checkers & fullblood perfection sale


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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Saturday, December 15 Show 11:00am ~ Sale 2:00pm MST Red Deer Westerner Park


3D SimmentalS (lot 2 & 32)Dean & monica Schwartz306.731.3850 or [email protected]

Bar l 7 SimmentalS (lot 26)lyle [email protected]

DoUBle Bar D FarmS (lot 51)richard Dimler and SonsKen Dimler: 306.697.7204Brian Valentine: 306.451.7205

HigH CoUntry Cattle SerViCeS (lotS 12-15 & 37)rob & Deanne young and Family780.696.3643 or [email protected]

JayDawn FarmS (lotS 29-31, 56-57)Jason & nikki mcQuaig and Family780.568.2647 or 780.933.5530Donald & Patsy mcQuaig780.568.2202

JoDi HamPton SimmentalS (lot 19)[email protected]

Jt liVeStoCK ltD (lot 20)John & tammy [email protected]

little man’S HerD (lot 5)Snider Cattle ServiceCooper Snider: 780.385.8171Darryl Snider: 403.803.6532

lewiS FarmS (lotS 7, 8a or B)Ken lewis: 780.818.3829Jordan Buba: 780.818.4047Kyle lewis: [email protected]

lUnDago liVeStoCK (lot 1)Chub & tracy lundago403.335.2205 or [email protected]

m & r Cattle Co (lot 27)mike & roberta [email protected]

maDer ranCHeS (lot 21-23)randy & ronda, ryley & Jill [email protected]

marK lanD & Cattle (lot 4, 52)leonard & rhonda mark780.336.2240 or 780.842.7207

meaDow aCreS (lot 3)the FornwaldsBlair & laurel: 306.487.2624 or 306.487.7662Dustin, Kirsten, Brenna & Britt: 306.487.2557Darnell & morgan: 306.461.3288Calvin & Brenda: [email protected]

oUtlaw Cattle Co (lot 6)Brad [email protected]

ProgreSSiVe SimmentalS (lot 36)ike wisse: 604.794.3684 or [email protected]

rainalta SimmentalS & CHarolaiS (lotS 17-18)Bill & Janice [email protected]

riDgeline Cattle Co (lot 16)travis Fisk & Crystal anderson403.363.4126 or

SilVerCreeK SimmentalS (lot 9-11)the Fisk Familygarth: 403.501.8070austin: 403.501.4171

StarweSt FarmS (lotS 53-56)Ken & Carrol warkentinChristel warkentin604.794.3439randy & michelle [email protected]

weStway FarmS (lotS 24-25)tom & Carol Hadway and FamilyHome: 403.335.4929tom: 403.994.4929andie: [email protected]

willow CreeK SimmentalS (lot 28)mike & mari Klassen and Family780.957.2814 or 780.832.6714

Sale Consignors


Sale Day PhoneS

Brian BoUCHarD 403.813.7999 gary rairDan 406.845.4436 aUStin FiSK 403.501.4171 riley laFrentZ 306.461.8200

Sale Staff aUCtioneer SteVe Dorran 403.540.9498 ringmen DenniS eriCSon 780.352.7630 marK StoCK 403.357.8104 ryan Dorran 403.507.6483

SPecial RePReSentativeS

ron nolan CSa PreSiDent DaVe eriXon SSa PreSiDent maUreen maPPin-SmitH aSa PreSiDent Darryl PerKin mSa PreSiDent Darryl SniDer Simmental CoUntry reP

teRmS & conDitionS

Cattle will Sell UnDer tHe StanDarD CanaDian Sim-mental aSSoCiation Sale termS & ConDitionS. tHeSe are aVailaBle UPon reQUeSt.

catalogue infoRmation & announcementS

tHe Sale CatalogUe waS ProDUCeD By BoUCHarD liVe-StoCK international anD Can Be VieweD online at

www.BoUCHarDliVeStoCK.ComePD’S are CUrrent anD UP-to-Date aS oF PUBliCation Date. inFormation in tHiS DoCUment iS BelieVeD to Be aCCUrate BUt any UPDateS at tHe Sale By tHe ownerS, aUCtioneer or SaleS management will taKe PreCe-DenCe oVer tHe inFormation ProViDeD in tHe Sale Cata-logUe. PeDigreeS in tHiS DoCUment HaVe Been SUPPlieD By tHe BreeD aSSoCiation anD all otHe inFormation HaS Been SUPPlieD By tHe ConSignor.

BoUCHarDliVeStoCK.ComBoX 1409 - CroSSFielD, aB - t0m 0S0

PHone: 403.946.4999 FaX: [email protected]





welcome to the 2012 edition of Checkers red and Black Purebred Simmental sale and the Fullblood Perfection Sale. over the years Checkers has come to be known as the elite of elite when it comes to purebred marketing options. Checkers has offered cattle second to none when it comes to quality and pedigree and of course they, in turn, commanded a premium sale day. Cattle that have gone on and taken Simmentals to a new level in terms of quality and production. 2011 was definitely a pinnacle year for Checkers grossing over $600,000 and a selling commission of only 12%. But as we all have said in the purebred business, one thing we can count on is change. one thing that is a constant is we at Bouchard livestock work for you the producers and we remain committed to that. the 2012 offering could very easily be the highest set of genetics ever offered in terms of quality and depth of pedigree. the bulls con-signed are, without question, the herdsire kind. the bred heifers are broody, yet feminine with exact breeding dates to industry leading ser-vice sires. the open heifer offering is the kind destined to build a program around. there will be heifers in this group that will be shown next year as breds, but more importantly will make it to that front pasture at their new home. this will be the strongest consignment of genetic lots Checkers and Fullblood Perfection has ever seen. the embryo lots come from donors second to none in the entire Simmental breed. Front pasture females of extreme elite quality with bloodlines seldom offered at public auction. the semen lots are proven genetics and not readily available on the open market. i believe the red Deer area is the place to be this weekend if you are in the Simmental business. i enourage you to come for the weekend and take in all three Simmental sales. as always we at Bouchard livestock are commited to your success. we are very familiar with the ge-netics on offer and welcome the opportunity to work with you as you research this great offering. if you are unable to be in attendance, we would be honored to represent your interests in our usual professional manner. wishing you all a merry Christmas and the best for 2013, Brian Bouchard

Sale Day Information

from Bouchard LivestockWelcome


Sire: Dream On

what an extraordinary opportunity to acquire powerful and industry lead-ing genetics! CHUB Harley 8Z combines outstanding phenotype with a unique genetic package for the most progressive and competitive breed-ers. 8Z is fluid in his movement, has tremendous softness of skeleton both in terms of depth of rib and amount of body. His explosive muscle shape, deep rich cherry red color from the ground up coupled with a bul-let proof temperament position him as a future breed influencer. Further, he is backed by a legendary cow family, rush, that stamps each progeny with consistency and maternal power. rush has been naturally bred and flushed to seven different sires and they are all remarkable individuals. after years of selecting, showing and marketing livestock genetics, this one has truly exceeded our expectations. everyone is looking for that ‘ultimate’ ride, well look no further because Harley will ‘rush’ you down the inevitable road to success!

PolleD CHUB 8Z Ptg767583 09 FeB 12

CnS Dream on l186S: WAGR DRIVER 706T 3C meloDy m668 BZ

wFl mr weStway 200mD: CEN MISS RED RUSH 439R Cen miSS neBraSKa 425n

niCHolS BlK DeStiny g151CnS SHeeZa Dream K107wHart SUBZero g3223C CroCUS g374 BZlFe mr lewiS 327KwFl reD FortUne 663KlrS Big CoUntry 37eCen 419l

aCt aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 92 920 n/a 9.1 -0.9 25.1 48.5 4.8 14.8 2.2

Polled Purebred chub Harley 8z

Dam: Red Rush 439R

Maternal Sister: CHUB 1Z


RR 1, Site 10, Box 15 - Sundre, AB - T0M 1X0Phone: 403.335.2205 or 403.507.9896

Email: [email protected]

On behalf of Lundago Livestock and Gardner Livestock, it is a pleasure to join fellow consignors in Checkers 2012. This sale has always been a culmination of superior ge-netics, great business and a whole lot of fellow-breeder camaraderie as we are all very honored to be a part of it. Chub & Tracy own and operate a small but quality herd of black and red Simmental genetics where only the best ones find themselves in a show or sales ring. They are excited to partner with Gardner Livestock not only on the foundation female CEN Miss Red Rush but also on herd-sire bulls to increase genetic and marketing opportunities for both purebred and commercial operations.

Sellling full interest and full possession. Retaining 50 straws of semen for in-herd use.



Owned by Lundago Livestock and Gardner Livestock


Sire: Full Throttle

it is with great pride that we offer this heifer for sale. She is the very first offspring of 3D Black Full throttle 483X to be offered for sale and we think she is probably the best heifer we have ever produced. She is extremely eye appealing to look at but when you get close and begin to analyze her that’s when she really impresses you. She is moderate in her makeup yet very powerful. She is super stout with depth and spring to her rib, long spined and displays excellent muscle expression in her massive deep rear quarter. Her Starquest dam is one of our very best cows. She is very docile, easy doing, long, deep, powerful yet feminine with a perfect udder and she milks with the best of them. She also has a very productive track record. She raised our high selling bull back in 2008 selling to ranch Danclau inc. from St.Ulric, Quebec. She has produced females that are working in a couple of herds in Sas-katchewan, as well as a couple working for us. the maternal power in her pedigree is undeniable on both sides of her pedigree. For me the truly exciting part has been watching Black Queen develop all year long and this is where she truly reminds me of her sire, Full throttle. Full throttle was an absolute delight to watch grow and mature. every time i saw him in pasture and then in the bull pen he just got better and better each day. Black Queen is exactly the same. She truly gets better and better each day. our Full throttle calves are simply amazing. they are powerful, thick, heavily muscled, quiet cattle with lots of hair, very complete and very eye appealing. we are very confident that Full throttle is going to produce some of the very elite cattle over the next few years to come. we feel Black Queen is one of the elite ones and something very special. She will easily make friends sale day and will be admired by all.

