château montagne newsletter- christmas edition

+ 9613102991 | |cha[email protected] Page1 Issue 04 | December 2010 C C C h h h â â â t t t e e e a a a u u u M M Mo o o n n n t t t a a a g g g n n n e e e N N Ne e e w w w s s s l l l e e e t t t t t t e e e r r r I I I s s s s s s u u u e e e 0 0 0 4 4 4 | | | C C C h h h r r r i i i s s s t t t m m m a a a s s s E E E d d d i i i t t t i i i o o o n n n | | | D D D e e e c c c e e e m m m b b b e e e r r r 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 L L L e e e b b b a a a n n n o o o n n n w w w e e e d d d d d d i i i n n n g g g s s s . . . c c c o o o m m m H H H a a a r r r m m m o o o n n n y y y i i i n n n y y y o o o u u u r r r w w w e e e d d d d d d i i i n n n g g g w w w i i i t t t h h h M M M a a a h h h e e e r r r S S S a a a l l l a a a m m m é é é W W W e e e d d d d d d i i i n n n g g g o o o f f f t t t h h h e e e m m m o o o n n n t t t h h h P P P h h h o o o t t t o o o g g g r r r a a a p p p h h h y y y C C C o o o m m m p p p e e e t t t i i i t t t i i i o o o n n n P P P a a a i i i n n n t t t i i i n n n g g g t t t h h h e e e m m m e e e m m m o o o r r r i i i e e e s s s o o o f f f y y y o o o u u u r r r w w w e e e d d d d d d i i i n n n g g g w w w i i i t t t h h h D D D a a a r r r i i i n n n e e e S S S e e e m m m a a a a a a n n n a a a n n n d d d m m m u u u c c c h h h m m m o o o r r r e e e . . . . . . . . .

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Château Montagne is a venue in the mountains if Lebanon that hosts weddings and other elegant receptions and cocktails. The Château Montagne Newsletter is a bridal newsletter that aims to give information on Château Montagne as a venue. The newsletter also provides readers with advice on wedding planning, relationships and interesting stories, that include events hosted in Château Montagnes


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“““CCChhhâââttteeeaaauuu MMMooonnntttaaagggnnneee NNNeeewwwsssllleeetttttteeerrr ””” IIIssssssuuueee 000444|||CCChhhrrriiissstttmmmaaasss EEEdddiiitttiiiooonnn|||DDDeeeccceeemmmbbbeeerrr 222000111000


HHHaaarrrmmmooonnnyyy iiinnn yyyooouuurrr wwweeeddddddiiinnnggg wwwiiittthhh MMMaaahhheeerrr SSSaaalllaaammmééé

WWWeeeddddddiiinnnggg ooofff ttthhheee mmmooonnnttthhh

PPPhhhoootttooogggrrraaappphhhyyy CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn

PPPaaaiiinnntttiiinnnggg ttthhheee mmmeeemmmooorrriiieeesss ooofff yyyooouuurrr wwweeeddddddiiinnnggg wwwiiittthhh DDDaaarrriiinnneee SSSeeemmmaaaaaannn

aaannnddd mmmuuuccchhh mmmooorrreee.........

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The winter months are upon us...

One kind word can warm three winter months.

~Japanese proverb

These past few weeks have been special to people of all religions in Lebanon. Many of you have just spent a happy Eid el Adha with family and loved ones by your side. And many of you will be looking forward to spending a very Merry Christmas with your families and loved ones. This is indeed a joyous season for us all. You can’t help but join in the happiness; the singing carols, the lights and decorations lining the streets, the exchange of gifts and kind words... Here at Château Montagne, we are getting just about ready to put on our mittens, waiting for the winter that everyone in Lebanon awaits.

Bookings have been coming in large numbers this year and so we urge you to book as soon as possible to secure your wedding date and venue. Once you have the venue, you can begin planning everything else around it, from flowers and catering, to lighting and fireworks.

This month we have lots of interesting articles prepared for our favourite readers!

