chavez proposal 2013 2019


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Once again circumstances bring me before the people to express to them my determined and renewed commitment to the defense of the National Independence. This is the time, as it has never been before, to give a face and meaning to the Socialist Mother Land for which we are fighting. This Government Plan for the 2013-2019 terms is a response to the achievement of such supreme objectives:

Independence and Socialist Mother Land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As our Liberator said in 1820: Our resolution to independence or nothing is imperturbable. Definite independence or nothing must be the banner of Bolivarian of today. Definite independence is our cause and our permanent task. Independence, seen from the here and now, forces us to look to the past in order to find the true road to the future. That is why to the reactionary thesis of Empire and the stateless upper-class, we counterattack with the combative, creative, and liberating thesis of Independence and Socialism as an open project and dialectic construction: Independence is not over, and we forge it by our daily and permanent fight.

We have to fully realize the libertarian dream that has never ceased to beat in the country and today is beating incessantly. I think so from the combative faith and the loving reason that encourages me: the heroic legacy forces us and such demand is an emblematic commitment for all of us. From the time we are living in we must honor the challenges, all the sacrifices cannot be in vain, to make them flesh and blood of the new life that has to remain the horizon that call and challenge us.


This is a socialism transition plan and the radicalization of participative and protagonic democracy. We start from the principle that accelerate the transition necessarily involves, despite the redundancy, to accelerate the process of restitution of power to the people. The effective exercise of the protagonic peoples ‘power it cannot be substituted, possibility condition for the Bolivarian socialism of XXI century. Therefore, it is the fundamental base in the main vortex of The Simon Bolivar National Project. First National Economical and Social Development Plan 2007-2013: our guidance in this cycle that is finishing strongly emphasizes its strategic role. Strategic role that in the following cycle must be even more accentuated.

Don´t fool us: the socio-economical formation that still prevails in Venezuela is of capitalist and rentier character. Certainly, socialism has barely begun to implement its own internal dynamism among us. This is a program precisely to establish it and deepen it; directed towards a radical elimination of the logic of capital that must go step by step in compliance, but without slowing the pace of progress towards socialism.

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To advance toward socialism, we need a people's power capable of dismantling the frames of oppression, exploitation and domination that exist in Venezuelan society, able to create a new sociality from everyday life where fraternity and solidarity are at hand with the permanent needs of having plan and produce the material life of our people. This involves spraying thoroughly bourgeois state is inherited, which is still played through their old and harmful practices, and provide continuity to the invention of new forms of political management.

Now, what is the context in our American and worldwide where we are giving life to a socialist alternative model? Clearly, our America lives a new era that started, and it is fair to admit it, with the arrival to power of the Bolivarian Revolution: a new era characterized by a real and true power relations in favor of majority. It is also clear that the capitalist world system is undergoing a structural crisis that can be terminal: a crisis that, by its catastrophic magnitude, forces us politically, as Martí would say; to clarify and provide every day, as indeed we have been doing to minimize its impact on Venezuela. But there is an encouraging sign that I want to emphasize: it has begun to lay its basis a multipolar international system that is geared towards that great principle that Bolivar called the balance of the universe.


At the moment of presenting this program, I do it with the conviction that only with the participation of the people, with its wider discussion at the grassroots; we might be able to improve it, unleashing all its creative and liberating power.

This is a program to pass "the barrier of no return". To explain it with Antonio Gramsci, the old must die definitely, for the birth of the new manifest in all its fullness.

The consistency of this Government Program responds to a power line at all decisive: we are obliged to cross the barrier of no return, to make irreversible the transition to socialism. Certainly it is difficult to say when such a great horizon stands out, but we must make sensitive and well directed efforts, to say it with Bolivar in terms of its arrival.

Refounding, as stated in our Constitution, is a necessity that does not admit any delay, as without this vital foundation we would lose the opportunity to conclude the popular and historic feat that came before and to which we are ethically responsible. The consolidation of the V Socialist Bolivarian Republic is the most beautiful and bright justification for more than two centuries of struggle and sacrifice.

Our past, our whole past is alive and teaches us that we have been, and remain, a result of adversity, but also points out that thanks to them we have a glimpse of what we collectively be postponed, and that this reflects a fully Government Program: to finally have our own nation, and having a sovereign independent homeland for our children and our children's children, the happy and perpetual country in which we have always wanted to live, the Bolivarian Socialist Homeland, for the inexorable mandate destination, will succeed the next 7 October 2012, at

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the Battle of Carabobo of the XXI century. Ecclesiastes says: "Everything under the sun has its own time."

Building this homeland so that you, fellow man, women, mother, and father, girl, boy and all Venezuelan can live well, with justice and dignity is what encourages my fight and is one of the main reasons that I have to live, along with my loved ones, my son, my daughters, my parents.

I propose to keep fighting, as our singer Ali Primera said, "By the dawn of a new world" in a Socialist Independent Nation where we can live by living, inspired by the highest values of humanism. In it, I, your soldier, my own beloved people, I put my heart in Venezuela.

In Caracas, birthplace of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, June 12th 2012.

Hugo Chávez Frías

Independence and Socialist Homeland!


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The document presented today to the Electoral Power, but especially considering the laborious and heroic Venezuelan people and their militant youth, is an continues electoral program proposed and deepens some of the strategies already contained in the Simon Bolivar the First Socialist Plan of the Nation , and is in full development and implementation.

We should note that the Second Socialist Plan for the term 2013-2019, is now under development. And updating the strategic card to be guided by the path of transition to the Bolivarian socialism of the XXI century includes five major historical objectives, namely:

I. I. Defend, expand, and consolidate the most precious asset we have recovered after 200 years: National Independence.

II. II. Continue to build the Bolivarian Socialism of the XXI century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage model of capitalism and thereby ensure the “highest sum of social security, highest sum of political stability, and highest sum of happiness” for our people.

III. III Turn Venezuela Into A Power Country In The Social, Economic And Political Within The Larger Emerging Power Of Latin America And The Caribbean, To Ensure The Formation Of A Peace Zone In Our America.

IV. IV. Contribute to the development of a new international geopolitics in which multicenter multipolar world that would achieve the balance of the universe and to ensure global peace takes shape.

V. V. Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and salvation of humankind.

The first, concerning the consolidation of our independence, refers to all national and strategic objectives in the political, economic, social and cultural development, primarily, the scope will allow us to lay the foundations of the irreversibility of national sovereignty.

It states the need of assure the continuity of the revolutionary process, which involves making the most popular landslide victory in the presidential elections on October 7, 2012. To do this, the unity of workers, countryside and urban small and median producers, and other social sectors of the people is indispensable. It also considers the sovereignty over our natural resources and oil resources in particular. This, at the same time, will result in strengthened capacity to manage sovereign national income. Achieve food sovereignty, unleashing our agro productive potential, is another strategic objectives.

It is very important to achieve our first big goal is the full development of our scientific and technical capabilities, creating the conditions for the development of an innovative, transformer and dynamic model, forward-exploitation of the potentials and capacities, and the need to strengthen national identity and our American, on the principle Bolivarian that "the country is America."

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Finally, it is included in this first major objective the strengthening of the national defense power, strengthening civil-military union and increasing the operational readiness of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces for the entire defense of the Homeland.

On the second great historic goal, is prefigured in the forms of our socialist construction to achieve the supreme social happiness of the people, this happens, first, to accelerate the change of the economical system, transcending the oil rentier capitalist model to the socialist economical production model, leading to a more equal and fair society, based on the role of social and democratic state of law and justice, in order to build upon the satisfaction of basic needs for life of our people: food, water, electricity, housing and habitat, public transportation, health, education, public security, access to culture, open communication, science and technology, sports, healthy recreation and a decent liberated and liberating work.

The above is related to the need of promoting a new ethical, moral and spiritual hegemony that we can overcome the vices that still do not quite die; from the old model of capitalist society. In this regard, a special mention is deserved to purpose of expressing further the progress in developing a model of public safety to protect human life and ultimately direct a revolution in the justice system in order to eliminate impunity, achieving equality in access and to eliminate the classist and racist character in its application.

Finally, to achieve this second strategic goal is to unleash great power contained in the Bolivarian Constitution, making the breakthrough for the new Social and Democratic State of Law and Justice, through the consolidation and expansion of popular power through the Missions and Great Socialist Missions and the self-government in towns and specific territories specific territories, among other policies.

The third major historical objective of turning Venezuela into a social, economical and political power within the Great Rising of Latin America and the Caribbean, to ensure the formation of a peace zone in our America, that be oriented towards the consolidation of the political, economic and social power which is required among other goals, the final emergence of democratic and social state of law and justice, and strengthening of stability and peace of the nation.

Further, this historic proposal includes the strategic objective of developing national economic strength, optimally exploiting the potential offered by our resources. It is also proposed expanding military power to defend the homeland, strengthening the military industry in Venezuela, and deepen the Bolivarian new military doctrine and national geopolitical development.

This includes a pledge to continue playing a leading role in the process of building the unity of Latin American and the Caribbean, boosting the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) and Petrocaribe and energizing the new regional spaces: the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Commonwealth of Latin American and Caribbean (CELAC).

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The fourth major historical objective implies to continue traveling the path in the search for a multipolar, multicenter world without an imperial domination and with full respect for self-determination of the people. Finally, establishes the need to continue joining efforts to dismantle the neo-colonial system from the imperial control, eliminating or reducing the levels of non-vital economic and technological relations between our country and the imperial centers of domination, among other purposes.

The fifth of the great historical objectives results is the need to build an economical eco-socialist productive model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, which guarantees the optimal and rational use of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles in nature.

In this regard, it is necessary to ratify the defense of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan State on vital natural resources.

This fifth great historic objective, calls to join efforts for the boost of a global movement to contain the causes and revert the effects of climate change occurring as a consequence of the predatory capitalist model.

This Government Program for the Nation Independence and the Socialism that we are presenting, is nothing but a call to an extensive discussion of ideas and proposal in the heart of the Venezuelan people, necessary for developing the Simon Bolivar Second Socialist Plan of the Nation (2013-2019) and continue forming the great people’s, democratic and historical block integrated by the workers, peasants, students, afro-descendants, indigenous, academics, small and median producers of the countryside and city, merchant, hauliers, motorized, teachers, health professionals in general, public servants, women, soldiers, people, fishermen, cultivators, athletes, union and commune leaders, and especially the Venezuelan youth.

To accomplish it, we can say it paraphrasing our Father Simon Bolivar; unity is indispensable to the work of our regeneration.

Carabobo Campaign Command

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I. Defend, expand, and consolidate the most precious asset we have recovered after 200 years: National Independence.

“Fellow citizens! I blush when I say it: independence is the only asset we have acquired at the expense of others. But it opens the door to us to recover them under your auspices with all the splendor of glory and freedom”.

Bolívar, Bogota, January of 1830.

The Bicentennial Cycle of our independence is elapsing. Our time is laden with the heroic heritage that belongs to us as a people and which we carry in our blood and in our soul. We are at battle once again, with realized dreams and dreams to be realized under the revolutionary Bolivarian process, in an open fight to finally regain and consolidate the Independence we had lost. We are inspired by the Indian resistance, the afro-descendent rebellion, the independent quest, the Federal Revolution, The Restoring Revolution; we are moved by Guaicaipuro, Tamanaco, Terepaima, Andresote, José Leonardo Chirino, Francisco de Miranda, Simón Rodríguez, Antonio José de Sucre, Ezequiel Zamora, Cipriano Castro, and our greatest inspiration, our highest reference, Simon Bolívar the Liberator.

Historically, the profound mutations from the agro-exporter Venezuela, clearly a landowner and “semi-feudal”, to the petroleum bearing Venezuela, did not generate significant transformations in the way of conducting the fate of the Nation. Far from it: the detrimental dependence of peasants, workers, and low class citizens deepened. Foreign domination, with an unprecedented penetration of the capital with the arrival of the “black gold” fortune found the table set by surrendering governments of all breeds.

In that context the oil-exporter Venezuela was born: an oil factory subordinate to the consuming and warmonger model of the Yankee imperialism. A capitalist, repressive, and neocolonial regime was born, which plunged the noble and glorious people of Bolívar into the biggest material and moral misery.

Only the honorable and brave resistance of the patriotic majority of the Venezuelan people and their honest leadership, expressed in the fight against the dictatorships of the XX century, in the civil and military rebellions of the sixties, in the fighting movements of successive generations of young students and in the great civil and military rebellions of February 27th 1989, February 4th and November 27th 1992 saved us from total destruction as a sovereign Nation.

On December 6th 1998, the Bolivarian Revolution, having the people’s conscience and dignity as its foundation, started the breakdown of the neocolonial hegemony. Thirteen years of Bolivarian Revolution have given us back political independence.

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Today, Venezuela has a Bolivarian, sovereign government that does not answer to the Empire’s commands or to any bourgeoisie’s. Today we have a nation that feels deeply proud of its cultural and historical roots, and we are in full process of regaining control of our natural resources and our incomes.

That is why the first great historical objective for the next Bolivarian and socialist government term will be to defend and consolidate the most precious asset we have achieved: Political independence; reaffirm our national and American identity and continue moving forward under a bold international geopolitics towards our full financial independence.

II. Continue to build the Bolivarian Socialism of the XXI century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage model of capitalism and thereby ensure the “highest sum of social security, highest sum of political stability, and highest sum of happiness” for our people.

“We, certainly, do not wish for socialism in America to be a carbon copy. It must be a heroic creation”.

1928, José Carlos Mariátegui

The crisis suffered by developed countries in the present time is a consequence of imbalances and contradictions inherent to the capitalist system. The voracity to accumulate more and more wealth is giving way not only to the irreversible destruction of the environment, but to the multiplication of countless suffering and hardship over millions of human beings. Never before had humanity endured such an atrocious inequality. Meanwhile, a few people and companies monopolize gigantic fortunes created through financial manipulation and excessive speculation at the expense of the misery of the majority of humanity.

Albert Einstein wrote in 1949:

“I am convinced that there is only one way to eliminate these serious evils, the establishment of a socialist economy accompanied by an educational system oriented towards social goals”.

We, the men and women who are building the Bolivarian Revolution from the beginning, have shared this conviction, announcing that we must set a different course, using the experience from other countries but learning from their mistakes, starting off from our own values and absorbing the teachings of the Liberator Father and the great Our-americans thinkers.

In the year 2004, the Bolivarian Revolution proclaimed its anti-imperialist nature and in 2006 it defined itself as socialist. The preaching of Revolution has been continuous: we do not wish to remain in the atmosphere of capitalism. It is indispensable for Venezuela to embrace socialism as the wide and open road to supreme social happiness. We are fighting for a society where the great values of Christianity can be fully fulfilled.

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In the next term of the Bolivarian and socialist Government, we will continue to shape a social relations system of production sustained by the values of knowledge and work; at the service of full satisfaction of our people’s human needs: food, water, electricity, clothing, home and habitat, transportation, health, education, culture, science, and technology.

To achieve this, it is imperative to develop the social property over the basic and strategic factors and means of production that will allow for the Venezuelan families and individuals to fully enjoy their financial, social, political, and cultural rights, thus achieving a good life.

We are going then, to achieve in the next term, the second great historic objective: to continue building and cementing the foundations of the Bolivarian socialism of the XXI century to dismount the inhumane, predating, and warmonger system of capitalist accumulation and transcend the logic of the capital sustaining it.

III Turn Venezuela Into A Power Country In The Social, Economic And Political Within The Larger Emerging Power Of Latin America And The Caribbean, To Ensure The Formation Of A Peace Zone In Our America.

The next decade, Venezuela as a country should be a consolidated power in the regional and universal plane. Venezuelans must feel, effectively, that is real and tangible participatory democracy, and that, substantively, will keep the power as a way to achieve the sovereignty of the homeland of irreversibly.

The progress made by the Bolivarian process should serve as a basis for further consolidation of political power, seen as the consecration of the devolution of power to the people and the full exercise of participatory democracy, protagonist and socialist political support of National Unity. Only in this way we will have the strength to participate successfully in the complex world.

To advance and strengthen participatory democracy, it is necessary to strengthen the value of human life and its defense from a fundamentally ethical level which deprives solidarity and worth of the capitalist over the value of having to be consumed for exist. Shielding ethics in the exercise of power is very important to constitute the moral power of the Nation.

The construction of the economic power of Venezuela as an energy power, food and industrial future, forces consolidate progress in developing the regulatory framework and investment policy for sovereign national wealth at the service of life of our people and construction of a world of justice and peace.

Also it is required that the nation, the soldiers of the homeland with the support of all the people, continue to enhance the strengthening of the Military Power of the Nation, which is part of the vital task of the overall defense of our country.