Open Polled Purebred 3d Miss Blk Queen 136z2PolleD DDDS 136Z BPg767873 16 Jan 12

wHeatlanD BUll 680SS: 3D BLK FULL THROTTLE 483X CroSSroaD ramona 375r

StF StarQUeSt n114D: 3D MISS BLK QUEEN 442R wFl BlaCK QUeen 12l

wHeatlanD BUll 131lwHeatlanD laDy 351ntnt Dynamite BlaCK l137lFe reD CaDilaC 168mStF montana BlaCK KF25StF leona l260wFl mr weStway 234JwFl reD laDy 04H

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 102 625 n/a 1.4 6.1 42.5 76.4 4.2 27.9 6.6

3D SIMMENTALSDEAN & MONiCA SCHwARTzBox 510 - Lumsden, SK - S0G 3C0

Phone: 306.731.3850 or [email protected] 3D Simmentals is located approximately 20 miles Nw of Re-

gina on the beautiful Qu’Appelle Valley. we began breeding purebred seed stock in 1995. Our herd consists of approxi-mately 45 red and Black breeding females. we utilize Ai and an extensive flush and embryo program which gives us the best possible access to the elite genetics. Please feel free to stop by the farm or give us a call anytime. we welcome the oppor-tunity to give you a tour or discuss our sale offering.


Blair & Laurel: 306.487.2624 or 306.487.7662Dustin, Kirsten, Brenna & Britt306.487.2557 or 306.487.7510

Darnell & Morgan: 306.461.3288Calvin & Brenda: 306.577.9410

[email protected]

Meadow Acres is a family-run mixed farm operation in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan 8 miles east of Lampman. Although we are fairly new to the Simmental breed, we have been raising purebred Polled Herefords since 1990. we cur-rently farm 3500 acres of cash crops and run 200 cows. we are expanding our Simmental herd with select purchases, Ai and extensive embryo transplanting. we consign to Check-ers each year and, starting in 2013, will market our bulls through the annual Advantage Bull Sale in Saskatoon. Feel free to stop by the farm if you are in the area. we would love to give you a tour and have a visit. we look forward to seeing you in Red Deer!

Sire: Stout

this year we decided to consign our first female to sell, and she is one of our best. tara possesses depth of body and lots of middle, ideal muscle expression with a strong top all while maintaining a clean, feminine front end. She is very correct in her structural make-up and looks great on the move. all this in a dark red, moderate-sized package. tara is a the result of one of our first flushes. Her dam is a quality producer with a very nice udder and her sire, the 2010 and 2011 grand Champion Bull, Stout, needs little introduction. tara is a very functional yet versatile heifer that you can take out on the show road if you wanted but, more importantly, take home and have a front-pasture female. tara has been igenity tested and is homo polled and a non-dilutor.

Homozygous Polled

Open Polled Purebred maf Tara 71z3

PolleD FBl 71Z Ptg763597 16 FeB 12

wHeatlanD BUll 680SS: WHEATLAND STOUT 930W wHeatlanD laDy 737 t

mSr KanSaS tanK 235mD: SPRINGCREEK TARA 124S SPringCreeK BrooKe 124n

wHeatlanD BUll 131lwHeatlanD laDy 351ntnt toP gUn r244wHeatlanD laDy 902J3C FUll FigUreS C288 BlKmSr 0053K oF 515e araPgw BlaCK CreeK 289JSPringCreeK Demi 12K

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 90 674 n/a 7.6 2.9 34.6 63.3 7.6 20.0 2.6


Sire: “Stubby”

Dam: NUG 623s

a Stubby heifer out of our small but productive purebred herd. Satin has lots of depth of rib and muscle shape. She is correct in her structure from the ground up and free and easy on the move. Stubby has shown even more of his ability to produce to the next level with his first daughters now in production. Satins dam is a milky female who is hard to fault. watch for 616Z to be a produc-tion machine in the years to come.

PolleD SBV 616Z aPPlieD 5 Jan 12

r PlUS BlaCKeDgeS: LFE BS LEWIS 322U “STUBBY” lFe BS mS arnolD 135S

nUg PerFormer 4PD: NUG SATIN 623S nUg niCHte 303n

laZy S BlaCK 29nSUn Star miSS DriVelFe BomBSHell 508nlFe miSS arnolD 90PlCHmn BoDyBUilDer 7303FnUg lenora 123lgiDSCo aPPollo 3FlFe emma 37J

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 98 n/a n/a 6.1 3.6 37.5 60.2 7.0 26.9 8.1

Open Polled Purebred sbv Satin 616z4



Box 391 - irma, AB - T0B 2H0Phone: 780.336.2240 or 780.842.7207 Mark Land & Cattle Corp is a mixed farm located 11 miles northwest

of irma. After taking over the farm in 2002, i have strived to make my late father proud. My focus has been to showcase the Fullblood Simmental cattle with a handful of reds and blacks. My females are functional and easy-doing. The bulls are sold annually through the Lewis Farms Bull Sale the last Saturday in February. it is a priviledge to have been asked to consign to the Checkers sale. i’m proud to offer one of my top females. Give me a call or stop by the farm any time. i’m passionate about my cattle and would be happy to show you around.


780.385.8171DARRYL SNiDER

[email protected]

welcome to the Little Man’s Herd page of the Checkers 2012 sale. i am part of Snider Cattle Service, along with my parents Darryl and Debbie Snider. we run about 20 Simmentals just east of Viking, Alberta. i have 7 Simmentals this year. i bought my first right here at Checkers, Candy Kisses 39S from Lewis Farms. Stop by the farm or call, we’d like to show you around.

Dam: Candy Kisses

this year at Checkers, Cooper is excited to offer little man’s eye Candy 103Z. this outstanding herdsire prospect is out of 680S and the leg-endary lFe Candy Kisses. Kisses is the cornerstone of Cooper’s herd. eye Candy fulfills all the required checks on a breeder’s list. with a broad top, deep flank and easy-fleshing attributes, eye Candy would bring power and performance to any herd he is used within. CaS eye Candy comes from an outstanding cow family that produces prog-eny with extra shape, hair, muscle, with the possibility of throwing baldy-faced calves. CaS eye Candy has a great set of ePD numbers that shows his predictability. there is no reason to take a chance with your investment and future herdsire, pick a sure thing, take home some eye Candy today. By sale time, CaS eye Candy 103Z will be Ho-mozygous Polled tested. if you have any questions, please contact us anytime.

Polled Purebred Little Man’s Eye Candy 103z5

PolleD CaS 103Z BPtg767428 27 Jan 12

wHeatlanD BUll 131lS: WHEATLAND BULL 680S wHeatlanD laDy 351n

tnt Dynamite BlaCK l137D: LFE CANDY KISSES 39S lFe tina 15g

niCHolS BlK DeStiny D12wHeatlanD laDy 908JHart JaCKPot J310wHeatlanD miSS 917J rw BomBer 8HoPPS wiS gm2lgw BlaCK Preminition 5DlFe tina 70e

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 92 n/a n/a 4.1 5.1 42.2 77.8 7.3 24.1 3.0

Sire: Wheatland 680s

Eye Candy at Farmfair 2012




Box 248 - Hussar, AB - T0J 1S0Phone: 403.325.0684

Email: [email protected] to Checkers 2012. i am glad to be apart of this great event. Outlaw Cattle is located NE of Hussar where i calve out approximately 30 purebred red/black Simmen-tals. i strive to keep my numbers low focusing on quality not quantity by using a strong Ai and embryo program. i market bulls and females off farm as well at special con-signment sales. i look forward to visiting with you either at the sale or at the farm. Feel free to give me a call anytime. Merry Christmas and Happy New year From Outlaw!!

Sire: Upgrade

Mat Gr Sire: Wheatland 131L

tC Ultra teddy Finesse 47t has done an excellent job of producing high-quality females and bulls with lots of style. Her daughter this year is a great example of what she can do. 17Z is sired by nlC mr Upgrade and offers power, both on foot and paper. She is a female that will be capable of producing just as good bull calves as she will heifers. Flower Child is very feminine, stout, long-bodied and carries lots of depth. She is a very intriguing female that holds great potential.

Open Polled Purebred bmd Miss Blk Flower Child 17z6

PolleD BmD 17Z BPg766471 06 FeB 12

ellingSon legaCy m229S: MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 mS nlC moJo S6119 B

wHeatlanD BUll 131lD: ULTRA TEDDY FINESSE 47T Ultra JoKer FineSSe 11n

niCHolS BlK DeStiny g151ellingSon mS PStoCK K58glS moJo m38gFi Darla m410niCHolS BlK DeStiny D12wHeatlanD laDy 908JPVF-BF BF26 BlaCK JoKerDriFting “m” FineSSe 1F

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 86 642 n/a 9.1 0.0 39.2 70.1 5.5 20.8 1.2


LEWIS FARMSKen Lewis 780.818.3829

Jordan Buba 780.818.4047Kyle Lewis 780.220.9188

[email protected]

Lewis Farms was founded in 1932, just west of Edmonton. In the early 1970’s the farm expanded to include the Spruce Grove operation. Today, expansion has taken us West again to the Sangudo area where a large portion of our summer grazing as well as our summer calving takes place. We grow seed potatoes, grain, forages and run a large breeding opera-tion of Simmental and Angus cattle. The Simmental influ-ence started here in the late 60’s and 70’s with the use of im-ported semen. Now semen, embryo and walking herd sires are utilized. Our breeding program develops Red, Black and Fullblood Simmentals as well as Red and Black Angus. Our Annual Bull Sale runs the last Saturday in February, offering over 200 Simmental and Angus bulls. We invite everyone to this year’s 28th Annual Bull Sale, February 23,2013 at 1:00pm. We are fortunate to have been involved with the innovative Checkers Sale since its inception.

Sire: Punk

Mat Gr Dam: LFE 126P

Service Sire: Dark Knight

if you’re in the beef business then 54y is a heifer to take a look at. this heifer is as big of rib as any heifer we have ever sold. She is wide-based and sound from the ground up.

Punk has made her pretty-fronted and given her awesome hair. Her dam is a super wide-based rock daughter with a great ud-der and lots of bone. 54y is bred to the Dark night bull who is an edge x House bull with a huge future ahead of him.