Rita Malian has contributed a delicious mouth-watering recipe for you to try on your man. You know what they say: “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. This doesn’t stop any of you gentlemen out there from trying your talents in the kitchen. A way to a woman’s heart isn’t just through diamonds!

Talented Darine Semaan tells us about her unique and artistic service that she offers to couples who want to remember their wedding day by something more inventive than a photograph.

Maher Salamé brings harmony into to our hearts with the strings on his violin. He tells us of his childhood and how his love for music grew into a passion he now shares with couples on their wedding day.

We also have an interview with the famous wedding portal based in Sydney, Australia that liaises with their local office in Lebanon to bring you the latest information on planning your wedding in Lebanon.

And not to be missed is our Star Wedding! Take a look at page 4 to find out who this issue’s Star Wedding is.

Page 12 showpieces a love story that will leave you reaching for the tissues. Our Star Engaged Couple tells us how a childhood crush grew into a love that will last for lifetimes to come.

This issue comes packed with lots of interesting information and will hopefully be enjoyable to read. We hope you enjoy reading this issue, and that it helps you envisage your dream wedding.

Join us in raising your glasses to toast the new year of 2011. The team here at Château Montagne wishes you have a very MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass and a wwoonnddeerrffuull NNeeww YYeeaarr in the arms

of the one you love the most!

Susie Atallah Bidart Editor in Chief

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AAAbbbooouuuttt CCChhhâââttteeeaaauuu MMMooonnntttaaagggnnneee......... Château Montagne is a hill-top castle venue that is rented for all kinds of events such as weddings, engagements, anniversaries, birthday parties, private dinner parties, university/school proms, university dinner functions, embassy galas events, fashion shows, conferences, group tour luncheons, concerts... Basically, we rent the venue for all kinds of events; you name it, we’ve got it!

Château Montagne Services

Package 1- Rental of venue only: All other details such as event planning, catering, or any other services are chosen by you. Promotional offer available for bookings made before December 15 2010: $10/Person (including rental of venue + salon for bride and groom).

Package 2- Complete wedding package from A-Z: Rent Château Montagne as your venue and we will recommend you to service providers that we’ve tried and tested.

Would you like to book your fairytale wedding at Château Montagne?

Please contact us via ttaanniiaaaattaallllaahh@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm or call us directly on 99661133110022999911

Wedding promotions will end on December 1155,,

22001100:: 1100uussdd//ppeerrssoonn

Costs after December 1155,, 22001100::

1100uussdd//ppeerrssoonn oonn wweeeekkddaayyss ((MMoonn--FFrrii))

1122uussdd//ppeerrssoonn oonn wweeeekkeennddss ((SSaatt && SSuunn))

* Booking requires only a 25% deposit to secure the above rates.

Costs include: Rental of the venue & Salon for the bride and groom

Location: Aindarah, Mount Lebanon;

2 min from Sawfar

5 min from Hammana

10 min from Barouk

5 min from Bhamdoun

10 min from Alley

35 min from Beirut

Directions from Beirut: Take the Hazmieh motorway leading to Aley, Bhamdoun & then Sawfar. After Sawfar, turn right into Aindarah.

Directions from Jnoub/Khaldeh motorway: Take the Khaldeh motorway towards Kfarhim, Deir el Kamar, Barouk, Nabaa el Safa, Aindarah.

Directions from Metn: Via Bhamdoun, Sawfar, Aindarah.

Directions from Bchamoun: Drive towards Aley, Bhamdoun, Sawfar, Aindarah.

Directions from Bekaa/Zahleh: Drive via Dahr el Baida and head towards Sawfar, turning left at Mdeirej, before reaching Sawfar. The road will lead you to Aindarah.

NOTE: Easily accessed from all areas; simply give us a call (00-961-3-102991) for directions & to schedule a meeting.

Check out our YouTube channel!


TTaakkee aa ttoouurr ooff CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee

ffrroomm tthhee ccoommffoorrtt ooff yyoouurr lliivviinngg


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SSStttaaarrr WWWeeeddddddiiinnnggg!!!