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In the next term of socialist Bolivarian government and achieve the great goal of unleashing the full power of Simon Bolivar's homeland, shaping a democratic and popular historical bloc composed of the working class and professional layers, as well as small and medium producers the countryside and the city.

IV. Contribute to the development of a new international geopolitics in which multicenter multipolar world that would achieve the balance of the universe and to ensure global peace takes shape.

As instructed by the Liberator Simon Bolivar, the foreign policy of the Bolivarian Revolution will make every effort to "get the system guarantees that, in peace and war, is the shield of our new destination", ie an international environment that ensures Independence of the country for the full deployment of a national sovereign.

Inspired by the vision of harmony that characterized the cosmogony of our original indigenous, and the concept that the action Bolivarian foreign policy should aim to shape the "balance of the universe," the foreign policy of Venezuela Bolivarian promote the formation of a multipolar world whose ultimate goal is the preservation of peace based on respect and sovereignty of peoples.

As we have expressed on different scenarios, that multipolar world will be comprised of a multiplicity of strength, groups of countries so there is more universal equilibrium, so there is more universal democracy, so there is more equality in the world.

In the next Bolivarian government term we will continue to move forward in that unpredictable task to guarantee peace in the world, peace in Venezuela.

V. Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and salvation of humankind.

In this historic moment the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, according to the ethical principles of socialism, up the banner of a necessary struggle to adopt, at the national and global level, an effort to change the predatory model of development that capitalism has imposed on the world in the last three centuries, by extension threatening the voracious market economy.

In this struggle, we all sensitive and well-directed efforts that must be done according to reverse the causes and effects of the devastating environmental crises that threaten the possibility of human life on planet Earth.

This will require immediate action for the rescue and mediate the balance of the land and shore productive economic processes of human beings on the basis of respect for the cycles of the earth and its regenerative processes, by establishing a different relationship of humans with nature.

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This new alternative model of socialist development requires a leadership role of men and women with the new values of good living to support a green economy and socially sustainable. This is only possible from socialism as the only alternative to predatory capitalist model that has already failed.

This new model truly fulfill the mandate that emerged from the Earth Summit in 1992: meet our present needs without compromising, or threaten the ability to meet the needs of future generations.

Our country will fight in those sensitive environmental issues at all levels (national, regional and multilateral) with special emphasis on combating climate change, changing patterns of production and consumption patterns and the defense of a new model of social, ecological and socialist, as the only alternative to ensure planetary life.

In this context, complementary drive, within the United Nations Organization, the construction of the "New International Architecture Social Ethics" which to define the new International Agenda for Human Development and Sustainable Development.


I. Defend, expand and consolidate the most precious thing we have reconquered after 200 years of National Independence.

National Goals

1.1 Ensure continuity and consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution in power.

1.2. To preserve and strengthen the sovereignty over oil resources and other strategic natural resources.

1.3 Ensure the sovereign management of national income.

1.4. Achieve food sovereignty to ensure the sacred right to food of our people.

1.5. Develop our scientific and technological capabilities related to people's needs.

1.6. Strengthen the defensive power to protect national independence and national sovereignty, securing resources and wealth of our country for future generations.

II. - Continue building the XXI Century Bolivarian Socialism in Venezuela, as an alternative to destructive and savage system of capitalism, and thereby ensure "greater amount of social security, the greater amount of political stability and the greatest sum of happiness" for our people.

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2.1. Boost the transformation of economic system, based on the transition to the Bolivarian socialism, transcending the oil rentier capitalist model towards the socialist productive economic model, based on the development of productive forces.

2.2. Building a just and egalitarian society.

2.3. Consolidate and expand people's power and socialist democracy.

2.4. Convene and promote a new ethical orientation, moral and spiritual development of society, based on the values of socialism liberators.

2.5. Achieve breakthrough for the New Social and Democratic State of Law and Justice.

III.- Turn Venezuela Into A Power Country In The Social, Economic And Political Within The Larger Emerging Power Of Latin America And The Caribbean, To Ensure The Formation Of A Peace Zone In Our America.


3.1. Strengthening the role of Venezuela as World Energy Power.

3.2. Develop the economic power of the nation based on the optimal use of the potential offered our resources to generate the greatest happiness of our people, as well as the material basis for the construction of our Bolivarian Socialism.

3.3. To create and expand the military power to defend the Homeland.

3.4 Enhance the development of new national and regional geopolitics, Latin American and Caribbean.

IV.- Contribute to the development of a new international geopolitics in which body takes multicenter multipolar world that would achieve the balance of the universe and to ensure global peace.


4.1. Continue to play a leading role in the construction of the union American and Caribbean.

4.2. Strengthen National Identity and Our America.

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4.3. Continue to promote the development of a multipolar world without imperial domination and with respect to self-determination of peoples.

4.4. Contribute to the removal of harmful anti-historical and imperial and neocolonial.

V.- Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and salvation of humankind.


5.1. Build and promote the economic production model eco-socialist, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, to ensure the rational use and development, optimal and sustainable utilization of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.

5.2. Protect and defend the permanent sovereignty of the state on natural resources for the ultimate benefit of our people, which shall be the primary guarantor.

5.3. Defend and protect the historical and cultural heritage of Venezuela and Our-american.

5.4. Contribute to the creation of a global movement to curb the causes and remedy the effects of climate change occurring as a result of predatory capitalist model.


I.- Defend, expand and consolidate the most precious thing we have reconquered after 200 years of National Independence.


1.1 Ensure continuity and consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution in power.


1.1.1. Achieving a strong, combative and festive victory in the presidential election October 7, 2012, to raise the morale of the Venezuelan people and the world's peoples in their struggle for emancipation. Strengthen the unity of the working class and its layers professionals, small and medium producers, rural and city as well as social organizations and movements that accompany the Bolivarian Revolution.

1.1.2. Expand all political actions necessary to ensure an electoral process in a climate of stability and gain recognition in a peaceful manner the sovereign will of our people.

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Page 15: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Summon all the democratic and honest country to contribute to the peaceful development of electoral processes.

1.1.3. Prepare to defend the will of the people by organizing popular and democratic exercise of State authority. Strengthen and defend the State Public Authorities. Strengthen consciousness, sectorial and territorial organization of our people. Expand the organization of the people for the overall defense of the Homeland. Strengthen the capacities of state security agencies to ensure political stability and peace of the Nation.

1.1.4 Strengthening and expansion of People's Power for the people is the power.

1.1.5. Preserve, restore and advance spaces regional and local government to deepen the devolution of power to the people.

1.1.6. Continue to build communicational hegemony, so that in Venezuela all voices are heard.


1.2. To preserve and strengthen the sovereignty over oil resources and other strategic natural resources.

Sovereignty over natural resources is a concept that is a guarantee of its use for humanists and naturalists goals of socialism. Thus, we will have sovereignty to the extent that we have freedom of operations, administration and use for this purpose. It is inseparable from the political.


1.2.1. Maintain and ensure control by the State of Petroleos de Venezuela, SA

1.2.2. Ensure the dominance of national oil production.

1.2.3. Ensuring a majority stake in joint ventures.

1.2.4. Maintain and ensure control by the state of state enterprises to exploit mineral resources in the country. Consolidate and strengthen a state enterprise for the exploitation of mineral resources.

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1.2.5. To secure effective control and strategic related activities associated with the industrial chain of exploitation of hydrocarbon resources. Strengthening actions for effective control related activities of the oil industry strategic. Consolidate effective control of the key activities of the value chain of oil and gas. To promote and encourage scientific research and technological development in order to ensure the core operations of the oil industry.

1.2.6. To secure effective control and strategic related activities associated with the industrial chain of exploitation of mineral resources.

1.2.7. Strengthen coordination of petroleum policies within OPEC. Advocate policies for the fair valuation of oil.

1.2.8. Achieve a coordination of gas pricing. Promote mechanisms for the fair valuation of the gas.

1.2.9. Building capacity to influence the recovery of mineral prices.

1.2.10. Raise the political consciousness and ideological people and the oil workers and miners, as well as active participation in the defense of the natural resources of the Nation. Deepening the political and social content of the oil industry. Encourage employee participation in planning the activities of the oil industry. Consolidate and further instances of political participation of the people and the oil workers and miners.

1.2.11. Foster and promote an initiative of coordination between the giant oil countries.

1.2.12. Defend the Nation’s property on non-oil minerals strategic resources, as well as capacity building for the use thereof, in their processes of transformation and aggregation of national value to raw materials. It assumes particular attention to the design of production chains above the single holding of deposits. The utilization of iron and bauxite, where Venezuela is important positions worldwide, adds other minerals with a high potential for the highest national interests such as gold, coltan.

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Page 17: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Ensure the use of natural resources of the country, a sovereign, to satisfy domestic demands and their use according to the highest national interests. Optimize fiscal mechanisms to ensure state sovereignty in the management of the benefits derived from the heritage of the Republic. Develop prospective comprehensive inventory on a national technology platform and the appropriation of techniques for efficient use of natural resources in the country according to its sovereign interests. Reserve at the highest national interests through the state, planning and administration of the forms of ownership in strategic sectors, to ensure the incorporation of these resources into the production process to the satisfaction and democratic access to goods and population services.


1.3. Ensure the sovereign management of national income.

The sovereign management of national income is the ability to grasp and use it in the socialist, humanist, and naturalist objectives. The State must be designed so that the administration of the national income serves the aims of the new company leverage.

Given our country's status as rentier oil (which must be reversed through a policy of transformation to a socialist production model), our national income is based on the development of the oil industry. In this regard, to ensure the goal of a sovereign management of revenue, it is necessary to control the oil industry through a national, popular and revolutionary.

Politics has to be national, because it is the administration of the resources that belong to all Venezuelans, which requires us to manage for the benefit of the entire nation. Through an operation with national vision is to achieve absolute control of the oil industry in the country, as stipulated in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which, very clearly states that the state, as representing the collective interest of all Venezuelans, the owner of the resources found in our basement, and in the present case, the hydrocarbon resources of oil and gas. This policy should integrate the country in defense of our main asset, is a policy that surely it is for all Venezuelans, and there should be differences around it.

Moreover, the management of the oil industry must be popular because it has to be guided by the interests of the people and should encourage the participation of the working class for maximum connection with the people. To develop we have to rest on the shoulders of the people. The people must be a key player in all their estates, not only through the representation of the Venezuelan state, but through their workers and communities.

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Finally, our oil policy should be revolutionary, which is related to who captures the oil revenue, how it collects and how it is distributed. No doubt to be the state that monitor and capture the oil revenue, based on mechanisms to maximize its value, for distribution to benefit the people, ensuring comprehensive social development of the country, fairer and more equitable. This is the element that sets us apart from any other oil policy.

To ensure a national, popular and revolutionary, then, we put oil revenues to serve the people. This means that whoever captures and controls the oil revenue should be the State. Also, to maximize the income the state should pursue a policy that includes sovereign control over the resource base and maximum recovery as a fundamental requirement to ensure a fair collection. Then you should ensure that oil revenues be earmarked for projects, plans and programs to guarantee the country's overall social development under the guidance of the National Government and the Revolutionary Bolivarian aligned with development plans of the Nation.


1.3.1. Maintain and strengthen the current tax regime Oil. That looked many positive changes to the existing in 1998, is seen in the table below:


Income Tax 34% 50%Royalty 1% – 16,67% 30%Extraction Tax 0% 3,33%Export Tax Registration 0% 0,1%Surface Tax 0% 100 UT x Km2 %

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1.3.2. Maintain and strengthen effective mechanisms for uptake of excess income by extraordinary and exorbitant increases in international prices of oil.

1.3.3. Establish and develop a mining tax regime and efficient uptake mechanisms for the collection of income from mining. Regulate and control the production of strategic minerals. Strengthen tax collection and control. Reorder and set the royalty rates applicable to the liquidation of various minerals. Review and regulate specific royalty agreements for each of the strategic minerals.

1.3.4. Establish mechanisms to control the marketing of strategic minerals. Create state entities for the marketing of strategic minerals. Establish transparent mechanisms for the enhancement of strategic minerals.

1.3.5. Strengthening and deepening of financial agreements with strategic partners. Maintain and expand the Chinese - Venezuela Joint Fund. The Chinese - Venezuela Joint Fund has resulted in extraordinary funding mechanism for the Venezuelan state, since it is a structure of bilateral cooperation, signed between the governments of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of China, through which are received significant financial resources, which are then repaid through the supply of crude and products.

This tool has served the country to secure a new geopolitics, based on market diversification. In turn, this mechanism allows the allocation of resources targeted directly to the development of the country, for the implementation of infrastructure projects of national interest, the promotion of small and medium industry, and to strengthen supply chains and infrastructure support for economic growth.

The Joint Fund is structured financially highly beneficial conditions for the country, compared with the reality of international financial markets, maximizing the use of energy resources and achieving the balance of financial costs.

At the end of 2011, the Republic has received a total of 32,000 MM $, through this mechanism, which have been developed and developing:

Infrastructure projects, such as trains, highways, seaports and telecommunications networks;

Social development projects such as homes, hospitals and medical centers;

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Energy development projects such as refineries, natural gas processing, pipelines for oil and natural gas processing plants, liquefied gas extraction projects, transportation and marketing of coal;

Crude oil transportation projects and by-products and construction of tanks; Industrial integration projects such as building commercial ships, companies related to

natural gas, fertilizer manufacturing, chemical manufacturing; Projects for the automotive industry; Agro-industrial projects, companies for assembly of high technology, service providers

for the oil industry, steel and aluminum manufacturing and mining companies.

This policy of the Bolivarian government has allowed independent from multilateral financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

This initiative has recovered economic autonomy, flexibility in negotiations and national sovereignty in order to realize partnerships with other non-traditional sources of funding. Promote the creation of financing mechanisms, similar to the Chinese-Venezuelan Joint Fund. Promote the establishment of trusts to finance infrastructure projects.

1.3.6. Maintain and strengthen cooperation and complementary agreements with allied countries. Strengthen and expand Energy Cooperation Agreements (PPAs).

SCCs arise as a proposal by the Bolivarian government to realize the energy union of peoples, as a geopolitical tool that allows to use energy resources for powering the establishment of more just, supportive and effective in combating poverty, reducing the asymmetries economic and social.

The CCE welcome the principles of energy integration, solidarity, complementarily, fair trade, and investment promotion in Latin America, special and differential treatment to the nations according to their abilities.

These initiatives share the historical and fundamental purpose of uniting the capabilities and strengths of the countries involved, to the joint definition of broad lines of common policy among states that share a common vision of the exercise of sovereignty, each developing its own identity.

Among the major energy deals are: Argentina, Uruguay, Nicaragua and Cuba, which have served as a mechanism to receive payment of the oil bill, goods and services needed for

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comprehensive social development of the country, such as agricultural products, machinery, power plants, health services, medical equipment and other. Strengthening arrangements under PetroCaribe.

The PetroCaribe energy cooperation agreement was signed with 14 nations in the Caribbean region in order to solve asymmetries in access to energy resources by way of a new framework for trade deal, fair and just between countries the Caribbean region.

PetroCaribe is conceived as an alliance capable of ensuring coordination and joint energy policy, technological cooperation, training, infrastructure development, energy, and harnessing alternative sources. Its main objective is to contribute to energy security, socio-economic development and integration of the Caribbean and Central America, through the sovereign use of energy resources.

At the end of 2011 this important mechanism of integration and cooperation has 18 signatory nations. Strengthening of ALBA.

1.3.7. Design and implement innovative and effective mechanisms, designed to promote popular participation in oil income, by investing and saving. Strengthen and expand the innovative mechanisms of savings for the Venezuelan population, such as the National Savings Fund of the Working Class and People's Savings Fund.


1.4. Achieve food sovereignty to ensure the sacred right to food of our people.

Unlocking our potential agricultural production: 3. 665,780 hectares (ha) with high fertility for crop production, 12,830,230 ha. low fertility for plant production and planting of grasses and 27,493,350 ha. for pasture and forest.

Inventories of agricultural land that has been done in the country have shown that we have about 2% of the country without limitations of climate, soil, drainage or adverse topographic conditions.

Also concluded that if we applied massively technologies that were developed by our farmers and research centers, potential numbers could reach 4%, which could be used in a wide range of agricultural uses (many food crops, grassland or forest) 14% for a limited number of crops (food, pasture or forest stand low fertility, drought or excess moisture), 30% for crops, pasture or forestry highly resistant to strong limitations as very low fertility, strong droughts or floods, and the remaining land would be for natural hedges such as forests or savannahs for

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conservationists, protectors or providers of environmental services such as water production and biodiversity.