Bred march 30 to lFe the Dark night 350UHomozygous Polled - Heterozygous Black

PolleD lFe 54y BPg765165 07 Jan 11

SanD ranCH HanDS: LFE PUNK 407U lFe BS Katarina 91S

KJli tHe roCK 1lD: LFE BS KATARINA 149U lFe Katarina 126P

wHeatlanD BUll 131lSanD lUCKy CHarmerlFe Bring Down tHe HoUSelFe Katarina 620nSPringCreeK warren 50HlFe amBer 27HBH BlaCK eXPreSS 019KlFe Katarina 130H

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 86 686 n/a 7.6 1.9 28.9 49.4 6.0 20.3 5.8

Bred Polled Purebred lfe bs Katarina 54y7


the Harlow family is quickly climbing the ladder for being well known in the Simmental circle. it all started with the production of Stubby, a once in a life time bull! with the production of his calves he is now a house-hold name. Harlow 58y and Harlow 630y are ma-ternal sisters out of none other then Stubby’s grandmother. they have risen to the top of their age groups and are truly game changers. 58y is a broody-made bred heifer with lots of bone and foot, her stride is true and flawless. She then puts it all together in a pow-erful stout-made package with lots of muscle expression and rib shape. She is bred to Dark Knight for an exciting package to come whether its a bull or a heifer calf. Her younger sister. 630y, is one of the first to sell out of the exciting red carrier Superior son Bundi. 630y is as complete as they come. She’s big-sided and just as wide when you get behind her. She’s correct in her form and carries tons of eye appeal and style. 630y was just named Junior Champion Female at Farmfair. Clearly it has been too hard for us to decide which one to sell so we offer you the choice. Don’t worry about picking the wrong one because, in this truly once in a life time chance, there will be no wrong decision made!

Sire: Redemption Dam: LFE 90P

Maternal Sister: LFE 135sSire: Bundi

PolleD lFe 58y BPg765167 08 Jan 11

mr nlC SUPerior S6018S: LFE REDEMPTION 436W BiSS SimPly tHe BeSt 124S

BH limiteD BlaCK 015KD: LFE MISS ARNOLD 90P miSS arnolD l2566

ellingSon legaCy m229eBS JoKerS Carentnt Dynamite BlaCK l137lFe laCe 9lSaC mr mt 73gBH BUtterFly KiSSeS 735gBoZ reDCat D162miSS arnolD H1618

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 105 702 n/a 3.1 6.6 48.5 74.3 6.8 27.2 2.9

PolleD lFe 630y BPg767804 30 DeC 11

mr nlC SUPerior S6018S: LFE BUNDI 300X lFe DaKota Coal 64P

BH limiteD BlaCK 015KD: LFE MISS ARNOLD 90P miSS arnolD l2566

ellingSon legaCy m229eBS JoKerS CarenlFe Bring it BlaCK 811KlFe DaKota Coal 68HSaC mr mt 73gBH BUtterFly KiSSeS 735gBoZ reDCat D162miSS arnolD H1618

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 90 719 n/a 7.6 3.3 40.1 60.8 6.8 23.8 3.7

8 Bred Polled Purebreds Choice of Maternal Sisters

lfe bs Harlow 58y

lfe bs Harlow 630y

Bred march 25 to lFe the Dark night 350UHomozygous Polled - Homozygous Black

Homozygous Polled - Heterozygous Black





Box 322 - Rosemary AB - T0J 2w0Garth: 403.501.8070Austin: 403.501.4171

Welcome to the 18th annual Checkers sale. It’s a great honor for us to be involved in such a prestigious sale and to work with a great sales management team. What a year we had, all the rain we could want and then some, plenty of feed and great pastures this year. We hope harvest went well for everyone this fall. We look forward to seeing everyone and visiting with you sale day and best wishes to you and you’re loved ones through the holi-day season.

Sire: Uproar

Mat Gr Sire: Caesar

Service Sire: Shameless Flirt

miss Uproar 41y is a female that will add pounds to her calves. She is a tremendously capacious-bodied female with a lot of bone and a big foot under her. 41y’s udder looks like it is setting up to be a good one. this female has a set of ePD’s that are for all you guys wanting calving ease, and being bred to SCSF Shameless Flirt 14y she could lay down and have a bull calf for you. out of this mating, it could be the heifer bull you have been looking for.

observed Bred march 25 to SCSF Shameless Flirt 14y

PolleD SCSF 41y Pg746220 31 Jan 11

S-Paw BlK SHow oFF 5SS: S-PAW BLK UPROAR 21U S-Paw reD raZZamataZZ 156

anKonian reD CaeSarD: SCSF RED HOT GODDESS 35W CirCle F Peggy 29P

KenCo/mF Powerline 204lS-Paw BlK PerFeCta 305PS-Paw mUtUal FUnD 301mS-Paw eye aPPeal 15HBoZ reDCoatgFi CanDaCe g51Prairie winD reD Cat 12mCirCle F mS miSSy 39l

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 84 632 n/a 8.6 1.0 32.9 63.9 7.0 26.4 9.9

Bred Polled Purebred scsf Miss Uproar 41y9

Blk Pay Cheque 42Z is a female that we are very proud of. She is an embryo out of our top-producing cow lC Black 59t, she is a flush mate to our phenomenal show heifer SCSF Blk Cash advance 21Z. Blk Pay Cheque is a tremendously hairy big-bodied, round-hipped, stout-made female with a ton of barrel that is structurally sound and has that eye ap-peal to her that judges in the show ring look for.42Z is one that could be taken out in the spring and stand at the top of a class for any showman. Blk Pay Cheque’s maternal sibs have been sold to Black river Farms ontario, Dane ranch in British Columbia and mcniven ranching in alberta. with 42Z being out of the awesome lFe BiSS Blk advance 426U

bull and having BBS Zima 55D on the dam’s side, this female is a no-doubter on power and performance. you’re not go-ing to want to miss out on this one.

Dam: LC 59TSire: Black Advance

PolleD SCSF 42Z BPtg764972 24 Jan 12

remington on target 2SS: LFEBISS BLACKADVANCE 426U lFe Billy 80m

iPU BlaCK reSiStol 193rD: LC BLACK 59T lC BlaCK 15P

remington reD laBel HrDraKe SoFt toUCH 15mBH limiteD BlaCK 015KlFe DreamlaDy 50glaZy S BlaCK StetSon 129lgSr mS FortUnate 111llaZy S BlaCK 922mCZar mS lUCy 59l

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 108 725 n/a 5.9 4.0 52.1 84.5 5.4 27.1 1.0

10 Open Polled Purebred scsf blk Pay Cheque 42z

red Cat 60Z is out of SCSF teddy Cat 5U (wheatland red teddy 457P daughter), a highly sought after female as a calf that was just that one we couldn’t part with. 60Z is a march born heifer that was a standout since day one, she is super hairy, massive-bodied, big-boned, with a ton of ca-pacity that balances together into a smooth shoulder and very feminine head. this is a female that will be able to be bred to any bull and produce for you, red Cat’s dam is one of the best uddered cows on the farm, and with the first set of milking daughters out of our herd sire, SPaw Blk Uproar 21U, there should be no doubt that she should have a tre-mendous udder and milk hard. a maternal sibling sold to mitch Jones of alberta and a full sibling sold to anchor D Simmentals of alberta.

Dam: Teddy Cat 5uSire: Uproar

PolleD SCSF 60Z Pg766157 07 mar 12

S-Paw BlK SHow oFF 5SS: S-PAW BLK UPROAR 21U S-Paw reD raZZamataZZ 156

wHeatlanD reD teDDy 457PD: SCSF TEDDY CAT 5U -F mS rita 13r

KenCo/mF Powerline 204lS-Paw BlK PerFeCta 305PS-Paw mUtUal FUnD 301mS-Paw eye aPPeal 15HwHeatlanD BUll 131lwHeatlanD laDy 902JPrairie winD reD Cat 12m-F mS Karen 18K

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 95 832 n/a 4.6 3.4 38.7 71.1 6.3 27.6 8.3

11 Open Polled Purebred scsf Red Cat 60z

Flush Mate



Rob and Deanne YoungCrystal and Jon Blin

Stacy Young and Dan RomanykPhone: 780.696.3643 or 780.514.0758

[email protected]

it is great to be involved in great sales with great people and cattle. High Country Cattle Services has been involved for alot of years and we are proud of the cattle we sell and have bought at Checkers. we are a family operation and our goals have stayed the same right from the start. we wanted to breed good cattle that could duplicate or better themselves. we also wanted to keep our cow numbers at a workable number for our resources so we could concentrate on cow families that would take us to our goals. Last year was the year to bring our best Black females, this year the reds take center stage and we are bringing our best. Looking forward to seeing everyone for a great Simmental weekend.


Pocahontas 3Z is a very well-constructed heifer with alot of body mass, length and femininity. She is very fluid in her movement and has excel-lent feet. Her genetics are what sets her apart from many others. Her dam, lrX red raspberry 71t, has proven to be a great producer of cattle in high demand for us and robb Farms, bulls and females. She comes from one of the elite red cow families anywhere, labatte Simmentals, Pocahontas 105l cow family. 71t was the 2007 heifer calf champion at both agribition and Farmfair, as well as being selected People’s Choice female at Farmfair.Her sire was a past high-selling sire from lewis farms out of their great breeding bull 514n and a great Power Drive cow. rJy Pocahontas 3Z is an elite female. Homozygous polled by Parentage

Dam: LRX 71T

PolleD rJy 3Z aPPlieD 05 Jan 12

lFe mr lewiS 514nS: LFE ROCHFORT 3013T lFe Calyna 31m

anKonian reD CaeSarD: LRX RED RASPBERRY 71T iPU mS reD riBeye 71n

tnt Dynamite BlaCK l137lFe SHeila 114JSPringCreeK warren 50HlFe Calyna 45JBoZ reDCoatgFi CanDaCe g51r PlUS reD riBeye 1134liPU reD PoCaHontaS 105l

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 726 n/a 5.1 2.9 43.4 74.4 7.0 24.1 2.4

12 Open Polled Purebred rjy Pocohantas 3z

every visitor to the farm this summer has admired this great brood cow in the making. She has a lot of shape, depth, soundness, hair and pedigree. these revolution daughters are hard to part with and there is no doubt that this one would not be for sale except for Crystal and Jon having to make hard decisions to proceed with their own farm in iowa. the Signature cow family is the back bone of our herd and was our first elite producer. today the Signature name runs through a very high percentage of our cow herd and has many daughters. Unfortunately 25Z and her dam are the only two red can see her mother at the sale as well and i am sure you will want to have a piece of this cow family.