CCCooonnngggrrraaatttuuulllaaatttiiiooonnnsss tttooo

MMMrrr &&& MMMrrrsss AAArrrbbbiiiddd!!!

Wedding Date: July 10, 2010 Wedding Venue: Château Montagne

Number of Guests: 250

CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss ttoo tthhee lloovvee bbiirrddss!! IItt wwaass aann

hhoonnoouurr ttoo hhoosstt yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg!! HHooww ddiidd yyoouu ffeeeell

aabboouutt yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg cceelleebbrraattiioonn??

It was a great day and the magical setting made my dream complete. Surrounded by only romance and everything lovely, we felt we were in paradise.

CCaann yyoouu ggiivvee uuss aann iinnssiigghhtt iinnttoo ssoommee ooff tthhee ddeettaaiillss

ooff yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg tthhaatt yyoouu wwoouulldd bbee hhaappppyy ttoo

rreeccoommmmeenndd ttoo oouurr rreeaaddeerrss??

Guests: 200

Dress: Demetrious

Hair: Anwar

Make-up: Ahmad Kobeissy

Wedding planner: None

Catering: Crystal

Light&Sound: DJ Amo Group

Photography/video: Studio Samir

Zaffe: Afrah Group

Flowers: Tahanina

First dance song: Makool Ana by Elissa

TTeellll uuss aabboouutt yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg tthheemmee??

We went for a natural look and used white and green only to complete the vision of the place.

HHooww ddiidd yyoouu mmaakkee yyoouurr ggrraanndd eennttrraannccee aass MMrr aanndd


We greeted our guests after coming through a majestic doorway under a yellow stoned arch from the front entrance of Château Montagne.

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YYoouurr wweeddddiinngg hhaass bbeeccoommee tthhee ggoossssiipp ooff tthhee eelliittee ttoonn,,

wwhhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk mmaaddee iitt ssppeecciiaall??

First of all because we are special ha ha…and of course the setting of our wedding.

YYoouu llooookkeedd vveerryy bbeeaauuttiiffuull iinn yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg;; iitt wwaass aa

rroommaannttiicc vviissiioonn ooff aa pprriinncceessss mmaarrrryyiinngg hheerr pprriinnccee!! IIss tthhiiss

hhooww yyoouu ffeelltt wwiitthh yyoouurr cchheerriiee?? WWaass iitt eevveerryytthhiinngg yyoouu

ddrreeaammeedd iitt wwoouulldd bbee??

Yes Thank God everything was great and professional that’s because the place was great and I chose professional group in my wedding party.

WWeerree yyoouu pplleeaasseedd wwiitthh tthhee wweeddddiinngg sseerrvviicceess

pprroovviiddeedd ttoo yyoouu?? YYoouurr ccoommmmeennttss wwiillll aassssiisstt

ffuuttuurree ccoouupplleess wwhheenn cchhoooossiinngg sseerrvviiccee pprroovviiddeerrss..

Afrah group, our zaffé were very professional. Studio Samir, our photographer was also great. We took photos in and around the château within the gardens of flowers and beautiful trees that brought alive the natural theme of our wedding.

DDiidd aannyytthhiinngg ggoo wwrroonngg iinn tthhee wweeddddiinngg??

No event is perfect. But there are always ways of fixing the unplanned! We lost the sword of our wedding cake just as we were called to cut the cake! So we danced around the cake until it was found!

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CCaatteerriinngg iiss aann eesssseennttiiaall ppaarrtt ooff eevveerryy wweeddddiinngg.. WWaass tthhee

sseerrvviiccee pprroovviiddeedd bbyy tthhee ccaatteerreerrss ssaattiissffaaccttoorryy??

We loved the open buffet with drinks and the food was delicious. It was everything wewanted.

What about Château Montagne? Were you pleased with us as a whole? Will you recommend us to other couples?

Château Montagne is the perfect location with the perfect team. I love Château Montagne and so did out friends and relatives who were very pleasantly surprised by the magical setting of the château. I advise all couples to complete their love story in Château Montagne

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CChhââtteeaauu:: If you could replay 1 moment of your wedding night; which would it be?