Irrigation Systems Irrigated Area Year 2012 (hectares)

Irrigated Area Year 2019 (hectares)


Guarico River Irrigation System

32.000 38.000 19%

Tiznados River Irrigation System

3.000 32.000 967%

Irrigation System Jose Inacio Abreu and Lima

1.400 35.000 2.400%

Irrigation System The Majaguas

21.450 26.000 21%

Irrigation System Maracaibo Plain

2.600 20.000 669%

Irrigation System Quíbor Valley

1.200 26.000 2.000%

Small and Medium Irrigation Systems

116.685 361.723 210%

NATIONAL TOTAL 178.335 538.723 202%

These figures potential and feasible compared to targeted populations in the coming decades is that we have enough land to meet our needs for food production and environmental services, as long as we use them rationally.

As part of the Great Mission Agro Venezuela, which registered 684,883 farmers and producers throughout the country, we can achieve the availability of domestically produced foods, with emphasis on the production of cereals, legumes, roots and tubers, fruits, vegetables , beef, poultry, pork, eggs and milk, as well as marine and inland fisheries and aquaculture, increasing the daily per capita availability of energy, protein, fats and carbohydrates of domestic origin to 90% of the nutritional requirements of Venezuelans generating surplus production of cereals, fruits and tropical crops for export.


1.4.1. Definitely eliminate large estates. Conduct a process of organization and agro-ecological zoning based on the capabilities of land use and create a rural cadaster system to ensure fair and rational use of soil resources. To increase the area cultivated for short-cycle plant in at least 42%, from 2.88 hectares to 4.12 MM MM hectares annually at end of term. Expand irrigated agricultural area of 178 thousand hectares to the 538 thousand hectares under irrigation by 2019, representing an increase of 202%.

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1.4.2. Accelerate the democratization of access, by farmers, growers and producers and the various forms of collective and socialist enterprises to resources (land, water, irrigation, seed capital) for the production, promoting their rational and sustainable use. Incorporate the park of agricultural machinery, favoring collective organization for use of 110 000 farm tractors, harvesters and 30 000 400 000 implements for planting, based on the national development of assembly and manufacturing industry. Strengthen programs for roads (maintenance and construction of new roads) and rural electrification with the creation of brigades and mechanized units vial by the Bolivarian National Militia, Community Councils and Farmers, Producers Network Free and Associates, the municipal, local government and the National Institute of Rural Development.

1.4.3. Secure a set of public policies to support the production, organization and participation of rural peasant people's power in planning. Such as increasing state investment and private banking, under the leadership of the Bolivarian government, integrated rural development through infrastructure projects, financing small and medium producers, development of food-generating projects and development science and technology. Just as investment in science and technology and the consolidation of the socialist agro-industrial production systems, access to plant and animal genetic resources adapted to tropical conditions. The promotion of fisheries development through the modernization of the fleet of fishing boats and maritime infrastructure and fluvial and local production of inputs for agricultural production and fertilizer, for crop protection, food additives, veterinary drugs, food and vitamins for animals, promoting the use of technology to the protection of the natural physical. Increase domestic food production (crops, livestock and aquaculture, fishing) by 45% from 29.4 tons to 42.7 MM MM tons / year. Increase cereal production by at least 70%, growing from 5.13 tons to 8.73 MM MM tons / year. Production growth of legumes (65%), oilseeds (73%), tropical crops: coffee and cocoa (46%), vegetables (40%). 38% increase in livestock production, from 5.32 tons to 7.35 MM MM tons / year. Raise at least 45% the production of cattle, pigs 43%, 45% of birds, 44% of consumption eggs.

1.4.4. Strengthen infrastructure, development and operation of the main centers of socialist agricultural primary production and Major Irrigation Systems, managed by socialist enterprises, favoring the integration of production processes on an industrial scale.

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Page 24: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Advancing the Integrated Rural Development Project in Orinoco Delta Cocuina Islands, Manamito and Guara in the states of Monagas and Delta Amacuro. Advancing Integrated Agricultural Development Project Píritu Socialist-Becerra, state Guarico. Start the Socialist Agrarian Development Project Axis-Mantecal Elorza, in the State of Apure. Start the Socialist Agrarian Development Project Axis-Mantecal Elorza, in the state of Apure. Launch Plan for Comprehensive Agricultural Development Guanarito municipality, Portuguesa, Barinas and Cojedes. Start the Integrated Development Project Axis Pagüey Socialist-Santo Domingo, municipality Barinas, Barinas state. Start the Integrated Agricultural Development Project Socialist Influence Area Biruaca Achaguas Axis, in Apure and Guarico.

1.4.5. Strengthen networks of production and distribution of household consumer products and agro-processing system. Begin construction of Bovine Milk Processing Plant "Dabajuro" Falcon State. Start the installation and commissioning of Abattoir Fridge "Mantecal" in Apure State Begin construction, installation, commissioning and rehabilitation of a slaughterhouse in the town Libertad of Anzoategui state. Project completion Storage Grains and Oilseeds Vuelvan Caras Agro-industrial Complex, Portuguesa. Start building Cavas Seed Storage in the states of Portuguesa, Carabobo and Lara. Start construction of 14 houses nationwide Fisheries Work in Carabobo, Aragua, Apure, Falcon, Nueva Esparta, Sucre, Miranda and Portuguesa.

1.4.6. Create, strengthen and support of local distribution centers and large cities, direct sales and distribution of household consumer products, ensuring access by the population, and a fair return to farm labor, encouraging the development of trade export.

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Page 25: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Expansion of socialist distribution networks Mercal, PDVAL, BICENTENARIO, community markets and free distribution programs. Strengthen and modernize the system of social regulation and state anti-usury and speculation in the purchase and distribution of food, given its essential good nature of human life.

1.4.7. Consolidate the agribusiness unit under the control of socialist enterprises, ensuring at least 60% of storage capacity and processing items (cereals, oilseeds, pulses, sugar, meat and milk) and 30% in the rest of the food items. Completing the Industrial Complex Plant Factory and Machinery & Equipment Processing Agro Irrigation "Fábrica de Fábricas" in the states of Anaco, Anzoategui. Complete the Plant Egg Incubator "Loma Larga", state of Anzoategui. Build a Shed for Fertilizer Storage in Moron Plant, Carabobo state. Strengthen the Core Breeding and herds from Hens and Chickens in the state of Anzoategui, Portuguesa and (Alba Poultry Joint Venture). Install Freezing Tunnel Beneficiadora Poultry Plant, located in the municipality Carlos Arvelo of Carabobo (Alba Poultry Joint Venture). Build in Genetic Center Josefa Camejo, for the production of F1pigs of high genetic quality, located in Falcon state (Swine Joint Venture of Alba). Complete the Commercial Farm José Leonardo Chirino for F1 swine, located in Lara state (Swine joint venture of Alba). Building a Shed Shipyard (PESCALBA). Building the Grand National Tractor Factory Pauny of Venezuela. Phase II. (Machining Company Peter Camejo), El Sombrero, Guárico. Creation of four (04) Genetic Socialist Technical Centers "Florentino" for Cattle, located in the states of Bolivar, Guarico, Anzoategui and Cojedes (INIA). Complete the construction of the Industrial Plant of Assembly and Manufacturing Grain Harvesters, Phase II (Pedro Camejo Machining Company) in Tinaco Cojedes. Install a Shrimp Breeding Center, located in Sucre state.

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1.4.8. Developing a support system and incentives to promote international trade in agriculture products export. Forming joint export ventures with allied countries like China, Russia and Iran. Design and implement a policy of export to the Caribbean and North of Brazil. Define, within the framework of international agreements and integration, trade policies to protect domestic agriculture.

1.4.9. Establish mechanisms to exercise the new revolutionary institutions to ensure the participation of small and medium producers in decisions on agriculture, through the peasant councils and networks of producers and users free and associated.

1.4.10. Promote diverse production models, based on family farming, rural, urban, peri-urban and indigenous recovering, validating and disseminating traditional and sustainable models of production to ensure at least 50% of total production volume. Promoting innovation and technological inputs for production of small-scale agriculture, increasing efficiency and productivity rates. Promote the organization and training of popular power and collective forms for the development of production processes at the local level, through the expansion of schools and training courses. Promote the development and use of low input technologies, reducing harmful emissions to the environment.

1.4.11. Promote diverse production models, based on family farming, rural, urban, peri-urban and indigenous recovering, validating and disseminating traditional and sustainable models of production to ensure at least 50% of total production volume. Promoting innovation and technological inputs for production of small-scale agriculture, increasing efficiency and productivity rates. Promote the organization and training of popular power and collective forms for the development of production processes at the local level, through the expansion of schools and training courses. Promote the development and use of low input technologies, reducing harmful emissions to the environment.

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1.5. Develop our scientific and technological capabilities related to people's needs.


1.5.1. Consolidate a scientific style, technology and innovative transformative nature, diverse, creative and deeply dynamic, guarantees the independence and economic sovereignty. This initiative will aim at harnessing the potentials and capacities in such a way that recognizes the different actors, forms of organization and dynamics in the process of knowledge generation, thus contributing to the construction of socialist production model, strengthening the Socialist ethics and the effective satisfaction of the needs of the Venezuelan people. Develop a scientific, technological and innovation directly associated with the production structure, which allows the construction of the necessary conditions for achieving economic sovereignty and technological independence as a prerequisite for effective satisfaction of social needs. This guideline should be developed through the formulation and implementation of structural trans-disciplinary projects, the generation of scientific knowledge, technology and innovation to respond directly to specific problems in the productive sector, encouraging the development of industrial upgrading processes try to take advantage of the potentials with effective technology transfer. This will create a National Network of Technology Parks for the development and application of Science, Technology and Innovation in these thematic areas and industrial parks in general. Strengthen and guide the scientific, technological and innovation to the effective utilization of the potentials and capacities for sustainable development and meeting social needs, directing research toward strategic areas as priorities for the solution of social problems. It will promote the creation of innovation units associated with socio units in organized communities, building on the establishment of national and regional scientific and technological cooperation, to strengthen the capacities of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation. Ensure timely access and appropriate use of telecommunications and information technologies, by developing the necessary infrastructure, as well as computer applications and addressing critical social needs and dissemination. They generate content based on national values, multiethnic and multicultural of our people, while the principles inherent promote Bolivarian Socialism. Boost for science education, work and production, as support for the advancement of scientific and technological revolution, through training that links science and technology to production and work forms of organization and construction of scientific knowledge and its dissemination from the collective and from the various institutions and organizations of the national education system. To that end, encourage the consolidation of citizens' participation in governance of the thematic and territorial areas related to science, technology and innovation.

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1.5.2. Consolidating the deployment of educational infrastructure in the country, in universities, technical, media and occupational training for work release and the direct association of training infrastructure and innovation industrial park, directly in the production units as industrial parks, created in the transition strategy of the production. Upgrading and training programs to address the needs and demands of the national productive system, to ensure technical, vocational and occupational work, in every effort to promote patriotic values and critical thinking in the organization for work release. Foster School program in the factory, or production unit for the purpose not only to improve levels of preparedness for work, but still the same culture, the organization of Workers Councils and Circle Point and substantial elements of change the production model.

1.5.3. Ensuring the conditions for organizations and all people in the country access to timely communication and ethics in order to contribute to meeting the needs and training for the use, creation and distribution of content for good living of our people. Develop applications with critical and addressing social needs. Generate and disseminate content based on national values, multiethnic and multicultural of our people, and with them the principles inherent in the Bolivarian Socialism. Ensure the establishment and appropriation of knowledge for development, production and good use of telecommunications and information technologies.


1.6. Strengthen the defensive power to protect national independence and national sovereignty, securing resources and wealth of our country for future generations.

Strategic and general goals:

1.6.1. Increasing the country's defense capability with the consolidation and strengthening of the territorial redistribution of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Maintain updated plans for the Territorial Defense and Integral Defense adapted to the geostrategic and sociopolitical characteristics of our country. Increase military operational activity at the borders of our country in order to control and neutralize transnational crime, as well as the action of generators of violence and the defense of our territory.

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Page 29: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Make the process of creation, restructuring, refurbishment and relocation of military units, meeting the needs of the comprehensive defense of the homeland and sovereignty. Prepare the country for comprehensive defense to cover all instances of public power by the People of the State and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Increase the active participation of the people to strengthen the civic-military union.

1.6.2. Strengthen and improve the system of Military Intelligence and Counterintelligence for the comprehensive defense of the Homeland. Consolidate the Territorial Military Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Massify orderly search of useful information for security and defense of the Homeland. Update and adapt the curriculum in the area of intelligence and counterintelligence according to the Bolivarian Military Thought. Promote the adoption of the legal framework necessary to develop the areas of intelligence and counterintelligence of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

1.6.3. Strengthen the Bolivarian National Militia. Increase the development of the Territorial Militia in order to ensure the necessary strength to the comprehensive defense of the Homeland. Increase and enhance the use of the Militia in support functions to national development. Promote and enhance the creation of the Corps fighters in all structures of the Venezuelan State. Strengthen and increase the incorporation of more compatriots to the Bolivarian National Militia. Design strategies to ensure people's participation to ensure the fight under any circumstances, however adverse these are.

1.6.4. Increase and maintain the operational readiness of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces for the Integrated Defense of the Homeland. Modernize, preserve, store and maintain equipment and weapons systems of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces.

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Page 30: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Strengthen the system of logistical support and military health of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Increase reserves of materials, systems and equipment for the maintenance of the comprehensive defense of the Homeland. Increasing the acquisition of weapons systems and materials for the provision of units.

II.- Continue to build the Bolivarian Socialism of the XXI century in Venezuela as an alternative to the savage model of capitalism and thereby ensure the “highest sum of social security, highest sum of political stability, and highest sum of happiness” for our people.


2.1. Boost the transformation of economic system, based on the transition to the Bolivarian socialism, transcending the oil rentier capitalist model towards the socialist productive economic model, based on the development of productive forces.

“The Spanish America asked for two revolutions at once, Public and Economic…” Simón Rodríguez.


2.1.1. Encourage new forms of organization that put at the service of the society the production means and encourage the generation of the productive web under a new metabolism for the transition of the socialism. Insert new productive schemes aiming to socialism that irradiate in their environment complementary and cooperative relationships of production and exchange at the time of constructing productive webs to support the new metabolism. These production insertions will have association policies between them under conglomerate forms to multiply their scale. Promote the democratization of the production means and encourage new forms of articulation of property forms, putting them at the service of the society. Strengthen the centralized planning and the budgeting system for developing and addressing the nation strategic chains.

2.1.2. Expand and integrate the production chains directing them towards the satisfaction of social needs on the path to building the socialism. Create an integration system of productive webs that allow articulating the value chain of the raw material, diversifying the production for satisfaction of the social needs of the people.

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Page 31: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Favor the national production system, technologically updating it to provide the base material articulating it to the new model for the construction of the socialism. Strengthen production sectors where the country present comparative advantages, directing the surplus economic as alternative economic base to the single exporter. Conform industrial parks for the thematic strengthening of the production chains and articulation of the national industrial web incorporating logistic facilities

2.1.3. Develop management models of the inclusive and participatory production units with the workers aligned with the national policies as well as work culture that contrast the oil rentier dismantling the existing oligopolistic and monopolistic structure. Construct a work culture that contrast the rentier model by boosting the education from the work praxis, worker’s consciousness as active participants of the transformation process and work’s democratic participation under the highest national interests. Promote a new management model in the production units –in the direct and indirect social property units -; efficient, sustainable that generates social or economic returnability of the production process at the highest national interest Develop an incentive system to the promotion of private small and medium business, joint business under the maximum social co-responsibility of the production system, acknowledging the work of the enterprising men and women. Contribute to the economic welfare of the environment where production units are seated in a semi-circle policy, allowing for popular participation in social and economic processes as well as social controllership. Larger scale units shall encourage ramifications of supplies community-wide to cooperate in satisfying the needs of our communities.

2.1.4. Strengthen the direct distribution system, alternative of the supplies and products attacking the speculation of the capitalism. Generate and strengthen State, community and mixed distribution chains that represent alternatives in the distribution and direct saving of the intermediate and final consumer goods to the people. Promote distribution and transportation systems tending towards the flow of direct merchandise from the production units to the consumer, storing centers or intermediate production units.


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2.2 Building a just and egalitarian society.

For the term 2013-2019, we assumed the challenge of deepen the Bolivarian Revolution what constitutes its essence: social justice. The continuity of the Revolution must guarantee the irreversibility of the process regarding the advances in human rights; under the conditions that make impossible return to poverty, under the conditions that have determined the deepen in the fight against social inequalities; which has allowed to move forward in the liberation of the people; the participation of the people in the social missions. Pursue the goal of building a just and egalitarian society is to advance the path to socialism, means the future full of rewarding living conditions, built with the same people as the subject.

In this new phase, continue building a just and egalitarian society, requires developing a social prevention, protection and safety system that must acquire a new politic quality to become the most powerful tool to live by living as a condition of liberation, independence and sovereignty of the Venezuelan people in transition to socialism. This requires moving around extraordinarily fundamental processes involving the radical social transformation, which are strategic objectives for the revolution.