Sire: Revolution

PolleD CDy 25Z Pg766386 29 Jan 12

lBr CroCKet r81S: IPU REVOLUTION 172U lCl miSS noremaC 16m

mrl tallaDega 15SD: CDY RED SIGNATURE 20W CDy SignatUre BlaCK 2n

KenCo/mF Powerline 204llBr nigHt Dream m22JBS mr granite 29JmiSS noremaC lCl 104HwHeatlanD BUll 131lKwa mS BUilDer 69KrJy reD reSPeCt 10FJDn Prairie SignatUre 19l

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 98 800 n/a 4.6 3.5 45.9 79.2 5.5 31.4 8.4

13 Open Polled Purebred cdy Signature Red 25zOwned by Jon & Crystal Blin

Dam sells as Lot 15

revlon Queen 3y is an absolute power house female with the Queen look of elegance. Queen is powerful through her rib shape and moves as sound as one can be on a great set of feet and legs. the only thing that needs to be said about the revolution cattle is they are flat-out good and do they ever produce. when we bought him we knew he had it in him genetically, he just had to prove it and he has.Unfor-tunately we lost him way too early and there is next to no semen left on him. the dam, Queen of the nile, is proving out to be true to her ability genetically and is an absolute stunning female. Her grandam, 895n, is a great female that we sold to Harvie ranching and has continued to produce the good ones for them through natural and embryo trans-plant. revlon Queen is bred to our solid red, homozygous polled fullblood we call the Fleck. He is total out cross to any of the mainstream red or black genetics. Queen will have the only Fleck calf out of our herd next spring and we believe this mating could be unbelievable and the start of something new.

Bred april 6 to the FleckService Sire: The FleckDam: Queen of the Nile

PolleD rJy 3y Pg753196 11 Jan 11

lBr CroCKet r81S: IPU REVOLUTION 172U lCl miSS noremaC 16m

eBonyS maSter linK m24D: RJY QUEEN OF THE NILE 14T twin-CHieF reD nile 895n

KenCo/mF Powerline 204llBr nigHt Dream m22JBS mr granite 29JmiSS noremaC lCl 104HStF too reD g64nJC eBony antoinetteHF remington 102etwin-CHieF HerSHey 895H

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 90 683 n/a 7.6 2.2 42.8 69.3 5.0 28.7 7.3

14 Bred Polled Purebred rjy Revlon Queen 3y

there is no doubt that this Signature female will be missed as we believe she has more earning potential than any red female that we have sold. the Signature female that Crys-tal bought a long time ago and her offspring have put her through college, paid for vehicles, and now the last two that she owns will help her and husband Jon to acquire their own farm in iowa. 20w is the kind that will go on to be a donor female. Her first calf, a bull by revolution,was a crowd favourite at last year’s bull sale selling for $7,000 to BS ranch and greystone Cattle. you can see her heifer calf in this sale from this year. it is real easy to see that this is a valuable female when they look and produce like this. She was bred to revolution again on march 29h and is homozy-gous good and polled by parentage.

ai Bred march 29 to iPU revolution 172U

Dam: Signature Black 2nSire: Talladega 15s

PolleD CDy 20w Ptg724499 11 FeB 09

wHeatlanD BUll 131lS: MRL TALLADEGA 15S Kwa mS BUilDer 69K

rJy reD reSPeCt 10FD: CDY SIGNATURE BLACK 2N JDn Prairie SignatUre 19l

niCHolS BlK DeStiny D12wHeatlanD laDy 908JlCHmn BoDyBUilDer 7303FKwa mS FUtUre 24Her Big SKy 545BS-Bar mS JaSmine 67DBlaCK iriSH KanSaSlFe Katarina 31F

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 90 588 n/a 4.6 2.7 36.8 64.5 6.0 25.0 0.26

15 Bred Polled Purebred cdy Red Signature 20wOwned by Jon & Crystal Blin


2012 calf sells as Lot 13



Site 4 Box 14 RR 1 - Carstairs, AB - T0M 0N0Phone: 403.363.4126 or 403.507.3204Email: [email protected] Welcome to checkers once again. It’s a great time to be in the cattle industry and the future is looking as bright as ever. We are honored to once again be consigning to Checkers as it is truly one of the great Simmental events of the year. Checkers brings some of the very best cattle and people together and we look forward to visiting with every one.

Sire: IPU Exciter

Dam: Silk Stocking

red Corset is an extremely cool-fronted and deep-ribbed heifer with lots of style and an outcross pedigree. She is out of the Silk Stocking cow we purchased from Southpaw last fall. Stocking has had a very successful show career; she was the Simmental legend of the Fall in 2006, Stars of the Future Futurity Champion in 2008, and iPe Supreme Campion Female 2008 and 2010. Corset is sired by the dark cherry red iPU exciter bull she is bred with calving ease and performance.

Open Polled Purebred rlc Red Corset 34z16

PolleD rlC 34Z Pg764441 20 Jan 12

KBr BlaCK eXCiter 758tS: IPU EXCITER 42W iPU BlaCK PoCaHontaS 198P

iPU reD nUgget 132nD: S-PAW RED SILKSTOCKING 3S teSS mS reD DeCK 39J

SKorS SUPer Power 95rlFe BlaCK laDy 58mHart reD CHieF J242miSS Pelton J931r PlUS reD riBeye 1134lHaaS ranCH C22er reD DeCK 639DteSS mS reD 3g

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 102 n/a n/a 1.9 4.8 45.9 75.4 4.7 34.3 11.4

Dam: Silk Stocking


this heifer’s mother has always been one of our top cows. this calf has stood out since day one. look at the cow mak-ers in her pedigree temptation, red Canadian and tomboy. She has great ePD’s and a whole lot of performance.

PolleD BoZ 31Z Pg768925 31 Jan 12

lFe mr lewiS 462PS: LFE RED RIDGE 809W lFe KirBie 217n

BBS reD CanaDian l24D: RAINALTA LASS 33R HCCl 59J

tCF/rCC temPtation gJ640SSP KeePSaKe 23Ktnt Dynamite BlaCK l137lFe KirBie 126HBoZ reDCoatBBS miSS reD BeaUty J109lBr tomBoyHCCl 650 F

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 96 777 n/a 6.6 2.6 45.3 81.0 6.0 26.9 4.2

17 Open Polled Purebred Rainalta Ginger 31z

this calf’s mother is just starting to come into her own. i think she is going to be one of our top-end cows and this heifer should follow in her tracks.

PolleD BoZ 73Z Pg768926 13 FeB 12

lFe mr lewiS 462PS: LFE RED RIDGE 809W lFe KirBie 217n

KS BraVaDo P68D: RAINALTA REGENT 39W rainalt maXima laSS 87t

tCF/rCC temPtation gJ640SSP KeePSaKe 23Ktnt Dynamite BlaCK l137lFe KirBie 126HFr reZUltriV reD BrigaDia 969JrJy maXima 5mrainalta meloDy 31m

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 104 673 n/a 6.4 2.4 42.9 76.1 6.4 27.1 5.6

18 Open Polled Purebred Rainalta Regent 73z


Box 68 - Rainier, AB - T0J 2M0Phone: 403.362.7671

Email: [email protected] Rainalta Simmentals and Charolais is located about 25 miles south of Brooks, Alberta.we have been breeding Simmental since 1976 and are proud to have been involved in Check-ers almost since it’s inception. we will hold our 19th annual bull sale at Bow Slope Shipping in Brooks on February 26th, 2013.



RR 1 Site 2 - warburg, AB - T0C 2T0Phone: 780.848.2372

Email: [email protected] Hampton Simmentals consists of a small herd of range cows and a few purebred Simmentals. i have been involved with Simmentals for a few years now. i would like to thank Bouchard Livestock for the invitation to be involved in this elite sale and also invite everyone to attend.

Sire: Odin

Mat Gr Sire: Full Figures

this is the first purebred that i have offered. i am pleased to be in-vited into the Checkers sale with her. She is an odin daughter off of a Full Figures momma. this female is made up of everything that i want, wide-topped, deep-ribbed and extra long.

Open Polled Purebred hpr Miss Precious 70z19

PolleD HPr 70Z BPg767896 18 Jan 12

ellingSon legaCy m229S: OLF ODIN U5 olF laDy triatHlon S655

3C FUll FigUreS C288 BlKD: BDS MISS BLK FIGURES 19X BDS miDnigHt BlaCK 106K

niCHolS BlK DeStiny g151ellingSon mS PStoCK K58BF n324 triatHlonolF miSS reDline m378emmonS BlaCK HerCUleS3C DanmarKa 0922 BlKZPUrDy’S BlaCK Bingo 9FlFe CaliCo 92g

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 65 652 n/a 10.7 -0.9 31.8 54.0 5.1 20.6 4.7



Phone: 403.742.3939Email: [email protected]

Hello and season’s greetings from us at JT Livestock. we are pleased to be a part of this prestigious Simmental sale and look forward to talking and visiting with fellow cattleman. Any questions or if anyone would like a video of our sale entry please call.

Sire: Prowler 111T

Here is a very attractive red blaze face heifer calf that will turn into one of those cows that you just love to go look at out in your pas-ture. Showgirl is the type of calf that just keeps getting better with age and we feel that by the time she becomes a cow she will be winning you banners as well as making you some revenue. Her 3/4 sister by red label is a prime example, being shown this past sum-mer by mitch and leah Jones and family, winning several shows for them and raising an extremely marketable calf. Be sure to look this calf up sale day and buy with confidence.

Open Polled Purebred jt Showgirl 59z20

PolleD Jtl 59Z aPPlieD 18 mar 12

remington reD laBel HrS: REMINGTON PROWLER 111T DraKe SoFt toUCH 15m

StF StarQUeSt n114D: NEW TREND SHOWGIRL 28S new trenD imagination 8n

CnS Dream on l186HS reFleCtionS J34g&l aValanCHe 149FDraKe miSS P36DStF montana BlaCK KF25StF leona l260Bar 5 Hero 244Jnew trenD mS treaSUre 2g

aCt aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 100 715 n/a not available at time of print

MADER RANCHESRANDY & RONDA, RYLEY & JiLL MADERBox 1, Site 12, RR2 - Carstairs, AB - T0M 0N0

Phone: 403.337.4014Email: [email protected]

It is again a privilege to be consigning to the Checkers sale. We are a family based operation located west of Carstairs, and raising purebred breeding stock has been our business for over 30 years now! We focus on producing bulls and females that calve easy, are growthy and functional, and maintain fertility. Through an extensive AI and Embryo program we strive to pro-duce consistent and high quality cattle that exemplify the desirable traits of today’s purebred and commercial producers. We run approx 200 cows producing us females to replace with and sell in consignment sales in the fall, and around 70 bulls to market in our Bull Sale which will be held Feb 15, 2013 in Olds, AB. Many of the heifer calves come out of the trans-plant program or are off top AI sires and are again right off the top end of the calf crop. The bred females were kept over and held especially for this sale and we feel the matings to them will be very rewarding. Please feel free to give us a call with any inquiries, and if you are in our area stop by the farm as we would love to give you a tour and there is always somebody available to visit with or talk cattle.