MMrr && MMrrss AArrbbiidd:: IItt’’ss rreeaallllyy ddiiffffiiccuulltt ttoo aannsswweerr tthhiiss qquueessttiioonn..

BBuutt iiff II hhaadd ttoo cchhoooossee,, II wwoouulldd ssaayy oouurr ffiirrsstt ddaannccee..

Congratulations to Samah and Mazen!

The team at Château Montagne wish the two of you a life filled with happiness and God’s blessings!

Would you like to book your fairytale wedding at Château Montagne? Please contact us via ttaanniiaaaattaallllaahh@@yyaahhoooo..ccoomm

or call us directly on 99661133110022999911

Wedding promotions will end on December 1155,, 22001100:: 1100uussdd//ppeerrssoonn

Costs after December 1155,, 22001100::

1100uussdd//ppeerrssoonn oonn wweeeekkddaayyss ((MMoonn--FFrrii))

1122uussdd//ppeerrssoonn oonn wweeeekkeennddss ((SSaatt && SSuunn))

* Booking requires only a 25% deposit to secure the above rates.

Costs cover rental of venue + salon for bride & groom.

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MMaahheerr SSaallaamméé

TThhee wwoorrlldd’’ss 11sstt ccllaassssiiccaall--

eelleeccttrroo--oorriieennttaall vviioolliinniisstt

BBoorrnn iinn BBeeiirruutt oonn


MMuussiiccaall BBaacckkggrroouunndd::

VViioolliinn aanndd ppiiaannoo

SSttuuddeenntt ooff ccllaassssiiccaall

&& oorriieennttaall mmuussiicc

RRoollee mmooddeell:: HHiiss uunnccllee JJiihhaadd AAkkll

MMuussiicc tteeaacchheerr:: HHiiss ggrraannddppaa

How long have you been playing the violin? I’ve been playing Violin for 19 years, since 1991.

What attracted you to the violin? Tell me about your family and outside influences your musical life? Since I come from a musical family, music is in my blood. And my grandfather is one of the well known music teachers and had a special treat for the violin, so he decided to make his dream comes true via me and of course my uncle jihad akl. (Jihad is rated best violin player in the Middle East). I was also influenced by the school environment and you know as a child in these days, everyone wants to be a musician. And there it was me learning my grandpa skills and trying to be my uncle as a beginning and choosing my own style as a professional.

What made you take your love for violin to the next step by incorporating it into your career? Well I studied business management and noticed the max you can do in Lebanon being a manager in a company with a boring daily job, when music

is full of passion and risks and I love taking risks it makes me feel full of life…And simply makes more money…

What genre of music do you play? I play many genres but I mostly love the music I make since I put it all my feelings and it's a kind of electro-oriental style and dance music.

Do you always work solo? Or do you also like to work in a team? If yes, what is the name of your band? No, not really I play depending on the mood and the style I am playing. Solo playing is mostly in weddings and dinners. But I play with the band in all the big events and concerts. I have played with many bands like Raoul Di Blasio, Jihad Akl, Guy Manoukian, Walid al Massih, Blend (rock band), Ragheb Alame and so many others.

Where have you performed? Where can we watch and listen to you play your beautiful instrument? Who have you performed with before? I performed in many theaters and events and restaurants in Lebanon, Europe, Asia and the gulf. Here are some of them: Dubai and Abu Dhabi International Jazz Festival, Palais Des Congres - Paris. Aram Khachatryan Concert hall in Yerevan – Armenia. Beiteddine Festival – Lebanon. Esplanade - Singapore, Indochine Green Festival in Singapore, Qatar National Theater. I have also performed with both Arab and international artists.

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How has your music evolved over the years? Well like a baby born who grows up and learn how to ride a bicycle. I follow the trend make it my own style and then make it into a trend.

Do you have a record label? Where can we find your CDs? Well as production I don’t have a record label but I'm in the process of signing with a new label in Lebanon. I'm working on my CD it will be out soon with the label I am talking about.