2.2.1. Deepen the impetus to the transformation of people's essential relationship with the nature, the state, the society, the process of work and thought. Deployment of socialist relations between workers with the labor process. Ensure the physical, cognitive, moral development, safe and healthy work environment, in working and social security rewarding conditions. Overcoming disguised employment relationships of hired labor. Ensure collective learning in the workplace, ensuring their incorporation to the productive work, supportive and liberating. Ensure universal basic benefits relating to the contingencies of old age, survivors, handicapped people, disability, unemployment, resulting from the connection with the labor market. Promote harmonization of work and family life. Reinforce values that protect the identity, build sovereignty and defense of the Homeland, starting from the physical, spiritual and intellectual enjoyment, and recognition of our cultural and natural heritage.

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Page 33: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Steadily increasing production and distribution of national cultural property, through the production of 15,000,000 copies of the journal Mass System 2,500,000 per year and increasing book production by 200%. Increase cultural infrastructure available to the people, with the construction of 336, books reading rooms, one for each municipality that has books, tables, chairs and furniture for reading. Promote Cultural Expressions of the country. Boost networks of community-based cultural organizations. Expand the Network of Intellectuals and Artists and multiply cultural cooperation agreements for the production of goods and services. Consolidate the popular protagonism in cultural and sporting events, focused on the creation of an awareness-generating transformation for the construction of socialism. Universalize social security for artists, farmers and creators. Promote the Liberating Cultural Expressions. Make visible the historic-communal identity (Misión Cultura Corazón Adentro). Promote intercultural integration agreements. Expansion of conditions that guarantee the rights of all people, respecting social diversity legal, physical, racial and cultural diversity present in individuals or groups. Improve Habitat and Infrastructure for indigenous people. Accelerate the territorial demarcation of spaces, through the delivery of land titles to indigenous communities and the provision of decent housing for every vulnerable indigenous family, respecting their cultural choices. Promote education, training and funding for socio-productive units, with the strengthening of indigenous socialist communal councils and communes by project funding, respecting their practices and traditional forms of organization. Expand the presence of the Missions and Great Socialist Missions in indigenous communities, recognizing and respecting their culture and traditions. Strengthen gender equity with socialist values.

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Page 34: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Deepen political participation and leading role of women in the People's Power. Encourage productive economic culture, supportive, with socialist base, with the inclusion of all who are of working age, to promote integration into the national production system. Encourage socialist ethics in the young people recreational spaces, aimed at peace, coexistence and community sports activities, training 900,000 Youth in recreational and sports programs and incorporating participation of 5,200,000 youth in programs for the use of their free time . Promote comprehensive training spaces, with volunteers that serves youth in vulnerable situations, considering the attention of 4.000.000 youth in vulnerable situation by 400,000 young trained to prevent vulnerability factors. Strengthen the organization and active participation of young people, to build 3,000 Youth Councils of Popular Power. Advance in social transformation of the in custody by the incorporation of relatives, community councils, social organizations and any other form of organization, to work pertinent to prison matters. Combat impunity, delay of procedural sentence and other benefits, in coordination with the Public Ministry, Public Defense and Judicial power. Improve and build infrastructure for the Penitentiary Communities. Promote Penitentiary Communities of socialist production. Generate alternatives for serving the sentence. Create conditions for post prison support: non-disclosure of criminal records and insertion in Socio Education and Labor programs. Deepen the educational and communicational action in terms of the consolidation of the values and principles of the democratic and social state of law and justice, established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as well as enriching the awareness of environmental protection as a requirement to preserve the planet life. Develop a comprehensive policy of protection and scientific dissemination regarding biological diversity of our country, and specifically which it is located in our parks as well as the water reservoirs of our country and what they represent for the planet.

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Page 35: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Deepen conditions to generate a culture of recreation and sports practice, liberatory, environmentalist and inclusive around the country values, as a pathway for liberation of consciousness, peace and social harmony. Deepen the sport mass. Establish the Sport National Fund, Physical Activity and Physical Education to promote sports mass. Expand the infrastructure of Sports Mission Barrio Adentro at the parish level and all the sport spaces. Strengthen the High performance Sport with comprehensive support for high performance athlete and sports heroes, the development of medicine and science applied to sport high-performance, development of High Performance Centers and the Sport Talents National School. Contribute to the systematic, massive and diverse physical activity in communities and public spaces, by the formation of physical activity in the system. Bolivarian education.

2.2.2. Deepen the conditions that ensure to the Venezuelan family, the greatest sum of social security and supreme happiness, from values and principles of respect, equality, solidarity, responsibility, social justice framed as the essence of building socialism. Strengthen the fight against determinants of the conditions of inequality that need to be disheartened to eradicate extreme poverty. Eradicate extreme poverty as per income (extreme poverty 0). Continue decreasing poverty in general. Decrease the number of people in vulnerable situation. Maintain Venezuela as the world's largest classroom by the deepening and widening of the conditions of entry, continuation and completion that ensures the right to basic education for all in term of forming the citizens that the republic needs. Extend the school registration to all the population, with emphasis on excluded populations, as follows: a. - Maternal Stage: increase enrollment from 13% to 40%, b. - Stage preschool: universalize enrollment to 100% c. - primary stage: consolidate universalization by increasing to 100% of the target population; d. - general secondary education: increase enrollment to 100% to make all people reach a level of instruction average not less than general middle education or technical middle e. - Increase enrollment in technical education by 40%.

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Page 36: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Develop intercultural bilingual education. Expand the infrastructure and school and sports equipment, and give continuity to the incorporation of information and communication technology to the educational process. Adapt the education system to the production model. Strengthen and encourage research in the education process. Consolidation of the university transformation around the comprehensive training, the intellectual production and social bonding to ensure the development of creative potential and resolving ability against the priority problems of the country and the strategic objectives of the Simon Bolivar national project. Consolidate the constitutional right to university education for everyone, enhancing entry, continuation and completion by increasing 90% the inclusion of young graduates to the university education system. Deepen the territorial and relevance management policy for the development of university education by increasing the municipalized enrollment in 60% with Sucre and Alma Mater Missions. Develop training-research projects and programs that respond to the productive needs and potentialities needed to develop the country. Expand the scientific-technical and humanistic capacity to ensure the security and sovereignty in the production of material inputs as well as the production theoretical , artistic and methodological necessary for the good living by increasing 70% the funding to research and innovation oriented projects aiming people's happiness. Ensure the health of the population, through the consolidation of national public health system, based on the deepening of Barrio Adentro, the Popular Power and the articulation of all levels and areas of system protection, promotion, prevention and comprehensive care for the individual and collective health. This is expected: a. - Increase by 100% population coverage of comprehensive health care in primary care with Barrio Adentro I and II, and Specialized Care Barrio Adentro III and IV, b. - Reduce maternal mortality by 37, 3 per 100,000 live births. Reduce mortality in children less than 5 years to 11.7 per 1,000 live births. Consolidate the new institutions of the National Public Health System based in Barrio Adentro as integrating axis of the unique service network, with unique stewardship, secured funding, science and technology sovereign development, quality human talent and internationally supportive.

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Page 37: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Ensure a healthy diet and proper nutrition throughout the life cycle, in accordance with constitutional mandates on Health, Food and Security Sovereignty, with the increase in the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in 70%. Promoting social territories to strengthen the social coexistence and public safety in the daily family and community life as well as the liberation from controllable risks. Assure the public environments that promote physical activity, recreation, culture and sport in schools, employment and residential, to promote a 12% decrease in the percentage of the overweight population of 7-14 years (weight - height) and to reduce physical inactivity by 50%. Promote the active participation of the People in the spaces of intersectoral coordination and institutional bodies to promote quality of life and health, through: a. - Increase of graduates in different professions integrated into the National Public Health goal 80,000 graduates. b.100% increase in participation of the organs of Popular Power in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health actions in the Comprehensive Communal Health Areas., C. - Increase to 25,000 the number of popular organizations in health, health committees - Community Councils. Strengthen the science and technology independence and sovereign capacity to produce and ensure the availability of human talent and scientific and technical resources and necessary inputs for the health of the population, by increasing the proportion of essential medicines produced in the country in 40%, and increasing by 60% the country production of of required supplies by the National Public Health System. Deepen and expand the conditions to ensure food security and sovereignty. Strengthen national production in new areas, or areas where domestic production is relatively weak, to cover 30% of domestic demand in oils and fats, and 50% of dairy products. Improve production and distribution capacities, through the expansion and maintenance of transport fleet to cover 40% of the daily distribution of Mercal Network. Expand the storage and sales centers of products, with the expansion by 50% of areperas networks, bakeries and butchers Venezuela. Consolidate feeding houses, as training and nutritional care centers through the adaptation and transformation of 4,500 feeding houses, into training and nutritional care centers. Consolidate and expand the Network of Popular Pharmacies nationwide.

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Page 38: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Make Infrastructure works oriented to the construction, improvement and adaptation of industrial facilities to increase the productive capacity of processing plants, packing plants (operational and processing capacity), storage centers(dry and cold capacity) and production lines, among others. Train and educate the population, in order to adapt their eating habits and consumption patterns. It aims to establish as training camps of the Saber y Trabajo Mission, the National Institute of Nutrition dining rooms and the Food Foundation's Strategic Program (FUNDAPROAL). Prevent and control micronutrient deficiencies and promotion of household food security. Expand actions for socio-productive insertion and activation of families starting from social property, the creation of communal socio -productive networks, family units, groups of supportive exchange and other forms of association for work and relevant training. Develop Communal Economic System with different socio-organizational forms: property enterprises, family units, groups of supportive exchange and other forms of association for the job. Strengthen the social basis of communal economy system. Transference processes of the indirect social property enterprises at the behest of the People’s Power, as well as the self-sustaining funding. Develop People’s Power in the indirect social property enterprises. Establishment of Workers Councils in the indirect social property enterprises. Develop bodies of coordination between Community Councils and Workers Councils of the direct social property enterprises.

2.2.3. Consolidate the Great Socialist Missions as top-level revolutionary instrument in furtherance of the construction of social justice, as has been done with the Great Mission Hijos de Venezuela and Great Mission Amor Mayor. Complete the process of resizing the missions, in light of the fulfillment of the objectives for which they were created or to meet new challenges. Create new great missions in areas, issues or problems prioritized according to the strategic objectives. Develop from the great missions, the support systems of land base to transform the lives of families and communities in poverty.

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Page 39: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Ensure special financing systems for the sustainability of the missions and Great Socialist Missions.


2.3. Consolidate and expand people's power and socialist democracy. Achieve full sovereignty, as a guarantee of irreversibility of the Bolivarian project, is the central purpose of the exercise of power by the people aware and organized. The formation and development of new bodies of popular participation realize how the Bolivarian Revolution advances consolidating hegemony and control of the political, social, economic and cultural, orientation. The power that had been kidnapped by the oligarchy will be restored to the people, who, from battle to battle and victory by victory, have increased its level of organizational complexity.


2.3.1. Ensure the protagonist participation of the organized people in the areas of training, the transformation of economic production, prevention and social protection from the new bodies of popular participation, such as community councils, women's organizations, youth and teenagers, indigenous, African descent, students, workers, peasants, motorized, professionals, small and medium producers and traders, gender diverse people, transporters, farmers, ecologists, movements of people among many others in the areas of training. Accelerate the promotion of people's participation in communal systems of aggregation: Community Councils, Halls of Social Battle, Socialist Commune, Communal Cities, Communal federations and confederations, to strengthen local capacities for action on territorial, political, economic social, cultural, ecological and security and defense of national sovereignty aspects. From 2013 to 2016: We will promote the organization of 21,004 Community Councils which would link 8,821,296 (Total coverage of the Venezuelan population). From 2017 to 2019: we shall promote the organization of 2,699 community councils per year (considering the annual population growth rate at 1.7%, meaning that in 2019 we will reach a total population of 30,550,479 inhabitants). We will promote the annual aggregation and conformation of 250 Halls of Social Battle taking as reference the average of Halls constituted in the 4 years of existence of such a policy. In this regard, we will maintain the principle of promoting the body as complementary political figure to achieve aggregation of Community Councils and developing comprehensive communal management plans to achieve the transformation of material and spiritual conditions. The consolidation and support of People's Power in the term 2013-2019 will strengthen the conformation of 3,000 Socialist Communes, considering an annual growth of approximately 450 Communes, according to demographic characteristics of the territorial development axes. These communes will group 39,000 communal councils where 4,680,000 families will make life,

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representing 21,060,000 citizens. This means that about 68% of Venezuelans of the year 2019 (30,550,479) will live in sub-systems of Communes aggregation.

2.3.2. Ensure transfer of powers regarding the management and administration of the public from the institutional, regional and local authorities towards the organized communities, base organizations and other bodies of people’s power, as a strategic line of full restoration of power to the sovereign people. Achieve consolidation of an articulation system between the different bodies of people’s power to transcend local action to the regional and national atmosphere, toward the construction of a subsystem of Communes, Development Motor Districts and Territorial Development Axis, in accordance with the territorial potentialities and cultural heritage of the inhabitants of each locality, based on the harmony and consistency with strategic the Nation Strategic Development plans. Establish the notion of co-responsibility around the communal planning process, regional and territorial to promote the co-responsible participation of people organizations in the study and establishment of guidelines and strategic actions for development of plans, works and services in communities and regions. Consolidate 24 Units of Comprehensive Communal Technical Counseling (one per state), with multidisciplinary groups that guarantee an effective and efficient communal action, in order to secure the comprehensive communal technical counseling policy in the practice of the Communal Action. Constitute a Body of Inspectors composed by 4,500 professionals and technicians, under a permanent socio-political and technical-productive training program, developed by the School for the Strengthening of People’s Power. Promote the organization and ensure the proper functioning of the Social Controllership Units of the 29,101 community councils to be promoted within the term 2013-2019, to promote the exercise of the Controllership and social control in all areas of community work as guarantee for the achievement of strategic objectives and meeting the needs of people in organized communities.

2.3.3. Strengthen territorial integration and national sovereignty, through balanced regional development, promoting economic activities that generate effects of attraction and incentives to strengthen the population settlement in commune subsystems, thereby ensuring a distribution of the population in harmony with the utilization of productive capacities of the territory.

2.3.4. Ensure full social inclusion: The People power as responsible of acknowledging of human dignity, as a subject in full exercise of their rights, recognizing the family as a determinant of

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protection and fundamental basis of the new social staging, which premises have to be harmony, solidarity, complimentarily and co-responsibility as a way to living well. Promote People's power co-responsibility in the fight to eradicate poverty in all its manifestations. Establish 43.029 Committees for Social Prevention and Protection in the Community Councils, at a rate of 6,174 committees per year on a sustained basis. These committees will participate in the execution and implementation of plans and public policies to care and monitor the inclusion of vulnerable people in their communities and territories. Consolidate special policies from the community, for people at higher levels of vulnerability: Children and adolescents, adults and elderly, people with handicaps, homeless people, people with addictions and diverse-sex-gender population among others. Ensure the organization of families benefited by the Great Missions “Hijos de Mi Patria” (Sons of my Homeland) and “Amor Mayor Venezuela”(Older Love), through bodies such as Older Adult Committees, “Patria Preñada” Pregnant Homeland Committees and Committees of the Country Girl “Patria Niña”. Promote from the community a system of activities focused on generating new patterns of recreation, which are contrary to the culture of excess, destruction and disrespect of human relations generated by capitalism. Creation of 55,000 Sport and Recreation Committees, maintaining sustained growth at a rate of 6,500 annual committees. They will be jointly responsible for the planning and implementation of the Recreation and Prevention Plan of their community. Strengthen the system of activities aimed at social prevention through the promotion of the National Recreation for the well living, which includes, among other processes incorporating the community in lifelong sport through communal sports subsystem, ensuring participation of 10 million people and the recovery of community public spaces for the development of cultural, recreational and preventive activities. Develop the annual Communal Vacation Plan, with a focus on co-responsibility between the people's power and revolutionary institutions. 500,000 children will be progressively incorporated and adolescents in vulnerable situations. Implement training programs and ongoing debate on social prevention with the participation of 420,000 spokespersons of people’s power, at a rate of 60,000 participants per year.