Mat Brother: Dr Feelgood

Shades of grey is very stout made, correct in her make-up, long spined, and hairy! She is sired by one of our top red herdbulls, Dr. Feelgood. He is a full brother to the heifer calf that mappin Sim-mentals sold for $21,000 in the Headliner sale in 2011 at Farmfair. Dr. Feelgood is a unique pedigree and is really proving himself to produce performance oriented offspring. Her second calving dam, produced a feature heifer calf last year as well, that sold at agribi-tion to tSn Simmentals. Check out her ePD’s for milk and perfor-mance. She is Homo Polled!

Open Polled Purebred mader Shades of Grey 35z21

PolleD mDr 35Z Pg767642 18 Jan 12

maPPin’S roCK Star 172SS: MAPPINS DR FEELGOOD 884W maPPinS reD legaCy 884P

maDer P BlaCKenForCer108SD: MADER P INTENSITY 79W rainalta BoZ 3n

StF StarQUeSt n114maPPin reD riot 1722nnortHSKy reD aCe 39KmaPPin’S reD legaCy 584ltnt Dynamite BlaCK l137KrSF agatHa 1FPVF-BF BF26 BlaCK JoKerrainalta BlaCK lotUS 21l

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 84 700 n/a 3.1 4.9 42.9 71.0 5.1 32.1 10.7


a real big barreled, broad topped, easy fleshing, feminine female here! this bred heifer is out of the same cow that mader royal arms stemmed from, and sold for $15,500 to Perkin/Conray/ and triple r in manitoba. Her sire, mader ransom has started to make a big impact on our program. He has been used very successfully to create calving ease, lots of growth, and the softness and muscle expression that on target possessed. our bull pen is full of ransom sons from the fall calving program this year and they look great! Her service to Stubby carrying a bull calf will be exciting! She is real clean fronted, is very structurally sound, and will be a good honest female for her new owner! She is Homo Black, Hetero Polled.

ai april 4 to lFe BS lewis 322U (Safe carrying Bull Calf )exposed from april 15 to may 29 to mader Jungle Cat 12y

Service Sire: StubbySire: Blk Ransom

PolleD mDr 80y BPg746471 07 FeB 11

remington on target 2SS: MADER P BLK RANSOM 23U Ultra StoCKer Helen 73l

iPU BlaCK QUattro 95mD: IPU MS QUATTRO 17P lBr miDnigHtDUtCHeSSg701

remington reD laBel HrDraKe SoFt toUCH 15mStoCKer 11HmFCC Helen 812Htnt mr BeeF 414KDCr miSS tomCattF miDnigHt ramBlerlBr D-423

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 81 n/a n/a 9.1 0.9 34.5 59.7 3.8 23.5 6.2

22 Open Polled Purebred mader Black Quattro 80y

Here is a daughter out of our powerful herdbull, Dr. Feel-good. He is quickly becoming our performance bull, throw-ing us broody-made females and big, high-gaining bulls. Her dam is a Blackedge cow that we purchased from west-way Farms right her in the Checkers sale. She is a tidy-ud-dered female that is easy keeping and hard working. red lady is a very capacious female with lots of thickness and volume throughout. with a service to Stubby, carrying a bull calf, feel confident she will calve easy and give you a profitable calf in the first year! She is Homo Polled.

ai april 6 to lFe Stubby 322U (Safe carrying a Bull Calf )exposed from april 15 to may 29 to mader Jungle Cat 12y

Service Sire: StubbySire: Dr Feelgood

PolleD mDr 84y Pg746473 08 FeB 11

maPPin’S roCK Star 172SS: MAPPINS DR FEELGOOD 884W maPPinS reD legaCy 884P

r PlUS BlaCKeDgeD: WFL 808H RED LADY 8022U wFl mS 808H reD 3P

StF StarQUeSt n114maPPin reD riot 1722nnortHSKy reD aCe 39KmaPPin’S reD legaCy 584llaZy S BlaCK 29nSUn Star miSS DriVeHooK’S reD QUorUm 55HwFl 808 reD 58m

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 90 n/a n/a 4.6 3.6 42.8 75.7 5.0 27.2 5.8

23 Open Polled Purebred mader Red Lady 84y


licious lady is sired by wtw Best western 5x, our 2011 high seller to Kopp Farms. we admired this bull so much we used him in our own herd and we are extremely excited with his calves. Best west-ern also was a maternal sibling to the blaze heifer we sold last year in Checkers to meadow acres. licious lady is the mirror image of her mother, dark red, moderate, and an easy-made female. She is stylish with tons of hair and well-balanced in her make up. this is a unique female from our licious lady cow family, and with two of our most admired and proven cow families on both sides of the pedigree, it will take some guess work out of the equation. Don’t pass on the opportunity to purchase these genetics.

PolleD wFl 2001Z Pg768187 10 Jan 12

nCB reD Dream 23tS: WTW BEST WESTERN 5X wtw reD 942J laSS 8061U

r PlUS reDge 8018UD: WFL LICIOUS LILLY 1063X wFl reD liCioUS

CnS Dream on l186BBn BlaCK miStreSS 505rBiSS StoCKton 364SwFl miSS 942 reD 13Pr PlUS BlaCKeDgemiSS r PlUS 3158nlFe BlaCK BUllSeye 319JwFl reD Doll 517H

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 70 665 n/a 10.1 0.3 27.3 48.5 6.8 13.6 -0.1

24 Open Polled Purebred wfl Licious Lady 2001z

licious’s Dream is sired by lFe tomcat 389X, a bull whose sire is lFe Dreaming red 503S and who also goes back to CnS Dream on l186. we purchased t-Cat from lewis Farms and we are really impressed with his calves this year. li-cious’s Dream is the ideal licious female. She is very stout, big-topped, and has lots of length. She reminds us lots of licious 26l herself. Dream big about what this female can do in your program.

PolleD wFl 2010Z Pg768155 21 Jan 12

lFe Dreaming reD 503SS: LFE TOMCAT 389X lFe rS amBer 198t

r PlUS reDge 8018UD: WFL LICIOUS SUE 1047X wFl reD liCioUS

CnS Dream on l186lFe CHaro 56KKS BraVaDo P68lFe KiSS & tell 170rr PlUS BlaCKeDgemiSS r PlUS 3158nlFe BlaCK BUllSeye 319JwFl reD Doll 517H

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 84 782 n/a 7.1 2.3 38.4 66.9 6.8 22.7 3.5

25 Open Polled Purebred wfl Licious’s Dream 2010z


DAYNA, wiLL, ANDiE & JOSiE HADwAYBox 544 - Didsbury, AB - T0M 0w0

Phone: 403.335.4929 Tom: 403.994.4929 - Andie: 403.586.4929

Email: [email protected]

westway Farms is pleased to consign two heifer lots to Check-ers 2012. Checkers has been a very good sale for westway to market their females and it has been very good to us and our cattle have been well received. we are excited to bring these two females from the heart of our program and these two heifers represent our breeding genetics well. westway Farms is located near Didsbury, Alberta and has been owned and operated by the Hadway Family for over 30 years. Along with our pedigreed seed operation, we have been breeding Simmental cattle since 1992 and currently have a cow herd of 350 head. Our kids are actively involved in the YCS Program and the 4-H Program. we specialize in red and black genetics and hold our Annual Bull Sale in March with Deeg Simmentals. whether it is cattle or seed, our commitment is to produce performance and quality products. we look forward to seeing you at Checkers 2012 as it is always an excellent opportunity to meet up with fellow Sim-mental Breeders and share in the festive season.

Tom, Carol, Dayna, will, Andie and Josie Hadway



LYLE PETERSON58 Somerglen Rd Sw - Calgary, AB - T2Y 3S2

Phone: 403.238.5931Email: [email protected]

acquiring HrD mS reD Union 18r from Don Heggie Simmentals out of raymond aB has been a great addition to Bar l7 Simmen-tals. Placing 13r into our flush program has produced top quality progeny replacements into the Bar l7 herd. mS teDDy 18r-24Z has developed into a very well balanced heifer showing continued development. She is deep, thick and has a balanced set of num-bers reflecting her mating, She should go on to produce top quality progeny as her mother has. Parting with this reD teDDy 457P et daughter was a hard decision, but having flush sisters working in the herd now and embryos in storage has made it easier to share quality genetics.

Open Polled Purebred Bar L7 Ms Teddy 18r-24z

Sire: Red Teddy


PolleD BlSr 24Z Ptg768919 24 Jan 12

wHeatlanD BUll 131lS: WHEATLAND RED TEDDY 457P wHeatlanD laDy 902J

BH rigHt time 520eD: HRD RED UNION 13R HrD mS. Union 17H

niCHolS BlK DeStiny D12wHeatlanD laDy 908Jer reD DeCK 639DwHeatlanD laDy 702gDS BlaCK Zinger 141BHF gFi QUeenoFDenial C42Bel weStern Union 5ZBar 15 mS Premier 34Z

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 96 641 n/a 6.6 2.2 36.3 61.9 6.8 21.6 3.4




Box 654 - wimborne, AB - T0M 2G0Phone: 403.631.3837

Email: [email protected] would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to Checkers 2012. Once again it is a privilege to be invited to participate in this industry-leading event. when Brian showed up this summer to select he was unrestricted in his selection and we believe he got the best. The livestock indus-try is showing its strength with everything it has endured in the past 8 to 10 years. High grain prices, high Canadian dollar, border closings and more, but the livestock prices are continuing to climb. it is a great time to be involved and su-perior genetics are always an asset.

another Broker daughter that has risen to the top. Here is a female that has a very bright future, she is an extremely smooth-made, wide-based female standing on a superb set of feet and legs. 603Z comes from the very productive 600P cow family. we have several daughters in the herd and all do a tremendous job. Broker has sired calves that will be leaving their mark on the breed, he himself con-tinues to impress, claiming grand Champion in both Kansas and louisville to date. if you will be attending agribition make sure to seek out this great female in our show string.