In your experience, why do couples ask you to play at their wedding? They find it sensual yet not boring.

How can couples and event organizers get in touch with you for their event? Well they can contact me personally on my phone number: 9613895562 or via Facebook where I get most of my clients since they get to see pictures listen to demos and watch my videos.

Want us to get in touch with Maher

Salamé for your wedding at

Château Montagne? Contact us via

[email protected]

Book your wedding at Château


Contact us now!

[email protected]

PPhhoottooggrraapphhyy CCoommppeettiittiioonn!!!!!!

DDoo yyoouu hhaavvee aann eeyyee ffoorr bbeeaauuttyy ffrroomm aa

ddiiffffeerreenntt aannggllee??

WWoouulldd yyoouu ccaallll yyoouurrsseellff aa bbuuddddiinngg


CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee ooppeennss hheerr ddoooorrss ttoo

aammaatteeuurr pphhoottooggrraapphheerrss!!

You are invited to come into the grounds of Château Montagne with your camera. We want your photographs to reflect what you see in Château Montagne.

The photographs you take will be featured on our Facebook page available for votes from the public. The winner gets a 15% discount on any event of their choice in Château Montagne! The photographs of the winner will also be featured in the Château Montagne’s Newsletters and receive a letter of recommendation.

Competition Rules

Contact Château Montagne to book a photography session Photographs should be submitted by February 20, 2011 Photographers should be amateurs, with no previous professional work A minimum of 3 photos should be submitted Photos should be in Château Montagne. You may use models and props

TToo ffiinndd oouutt hhooww ttoo ppaarrttiicciippaattee iinn tthhiiss ccoommppeettiittiioonn,,

pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt


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Château Montagne met up with Lebanon

Weddings’ Anthony Alam, Lebanon’s LEADING wedding directory, to find out more about their services. Lebanon Weddings is an online wedding directory, accessible to all via a dynamic portal that brings together all wedding service providers under one umbrella.

Find out more about Lebanon Weddings, with our interview featuring Anthony Alam.

What’s the idea behind What services do you provide? Each year, thousands of Lebanese living abroad return home to celebrate their wedding. Lebanon Weddings was developed to cater for the needs of every bride & groom planning their perfect wedding in Lebanon. We provide the essential links to all the major wedding services in all the districts in Lebanon. Lebanon Weddings is an all-encompassing directory that links its visitors to any of the services on our website. We were established in September 2009 and already have an average of 1000 global visitors a day.

I notice that your head office is in Australia. How do you gather all your information from Lebanon? We set up a Lebanon-based office to liaise with our head office in Sydney. Our staff’s experiences vary from business management and web design to marketing, advertising, graphics and promotional consultancy. Our team in Lebanon

deals directly with promoters and advertisers, so we get the latest and most up-to-date offers and specials.

Do you also provide information for people planning their wedding in Australia? is another website in our portfolio range. Among other categories, it has a section dedicated to weddings in Australia, specially designed for our local community.

Do you have information for couples planning their honeymoon in Australia? We are currently developing the honeymoon section in the website which will include information about Australia as a destination as well as honeymoon locations all around the world.

The number of Lebanese living abroad- both men and women- is increasing rapidly. Do you think couples can plan their wedding in Lebanon, virtually with the power of today’s multimedia technology? How ready is the wedding industry to deal with their clients that may only be available via email and telephone? The process is already in place for couples to organize and plan their wedding in Lebanon whilst overseas. Businesses from small florists to major reception venues all realise the importance of

web-based communication and are joining the

technological revolution that has taken Lebanon by storm. This facilitates the process for the Lebanese Diaspora to do their research and bookings without

having the need to travel months ahead of the wedding.

What are the future plans of is currently the first ranking website of its kind and we plan to expand and continue to improve insuring optimum service is always provided. The website already includes live chat with consultants in Lebanon and

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video links for specialized services. It will eventually include virtual tours of reception venues and news of Lebanese fashion designers and their latest styles and shows.