2.3.5. Consolidate the different processes of socialization of knowledge, aimed at enhancing the capacities, skills and tools appropriate for the people for the exercise of public and socio cultural communities, expanding the number of participation, since 2008, 25,000 communal

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councils have participated in various training programs developed by the School for the Strengthening of the People’ Power. In the next 7 years the training in different processes of socialization of knowledge, of 47,000 Communal Councils is projected. Incorporation of 10,000 facilitators from different organizations of the People’s Power as main subjects in the training process. Establishment of Training Nucleus set and managed by communities as a place of learning and socialization of knowledge in 3,000 communes and 1,000 Social Battle Rooms projected for this term. Enhancing the performance of popular education as the driving force of the conscious mobilization of the people, ultimately aimed at the restoration of the People’s Power. Develop and specialize training programs to raise the management capacity of the People’s Power in authorities that are transferred in the political, economic and social and strategic areas for national development. Incorporate 5000 facilitators to activities of productive technical training to the different productive organizations through the vocational guidance of the spokespeople of the organizations of people’s power. Incorporate to the socio-political and technical-productive training the 500,000 Brigades of the Production Army linked to the Great Missions.

2.3.6. Build the new country's productive web in new social relations of production, ensuring the transformation of primary inputs of domestic production. This is to strengthen and reinforce a productive economy, redistributive, post-rentier, post-capitalist on the basis of broad public support, social and collective of the ownership of the means of production. The possibility of social planning in real harmony with central planning and development of various forms of socio-productive organization, supported by the various forms of ownership of freely associated producers, among which stands out the social ownership, indirect, family owned and solidarity exchange groups. Building a diversified and sustainable productive web to ensure the development of communities and the nation, through recovery, strengthening, promotion and creation of property enterprises. Promote during the term 2013-2019 the establishment of 30,000 socially direct owned enterprises to transform the raw material and add value to inputs of domestic production on an industrial and semi-industrial scale to satisfy the needs of our people.

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Page 43: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Promote 1,000 new chaining areas of the production at community scale where we can support the phases of the production cycle in the term 2013-2019. Develop a new financial architecture based on the budgetary finance system, configuring the network of economic and financial organizations that manage, administer, transfer, finance, facilitate, capture and control the financial and non-financial resources, returnable and non-returnable, managed by the communities and various base organizations of the People’s Power. Creation of 3,000 banks in the Commune which will serve to consolidate the financial architecture of the People’s Power. Promote the creation of 3,000 Community Economy Council in Communes and 43,000 Committees of Communal Economy in the term 2013-2019. Synchronize, through the Centralized Planning activation and development of various forms of socio-productive organization, promoting various forms of direct and indirect social property, family property, solidarity exchange groups and the free association of producers. Registration and establishment of all Community Direct Social Property Enterprises, Community Indirect Social Property Enterprise, Family Production Units and Solidarity Exchange Groups existing in the country. Promote a policy of social reinvestment with the resources generated by organized communities in order to increase the co-responsibility contribution for their needs and aspirations satisfaction. Ensuring socio-productive inclusion, emancipated work, the transformation of the reserve army of capitalism in creative social force through the organization of production forces, creating a new work culture. Incorporation of 500.000 Brigades to the Production Army linked to the Great Missions.


2.4. Convene and promote a new ethical orientation, moral and spiritual development of society, based on the values of socialism liberators.


2.4.1. Preserving the moral heritage of the Venezuelan people and reinforced it through strategies of training in values.

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Page 44: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Preserve the traditional values of the Venezuelan people, honesty, responsibility, dedication to work, love of neighbor, solidarity, will of overcoming, and the struggle for emancipation, through its continued promotion and through all available means to defend against the negative values of the capitalist model, which promotes the exploitation, consumerism, individualism and corruption, which are the origin of criminal violence that afflicts the Venezuelan society. Strengthen the moral heritage of the Venezuelan people by promoting the values of socialism, socialist and morals ethics, socialist training and self-training, conscious discipline based on criticism and self-criticism, the practice of solidarity and love, consciousness of social duty and the fight against corruption and bureaucracy. Adapt the curricula at all levels to include training strategies of values consonous with the new society we are tilling.

2.4.2. Strengthen social controllership. Continue promoting social controllership as a strategy for the exercise of the power and capacity of the people to oversee the management of public administration bodies in the management of public funds and the effectiveness in reaching goals public management, providing it with tools to strengthen their performance.

2.4.3. Strengthen the justice system, fight impunity, reform penitentiary system, and promote justice of communal peace. Strengthen the justice system by allocating the necessary resources for optimal performance, including the level of criminal investigation that allows combat impunity. Entirely reform the penitentiary system, looking forward towards the comprehensive rehabilitation of detainees to facilitate their productive integration into in a new society. Promote justice of communal peace as effective tool to support peaceful coexistence and promote the practice of solidarity and love among Venezuelans.


2.5. Achieve breakthrough for the New Social and Democratic State of Law and Justice.


2.5.1. Unleash the power contained in the Bolivarian Constitution for the exercise of participatory and protagonic democracy.

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Page 45: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Design, along with grassroots organizations of the People’s Power, a specific plan for the practical and legislative development of all constitutional provisions that give the people the exercise of direct democracy.

2.5.2. Establish a system of ongoing communication, to listen to the organized people and the apolitical people as part of the effort for the collective construction of the Socialist State under the principle of "command by obeying". Review to strengthen and expand the system of Missions and Great Mission, as forms of popular participation of the people in the new democratic institutionality. Establish as standard, the development of actions and popular interpolation procedures on the management of public servants.

2.5.3. Develop the Federal Government system, based on the principles of territorial, economic and political integrity of the Venezuelan Nation, through the protagonic participation of the workers, peasants, villagers, indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, women and youth in the functions of communal government and in the administration of the means of factors and production of goods and services of social property. Plan and execute transferring of powers to the communes, community councils, technical table of services, to people’s movement, indigenous people, to the workers councils, motorized, of students, of housing matters, sports , culture, social programs, environment, maintenance of industrial areas, maintenance and conservation of urban areas, communal prevention and protection, works construction and public services, among others. Plan and implement participation in economic processes, stimulating the different components of the economy and endogenous development, through cooperatives, savings funds, and social property enterprises, collective and mixed, mutual and other forms. Implement, through the Federal Government Council, a planning system with the States and Municipalities for the productive territorial development of the nation, through the development of Development Motor District, as well as the development of co-manage systems, in terms of ensuring the maintenance of roads, environment sanitation and the social infrastructure nationwide.

2.5.4. Continue integrally transforming and reorganizing the Public Administration, to dignify public servants and make it increasingly useful for the people. Establish incentive and rewards policies to the public servants and social and people’s leaders that exercise their functions within the values included in the socialist ethic.

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Page 46: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Forge a revolutionary culture of public service in all areas, strengthening the criterion that the Public Administration officials are primarily civil servants and they are there to serve the people in expeditious and honest manner. Design and implement a policy allocated to promote and enhance the culture of learning and socialist labor, as essential mechanisms for the transformation of the State, by creating Training School of Administrative and Political Frames in the State Institutions, the Social Property enterprises and the bodies of the People’s Power. Execute a gradual reorganization of the State administration, standardizing and dignifying the conditions of public servants, according to their roles and responsibilities, aimed at the use of professional and work skills towards the strengthening of the economic production model. Deepen and apply the mechanisms of political, administrative and criminal sanction, if applicable to public servants who engage in administrative and political inefficiency and corruption. Eradicate the traditional promoters making that all the arrangements for obtaining documents, perform legalizations, payments, scholarships, pensions or make any legal proceeding within the Public Administration, flow quickly and neatly through the mass of cutting edge technologies and unification of criteria. Eliminate all unnecessary paperwork required from the citizens for legal operations with the State or to obtain licenses, registration, diplomas, certificates, etc.2.5.5. Leading from the Head of State a deep and definitive revolution in the justice administration system, to end impunity, ensure equality in the process and eliminate the classist and racist character in its application. Support the implementation nationwide of district attorney offices and municipal courts. Support significantly the increased of the number of courts nationwide, especially in criminal matters. Support significantly the increased of the number of district attorney offices nationwide. Support the construction development of new physical space for the operation of new courts and improve existing infrastructure. Promote cohesion and organization of all existing legal instruments around the Justice System that generate inconsistency in definitions and contribute to the administration disorder in many of its bodies, such as the Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Code, among other.

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Page 47: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Support the education and training policies of the judges and Public Attorneys aimed at developing a culture of responsibility in the administration of justice according to the right to live well of human beings that conforms the Venezuelan society.

2.5.6. Deploy in overdrive the Great Mission "A TODA VIDA! Venezuela" conceived as a comprehensive policy of public safety, with special attention to the 79 municipalities with the highest incidence of crime, in order to transform the structural character factors, situational and institutional, generators of violence and crime, to reduce them, increasing the solidarity coexistence and the free enjoyment of people and safe exercise of their family activities, communals, social, educational, occupational, labor, economic, cultural and recreational activities. Expansion and consolidation of integral prevention and community living through the design, implementation and monitoring of the integral prevention plan specifically devoted to young unemployed of the grassroots sectors, from the application of a special surveillance patrols in the prioritized municipalities; of the Nationwide activation of the Community Police Service, of the implementation of the work plan to gain control of weapons, ammunition and disarmament, as well as the intensification of the program to strengthen the investigation, apprehension and prosecution of persons responsible for killings, kidnapping, robbery and theft of vehicles. Further strengthening of the public and citizens security organs through the provision of individual and institutional equipment to the police and the communicational technification for a rapid and effective response. Deployment of the Bolivarian National Police throughout the country and the culmination of the process of reorganizing the Corps for Scientific Penal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC)-Spanish. Promote the transformation of the criminal justice system and support the creation of alternative dispute resolution mechanism, through the installation of the Houses of Criminal Justice in each of the prioritized municipalities. Continue the transformation of the penitentiary system. Activate the National System for Attention to Victims. Creating and socialization of knowledge for coexistence and citizen safety and the establishment of the Conflict Resolution Integral Communal Centers. Creating a strategic area or field of knowledge about public and citizenship safety within the National Fund of Science, Technology and Innovation and complete the expansion of UNES in 7 states of the country: Portuguesa, Bolivar, Falcon, Barinas, Nueva Esparta and Apure,

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in order to increase the training capacity of the new model of public and civic safety and the production of knowledge localized en safety matters.

2.5.7. Guarantee the right to access and free exercise of truthful information and communication. Strengthen communication sovereignty, reporting our cultural, geographical, tourist and environmental heritance as well as the political and production development looking forward the strengthening of the integration processes and Latin American and Caribbean unity. For that, we intend to continue contributing to the development of communication networks and means of word expressions, the images and voices of our people. Strengthen the use of media as a training tool for the transition to socialism, powering civic values as well as the responsible and critical use of media. In this task, it is essential to promote communication research as a human process and tool of social transformation and construction. Consolidate the social regulation of the media as a tool for strengthening people’s power, promoting and encouraging the National System of Popular Communication (communal radios and television, community newspapers, environmentalists, workers, youth, party, union, peasant, among other) as space for the articulation of meanings and relationships produced from the practice of social and human communication, in order to transform the reality from the organized People's Power. Update and develop the technology platforms of the media, taking advantage of the momentum that represents the implementation of the Open Digital Television (TDA)-Spanish, which will expand the quality of transmissions and offer a wider range of differenced signals.

III Turn Venezuela Into A Power Country In The Social, Economic And Political Within The Larger Emerging Power Of Latin America And The Caribbean, To Ensure The Formation Of A Peace Zone In Our America.


3.1. Strengthening the role of Venezuela as World Energy Power.


3.1.1. Develop the country's production capacity in line with the vast reserves of hydrocarbons under the principle of rational exploitation and conservation policy of the exhaustible and non-renewable natural resource. Achieve oil production capacity of 4 MMBD (Million Thousand Barrels Per Day) for 2014 and 6 MMBD by 2019.

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Page 49: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Achieve natural gas production for the year 2014 to 9,247 MMSCFD and in the year 2019 to 11,947 million cubic feet.

3.1.2. Develop the Orinoco Oil Belt Develop proven reserves of the Orinoco Oil Belt to reach a total production capacity of 4 MMBD by 2019. Develop the production of the 6 new joint ventures already established of production and processing of crude of the Orinoco Oil Belt to reach production capacity of 2,090 MBD in 2019. Construct new breeders to convert the extra heavy crude from the Orinoco Oil Belt from 8 ° API in improved crude of 32 to 42 ° API with a total processing capacity of 1 MMBD. Build two new refineries, one in Cabruta and the other at Jose Antonio Anzoategui Industrial Complex with a total processing capacity of 720 MBD. Drill 10,500 oil horizontal wells, grouped in 520 clusters of production. Build a storage capacity of 20 million barrels and the laying of 2,000 km pipeline between oil and diluenductos. Build a deep water terminal in Sucre State for reception and dispatch of crude and products with an export capacity of 2.0 MMBD and 3 solids and liquids river terminals in the Orinoco River. Build 5 power plants with a total generating capacity of 2620 MW, which used petroleum coke produced by the process of improving the crude of the Orinoco Oil Belt. Build 2 industrial condominiums in the areas of Carabobo and Junin to supply services to the breeders. Create 6 Socialists Petro-industrials Bases (BPISOS) in the area of the Orinoco Oil Belt, in the areas of Palital, Chaguaramas and San Diego to develop metalworking activities Cabrutica, well services, marine, manufacturing drills, locks, valves, tubular and other goods and services.

3.1.3. Maintain production in the traditional areas of oil and gas. Maintain the activities of drilling, rehabilitation and repair of wells. Continue adding new secondary recovery projects and maintain and improve existing ones.

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Page 50: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Maintain and improve levels of reliability and maintainability of existing infrastructure.

3.1.4. Develop the reserves of the Gas Belt in our territorial waters. Develop the existing potential in the Venezuela’s Gas Belt in the Rafael Urdaneta, Mariscal Sucre and Deltana Platform projects, to achieve a gas production capacity of 720 MMPCD by 2014 and 2,030 MMPCD for the year 2019. Accelerate the Venezuela's Gas Belt exploration efforts in the Blanquilla areas, Venezuela Gulf, Ensenada de Barcelona, the northern of Mariscal Sucre and Northern Atlantic coast, to search for new non-associated gas reserves to incorporate gas reserves with 135 PCB exploratory expectation of natural gas. Accelerate gas exploration efforts in the Venezuela’s Gas Belt in the Blanquilla areas, Venezuela Gulf, Ensenada de Barcelona, the northern of Mariscal Sucre and Northern Atlantic coast, to search for new non-associated gas reserves to incorporate gas reserves with 135 PCB exploratory expectation of natural gas.

3.1.5. Adapt and expand domestic refining circuit. Adapt and expand the national refining system of 1.3 MMBD in 2013 to 1.8 MMBD in 2019, to the further processing of the heavy and extra heavy crude from the Orinoco Oil Belt, and adapt it to the demands of quality products in domestic and international markets. This includes expansion and deep conversion projects of the refineries El Palito and Puerto La Cruz Paraguana Refining Complex, and the construction of 3 new refineries, Batalla de Santa Inés of 100 MBD, MBD Petrobicentenario of 350 MBD capacity and Cabruta of 220 MBD.

3.1.6. Expand the infrastructure of transportation, storage and shipping of oil and gas. Adapt and expand transportation systems by existing pipelines as Sumandes and Sisor, and the construction of new systems such as Puerto La Cruz - Maturin, Bajo Grande - Ramón Laguna Plant, El Vigia – La Fria y El Palito. Adapt and expand the network of fuel distribution plant, including the El Guamache and Puerto Pesquero Güiria, and the construction of new plants, as Planta del Oeste de Caracas, Catia La Mar, Batalla de Santa Inés, Cabruta and Jose. Expand the gas transmission network up to 1,965 kilometers of pipelines between new and existing pipelines as Jose Francisco Bermudez (SINORGAS), Northern Plain and the Orinoco Axis – Apure. Increase production capacity of extracting natural gas liquids in 120 MBD, through the gas processing projects Soto I and II, and San Joaquin Pirital IV.

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Page 51: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Strengthen and expand the coverage of the methane distribution network in order to displace the consumption of LPG and provide higher quality of life for people through laying of 11,760 km.

3.1.7. Strengthen and expand the domestic petrochemical industry. Develop Petrochemical projects to process natural gas, naphtha and refining streams, transforming them into products of higher added value. Consolidate and develop the six planned Petrochemicals poles: Ana Maria Campos, Moron, Jose Antonio Anzoategui, Paraguaná Navay, Puerto de Nutris and Guiria. Increase the production of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers by 43%, which cover domestic demand and will convert Venezuela in an exporter of fertilizer for the whole region. Increase by 300% production capacity of olefins and traditional plastic resins, and develop other plastic resin chains necessary for the country and currently imported. Expand by 87% the installed capacity of chemical production sector, with emphasis on the production of aromatics and the development of the methanol downstream chains and urea. Continue under the Great Mission Vivienda Venezuela, developing the modular factories of housing and accessories (Petrocasas) installing in different parts of the country 10 new plants, reaching a production of 50,000 housing units / year, 800,000 windows / doors and 800,000 years / year. It important to mention, that the production of housing and accessories will be available after the second quarter of 2013.