Open Polled Purebred mrc Miss Broker 603z

Sire: Broker


PolleD mrC 603Z BPg766273 03 FeB 12

SVF Steel ForCe S701S: MR HOC BROKER Jm BF H25

Cg HomeBUilDer 803HD: TWIN-CHIEF TOOTS 603T twin-CHieF lioneSS 600l

CnS Dream on l186SVF SHeZa BeaUty l901g&l BlaCKFoot 716DyC miSS BiK B80D-Bar-C FortUne 607FBBa miSS 241ClrS Big CoUntry 37etwin-CHieF JaVa 104J

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 80 730 n/a 5.5 3.6 38.9 70.7 5.3 25.6 6.1



COLBY, KYLE, COLTON, KALE KLASSENBox 21 - Crooked Creek, AB - T0H 0Y0

Phone: 780.957.2814 or 780.832.6714Welcome to this year’s edition of Checkers from Willow-Creek Simmentals. We are an 80 cow purebred operation in north-ern Alberta close to Grande Prairie. It is a family affair with each of our four sons owning their own cows. We enjoy show-ing cattle as a family at the local Dawson Creek fair, Farmfair and The Peace Country Beef Congress. We market our bulls through the Northern Classic Bull Sale in Grande Prairie each year along with Jaydawn Farms.

Sire: Gunner

we at willow Creek are extremely proud to offer Starstuck to the Sim-mental industry through the great checkers sale. She is one of the most unique heifers we have ever raised, which created quite a debate on whether to offer her for sale. She is the definition of “ pear shaped”, super cleaned fronted yet she has that huge hip. not to mention she is unbe-lievably long made with a big rib on her. add in that she comes in that highly sought after cherry red baldy package and you have yourself a great up and coming female. She was already crowned Dawson Creek Fall Fair Heifer calf champion and im sure it wont be her last champion win. She will make a great show heifer for anyone, we can only imagine what she’ll look like as a bred. Sired by the proven tnt gunner bull who has had a huge impact on the industry, her dam was purchased from the Sunstar dispersal and were extremely proud to have her, big bodied with beautiful feet and udder. take note here on a big time show heifer.

Open Polled Purebred mmwk Strarstruck 54z28

PolleD mmwK 54Z Pg766175 03 FeB 12

rC Stinger 072KS: TNT GUNNER N208 tnt miSS Honey l9

Sir Dn BolD 225KD: SUN STAR RED GRACE 54P SUn Star graCe 13g

CCr griFFeymiSS rC 600U 501FJF new DimenSion 903Jtnt miSS allie J1tSS BoZ BolD CatmJ maXine 26gParaDiCeaDminiStrator 23DSUn Star DeBoraH 432D

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 94 697 n/a 5.1 2.4 33.7 57.6 6.6 25.1 8.2


Box 7 RR#2 - Sexsmith, AB - T0H 3C0Phone: 780.568.2647 or 780.933.5530

DONALD & PATSY MCQUAiGPhone: 780.568.2202

JayDawn Farms is honored to be part of Fullblood Perfection and Checkers Sale in Red Deer. We are a family-based operation and are located north east of Sexsmith where we calve out 200 plus cows each year. We are bringing to town a very solid set of replacement females that represent our program very well and are out of some of the top herdsires we have purchased over the last few years. We host our annual bull sale in March of every year at Evergreen Park in Grande Prairie, along with our bull sale partners the Klassen family from Willow Creek Simmentals who we are very pleased to be partners with. We offer 60 Simmental and Charolais yearling bulls each year where we offer a payment plan along with boarding and delivery. We look forward to visit-ing with you in Red Deer, if you have any questions regarding the sale animals please don’t hesitate to call us.


Super stout, very moderate with a ton of middle best de-scribes 245Z. She is out of the tumbler cow family that is known for producing top end bulls and females at JayDawn. we were super impressed with our first wallbanger calves, all were born easy, have lots of growth and are all stamped the same. we will be using him heavier in our ai program in 2013. She will be one of few wallbangers that sell this fall, don’t miss out on this one.Reference Sire

29 Open Polled Purebred jdf Tumbler 245zPolleD JDF 245Z BPg768291 26 Jan 12


aCS reD Boomer 659SD: KIMLAKE TUMBLER 861U KimlaKe tUmBler 615S

tCF/rCC temPtation gJ640roCKy HillS Joremington on target 2SJDF mattie 61rwHeatlanD reD teDDy 457PHaaS ranCH g217lFe reD Hemi 391nKimlaKe tUmBler 484P

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 88 665 n/a 7.1 2.4 39.1 68.5 6.8 18.6 -1.0

Some how when Brian makes his rounds he convinces you to sell one that you should not be parting with!! well here she is an own daughter of muriheads temptress a female we purchased as a heifer calf from this very sale in 2006. 74S has matured into a beautiful broody female with a picture perfect udder. the mating with Stubby has produced a very mod-erate, stout soft made heifer with a ton of hair. whether you are looking for a foundation female, a donor prospect or a heifer that you can hang the halter on over the next couple of years and have some fun then 263Z is sure to fit the bill. 263Z is co owned with our son Kristopher.

30 Open Polled Purebred jdfk Temptress 263zPolleD JDFK 263Z BPg768292 07 FeB 12

r PlUS BlaCKeDgeS: LFE BS LEWIS 322U “STUBBY” lFe BS mS arnolD 135S

tCF/rCC temPtation gJ640D: MUIRHEAD’S TEMPTRESS 74S CZar mS minDy 64J

laZy S BlaCK 29nSUn Star miSS DriVelFe BomBSHell 508nlFe miSS arnolD 90Pte mCClintoCK g28BoZ Sweet temPtationPPSr inFinitiCZar mS reD roUnDUP 64C

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 100 703 n/a 6.6 3.2 38.1 63.9 7.0 23.3 4.2

Reference Dam


Here is a red bred that represents two of our sire groups used at Jay-Dawn, Buckeye and Brave. easy fleshing, soft made and super stout de-scribes this red bred that is very moderate in frame. our Brave females are hard working very sound functional females that will be around for a long long time. we are very excited to calve out our first Buckeye females next spring, they are dropping nice udders and their dispositions are sec-ond to none. mated early to enticer for a mid January calf. ai Bred april 13 to SHS enticer P1B Preg Check Safe to aiexposed to JDFJ much more 123X from may 10 to may 31 ( ¾ Brother to wallBanger)

Service Sire: Enticer

31 Bred Polled Purebred jdf Red Classic 128yPolleD JDF 128y Pg764331 26 Jan 11

tH BlaCK eDition 8rS: DESTINY BUCKEYE DeStiny magnUm twain

lFe BraVe 307tD: JDF RED CLASSIC 925W JDF reD ClaSSiC 90S

tnt Dynamite BlaCK l137BBn mS BlaCK laDy 28HgFi magnUm K52DeStiny Fine tUne SHaniaKS BraVaDo P68lFe rS JaSmine 38rwHeatlanD BUll 238mrJy reD gyPSy 14m

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 92 702 n/a 5.1 3.6 35.9 59.7 6.8 21.7 3.7

Checkers 2011 Jackpot Show Champions

Reference Sire

Genetics to Make A DifferenceJackpot Show 2012

Saturday, December 15 at 11:00 am mstHeld before the Checkers and Fullblood Perfection Sale.

Be sure to attend!

WFL Black Nuance 1059xConsigned by westway FarmsSold to

Perkin Land & Cattle $17,000

RF Jail Bait 150yConsigned by Rancier FarmsSold to Dylan Foley $12,000



112m was said by many to be the feature cow family in the Shologan dispersal. She is sired by the im-mortal Power Drive who has maybe sired as many great ones as any bull in the Simmental industry. 112m’s dam, Centerfold, was the founda-tion cow in the Shologan program and was purchased by Downey Sim-mentals at the dispersal. Broker’s service commanded a premium last fall and this fall is proving the worth of having him in a pedigree. Broker was grand Champion Simmental bull at both 2012 Kansas City ameri-can royal and louisville. Sired by the great black blaze bull could make this the opportunity of the fall.

PolleD lFe 112m BPg579474 16 Jan 02

HC Power DriVe 88HDONOR: LFE MARIAH 112M tCCo CenterFolD 06K

wle Power StroKeKaPPeS laDy iriSH F88niCHolS BlK DeStiny D12mCC reD eleganCe 27g

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 90 599 n/a 8.1 0.3 27.5 55.3 3.3 20.5 6.7

33 A & B - Emrbyos: 2 lots of 4 embryos lfe 112m x Broker

lfe Mariah 112m


CnS Dream on l186SVF SHeZa BeaUty l901g&l BlaCKFoot 716DyC miSS BiK B80

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 3.6 0.8 36.6 60.9 5.3 18.6 0.3

PolleD Fgn 623X BPtg744464 20 Jan 10

mr hoc Broker


Phone: 306.731.3850 or [email protected]

Here is a rare opportunity to pur-chase genetics from a mating of two of the most exciting individuals in the breed today. we all know the excite-ment Stubby caused right here at the Checker’s sale last year when one of his own sons maF r Horizon 7y sold to laBatte Simmentals for $82,000 then take him and mate him to one of the most powerful females in the breed today Crossroad ramona 375r. all we can say is wow!! this will be exciting. Crossroad ramona doesn’t need any introduction to the industry ei-ther. She is the dam of none other than 3D Blk Full throttle 483X. She is the most complete female we have ever had the pleasure to own and work with. She is truly an elite female and it doesn’t matter how she is mated her prodigy always stand at the top of the pen. She has raised 7 sons that we have offered for sale and they have av-eraged just over $14,000. we are very excited about the maturing between Stubby by ramona. we think this mat-ing will ring the bell and return huge dividends to the purchasers of these embryos.