What do you think of Château Montagne? Château Montagne is a fascinating venue because of its landscape & location. As a guest, I would feel intrigued by its gorgeous gardens and breathtaking views. Château Montagne stands out from the many other wedding venues as it is "a place where excitement reigns, services rules and dreams are turned into reality’; a place that lingers in the hearts & souls".

Anyone ask for

your hand in marriage lately?

Tell us about your marriage


[email protected]

Got a story for

the newsletter?

Write us now!

[email protected]

PPaaiinntt tthhee mmeemmoorriieess ooff

yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg

Darine Semaan turns a wedding into a piece of art, captured for a lifetime on a canvas to look back on with your children and your children’s children. Your memories deep

down in your hearts will be painted into reality.

How long have you been painting? How long have you been painting weddings? I was born with a talent to paint art and discovered this talent at the very young age of seven. Almost two years ago, I decided to paint weddings. Painting in a live event in a limited time translates to a challenge and I love challenges.

What attracted you to painting? Colours.

Christine Atmeh & Nabil Azar

What made you take your love for art to the next step by incorporating it into your career? How was the idea of painting in weddings inspired? As an artist, I could not find work. So I decided to turn my art into a career. I was inspired by the beautiful locations chosen by couples to hold their

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weddings. I paint the beautiful setting and the couple as well.

What is your painting style? I used acrylic, oil and coffee.

Dalia Khalil and her husband

What services are you offering couples? Explain to us from A-Z. I begin painting during the wedding at any time chosen by the couple. Some couples request that I begin painting during the cocktail, reception or wedding drink. Others prefer during dinner, when people are relaxed. The painting is inspired by the bride and groom, the wedding dress, the suit, the guests, the flowers and the atmosphere in the wedding. I do not oblige the couple to sit in front of me to paint them; so I do not take facial details; instead I try to capture the atmosphere without interrupting the couple from their special day. The painting dries very quickly and can be requested from as small as 70cm x 50cm and larger, depending on the request. Prices start around 750 USD.

How can couples and event organizers get in touch with you for their event? You can contact Château Montagne or get in touch with me directly via my website or [email protected] or 00961338547I.


RRaannaa SSaammaahh AAllaawwaarr aanndd

BBaasseemm RRaajjaa SSaayyeegghh!!

WWeeddddiinngg ddaattee:: JJuullyy 1177,, 22001111

WWeeddddiinngg tthheemmee:: SShhaaddeess ooff OOrraannggee

NNuummbbeerr ooff gguueessttss eexxppeecctteedd:: 225500 gguueessttss

WWeeddddiinngg VVeennuuee BBooookkeedd:: CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee

The Bride and Groom Rana (21) is a student at North Carolina State University. She will be graduating in two weeks to work in Public Relations and International Marketing. Basem (22) is the Head Teller at Al-Mawarid Bank.

FFoorreesseeeenn SSeerrvviiccee PPrroovviiddeerrss ooff RRaannaa && BBaasseemm’’ss


FFlloowweerrss:: Al-Rabih Flowers in Aley

HHaaiirr && MMaakkee uupp:: Le Salon by Nader Alawar & Make-up with Hiba Ghanem

ZZaafffféé:: High Bar Dance Group in Beirut

CCaatteerreerr:: Sofra Daymi from AlChouf

EEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt ((ssoouunndd aanndd lliigghhttiinngg)):: undecided

WWeeddddiinngg ddrreessss aanndd SSuuiitt:: Maggie Sotterro Designer Dress & Suit from Alfa (Hamra)

PPhhoottooggrraapphheerrss:: Photo Rami Aley

LLiissttee dduu MMaarriiaaggee:: None

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HHooww ddiidd yyoouu mmeeeett?? My family moved to America long before I was born. We spent our summer vacations in Lebanon reconnecting with friends and family almost every year. When I was twelve, we would stay at our grandparents’ house, which happened to be across the street from Basem’s grandparents’ house. Since everyone knows everyone in town, my play dates would typically be with the neighbours across the street, which included Basem and his sisters. It was not until the summer of 2004 that sparks started to fly between the two of us. We kept in touch throughout the four years that I spent in America away from Lebanon due to the wars that occurred in the region. During my senior year of high school, our relationship moved to another level. We decided to establish a long-distance relationship. Our family finally decided to go back in 2008 for what came to be the best summer of my life. Basem and I met once again and his family made the formal visit in which I became spoken for.