3.1.8. Develop industrial complex related to the oil, gas and petrochemical industries to strengthen our economic sovereignty. Increase the capacity of assembling and manufacturing of Drilling and Well Service Equipment in the country, by Industry Company China Venezuelan Drills (ICVT) and others to create with a capacity of 15 drills per year. Strengthen the construction process of drilling rigs and production of offshore fields in Venezuela, such as the one built for the field of Corocoro de Petrosucre, in order to ensure the timely availability of required equipment in the development of Mariscal Sucre, Cardon IV and Deltana Platform, generating the highest possible local content in such projects. Promote the activities of the Maintenance State Enterprises to improve time, service and cost of service shutdowns in the refining system and improvement of the country.

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Page 52: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Create State Enterprises, Mixed and Industrial Conglomerates for the Installation of the Coke Calcination Plant, Recovery of Metals Flexi-coke and Green Coke, Ferrovanadium Plant, Tar Oil Plant and Orimatita Plant, based on the integration of Petroleum and Basic Industries and Mining chains of the Iron - Steel and Aluminum-Bauxite sectors.

3.1.9. Strengthen and deepen Technological Sovereignty. Promote the development of heavy and extra heavy crudes improving own technologies in the country through site improvement processes, advanced conversion processes of deep hydrogenation and catalytic processes of Aqua conversion of viscous reduction. Position the use of secondary and tertiary exploitation technologies in heavy and extra heavy crudes to achieve a recovery factor of 20%. These technologies include Continuous Injection of Steam, the In Situ Combustion, and the injection of Surfactants. Create the Socialist Petroleum Technical School for the training of technicians required in more than 180 occupations, through the incorporation of Misión Ribas Técnica with a capacity of 5.000 people per year. Implement nationwide officials and authorities’ headquarters and campus of the University of Hydrocarbons that meets the technical and ideological training of cadres of the next generation of leaders for the development of the Orinoco Oil Belt and Offshore areas. Create the Research Institute of Coke and Minerals coming from processing crude of the Orinoco Oil Belt to its industrialization.

3.1.10. Deepen the diversification of our markets. Deepen market diversification strategies of crude and products, with a goal by 2019 of 2,200 MBD to Asian countries, 1,250 MBD Latin America and the Caribbean, 550 to Europe and 1.150 MBD MBD North America. Deepen integration and positioning strategies of Venezuela in Latin America and the Caribbean, such as the construction projects of refining capacity of 1,100 MBD between the countries of Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua and Cuba, and 2,300 km of crude transportation with a capacity of 500 MBD to the Colombian Pacific. Also, in Asia the construction of a capacity of 1,200 MBD represented in 3 refineries in China, one in Vietnam and one in Syria.

3.1.11. Strengthen and enhance the operational capabilities of our national company Petroleos de Venezuela.

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Page 53: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Intensify the efforts to ensure the availability of human, logistics and financial resources required to implement plans and programs. Increase reliability and availability of the infrastructure for collection, treatment, storage, shipping, measuring and refining of hydrocarbons. Ensure the skills required in the human talent to execute effectively the activities of the value chain of hydrocarbons.

3.1.12. Ensure Energy Security of the country Synchronize production with demand and days of coverage of different hydrocarbon fuels in the country. Diversify the primary energy matrix and adapt the energy consumption to the highest standards of efficiency, incorporating coke, coal and other energy alternatives. Strengthen contingency plans to timely attend force majeure events.

3.1.13. Strengthen the state in controlling and managing the national electricity system Strengthen and expand national electricity system. Diversify the matrix of inputs for electricity generation by promoting the use of natural gas, coke and other energy sources. Complete the hydroelectric development of the country, through the completion of Hydroelectric Complex of: Tocoma, Uribante Caparo is the second Development and Develop The Chorrín. Promote the use of more efficient technologies for power generation, through closures of combined cycle in the thermal plants described below: Josefa Camejo Plant, Termobarranca Thermo Plant, Pedro Camejo Plant, Termozulia III Plant, El Sitio Plant, Alberto Lovera Plant, Ezequiel Zamora Plant, San Diego Cabrutica Plant, Cuman Plant a. Expand and improve the use of transmission and distribution of electricity, by implementing:

Robust plan allowing expansion of the transmission capacity in the following substations: Substation San Carlos II 400/115 kV, Chivacoa II 400/115 kV, Portuguesa 400/115 kV, Carabobo II 400/230 kV and their associated transmission system SVC Horqueta Substation 230 kV line

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No. 2 Uribante – El Vigía II and El Vigia II - Buena Vista insulated 400 kV, System at 400 kV in the western of the country (El Venado - Buena Vista).

In sub-transmission: Extension of the transmission – Distribution link system to 115/13.8-34.5 kV to handle the loads of final users

In distribution: compensate the distribution of circuits to improve load power factors and build new feeders to supply end users with and appropriate quality of service.

Expand and adapt the electrical system in the Western region which includes the states of Barinas, Mérida, Táchira, Alto Apure, Trujillo and Zulia and the construction of the following works: 45 substations, 4,044 km of transmission lines, 7,096 km of distribution lines, 1305 MVA in distribution and 8654 MW in generation plants.

Expand and adapt the electrical system in the Central Region which includes the states of Apure, Aragua, Carabobo, Cojedes, Capital, Falcon, Guarico, Lara, Miranda, Portuguesa, Vargas and Yaracuy and construction of the following works: 67 substations, 4,075 km of Transmission lines, 3,179 km of distribution lines, 8,488 MVA in Distribution, 5542 MW in generation plants.

Expand and adapt the eastern electrical system which includes the states of Anzoategui, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro, Monagas, Sucre and Nueva Esparta and the construction of the following works: 48 substations, 4,110 km of transmission lines, 4,743 km of distribution lines, 1,083 MVA in Distribution and 6780 MW in generation plants.

Continue to improve the efficiency and quality of electricity service through the development of electricity infrastructure with efficiency, quality, continuity, reliability and environmental friendliness criteria. Continue to improve the efficiency and quality of electricity service. Promote the efficient use of electricity, by using alternative sources and implementing the use of wind generation. Ensure the provision of electrical service to new housing developments set out in Venezuela Great Housing Mission, as well as oil, gas, mining and petrochemical new developments.

3.1.14. Strengthen and enhance international energy cooperation. Strengthen already agreed and future strategic alliances between the signatory countries of Petrocaribe agreements, Energy Cooperation Agreements and the Comprehensive Cooperation Agreement in order to ensure the compliance with the agreement and the placement of 470 MBD Venezuelan oil to directly extend the benefits to the People in these countries.

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Page 55: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Deepen political and economic alliances with those countries with a favorable geostrategic position and whose interests converge with those of our country, which will encourage the construction of a multipolar world. Deepen cooperative relations with countries in the region, based on the principles of complementarity and solidarity with the order to provide them access to energy.

3.1.15. Develop economic power by using mineral resources. Increase mineral reserves nationwide. Find new mineral deposits in Guayana Shield, Caribbean Mountain system, Andes mountains and Sierra de Perija, with geological exploration and use of new technology with low environmental impact. Double the mineral reserves of bauxite, iron, coltan (niobium and tantalite), nickel, phosphate rock, feldspar and coal with the certification of fields located in the Guayana Shield, Andes Mountains, Caribbean Mountain system and Sierra de Perija. Double gold and diamond mineral reserves with certification of fields located in the Guayana Shield, in order to help build socialism through their tradable use to strengthen international reserves. Develop the national mining potential for the diversification of sources of employment, income and forms of social property. Use the industry endogenous demand as a driving force for the development of mining, coordinating domestic demand with international demand. Strengthen the National Mining Companies of indirect social property to integrate mining activities, rationally exploit mineral deposits, develop scientific and technological knowledge, raise productivity and improve production efficiency in the sector. Increase the production of gold and diamonds by technologically upgrading the existing state-owned gold companies, as well as forming joint ventures in which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is in control of their decisions and holds a share greater than 55% and organizing small-scale mining in production units. Form joint ventures for the exploitation and processing of bauxite, iron, coltan (niobium and tantalite), nickel, phosphate rock, feldspar and coal, in which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is in control of their decisions and holds a share larger than 55 %.

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Page 56: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Form socially-owned enterprises considering the popular knowledge in the traditional processing of nonmetallic minerals of primary use for the construction of civil works such as soft clays, sand, gravel, granite, granodiorite, schist, marble, gneiss, limestone, gypsum and salt. Develop mining technologies that reduce environmental impact, the volumes of waste material and the superficial processing of useful material, by using the potential of universities and institutes of the country and existing technology transfer agreements with allied countries. Organize small-scale mining, focused on the exploitation of gold and diamond, in production units where the State provides technological and financial support to protect workers' health, natural resources and environment. Create the Mining Social Development Fund with contributions from mining activities to ensure social security of workers and their dependents.


3.2. Develop economic power based on the optimal use of the potential offered by our resources to generate the greatest happiness of our people, as well as the material basis for the construction of our Bolivarian Socialism.


3.2.1. Move towards the productive sovereignty and independence in the construction of strategic networks for both essential goods and the generation of value, based on our comparative advantages. Expand and strengthen the capacities of extraction and primary processing as a downstream development of iron, steel and aluminum chains. Develop primary production and build the strategic axes in petrochemical chemistry, and related derived products; as the basis of industrialization in the generation of intermediate and final consumer goods. Expansion and development of the primary production and forest product use of the country, by expanding the quantity and land of plantations, as well as the infrastructure for the transformation of the whole production line of furniture, housing, paper and supplies for other industrial processes. Industrialization of the construction sector in order to meet the development of houses, buildings, urban buildings and infrastructure.

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Page 57: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Sovereign use of nonmetallic minerals extraction and processing; top performance techniques and environmental care, especially in cement chains, construction aggregates and special productive supplies (Feldspar, kaolin) as well as new developments such as coltan. Construction of a large industrial system, associated to the design of productive synergy networks, for essential goods of final consumption and/or generation of value. Expand the installed capacity and technologically upgrade the production of packages and containers, for both food sovereignty and general industry.

3.2.2. Use the location advantages of our country in the continent and the diversity of national regions, in order to promote the productive specialization, related to comparative advantages of strategic sectors. Set up a productive space specialization scheme starting from the location advantages based on rational and efficient use of available resources, with independence, sovereignty and interregional balance criteria, constituting the functional engine of the space planning scales of the country and the system of cities. Generate a production support structure, regional networks, production support infrastructure, logistics and distribution. Build the pivots of the Bolivarian productive integration of our America, by defining the links of strategic and shared productive chains for the social needs of our people; especially in the areas of health, nutrition, education, clothing, energy and housing.

3.2.3. Appropriation and development of techniques and technology as the key to efficiency and humanization of the production process; anchoring productive chain links and unleashing the space potential of such. Establish strategic alliances in a multipolar world to ensure technology transfer and improvement of production processes. Promote sovereign technological development based on our industry needs to make possible the efficient use of resources and appropriate cost structures. Ensure integrated and continuous training processes of workers to adopt techniques and technologies to make production more efficient and humanize the work process.

3.2.4. Create mechanisms of movement of capital that build a new economic metabolism, for the encouragement, functioning and development of the domestic industry in both sources of financing and production scale dynamics as resource flow systems that face the logic of capital.

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Page 58: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Design and implement an efficient financial architecture, based on sovereignty, aimed at leveraging the national industrialization process in the planning, feasibility assessment, implementation and monitoring of the new production system. Develop scale and complementary economies in the social productive network in order to build a new economic metabolism, contrary to the logic of capital. Implement a system of contributions from the surpluses of direct and indirect social owned enterprises, within the planning system. Maintain and increase public procurement systems -as circular flow of capital-, conglomerates, small and medium enterprises, community enterprises as engines of the direct location of produced goods and services, stepping outside the channels of the logic of capital.

3.2.5.Continue to develop and push productive links, identified in specific projects in the phases of: consolidation, construction and start-up, conceptualization and design; during the next presidential term in projects from the following areas: automobile, household appliances, construction materials, plastic transformation and containers, chemistry, personal and home care, pharmaceutical, agriculture industry, IT & electronics, machinery and equipment, forestry, pulp and paper, production support, textiles and footwear, iron, steel, aluminum, and rotate a central planning mechanism, budget scheme as well as efficient and productive management models in harmony with the transition to socialism. Iron and steel - Consolidate the following projects in operation: a) SIDOR rebar and steel coils factory, in Bolivar state, b) SIDETUR rebar factory, in the states of Bolivar, Lara, Carabobo and the Capital District; c) Production of iron ore at Ferrominera Orinoco, in Bolivar State, d) INVEVAL Manufacture and repair of oil valves, in Miranda state, e) Forjas Santa Clara, Factory of forged parts for the oil and aluminum industry, in Carabobo state. Iron and steel - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Seamless Pipe Factory, Matanzas Industrial Zone, premises of SIDOR, Bolivar state, b) National Steel Factory "José Ignacio de Abreu e Lima," Ciudad Piar, Bolivar state, c) Rail and Profile Rolling project, Chaguaramas, Guarico state d) Raw material recovery plants (REMAPCA company), in Soledad (Anzoategui), La Fría (Tachira), Santa Barbara (Monagas) and Cabimas (Zulia), e) Dredging of the Orinoco River channel, Ferrominera. Iron and steel - Develop the following projects: a) Recovery of pickling line in Sidor, b) round and square continuous casting machine in Sidor c) Line of welded mesh in Sidor, d) strategic alliance for production of electrodes for carbon steel welding and special alloys, e) Extension of Palua dock, Ferrominera f) Increase of rail transport capacity, Ferrominera g) Provision of machinery, equipment and spare parts for Ferrominera h) New railway circuit in Ferrominera. Aluminum - Consolidate the following projects in operation: a) Alven Aluminum Transformer, Aragua state, b) Albarca Aluminum Transformer, Lara state, c) Rialca Wheels

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Factory, Carabobo state, d) Alucasa aluminum foil and packaging Factory, Carabobo state; e) Alunasa aluminum foil and foil Factory, Costa Rica; f) Cabelum aluminum bare wire Factory, Bolivar state, g) ALCASA primary aluminum factory, Bolivar State, h) VENALUM primary aluminum factory, state Bolivar i) Bauxilum bauxite Producer, Bolivar State. Aluminum - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Aluminum Rolling Service Company in Caicara del Orinoco, General Manuel Cedeño township, state of Bolivar. Aluminum - Develop the following projects: a) Increase in the production capacity of bare aluminum electric conductors, b) Extension of CVG Cabelum for production of wire rod and electrical conductors; c) Technological adaptation of Alcasa to increase production of primary aluminum, d ) Technological adaptation of the power system technology in Venalum’s cells e) Technological adaptation and expansion of Rialca; f) copper and aluminum insulated electric conductors Factory, Cabelum g) optical power ground wire electrical conductors factory, Cabelum h) wooden spool Factory, Cabelum i) Adaptation of alumina production plant and bauxite mine, Bauxilum j) Purchase of heavy equipment for extraction and haulage of bauxite and transportation of material. Automotive sector - Consolidate the following projects in operation: a) automotive seat Factory (Autoseat), b) Printing, stamping and spot welding factory for autoparts (Ocimetalmecánica) c) Transformation of automotive glass (Vivex) d) vehicle assembly (Venirauto) e) vehicle assembly (ZGT, Chery) f) tractor assembly (Venirantractor) g) tractor assembly (Pauny), h) Bicycle assembly (Fanabi). Automotive industry - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) "Veneminsk" Tractor Factory b) Santa Ines Industrial Complex, state of Barinas c) "Mazven" Truck Factory; d) Santa Ines Industrial Complex, state of Barinas, e) Motorcycle Assembly (KMV, Kawasaki), f) Truck Assembly (Civetchi, Dongfeng) g) Truck Assembly (Autoparts Lara, JAC); h) truck Assembly (Eastern Assembly, Hino); i) tractor Assembly (Venequip Agro, Case New Holland), j) Massey Fergunson tractor Assembly k) tractor Assembly (John Deere); l) tractor Assembly (Autoparts Lara, Foton), m) tractor Assembly (Veneminsk tractor MTZ). Automotive sector - Develop the following projects in conceptualization: a) Bus Factory with Yutong, b) truck Assembly (Venequip Agro International); c) motorcycle Assembly (Yamaha). Household Appliances - Consolidate the following projects already in operation: a) Low and medium power electric motor factory, Venmotor, Cojedes state. Household Appliances - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Haier Appliance Factory, Yare, Miranda state.