PolleD CrF 375r BPg638013 03 Jan 05

tnt Dynamite BlaCK l137DONOR: CROSSROAD RAMONA 375R lFe reD CaDilaC 168m

rw BomBer 8HoPPS wiS gm2lFe mr lewiS 305JlFe reD CaDilaC 106H

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 100 787 n/a 4.1 5.5 54.5 87.5 4.3 35.0 7.7

SVF Steel ForCe S701SIRE: LFE BS LEWIS 322U lFe BS mS arnolD 135S

laZy S BlaCK 29nSUn Star miSS DriVelFe BomBSHell 508nlFe miSS arnolD 90P

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 80 793 1337 10.6 2.3 36.3 54.8 7.5 22.2 4.0

PolleD lFe 322U BPg694665 03 Jan 08

32 A & B - Emrbyos: 2 lots of 4 embryos Ramona x Stubby

crossroad Ramona 375r

lfe bs Lewis 322u “Stubby”


each lot of 4 embryos, guarantees 2 90-day pregnancies if implanted by a certified technician

each lot of 4 embryos, guarantee 2 90-day pregnancies if implanted by a certified technician



PolleD r17l aSa2287332 09 aPr 05

triPleC el PoDeroSo reyDONOR: TRIPILE C SMARTY PANTS R gFi grammS DeligHt l17

HC Power DriVe 88HJSF FieSta gFi HF eXPloSion g023 gFi miSS amoS 705g

ameriCan Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 1.9 4.6 75.7 115.8 9.4 57.8 20.0

Triple C Smarty Pants R


triple C Smarty Pants is quickly be-coming one of the sought after matrons in the Simmental industry. Her progeny are truly excelling. Her odin-sired heifer calf that was at side when she was purchased from the remington dispersal is certainly a testimonial to that. it has been said countless times “i should have bought Smarty Pants, she was a bar-gain.” She’s not for sale, but here is an opportunity to add the influence of one of the truly great females in the Simmental breed to your herd.

lot a - Sired by the $50,000 Stubby son, Casino could create a genetic explosion in either red or blacks.

lFe BS lewiS 322USIRE: LFE RED CASINO 3036X lFe Dream laDy 112P

r PlUS BlaCKeDgelFe BS mS arnolD 135SKJli mr magoo 410KlFe Dream laDy 112F

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 95 800 1197 9.1 2.6 38.5 58.1 6.8 27.6 8.3

PolleD lFe 3036X Pg744279 21 may 10

lot A lfe Red Casino 3036x

34 A - Emrbyos: 1 lot of 4 embryos Smarty Pants x Casino

PolleD r17l aSa2287332 09 aPr 05

triPleC el PoDeroSo reyDONOR: TRIPILE C SMARTY PANTS R gFi grammS DeligHt l17

HC Power DriVe 88HJSF FieSta gFi HF eXPloSion g023 gFi miSS amoS 705g

ameriCan Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 1.9 4.6 75.7 115.8 9.4 57.8 20.0

r PlUS BlaCKeDgeSIRE: LFE BLACK LAKOTA 385W KJli raZZle DaZZle 628r

laZy S BlaCK 29nSUn Star miSS DriVelFe mr lewiS 462PlFe SHirley 47K

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 103 816 1446 9.1 2.1 50.5 90.7 6.3 20.2 -5.1

PolleD lFe 385w BPtg713703 08 Jan 09

Triple C Smarty Pants R

lot B & C lfe Black Lakota 385w

lot B & C - Sired by lakota, the high-selling black bull at lewis Farms as a yearling, certainly has one of the great mothers in the breed. great progeny come from combining great females. Smarty Pants and la-kota could create this opportunity.

34 B & C - Emrbyos: 2 lots of 4 embryos Smarty Pants x Lakota

4 embryos, guarantee 2 90-day pregnancies if implanted by a certified technician

each lot of 4 embryos, guarantees 2 90-day pregnancies if implanted by a certified technician


PROGRESSIVE SIMMENTALS 49420 Yale Road East, Chilliwack, BC - V4z 0B2Phone: 604.794.3684 or 604.819.4742

Email: [email protected] wiSSE

HIGH COUNTRY CATTLE SERVICES Box 577 - Breton, AB - T0C 0P0Phone: 780.696.3643 or 780.514.0758

[email protected] & DEANNE YOUNG AND FAMiLY

Power Drive is the King for proven production in the black Simmental segment. His sons and daughters are a true tes-tament to his genetic power. His daughters are still in high demand because of their type and productivity. if you have ever owned a HC Power Drive female, she was probably in your donor pen. there is no more semen on this great bull other than a rare straw in the odd tank. we were fortunate to acquire the very last semen. we have used it almost ex-clusively for flushing with great results. we now have four daughters that are all as expected, top young producers and looking forward to more. Here is your chance to share this great breed legend.

Selling (2) 3 straw packs of Canadian qualified semen.

A & B - Semen: 2 lots of 3 straws hc Power Drive 88hPolleD tCS 88H BPg538095-Kn 05 mar 98

BUrnS BUll X339US: WLE POWER STROKE niCHolS Joliette C75

iriSH BlaCK KnigHtD: KAPPES LADY IRISH F88 KaPPeS laDy DaKota D64

BlaCK maXBUrnS Cow U339niCHolS BlaCKaDVantageniCHolS Joliette 90ZBlaCK KnigHt U2Big SanDy ranCH r821BlaCK PolleD DaKotaBlaCK BonanZa Z101

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 9.1 -0.3 27.8 61.2 3.8 23.5 9.6

thanks to Bouchard livestock for allowing us to market a semen package on wFl Commander in this sale. Com-mander was a real impact sire for twin Chief Simmentals prior to being acquired by ourselves. richard and laureen have nothing but positive comments to say about this bull. whoever has seen Commander cannot believe his youth-fulness despite his age. He is an easy fleshing, massive-bodied, solid-footed powerhouse. He is very maternally bred being a Starquest son out of the famous licious/red Doll cow family of westway’s. the Commander females that m&r Cattle have purchased from twin Chief are continuing to produce marketable cattle for the Chambers family.

Homozygous PolledSelling (3) 10 straw packs of Canadian qualified semen.

A, B & C - Semen: 3 lots of 10 straws wfl Commander 78r36PolleD wFl 78r Ptg647842 11 FeB 05

StF montana BlaCK KF25S: STF STARQUEST N114 StF leona l260

lFe BlaCK BUllSeye 319JD: WFL RED LICIOUS wFl reD Doll 517H

PPSr montana iriSH 107DStF DeSa raeStF mr momentUm H508StF raging angellFe mr lewiS 826elFe CroCUS 90FBBS Zima D55ParKHill reD Doll 21F

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 103 808 n/a 0.1 6.7 35.2 61.6 6.8 17.3 -0.3



DOUBLE BAR D FARMSBox 818 - Grenfell, SK - S0G 2B0

Richard Dimler and SonsKen Dimler: 306.697.7204

Brian Valentine: 306.451.7205Double Bar D Farms is one of the longest standing producers of Simmental cattle in Canada, importing our first female in 1972. Our operation is family owned and operated and we are proud to be part of the responsibility of producing food to feed the world. As a diversified farm, in addition to the Fleckvieh, Simmental, and Red Angus seedstock divisions, we crop 25,000 acres of Sas-katchewan soil. Every March we host our “Best of Both Worlds” bull and female sale and are looking forward to your attendance at this year’s event on February 16, 2012. We are honored to be part of Checkers & Fullblood Perfection, the highly anticipated event of the year for Simmental cattle.

every once in a while a female comes along that turns the heads of the on-lookers. one that poses and struts with a unique indescribable appeal, leav-ing a lingering impression in your mind, Double Bar D Cicilly 35y is her. in 2011, we were very proud to offer Flanna 67y as an allstar of the “y” Fleckvieh heifers selling to Virginia ranch and randy ward. Cicilly 35y was her running mate all season, with only minor differences; therefore, it seems logical to bring this super soft, easy fleshing, structural dream, and quiet disposition to the prestigious 2012 Fullblood Perfection. Her pedigree stacks genera-tions of one of the greatest cow families at Double Bar D, founding at mrln Josceline. maternally, Double Bar D Joceline 104m, Bar none Fenella, mFl Zaila, mFi Zaila 51m, Helga 10y, mrln Josette [full sister to Josceline], Dora lee elexis all lay in close compounding the genetic potency. Cicilly’s dam is a model female with an awesome udder, sound structure, and moderate frame. Polled and Dna tested as a non-dilutor, imagine the black blaze faced offspring, if you were so adventurous. Bred 4/16/12 to MTV Galt 9N, no exposure. Vet confirmed.

Bred Polled Fullblood Double Bar D Cicilly 35y51

PolleD rlD 35y P748213 20 Jan 12

SmitHBilt molSon 21mS: DORA LEE ECLIPSE FF9R Dora lee eleXiS

FgaF maSail 307SD: DOUBLE BAR D CELINE 11U DoUBle Bar D Celine 221S

giDSCo aPPollo 3FJeriCo’S DeirDre 21DDora lee JaKeDora lee eleCtraanCHor “t” legenD 7HmFi Zaila 51mDoUBle BarD maKe m PlleDDoUBle Bar D JoCeline

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 80 n/a n/a 10.1 -0.9 23.3 37.7 5.8 28.5 16.8

Sire: Eclipse

Service Sire: Galt


Sire: Justified

Dam: LFE 73U

we are extremely proud to offer this first daughter of Justified in the Perfection sale. Justified has surpassed all expectations with his first calf crop and 646Z is proof why. She is mellow in her make up and flawless in her structure. She is wide made and car-ries that way down into her lower quarter. Princess comes from a wicked cow family and she isn’t her mother’s first bell ringing heifer calf. last years high selling Fullblood in the leading ladies Female sale was a maternal sister to 646Z. the combination of 73U and Justified was a true match made in heaven. 646Z has a bright future ahead of her.

Open Fullblood sbv Princess 646z52

PolleD SBV 646Z aPPlieD 14 Jan 12

lrX JUStiCe 33US: LFE JUSTIFIED 7328X nUg FarraH 693S

anCHor D SamUrai 87PD: LFE FS PRINCESS 73U lFe FS PrinCeSS 106r

mFi wHiStler 47llrX mS 81lDaSr 24nnUg niCKey 92lDora lee natiVe SonanCHor D emily 87JlFe BUllDoZer 809mlFe PrinCeSS 89m

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 2.6 5.6 47.4 76.7 5.0 37.2 13.5


Phone: 780.336.2240 or 780.842.7207Mark Land & Cattle Corp is a mixed farm located 11 miles north-west of irma. After taking over the farm in 2002, i have strived to make my late father proud. My focus has been to showcase the Fullblood Simmental cattle with a handful of reds and blacks. My females are functional and easy-doing. The bulls are sold annually through the Lewis Farms Bull Sale the last Saturday in February. it is a priviledge to have been asked to consign to the Checkers sale. i’m proud to offer one of my top females. Give me a call or stop by the farm any time. i’m passionate about my cattle and would be happy to show you around.




