbia – Vancouver - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chemical & Biological Engineering (CHBE) Sustainability Club

Turning Indicators into Reality: Methodology and Results onAssessing the Sustainability in Large Campuses

Chemical & Biological Engineering (CHBE) Sustainability ClubUniversity of British Columbia – VancouverDora Ip, Alexandre Vigneault, James Butler

AASHE 2010 Conference Denver, October 10-12th

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Who are we?

• Since 2006, the CHBE Sustainability Club aims to serve as a model of sustainability for individual members and our community.

• Since 2007, we have been looking at ways to assess sustainability in our department, • Assess our strengths and weaknesses• Target Actions: to yield the most results


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Relevance of Department Level Assessment• Large university campuses are comprised of thousands of

students & employees spread out over many different dept & admin units– CHBE represents less than 0.7% of UBC community

• At UBC, a large portion of the administration is decentralized, with individual departments having autonomy over daily operations.

• Campus wide assessments are a significant time & resource commitment

• Campus wide results might not provide an accurate picture of the strengths and weaknesses for specific departments

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Why not wait for UBC to do it first?

We are here!

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What we have proposed

• 1st: Using surveys• Learn about habits of individuals, • Know their perceptions • Usually not studied in many campus

frameworks• 2nd: Department level

• Can be answered by an individual• Emphasis on “Yes/No” questions

• 3rd: Campus level• Done at higher level (Sustainability Office)• Follow STARS

• 3 level indicators framework

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Others at UBC and beyond


Our Method• Frameworks for indicators have been reviewed: • ie – CSAF, STARS, GRI, UBC Inspiration & Aspiration, College Sustainability

Green Card, Gross Happiness Index • Can we apply them to a department? Which ones are actually relevant?

Influence and or Interest (maybe)

Control (yes)

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• Rating system based on STARS, but with added “Community & Health”

• Total 144 indicators;

• 78 answered by surveys, separated by pop. categories (Undergrad, Staff, et al);

• Department level: 66 indicators; ~40 “yes/no” indicators;

• For the motivated: e.g. GHG Inventories, paper, electricity, water tracking;

• Questions with informative answers that are not rated;

Department Sustainability AssessmentSUMMARY: Chemical & Biological Engineering

Results Max Points

1. Education & Research 20 44Co-curricular EducationCurriculum 11,8 25,6Research 2,8 12,0

2. Operations 45 97Building & Grounds 1,1 3,3Dining and Food Services 5,4 15,0Energy and Climate 7,5 21,0Air Quality 6,0 9,5Materials, Recycling & Waste Minimization 9,4 18,8Purchasing 1,1 3,3Water 10,1 18,8Transportation 4,4 7,5

3. Planning, Admin & Finance 21 38Investment 0,6 1,5Governance & Planning 2,0 4,0Human Resources 11,1 18,0Affordability 7,7 14,0

4. Community & Health 25 49Diversity and accessibility 4,0 6,5Physical health 6,7 11,5Emotional Health 5,7 11,0Community Engagement 8,5 20,3

Total 111 227


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Example: Research & Education: Curriculum Section

Sustainability Related Courses Taught by Department / total Courses 14 / 51

Sustainability Courses Required by Department 0

Surveys [0: least satisfied - 4: most satisfied]

Satisfaction with Non-Sustainability Courses 3.0

Satisfaction with Sustainability Related Courses 2.7

• Department level questions (green): What are we doing?• Survey questions (blue): Are we doing it well?

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Example: Operation: Water Section

Drinking Water Options (e.g. filtered water, fountain) Yes* 3/4*Undergrads don't have easy access to filtered tap water

Undergrad Graduate Faculty Staff RatingAmount of bottled water drank per person per week

0.8 0.1 0.3 0.3 3.1 / 4Usage of water fountains, coolers, filtration units

29% 48% 70% 46% 1.8 / 4

Perception of tap water quality on campus [0 = very poor, 4 = excellent]2.8 2.7 2.9 2.9 2.80 / 4

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Example: Operation: Transportation Section

Commuting Average Distance (km) 12.5 7.6 9.3 23.8

Undergrad Graduate Faculty Staff

What prevents you from biking/walking to campus?

Weather 41% 20% - -

Distance 59% 15% 30% 50%

Safety 7% 0% 20% 8%

Time 30% 20% 10% 17%

No Bike Facilities 5% 20% - -

Other 11% 30% 10% 25%

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Example: Community & Health Section

Undergrad Graduate Faculty StaffSense of Belonging to the Community [0 - None; 4 - Strong]

2009 1.7 2.4 2.9 2.7

2007 1.9 1.9 2.5 1.8

How stressed do you feel at school? [Not at all - 0 Extremely - 4] 2.3

Smoking [0 - Never; 1 - Occasionally; 2 - Weekly; 3 - Often] 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.3

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Conclusion• Measuring Sustainability at the Department is a great

tool to learn, educate and create real changes• Comparing trends from then to now to evaluate what

we can do to improve our department • We established a tool that can be utilized by all

departments across the entire campus to analyze their sustainable efforts that requires modest resources

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Thank you!• Please contact us:

• Tips, copy of surveys, excel tool• [email protected][email protected]

• Thanks to our supporters• UBC Sustainability Office• Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering

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Example: Admin & FinanceGraduate Faculty Staff

Number of Hours Worked per Week (h) 42.0 47.4 41.4

Undergrad Grad National Average

Students with Loans at Graduation 42% 45% 73%

Average Student Debt Load Estimate at Graduation $ 15 400 $ 14 450 $ 19 000

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2007 2009

Tonne CO2e / year Tonne CO2e / year in % of Total Per PersonScope 1: Direct

Natural Gas for Steam (Heating)a 733,9 843,6 58%Natural Gas direct use 95,7 7%Heating Oil for Steam 26,7 1,8%Fleet 1,9 0,1%

Total Scope 1 734 968 67% 2,7

Scope 2: IndirectElectricity from Grid 55,6 61,7 4%

Total Scope 2 55,6 61,7 4% 0,2

Scope 3: OthersAir Travel

Graduate Students 131,1 165 11% 1,4Faculty 90,0 115 8% 5,0

Sub Total Air Travel 221 281 19%

CommutingUndergrad Students 79,6 6% 0,4Graduate Students 6,4 0,4% 0,1Staff 37,6 3% 2,1Faculty 3,9 0,3% 0,2

Sub Total Commuting 89,4 127,4 9%

Paper 6,6 6,0 0,4% 0,02

Total Scope 3 317 414 29% 1,2

Total Emissions (Tonne CO2e / year) 1107 1444 100% 4,1

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Lessons learned • Surveys:

• Undergrad: paper great meet in classroom

• Grad, staff & faculty, in person contact essential. Email, close to useless

• Great education tools, some people might be angry

• Lead to action: examples of changes