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Page 60: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Household Appliances - Develop the following projects: a) Gas Kitchen Factory, with Argentina, b) strategic partnership with Taurus c) Strategic Partnership with Fadelca d) Strategic Partnership with Motorvenca e) Strategic Partnership with MABE. Building materials - Consolidate the following projects already in operation: a) INAF fittings Factory, Aragua state, b) Building Materials Distributor, Ferresidor c) Lime Production Plant Conacal, state of Bolivar; d) ‘Cementos de Venezuela’; e) Venezuelan Cement Industries f) National Cement Factory, g) ‘Cemento Andino’ h) Invepi stone processing plant, Falcon State; i) Maracay sanitary devices. Household Appliances - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Galvanized Steel Lightweight Structures Factory (LSF) for use in construction, b) Cabimas (Zulia), Tinaquillo (Cojedes) and Temblador (Monagas), c) "Cerro Azul "Cement Plant, El Pinto, Monagas state; d) Housing Construction Basic Input Company, with aggregate plants in Paez township, Portuguesa state, and Acevedo township, Miranda state, e) Flat Glass Production Factory "Venvidrio las Llanadas" Las Llanadas de Monay, Trujillo state; f) Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda Ceramic Industrial Complex (strategic partnership with Russia). Plastic processing and packaging - Consolidate the following projects already in operation: a) Raffia sacks Factory in CIAMCA b) pallets Factory in CIAMCA c) Water Tanks Factory; d) SANIPLAST plastic injection Factory, Zulia state, e) ‘Independencia’ plastic injection factory, Miranda state, f) ‘Batalla de Carabobo’ plastic injection factory, Carabobo state; g) ‘El Furrial’ plastic injection factory, Monagas state, h) ‘Lanceros de Guaicaipuro’ plastic injection factory, Miranda state, i) Venvidrio glass container factory, Carabobo and Trujillo States; j) ‘Alentuy’ aluminum containers Producer k) cardboard packaging factory (‘Cartonajes Granics’) l) Manufacture of containers (‘Envases Internacional’). Plastic processing and packaging - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Plastic Complex, Yare and Ocumare, Miranda state b) Syringe Factory (3R) c) ‘Cacique’ Tiuna plastic plant. Plastic processing and packaging - Develop the following projects: a) Extension of Products of the Plastic Complex, Yare, Miranda state b) Caripe raffia sacks Factory; c) Extension of pallet factory in CIAMCA d) Extension of diaper manufacturing plant in CIAMCA e) Conglomerate of diapers, sanitary napkins and towelette f) Expansion of ‘Envases internacionales’. Factory for personal hygiene - Enhance the operation of the following projects: a) CIAMCA diapers Factory. Factory for personal hygiene - accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Home Hygiene Products Factory, Maracay, Aragua state.

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Page 61: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Factory for personal hygiene - Develop the following projects: a) Personal Care Products Factory. Pharmaceuticals - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: Pharmaceutical Complex, Yare, Miranda state. Agriculture Industry - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Aloe Vera Processing Plant (Phase 1: juice and gel), Coro, Falcon state; b) Fruit Processing Plants, Vegetables and Tubers: Mene Grande (Zulia) and Bobare (Lara) c) Meat and Poultry Processing Plants: Cattle at Monte Carmelo (Trujillo) and Tucupita (Delta Amacuro) d) Sheep and Goats in Jadacaquiva (Falcon) and Carora (Lara), e) Cattle and Swine in Mene Mauroa (Falcon) f ) Fish Processing Plant "Islamar" in Margarita, Nueva Esparta. Agriculture Industry - Develop the following projects: a) Aloe Vera Processing Plant (Phase 2: aloin and aloe juice for pharmaceutical, cosmetics and chemical industry), Falcon state; b) Swine Processing Plant. Computers and cell phones - Develop the following projects: a) ‘Orinoquia’ Cell Phone Assembly Plant at the Free Trade Zone in Paraguana, Falcon state; b) SMT MANUFACTURING, Extension of Vtelca factory for export. Machinery and equipment - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Heavy Machinery Factory, b) Santa Ines Industrial Complex, Barinas state c) Food Processing Equipment Factory: with Iran in Guanare (Portuguesa), with Brazil in Villa de Cura (Aragua) and with Argentina in El Tigrito (Anzoategui); d) Ammonia-based Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Factory: Temblador (Monagas) and San Felipe (Yaracuy) e) Freon-based Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Factory: Villa de Cura, Aragua state. Machinery and equipment - Develop the following projects: a) Construction Machinery Factory with XCMG b) Raw material recovery plants (REMAPCA company), in Carabobo, Bolivar, Falcon and the Capital District. Forestry - Accelerate the construction of the following projects: a) Pulp and Paper Basic Company (PULPACA) Macapaima Industrial Zone, Independencia Township, Anzoategui state. Forest - Develop the following projects: a) Strengthening ‘Invepal’ b) Strategic alliance for school implements. Textiles and shoes - Develop the following projects: a) Tanneries for Leather Processing b) Textile and footwear conglomerate development for the entire production chain.

3.2.6. Strengthen the tourism sector as a tool for social inclusion that will facilitate and ensure the Venezuelan people, mainly the most vulnerable people, access to their tourism assets

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(domestic flights) and enjoyment of the state tourism infrastructure at fair and reasonable prices. Enhance depressed tourist destinations by improving or creating tourist infrastructure: The region of ‘Los Llanos’, the Andean Region and the island territories which have not been touristically promoted (La Tortuga and La Orchila). Strengthen the international position of Venezuela as a tourist destination through massive international tourism promotion. In this connection, we are aiming to achieve that a number of 2 million international tourists visit our country, tripling the current average figure.

3.2.7. Develop the tourism sector as a productive activity that generates sufficient income that can be redistributed by the Bolivarian Government to meet the needs of the Venezuelan people. Promote the growth of domestic tourism through policies and programs of Popular Tourism. In this regard, we aim to annually achieve a number of 22 million people who go on tourism trips. Currently, according to information provided by the National Statistics Institute (INE), a total of 17 million Venezuelans go on trips inside the country every year. Strengthen Venetur Hotel Network and its position as the first hotel chain in the country. In addition, position Venetur Head office as the leading tour operator in Venezuela, which will increase the direct contribution of this economic activity for the benefit of the country. Internationalize Venetur hotel network through partnerships and own investments, with allied countries. This policy will result in foreign exchange earnings that can be redirected to meet the needs of the Venezuelan people.


3.3 Expand and form the military power to defend the homeland.

Our country promotes peaceful cooperation among nations, promotes Latin American and Caribbean integration, the principle of self-determination and nonintervention in the internal affairs of each country, this is why the country's military power is purely defensive and deterrent, which does not threaten anyone nor have invasive pretensions, on the contrary, we promote peace as well as Latin American and Caribbean integration to contribute with the defense of our people, this forces us to ensure the strengthening of our own doctrines and military technologies that allow us to be a peaceful reference in the region, adapting our military industry to our own needs, resulting from the geostrategic reality of our country, making use of the cooperation with friendly countries.

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3.3.1. Strengthen the Venezuelan military industry. Enhance cooperation with sister countries in accordance with the needs for comprehensive defense of the homeland. Promote technology transfer at each provision stage of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Increase the development of own technologies from our military industry to ensure autonomy and sovereignty in the airspace, sea and land. Strengthen the integration bonds of our nation with sister countries to share skills and knowledge according to the wellbeing of our peoples.

3.3.2. Develop a training system with doctrinal changes for the comprehensive defense of the Homeland. Improve and adapt the career designs in line with the new concepts and needs of the military. Consolidate and deepen the Bolivarian doctrine, in our Bolivarian National Armed Forces. Develop a system of training and combat readiness which is more efficient and according to our own reality. Spread and make public to the whole country the new concept of comprehensive defense. Consolidate a territorial defense system capable of leading the country in wartime from peacetime, which is strategically defensive and eminently popular.

3.3.3. Enhance and improve the educational system of the National Armed Forces and the People's Power and turn it into a single group that serves the interests of the country. Prepare and train the members of our Bolivarian National Armed Forces under the fundamental premise of the Bolivarian Integration, Sovereignty and Independence ideals, based on the concept of prolonged popular war. Actively integrate the training plans of our military training academies and Our Universities to put them at the service of the development and defense of our homeland.

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Page 64: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Increase training of military and civilian professionals in agreements with sister countries to help each other have a more unified people and armed forces every day.


3.4. Further development of the new geopolitics.


3.4.1 Deepen the national integration and social-territorial equity through Integral Development axes: Northern – Plain regions, Apure – Orinoco regions, Western and Eastern regions, Socialist Development Poles and Development Districts. Promote and accelerate the Integral Development of the Orinoco Oil Belt (FPO). Transform the habitat of the main urban centers and human settlements, with social justice and popular prominence, preserving the environment. Develop the roads required for the impulse of the orinoco oil belt, through the implementation of a land transport corridor. Enhance Apure - Orinoco river axis to establish the necessary relationships and joints between the towns located on both banks of the river, making use of oil, agriculture, fishing and tourism activities and enhancing the flow and exchange between towns. Build the rail segments that are necessary for the transport of passengers and the distribution of goods in the orinoco oil belt. Strengthen and improve potable and sewage water systems in the orinoco oil belt. Make a land use plan and ensure the ecological support base. Formulate and implement land use plans for different territorial levels. Preserve watersheds and water bodies. Preserve natural environments. Incorporate culture recognition of the Peoples in the land use planning processes. Promote programs of integrated solid waste management. Strengthen and improve potable water systems throughout the country.

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Page 65: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Maintain and increase the continuity of water service to 250 liters per person, both in urban and in rural areas throughout the country. Continue the construction of 100 aqueducts in the entire country, that will ensure domestic production of 4,000 million cubic meters of potable water to meet an estimated population demand of 32,000,000 inhabitants in 2019. Complete the construction of Tuy 4, which will provide continuous service to the people of Miranda, Vargas and the Capital District, distributing 21,000 liters / second of water. Complete the construction of the Aqueduct Luisa Caceres de Arizmendi, which will offer a continuous potable water for inhabitants of New Sparta and Sucre State, distributing 2,700 liters / second. Complete the construction of the Regional Center System Extension, which will provide a continuous potable water service to the Carabobo State people: Eastern Axis of Carabobo state and Carlos Arvelo Municipality; in Aragua state (The entire metropolitan axis from Iragorri Township to Ribas Township). With the construction of this fourth line production will increase from 7,200 to 9,000 liters / second. Population to benefit: 400 000 people. Complete the construction of the Barcelona - Guanta - Lechería Aqueduct, which will provide continuous potable water service to Anzoategui state residents (Puerto la cruz, Guanta, Barcelona, Lecherías) increasing water production from 3,000 to 6,000 liters / second and benefiting a population of 800 thousand people.

3.4.2. Promote and accelerate the development of the mining Arch. Create a legal framework that ensures the sovereign and hegemonic control of the state in the development of the productive chain of the mining sector and related activities. Ensure proper quantification and certification of the available volumes of resources in the fields of iron, aluminum, coltan, gold and other minerals. Promote the development of own technologies that enable a rational exploitation of the minerals found in the area of Mining Arch, without plundering the environment. Define land management units in areas with mining potential for land, social and economic policy coordination, preserving historical and socio-cultural heritage.

3.4.3. Promote and consolidate the development of petrochemical poles.

3.4.4. Promote and consolidate the development of the Socialist Oil industry Bases in a specific area of the territory, developing regional potential to provide goods and services to the oil industry.

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3.4.5. Maintain and ensure the operation of the Government Federal Council, the instances which are part of it, as well as policy coordination ways and actions between the territorial -political entities and People’s power based organizations.

3.4.6. Promote the creation of development motor Districts, with the purpose of promoting a set of economic social, scientific and technological projects in the geographic area covered by each of them, aimed at achieving comprehensive development of the regions and the strengthening people's power, in order to ease the transition to socialism. Establish the Barlovento Motor District, State of Miranda. Area with treatment Priority in the Tuy River basin, for agribusiness specialization. Establish the Caicara - Cabruta Motor District, in Bolivar and Guarico states. Dynamic projects: Third Bridge over the Orinoco River and Orinoco Cotton socialist production unit. Agroindustrial specialization. Establish the Biruaca - Achaguas Motor District in Guarico and Apure States. Dynamic Project: Ethanol Cane Center. Agroindustrial specialization. Establish the Paria Motor District, Sucre State. Dynamic Projects: Oil-Gas Project, Delta - Eastern Caribbean, Delta Platform, ‘Alba’ Cocoa Socialist Joint Venture. Agriculture-Tourism specialization. Establish the South Lake District Motor, Zulia and Merida states. Dynamic Project: Distribution socialist production unit. Agroindustrial specialization. Establish the Santa Elena de Uairén - Ikabarú Motor District, in Bolivar and Amazonas states. Dynamic project: air and river transport. Agro-ecological and tourism specialization. Establish the Ortiz - Calabozo Motor District in Guarico and Aragua States. Dynamic Projects: Agro-food socialist production unit, Rio Tiznado Agroindustrial Complex and Guarico River Project. Agroindustrial specialization. Establish the The Tacariguas - Las Tejerías Motor District. States of Aragua and Carabobo. Dynamic Project: Iran-Venezuela and China-Venezuela vehicle assembly plant -, structural solution for growth of Lake Tacarigua. Industrial, environment and agriculture specialization. Establish the ‘El Diluvio del Palmar’ Motor District, in Zulia State. Dynamic project: ‘El Diluvio’ Irrigation System. Agricultural specialization. Establish the ‘Florentino’ (Boconó - Barinas) Motor District, States of Barinas and Trujillo. Dynamic Projects: Boconó - Barinas Highway, ‘Florentino’ Genetic Improvement Center. Agroindustrial specialization.

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Page 67: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Establish the Orichuna - Matiyure Motor District, Apure State. Dynamic Project: Farming socialist production unit. Agricultural specialization. Establish the Tiuna City Urban Motor District, located in the Capital District and the Bolivarian State of Miranda, to develop the new model of socialist city. Urban Motor District Caribea City, located in the Capital District and Vargas, to develop the new model of socialist city. Urban Motor District Belen City, located in the Bolivarian State of Miranda, to develop the new model of socialist city.

3.4.7. Improve and ensure the existing infrastructure of the agricultural production areas. Promote the creation of agricultural areas with large potentials in order to ensure national food security and the generation of agricultural products such as corn, rice, soybeans, cotton, sorghum and livestock production. Gradually develop the central plains of the Orinoco River.

3.4.8. Integrate the national territory through the infrastructure multimodal corridors: road, rail, air, water, electricity, gas, oil, water and telecommunications. Maintain and build roads and highways that connect large and medium cities across the country. Build the necessary road infrastructure that connects industrial zones with resource exploitation zones. Improve the conditions of road in farming and rural areas

3.4.9. Promote the creation of of a transportation state company, that improves the public service for users and replaces the old vehicle fleet, which generates a high fuel consumption.

3.4.10. Ensure the railroad development along our country to carry passengers, agricultural, industrial and commercial goods. Complete the construction and renovation of the rail segments that are found in the northern coastal area of our country: 1. Puerto Cabello - Valencia - Cagua (Construction) 2. Yaritagua - Barquisimeto - Puerto Cabello (Rehabilitation) and 3. Cagua – La Encrucijada (Construction). Promote the construction of the rail segments located in the south of our country: 1. Tinaco - Anaco (Construction) 2. San Juan de los Morros - San Fernando (Construction) 3.

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Chaguaramas - Cabruta (Construction) and 4. San Juan de Morros – La Encrucijada (Construction), and ensure their connection to the rail segments located on the north coast. Promote the construction of other rail sections to interconnect the Andean, eastern, southern and central regions of the country.

3.4.11. Accelerate the development of a navigation system for the Orinoco and Apure Rivers without plundering the environment. Promote the development of a plan for the construction of ports along our coast.

3.4.12. Plan from the Central Government and with popular activism, urban and rural development of existing and new cities throughout our national territory, through the development of the Great Venezuela Housing Mission. Develop the second phase of the Great Venezuela Housing Mission to definitely bring down the accumulated housing deficit. Implement compact cities as a model of sustainable urban development, with low height and high density buildings. Promote the space and resource economy as a way to achieve balanced urban growth, incorporating the existing idle or underutilized lands in the towns and their suburban areas. Strengthen housing construction in rural areas to improve the living conditions of rural families. Build 2,650,000 new houses, distributed in the country according to the National Housing Register, so as to consolidate the integrated development lines, development poles and motor districts. Improve and expand 1,000,000 homes, to consolidate existing human settlements. Implement improvement plans and provision of basic public services. Continue with the construction of potable water distribution and sewage water sanitation systems in settlements that still are deficient in this service. Improve systems for local distribution of electricity, to adequately respond to the increasing density of urban and rural areas. Accelerate the domestic gas distribution plan.