WWaass iitt lloovvee aatt ffiirrsstt

ssiigghhtt?? It was crush at first sight. I thought I was in love with him when I was 12 years old, during my first summer vacation in Lebanon when I met him. But never did I think that we would rekindle that childhood love, years down the road and truly fall in the kind of love that lasts lifetimes.

TTeellll uuss aabboouutt tthhee mmaarrrriiaaggee pprrooppoossaall.. It’s funny that you ask, because he never proposed to me... in person. Being in a long-distance relationship, the reality of Basem getting down on one knee proved to be slightly tricky. Therefore Basem’s thoughts and feelings spoke for themselves through his gestures. The day was planned out to the minute, even with the 7 hour

time difference. Weeks before, he had bought me a diamond studded, gold bracelet and shipped it overseas with his cousin who lives near me in America. He waited for a day he knew I would be at work and called up his cousin to deliver the package as well as a bouquet of flowers. His cousin found me inside and asked for my car keys to place some things inside of my car. I was suspicious of something, but had NO IDEA what was in store for me. When I got a break, I ran over to my car and found the largest bouquet in the front seat with a note and a small gift box. Smelling the flowers, reading his intimate words and gazing at the beautiful bracelet, tears began to stream down my face as thousands of miles turned to inches at that moment.

WWhhaatt mmaaddee yyoouu ssaayy yyeess?? There is no doubt in my mind nor is there space in my heart for another. Above all, he is my best friend. What more could I ask for?

WWhhaatt wwiillll bbee tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt ppaarrtt ooff yyoouurr

wweeddddiinngg ddaayy?? Our Families. We are both blessed with large families and so many people that love us and want to share the happiest day of our lives with us. We strongly believe that the wedding is not only for US, but it is for our family as well. Our wedding day is the day that our families merge and become one. On both sides, family is gained, and their presence on our day means the world to us.

BBuuddggeett--wwiissee,, tthheerree mmaayy bbee ssoommee tthhiinnggss tthhaatt yyoouu

wwiillll hhaavvee ttoo ccoommpprroommiissee oonn ffoorr tthhee wweeddddiinngg??

WWhhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk yyoouu ccaann lliivvee wwiitthhoouutt?? As I choose the most exotic and expensive flowers, I see Basem’s hair turn grey. But giving up the extras that a DJ comes with or the extra item on the menu for the evening, are things that we must accept in return. It figures, all the boy stresses about during the wedding planning is what kind of car he wants to drive on the wedding day!

WWhhaatt hhaass bbeeeenn tthhee mmoosstt ddiiffffiiccuulltt aassppeecctt ooff

ppllaannnniinngg yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg?? The distance! Although I will be arriving to Lebanon a few months before the wedding, things must be reserved prior to my arrival. It is hard for

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us to come to decisions that compliment both of our tastes if I am not there in person to actually see a location and the flowers, watch a zaffi or taste the food on our menu. And most of all, it is hard to not be able to share those moments with

my fiancé.

SSoommee ppeeooppllee ssaayy tthhaatt




pprreeppaarree yyoouu ffoorr yyoouurr

lliivveess ttooggeetthheerr tthhaatt

wwiillll iinnvvoollvvee mmaakkiinngg aa

lloott ooff mmuuttuuaall

ddeecciissiioonnss.. WWhhaatt ddoo

yyoouu tthhiinnkk aabboouutt tthhiiss?? We definitely agree

with this statement and believe that preparing for our wedding has already taught us a great deal about our tolerance levels, taste in various items and the way we express our opinions. But we cannot forget the way that we are inadvertently prepared for marrying into the family as well, due to the relationships that must be maintained between the two over the course of the preparation time.