RANDY & MiCHELLE STEFANUiK - MANAGERS49928 Camp River Road - Chilliwack, BC - V2P 6H4

Phone: 604.794.3439 or Randy: 604.702.8991Email: [email protected]

welcome to the Fullblood Perfection sale. it is a great honor for us to be involved in such a prestigious sale. The farm is lo-cated in the heart of the Fraser Valley, about one hour east of Vancouver. Our goal is to raise high quality polled full fleck-vieh genetics. we look forward to seeing everyone and visiting with you on sale day.

where do we start? this smooth pulled full fleck was supposed to stay home; but Brian was stuck on having her for this sale, so here she is. She is the youngest offering of our sale heifers. it is females like her that will strengthen the polled fleckvieh industry as she is deep bodied, naturally thick and has a good disposition. this is the first offering out of Spitfire. it is with great pride that we offer this heifer to you.

Open Polled Full Fleck Starwest Pol Firebug

Sire: Spitfire


PolleD CKCw 185Z P763490 04 mar 12

DoUBle Bar D eVereSt 103US: DOUBLE BAR D SPITFIRE 20X Virginia mS treaSUre 4t

latCo Hager JUniorD: BAR 5 SA ESMIRALDA 412W JaHDal eSSie 2

DoUBle Bar D eVereSt 4rDoUBle Bar D JeriCo 5lVirginiaS reD marCiano FFVirginia’S mS weSt PattySimlee HagerStarling BoBBinarU-DeV StamPerSaleriKa eSre 2De

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 92 797 n/a 1.6 4.9 34.5 57.4 4.0 30.4 13.2


Pol lisa is classy, thick, long and really catches your eye. Her dam was purchased from Virginia ranch. Her first heifer calf topped the open fleck heifers at national trust selling to Forty Creek ranch. we believe this female will go on to raise some great progeny for her new owner.

PolleD/SCUr CKCw 175Z P763479 14 Jan 12

Bar 5 P Sa eXPert 826mS: BAR 5 P SA EVOLUTION 418S Bar 5 Sa laDy SiSKa 409m

SU Painter 59PD: VIRGINIA MS POLL TALISSA SlS lorraine 39l

anDerlanD matiaS-PoenatoVerBerg eriKaeriCo Primalai-ai SiSKaCroSSroaD BenCHmarK 150mParKHill miSS Jennytgt 10JSlS Pol-Starlette 21C

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 99 739 n/a 1.6 5.8 45.7 63.7 5.1 30.0 7.1

54 Open Polled Full Fleck Starwest Pol Lisa

when we purchased Spitfire from Double Bar D Farms, we were intrigued. we have not been disappointed as Spit-fire has the ability to produce outstanding bull and heifer calves. ask Harry of Virginia ranch what he thinks of Spit-fire’s calves. we still have not offered his semen on the open market and have decided to continue to offer it at special events or sales at our discretion.

PolleD rlD 20X P737196 24 Jan 10

DoUBle Bar D eVereSt 4rS: DOUBLE BAR D EVEREST 103U DoUBle Bar D JeriCo 5l

VirginiaS reD marCiano FFD: VIRGINIA MS TREASURE 4T Virginia’S mS weSt Patty

emilDoUBle Bar D lynn 89mgrinalta’S PolleD regentgiDSCo JeriCoiPU BronSon 19KDFm JUni 960JweStDrUmS anDrewanCHor “t” BarBi 46K

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 105 878 1542 0.6 5.8 38.8 60.9 4.5 32.0 12.6

56 A, B & C - Semen: 3 lots of 10 strs Double Bar D Spitfire 20x

take a good look at the sire and dam, the power and pedi-gree that follows this young female. we can see loads of potential and prosperity for years to come.

PolleD CKCw 168Z P763481 04 Jan 12

CanaDian neFFS: DORA LEE NATIVE SON r.H. PatriCia


neFFtHerriaBr Sir arnolDS imagerolling HillS manDygrinalta’S griDiron 403J KatHleen 41Kemiltgt 74J

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 93 716 n/a 6.6 2.7 28.3 41.2 4.0 26.2 12.1

55 Open Polled Full Fleck Starwest Pol Sunshine


Box 7 RR#2 - Sexsmith, AB - T0H 3C0Phone: 780.568.2647 or 780.933.5530

DONALD & PATSY MCQUAiGPhone: 780.568.2202

JayDawn Farms is honored to be part of Fullblood Perfection and Checkers Sale in Red Deer. We are a family-based operation and are located north east of Sexsmith where we calve out 200 plus cows each year. We are bringing to town a very solid set of replacement females that represent our program very well and are out of some of the top herdsires we have purchased over the last few years. We host our annual bull sale in March of every year at Evergreen Park in Grande Prairie, along with our bull sale partners the Klassen family from Willow Creek Simmentals who we are very pleased to be partners with. We offer 60 Simmental and Charolais yearling bulls each year where we offer a payment plan along with boarding and delivery. We look forward to visit-ing with you in Red Deer, if you have any questions regarding the sale animals please don’t hesitate to call us.

Here is a full fleck heifer calf that comes from a very strong cow family at JayDawn. JDF 218Z is out of a mercury female that al-ways brings in a good calf each and every year, this cow fam-ily is known for their excellent feet and udders. our Unlimited daughters came into production this past spring and to say that we were super impressed would be an understatement. they are very moderate made females with picture perfect udders with lots of milk. this heifer calf is very easy to look at, long, deep-sid-ed with lots of performance. She may not be the fanciest heifer in the sale barn but she will produce with any female brought to town, the kind of female you like to build a herd around.

HorneD JDF 218Z 768290 15 Jan 12

rogantS: PRL UNLIMITED 3U Prl PUZZle 96P

mFi merCUryD: KIMLAKE CHARM 567R mS BgS 204m

rogerloriSPrl leDger 129lPrl ligny 142lanCHor “t” imPaCt 2HanCHor “t” elFi 14JgiDSCo aPPollo 3FmS BgS CHarm 19J

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 100 664 n/a 3.9 4.8 44.1 69.7 6.9 32.0 10.0

57 Open Full Fleckvieh jdf Charm 218z

Here is a bred heifer that should have stayed on the farm, JDF 119y is a very stout made heifer that is soft made and easy fleshing. She is a full fleck that has a pedigree stacked with who’s who in the Simmental industry. Her dam is a small made dark cherry red legend female that has a perfect ud-der with tons of milk and raised 119y as a first calf heifer. this heifer won’t be hard to find sale day, she is mated to the new herdbull imaX, a mating that is sure to click.AI’d Anchor D IMAX March 30th 2012 No Exposure

HorneD JDF 119y 764329 23 Jan 11

rogantS: PRL UNLIMITED 3U Prl PUZZle 96P

anCHor “t” legenD 7HD: JAYDAWN PETRA 904W KimlaKe Petra 739t

rogerloriSPrl leDger 129lPrl ligny 142lanCHor “t” metro 4eanCHor “t” Helga 10yCroSSroaD BenCHmarK 150mKimlaKe Petra 203m

aDJ aDJ CanaDian Simmental aSSoCiation ePDS Bw wt yw Ce Bwt wwt ywt mCe mww milK 80 649 n/a 7.1 2.1 32.8 56.4 6.3 30.0 13.6

58 Bred Full Fleck jdf Petra 119y

Service Sire: Anchor D Imax 250Y

Sire: Unlimited


thank you to EVERyonE Who MaDE 2011SuCh a GREat SuCCESS!



Sale noteS:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


the terms of the sale are cash or cheque payable at par at sale location unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made prior to the sale. the right of property shall not pass until after settlement is made. Bouchard livestock ltd reserves the right to require a certified cheque as settlement before releasing any sale cattle. Should the purchaser fail to settle for his purchase, Bouchard livestock ltd reserves full power to resell the animal to the best advantage, either publicly or privately, without fur-ther notice. any loss arising from such resale, together with keep and all other expenses shall be payable by the defaulter. all settlements must be made with the clerks of the sale before any any cattle will be released. the owers, Bouchard livestock ltd. and sale staff have the right to refuse bids from anyone who has a previous record of default in payment and/or who has not made prior credit arrangements prior to the sale with the owners and/or Sale management.

BiD - every animal consigned to the sale must be sold by auction. no by-bidding will be permitted. each animal will be sold to the highest bidder.

DiSPUteS - in cases of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. if no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. the auctioneer’s decision in such matters will be final.

PUrCHaSer’S riSK - each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.

annoUnCementS from the auction block will take precedence over printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cau-tioned to pay attention to any such announcements.

CertiFiCate oF regiStry - the proper registration of recordation paper, as the case may be, will be duly transferred and fur-nished to the buyer for each animal after settlement has been made.

SHiPPing - assistance will be given in making shipment after the sale, but Sale management or Seller assumes no risk. exenses incurred are the responsibility of the purchaser. Purchasers are requested to furnish shipping instruction when making settle-ment.

gUarantee - all animals will carry standard breeding guarantee as specified by the applicable Canadian breed association. at no time shall the seller’s liability exceed the purchased price of the animal.

eXCePtion to gUarantee - in cases where the animal is subjected to any hormonal or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, the guarantee shall be null and void. in the cases of bulls, they are guaranteed to breed naturally according to appli-cable Canadian breed association guarantee, but no guarantee is given that semen from any bull will freeze.

HealtH - it is the buyer’s responsibility to determine health requirements for importing any animal into his province or state. Bouchard livestock ltd assumes no responsibility for the health status of any animal in the sale.

aCCiDentS - although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the Sale manage-ment, auctioneer, or association assumes any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability legal or otherwise in the event of accident or loss of property.

rigHtS anD oBligationS - the above terms and conditions of the sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller and be equally binding to both. resale of animals following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and the terms and conditions of this sale do not cover obligations of the two parties connected thereto.

BoUCHarD liVeStoCK ltD iS agent only - it is clearly understood that Bouchard livestock ltd acts only as agent between buyer and seller and is not in any wa responsible for any failure by either party to live up to his or her obligations. Bouchard livestock ltd does not assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of monies by either parties, and in ex-ceptional case, any legal action will be between buyer and seller. Bouchard livestock ltd has no ownership of the facility and assumes no responsibility for the operation of said facility.

CheCkers and Fullblood PerFeCtion sale terms & Conditions

Box 1409 - Crossfield, AB - T0M 0S0