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Page 69: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Incorporate new housing developments and areas without services to the telecommunications network in order to ensure access to telephone, television and Internet. Improve local systems for pedestrian and vehicular access. Promote the use of collective transport so that it prevails over private transport. Enable new lands with basic services to allow the future construction of housing developments. Improve and build the necessary urban buildings to ensure accessibility to educational, health, sports, social, cultural, leisure and security services. Implement a plan for enabling public spaces in populated areas. Improve and rehabilitate existing urban facilities. Build the necessary urban facilities in new projects. Incorporate productive activities that generate liberating work for new residents into the urban plans and projects. Promote the construction of new homes in the surroundings of the new production centers. Establish low environmental impact productive areas in housing developments under construction. Deepen the specialization of the new large urban developments to promote diversification of production.

3.4.13. Strengthen the State's presence in the border areas and the articulation on the Caribbean, Andean and Amazon integration fronts in order to help strengthen the independence and national sovereignty.

IV. Contribute to the development of a new international geopolitics in which body takes multicenter multipolar world that would achieve the balance of the universe and to ensure global peace.


4.1. Continue to play a leading role in the construction of Latin American and Caribbean unity.

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4.1.1. Strengthen the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our America (ALBA), as the vital space for the Bolivarian Revolution political relationships. Promote the vanguard role of ALBA in the Latin America and Caribbean change process, stimulating the new spaces such as UNASUR and CELAC. Strengthen mechanisms for political coordination of ALBA in the Interamerican and Universal Systems, towards integrated transformation. Build ALBA Economic Zone through the necessary economic structures, strengthening the role of the Regional Compensation Unitary System (SUCRE) and Alba Bank in the economic, financial, production and trade complementarity strategy of the region.

4.1.2. Strengthen the PETROCARIBE mechanism as an energy cooperation and social solidarity scheme. Strengthen the alliance between Venezuela and the Caribbean countries, through the PETROCARIBE mechanism, consolidating an independent and sovereign Caribbean bond for the development of their peoples.

4.1.3. Consolidate the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) as a regional strategic space for the construction of a multipolar world. Ensure active participation in each one of the UNASUR Councils, to achieve the promotion of policies and actions that benefit the peoples of our America.

4.1.4. Promote and strengthen the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC), as a unity mechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean. Strengthen the role of CELAC as a common space for political, economic, social and cultural integration of the region. Create the groups that will boost the strategic areas of regional cooperation and integration (ALBA, PETROCARIBE, UNASUR, CELAC).

4.1.5. Strengthen bilateral strategic alliances with countries of Our America, as a basis to boost subregional and regional binding schemes (ALBA, MERCOSUR, etc.). Deepen political identity with brother governments and peoples from member countries of ALBA and MERCOSUR to continue promoting justice and solidarity policies in our America.

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Page 71: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Intensify economic union great-national projects with ALBA countries, as well as productive complementation with the MERCOSUR countries. Deepen the political dialogue and productive linkages policy at the highest level with the sister republic of Colombia, in compliance with the unity mandate of the Liberator Simon Bolivar.

4.1.6. Advance in the creation of productive economic linkages with Latin America and the Caribbean to strengthen the domestic industry and ensure the safe delivery of products. Strengthen the South Bank as an institution for regional financial integration. Create a permanent supportive financing policy for boosting productive economic linkages with Latin America and The Caribbean, in order to reach economic, productive and food independence in our region.

4.1.7. Deepen the existing bilateral strategic alliances between Venezuela and the countries of the region, with a special emphasis in the cooperation with, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in different complementation and cooperation areas. Consolidate Venezuela as a supportive cooperation provider, without hegemonic pretensions and under the principle of people’s self-determination. Position the cooperation with allied countries in the region as a driving force of the socio-productive socialist model. Ensure the technological – scientific transference in the cooperation, in order to reach the productive economic independence.

4.1.8. Boost the new Latin-American and Caribbean communicational order, with emphasis in the new regional systems and communication means, as well as new communicational tools. Strengthen Telesur (TV channel), ensuring a greater presence in the region and the world. Expand the signal of South Radio, as a communicational tool for informing about the political processes of the region. Promote the alternative and community information networks of the region as well as the social networks. Permanently spread the veracious information produced by the ALBA countries and Southern allied countries.

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Page 72: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Ensure the permanent production of contents which are spread through the regional communication means about the social, political and cultural progress of the Bolivarian Revolution.

4.1.9. Promote the harmonious and cooperative solving of the pending delimitations, understanding the stabilization of borders as an element of unity and peace.


4.2. Strengthen the national and our-America identity.


4.2.1. Consolidate the vision of ethnical heterogeneity and diversity of Venezuela and our America under the respect and integration of minorities and native peoples to national life and decision-making. Consolidate and create national and our-America institutionalism in cooperation and integration organizations such as, ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC and MERCOSUR. Increase the presence of this subject in the curricula, audiovisual contents as well as national and international events.

4.2.2 Direct educational contents about national identity and people’s diversity from the highest legal, national and our-America levels. Present regional and sub-regional initiatives such as Social and Cultural Charters, Declarations, Agreements and government documents arising from popular participation and contained in the new our-America institutionalism. Defend the presence of ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples in decision making bodies of our America.


4.3. Continue boosting the development of a multicenter multipolar world without imperial domination and with respect to self-determination of peoples.


4.3.1. Build a network of political relations with the emerging power poles. Establish an alliance with the BRICS group as a core that gathers key emerging powers in the consolidation of a multipolar world.

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Page 73: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Promote the approach and coordination between the new Latin American and Caribbean binding mechanisms (ALBA, UNASUR, CELAC) and the BRICS group, in order to give greater force to the voice of the Southern people in the global agenda. Raise to a higher level strategic alliances with the Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the Federative Republic of Brazil in order to further strengthen the national power. Establish strategic alliances with the Republic of India and the Republic of South Africa. Deepen political and economic relationships cooperation with all countries of Our America, and those countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania, whose governments are willing to work based on respect and mutual cooperation. Strengthen the approach to the Africa and Asia economic and political integration mechanisms (ASEAN, ECOWAS, etc..) Participating as observers and promoting contacts with Latin American and Caribbean binding mechanisms. Encourage leadership within the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) with a view to the XVII Summit of Heads of State Venezuela. Relaunch Binding south - south inter-regional forums such as South America - Africa (ASA) and the South America - Arab Countries (ASPA).

4.3.2. Form a new communications order in the South. Strengthen multi-state television and radio networks: Telesur and South Radio, along with their respective electronic platforms, expanding their scope, in different languages and their offer in the variety and quality of contents in order to project the truth of our people and break the information blockade and censorship to which people from imperialist countries are subject by the transnational corporations of the communication. Establish alliances with communication and information networks of the emerging world poles, to ensure mutual understanding and truthful information about our realities, without the distorting filter of big media companies of the imperialist powers.

4.3.3. Boost diplomacy of the peoples and the active participation of organized popular movements in the construction of a multipolar and balanced world. Promote the participation of the social movement global networks in major international forums and summits.

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Page 74: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Accompany the organization of international forums of social movements and grassroots organizations in order to collect their claims and proposals to be incorporated in the global political agenda.

4.3.4. Continue to promote the transformation of Human Rights Systems on the basis of respect, democratization of the system, sovereign equality of States and the principle of noninterference. Keep active politics and leadership, together with the progressive countries of the region in the call for the urgent and necessary reform of the Inter American Human Rights System and Court, for being highly politicized bastions of the U.S. imperialism.


4.4 Dismantle the neo colonial imperial domination system.


4.4.1. Release Venezuela from international imperial domination mechanisms. Denounce multilateral treaties that limit national sovereignty over the interests of neocolonial powers (Inter-American System on Human Rights, among others). Denounce bilateral treaties and agreements that limit national sovereignty over the interests of neocolonial powers (promotion and protection of investments). Establish the necessary alliances to neutralize the actions of the neocolonial powers in international organizations. Remove the participation of international financial institutions in national development projects.

4.4.2. Reduce the economic and technological relations with the imperial centers of domination to levels that do not endanger the national independence. Reduce the trade with neocolonial powers to not vital levels. Reduce the relationships with the financial circuits dominated by neocolonial powers to not vital levels. Reduce the involvement of neocolonial powers in the financing of strategic projects for national development.

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Page 75: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Reduce the connection of Venezuela to communication and information networks dominated by neocolonial powers to not vital levels. Eliminate dependence of strategic sectors for national development of communication and information networks controlled by the neocolonial powers. Reduce the technological participation of the imperial powers in national development projects to not vital levels. Eliminate the technological participation of the imperial powers in strategic sectors for national sovereignty.

4.4.3. Deepen and expand the relationship with the emerging poles of the new world. Increase the portion of emerging currency in the reserves and international trade of Venezuela. Perform the major portion of the economic and commercial exchange with the emerging poles of the new world. Increase economic and technological participation of world's emerging poles in national development projects. Build alliances for political coordination and economic exchange between South-binding mechanisms from different continents, with special emphasis on the BRICS.

V. Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and salvation of humankind.


5.1. Build and promote the eco-socialist economic production model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, which ensures the rational, optimal and sustainable use and development of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.


5.1.1. Boost socialism as the only option against the predatory and unsustainable capitalist model.

5.1.2. Nationally and internationally Promote, a new socio-productive ethic, to boost the transformation of unsustainable capitalist production and consumption patterns.

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5.1.3. Generate socio-productive alternatives and new patterns of economic and financial cooperation to leverage the comprehensive development and establish global fair trade under the principles of complementariness, cooperation and solidarity.


5.2. Protect and defend the permanent sovereignty of the state on natural resources for the supreme benefit of our people, which shall be the primary guarantor.


5.2.1. Promote actions at national and international levels for the protection and conservation of strategic areas, including: water sources and reservoirs (surface and groundwater), integrated watershed management, biodiversity, sustainable management of seas, oceans and forests. Maintain international leadership in multilateral and regional negotiations related to the respective legal frameworks of the environmental sector. Continue to promote the recognition of access to water as a human right in all forums and areas.

5.2.2. Remove and fight against international schemes that promote the commercialization of nature, environmental services and ecosystems. Enable strategic alliances to fight against the commercialization of nature in all international forums. Boost the development of a view from the ALBA-TCP and CELAC which will strengthen the defense of regional interests, with an own vision from the south, in these sensitive and strategic issues that are new forms of domination and dependence.

5.2.3. Promote cooperation at the regional level, for the integrated management of transboundary natural resources. Relaunch cooperation with neighboring countries on common interest issues of environmental management and ecological areas under the principles of international law. Defend the land rights and sovereignty of the Venezuelan State in negotiations related to management of marine and ocean spaces as well as marine biological diversity beyond national jurisdiction.

5.2.4. Fight securitization of global environmental problems since they must be solved with the participation of all States, without foreign hegemonic impositions.

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Page 77: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Keep monitoring the development of the Security Council agenda to prevent the incorporation of human and environmental matters as "international security" issues. Strengthen the substantive discussions on economic, social and environmental issues in relevant forums at regional and multilateral levels, to ensure that decisions are made in an inclusive and transparent way, without paternalistic and neo-colonial orientation by developed countries.


5.3. Defend and protect the historical and cultural heritage of Venezuela and our America.


5.3.1. Counteract production and enhancement of dominant cultural elements and historical stories circulating through the media and various institutions. Involve public institutions in the production of strong criticism to dominant cultural forms and historic reconstructions. Show the criticism through the public media (magazines, television, events, among others). Promote the production of school textbooks to build awareness and intellectually train new generations.

5.3.2. Produce space for expression and recording mechanisms of popular culture and historical memory of social and ethnic groups. At national and regional levels, identify spaces for expression and popular ways of historical memory reproduction (e.g., the chroniclers). Organize within each community council and in each commune under construction, working groups for the record of historic memory and the spread of the contents of popular or ethnic culture (For example, the case of indigenous people, Afro-Venezuelan people, works carried out by urban land committees, water tables, among others) Train popular experts for the protection of the popular culture heritage and historic memory. Involve museums and other culture and historic interest institutions in the plan for the preservation of the popular historic and cultural heritage.

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5.3.3. Production of a new culture in accordance with humanist proposals, together with popular and intellectual protagonists, which enables the integration of the revalued past with the present that we want to build. Promote debates within popular organizations, regarding cultural living and identities, for the analysis of the current situation and needed changes. A special emphasis on gender relationships. In this connection, promote the creation of working groups formed by women, in order to reflect on their work and family life and produce strategies for resistance and liberation, since they suffer the attack of the dominant cultures, where women are relegated to a role, often suffering explicit forms of violence. The same would be applicable the diverse sex groups (homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people), forced to live in a state of repression and humiliation, where the only way out is the frivolity offered by the capitalist world. Encourage the construction of social spaces that may coincide with the Community Councils most involved with the revolutionary project, where new forms of socialization, supportive economic rules, and less repressive identity construction are experienced.

5.3.4. Develop strategies to keep and spread the cultural characteristics and historical memory of the Venezuelan people in the global world. Effectively plan delivery to all public and school libraries of materials produced on (a) the history of subordinate groups, (b) popular historical memory, (c) different regional and ethnic cultures of Venezuela. Encourage the spread of historical, cultural, popular, traditional and new production contents in public and private mass media. Develop and implement a coordinated plan for the spread of traditional culture as well as historical and ethnic memory of Venezuela through Venezuelan international diplomatic institutions and encourage relationships with universities in other countries.


5.4. Contribute to the creation of a global movement to curb the causes and repair the effects of climate change occurring as a consequence of the predatory capitalist model.


5.4.1. Continue the struggle for the preservation, respect and the strengthening of climate system formed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol.

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Page 79: Chavez proposal 2013 2019 Remove the schemes of international carbon markets that legitimize the purchase of pollution rights and the unpunished destruction of the planet. Promote and encourage the strengthening of the current climate legal system with emphasis on the historical responsibility of developed countries. Encourage and support actions to promote international justice regarding the breach of obligations under the Kyoto Protocol by developed countries.

5.4.2. Design, at a national level, a National Mitigation Plan, covering the productive sectors emitting Greenhouse Effect Gases, as a national voluntary effort to save the planet. Promote the transformation of those national productive sectors so that they become aligned to the ethics of the transforming socialist economic model, with special emphasis on the energy, agriculture or livestock sectors as well as solid waste management and forests.

5.4.3. Design an ambitious National Adaptation Plan in accordance with the ethical Bolivarian eco-socialist commitment, allowing our country to prepare for climate scenarios and impacts that will occur due to the irresponsibility of the industrialized countries, polluters of the world. The Plan should be developed with the collaboration of all national authorities responsible for spatial planning and disaster management with prospective strategic planning for increases in temperature over the next 20 years, in terms of the mitigation promises to be consolidated within the framework of UN. Calculate the costs of losses and damages resulting from extreme weather, including insurance and reinsurance for specific sensitive sectors (agriculture), which should be added to the ecological debt of industrialized countries.


Throughout the proposal that we are presenting today, is reflected the course of more than two centuries of resistance and 13 years of people in Revolution and we invite all those who want Homeland to keep walking on the path of socialism, under the maxim of Antonio Machado poetry: "Traveler, there is no path, the path is made by walking."

The content of the Country’s Program attempts to interpret the will of popular majorities, but more than we could translate it into the text, we know this is not at all sufficient. That is why from this day, June 11, 2012, and until next December, we want it to be the subject of larger and unprejudiced discussion, so that we add, delete and edit, so that is complement and enriched, so that the Second Socialist Plan of the Nation that will govern us for the next term of the Socialist and Bolivarian Government is a genuine collective work, as is appropriate in times of revolution.

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This proposal belongs to the people, which have marked it with its demands, dreams, resistance, fights and victories. That is why we are confident that it will know how to give it its definitive form, place the necessary accents and imprint their endless encouragement and inspiration.

This Homeland Program belongs specially to you, young man who works, studies, plant, invents, that make us deeply proud with sport and artistic triumphs, who became a soldier to defend the holly ground, who fights in the present for the future. This is a program for the future that belongs to you, so you stand up tall, towards the beautiful as we were asked by the Teacher Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa.

¡Come on then, workers, peasants, students, afro descents, indigenous, academics, small and median producers of the countryside and city, merchant, hauliers, motorized, health professionals in general, teachers, public servants, women, soldiers, people, fishermen, cultivators, athletes and specially Venezuelan youth! ¡Come on then Venezuelan people, with our native program and our revolutionary flags to defeat the inhuman capitalist and neocolonial proposal of the empire and the Venezuelan right wing!

¡Come to the street, charge, to the new Carabobo Battle and the victory for our Homeland, as we conquered almost 200 years ago at the glorious Carabobo Field, on June 24 1821!

“What has been done it is nothing but a prelude of what you can do, prepare for combat and count with victory …”

Proclamation of the Liberator Simon Bolivar to the 150 heroes of the Battle of Las Queseras del Medio, April 3, 1819.

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