HHooww ddiidd yyoouu ffiinndd oouutt aabboouutt CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee?? Between Kernayel and Sharoon is the lovely town of Ain Dara. When Basem comes to visit in me in Kernayel or I visit him in Sharoon, pass by the château and see its graceful beauty. More recently, Basem had a family member attend a wedding at Château Montagne and came back with lasting impressions of the château’s beauty.

WWhhyy ddiidd yyoouu cchhoooossee CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee aass tthhee

sseettttiinngg ooff yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg?? Once Basem and I heard news of the château hosting beautiful weddings, we went online to see pictures and immediately fell in love with it! We were looking for a classy and original location that could provide us with a beautiful outdoor landscape that would allow us to enjoy the perfect July weather in the evening. And so Château Montagne was booked...!

HHooww ccaann CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee mmaakkee yyoouurr wweeddddiinngg

ddaayy mmaaggiiccaall?? The way the Chateau can make our wedding day

magical is through the upkeep of its beautiful gardens and vineyards. The hospitality and caring nature of the staff is also essential to forgetting about the worries concerning the wedding logistics and just allow the couple to enjoy their time the spotlight. The lights shining on the Chateau can match the overall theme of the wedding allowing for a night out of a fairytale.

TThhee tteeaamm hheerree aatt CChhââtteeaauu MMoonnttaaggnnee wwiisshh yyoouu

bbootthh tthhee bbeesstt iinn yyoouurr ffuuttuurree ttooggeetthheerr..

WWee aarree llooookkiinngg ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo ggiivviinngg yyoouu aann

uunnffoorrggeettttaabbllee,, mmaaggiiccaall wweeddddiinngg ddaayy..

Want to nominate an engaged

couple for the newsletter?

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CCooookkiinngg ffoorr NNeewwlleeyywweeddss!!

That’s right! This month, we have something new for our special readers. We’ve been going on about everything before the wedding...the

proposal, the wedding

theme, what dress to pick and what flowers to

choose...But what about life after the

wedding? Well, if you’ve been lucky enough to have food served to you

on a table your whole life, then you may have some things to learn! And for those of you who do love cooking, this is your chance to explore new recipes as a couple! Cooking together is a fun and delicious way to get to closer to your partner.

AApphhrrooddiissiiaacc TTaagglliiaatteellllee

wwiitthh BBlluuee CChheeeessee SSaauuccee

BByy RRiittaa MMaalliiaann

Servings: A romantic dinner for 2 Cooking and Preparation time: 20 minutes Level: Easy for Newlyweds and Newleycooks! Ingredients 200g Tagliatelle pasta 125ml heavy cream 100g blue cheese (Roquefort or gorgonzola) 1 large clove of garlic or 2 ts of garlic powder A squeeze of lemon A pinch of white pepper (optional), nutmeg, oregano, basil, salt and black pepper A mix of chopped roasted nuts (Walnuts, almonds, or pine nuts)

Cooking Directions

Cook the tagliatelle in a large saucepan of boiling salted water for 10 - 12 minutes until just tender

Drain, coat with olive oil and keep warm

In a saucepan, over very low heat, heat the cream

Crumble the Danish Blue with your fingers and add to the cream

Add the remaining ingredients. Remove from heat. (Do not let the sauce boil, otherwise it will curdle)

Pour the sauce over the tagliatelle. Top with nuts and serve immediately

Thank you for that delicious recipe Rita. Rita Malian nominated her fiancé Vicken Seferian for giving the star proposal in our last issue. Vicken is a lucky man!

Tune into the next issue for a taste of Rita’s original recipe that provides a twist to everyone’s all-time favourite Falafel

If this recipe inspired the cook in you,

please share your recipes with us along

with a photo of the dish! Contact

Château Montagne via email: cchhââtteeaauummoonnttaaggnneenneewwsslleetttteerr@@hhoottmmaaiill..ccoomm.

Thank you for reading our newsletter! Send all contributions to

[email protected]